Пример #1
    def _gen_head_range_resp(self, req_range, resp):
        Swift doesn't handle Range header for HEAD requests.
        So, this method generates HEAD range response from HEAD response.
        S3 return HEAD range response, if the value of range satisfies the
        conditions which are described in the following document.
        - http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.35
        length = int(resp.headers.get('Content-Length'))

            content_range = Range(req_range)
        except ValueError:
            return resp

        ranges = content_range.ranges_for_length(length)
        if ranges == []:
            raise InvalidRange()
        elif ranges:
            if len(ranges) == 1:
                start, end = ranges[0]
                resp.headers['Content-Range'] = \
                    content_range_header_value(start, end, length)
                resp.headers['Content-Length'] = (end - start)
                resp.status = HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT
                return resp
                # TODO: It is necessary to confirm whether need to respond to
                #       multi-part response.(e.g. bytes=0-10,20-30)

        return resp
Пример #2
    def _gen_head_range_resp(self, req_range, resp):
        Swift doesn't handle Range header for HEAD requests.
        So, this mothod generates HEAD range response from HEAD response.
        S3 return HEAD range response, if the value of range satisfies the
        conditions which are described in the following document.
        - http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.35
        length = long(resp.headers.get('Content-Length'))

            content_range = Range(req_range)
        except ValueError:
            return resp

        ranges = content_range.ranges_for_length(length)
        if ranges == []:
            raise InvalidRange()
        elif ranges:
            if len(ranges) == 1:
                start, end = ranges[0]
                resp.headers['Content-Range'] = \
                    content_range_header_value(start, end, length)
                resp.headers['Content-Length'] = (end - start)
                resp.status = HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT
                return resp
                # TODO: It is necessary to confirm whether need to respond to
                #       multi-part response.(e.g. bytes=0-10,20-30)

        return resp
Пример #3
    def PUT(self, req):
        Handles Upload Part and Upload Part Copy.

        if 'uploadId' not in req.params:
            raise InvalidArgument('ResourceType', 'partNumber',
                                  'Unexpected query string parameter')

        part_number = self.parse_part_number(req)

        upload_id = req.params['uploadId']
        _check_upload_info(req, self.app, upload_id)

        req.container_name += MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX
        req.object_name = '%s/%s/%d' % (req.object_name, upload_id,

        req_timestamp = S3Timestamp.now()
        req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = req_timestamp.internal
        source_resp = req.check_copy_source(self.app)
        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers and \
                'X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range' in req.headers:
            rng = req.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range']

            header_valid = True
                rng_obj = Range(rng)
                if len(rng_obj.ranges) != 1:
                    header_valid = False
            except ValueError:
                header_valid = False
            if not header_valid:
                err_msg = ('The x-amz-copy-source-range value must be of the '
                           'form bytes=first-last where first and last are '
                           'the zero-based offsets of the first and last '
                           'bytes to copy')
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-source-range', rng, err_msg)

            source_size = int(source_resp.headers['Content-Length'])
            if not rng_obj.ranges_for_length(source_size):
                err_msg = ('Range specified is not valid for source object '
                           'of size: %s' % source_size)
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-source-range', rng, err_msg)

            req.headers['Range'] = rng
            del req.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range']
        resp = req.get_response(self.app)

        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers:

        resp.status = 200
        return resp
Пример #4
    def PUT(self, req):
        Handles Upload Part and Upload Part Copy.

        if 'uploadId' not in req.params:
            raise InvalidArgument('ResourceType', 'partNumber',
                                  'Unexpected query string parameter')

            part_number = int(req.params['partNumber'])
            if part_number < 1 or self.conf.max_upload_part_num < part_number:
                raise Exception()
        except Exception:
            err_msg = 'Part number must be an integer between 1 and %d,' \
                      ' inclusive' % self.conf.max_upload_part_num
            raise InvalidArgument('partNumber', req.params['partNumber'],

        upload_id = req.params['uploadId']
        _get_upload_info(req, self.app, upload_id)

        req.container_name += MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX
        req.object_name = '%s/%s/%d' % (req.object_name, upload_id,

        req_timestamp = S3Timestamp.now()
        req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = req_timestamp.internal
        source_resp = req.check_copy_source(self.app)
        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers and \
                'X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range' in req.headers:
            rng = req.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range']

            header_valid = True
                rng_obj = Range(rng)
                if len(rng_obj.ranges) != 1:
                    header_valid = False
            except ValueError:
                header_valid = False
            if not header_valid:
                err_msg = ('The x-amz-copy-source-range value must be of the '
                           'form bytes=first-last where first and last are '
                           'the zero-based offsets of the first and last '
                           'bytes to copy')
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-source-range', rng, err_msg)

            source_size = int(source_resp.headers['Content-Length'])
            if not rng_obj.ranges_for_length(source_size):
                err_msg = ('Range specified is not valid for source object '
                           'of size: %s' % source_size)
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-source-range', rng, err_msg)

            req.headers['Range'] = rng
            del req.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range']
        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers:
            # Clear some problematic headers that might be on the source
                sysmeta_header('object', 'etag'): '',
                'X-Object-Sysmeta-Swift3-Etag': '',  # for legacy data
                'X-Object-Sysmeta-Slo-Etag': '',
                'X-Object-Sysmeta-Slo-Size': '',
                get_container_update_override_key('etag'): '',
        resp = req.get_response(self.app)

        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers:

        resp.status = 200
        return resp
Пример #5
    def PUT(self, req):
        Handles Upload Part and Upload Part Copy.
        if 'uploadId' not in req.params:
            raise InvalidArgument('ResourceType', 'partNumber',
                                  'Unexpected query string parameter')

            part_number = int(req.params['partNumber'])
            if part_number < 1 or CONF.max_upload_part_num < part_number:
                raise Exception()
        except Exception:
            err_msg = 'Part number must be an integer between 1 and %d,' \
                      ' inclusive' % CONF.max_upload_part_num
            raise InvalidArgument('partNumber', req.params['partNumber'],
        data = req.body
        upload_id = req.params['uploadId']
        _check_upload_info(req, self.app, upload_id)

        req.container_name += MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX
        req.object_name = '%s/%s/%d' % (req.object_name, upload_id,

        req_timestamp = OssTimestamp.now()
        req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = req_timestamp.internal
        source_resp = req.check_copy_source(self.app)
        if 'x-oss-copy-source' in req.headers and \
                'x-oss-copy-source-range' in req.headers:
            rng = req.headers['x-oss-copy-source-range']
            header_valid = True
                rng_obj = Range(rng)
                if len(rng_obj.ranges) != 1:
                    header_valid = False
            except ValueError:
                header_valid = False
            if not header_valid:
                err_msg = ('The x-oss-copy-source-range value must be of the '
                           'form bytes=first-last where first and last are '
                           'the zero-based offsets of the first and last '
                           'bytes to copy')
                raise InvalidArgument('x-oss-source-range', rng, err_msg)
            source_size = int(source_resp.headers['Content-Length'])
            if not rng_obj.ranges_for_length(source_size):
                err_msg = ('Range specified is not valid for source object '
                           'of size: %s' % source_size)
                raise InvalidArgument('x-oss-source-range', rng, err_msg)
            req.headers['range'] = rng
            del req.headers['x-oss-copy-source-range']
        resp = req.get_response(self.app)
        do_crc64 = crcmod.mkCrcFun(0x142F0E1EBA9EA3693L, initCrc=0L, xorOut=0xffffffffffffffffL, rev=True)
        if 'x-oss-copy-source' in req.headers:
        resp.status = 200
        return resp
Пример #6
    def PUT(self, req):
        Handles Upload Part and Upload Part Copy.

        if 'uploadId' not in req.params:
            raise InvalidArgument('ResourceType', 'partNumber',
                                  'Unexpected query string parameter')

            part_number = int(req.params['partNumber'])
            if part_number < 1 or CONF.max_upload_part_num < part_number:
                raise Exception()
        except Exception:
            err_msg = 'Part number must be an integer between 1 and %d,' \
                      ' inclusive' % CONF.max_upload_part_num
            raise InvalidArgument('partNumber', req.params['partNumber'],

        upload_id = req.params['uploadId']
        _check_upload_info(req, self.app, upload_id)

        req.container_name += MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX
        req.object_name = '%s/%s/%d' % (req.object_name, upload_id,

        req_timestamp = S3Timestamp.now()
        req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = req_timestamp.internal
        source_resp = req.check_copy_source(self.app)
        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers and \
                'X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range' in req.headers:
            rng = req.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range']

            header_valid = True
                rng_obj = Range(rng)
                if len(rng_obj.ranges) != 1:
                    header_valid = False
            except ValueError:
                header_valid = False
            if not header_valid:
                err_msg = ('The x-amz-copy-source-range value must be of the '
                           'form bytes=first-last where first and last are '
                           'the zero-based offsets of the first and last '
                           'bytes to copy')
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-source-range', rng, err_msg)

            source_size = int(source_resp.headers['Content-Length'])
            if not rng_obj.ranges_for_length(source_size):
                err_msg = ('Range specified is not valid for source object '
                           'of size: %s' % source_size)
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-source-range', rng, err_msg)

            req.headers['Range'] = rng
            del req.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range']
        resp = req.get_response(self.app)

        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers:

        resp.status = 200
        return resp