Пример #1
# Output directories and filename
odir = os.path.expanduser(output)
otypes_dir = {}
otypes_filename = {}

# Morphological radii
sradii = ''
for r in radii:
    for v in r:
        sradii = sradii + str(v) + '_'
sradii = sradii[0: -1]

# Load in the wave params
params = swave_params.waves(lon_start=-180 * u.degree + 0.0 * u.degree)[example]

# Unraveling params are different compared to the wave definition params
params_unravel = copy.deepcopy(params)

# Sum over many of the original bins used to create the wave in an attempt to
# beat down transform artifacts
params_unravel['lon_bin'] = unraveling_factor * params['lon_bin']
params_unravel['lat_bin'] = unraveling_factor * params['lat_bin']

# Move zero location of longitudinal reconstruction relative to the
# wavefront
# params_unravel['lon_min'] = params_unravel['lon_min']
# params_unravel['lon_max'] = params_unravel['lon_max']

# Storage for the results
                str(ntrials) + '_' + str(max_steps) + '_' + str(temporal_summing) + '_' + str(spatial_summing.value),
                position_choice + '_' + error_choice,
        idir = os.path.join(idir, loc)
        filename = filename + loc + '.'
    filename = filename[0: -1]
    if not(os.path.exists(idir)):
    otypes_dir[ot] = idir
    otypes_filename[ot] = filename + '.' + str(great_circle_points)

# Load in the wave params
if not sws.observational:
    params = swave_params.waves()[example]

# Load the results
if not os.path.exists(otypes_dir['dat']):
filepath = os.path.join(otypes_dir['dat'], otypes_filename['dat'] + '.pkl')
print('\nLoading ' + filepath + '\n')
f = open(filepath, 'rb')
results = pickle.load(f)

# How many arcs?
nlon = len(results[0])
angles = ((np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nlon+1))[0:-1] * u.rad).to(u.deg)
Пример #3
    print(' - special designation = %s' % special_designation)
    print(' - position choice = %s' % position_choice)
    print(' - error choice = %s' % error_choice)
    print(' - along wavefront sampling = %i' % along_wavefront_sampling)
    print(' - perpendicular to wavefront sampling = %i' % perpendicular_to_wavefront_sampling)
    print(' - RANSAC parameters = %s' % str(ransac_kwargs))
    print(' - starting trial %i out of %i\n' % (i + 1, n_random))

    if not observational:
        print('\nSimulating %s ' % wave_name)
        if not use_saved:
            # Simulate the wave and return a dictionary
            print(" - Creating test waves.")

            # Load in the wave params
            simulated_wave_parameters = swave_params.waves()[wave_name]

            # Transform parameters used to convert HPC image data to HG data.
            # The HPC data is transformed to HG using the location below as the
            # "pole" around which the data is transformed
            transform_hpc2hg_parameters['epi_lon'] = -simulated_wave_parameters['epi_lon']
            transform_hpc2hg_parameters['epi_lat'] = -simulated_wave_parameters['epi_lat']

            # Simulate the waves
            euv_wave_data = wave2d.simulate(simulated_wave_parameters,
                                            max_steps, verbose=True,
                                            output=['finalmaps','raw', 'transformed', 'noise'],
            if save_test_waves:
                print(" - Saving test waves.")
                file_path = os.path.join(otypes_dir['dat'], otypes_filename['dat'] + '.pkl')
Пример #4
# Output directories and filename
odir = os.path.expanduser(output)
otypes_dir = {}
otypes_filename = {}

# Morphological radii
sradii = ''
for r in radii:
    for v in r:
        sradii = sradii + str(v) + '_'
sradii = sradii[0: -1]

# Load in the simulated wave params
simulated_wave_parameters = swave_params.waves(lon_start=-180 * u.degree + 0.0 * u.degree)[example]

# Unraveling parameters used to convert HPC image data to HG data
unraveling_hpc2hg_parameters = {'lon_bin': 1.0*u.degree,
                                'lat_bin': 1.0*u.degree,
                                'epi_lon': 0.0*u.degree,
                                'epi_lat': 0.0*u.degree,
                                'lon_num': 200*u.pixel,
                                'lat_num': 300*u.pixel}

# Unraveling parameters used to convert HG image data to HPC data
unraveling_hg2hpc_parameters = {'epi_lon': simulated_wave_parameters['epi_lon'],
                                'epi_lat': simulated_wave_parameters['epi_lat'],
                                'xnum': 800*u.pixel,
                                'ynum': 800*u.pixel}