Пример #1
    def _create_dir_object(self, dir_path, metadata=None):
        Create a directory object at the specified path. No check is made to
        see if the directory object already exists, that is left to the caller
        (this avoids a potentially duplicate stat() system call).

        The "dir_path" must be relative to its container, self._container_path.

        The "metadata" object is an optional set of metadata to apply to the
        newly created directory object. If not present, no initial metadata is

        The algorithm used is as follows:

          1. An attempt is made to create the directory, assuming the parent
             directory already exists

             * Directory creation races are detected, returning success in
               those cases

          2. If the directory creation fails because some part of the path to
             the directory does not exist, then a search back up the path is
             performed to find the first existing ancestor directory, and then
             the missing parents are successively created, finally creating
             the target directory
        full_path = os.path.join(self._container_path, dir_path)
        cur_path = full_path
        stack = []
        while True:
            md = None if cur_path != full_path else metadata
            ret, newmd = make_directory(cur_path, self._uid, self._gid, md)
            if ret:
            # Some path of the parent did not exist, so loop around and
            # create that, pushing this parent on the stack.
            if os.path.sep not in cur_path:
                raise DiskFileError("DiskFile._create_dir_object(): failed to"
                                    " create directory path while exhausting"
                                    " path elements to create: %s" % full_path)
            cur_path, child = cur_path.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1)
            assert child

        child = stack.pop() if stack else None
        while child:
            cur_path = os.path.join(cur_path, child)
            md = None if cur_path != full_path else metadata
            ret, newmd = make_directory(cur_path, self._uid, self._gid, md)
            if not ret:
                raise DiskFileError("DiskFile._create_dir_object(): failed to"
                                    " create directory path to target, %s,"
                                    " on subpath: %s" % (full_path, cur_path))
            child = stack.pop() if stack else None
        return True, newmd
Пример #2
    def get_data_file_size(self):
        Returns the os.path.getsize for the file.  Raises an exception if this
        file does not match the Content-Length stored in the metadata. Or if
        self.data_file does not exist.

        :returns: file size as an int
        :raises DiskFileError: on file size mismatch.
        :raises DiskFileNotExist: on file not existing (including deleted)
            file_size = 0
            if self.data_file:
                file_size = self.threadpool.run_in_thread(
                    getsize, self.data_file)
                if 'Content-Length' in self.metadata:
                    metadata_size = int(self.metadata['Content-Length'])
                    if file_size != metadata_size:
                        raise DiskFileError(
                            'Content-Length of %s does not match file size '
                            'of %s' % (metadata_size, file_size))
                return file_size
        except OSError, err:
            if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
 def write(self, obj, offset, data):
         return self._ioctx.write(obj, data, offset)
     except self._fs.RADOS.NoSpace:
         raise DiskFileNoSpace()
     except Exception:
         raise DiskFileError()
Пример #4
    def get_data_file_size(self):
        Returns the Original-Content-Length stored in metadata,
        whi is length of not crypted file. Also check
        if os.path.getsize does not match the Content-Length stored
        in the metadata. Or il self.data_file does not exist.

        :returns: file size as an int
        :raises DiskFileError: on file size mismatch.
        :raises DiskFileNotExist: on file not existing (including deleted)
            file_size = 0
            if self.data_file:
                file_size = os.path.getsize(self.data_file)
                if 'Content-Length' in self.metadata:
                    metadata_size = int(self.metadata['Content-Length'])
                    if file_size != metadata_size:
                        raise DiskFileError(
                            'Content-Length of %s does not match file size '
                            'of %s' % (metadata_size, file_size))
                original_file_size = \
                if original_file_size:
                    return original_file_size
                    return file_size
        except OSError, err:
            if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
Пример #5
    def _get_ondisk_file(self):
        Do the work to figure out if the data directory exists, and if so,
        determine the on-disk files to use.

        :returns: a tuple of data, meta and ts (tombstone) files, in one of
                  three states:

        * all three are None

          data directory does not exist, or there are no files in
          that directory

        * ts_file is not None, data_file is None, meta_file is None

          object is considered deleted

        * data_file is not None, ts_file is None

          object exists, and optionally has fast-POST metadata
        data_file = meta_file = ts_file = None
            files = sorted(os.listdir(self._datadir), reverse=True)
        except OSError as err:
            if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
                raise DiskFileError()
            # The data directory does not exist, so the object cannot exist.
            for afile in files:
                assert ts_file is None, "On-disk file search loop" \
                    " continuing after tombstone, %s, encountered" % ts_file
                assert data_file is None, "On-disk file search loop" \
                    " continuing after data file, %s, encountered" % data_file
                if afile.endswith('.ts'):
                    meta_file = None
                    ts_file = join(self._datadir, afile)
                if afile.endswith('.meta') and not meta_file:
                    meta_file = join(self._datadir, afile)
                    # NOTE: this does not exit this loop, since a fast-POST
                    # operation just updates metadata, writing one or more
                    # .meta files, the data file will have an older timestamp,
                    # so we keep looking.
                if afile.endswith('.data'):
                    data_file = join(self._datadir, afile)
        assert ((data_file is None and meta_file is None and ts_file is None)
                or (ts_file is not None and data_file is None
                    and meta_file is None)
                or (data_file is not None and ts_file is None)), \
            "On-disk file search algorithm contract is broken: data_file:" \
            " %s, meta_file: %s, ts_file: %s" % (data_file, meta_file, ts_file)
        return data_file, meta_file, ts_file
Пример #6
 def _get_data_file_size(self):
     # ensure file is opened
     metadata = self.get_metadata()
         file_size = 0
         if self.data_file:
             file_size = self.threadpool.run_in_thread(
                 getsize, self.data_file)
             if 'Content-Length' in metadata:
                 metadata_size = int(metadata['Content-Length'])
                 if file_size != metadata_size:
                     raise DiskFileError(
                         'Content-Length of %s does not match file size '
                         'of %s' % (metadata_size, file_size))
             return file_size
     except OSError as err:
         if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
     raise DiskFileNotExist('Data File does not exist.')
Пример #7
    def reconstruct_fa(self, job, node, datafile_metadata):
        Reconstructs a fragment archive - this method is called from ssync
        after a remote node responds that is missing this object - the local
        diskfile is opened to provide metadata - but to reconstruct the
        missing fragment archive we must connect to multiple object servers.

        :param job: job from ssync_sender
        :param node: node that we're rebuilding to
        :param datafile_metadata:  the datafile metadata to attach to
                                   the rebuilt fragment archive
        :returns: a DiskFile like class for use by ssync
        :raises DiskFileError: if the fragment archive cannot be reconstructed

        part_nodes = job['policy'].object_ring.get_part_nodes(job['partition'])

        # the fragment index we need to reconstruct is the position index
        # of the node we're rebuilding to within the primary part list
        fi_to_rebuild = node['index']

        # KISS send out connection requests to all nodes, see what sticks
        headers = self.headers.copy()
        headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = int(job['policy'])
        pile = GreenAsyncPile(len(part_nodes))
        path = datafile_metadata['name']
        for node in part_nodes:
            pile.spawn(self._get_response, node, job['partition'], path,
                       headers, job['policy'])
        responses = []
        etag = None
        for resp in pile:
            if not resp:
            resp.headers = HeaderKeyDict(resp.getheaders())
            if str(fi_to_rebuild) == \
            if resp.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index') in set(
                    for r in responses):
            etag = sorted(
                key=lambda r: Timestamp(r.headers.get('X-Backend-Timestamp'))
            responses = [
                r for r in responses
                if r.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag') == etag

            if len(responses) >= job['policy'].ec_ndata:
            self.logger.error('Unable to get enough responses (%s/%s) '
                              'to reconstruct %s with ETag %s' %
                              (len(responses), job['policy'].ec_ndata,
                               self._full_path(node, job['partition'],
                                               job['policy']), etag))
            raise DiskFileError('Unable to reconstruct EC archive')

        rebuilt_fragment_iter = self.make_rebuilt_fragment_iter(
            responses[:job['policy'].ec_ndata], path, job['policy'],
        return RebuildingECDiskFileStream(datafile_metadata, fi_to_rebuild,
Пример #8
    def reconstruct_fa(self, job, node, datafile_metadata):
        Reconstructs a fragment archive - this method is called from ssync
        after a remote node responds that is missing this object - the local
        diskfile is opened to provide metadata - but to reconstruct the
        missing fragment archive we must connect to multiple object servers.

        :param job: job from ssync_sender
        :param node: node that we're rebuilding to
        :param datafile_metadata:  the datafile metadata to attach to
                                   the rebuilt fragment archive
        :returns: a DiskFile like class for use by ssync
        :raises DiskFileError: if the fragment archive cannot be reconstructed

        part_nodes = job['policy'].object_ring.get_part_nodes(job['partition'])

        # the fragment index we need to reconstruct is the position index
        # of the node we're rebuilding to within the primary part list
        fi_to_rebuild = job['policy'].get_backend_index(node['index'])

        # KISS send out connection requests to all nodes, see what sticks.
        # Use fragment preferences header to tell other nodes that we want
        # fragments at the same timestamp as our fragment, and that they don't
        # need to be durable.
        headers = self.headers.copy()
        headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = int(job['policy'])
        frag_prefs = [{
            'timestamp': datafile_metadata['X-Timestamp'],
            'exclude': []
        headers['X-Backend-Fragment-Preferences'] = json.dumps(frag_prefs)
        pile = GreenAsyncPile(len(part_nodes))
        path = datafile_metadata['name']
        for _node in part_nodes:
            pile.spawn(self._get_response, _node, job['partition'], path,
                       headers, job['policy'])

        buckets = defaultdict(dict)
        etag_buckets = {}
        error_resp_count = 0
        for resp in pile:
            if not resp:
                error_resp_count += 1
            resp.headers = HeaderKeyDict(resp.getheaders())
            frag_index = resp.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index')
                resp_frag_index = int(frag_index)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                # The successful response should include valid X-Object-
                # Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index but for safety, catching the case
                # either missing X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index or invalid
                # frag index to reconstruct and dump warning log for that
                    'Invalid resp from %s '
                    '(invalid X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index: %r)',
                    resp.full_path, frag_index)

            if fi_to_rebuild == resp_frag_index:
                # TODO: With duplicated EC frags it's not unreasonable to find
                # the very fragment we're trying to rebuild exists on another
                # primary node.  In this case we should stream it directly from
                # the remote node to our target instead of rebuild.  But
                # instead we ignore it.
                    'Found existing frag #%s at %s while rebuilding to %s',
                    fi_to_rebuild, resp.full_path,
                    _full_path(node, job['partition'],
                               datafile_metadata['name'], job['policy']))

            timestamp = resp.headers.get('X-Backend-Timestamp')
            if not timestamp:
                    'Invalid resp from %s, frag index %s '
                    '(missing X-Backend-Timestamp)', resp.full_path,
            timestamp = Timestamp(timestamp)

            etag = resp.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag')
            if not etag:
                    'Invalid resp from %s, frag index %s '
                    '(missing Etag)', resp.full_path, resp_frag_index)

            if etag != etag_buckets.setdefault(timestamp, etag):
                    'Mixed Etag (%s, %s) for %s frag#%s', etag,
                    _full_path(node, job['partition'],
                               datafile_metadata['name'], job['policy']),

            if resp_frag_index not in buckets[timestamp]:
                buckets[timestamp][resp_frag_index] = resp
                if len(buckets[timestamp]) >= job['policy'].ec_ndata:
                    responses = buckets[timestamp].values()
                        'Reconstruct frag #%s with frag indexes %s' %
                        (fi_to_rebuild, list(buckets[timestamp])))
            for timestamp, resp in sorted(buckets.items()):
                etag = etag_buckets[timestamp]
                    'Unable to get enough responses (%s/%s) '
                    'to reconstruct %s frag#%s with ETag %s' %
                    (len(resp), job['policy'].ec_ndata,
                     _full_path(node, job['partition'],
                                job['policy']), fi_to_rebuild, etag))

            if error_resp_count:
                    'Unable to get enough responses (%s error responses) '
                    'to reconstruct %s frag#%s' %
                     _full_path(node, job['partition'],
                                job['policy']), fi_to_rebuild))

            raise DiskFileError('Unable to reconstruct EC archive')

        rebuilt_fragment_iter = self.make_rebuilt_fragment_iter(
            responses[:job['policy'].ec_ndata], path, job['policy'],
        return RebuildingECDiskFileStream(datafile_metadata, fi_to_rebuild,
Пример #9
    def create(self, size=None):
        Context manager to create a file. We create a temporary file first, and
        then return a DiskFileWriter object to encapsulate the state.

        For Gluster, we first optimistically create the temporary file using
        the "rsync-friendly" .NAME.random naming. If we find that some path to
        the file does not exist, we then create that path and then create the
        temporary file again. If we get file name conflict, we'll retry using
        different random suffixes 1,000 times before giving up.

        .. note::

            An implementation is not required to perform on-disk
            preallocations even if the parameter is specified. But if it does
            and it fails, it must raise a `DiskFileNoSpace` exception.

        :param size: optional initial size of file to explicitly allocate on
        :raises DiskFileNoSpace: if a size is specified and allocation fails
        :raises AlreadyExistsAsFile: if path or part of a path is not a \
        # Create /account/container directory structure on mount point root
        except OSError as err:
            if err.errno != errno.EEXIST:

        data_file = os.path.join(self._put_datadir, self._obj)

        # Assume the full directory path exists to the file already, and
        # construct the proper name for the temporary file.
        attempts = 1
        while True:
            # To know more about why following temp file naming convention is
            # used, please read this GlusterFS doc:
            # https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/blob/master/doc/features/dht.md#rename-optimizations  # noqa
            tmpfile = '.' + self._obj + '.' + uuid4().hex
            tmppath = os.path.join(self._put_datadir, tmpfile)
                fd = do_open(tmppath,
                             os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | O_CLOEXEC)
            except SwiftOnFileSystemOSError as gerr:
                if gerr.errno in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT):
                    # Raise DiskFileNoSpace to be handled by upper layers when
                    # there is no space on disk OR when quota is exceeded
                    raise DiskFileNoSpace()
                if gerr.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:
                    raise AlreadyExistsAsFile('do_open(): failed on %s,'
                                              '  path or part of a'
                                              ' path is not a directory' %

                if gerr.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EEXIST, errno.EIO):
                    # FIXME: Other cases we should handle?
                if attempts >= MAX_OPEN_ATTEMPTS:
                    # We failed after N attempts to create the temporary
                    # file.
                    raise DiskFileError(
                        'DiskFile.mkstemp(): failed to'
                        ' successfully create a temporary file'
                        ' without running into a name conflict'
                        ' after %d of %d attempts for: %s' %
                        (attempts, MAX_OPEN_ATTEMPTS, data_file))
                if gerr.errno == errno.EEXIST:
                    # Retry with a different random number.
                    attempts += 1
                elif gerr.errno == errno.EIO:
                    # FIXME: Possible FUSE issue or race condition, let's
                    # sleep on it and retry the operation.
                        "DiskFile.mkstemp(): %s ... retrying in"
                        " 0.1 secs", gerr)
                    attempts += 1
                elif not self._obj_path:
                    # No directory hierarchy and the create failed telling us
                    # the container or volume directory does not exist. This
                    # could be a FUSE issue or some race condition, so let's
                    # sleep a bit and retry.
                        "DiskFile.mkstemp(): %s ... retrying in"
                        " 0.1 secs", gerr)
                    attempts += 1
                elif attempts > 1:
                    # Got ENOENT after previously making the path. This could
                    # also be a FUSE issue or some race condition, nap and
                    # retry.
                    logging.warn("DiskFile.mkstemp(): %s ... retrying in"
                                 " 0.1 secs" % gerr)
                    attempts += 1
                    # It looks like the path to the object does not already
                    # exist; don't count this as an attempt, though, since
                    # we perform the open() system call optimistically.
        dw = None
            # Ensure it is properly owned before we make it available.
            do_fchown(fd, self._uid, self._gid)
            # NOTE: we do not perform the fallocate() call at all. We ignore
            # it completely since at the time of this writing FUSE does not
            # support it.
            dw = DiskFileWriter(fd, tmppath, self)
            yield dw
            if dw._tmppath:
Пример #10
def make_directory(full_path, uid, gid, metadata=None):
    Make a directory and change the owner ship as specified, and potentially
    creating the object metadata if requested.
    except OSError as err:
        if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            # Tell the caller some directory of the parent path does not
            # exist.
            return False, metadata
        elif err.errno == errno.EEXIST:
            # Possible race, in that the caller invoked this method when it
            # had previously determined the file did not exist.
            # FIXME: When we are confident, remove this stat() call as it is
            # not necessary.
                stats = do_stat(full_path)
            except SwiftOnFileSystemOSError as serr:
                # FIXME: Ideally we'd want to return an appropriate error
                # message and code in the PUT Object REST API response.
                raise DiskFileError("make_directory: mkdir failed"
                                    " because path %s already exists, and"
                                    " a subsequent stat on that same"
                                    " path failed (%s)" %
                                    (full_path, str(serr)))
                is_dir = stat.S_ISDIR(stats.st_mode)
                if not is_dir:
                    # FIXME: Ideally we'd want to return an appropriate error
                    # message and code in the PUT Object REST API response.
                    raise AlreadyExistsAsFile("make_directory:"
                                              " mkdir failed on path %s"
                                              " because it already exists"
                                              " but not as a directory" %
            return True, metadata
        elif err.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:
            # FIXME: Ideally we'd want to return an appropriate error
            # message and code in the PUT Object REST API response.
            raise AlreadyExistsAsFile("make_directory:"
                                      " mkdir failed because some "
                                      "part of path %s is not in fact"
                                      " a directory" % (full_path))
        elif err.errno == errno.EIO:
            # Sometimes Fuse will return an EIO error when it does not know
            # how to handle an unexpected, but transient situation. It is
            # possible the directory now exists, stat() it to find out after a
            # short period of time.
                stats = do_stat(full_path)
            except SwiftOnFileSystemOSError as serr:
                if serr.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                    errmsg = "make_directory: mkdir failed on" \
                             " path %s (EIO), and a subsequent stat on" \
                             " that same path did not find the file." % (
                    errmsg = "make_directory: mkdir failed on" \
                             " path %s (%s), and a subsequent stat on" \
                             " that same path failed as well (%s)" % (
                                 full_path, str(err), str(serr))
                raise DiskFileError(errmsg)
                if not stats:
                    errmsg = "make_directory: mkdir failed on" \
                             " path %s (EIO), and a subsequent stat on" \
                             " that same path did not find the file." % (
                    raise DiskFileError(errmsg)
                    # The directory at least exists now
                    is_dir = stat.S_ISDIR(stats.st_mode)
                    if is_dir:
                        # Dump the stats to the log with the original exception
                        logging.warn("make_directory: mkdir initially"
                                     " failed on path %s (%s) but a stat()"
                                     " following that succeeded: %r" %
                                     (full_path, str(err), stats))
                        # Assume another entity took care of the proper setup.
                        return True, metadata
                        raise DiskFileError("make_directory: mkdir"
                                            " initially failed on path %s (%s)"
                                            " but now we see that it exists"
                                            " but is not a directory (%r)" %
                                            (full_path, str(err), stats))
            # Some other potentially rare exception occurred that does not
            # currently warrant a special log entry to help diagnose.
            raise DiskFileError("make_directory: mkdir failed on"
                                " path %s (%s)" % (full_path, str(err)))
        if metadata:
            # We were asked to set the initial metadata for this object.
            metadata_orig = get_object_metadata(full_path)
            write_metadata(full_path, metadata_orig)
            metadata = metadata_orig

        # We created it, so we are reponsible for always setting the proper
        # ownership.
        do_chown(full_path, uid, gid)
        return True, metadata
Пример #11
    def _finalize_put(self, metadata):
        # Write out metadata before fsync() to ensure it is also forced to
        # disk.
        write_metadata(self._fd, metadata)

        # We call fsync() before calling drop_cache() to lower the
        # amount of redundant work the drop cache code will perform on
        # the pages (now that after fsync the pages will be all
        # clean).
        # From the Department of the Redundancy Department, make sure
        # we call drop_cache() after fsync() to avoid redundant work
        # (pages all clean).
        do_fadvise64(self._fd, self._last_sync, self._upload_size)

        # At this point we know that the object's full directory path
        # exists, so we can just rename it directly without using Swift's
        # swift.common.utils.renamer(), which makes the directory path and
        # adds extra stat() calls.
        df = self._disk_file
        attempts = 1
        while True:
                do_rename(self._tmppath, df._data_file)
            except OSError as err:
                if err.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EIO) \
                        and attempts < MAX_RENAME_ATTEMPTS:
                    # FIXME: Why either of these two error conditions is
                    # happening is unknown at this point. This might be a
                    # FUSE issue of some sort or a possible race
                    # condition. So let's sleep on it, and double check
                    # the environment after a good nap.
                    # Tease out why this error occurred. The man page for
                    # rename reads:
                    #   "The link named by tmppath does not exist; or, a
                    #    directory component in data_file does not exist;
                    #    or, tmppath or data_file is an empty string."
                    assert len(self._tmppath) > 0 and len(df._data_file) > 0
                    tpstats = do_stat(self._tmppath)
                    tfstats = do_fstat(self._fd)
                    assert tfstats
                    if not tpstats or tfstats.st_ino != tpstats.st_ino:
                        # Temporary file name conflict
                        raise DiskFileError(
                            'DiskFile.put(): temporary file, %s, was'
                            ' already renamed (targeted for %s)' %
                            (self._tmppath, df._data_file))
                        # Data file target name now has a bad path!
                        dfstats = do_stat(df._put_datadir)
                        if not dfstats:
                            raise DiskFileError(
                                'DiskFile.put(): path to object, %s, no'
                                ' longer exists (targeted for %s)' %
                                (df._put_datadir, df._data_file))
                            is_dir = stat.S_ISDIR(dfstats.st_mode)
                            if not is_dir:
                                raise DiskFileError(
                                    'DiskFile.put(): path to object, %s,'
                                    ' no longer a directory (targeted for'
                                    ' %s)' %
                                    (self._put_datadir, df._data_file))
                                # Let's retry since everything looks okay
                                    "DiskFile.put(): rename('%s','%s')"
                                    " initially failed (%s) but a"
                                    " stat('%s') following that succeeded:"
                                    " %r" %
                                    (self._tmppath, df._data_file, str(err),
                                     df._put_datadir, dfstats))
                                attempts += 1
                    raise SwiftOnFileSystemOSError(
                        err.errno, "%s, rename('%s', '%s')" %
                        (err.strerror, self._tmppath, df._data_file))
                # Success!
        # Close here so the calling context does not have to perform this
        # in a thread.
Пример #12
    def create(self, size=None):
        Context manager to create a file. We create a temporary file first, and
        then return a DiskFileWriter object to encapsulate the state.

        For Gluster, we first optimistically create the temporary file using
        the "rsync-friendly" .NAME.random naming. If we find that some path to
        the file does not exist, we then create that path and then create the
        temporary file again. If we get file name conflict, we'll retry using
        different random suffixes 1,000 times before giving up.

        .. note::

            An implementation is not required to perform on-disk
            preallocations even if the parameter is specified. But if it does
            and it fails, it must raise a `DiskFileNoSpace` exception.

        :param size: optional initial size of file to explicitly allocate on
        :raises DiskFileNoSpace: if a size is specified and allocation fails
        :raises AlreadyExistsAsFile: if path or part of a path is not a \
        # Create /account/container directory structure on mount point root
        except OSError as err:
            if err.errno != errno.EEXIST:

        data_file = os.path.join(self._put_datadir, self._obj)

        # Assume the full directory path exists to the file already, and
        # construct the proper name for the temporary file.
        fd = None
        attempts = 1
        while True:
            # To know more about why following temp file naming convention is
            # used, please read this GlusterFS doc:
            # https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/blob/master/doc/features/dht.md#rename-optimizations  # noqa
            tmpfile = '.' + self._obj + '.' + uuid4().hex
            tmppath = os.path.join(self._put_datadir, tmpfile)
                fd = do_open(tmppath,
                             os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | O_CLOEXEC)
            except SwiftOnFileSystemOSError as gerr:
                if gerr.errno in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT):
                    # Raise DiskFileNoSpace to be handled by upper layers when
                    # there is no space on disk OR when quota is exceeded
                    raise DiskFileNoSpace()
                if gerr.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:
                    raise AlreadyExistsAsFile('do_open(): failed on %s,'
                                              '  path or part of a'
                                              ' path is not a directory' %

                if gerr.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EEXIST, errno.EIO):
                    # FIXME: Other cases we should handle?
                if attempts >= MAX_OPEN_ATTEMPTS:
                    # We failed after N attempts to create the temporary
                    # file.
                    raise DiskFileError(
                        'DiskFile.create(): failed to'
                        ' successfully create a temporary file'
                        ' without running into a name conflict'
                        ' after %d of %d attempts for: %s' %
                        (attempts, MAX_OPEN_ATTEMPTS, data_file))
                if gerr.errno == errno.EEXIST:
                    # Retry with a different random number.
                    attempts += 1
                elif gerr.errno == errno.EIO:
                    # FIXME: Possible FUSE issue or race condition, let's
                    # sleep on it and retry the operation.
                        "DiskFile.create(): %s ... retrying in"
                        " 0.1 secs", gerr)
                    attempts += 1
                elif not self._obj_path:
                    # ENOENT
                    # No directory hierarchy and the create failed telling us
                    # the container or volume directory does not exist. This
                    # could be a FUSE issue or some race condition, so let's
                    # sleep a bit and retry.
                    # Handle race:
                    # This can be the issue when memcache has cached that the
                    # container exists. If someone removes the container dir
                    # from filesystem, it's not reflected in memcache. So
                    # swift reports that the container exists and this code
                    # tries to create a file in a directory that does not
                    # exist. However, it's wrong to create the container here.
                        "DiskFile.create(): %s ... retrying in"
                        " 0.1 secs", gerr)
                    attempts += 1
                    if attempts > 2:
                        # Ideally we would want to return 404 indicating that
                        # the container itself does not exist. Can't be done
                        # though as the caller won't catch DiskFileNotExist.
                        # We raise an exception with a meaningful name for
                        # correctness.
                        logging.warn("Container dir %s does not exist",
                        raise DiskFileContainerDoesNotExist
                elif attempts > 1:
                    # Got ENOENT after previously making the path. This could
                    # also be a FUSE issue or some race condition, nap and
                    # retry.
                    logging.warn("DiskFile.create(): %s ... retrying in"
                                 " 0.1 secs" % gerr)
                    attempts += 1
                    # It looks like the path to the object does not already
                    # exist; don't count this as an attempt, though, since
                    # we perform the open() system call optimistically.
        dw = None
            if size is not None and size > 0:
                    fallocate(fd, size)
                except OSError as err:
                    if err.errno in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT):
                        raise DiskFileNoSpace()
            # Ensure it is properly owned before we make it available.
            if not ((self._uid == DEFAULT_UID) and (self._gid == DEFAULT_GID)):
                # If both UID and GID is -1 (default values), it has no effect.
                # So don't do a fchown.
                # Further, at the time of this writing, UID and GID information
                # is not passed to DiskFile.
                do_fchown(fd, self._uid, self._gid)
            dw = DiskFileWriter(fd, tmppath, self)
            # It's now the responsibility of DiskFileWriter to close this fd.
            fd = None
            yield dw
            if dw:
                if dw._tmppath: