Пример #1
        def do_test(headers_out, expected):
            # write an async
            dfmanager = DiskFileManager(conf, daemon.logger)
            account, container, obj = 'a', 'c', 'o'
            op = 'PUT'
            data = {'op': op, 'account': account, 'container': container,
                    'obj': obj, 'headers': headers_out}
            dfmanager.pickle_async_update(self.sda1, account, container, obj,
                                          data, next(ts_iter), policies[0])

            request_log = []

            def capture(*args, **kwargs):
                request_log.append((args, kwargs))

            # run once
            fake_status_codes = [
                200,  # object update success
                200,  # object update success
                200,  # object update conflict
            with mocked_http_conn(*fake_status_codes, give_connect=capture):
            self.assertEqual(len(fake_status_codes), len(request_log))
            for request_args, request_kwargs in request_log:
                ip, part, method, path, headers, qs, ssl = request_args
                self.assertEqual(method, 'PUT')
                self.assertDictEqual(expected, headers)
                {'successes': 1, 'unlinks': 1, 'async_pendings': 1})
Пример #2
    def test_obj_put_async_updates(self):
        ts = (normalize_timestamp(t) for t in
        policy = random.choice(list(POLICIES))
        # setup updater
        conf = {
            'devices': self.devices_dir,
            'mount_check': 'false',
            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
        daemon = object_updater.ObjectUpdater(conf, logger=self.logger)
        async_dir = os.path.join(self.sda1, get_async_dir(policy))

        # write an async
        dfmanager = DiskFileManager(conf, daemon.logger)
        account, container, obj = 'a', 'c', 'o'
        op = 'PUT'
        headers_out = swob.HeaderKeyDict({
            'x-size': 0,
            'x-content-type': 'text/plain',
            'x-etag': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
            'x-timestamp': next(ts),
            'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': int(policy),
        data = {'op': op, 'account': account, 'container': container,
                'obj': obj, 'headers': headers_out}
        dfmanager.pickle_async_update(self.sda1, account, container, obj,
                                      data, next(ts), policy)

        request_log = []

        def capture(*args, **kwargs):
            request_log.append((args, kwargs))

        # run once
        fake_status_codes = [
            200,  # object update success
            200,  # object update success
            200,  # object update conflict
        with mocked_http_conn(*fake_status_codes, give_connect=capture):
        self.assertEqual(len(fake_status_codes), len(request_log))
        for request_args, request_kwargs in request_log:
            ip, part, method, path, headers, qs, ssl = request_args
            self.assertEqual(method, 'PUT')
                         {'successes': 1, 'unlinks': 1, 'async_pendings': 1})
Пример #3
    def test_obj_put_legacy_updates(self):
        ts = (normalize_timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time())))
        policy = POLICIES.get_by_index(0)
        # setup updater
        conf = {"devices": self.devices_dir, "mount_check": "false", "swift_dir": self.testdir}
        async_dir = os.path.join(self.sda1, get_async_dir(policy.idx))

        account, container, obj = "a", "c", "o"
        # write an async
        for op in ("PUT", "DELETE"):
            daemon = object_updater.ObjectUpdater(conf, logger=self.logger)
            dfmanager = DiskFileManager(conf, daemon.logger)
            # don't include storage-policy-index in headers_out pickle
            headers_out = swob.HeaderKeyDict(
                    "x-size": 0,
                    "x-content-type": "text/plain",
                    "x-etag": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                    "x-timestamp": ts.next(),
            data = {"op": op, "account": account, "container": container, "obj": obj, "headers": headers_out}
            dfmanager.pickle_async_update(self.sda1, account, container, obj, data, ts.next(), policy.idx)

            request_log = []

            def capture(*args, **kwargs):
                request_log.append((args, kwargs))

            # run once
            fake_status_codes = [200, 200, 200]
            with mocked_http_conn(*fake_status_codes, give_connect=capture):
            self.assertEqual(len(fake_status_codes), len(request_log))
            for request_args, request_kwargs in request_log:
                ip, part, method, path, headers, qs, ssl = request_args
                self.assertEqual(method, op)
                self.assertEqual(headers["X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index"], str(policy.idx))
            self.assertEqual(daemon.logger.get_increment_counts(), {"successes": 1, "unlinks": 1, "async_pendings": 1})
Пример #4
class ObjectController(object):
    """Implements the WSGI application for the Swift Object Server."""

    def __init__(self, conf, logger=None):
        Creates a new WSGI application for the Swift Object Server. An
        example configuration is given at
        <source-dir>/etc/object-server.conf-sample or
        self.logger = logger or get_logger(conf, log_route='object-server')
        self.node_timeout = int(conf.get('node_timeout', 3))
        self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get('conn_timeout', 0.5))
        self.client_timeout = int(conf.get('client_timeout', 60))
        self.disk_chunk_size = int(conf.get('disk_chunk_size', 65536))
        self.network_chunk_size = int(conf.get('network_chunk_size', 65536))
        self.log_requests = config_true_value(conf.get('log_requests', 'true'))
        self.max_upload_time = int(conf.get('max_upload_time', 86400))
        self.slow = int(conf.get('slow', 0))
        self.keep_cache_private = \
            config_true_value(conf.get('keep_cache_private', 'false'))
        replication_server = conf.get('replication_server', None)
        if replication_server is not None:
            replication_server = config_true_value(replication_server)
        self.replication_server = replication_server

        default_allowed_headers = '''
        extra_allowed_headers = [
            header.strip().lower() for header in conf.get(
                'allowed_headers', default_allowed_headers).split(',')
            if header.strip()
        self.allowed_headers = set()
        for header in extra_allowed_headers:
            if header not in DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META:
        self.expiring_objects_account = \
            (conf.get('auto_create_account_prefix') or '.') + \
            (conf.get('expiring_objects_account_name') or 'expiring_objects')
        self.expiring_objects_container_divisor = \
            int(conf.get('expiring_objects_container_divisor') or 86400)
        # Initialization was successful, so now apply the network chunk size
        # parameter as the default read / write buffer size for the network
        # sockets.
        # NOTE WELL: This is a class setting, so until we get set this on a
        # per-connection basis, this affects reading and writing on ALL
        # sockets, those between the proxy servers and external clients, and
        # those between the proxy servers and the other internal servers.
        # ** Because the primary motivation for this is to optimize how data
        # is written back to the proxy server, we could use the value from the
        # disk_chunk_size parameter. However, it affects all created sockets
        # using this class so we have chosen to tie it to the
        # network_chunk_size parameter value instead.
        socket._fileobject.default_bufsize = self.network_chunk_size

        # Provide further setup sepecific to an object server implemenation.

    def setup(self, conf):
        Implementation specific setup. This method is called at the very end
        by the constructor to allow a specific implementation to modify
        existing attributes or add its own attributes.

        :param conf: WSGI configuration parameter

        # Common on-disk hierarchy shared across account, container and object
        # servers.
        self._diskfile_mgr = DiskFileManager(conf, self.logger)
        # This is populated by global_conf_callback way below as the semaphore
        # is shared by all workers.
        if 'replication_semaphore' in conf:
            # The value was put in a list so it could get past paste
            self.replication_semaphore = conf['replication_semaphore'][0]
            self.replication_semaphore = None
        self.replication_failure_threshold = int(
            conf.get('replication_failure_threshold') or 100)
        self.replication_failure_ratio = float(
            conf.get('replication_failure_ratio') or 1.0)

    def get_diskfile(self, device, partition, account, container, obj,
        Utility method for instantiating a DiskFile object supporting a given
        REST API.

        An implementation of the object server that wants to use a different
        DiskFile class would simply over-ride this method to provide that
        return self._diskfile_mgr.get_diskfile(
            device, partition, account, container, obj, **kwargs)

    def async_update(self, op, account, container, obj, host, partition,
                     contdevice, headers_out, objdevice):
        Sends or saves an async update.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param host: host that the container is on
        :param partition: partition that the container is on
        :param contdevice: device name that the container is on
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        headers_out['user-agent'] = 'obj-server %s' % os.getpid()
        full_path = '/%s/%s/%s' % (account, container, obj)
        if all([host, partition, contdevice]):
                with ConnectionTimeout(self.conn_timeout):
                    ip, port = host.rsplit(':', 1)
                    conn = http_connect(ip, port, contdevice, partition, op,
                                        full_path, headers_out)
                with Timeout(self.node_timeout):
                    response = conn.getresponse()
                    if is_success(response.status):
                            'ERROR Container update failed '
                            '(saving for async update later): %(status)d '
                            'response from %(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s'),
                            {'status': response.status, 'ip': ip, 'port': port,
                             'dev': contdevice})
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    'ERROR container update failed with '
                    '%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s (saving for async update later)'),
                    {'ip': ip, 'port': port, 'dev': contdevice})
        data = {'op': op, 'account': account, 'container': container,
                'obj': obj, 'headers': headers_out}
        timestamp = headers_out['x-timestamp']
        self._diskfile_mgr.pickle_async_update(objdevice, account, container,
                                               obj, data, timestamp)

    def container_update(self, op, account, container, obj, request,
                         headers_out, objdevice):
        Update the container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request object driving the update
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        headers_in = request.headers
        conthosts = [h.strip() for h in
                     headers_in.get('X-Container-Host', '').split(',')]
        contdevices = [d.strip() for d in
                       headers_in.get('X-Container-Device', '').split(',')]
        contpartition = headers_in.get('X-Container-Partition', '')

        if len(conthosts) != len(contdevices):
            # This shouldn't happen unless there's a bug in the proxy,
            # but if there is, we want to know about it.
            self.logger.error(_('ERROR Container update failed: different  '
                                'numbers of hosts and devices in request: '
                                '"%s" vs "%s"') %
                               (headers_in.get('X-Container-Host', ''),
                                headers_in.get('X-Container-Device', '')))

        if contpartition:
            updates = zip(conthosts, contdevices)
            updates = []

        headers_out['x-trans-id'] = headers_in.get('x-trans-id', '-')
        headers_out['referer'] = request.as_referer()
        for conthost, contdevice in updates:
            self.async_update(op, account, container, obj, conthost,
                              contpartition, contdevice, headers_out,

    def delete_at_update(self, op, delete_at, account, container, obj,
                         request, objdevice):
        Update the expiring objects container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param delete_at: scheduled delete in UNIX seconds, int
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request driving the update
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        if config_true_value(
                request.headers.get('x-backend-replication', 'f')):
        delete_at = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(delete_at)
        updates = [(None, None)]

        partition = None
        hosts = contdevices = [None]
        headers_in = request.headers
        headers_out = HeaderKeyDict({
            'x-timestamp': headers_in['x-timestamp'],
            'x-trans-id': headers_in.get('x-trans-id', '-'),
            'referer': request.as_referer()})
        if op != 'DELETE':
            delete_at_container = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Container', None)
            if not delete_at_container:
                    'X-Delete-At-Container header must be specified for '
                    'expiring objects background %s to work properly. Making '
                    'best guess as to the container name for now.' % op)
                # TODO(gholt): In a future release, change the above warning to
                # a raised exception and remove the guess code below.
                delete_at_container = (
                    int(delete_at) / self.expiring_objects_container_divisor *
            partition = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Partition', None)
            hosts = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Host', '')
            contdevices = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Device', '')
            updates = [upd for upd in
                       zip((h.strip() for h in hosts.split(',')),
                           (c.strip() for c in contdevices.split(',')))
                       if all(upd) and partition]
            if not updates:
                updates = [(None, None)]
            headers_out['x-size'] = '0'
            headers_out['x-content-type'] = 'text/plain'
            headers_out['x-etag'] = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
            # DELETEs of old expiration data have no way of knowing what the
            # old X-Delete-At-Container was at the time of the initial setting
            # of the data, so a best guess is made here.
            # Worst case is a DELETE is issued now for something that doesn't
            # exist there and the original data is left where it is, where
            # it will be ignored when the expirer eventually tries to issue the
            # object DELETE later since the X-Delete-At value won't match up.
            delete_at_container = str(
                int(delete_at) / self.expiring_objects_container_divisor *
        delete_at_container = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(

        for host, contdevice in updates:
                op, self.expiring_objects_account, delete_at_container,
                '%s-%s/%s/%s' % (delete_at, account, container, obj),
                host, partition, contdevice, headers_out, objdevice)

    def POST(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP POST requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = \
            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)

        if 'x-timestamp' not in request.headers or \
                not check_float(request.headers['x-timestamp']):
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='Missing timestamp', request=request,
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='X-Delete-At in past', request=request,
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', '0')
        if orig_timestamp >= request.headers['x-timestamp']:
            return HTTPConflict(request=request)
        metadata = {'X-Timestamp': request.headers['x-timestamp']}
        metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems()
                        if is_user_meta('object', val[0]))
        for header_key in self.allowed_headers:
            if header_key in request.headers:
                header_caps = header_key.title()
                metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update('PUT', new_delete_at, account, container,
                                      obj, request, device)
            if orig_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update('DELETE', orig_delete_at, account,
                                      container, obj, request, device)
        return HTTPAccepted(request=request)

    def PUT(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP PUT requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = \
            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)

        if 'x-timestamp' not in request.headers or \
                not check_float(request.headers['x-timestamp']):
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='Missing timestamp', request=request,
        error_response = check_object_creation(request, obj)
        if error_response:
            return error_response
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='X-Delete-At in past', request=request,
            fsize = request.message_length()
        except ValueError as e:
            return HTTPBadRequest(body=str(e), request=request,
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_metadata = {}

        # Checks for If-None-Match
        if request.if_none_match is not None and orig_metadata:
            if '*' in request.if_none_match:
                # File exists already so return 412
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
            if orig_metadata.get('ETag') in request.if_none_match:
                # The current ETag matches, so return 412
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)

        orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp')
        if orig_timestamp and orig_timestamp >= request.headers['x-timestamp']:
            return HTTPConflict(request=request)
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        upload_expiration = time.time() + self.max_upload_time
        etag = md5()
        elapsed_time = 0
            with disk_file.create(size=fsize) as writer:
                upload_size = 0

                def timeout_reader():
                    with ChunkReadTimeout(self.client_timeout):
                        return request.environ['wsgi.input'].read(

                    for chunk in iter(lambda: timeout_reader(), ''):
                        start_time = time.time()
                        if start_time > upload_expiration:
                            return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)
                        upload_size = writer.write(chunk)
                        elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time
                except ChunkReadTimeout:
                    return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)
                if upload_size:
                        'PUT.' + device + '.timing', elapsed_time,
                if fsize is not None and fsize != upload_size:
                    return HTTPClientDisconnect(request=request)
                etag = etag.hexdigest()
                if 'etag' in request.headers and \
                        request.headers['etag'].lower() != etag:
                    return HTTPUnprocessableEntity(request=request)
                metadata = {
                    'X-Timestamp': request.headers['x-timestamp'],
                    'Content-Type': request.headers['content-type'],
                    'ETag': etag,
                    'Content-Length': str(upload_size),
                metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems()
                                if is_user_meta('object', val[0]))
                for header_key in (
                        request.headers.get('X-Backend-Replication-Headers') or
                    if header_key in request.headers:
                        header_caps = header_key.title()
                        metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
        except DiskFileNoSpace:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                    'PUT', new_delete_at, account, container, obj,
                    request, device)
            if orig_delete_at:
                    'DELETE', orig_delete_at, account, container, obj,
                    request, device)
            'PUT', account, container, obj, request,
                'x-size': metadata['Content-Length'],
                'x-content-type': metadata['Content-Type'],
                'x-timestamp': metadata['X-Timestamp'],
                'x-etag': metadata['ETag']}),
        return HTTPCreated(request=request, etag=etag)

    def GET(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP GET requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = \
            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)
        keep_cache = self.keep_cache_private or (
            'X-Auth-Token' not in request.headers and
            'X-Storage-Token' not in request.headers)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            with disk_file.open():
                metadata = disk_file.get_metadata()
                obj_size = int(metadata['Content-Length'])
                file_x_ts = metadata['X-Timestamp']
                file_x_ts_flt = float(file_x_ts)
                keep_cache = (self.keep_cache_private or
                              ('X-Auth-Token' not in request.headers and
                               'X-Storage-Token' not in request.headers))
                response = Response(
                    request=request, conditional_response=True)
                response.headers['Content-Type'] = metadata.get(
                    'Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
                for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
                    if is_user_meta('object', key) or \
                            key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                        response.headers[key] = value
                response.etag = metadata['ETag']
                response.last_modified = math.ceil(file_x_ts_flt)
                response.content_length = obj_size
                    response.content_encoding = metadata[
                except KeyError:
                response.headers['X-Timestamp'] = file_x_ts
                resp = request.get_response(response)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            resp = HTTPNotFound(request=request, conditional_response=True)
        return resp

    def HEAD(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP HEAD requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = \
            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request, conditional_response=True)
        response = Response(request=request, conditional_response=True)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = metadata.get(
            'Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
        for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
            if is_user_meta('object', key) or \
                    key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                response.headers[key] = value
        response.etag = metadata['ETag']
        ts = metadata['X-Timestamp']
        response.last_modified = math.ceil(float(ts))
        # Needed for container sync feature
        response.headers['X-Timestamp'] = ts
        response.content_length = int(metadata['Content-Length'])
            response.content_encoding = metadata['Content-Encoding']
        except KeyError:
        return response

    def DELETE(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP DELETE requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = \
            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)
        if 'x-timestamp' not in request.headers or \
                not check_float(request.headers['x-timestamp']):
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='Missing timestamp', request=request,
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileExpired as e:
            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp
            orig_metadata = e.metadata
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
        except DiskFileDeleted as e:
            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_timestamp = 0
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
            orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', 0)
            if orig_timestamp < request.headers['x-timestamp']:
                response_class = HTTPNoContent
                response_class = HTTPConflict
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
            req_if_delete_at_val = request.headers['x-if-delete-at']
            req_if_delete_at = int(req_if_delete_at_val)
        except KeyError:
        except ValueError:
            return HTTPBadRequest(
                body='Bad X-If-Delete-At header value')
            if orig_delete_at != req_if_delete_at:
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(
                    body='X-If-Delete-At and X-Delete-At do not match')
        if orig_delete_at:
            self.delete_at_update('DELETE', orig_delete_at, account,
                                  container, obj, request, device)
        req_timestamp = request.headers['X-Timestamp']
        if orig_timestamp < req_timestamp:
                'DELETE', account, container, obj, request,
                HeaderKeyDict({'x-timestamp': req_timestamp}),
        return response_class(request=request)

    def REPLICATE(self, request):
        Handle REPLICATE requests for the Swift Object Server.  This is used
        by the object replicator to get hashes for directories.
        device, partition, suffix = split_and_validate_path(
            request, 2, 3, True)
            hashes = self._diskfile_mgr.get_hashes(device, partition, suffix)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            resp = HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            resp = Response(body=pickle.dumps(hashes))
        return resp

    def REPLICATION(self, request):
        return Response(app_iter=ssync_receiver.Receiver(self, request)())

    def __call__(self, env, start_response):
        """WSGI Application entry point for the Swift Object Server."""
        start_time = time.time()
        req = Request(env)
        self.logger.txn_id = req.headers.get('x-trans-id', None)

        if not check_utf8(req.path_info):
            res = HTTPPreconditionFailed(body='Invalid UTF8 or contains NULL')
                # disallow methods which have not been marked 'public'
                    method = getattr(self, req.method)
                    getattr(method, 'publicly_accessible')
                    replication_method = getattr(method, 'replication', False)
                    if (self.replication_server is not None and
                            self.replication_server != replication_method):
                        raise AttributeError('Not allowed method.')
                except AttributeError:
                    res = HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
                    res = method(req)
            except DiskFileCollision:
                res = HTTPForbidden(request=req)
            except HTTPException as error_response:
                res = error_response
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    'ERROR __call__ error with %(method)s'
                    ' %(path)s '), {'method': req.method, 'path': req.path})
                res = HTTPInternalServerError(body=traceback.format_exc())
        trans_time = time.time() - start_time
        if self.log_requests:
            log_line = get_log_line(req, res, trans_time, '')
            if req.method in ('REPLICATE', 'REPLICATION') or \
                    'X-Backend-Replication' in req.headers:
        if req.method in ('PUT', 'DELETE'):
            slow = self.slow - trans_time
            if slow > 0:
        return res(env, start_response)
Пример #5
class ObjectController(BaseStorageServer):
    """Implements the WSGI application for the Swift Object Server."""

    def __init__(self, conf, logger=None):
        Creates a new WSGI application for the Swift Object Server. An
        example configuration is given at
        <source-dir>/etc/object-server.conf-sample or
        super(ObjectController, self).__init__(conf)
        self.logger = logger or get_logger(conf, log_route="object-server")
        self.node_timeout = int(conf.get("node_timeout", 3))
        self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get("conn_timeout", 0.5))
        self.client_timeout = int(conf.get("client_timeout", 60))
        self.disk_chunk_size = int(conf.get("disk_chunk_size", 65536))
        self.network_chunk_size = int(conf.get("network_chunk_size", 65536))
        self.log_requests = config_true_value(conf.get("log_requests", "true"))
        self.max_upload_time = int(conf.get("max_upload_time", 86400))
        self.slow = int(conf.get("slow", 0))
        self.keep_cache_private = config_true_value(conf.get("keep_cache_private", "false"))

        default_allowed_headers = """
        extra_allowed_headers = [
            for header in conf.get("allowed_headers", default_allowed_headers).split(",")
            if header.strip()
        self.allowed_headers = set()
        for header in extra_allowed_headers:
            if header not in DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META:
        self.auto_create_account_prefix = conf.get("auto_create_account_prefix") or "."
        self.expiring_objects_account = self.auto_create_account_prefix + (
            conf.get("expiring_objects_account_name") or "expiring_objects"
        self.expiring_objects_container_divisor = int(conf.get("expiring_objects_container_divisor") or 86400)
        # Initialization was successful, so now apply the network chunk size
        # parameter as the default read / write buffer size for the network
        # sockets.
        # NOTE WELL: This is a class setting, so until we get set this on a
        # per-connection basis, this affects reading and writing on ALL
        # sockets, those between the proxy servers and external clients, and
        # those between the proxy servers and the other internal servers.
        # ** Because the primary motivation for this is to optimize how data
        # is written back to the proxy server, we could use the value from the
        # disk_chunk_size parameter. However, it affects all created sockets
        # using this class so we have chosen to tie it to the
        # network_chunk_size parameter value instead.
        socket._fileobject.default_bufsize = self.network_chunk_size

        # Provide further setup specific to an object server implementation.

    def setup(self, conf):
        Implementation specific setup. This method is called at the very end
        by the constructor to allow a specific implementation to modify
        existing attributes or add its own attributes.

        :param conf: WSGI configuration parameter

        # Common on-disk hierarchy shared across account, container and object
        # servers.
        self._diskfile_mgr = DiskFileManager(conf, self.logger)
        # This is populated by global_conf_callback way below as the semaphore
        # is shared by all workers.
        if "replication_semaphore" in conf:
            # The value was put in a list so it could get past paste
            self.replication_semaphore = conf["replication_semaphore"][0]
            self.replication_semaphore = None
        self.replication_failure_threshold = int(conf.get("replication_failure_threshold") or 100)
        self.replication_failure_ratio = float(conf.get("replication_failure_ratio") or 1.0)

    def get_diskfile(self, device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx, **kwargs):
        Utility method for instantiating a DiskFile object supporting a given
        REST API.

        An implementation of the object server that wants to use a different
        DiskFile class would simply over-ride this method to provide that
        return self._diskfile_mgr.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx, **kwargs)

    def async_update(
        self, op, account, container, obj, host, partition, contdevice, headers_out, objdevice, policy_index
        Sends or saves an async update.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param host: host that the container is on
        :param partition: partition that the container is on
        :param contdevice: device name that the container is on
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        :param policy_index: the associated storage policy index
        headers_out["user-agent"] = "object-server %s" % os.getpid()
        full_path = "/%s/%s/%s" % (account, container, obj)
        if all([host, partition, contdevice]):
                with ConnectionTimeout(self.conn_timeout):
                    ip, port = host.rsplit(":", 1)
                    conn = http_connect(ip, port, contdevice, partition, op, full_path, headers_out)
                with Timeout(self.node_timeout):
                    response = conn.getresponse()
                    if is_success(response.status):
                                "ERROR Container update failed "
                                "(saving for async update later): %(status)d "
                                "response from %(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s"
                            {"status": response.status, "ip": ip, "port": port, "dev": contdevice},
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    _("ERROR container update failed with " "%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s (saving for async update later)"),
                    {"ip": ip, "port": port, "dev": contdevice},
        data = {"op": op, "account": account, "container": container, "obj": obj, "headers": headers_out}
        timestamp = headers_out["x-timestamp"]
        self._diskfile_mgr.pickle_async_update(objdevice, account, container, obj, data, timestamp, policy_index)

    def container_update(self, op, account, container, obj, request, headers_out, objdevice, policy_idx):
        Update the container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request object driving the update
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        headers_in = request.headers
        conthosts = [h.strip() for h in headers_in.get("X-Container-Host", "").split(",")]
        contdevices = [d.strip() for d in headers_in.get("X-Container-Device", "").split(",")]
        contpartition = headers_in.get("X-Container-Partition", "")

        if len(conthosts) != len(contdevices):
            # This shouldn't happen unless there's a bug in the proxy,
            # but if there is, we want to know about it.
                    "ERROR Container update failed: different "
                    "numbers of hosts and devices in request: "
                    '"%s" vs "%s"'
                % (headers_in.get("X-Container-Host", ""), headers_in.get("X-Container-Device", ""))

        if contpartition:
            updates = zip(conthosts, contdevices)
            updates = []

        headers_out["x-trans-id"] = headers_in.get("x-trans-id", "-")
        headers_out["referer"] = request.as_referer()
        headers_out["X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index"] = policy_idx
        for conthost, contdevice in updates:
                op, account, container, obj, conthost, contpartition, contdevice, headers_out, objdevice, policy_idx

    def delete_at_update(self, op, delete_at, account, container, obj, request, objdevice, policy_index):
        Update the expiring objects container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param delete_at: scheduled delete in UNIX seconds, int
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request driving the update
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        :param policy_index: the policy index to be used for tmp dir
        if config_true_value(request.headers.get("x-backend-replication", "f")):
        delete_at = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(delete_at)
        updates = [(None, None)]

        partition = None
        hosts = contdevices = [None]
        headers_in = request.headers
        headers_out = HeaderKeyDict(
                # system accounts are always Policy-0
                "X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index": 0,
                "x-timestamp": request.timestamp.internal,
                "x-trans-id": headers_in.get("x-trans-id", "-"),
                "referer": request.as_referer(),
        if op != "DELETE":
            delete_at_container = headers_in.get("X-Delete-At-Container", None)
            if not delete_at_container:
                    "X-Delete-At-Container header must be specified for "
                    "expiring objects background %s to work properly. Making "
                    "best guess as to the container name for now." % op
                # TODO(gholt): In a future release, change the above warning to
                # a raised exception and remove the guess code below.
                delete_at_container = get_expirer_container(
                    delete_at, self.expiring_objects_container_divisor, account, container, obj
            partition = headers_in.get("X-Delete-At-Partition", None)
            hosts = headers_in.get("X-Delete-At-Host", "")
            contdevices = headers_in.get("X-Delete-At-Device", "")
            updates = [
                for upd in zip((h.strip() for h in hosts.split(",")), (c.strip() for c in contdevices.split(",")))
                if all(upd) and partition
            if not updates:
                updates = [(None, None)]
            headers_out["x-size"] = "0"
            headers_out["x-content-type"] = "text/plain"
            headers_out["x-etag"] = "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
            # DELETEs of old expiration data have no way of knowing what the
            # old X-Delete-At-Container was at the time of the initial setting
            # of the data, so a best guess is made here.
            # Worst case is a DELETE is issued now for something that doesn't
            # exist there and the original data is left where it is, where
            # it will be ignored when the expirer eventually tries to issue the
            # object DELETE later since the X-Delete-At value won't match up.
            delete_at_container = get_expirer_container(
                delete_at, self.expiring_objects_container_divisor, account, container, obj
        delete_at_container = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(delete_at_container)

        for host, contdevice in updates:
                "%s-%s/%s/%s" % (delete_at, account, container, obj),

    def POST(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP POST requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(request)
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get("X-Delete-At") or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body="X-Delete-At in past", request=request, content_type="text/plain")
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx=policy_idx)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        orig_timestamp = Timestamp(orig_metadata.get("X-Timestamp", 0))
        if orig_timestamp >= req_timestamp:
            return HTTPConflict(request=request, headers={"X-Backend-Timestamp": orig_timestamp.internal})
        metadata = {"X-Timestamp": req_timestamp.internal}
        metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems() if is_user_meta("object", val[0]))
        for header_key in self.allowed_headers:
            if header_key in request.headers:
                header_caps = header_key.title()
                metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get("X-Delete-At") or 0)
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update("PUT", new_delete_at, account, container, obj, request, device, policy_idx)
            if orig_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update("DELETE", orig_delete_at, account, container, obj, request, device, policy_idx)
        except (DiskFileXattrNotSupported, DiskFileNoSpace):
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        return HTTPAccepted(request=request)

    def PUT(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP PUT requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(request)
        error_response = check_object_creation(request, obj)
        if error_response:
            return error_response
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get("X-Delete-At") or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body="X-Delete-At in past", request=request, content_type="text/plain")
            fsize = request.message_length()
        except ValueError as e:
            return HTTPBadRequest(body=str(e), request=request, content_type="text/plain")
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx=policy_idx)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_metadata = {}

        # Checks for If-None-Match
        if request.if_none_match is not None and orig_metadata:
            if "*" in request.if_none_match:
                # File exists already so return 412
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
            if orig_metadata.get("ETag") in request.if_none_match:
                # The current ETag matches, so return 412
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)

        orig_timestamp = Timestamp(orig_metadata.get("X-Timestamp", 0))
        if orig_timestamp >= req_timestamp:
            return HTTPConflict(request=request, headers={"X-Backend-Timestamp": orig_timestamp.internal})
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get("X-Delete-At") or 0)
        upload_expiration = time.time() + self.max_upload_time
        etag = md5()
        elapsed_time = 0
            with disk_file.create(size=fsize) as writer:
                upload_size = 0

                def timeout_reader():
                    with ChunkReadTimeout(self.client_timeout):
                        return request.environ["wsgi.input"].read(self.network_chunk_size)

                    for chunk in iter(lambda: timeout_reader(), ""):
                        start_time = time.time()
                        if start_time > upload_expiration:
                            return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)
                        upload_size = writer.write(chunk)
                        elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time
                except ChunkReadTimeout:
                    return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)
                if upload_size:
                    self.logger.transfer_rate("PUT." + device + ".timing", elapsed_time, upload_size)
                if fsize is not None and fsize != upload_size:
                    return HTTPClientDisconnect(request=request)
                etag = etag.hexdigest()
                if "etag" in request.headers and request.headers["etag"].lower() != etag:
                    return HTTPUnprocessableEntity(request=request)
                metadata = {
                    "X-Timestamp": request.timestamp.internal,
                    "Content-Type": request.headers["content-type"],
                    "ETag": etag,
                    "Content-Length": str(upload_size),
                metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems() if is_sys_or_user_meta("object", val[0]))
                headers_to_copy = request.headers.get("X-Backend-Replication-Headers", "").split() + list(
                for header_key in headers_to_copy:
                    if header_key in request.headers:
                        header_caps = header_key.title()
                        metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
        except (DiskFileXattrNotSupported, DiskFileNoSpace):
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update("PUT", new_delete_at, account, container, obj, request, device, policy_idx)
            if orig_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update("DELETE", orig_delete_at, account, container, obj, request, device, policy_idx)
                    "x-size": metadata["Content-Length"],
                    "x-content-type": metadata["Content-Type"],
                    "x-timestamp": metadata["X-Timestamp"],
                    "x-etag": metadata["ETag"],
        return HTTPCreated(request=request, etag=etag)

    def GET(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP GET requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        keep_cache = self.keep_cache_private or (
            "X-Auth-Token" not in request.headers and "X-Storage-Token" not in request.headers
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx=policy_idx)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            with disk_file.open():
                metadata = disk_file.get_metadata()
                obj_size = int(metadata["Content-Length"])
                file_x_ts = Timestamp(metadata["X-Timestamp"])
                keep_cache = self.keep_cache_private or (
                    "X-Auth-Token" not in request.headers and "X-Storage-Token" not in request.headers
                response = Response(
                    app_iter=disk_file.reader(keep_cache=keep_cache), request=request, conditional_response=True
                response.headers["Content-Type"] = metadata.get("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
                for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
                    if is_sys_or_user_meta("object", key) or key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                        response.headers[key] = value
                response.etag = metadata["ETag"]
                response.last_modified = math.ceil(float(file_x_ts))
                response.content_length = obj_size
                    response.content_encoding = metadata["Content-Encoding"]
                except KeyError:
                response.headers["X-Timestamp"] = file_x_ts.normal
                response.headers["X-Backend-Timestamp"] = file_x_ts.internal
                resp = request.get_response(response)
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined) as e:
            headers = {}
            if hasattr(e, "timestamp"):
                headers["X-Backend-Timestamp"] = e.timestamp.internal
            resp = HTTPNotFound(request=request, headers=headers, conditional_response=True)
        return resp

    def HEAD(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP HEAD requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx=policy_idx)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined) as e:
            headers = {}
            if hasattr(e, "timestamp"):
                headers["X-Backend-Timestamp"] = e.timestamp.internal
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request, headers=headers, conditional_response=True)
        response = Response(request=request, conditional_response=True)
        response.headers["Content-Type"] = metadata.get("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
        for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
            if is_sys_or_user_meta("object", key) or key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                response.headers[key] = value
        response.etag = metadata["ETag"]
        ts = Timestamp(metadata["X-Timestamp"])
        response.last_modified = math.ceil(float(ts))
        # Needed for container sync feature
        response.headers["X-Timestamp"] = ts.normal
        response.headers["X-Backend-Timestamp"] = ts.internal
        response.content_length = int(metadata["Content-Length"])
            response.content_encoding = metadata["Content-Encoding"]
        except KeyError:
        return response

    def DELETE(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP DELETE requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(request)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx=policy_idx)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except DiskFileExpired as e:
            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp
            orig_metadata = e.metadata
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
        except DiskFileDeleted as e:
            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_timestamp = 0
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
            orig_timestamp = Timestamp(orig_metadata.get("X-Timestamp", 0))
            if orig_timestamp < req_timestamp:
                response_class = HTTPNoContent
                response_class = HTTPConflict
        response_timestamp = max(orig_timestamp, req_timestamp)
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get("X-Delete-At") or 0)
            req_if_delete_at_val = request.headers["x-if-delete-at"]
            req_if_delete_at = int(req_if_delete_at_val)
        except KeyError:
        except ValueError:
            return HTTPBadRequest(request=request, body="Bad X-If-Delete-At header value")
            # request includes x-if-delete-at; we must not place a tombstone
            # if we can not verify the x-if-delete-at time
            if not orig_timestamp:
                # no object found at all
                return HTTPNotFound()
            if orig_delete_at != req_if_delete_at:
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request, body="X-If-Delete-At and X-Delete-At do not match")
                # differentiate success from no object at all
                response_class = HTTPNoContent
        if orig_delete_at:
            self.delete_at_update("DELETE", orig_delete_at, account, container, obj, request, device, policy_idx)
        if orig_timestamp < req_timestamp:
                HeaderKeyDict({"x-timestamp": req_timestamp.internal}),
        return response_class(request=request, headers={"X-Backend-Timestamp": response_timestamp.internal})

    def REPLICATE(self, request):
        Handle REPLICATE requests for the Swift Object Server.  This is used
        by the object replicator to get hashes for directories.
        device, partition, suffix, policy_idx = get_name_and_placement(request, 2, 3, True)
            hashes = self._diskfile_mgr.get_hashes(device, partition, suffix, policy_idx)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            resp = HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            resp = Response(body=pickle.dumps(hashes))
        return resp

    def REPLICATION(self, request):
        return Response(app_iter=ssync_receiver.Receiver(self, request)())

    def __call__(self, env, start_response):
        """WSGI Application entry point for the Swift Object Server."""
        start_time = time.time()
        req = Request(env)
        self.logger.txn_id = req.headers.get("x-trans-id", None)

        if not check_utf8(req.path_info):
            res = HTTPPreconditionFailed(body="Invalid UTF8 or contains NULL")
                # disallow methods which have not been marked 'public'
                    if req.method not in self.allowed_methods:
                        raise AttributeError("Not allowed method.")
                except AttributeError:
                    res = HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
                    method = getattr(self, req.method)
                    res = method(req)
            except DiskFileCollision:
                res = HTTPForbidden(request=req)
            except HTTPException as error_response:
                res = error_response
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    _("ERROR __call__ error with %(method)s" " %(path)s "), {"method": req.method, "path": req.path}
                res = HTTPInternalServerError(body=traceback.format_exc())
        trans_time = time.time() - start_time
        if self.log_requests:
            log_line = get_log_line(req, res, trans_time, "")
            if req.method in ("REPLICATE", "REPLICATION") or "X-Backend-Replication" in req.headers:
        if req.method in ("PUT", "DELETE"):
            slow = self.slow - trans_time
            if slow > 0:

        # To be able to zero-copy send the object, we need a few things.
        # First, we have to be responding successfully to a GET, or else we're
        # not sending the object. Second, we have to be able to extract the
        # socket file descriptor from the WSGI input object. Third, the
        # diskfile has to support zero-copy send.
        # There's a good chance that this could work for 206 responses too,
        # but the common case is sending the whole object, so we'll start
        # there.
        if req.method == "GET" and res.status_int == 200 and isinstance(env["wsgi.input"], wsgi.Input):
            app_iter = getattr(res, "app_iter", None)
            checker = getattr(app_iter, "can_zero_copy_send", None)
            if checker and checker():
                # For any kind of zero-copy thing like sendfile or splice, we
                # need the file descriptor. Eventlet doesn't provide a clean
                # way of getting that, so we resort to this.
                wsock = env["wsgi.input"].get_socket()
                wsockfd = wsock.fileno()

                # Don't call zero_copy_send() until after we force the HTTP
                # headers out of Eventlet and into the socket.
                def zero_copy_iter():
                    # If possible, set TCP_CORK so that headers don't
                    # immediately go on the wire, but instead, wait for some
                    # response body to make the TCP frames as large as
                    # possible (and hence as few packets as possible).
                    # On non-Linux systems, we might consider TCP_NODELAY, but
                    # since the only known zero-copy-capable diskfile uses
                    # Linux-specific syscalls, we'll defer that work until
                    # someone needs it.
                    if hasattr(socket, "TCP_CORK"):
                        wsock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_CORK, 1)
                    yield EventletPlungerString()
                    except Exception:
                        self.logger.exception("zero_copy_send() blew up")
                    yield ""

                # Get headers ready to go out
                res(env, start_response)
                return zero_copy_iter()
                return res(env, start_response)
            return res(env, start_response)
Пример #6
class ObjectController(BaseStorageServer):
    """Implements the WSGI application for the Swift Object Server."""

    server_type = 'object-server'

    def __init__(self, conf, logger=None):
        Creates a new WSGI application for the Swift Object Server. An
        example configuration is given at
        <source-dir>/etc/object-server.conf-sample or
        super(ObjectController, self).__init__(conf)
        self.logger = logger or get_logger(conf, log_route='object-server')
        self.node_timeout = int(conf.get('node_timeout', 3))
        self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get('conn_timeout', 0.5))
        self.client_timeout = int(conf.get('client_timeout', 60))
        self.disk_chunk_size = int(conf.get('disk_chunk_size', 65536))
        self.network_chunk_size = int(conf.get('network_chunk_size', 65536))
        self.log_requests = config_true_value(conf.get('log_requests', 'true'))
        self.max_upload_time = int(conf.get('max_upload_time', 86400))
        self.slow = int(conf.get('slow', 0))
        self.keep_cache_private = \
            config_true_value(conf.get('keep_cache_private', 'false'))

        default_allowed_headers = '''
        extra_allowed_headers = [
            header.strip().lower() for header in conf.get(
                'allowed_headers', default_allowed_headers).split(',')
            if header.strip()
        self.allowed_headers = set()
        for header in extra_allowed_headers:
            if header not in DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META:
        self.auto_create_account_prefix = \
            conf.get('auto_create_account_prefix') or '.'
        self.expiring_objects_account = self.auto_create_account_prefix + \
            (conf.get('expiring_objects_account_name') or 'expiring_objects')
        self.expiring_objects_container_divisor = \
            int(conf.get('expiring_objects_container_divisor') or 86400)
        # Initialization was successful, so now apply the network chunk size
        # parameter as the default read / write buffer size for the network
        # sockets.
        # NOTE WELL: This is a class setting, so until we get set this on a
        # per-connection basis, this affects reading and writing on ALL
        # sockets, those between the proxy servers and external clients, and
        # those between the proxy servers and the other internal servers.
        # ** Because the primary motivation for this is to optimize how data
        # is written back to the proxy server, we could use the value from the
        # disk_chunk_size parameter. However, it affects all created sockets
        # using this class so we have chosen to tie it to the
        # network_chunk_size parameter value instead.
        socket._fileobject.default_bufsize = self.network_chunk_size

        # Provide further setup specific to an object server implementation.

    def setup(self, conf):
        Implementation specific setup. This method is called at the very end
        by the constructor to allow a specific implementation to modify
        existing attributes or add its own attributes.

        :param conf: WSGI configuration parameter

        # Common on-disk hierarchy shared across account, container and object
        # servers.
        self._diskfile_mgr = DiskFileManager(conf, self.logger)
        # This is populated by global_conf_callback way below as the semaphore
        # is shared by all workers.
        if 'replication_semaphore' in conf:
            # The value was put in a list so it could get past paste
            self.replication_semaphore = conf['replication_semaphore'][0]
            self.replication_semaphore = None
        self.replication_failure_threshold = int(
            conf.get('replication_failure_threshold') or 100)
        self.replication_failure_ratio = float(
            conf.get('replication_failure_ratio') or 1.0)

    def get_diskfile(self, device, partition, account, container, obj,
                     policy_idx, **kwargs):
        Utility method for instantiating a DiskFile object supporting a given
        REST API.

        An implementation of the object server that wants to use a different
        DiskFile class would simply over-ride this method to provide that
        return self._diskfile_mgr.get_diskfile(
            device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx, **kwargs)

    def async_update(self, op, account, container, obj, host, partition,
                     contdevice, headers_out, objdevice, policy_index):
        Sends or saves an async update.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param host: host that the container is on
        :param partition: partition that the container is on
        :param contdevice: device name that the container is on
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        :param policy_index: the associated storage policy index
        headers_out['user-agent'] = 'object-server %s' % os.getpid()
        full_path = '/%s/%s/%s' % (account, container, obj)
        if all([host, partition, contdevice]):
                with ConnectionTimeout(self.conn_timeout):
                    ip, port = host.rsplit(':', 1)
                    conn = http_connect(ip, port, contdevice, partition, op,
                                        full_path, headers_out)
                with Timeout(self.node_timeout):
                    response = conn.getresponse()
                    if is_success(response.status):
                            'ERROR Container update failed '
                            '(saving for async update later): %(status)d '
                            'response from %(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s'),
                            {'status': response.status, 'ip': ip, 'port': port,
                             'dev': contdevice})
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    'ERROR container update failed with '
                    '%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s (saving for async update later)'),
                    {'ip': ip, 'port': port, 'dev': contdevice})
        data = {'op': op, 'account': account, 'container': container,
                'obj': obj, 'headers': headers_out}
        timestamp = headers_out['x-timestamp']
        self._diskfile_mgr.pickle_async_update(objdevice, account, container,
                                               obj, data, timestamp,

    def container_update(self, op, account, container, obj, request,
                         headers_out, objdevice, policy_idx):
        Update the container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request object driving the update
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        headers_in = request.headers
        conthosts = [h.strip() for h in
                     headers_in.get('X-Container-Host', '').split(',')]
        contdevices = [d.strip() for d in
                       headers_in.get('X-Container-Device', '').split(',')]
        contpartition = headers_in.get('X-Container-Partition', '')

        if len(conthosts) != len(contdevices):
            # This shouldn't happen unless there's a bug in the proxy,
            # but if there is, we want to know about it.
            self.logger.error(_('ERROR Container update failed: different '
                                'numbers of hosts and devices in request: '
                                '"%s" vs "%s"') %
                               (headers_in.get('X-Container-Host', ''),
                                headers_in.get('X-Container-Device', '')))

        if contpartition:
            updates = zip(conthosts, contdevices)
            updates = []

        headers_out['x-trans-id'] = headers_in.get('x-trans-id', '-')
        headers_out['referer'] = request.as_referer()
        headers_out['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = policy_idx
        for conthost, contdevice in updates:
            self.async_update(op, account, container, obj, conthost,
                              contpartition, contdevice, headers_out,
                              objdevice, policy_idx)

    def delete_at_update(self, op, delete_at, account, container, obj,
                         request, objdevice, policy_index):
        Update the expiring objects container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param delete_at: scheduled delete in UNIX seconds, int
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request driving the update
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        :param policy_index: the policy index to be used for tmp dir
        if config_true_value(
                request.headers.get('x-backend-replication', 'f')):
        delete_at = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(delete_at)
        updates = [(None, None)]

        partition = None
        hosts = contdevices = [None]
        headers_in = request.headers
        headers_out = HeaderKeyDict({
            # system accounts are always Policy-0
            'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0,
            'x-timestamp': request.timestamp.internal,
            'x-trans-id': headers_in.get('x-trans-id', '-'),
            'referer': request.as_referer()})
        if op != 'DELETE':
            delete_at_container = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Container', None)
            if not delete_at_container:
                    'X-Delete-At-Container header must be specified for '
                    'expiring objects background %s to work properly. Making '
                    'best guess as to the container name for now.' % op)
                # TODO(gholt): In a future release, change the above warning to
                # a raised exception and remove the guess code below.
                delete_at_container = get_expirer_container(
                    delete_at, self.expiring_objects_container_divisor,
                    account, container, obj)
            partition = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Partition', None)
            hosts = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Host', '')
            contdevices = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Device', '')
            updates = [upd for upd in
                       zip((h.strip() for h in hosts.split(',')),
                           (c.strip() for c in contdevices.split(',')))
                       if all(upd) and partition]
            if not updates:
                updates = [(None, None)]
            headers_out['x-size'] = '0'
            headers_out['x-content-type'] = 'text/plain'
            headers_out['x-etag'] = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
            # DELETEs of old expiration data have no way of knowing what the
            # old X-Delete-At-Container was at the time of the initial setting
            # of the data, so a best guess is made here.
            # Worst case is a DELETE is issued now for something that doesn't
            # exist there and the original data is left where it is, where
            # it will be ignored when the expirer eventually tries to issue the
            # object DELETE later since the X-Delete-At value won't match up.
            delete_at_container = get_expirer_container(
                delete_at, self.expiring_objects_container_divisor,
                account, container, obj)
        delete_at_container = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(

        for host, contdevice in updates:
                op, self.expiring_objects_account, delete_at_container,
                '%s-%s/%s/%s' % (delete_at, account, container, obj),
                host, partition, contdevice, headers_out, objdevice,

    def POST(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP POST requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(request)
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='X-Delete-At in past', request=request,
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        orig_timestamp = Timestamp(orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', 0))
        if orig_timestamp >= req_timestamp:
            return HTTPConflict(
                headers={'X-Backend-Timestamp': orig_timestamp.internal})
        metadata = {'X-Timestamp': req_timestamp.internal}
        metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems()
                        if is_user_meta('object', val[0]))
        for header_key in self.allowed_headers:
            if header_key in request.headers:
                header_caps = header_key.title()
                metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update('PUT', new_delete_at, account, container,
                                      obj, request, device, policy_idx)
            if orig_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update('DELETE', orig_delete_at, account,
                                      container, obj, request, device,
        except (DiskFileXattrNotSupported, DiskFileNoSpace):
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        return HTTPAccepted(request=request)

    def PUT(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP PUT requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("A = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/spawn.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("At PUT  Datetime ="+str(datetime.now())+" \n")
	device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(request)
        error_response = check_object_creation(request, obj)
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("B = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")
        if error_response:
            return error_response
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='X-Delete-At in past', request=request,
            fsize = request.message_length()
        except ValueError as e:
            return HTTPBadRequest(body=str(e), request=request,
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("C = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("D = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_metadata = {}
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("E = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")

        # Checks for If-None-Match
        if request.if_none_match is not None and orig_metadata:
            if '*' in request.if_none_match:
                # File exists already so return 412
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
            if orig_metadata.get('ETag') in request.if_none_match:
                # The current ETag matches, so return 412
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)

        orig_timestamp = Timestamp(orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', 0))
        if orig_timestamp >= req_timestamp:
            return HTTPConflict(
                headers={'X-Backend-Timestamp': orig_timestamp.internal})
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        upload_expiration = time.time() + self.max_upload_time
        etag = md5()
        elapsed_time = 0
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("F = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")
            with disk_file.create(size=fsize) as writer:
                upload_size = 0

                def timeout_reader():
                    with ChunkReadTimeout(self.client_timeout):
                        return request.environ['wsgi.input'].read(

                    for chunk in iter(lambda: timeout_reader(), ''):
                        start_time = time.time()
                        if start_time > upload_expiration:
                            return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)
                        upload_size = writer.write(chunk)
                        elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time
                except ChunkReadTimeout:
                    return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)
                #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
                #   tran_file.write("G = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")
                if upload_size:
                        'PUT.' + device + '.timing', elapsed_time,
                if fsize is not None and fsize != upload_size:
                    return HTTPClientDisconnect(request=request)
                etag = etag.hexdigest()
                if 'etag' in request.headers and \
                        request.headers['etag'].lower() != etag:
                    return HTTPUnprocessableEntity(request=request)
                metadata = {
                    'X-Timestamp': request.timestamp.internal,
                    'Content-Type': request.headers['content-type'],
                    'ETag': etag,
                    'Content-Length': str(upload_size),
                metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems()
                                if is_sys_or_user_meta('object', val[0]))
                headers_to_copy = (
                        'X-Backend-Replication-Headers', '').split() +
                for header_key in headers_to_copy:
                    if header_key in request.headers:
                        header_caps = header_key.title()
                        metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
                #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
                #    tran_file.write("H = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")
                #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
                #    tran_file.write("I = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")
        except (DiskFileXattrNotSupported, DiskFileNoSpace):
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("J = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                    'PUT', new_delete_at, account, container, obj, request,
                    device, policy_idx)
            if orig_delete_at:
                    'DELETE', orig_delete_at, account, container, obj,
                    request, device, policy_idx)
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("K = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")
            'PUT', account, container, obj, request,
                'x-size': metadata['Content-Length'],
                'x-content-type': metadata['Content-Type'],
                'x-timestamp': metadata['X-Timestamp'],
                'x-etag': metadata['ETag']}),
            device, policy_idx)
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("L = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"***")
	#with open("/home/ubuntu/obj_create.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("Started = "+str(datetime.now())+"\n")
	#for a in range(a, num):
    	#    if a % num == 0:
        #	print('not prime')
        #	break
	#else: # loop not exited via break
   	#    print('prime')
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/obj_create.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("Stopped = "+str(datetime.now())+"\n")
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/WSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("Total PUT duration of obj = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(b)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"\n")
        return HTTPCreated(request=request, etag=etag)

    def GET(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP GET requests for the Swift Object Server."""
	#with open("/home/ubuntu/spawn-read.txt", "a") as tran_file:
    	#    tran_file.write("At Read Start Datetime = "+str(datetime.now())+"\n")
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        keep_cache = self.keep_cache_private or (
            'X-Auth-Token' not in request.headers and
            'X-Storage-Token' not in request.headers)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            with disk_file.open():
                metadata = disk_file.get_metadata()
                obj_size = int(metadata['Content-Length'])
                file_x_ts = Timestamp(metadata['X-Timestamp'])
                keep_cache = (self.keep_cache_private or
                              ('X-Auth-Token' not in request.headers and
                               'X-Storage-Token' not in request.headers))
                response = Response(
                    request=request, conditional_response=True)
                response.headers['Content-Type'] = metadata.get(
                    'Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
                for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
                    if is_sys_or_user_meta('object', key) or \
                            key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                        response.headers[key] = value
                response.etag = metadata['ETag']
                response.last_modified = math.ceil(float(file_x_ts))
                response.content_length = obj_size
                    response.content_encoding = metadata[
                except KeyError:
                response.headers['X-Timestamp'] = file_x_ts.normal
                response.headers['X-Backend-Timestamp'] = file_x_ts.internal
                resp = request.get_response(response)
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined) as e:
            headers = {}
            if hasattr(e, 'timestamp'):
                headers['X-Backend-Timestamp'] = e.timestamp.internal
            resp = HTTPNotFound(request=request, headers=headers,
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/spawn-read.txt", "a") as tran_file:
    	#    tran_file.write("At Read Delay start  Datetime = "+str(datetime.now())+"\n")
	#for a in range(a, num):
    	#    if a % num == 0:
        #	print('not prime')
        #	break
	#    else: # loop not exited via break
    	#	print('prime')
	#with open("/home/ubuntu/spawn-read.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("At Read End  Datetime = "+str(datetime.now())+"\n")
        #with open("/home/ubuntu/RSTORAGE.txt", "a") as tran_file:
        #    tran_file.write("Total GET duration of obj = "+str(request.path)+"="+str(b)+"="+str(datetime.now())+"\n")
	return resp

    def HEAD(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP HEAD requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined) as e:
            headers = {}
            if hasattr(e, 'timestamp'):
                headers['X-Backend-Timestamp'] = e.timestamp.internal
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request, headers=headers,
        response = Response(request=request, conditional_response=True)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = metadata.get(
            'Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
        for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
            if is_sys_or_user_meta('object', key) or \
                    key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                response.headers[key] = value
        response.etag = metadata['ETag']
        ts = Timestamp(metadata['X-Timestamp'])
        response.last_modified = math.ceil(float(ts))
        # Needed for container sync feature
        response.headers['X-Timestamp'] = ts.normal
        response.headers['X-Backend-Timestamp'] = ts.internal
        response.content_length = int(metadata['Content-Length'])
            response.content_encoding = metadata['Content-Encoding']
        except KeyError:
        return response

    def DELETE(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP DELETE requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(request)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except DiskFileExpired as e:
            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp
            orig_metadata = e.metadata
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
        except DiskFileDeleted as e:
            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_timestamp = 0
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
            orig_timestamp = Timestamp(orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', 0))
            if orig_timestamp < req_timestamp:
                response_class = HTTPNoContent
                response_class = HTTPConflict
        response_timestamp = max(orig_timestamp, req_timestamp)
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
            req_if_delete_at_val = request.headers['x-if-delete-at']
            req_if_delete_at = int(req_if_delete_at_val)
        except KeyError:
        except ValueError:
            return HTTPBadRequest(
                body='Bad X-If-Delete-At header value')
            # request includes x-if-delete-at; we must not place a tombstone
            # if we can not verify the x-if-delete-at time
            if not orig_timestamp:
                # no object found at all
                return HTTPNotFound()
            if orig_delete_at != req_if_delete_at:
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(
                    body='X-If-Delete-At and X-Delete-At do not match')
                # differentiate success from no object at all
                response_class = HTTPNoContent
        if orig_delete_at:
            self.delete_at_update('DELETE', orig_delete_at, account,
                                  container, obj, request, device,
        if orig_timestamp < req_timestamp:
                'DELETE', account, container, obj, request,
                HeaderKeyDict({'x-timestamp': req_timestamp.internal}),
                device, policy_idx)
        return response_class(
            headers={'X-Backend-Timestamp': response_timestamp.internal})

    def REPLICATE(self, request):
        Handle REPLICATE requests for the Swift Object Server.  This is used
        by the object replicator to get hashes for directories.
        device, partition, suffix, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 2, 3, True)
            hashes = self._diskfile_mgr.get_hashes(device, partition, suffix,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            resp = HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            resp = Response(body=pickle.dumps(hashes))
        return resp

    def REPLICATION(self, request):
        return Response(app_iter=ssync_receiver.Receiver(self, request)())

    def __call__(self, env, start_response):
        """WSGI Application entry point for the Swift Object Server."""
        with open("/home/ubuntu/spawn.txt", "a") as tran_file:
    	    tran_file.write("At Start Datetime = "+str(datetime.now())+"\n")
	start_time = time.time()
        req = Request(env)
        self.logger.txn_id = req.headers.get('x-trans-id', None)

        if not check_utf8(req.path_info):
            res = HTTPPreconditionFailed(body='Invalid UTF8 or contains NULL')
                # disallow methods which have not been marked 'public'
                    if req.method not in self.allowed_methods:
                        raise AttributeError('Not allowed method.')
                except AttributeError:
                    res = HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
                    method = getattr(self, req.method)
                    res = method(req)
            except DiskFileCollision:
                res = HTTPForbidden(request=req)
            except HTTPException as error_response:
                res = error_response
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    'ERROR __call__ error with %(method)s'
                    ' %(path)s '), {'method': req.method, 'path': req.path})
                res = HTTPInternalServerError(body=traceback.format_exc())
        trans_time = time.time() - start_time
        if self.log_requests:
            log_line = get_log_line(req, res, trans_time, '')
            if req.method in ('REPLICATE', 'REPLICATION') or \
                    'X-Backend-Replication' in req.headers:
        if req.method in ('PUT', 'DELETE'):
            slow = self.slow - trans_time
	    with open("/home/ubuntu/spawn.txt", "a") as tran_file:
    		tran_file.write("Before slow check  Datetime = "+str(datetime.now())+" Slow="+str(slow)+"\n")
            if slow > 0:

        # To be able to zero-copy send the object, we need a few things.
        # First, we have to be responding successfully to a GET, or else we're
        # not sending the object. Second, we have to be able to extract the
        # socket file descriptor from the WSGI input object. Third, the
        # diskfile has to support zero-copy send.
        # There's a good chance that this could work for 206 responses too,
        # but the common case is sending the whole object, so we'll start
        # there.
        if req.method == 'GET' and res.status_int == 200 and \
           isinstance(env['wsgi.input'], wsgi.Input):
            app_iter = getattr(res, 'app_iter', None)
            checker = getattr(app_iter, 'can_zero_copy_send', None)
            if checker and checker():
                # For any kind of zero-copy thing like sendfile or splice, we
                # need the file descriptor. Eventlet doesn't provide a clean
                # way of getting that, so we resort to this.
                wsock = env['wsgi.input'].get_socket()
                wsockfd = wsock.fileno()

                # Don't call zero_copy_send() until after we force the HTTP
                # headers out of Eventlet and into the socket.
                def zero_copy_iter():
                    # If possible, set TCP_CORK so that headers don't
                    # immediately go on the wire, but instead, wait for some
                    # response body to make the TCP frames as large as
                    # possible (and hence as few packets as possible).
                    # On non-Linux systems, we might consider TCP_NODELAY, but
                    # since the only known zero-copy-capable diskfile uses
                    # Linux-specific syscalls, we'll defer that work until
                    # someone needs it.
                    if hasattr(socket, 'TCP_CORK'):
                                         socket.TCP_CORK, 1)
                    yield EventletPlungerString()
                    except Exception:
                        self.logger.exception("zero_copy_send() blew up")
                    yield ''

                # Get headers ready to go out
                res(env, start_response)
                return zero_copy_iter()
                return res(env, start_response)
            return res(env, start_response)
Пример #7
class ObjectController(object):
    """Implements the WSGI application for the Swift Object Server."""

    def __init__(self, conf, logger=None):
        Creates a new WSGI application for the Swift Object Server. An
        example configuration is given at
        <source-dir>/etc/object-server.conf-sample or
        self.logger = logger or get_logger(conf, log_route="object-server")
        self.node_timeout = int(conf.get("node_timeout", 3))
        self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get("conn_timeout", 0.5))
        self.client_timeout = int(conf.get("client_timeout", 60))
        self.disk_chunk_size = int(conf.get("disk_chunk_size", 65536))
        self.network_chunk_size = int(conf.get("network_chunk_size", 65536))
        self.log_requests = config_true_value(conf.get("log_requests", "true"))
        self.max_upload_time = int(conf.get("max_upload_time", 86400))
        self.slow = int(conf.get("slow", 0))
        self.keep_cache_private = config_true_value(conf.get("keep_cache_private", "false"))
        replication_server = conf.get("replication_server", None)
        if replication_server is not None:
            replication_server = config_true_value(replication_server)
        self.replication_server = replication_server

        default_allowed_headers = """
        extra_allowed_headers = [
            for header in conf.get("allowed_headers", default_allowed_headers).split(",")
            if header.strip()
        self.allowed_headers = set()
        for header in extra_allowed_headers:
            if header not in DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META:
        self.expiring_objects_account = (conf.get("auto_create_account_prefix") or ".") + "expiring_objects"
        self.expiring_objects_container_divisor = int(conf.get("expiring_objects_container_divisor") or 86400)
        # Initialization was successful, so now apply the network chunk size
        # parameter as the default read / write buffer size for the network
        # sockets.
        # NOTE WELL: This is a class setting, so until we get set this on a
        # per-connection basis, this affects reading and writing on ALL
        # sockets, those between the proxy servers and external clients, and
        # those between the proxy servers and the other internal servers.
        # ** Because the primary motivation for this is to optimize how data
        # is written back to the proxy server, we could use the value from the
        # disk_chunk_size parameter. However, it affects all created sockets
        # using this class so we have chosen to tie it to the
        # network_chunk_size parameter value instead.
        socket._fileobject.default_bufsize = self.network_chunk_size

        # Provide further setup sepecific to an object server implemenation.

    def setup(self, conf):
        Implementation specific setup. This method is called at the very end
        by the constructor to allow a specific implementation to modify
        existing attributes or add its own attributes.

        :param conf: WSGI configuration parameter

        # Common on-disk hierarchy shared across account, container and object
        # servers.
        self._diskfile_mgr = DiskFileManager(conf, self.logger)
        # This is populated by global_conf_callback way below as the semaphore
        # is shared by all workers.
        if "replication_semaphore" in conf:
            # The value was put in a list so it could get past paste
            self.replication_semaphore = conf["replication_semaphore"][0]
            self.replication_semaphore = None
        self.replication_failure_threshold = int(conf.get("replication_failure_threshold") or 100)
        self.replication_failure_ratio = float(conf.get("replication_failure_ratio") or 1.0)

    def get_diskfile(self, device, partition, account, container, obj, **kwargs):
        Utility method for instantiating a DiskFile object supporting a given
        REST API.

        An implementation of the object server that wants to use a different
        DiskFile class would simply over-ride this method to provide that
        return self._diskfile_mgr.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj, **kwargs)

    def async_update(self, op, account, container, obj, host, partition, contdevice, headers_out, objdevice):
        Sends or saves an async update.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param host: host that the container is on
        :param partition: partition that the container is on
        :param contdevice: device name that the container is on
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        headers_out["user-agent"] = "obj-server %s" % os.getpid()
        full_path = "/%s/%s/%s" % (account, container, obj)
        if all([host, partition, contdevice]):
                with ConnectionTimeout(self.conn_timeout):
                    ip, port = host.rsplit(":", 1)
                    conn = http_connect(ip, port, contdevice, partition, op, full_path, headers_out)
                with Timeout(self.node_timeout):
                    response = conn.getresponse()
                    if is_success(response.status):
                                "ERROR Container update failed "
                                "(saving for async update later): %(status)d "
                                "response from %(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s"
                            {"status": response.status, "ip": ip, "port": port, "dev": contdevice},
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    _("ERROR container update failed with " "%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s (saving for async update later)"),
                    {"ip": ip, "port": port, "dev": contdevice},
        data = {"op": op, "account": account, "container": container, "obj": obj, "headers": headers_out}
        timestamp = headers_out["x-timestamp"]
        self._diskfile_mgr.pickle_async_update(objdevice, account, container, obj, data, timestamp)

    def container_update(self, op, account, container, obj, request, headers_out, objdevice):
        Update the container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request object driving the update
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        headers_in = request.headers
        conthosts = [h.strip() for h in headers_in.get("X-Container-Host", "").split(",")]
        contdevices = [d.strip() for d in headers_in.get("X-Container-Device", "").split(",")]
        contpartition = headers_in.get("X-Container-Partition", "")

        if len(conthosts) != len(contdevices):
            # This shouldn't happen unless there's a bug in the proxy,
            # but if there is, we want to know about it.
                    "ERROR Container update failed: different  "
                    "numbers of hosts and devices in request: "
                    '"%s" vs "%s"'
                % (headers_in.get("X-Container-Host", ""), headers_in.get("X-Container-Device", ""))

        if contpartition:
            updates = zip(conthosts, contdevices)
            updates = []

        headers_out["x-trans-id"] = headers_in.get("x-trans-id", "-")
        headers_out["referer"] = request.as_referer()
        for conthost, contdevice in updates:
            self.async_update(op, account, container, obj, conthost, contpartition, contdevice, headers_out, objdevice)

    def delete_at_update(self, op, delete_at, account, container, obj, request, objdevice):
        Update the expiring objects container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param delete_at: scheduled delete in UNIX seconds, int
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request driving the update
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        if config_true_value(request.headers.get("x-backend-replication", "f")):
        delete_at = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(delete_at)
        updates = [(None, None)]

        partition = None
        hosts = contdevices = [None]
        headers_in = request.headers
        headers_out = HeaderKeyDict(
                "x-timestamp": headers_in["x-timestamp"],
                "x-trans-id": headers_in.get("x-trans-id", "-"),
                "referer": request.as_referer(),
        if op != "DELETE":
            delete_at_container = headers_in.get("X-Delete-At-Container", None)
            if not delete_at_container:
                    "X-Delete-At-Container header must be specified for "
                    "expiring objects background %s to work properly. Making "
                    "best guess as to the container name for now." % op
                # TODO(gholt): In a future release, change the above warning to
                # a raised exception and remove the guess code below.
                delete_at_container = (
                    int(delete_at) / self.expiring_objects_container_divisor * self.expiring_objects_container_divisor
            partition = headers_in.get("X-Delete-At-Partition", None)
            hosts = headers_in.get("X-Delete-At-Host", "")
            contdevices = headers_in.get("X-Delete-At-Device", "")
            updates = [
                for upd in zip((h.strip() for h in hosts.split(",")), (c.strip() for c in contdevices.split(",")))
                if all(upd) and partition
            if not updates:
                updates = [(None, None)]
            headers_out["x-size"] = "0"
            headers_out["x-content-type"] = "text/plain"
            headers_out["x-etag"] = "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
            # DELETEs of old expiration data have no way of knowing what the
            # old X-Delete-At-Container was at the time of the initial setting
            # of the data, so a best guess is made here.
            # Worst case is a DELETE is issued now for something that doesn't
            # exist there and the original data is left where it is, where
            # it will be ignored when the expirer eventually tries to issue the
            # object DELETE later since the X-Delete-At value won't match up.
            delete_at_container = str(
                int(delete_at) / self.expiring_objects_container_divisor * self.expiring_objects_container_divisor
        delete_at_container = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(delete_at_container)

        for host, contdevice in updates:
                "%s-%s/%s/%s" % (delete_at, account, container, obj),

    def POST(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP POST requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)

        if "x-timestamp" not in request.headers or not check_float(request.headers["x-timestamp"]):
            return HTTPBadRequest(body="Missing timestamp", request=request, content_type="text/plain")
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get("X-Delete-At") or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body="X-Delete-At in past", request=request, content_type="text/plain")
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get("X-Timestamp", "0")
        if orig_timestamp >= request.headers["x-timestamp"]:
            return HTTPConflict(request=request)
        metadata = {"X-Timestamp": request.headers["x-timestamp"]}
        metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems() if is_user_meta("object", val[0]))
        for header_key in self.allowed_headers:
            if header_key in request.headers:
                header_caps = header_key.title()
                metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get("X-Delete-At") or 0)
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update("PUT", new_delete_at, account, container, obj, request, device)
            if orig_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update("DELETE", orig_delete_at, account, container, obj, request, device)
        return HTTPAccepted(request=request)

    def PUT(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP PUT requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)

        if "x-timestamp" not in request.headers or not check_float(request.headers["x-timestamp"]):
            return HTTPBadRequest(body="Missing timestamp", request=request, content_type="text/plain")
        error_response = check_object_creation(request, obj)
        if error_response:
            return error_response
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get("X-Delete-At") or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body="X-Delete-At in past", request=request, content_type="text/plain")
            fsize = request.message_length()
        except ValueError as e:
            return HTTPBadRequest(body=str(e), request=request, content_type="text/plain")
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_metadata = {}
        orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get("X-Timestamp")
        if orig_timestamp and orig_timestamp >= request.headers["x-timestamp"]:
            return HTTPConflict(request=request)
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get("X-Delete-At") or 0)
        upload_expiration = time.time() + self.max_upload_time
        etag = md5()
        elapsed_time = 0
            with disk_file.create(size=fsize) as writer:
                upload_size = 0
                reader = request.environ["wsgi.input"].read
                for chunk in iter(lambda: reader(self.network_chunk_size), ""):
                    start_time = time.time()
                    if start_time > upload_expiration:
                        return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)
                    upload_size = writer.write(chunk)
                    elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time
                if upload_size:
                    self.logger.transfer_rate("PUT." + device + ".timing", elapsed_time, upload_size)
                if fsize is not None and fsize != upload_size:
                    return HTTPClientDisconnect(request=request)
                etag = etag.hexdigest()
                if "etag" in request.headers and request.headers["etag"].lower() != etag:
                    return HTTPUnprocessableEntity(request=request)
                metadata = {
                    "X-Timestamp": request.headers["x-timestamp"],
                    "Content-Type": request.headers["content-type"],
                    "ETag": etag,
                    "Content-Length": str(upload_size),
                metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems() if is_user_meta("object", val[0]))
                for header_key in request.headers.get("X-Backend-Replication-Headers") or self.allowed_headers:
                    if header_key in request.headers:
                        header_caps = header_key.title()
                        metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
        except DiskFileNoSpace:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update("PUT", new_delete_at, account, container, obj, request, device)
            if orig_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update("DELETE", orig_delete_at, account, container, obj, request, device)
                    "x-size": metadata["Content-Length"],
                    "x-content-type": metadata["Content-Type"],
                    "x-timestamp": metadata["X-Timestamp"],
                    "x-etag": metadata["ETag"],
        return HTTPCreated(request=request, etag=etag)

    def GET(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP GET requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)
        keep_cache = self.keep_cache_private or (
            "X-Auth-Token" not in request.headers and "X-Storage-Token" not in request.headers
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            with disk_file.open():
                metadata = disk_file.get_metadata()
                obj_size = int(metadata["Content-Length"])
                if request.headers.get("if-match") not in (None, "*") and metadata["ETag"] not in request.if_match:
                    return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
                if request.headers.get("if-none-match") is not None:
                    if metadata["ETag"] in request.if_none_match:
                        resp = HTTPNotModified(request=request)
                        resp.etag = metadata["ETag"]
                        return resp
                file_x_ts = metadata["X-Timestamp"]
                file_x_ts_flt = float(file_x_ts)
                    if_unmodified_since = request.if_unmodified_since
                except (OverflowError, ValueError):
                    # catches timestamps before the epoch
                    return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
                file_x_ts_utc = datetime.fromtimestamp(file_x_ts_flt, UTC)
                if if_unmodified_since and file_x_ts_utc > if_unmodified_since:
                    return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
                    if_modified_since = request.if_modified_since
                except (OverflowError, ValueError):
                    # catches timestamps before the epoch
                    return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
                if if_modified_since and file_x_ts_utc <= if_modified_since:
                    return HTTPNotModified(request=request)
                keep_cache = self.keep_cache_private or (
                    "X-Auth-Token" not in request.headers and "X-Storage-Token" not in request.headers
                response = Response(
                    app_iter=disk_file.reader(keep_cache=keep_cache), request=request, conditional_response=True
                response.headers["Content-Type"] = metadata.get("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
                for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
                    if is_user_meta("object", key) or key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                        response.headers[key] = value
                response.etag = metadata["ETag"]
                response.last_modified = math.ceil(file_x_ts_flt)
                response.content_length = obj_size
                    response.content_encoding = metadata["Content-Encoding"]
                except KeyError:
                response.headers["X-Timestamp"] = file_x_ts
                resp = request.get_response(response)
        except DiskFileNotExist:
            if request.headers.get("if-match") == "*":
                resp = HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
                resp = HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        except DiskFileQuarantined:
            resp = HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        return resp

    def HEAD(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP HEAD requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        response = Response(request=request, conditional_response=True)
        response.headers["Content-Type"] = metadata.get("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
        for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
            if is_user_meta("object", key) or key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                response.headers[key] = value
        response.etag = metadata["ETag"]
        ts = metadata["X-Timestamp"]
        response.last_modified = math.ceil(float(ts))
        # Needed for container sync feature
        response.headers["X-Timestamp"] = ts
        response.content_length = int(metadata["Content-Length"])
            response.content_encoding = metadata["Content-Encoding"]
        except KeyError:
        return response

    def DELETE(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP DELETE requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)
        if "x-timestamp" not in request.headers or not check_float(request.headers["x-timestamp"]):
            return HTTPBadRequest(body="Missing timestamp", request=request, content_type="text/plain")
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileExpired as e:
            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp
            orig_metadata = e.metadata
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
        except DiskFileDeleted as e:
            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_timestamp = 0
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
            orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get("X-Timestamp", 0)
            if orig_timestamp < request.headers["x-timestamp"]:
                response_class = HTTPNoContent
                response_class = HTTPConflict
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get("X-Delete-At") or 0)
            req_if_delete_at_val = request.headers["x-if-delete-at"]
            req_if_delete_at = int(req_if_delete_at_val)
        except KeyError:
        except ValueError:
            return HTTPBadRequest(request=request, body="Bad X-If-Delete-At header value")
            if orig_delete_at != req_if_delete_at:
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request, body="X-If-Delete-At and X-Delete-At do not match")
        if orig_delete_at:
            self.delete_at_update("DELETE", orig_delete_at, account, container, obj, request, device)
        req_timestamp = request.headers["X-Timestamp"]
        if orig_timestamp < req_timestamp:
                "DELETE", account, container, obj, request, HeaderKeyDict({"x-timestamp": req_timestamp}), device
        return response_class(request=request)

    def REPLICATE(self, request):
        Handle REPLICATE requests for the Swift Object Server.  This is used
        by the object replicator to get hashes for directories.
        device, partition, suffix = split_and_validate_path(request, 2, 3, True)
            hashes = self._diskfile_mgr.get_hashes(device, partition, suffix)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            resp = HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            resp = Response(body=pickle.dumps(hashes))
        return resp

    def REPLICATION(self, request):
        return Response(app_iter=ssync_receiver.Receiver(self, request)())

    def __call__(self, env, start_response):
        """WSGI Application entry point for the Swift Object Server."""
        start_time = time.time()
        req = Request(env)
        self.logger.txn_id = req.headers.get("x-trans-id", None)

        if not check_utf8(req.path_info):
            res = HTTPPreconditionFailed(body="Invalid UTF8 or contains NULL")
                # disallow methods which have not been marked 'public'
                    method = getattr(self, req.method)
                    getattr(method, "publicly_accessible")
                    replication_method = getattr(method, "replication", False)
                    if self.replication_server is not None and self.replication_server != replication_method:
                        raise AttributeError("Not allowed method.")
                except AttributeError:
                    res = HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
                    res = method(req)
            except DiskFileCollision:
                res = HTTPForbidden(request=req)
            except HTTPException as error_response:
                res = error_response
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    _("ERROR __call__ error with %(method)s" " %(path)s "), {"method": req.method, "path": req.path}
                res = HTTPInternalServerError(body=traceback.format_exc())
        trans_time = time.time() - start_time
        if self.log_requests:
            log_line = '%s - - [%s] "%s %s" %s %s "%s" "%s" "%s" %.4f' % (
                time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime()),
                res.content_length or "-",
                req.referer or "-",
                req.headers.get("x-trans-id", "-"),
                req.user_agent or "-",
            if req.method in ("REPLICATE", "REPLICATION") or "X-Backend-Replication" in req.headers:
        if req.method in ("PUT", "DELETE"):
            slow = self.slow - trans_time
            if slow > 0:
        return res(env, start_response)
Пример #8
class ObjectController(object):
    """Implements the WSGI application for the Swift Object Server."""
    def __init__(self, conf):
        Creates a new WSGI application for the Swift Object Server. An
        example configuration is given at
        <source-dir>/etc/object-server.conf-sample or
        self.logger = get_logger(conf, log_route='object-server')
        self.node_timeout = int(conf.get('node_timeout', 3))
        self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get('conn_timeout', 0.5))
        self.network_chunk_size = int(conf.get('network_chunk_size', 65536))
        self.log_requests = config_true_value(conf.get('log_requests', 'true'))
        self.max_upload_time = int(conf.get('max_upload_time', 86400))
        self.slow = int(conf.get('slow', 0))
        self.keep_cache_private = \
            config_true_value(conf.get('keep_cache_private', 'false'))
        replication_server = conf.get('replication_server', None)
        if replication_server is not None:
            replication_server = config_true_value(replication_server)
        self.replication_server = replication_server

        default_allowed_headers = '''
        extra_allowed_headers = [
            header.strip().lower() for header in conf.get(
                'allowed_headers', default_allowed_headers).split(',')
            if header.strip()
        self.allowed_headers = set()
        for header in extra_allowed_headers:
            if header not in DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META:
        self.expiring_objects_account = \
            (conf.get('auto_create_account_prefix') or '.') + \
        self.expiring_objects_container_divisor = \
            int(conf.get('expiring_objects_container_divisor') or 86400)

        # Provide further setup sepecific to an object server implemenation.

    def setup(self, conf):
        Implementation specific setup. This method is called at the very end
        by the constructor to allow a specific implementation to modify
        existing attributes or add its own attributes.

        :param conf: WSGI configuration parameter

        # Common on-disk hierarchy shared across account, container and object
        # servers.
        self._diskfile_mgr = DiskFileManager(conf, self.logger)

    def get_diskfile(self, device, partition, account, container, obj,
        Utility method for instantiating a DiskFile object supporting a given
        REST API.

        An implementation of the object server that wants to use a different
        DiskFile class would simply over-ride this method to provide that
        return self._diskfile_mgr.get_diskfile(device, partition, account,
                                               container, obj, **kwargs)

    def async_update(self, op, account, container, obj, host, partition,
                     contdevice, headers_out, objdevice):
        Sends or saves an async update.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param host: host that the container is on
        :param partition: partition that the container is on
        :param contdevice: device name that the container is on
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        headers_out['user-agent'] = 'obj-server %s' % os.getpid()
        full_path = '/%s/%s/%s' % (account, container, obj)
        if all([host, partition, contdevice]):
                with ConnectionTimeout(self.conn_timeout):
                    ip, port = host.rsplit(':', 1)
                    conn = http_connect(ip, port, contdevice, partition, op,
                                        full_path, headers_out)
                with Timeout(self.node_timeout):
                    response = conn.getresponse()
                    if is_success(response.status):
                            _('ERROR Container update failed '
                              '(saving for async update later): %(status)d '
                              'response from %(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s'), {
                                  'status': response.status,
                                  'ip': ip,
                                  'port': port,
                                  'dev': contdevice
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    _('ERROR container update failed with '
                      '%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s (saving for async update later)'
                      ), {
                          'ip': ip,
                          'port': port,
                          'dev': contdevice
        data = {
            'op': op,
            'account': account,
            'container': container,
            'obj': obj,
            'headers': headers_out
        timestamp = headers_out['x-timestamp']
        self._diskfile_mgr.pickle_async_update(objdevice, account, container,
                                               obj, data, timestamp)

    def container_update(self, op, account, container, obj, request,
                         headers_out, objdevice):
        Update the container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request object driving the update
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        headers_in = request.headers
        conthosts = [
            for h in headers_in.get('X-Container-Host', '').split(',')
        contdevices = [
            for d in headers_in.get('X-Container-Device', '').split(',')
        contpartition = headers_in.get('X-Container-Partition', '')

        if len(conthosts) != len(contdevices):
            # This shouldn't happen unless there's a bug in the proxy,
            # but if there is, we want to know about it.
                _('ERROR Container update failed: different  '
                  'numbers of hosts and devices in request: '
                  '"%s" vs "%s"') % (headers_in.get('X-Container-Host', ''),
                                     headers_in.get('X-Container-Device', '')))

        if contpartition:
            updates = zip(conthosts, contdevices)
            updates = []

        headers_out['x-trans-id'] = headers_in.get('x-trans-id', '-')
        headers_out['referer'] = request.as_referer()
        for conthost, contdevice in updates:
            self.async_update(op, account, container, obj, conthost,
                              contpartition, contdevice, headers_out,

    def delete_at_update(self, op, delete_at, account, container, obj, request,
        Update the expiring objects container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param delete_at: scheduled delete in UNIX seconds, int
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request driving the update
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        # Quick cap that will work from now until Sat Nov 20 17:46:39 2286
        # At that time, Swift will be so popular and pervasive I will have
        # created income for thousands of future programmers.
        delete_at = max(min(delete_at, 9999999999), 0)
        updates = [(None, None)]

        partition = None
        hosts = contdevices = [None]
        headers_in = request.headers
        headers_out = HeaderKeyDict({
            headers_in.get('x-trans-id', '-'),
        if op != 'DELETE':
            delete_at_container = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Container', None)
            if not delete_at_container:
                    'X-Delete-At-Container header must be specified for '
                    'expiring objects background %s to work properly. Making '
                    'best guess as to the container name for now.' % op)
                # TODO(gholt): In a future release, change the above warning to
                # a raised exception and remove the guess code below.
                delete_at_container = str(
                    delete_at / self.expiring_objects_container_divisor *
            partition = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Partition', None)
            hosts = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Host', '')
            contdevices = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Device', '')
            updates = [
                upd for upd in zip((h.strip() for h in hosts.split(',')), (
                    c.strip() for c in contdevices.split(',')))
                if all(upd) and partition
            if not updates:
                updates = [(None, None)]
            headers_out['x-size'] = '0'
            headers_out['x-content-type'] = 'text/plain'
            headers_out['x-etag'] = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
            # DELETEs of old expiration data have no way of knowing what the
            # old X-Delete-At-Container was at the time of the initial setting
            # of the data, so a best guess is made here.
            # Worst case is a DELETE is issued now for something that doesn't
            # exist there and the original data is left where it is, where
            # it will be ignored when the expirer eventually tries to issue the
            # object DELETE later since the X-Delete-At value won't match up.
            delete_at_container = str(delete_at /
                                      self.expiring_objects_container_divisor *

        for host, contdevice in updates:
                op, self.expiring_objects_account, delete_at_container,
                '%s-%s/%s/%s' % (delete_at, account, container, obj), host,
                partition, contdevice, headers_out, objdevice)

    def POST(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP POST requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = \
            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)

        if 'x-timestamp' not in request.headers or \
                not check_float(request.headers['x-timestamp']):
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='Missing timestamp',
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='X-Delete-At in past',
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account,
                                          container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', '0')
        if orig_timestamp >= request.headers['x-timestamp']:
            return HTTPConflict(request=request)
        metadata = {'X-Timestamp': request.headers['x-timestamp']}
        metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems()
                        if val[0].startswith('X-Object-Meta-'))
        for header_key in self.allowed_headers:
            if header_key in request.headers:
                header_caps = header_key.title()
                metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update('PUT', new_delete_at, account, container,
                                      obj, request, device)
            if orig_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update('DELETE', orig_delete_at, account,
                                      container, obj, request, device)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request)
            return HTTPAccepted(request=request)

    def PUT(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP PUT requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = \
            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)

        if 'x-timestamp' not in request.headers or \
                not check_float(request.headers['x-timestamp']):
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='Missing timestamp',
        error_response = check_object_creation(request, obj)
        if error_response:
            return error_response
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='X-Delete-At in past',
            fsize = request.message_length()
        except ValueError as e:
            return HTTPBadRequest(body=str(e),
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account,
                                          container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_metadata = {}
        orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp')
        if orig_timestamp and orig_timestamp >= request.headers['x-timestamp']:
            return HTTPConflict(request=request)
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        upload_expiration = time.time() + self.max_upload_time
        etag = md5()
        elapsed_time = 0
            with disk_file.create(size=fsize) as writer:
                upload_size = 0
                reader = request.environ['wsgi.input'].read
                for chunk in iter(lambda: reader(self.network_chunk_size), ''):
                    start_time = time.time()
                    if start_time > upload_expiration:
                        return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)
                    upload_size = writer.write(chunk)
                    elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time
                if upload_size:
                    self.logger.transfer_rate('PUT.' + device + '.timing',
                                              elapsed_time, upload_size)
                if fsize is not None and fsize != upload_size:
                    return HTTPClientDisconnect(request=request)
                etag = etag.hexdigest()
                if 'etag' in request.headers and \
                        request.headers['etag'].lower() != etag:
                    return HTTPUnprocessableEntity(request=request)
                metadata = {
                    'X-Timestamp': request.headers['x-timestamp'],
                    'Content-Type': request.headers['content-type'],
                    'ETag': etag,
                    'Content-Length': str(upload_size),
                metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems()
                                if val[0].lower().startswith('x-object-meta-')
                                and len(val[0]) > 14)
                for header_key in self.allowed_headers:
                    if header_key in request.headers:
                        header_caps = header_key.title()
                        metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
        except DiskFileNoSpace:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update('PUT', new_delete_at, account, container,
                                      obj, request, device)
            if orig_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update('DELETE', orig_delete_at, account,
                                      container, obj, request, device)
        if not orig_timestamp or \
                orig_timestamp < request.headers['x-timestamp']:
                'PUT', account, container, obj, request,
                    'x-size': metadata['Content-Length'],
                    'x-content-type': metadata['Content-Type'],
                    'x-timestamp': metadata['X-Timestamp'],
                    'x-etag': metadata['ETag']
                }), device)
        return HTTPCreated(request=request, etag=etag)

    def GET(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP GET requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = \
            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)
        keep_cache = self.keep_cache_private or (
            'X-Auth-Token' not in request.headers
            and 'X-Storage-Token' not in request.headers)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account,
                                          container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            with disk_file.open():
                metadata = disk_file.get_metadata()
                obj_size = int(metadata['Content-Length'])
                if request.headers.get('if-match') not in (None, '*') and \
                        metadata['ETag'] not in request.if_match:
                    return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
                if request.headers.get('if-none-match') is not None:
                    if metadata['ETag'] in request.if_none_match:
                        resp = HTTPNotModified(request=request)
                        resp.etag = metadata['ETag']
                        return resp
                file_x_ts = metadata['X-Timestamp']
                file_x_ts_flt = float(file_x_ts)
                    if_unmodified_since = request.if_unmodified_since
                except (OverflowError, ValueError):
                    # catches timestamps before the epoch
                    return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
                file_x_ts_utc = datetime.fromtimestamp(file_x_ts_flt, UTC)
                if if_unmodified_since and file_x_ts_utc > if_unmodified_since:
                    return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
                    if_modified_since = request.if_modified_since
                except (OverflowError, ValueError):
                    # catches timestamps before the epoch
                    return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
                if if_modified_since and file_x_ts_utc < if_modified_since:
                    return HTTPNotModified(request=request)
                keep_cache = (self.keep_cache_private or
                              ('X-Auth-Token' not in request.headers
                               and 'X-Storage-Token' not in request.headers))
                response = Response(app_iter=disk_file.reader(
                    iter_hook=sleep, keep_cache=keep_cache),
                response.headers['Content-Type'] = metadata.get(
                    'Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
                for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
                    if key.lower().startswith('x-object-meta-') or \
                            key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                        response.headers[key] = value
                response.etag = metadata['ETag']
                response.last_modified = file_x_ts_flt
                response.content_length = obj_size
                    response.content_encoding = metadata['Content-Encoding']
                except KeyError:
                response.headers['X-Timestamp'] = file_x_ts
                resp = request.get_response(response)
        except DiskFileNotExist:
            if request.headers.get('if-match') == '*':
                resp = HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
                resp = HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        except DiskFileQuarantined:
            resp = HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        return resp

    def HEAD(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP HEAD requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = \
            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account,
                                          container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        response = Response(request=request, conditional_response=True)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = metadata.get(
            'Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
        for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
            if key.lower().startswith('x-object-meta-') or \
                    key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                response.headers[key] = value
        response.etag = metadata['ETag']
        ts = metadata['X-Timestamp']
        response.last_modified = float(ts)
        # Needed for container sync feature
        response.headers['X-Timestamp'] = ts
        response.content_length = int(metadata['Content-Length'])
            response.content_encoding = metadata['Content-Encoding']
        except KeyError:
        return response

    def DELETE(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP DELETE requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj = \
            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)
        if 'x-timestamp' not in request.headers or \
                not check_float(request.headers['x-timestamp']):
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='Missing timestamp',
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(device, partition, account,
                                          container, obj)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileDeleted as e:
            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_timestamp = 0
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
            orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', 0)
            if orig_timestamp < request.headers['x-timestamp']:
                response_class = HTTPNoContent
                response_class = HTTPConflict
        if 'x-if-delete-at' in request.headers and \
                int(request.headers['x-if-delete-at']) != \
                int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0):
            return HTTPPreconditionFailed(
                body='X-If-Delete-At and X-Delete-At do not match')
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if orig_delete_at:
            self.delete_at_update('DELETE', orig_delete_at, account, container,
                                  obj, request, device)
        req_timestamp = request.headers['X-Timestamp']
        if orig_timestamp < req_timestamp:
                'DELETE', account, container, obj, request,
                HeaderKeyDict({'x-timestamp': req_timestamp}), device)
        return response_class(request=request)

    def REPLICATE(self, request):
        Handle REPLICATE requests for the Swift Object Server.  This is used
        by the object replicator to get hashes for directories.
        device, partition, suffix = split_and_validate_path(
            request, 2, 3, True)
            hashes = self._diskfile_mgr.get_hashes(device, partition, suffix)
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            resp = HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            resp = Response(body=pickle.dumps(hashes))
        return resp

    def __call__(self, env, start_response):
        """WSGI Application entry point for the Swift Object Server."""
        start_time = time.time()
        req = Request(env)
        self.logger.txn_id = req.headers.get('x-trans-id', None)

        if not check_utf8(req.path_info):
            res = HTTPPreconditionFailed(body='Invalid UTF8 or contains NULL')
                # disallow methods which have not been marked 'public'
                    method = getattr(self, req.method)
                    getattr(method, 'publicly_accessible')
                    replication_method = getattr(method, 'replication', False)
                    if (self.replication_server is not None
                            and self.replication_server != replication_method):
                        raise AttributeError('Not allowed method.')
                except AttributeError:
                    res = HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
                    res = method(req)
            except DiskFileCollision:
                res = HTTPForbidden(request=req)
            except HTTPException as error_response:
                res = error_response
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    _('ERROR __call__ error with %(method)s'
                      ' %(path)s '), {
                          'method': req.method,
                          'path': req.path
                res = HTTPInternalServerError(body=traceback.format_exc())
        trans_time = time.time() - start_time
        if self.log_requests:
            log_line = '%s - - [%s] "%s %s" %s %s "%s" "%s" "%s" %.4f' % (
                time.strftime('%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S +0000', time.gmtime()),
                req.method, req.path, res.status.split()[0], res.content_length
                or '-', req.referer or '-', req.headers.get(
                    'x-trans-id', '-'), req.user_agent or '-', trans_time)
            if req.method == 'REPLICATE':
        if req.method in ('PUT', 'DELETE'):
            slow = self.slow - trans_time
            if slow > 0:
        return res(env, start_response)
Пример #9
    def test_obj_put_async_updates(self):
        ts = (normalize_timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time())))
        policy = random.choice(list(POLICIES))
        # setup updater
        conf = {
            'devices': self.devices_dir,
            'mount_check': 'false',
            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
        daemon = object_updater.ObjectUpdater(conf, logger=self.logger)
        async_dir = os.path.join(self.sda1, get_async_dir(policy))

        # write an async
        dfmanager = DiskFileManager(conf, daemon.logger)
        account, container, obj = 'a', 'c', 'o'
        op = 'PUT'
        headers_out = HeaderKeyDict({
        data = {
            'op': op,
            'account': account,
            'container': container,
            'obj': obj,
            'headers': headers_out
        dfmanager.pickle_async_update(self.sda1, account, container, obj, data,
                                      next(ts), policy)

        request_log = []

        def capture(*args, **kwargs):
            request_log.append((args, kwargs))

        # run once
        fake_status_codes = [
            200,  # object update success
            200,  # object update success
            200,  # object update conflict
        with mocked_http_conn(*fake_status_codes, give_connect=capture):
        self.assertEqual(len(fake_status_codes), len(request_log))
        for request_args, request_kwargs in request_log:
            ip, part, method, path, headers, qs, ssl = request_args
            self.assertEqual(method, 'PUT')
        self.assertEqual(daemon.logger.get_increment_counts(), {
            'successes': 1,
            'unlinks': 1,
            'async_pendings': 1
Пример #10
class ObjectController(object):
    """Implements the WSGI application for the Swift Object Server."""

    def __init__(self, conf, logger=None):
        Creates a new WSGI application for the Swift Object Server. An
        example configuration is given at
        <source-dir>/etc/object-server.conf-sample or
        self.logger = logger or get_logger(conf, log_route='object-server')
        self.node_timeout = int(conf.get('node_timeout', 3))
        self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get('conn_timeout', 0.5))
        self.client_timeout = int(conf.get('client_timeout', 60))
        self.disk_chunk_size = int(conf.get('disk_chunk_size', 65536))
        self.network_chunk_size = int(conf.get('network_chunk_size', 65536))
        self.log_requests = config_true_value(conf.get('log_requests', 'true'))
        self.max_upload_time = int(conf.get('max_upload_time', 86400))
        self.slow = int(conf.get('slow', 0))
        self.keep_cache_private = \
            config_true_value(conf.get('keep_cache_private', 'false'))
        replication_server = conf.get('replication_server', None)
        if replication_server is not None:
            replication_server = config_true_value(replication_server)
        self.replication_server = replication_server

        default_allowed_headers = '''
        extra_allowed_headers = [
            header.strip().lower() for header in conf.get(
                'allowed_headers', default_allowed_headers).split(',')
            if header.strip()
        self.allowed_headers = set()
        for header in extra_allowed_headers:
            if header not in DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META:
        self.auto_create_account_prefix = \
            conf.get('auto_create_account_prefix') or '.'
        self.expiring_objects_account = self.auto_create_account_prefix + \
            (conf.get('expiring_objects_account_name') or 'expiring_objects')
        self.expiring_objects_container_divisor = \
            int(conf.get('expiring_objects_container_divisor') or 86400)
        # Initialization was successful, so now apply the network chunk size
        # parameter as the default read / write buffer size for the network
        # sockets.
        # NOTE WELL: This is a class setting, so until we get set this on a
        # per-connection basis, this affects reading and writing on ALL
        # sockets, those between the proxy servers and external clients, and
        # those between the proxy servers and the other internal servers.
        # ** Because the primary motivation for this is to optimize how data
        # is written back to the proxy server, we could use the value from the
        # disk_chunk_size parameter. However, it affects all created sockets
        # using this class so we have chosen to tie it to the
        # network_chunk_size parameter value instead.
        socket._fileobject.default_bufsize = self.network_chunk_size

        # Provide further setup specific to an object server implementation.

    def setup(self, conf):
        Implementation specific setup. This method is called at the very end
        by the constructor to allow a specific implementation to modify
        existing attributes or add its own attributes.

        :param conf: WSGI configuration parameter

        # Common on-disk hierarchy shared across account, container and object
        # servers.
        self._diskfile_mgr = DiskFileManager(conf, self.logger)
        # This is populated by global_conf_callback way below as the semaphore
        # is shared by all workers.
        if 'replication_semaphore' in conf:
            # The value was put in a list so it could get past paste
            self.replication_semaphore = conf['replication_semaphore'][0]
            self.replication_semaphore = None
        self.replication_failure_threshold = int(
            conf.get('replication_failure_threshold') or 100)
        self.replication_failure_ratio = float(
            conf.get('replication_failure_ratio') or 1.0)

    def get_diskfile(self, device, partition, account, container, obj,
                     policy_idx, **kwargs):
        Utility method for instantiating a DiskFile object supporting a given
        REST API.

        An implementation of the object server that wants to use a different
        DiskFile class would simply over-ride this method to provide that
        return self._diskfile_mgr.get_diskfile(
            device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx, **kwargs)

    def async_update(self, op, account, container, obj, host, partition,
                     contdevice, headers_out, objdevice, policy_index):
        Sends or saves an async update.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param host: host that the container is on
        :param partition: partition that the container is on
        :param contdevice: device name that the container is on
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        :param policy_index: the associated storage policy index
        headers_out['user-agent'] = 'object-server %s' % os.getpid()
        full_path = '/%s/%s/%s' % (account, container, obj)
        if all([host, partition, contdevice]):
                with ConnectionTimeout(self.conn_timeout):
                    ip, port = host.rsplit(':', 1)
                    conn = http_connect(ip, port, contdevice, partition, op,
                                        full_path, headers_out)
                with Timeout(self.node_timeout):
                    response = conn.getresponse()
                    if is_success(response.status):
                            'ERROR Container update failed '
                            '(saving for async update later): %(status)d '
                            'response from %(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s'),
                            {'status': response.status, 'ip': ip, 'port': port,
                             'dev': contdevice})
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    'ERROR container update failed with '
                    '%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s (saving for async update later)'),
                    {'ip': ip, 'port': port, 'dev': contdevice})
        data = {'op': op, 'account': account, 'container': container,
                'obj': obj, 'headers': headers_out}
        timestamp = headers_out['x-timestamp']
        self._diskfile_mgr.pickle_async_update(objdevice, account, container,
                                               obj, data, timestamp,

    def container_update(self, op, account, container, obj, request,
                         headers_out, objdevice, policy_idx):
        Update the container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request object driving the update
        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        headers_in = request.headers
        conthosts = [h.strip() for h in
                     headers_in.get('X-Container-Host', '').split(',')]
        contdevices = [d.strip() for d in
                       headers_in.get('X-Container-Device', '').split(',')]
        contpartition = headers_in.get('X-Container-Partition', '')

        if len(conthosts) != len(contdevices):
            # This shouldn't happen unless there's a bug in the proxy,
            # but if there is, we want to know about it.
            self.logger.error(_('ERROR Container update failed: different '
                                'numbers of hosts and devices in request: '
                                '"%s" vs "%s"') %
                               (headers_in.get('X-Container-Host', ''),
                                headers_in.get('X-Container-Device', '')))

        if contpartition:
            updates = zip(conthosts, contdevices)
            updates = []

        headers_out['x-trans-id'] = headers_in.get('x-trans-id', '-')
        headers_out['referer'] = request.as_referer()
        headers_out['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = policy_idx
        for conthost, contdevice in updates:
            self.async_update(op, account, container, obj, conthost,
                              contpartition, contdevice, headers_out,
                              objdevice, policy_idx)

    def delete_at_update(self, op, delete_at, account, container, obj,
                         request, objdevice, policy_index):
        Update the expiring objects container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')
        :param delete_at: scheduled delete in UNIX seconds, int
        :param account: account name for the object
        :param container: container name for the object
        :param obj: object name
        :param request: the original request driving the update
        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in
        :param policy_index: the policy index to be used for tmp dir
        if config_true_value(
                request.headers.get('x-backend-replication', 'f')):
        delete_at = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(delete_at)
        updates = [(None, None)]

        partition = None
        hosts = contdevices = [None]
        headers_in = request.headers
        headers_out = HeaderKeyDict({
            # system accounts are always Policy-0
            'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0,
            'x-timestamp': request.timestamp.internal,
            'x-trans-id': headers_in.get('x-trans-id', '-'),
            'referer': request.as_referer()})
        if op != 'DELETE':
            delete_at_container = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Container', None)
            if not delete_at_container:
                    'X-Delete-At-Container header must be specified for '
                    'expiring objects background %s to work properly. Making '
                    'best guess as to the container name for now.' % op)
                # TODO(gholt): In a future release, change the above warning to
                # a raised exception and remove the guess code below.
                delete_at_container = get_expirer_container(
                    delete_at, self.expiring_objects_container_divisor,
                    account, container, obj)
            partition = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Partition', None)
            hosts = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Host', '')
            contdevices = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Device', '')
            updates = [upd for upd in
                       zip((h.strip() for h in hosts.split(',')),
                           (c.strip() for c in contdevices.split(',')))
                       if all(upd) and partition]
            if not updates:
                updates = [(None, None)]
            headers_out['x-size'] = '0'
            headers_out['x-content-type'] = 'text/plain'
            headers_out['x-etag'] = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
            # DELETEs of old expiration data have no way of knowing what the
            # old X-Delete-At-Container was at the time of the initial setting
            # of the data, so a best guess is made here.
            # Worst case is a DELETE is issued now for something that doesn't
            # exist there and the original data is left where it is, where
            # it will be ignored when the expirer eventually tries to issue the
            # object DELETE later since the X-Delete-At value won't match up.
            delete_at_container = get_expirer_container(
                delete_at, self.expiring_objects_container_divisor,
                account, container, obj)
        delete_at_container = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(

        for host, contdevice in updates:
                op, self.expiring_objects_account, delete_at_container,
                '%s-%s/%s/%s' % (delete_at, account, container, obj),
                host, partition, contdevice, headers_out, objdevice,

    def POST(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP POST requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(request)
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='X-Delete-At in past', request=request,
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request)
        orig_timestamp = Timestamp(orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', 0))
        if orig_timestamp >= req_timestamp:
            return HTTPConflict(
                headers={'X-Backend-Timestamp': orig_timestamp.internal})
        metadata = {'X-Timestamp': req_timestamp.internal}
        metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems()
                        if is_user_meta('object', val[0]))
        for header_key in self.allowed_headers:
            if header_key in request.headers:
                header_caps = header_key.title()
                metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update('PUT', new_delete_at, account, container,
                                      obj, request, device, policy_idx)
            if orig_delete_at:
                self.delete_at_update('DELETE', orig_delete_at, account,
                                      container, obj, request, device,
        except (DiskFileXattrNotSupported, DiskFileNoSpace):
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        return HTTPAccepted(request=request)

    def PUT(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP PUT requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(request)
        error_response = check_object_creation(request, obj)
        if error_response:
            return error_response
        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='X-Delete-At in past', request=request,
            fsize = request.message_length()
        except ValueError as e:
            return HTTPBadRequest(body=str(e), request=request,
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_metadata = {}

        # Checks for If-None-Match
        if request.if_none_match is not None and orig_metadata:
            if '*' in request.if_none_match:
                # File exists already so return 412
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)
            if orig_metadata.get('ETag') in request.if_none_match:
                # The current ETag matches, so return 412
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)

        orig_timestamp = Timestamp(orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', 0))
        if orig_timestamp >= req_timestamp:
            return HTTPConflict(
                headers={'X-Backend-Timestamp': orig_timestamp.internal})
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
        upload_expiration = time.time() + self.max_upload_time
        etag = md5()
        elapsed_time = 0
            with disk_file.create(size=fsize) as writer:
                upload_size = 0

                def timeout_reader():
                    with ChunkReadTimeout(self.client_timeout):
                        return request.environ['wsgi.input'].read(

                    for chunk in iter(lambda: timeout_reader(), ''):
                        start_time = time.time()
                        if start_time > upload_expiration:
                            return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)
                        upload_size = writer.write(chunk)
                        elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time
                except ChunkReadTimeout:
                    return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)
                if upload_size:
                        'PUT.' + device + '.timing', elapsed_time,
                if fsize is not None and fsize != upload_size:
                    return HTTPClientDisconnect(request=request)
                etag = etag.hexdigest()
                if 'etag' in request.headers and \
                        request.headers['etag'].lower() != etag:
                    return HTTPUnprocessableEntity(request=request)
                metadata = {
                    'X-Timestamp': request.timestamp.internal,
                    'Content-Type': request.headers['content-type'],
                    'ETag': etag,
                    'Content-Length': str(upload_size),
                metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems()
                                if is_sys_or_user_meta('object', val[0]))
                headers_to_copy = (
                        'X-Backend-Replication-Headers', '').split() +
                for header_key in headers_to_copy:
                    if header_key in request.headers:
                        header_caps = header_key.title()
                        metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]
        except (DiskFileXattrNotSupported, DiskFileNoSpace):
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:
            if new_delete_at:
                    'PUT', new_delete_at, account, container, obj, request,
                    device, policy_idx)
            if orig_delete_at:
                    'DELETE', orig_delete_at, account, container, obj,
                    request, device, policy_idx)
            'PUT', account, container, obj, request,
                'x-size': metadata['Content-Length'],
                'x-content-type': metadata['Content-Type'],
                'x-timestamp': metadata['X-Timestamp'],
                'x-etag': metadata['ETag']}),
            device, policy_idx)
        return HTTPCreated(request=request, etag=etag)

    def GET(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP GET requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        keep_cache = self.keep_cache_private or (
            'X-Auth-Token' not in request.headers and
            'X-Storage-Token' not in request.headers)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            with disk_file.open():
                metadata = disk_file.get_metadata()
                obj_size = int(metadata['Content-Length'])
                file_x_ts = Timestamp(metadata['X-Timestamp'])
                keep_cache = (self.keep_cache_private or
                              ('X-Auth-Token' not in request.headers and
                               'X-Storage-Token' not in request.headers))
                response = Response(
                    request=request, conditional_response=True)
                response.headers['Content-Type'] = metadata.get(
                    'Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
                for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
                    if is_sys_or_user_meta('object', key) or \
                            key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                        response.headers[key] = value
                response.etag = metadata['ETag']
                response.last_modified = math.ceil(float(file_x_ts))
                response.content_length = obj_size
                    response.content_encoding = metadata[
                except KeyError:
                response.headers['X-Timestamp'] = file_x_ts.normal
                response.headers['X-Backend-Timestamp'] = file_x_ts.internal
                resp = request.get_response(response)
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined) as e:
            headers = {}
            if hasattr(e, 'timestamp'):
                headers['X-Backend-Timestamp'] = e.timestamp.internal
            resp = HTTPNotFound(request=request, headers=headers,
        return resp

    def HEAD(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP HEAD requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined) as e:
            headers = {}
            if hasattr(e, 'timestamp'):
                headers['X-Backend-Timestamp'] = e.timestamp.internal
            return HTTPNotFound(request=request, headers=headers,
        response = Response(request=request, conditional_response=True)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = metadata.get(
            'Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
        for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
            if is_sys_or_user_meta('object', key) or \
                    key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:
                response.headers[key] = value
        response.etag = metadata['ETag']
        ts = Timestamp(metadata['X-Timestamp'])
        response.last_modified = math.ceil(float(ts))
        # Needed for container sync feature
        response.headers['X-Timestamp'] = ts.normal
        response.headers['X-Backend-Timestamp'] = ts.internal
        response.content_length = int(metadata['Content-Length'])
            response.content_encoding = metadata['Content-Encoding']
        except KeyError:
        return response

    def DELETE(self, request):
        """Handle HTTP DELETE requests for the Swift Object Server."""
        device, partition, account, container, obj, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 5, 5, True)
        req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(request)
            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(
                device, partition, account, container, obj,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()
        except DiskFileXattrNotSupported:
            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
        except DiskFileExpired as e:
            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp
            orig_metadata = e.metadata
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
        except DiskFileDeleted as e:
            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):
            orig_timestamp = 0
            orig_metadata = {}
            response_class = HTTPNotFound
            orig_timestamp = Timestamp(orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', 0))
            if orig_timestamp < req_timestamp:
                response_class = HTTPNoContent
                response_class = HTTPConflict
        response_timestamp = max(orig_timestamp, req_timestamp)
        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)
            req_if_delete_at_val = request.headers['x-if-delete-at']
            req_if_delete_at = int(req_if_delete_at_val)
        except KeyError:
        except ValueError:
            return HTTPBadRequest(
                body='Bad X-If-Delete-At header value')
            # request includes x-if-delete-at; we must not place a tombstone
            # if we can not verify the x-if-delete-at time
            if not orig_timestamp:
                # no object found at all
                return HTTPNotFound()
            if orig_delete_at != req_if_delete_at:
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(
                    body='X-If-Delete-At and X-Delete-At do not match')
                # differentiate success from no object at all
                response_class = HTTPNoContent
        if orig_delete_at:
            self.delete_at_update('DELETE', orig_delete_at, account,
                                  container, obj, request, device,
        if orig_timestamp < req_timestamp:
                'DELETE', account, container, obj, request,
                HeaderKeyDict({'x-timestamp': req_timestamp.internal}),
                device, policy_idx)
        return response_class(
            headers={'X-Backend-Timestamp': response_timestamp.internal})

    def REPLICATE(self, request):
        Handle REPLICATE requests for the Swift Object Server.  This is used
        by the object replicator to get hashes for directories.
        device, partition, suffix, policy_idx = \
            get_name_and_placement(request, 2, 3, True)
            hashes = self._diskfile_mgr.get_hashes(device, partition, suffix,
        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:
            resp = HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)
            resp = Response(body=pickle.dumps(hashes))
        return resp

    def REPLICATION(self, request):
        return Response(app_iter=ssync_receiver.Receiver(self, request)())

    def __call__(self, env, start_response):
        """WSGI Application entry point for the Swift Object Server."""
        start_time = time.time()
        req = Request(env)
        self.logger.txn_id = req.headers.get('x-trans-id', None)

        if not check_utf8(req.path_info):
            res = HTTPPreconditionFailed(body='Invalid UTF8 or contains NULL')
                # disallow methods which have not been marked 'public'
                    method = getattr(self, req.method)
                    getattr(method, 'publicly_accessible')
                    replication_method = getattr(method, 'replication', False)
                    if (self.replication_server is not None and
                            self.replication_server != replication_method):
                        raise AttributeError('Not allowed method.')
                except AttributeError:
                    res = HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
                    res = method(req)
            except DiskFileCollision:
                res = HTTPForbidden(request=req)
            except HTTPException as error_response:
                res = error_response
            except (Exception, Timeout):
                    'ERROR __call__ error with %(method)s'
                    ' %(path)s '), {'method': req.method, 'path': req.path})
                res = HTTPInternalServerError(body=traceback.format_exc())
        trans_time = time.time() - start_time
        if self.log_requests:
            log_line = get_log_line(req, res, trans_time, '')
            if req.method in ('REPLICATE', 'REPLICATION') or \
                    'X-Backend-Replication' in req.headers:
        if req.method in ('PUT', 'DELETE'):
            slow = self.slow - trans_time
            if slow > 0:

        # To be able to zero-copy send the object, we need a few things.
        # First, we have to be responding successfully to a GET, or else we're
        # not sending the object. Second, we have to be able to extract the
        # socket file descriptor from the WSGI input object. Third, the
        # diskfile has to support zero-copy send.
        # There's a good chance that this could work for 206 responses too,
        # but the common case is sending the whole object, so we'll start
        # there.
        if req.method == 'GET' and res.status_int == 200 and \
           isinstance(env['wsgi.input'], wsgi.Input):
            app_iter = getattr(res, 'app_iter', None)
            checker = getattr(app_iter, 'can_zero_copy_send', None)
            if checker and checker():
                # For any kind of zero-copy thing like sendfile or splice, we
                # need the file descriptor. Eventlet doesn't provide a clean
                # way of getting that, so we resort to this.
                wsock = env['wsgi.input'].get_socket()
                wsockfd = wsock.fileno()

                # Don't call zero_copy_send() until after we force the HTTP
                # headers out of Eventlet and into the socket.
                def zero_copy_iter():
                    # If possible, set TCP_CORK so that headers don't
                    # immediately go on the wire, but instead, wait for some
                    # response body to make the TCP frames as large as
                    # possible (and hence as few packets as possible).
                    # On non-Linux systems, we might consider TCP_NODELAY, but
                    # since the only known zero-copy-capable diskfile uses
                    # Linux-specific syscalls, we'll defer that work until
                    # someone needs it.
                    if hasattr(socket, 'TCP_CORK'):
                                         socket.TCP_CORK, 1)
                    yield EventletPlungerString()
                    except Exception:
                        self.logger.exception("zero_copy_send() blew up")
                    yield ''

                # Get headers ready to go out
                res(env, start_response)
                return zero_copy_iter()
                return res(env, start_response)
            return res(env, start_response)