Пример #1
    def create(self, env, vrs, account, container, versions=None):
        Perform a container PUT request

        :param env: WSGI environment for original request
        :param vrs: API version, e.g. "v1"
        :param account: account in which to create the container
        :param container: container name
        :param versions: value for X-Versions-Location header
            (for container versioning)

        :returns: None
        :raises: HTTPException on failure (non-2xx response)
        env = env.copy()
        env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'PUT'
        env["PATH_INFO"] = "/%s/%s/%s" % (vrs, account, container)
        if versions:
            env['HTTP_X_VERSIONS_LOCATION'] = versions

        resp_iter = self._app_call(env)
        # The body of a PUT response is either empty or very short (e.g. error
        # message), so we can get away with slurping the whole thing.
        body = ''.join(resp_iter)

        status_int = int(self._response_status.split(' ', 1)[0])
        if not http.is_success(status_int):
            raise swob.HTTPException(status=self._response_status,
Пример #2
    def test_delete_object(self):
        x = expirer.ObjectExpirer({}, logger=self.logger)
        actual_obj = 'actual_obj'
        timestamp = int(time())
        reclaim_ts = timestamp - x.reclaim_age
        account = 'account'
        container = 'container'
        obj = 'obj'

        http_exc = {
                    str(resp_code), swob.HTTPException(status=resp_code))
            for resp_code in {404, 412, 500}
        exc_other = Exception()

        def check_call_to_delete_object(exc, ts, should_pop):
            start_reports = x.report_objects
            with mock.patch.object(x, 'delete_actual_object',
                                   side_effect=exc) as delete_actual:
                with mock.patch.object(x, 'pop_queue') as pop_queue:
                    x.delete_object(actual_obj, ts, account, container, obj,

            delete_actual.assert_called_once_with(actual_obj, ts, False)
            log_lines = x.logger.get_lines_for_level('error')
            if should_pop:
                pop_queue.assert_called_once_with(account, container, obj)
                self.assertEqual(start_reports + 1, x.report_objects)
                self.assertEqual(start_reports, x.report_objects)
                self.assertEqual(1, len(log_lines))
                if isinstance(exc, internal_client.UnexpectedResponse):
                        'Unexpected response while deleting object '
                        'account container obj: %s' % exc.resp.status_int)
                        'Exception while deleting object '
                        'account container obj'))

        # verify pop_queue logic on exceptions
        for exc, ts, should_pop in [(None, timestamp, True),
                                    (http_exc[404], timestamp, False),
                                    (http_exc[412], timestamp, False),
                                    (http_exc[500], reclaim_ts, False),
                                    (exc_other, reclaim_ts, False),
                                    (http_exc[404], reclaim_ts, True),
                                    (http_exc[412], reclaim_ts, True)]:

                check_call_to_delete_object(exc, ts, should_pop)
            except AssertionError as err:
                self.fail("Failed on %r at %f: %s" % (exc, ts, err))
Пример #3
    def handle404(self, reqorig, url, container, obj):
        Return a swob.Response which fetches the thumbnail from the thumb
        host and returns it. Note also that the thumb host might write it out
        to Swift so it won't 404 next time.
        # upload doesn't like our User-agent, otherwise we could call it
        # using urllib2.url()
        thumbor_opener = urllib2.build_opener(DumbRedirectHandler())

        # Pass on certain headers from Varnish to Thumbor
        thumbor_opener.addheaders = []
        if reqorig.headers.get('User-Agent') is not None:
                ('User-Agent', reqorig.headers.get('User-Agent')))
            thumbor_opener.addheaders.append(('User-Agent', self.user_agent))
        for header_to_pass in [
                'X-Forwarded-For', 'X-Forwarded-Proto', 'Accept',
                'Accept-Encoding', 'X-Original-URI'
            if reqorig.headers.get(header_to_pass) is not None:
                header = (header_to_pass, reqorig.headers.get(header_to_pass))

        # At least in theory, we shouldn't be handing out links to originals
        # that we don't have (or in the case of thumbs, can't generate).
        # However, someone may have a formerly valid link to a file, so we
        # should do them the favor of giving them a 404.
            thumbor_encodedurl = self.thumborify_url(reqorig, self.thumborhost)
            upcopy = thumbor_opener.open(thumbor_encodedurl)
        except urllib2.HTTPError as error:
            # Wrap the urllib2 HTTPError into a swob HTTPException
            status = error.code
            body = error.fp.read()
            headers = error.hdrs.items()
            if status not in swob.RESPONSE_REASONS:
                # Generic status description in case of unknown status reasons.
                status = "%s Error" % status
            return swob.HTTPException(status=status,
        except urllib2.URLError as error:
            msg = 'There was a problem while contacting the thumbnailing service: %s' % \
            return swob.HTTPServiceUnavailable(msg)

        # We successfully generated a thumbnail on the active DC, send the same request
        # blindly to the inactive DC to populate Swift there, not waiting for the response
        inactivedc_encodedurl = self.thumborify_url(
            reqorig, self.inactivedc_thumborhost)
        eventlet.spawn(self.inactivedc_request, thumbor_opener,

        # get the Content-Type.
        uinfo = upcopy.info()
        c_t = uinfo.gettype()

        resp = swob.Response(app_iter=upcopy, content_type=c_t)

        headers_whitelist = [
            'Content-Length', 'Content-Disposition', 'Last-Modified',
            'Accept-Ranges', 'XKey', 'Thumbor-Engine', 'Server',
            'Nginx-Request-Date', 'Nginx-Response-Date',
            'Thumbor-Processing-Time', 'Thumbor-Processing-Utime',
            'Thumbor-Request-Id', 'Thumbor-Request-Date'

        # add in the headers if we've got them
        for header in headers_whitelist:
            if (uinfo.getheader(header) != ''):
                resp.headers[header] = uinfo.getheader(header)

        # also add CORS; see also our CORS middleware
        resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'

        return resp
Пример #4
    def handle404(self, reqorig, url, container, obj):
        Return a swob.Response which fetches the thumbnail from the thumb
        host and returns it. Note also that the thumb host might write it out
        to Swift so it won't 404 next time.
        # go to the thumb media store for unknown files
        reqorig.host = self.thumbhost
        # upload doesn't like our User-agent, otherwise we could call it
        # using urllib2.url()
        proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': self.thumbhost})
        redirect_handler = DumbRedirectHandler()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(redirect_handler, proxy_handler)
        # Thumbor doesn't need (and doesn't like) the proxy
        thumbor_opener = urllib2.build_opener(redirect_handler)

        # Pass on certain headers from the caller squid to the scalers
        opener.addheaders = []
        if reqorig.headers.get('User-Agent') is not None:
                ('User-Agent', reqorig.headers.get('User-Agent')))
            opener.addheaders.append(('User-Agent', self.user_agent))
        for header_to_pass in [
                'X-Forwarded-For', 'X-Forwarded-Proto', 'Accept',
                'Accept-Encoding', 'X-Original-URI'
            if reqorig.headers.get(header_to_pass) is not None:
                    (header_to_pass, reqorig.headers.get(header_to_pass)))

        thumbor_opener.addheaders = opener.addheaders

        # At least in theory, we shouldn't be handing out links to originals
        # that we don't have (or in the case of thumbs, can't generate).
        # However, someone may have a formerly valid link to a file, so we
        # should do them the favor of giving them a 404.
            # break apach the url, url-encode it, and put it back together
            urlobj = list(urlparse.urlsplit(reqorig.url))
            # encode the URL but don't encode %s and /s
            urlobj[2] = urllib2.quote(urlobj[2], '%/')
            encodedurl = urlparse.urlunsplit(urlobj)

            # Thumbor never needs URL mangling and it needs a different host
            if self.thumborhost:
                thumbor_reqorig = swob.Request(reqorig.environ.copy())
                thumbor_reqorig.host = self.thumborhost
                thumbor_urlobj = list(urlparse.urlsplit(thumbor_reqorig.url))
                thumbor_urlobj[2] = urllib2.quote(thumbor_urlobj[2], '%/')
                thumbor_encodedurl = urlparse.urlunsplit(thumbor_urlobj)

            # if sitelang, we're supposed to mangle the URL so that
            # http://upload.wm.o/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a2/Foo_.jpg/330px-Foo_.jpg
            # changes to
            # http://commons.wp.o/w/thumb_handler.php/a/a2/Foo_.jpg/330px-Foo_.jpg
            if self.backend_url_format == 'sitelang':
                match = re.match(
                if match:
                    proj = match.group('proj')
                    lang = match.group('lang')
                    # and here are all the legacy special cases, imported from thumb_handler.php
                    if (proj == 'wikipedia'):
                        if (lang in ['meta', 'commons', 'internal', 'grants']):
                            proj = 'wikimedia'
                        if (lang in ['mediawiki']):
                            lang = 'www'
                            proj = 'mediawiki'
                    hostname = '%s.%s.%s' % (lang, proj, self.tld)
                    if (proj == 'wikipedia' and lang == 'sources'):
                        # yay special case
                        hostname = 'wikisource.%s' % self.tld
                    # ok, replace the URL with just the part starting with thumb/
                    # take off the first two parts of the path
                    # (eg /wikipedia/commons/); make sure the string starts
                    # with a /
                    encodedurl = 'http://%s/w/thumb_handler.php/%s' % (
                        hostname, match.group('path'))
                    # add in the X-Original-URI with the swift got (minus the hostname)
                    # ASSERT this code should never be hit since only thumbs
                    # should call the 404 handler
                        "non-thumb in 404 handler! encodedurl = %s" %
                    resp = swob.HTTPNotFound('Unexpected error')
                    return resp
                # log the result of the match here to test and make sure it's
                # sane before enabling the config
                match = re.match(
                if match:
                    proj = match.group('proj')
                    lang = match.group('lang')
                        "sitelang match has proj %s lang %s encodedurl %s" %
                        (proj, lang, encodedurl))
                    self.logger.warn("no sitelang match on encodedurl: %s" %

            # To turn thumbor off and have thumbnail traffic served by image scalers,
            # replace the line below with this one:
            # upcopy = opener.open(encodedurl)
            upcopy = thumbor_opener.open(thumbor_encodedurl)
        except urllib2.HTTPError as error:
            # Wrap the urllib2 HTTPError into a swob HTTPException
            status = error.code
            if status not in swob.RESPONSE_REASONS:
                # Generic status description in case of unknown status reasons.
                status = "%s Error" % status
            return swob.HTTPException(status=status,
        except urllib2.URLError as error:
            msg = 'There was a problem while contacting the thumbnailing service: %s' % \
            return swob.HTTPServiceUnavailable(msg)

        # get the Content-Type.
        uinfo = upcopy.info()
        c_t = uinfo.gettype()

        resp = swob.Response(app_iter=upcopy, content_type=c_t)

        headers_whitelist = [
            'Content-Length', 'Content-Disposition', 'Last-Modified',
            'Accept-Ranges', 'XKey', 'Thumbor-Engine', 'Server',
            'Nginx-Request-Date', 'Nginx-Response-Date',
            'Thumbor-Processing-Time', 'Thumbor-Processing-Utime',
            'Thumbor-Request-Id', 'Thumbor-Request-Date'

        # add in the headers if we've got them
        for header in headers_whitelist:
            if (uinfo.getheader(header) != ''):
                resp.headers[header] = uinfo.getheader(header)

        # also add CORS; see also our CORS middleware
        resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'

        return resp