Пример #1
def plotInfluential ( InferenceObject ):
    """Diagnostic plot for detecting influential observations

    Determining influential observations follows a different logic for bootstrap
    and for bayes inference. A block is labelled an influential observation if
    the fit for a dataset without that point is significantly different from the
    fit including that point. For BootstrapInference objects, this is quantified
    using a normed distance of the maximum likelihood fit including the block and
    withouth that block. This distance is normed in the following way: If the
    maximum likelihood fit for the reduced dataset remains inside the 95% confidence
    limits of the maximum likelihood fit for the full dataset, the influence
    value is below 1. Thus, influence values large than 1 indicate a problem with
    the data set. For BayesInference objects, the influence of a block is simply
    quantified as the Kullbach-Leibler divergence of the posterior for the full
    data set from the posterior for the reduced data set.

        *InferenceObject* :
            Data set for which the influential observations are to be plotted
    maxinfl = N.argmax(InferenceObject.infl)
    ind = range ( InferenceObject.data.shape[0] )
    # influencedDataset = psignidata.BootstrapInference( InferenceObject.data[ind,:],
    #         sample=False, **(InferenceObject.model))
    # influencedDataset = psignidata.BayesInference ( InferenceObject.data[ind,:], **(InferenceObject.model) )
    est = interface.mapestimate ( InferenceObject.data[ind,:], start=InferenceObject.estimate, **(InferenceObject.model) )[0]
    x = N.mgrid[InferenceObject.data[:,0].min():InferenceObject.data[:,0].max():100j]
    influencedPMF = interface.diagnostics ( x, est,
            nafc = InferenceObject.model["nafc"],
            sigmoid = InferenceObject.model["sigmoid"],
            core = InferenceObject.model["core"] )

    p.figure ( figsize=(6,8) )
    # ax = p.axes ( (0.0,.5,.9,.5) )
    ax = prepare_axes ( p.subplot ( 2,1,1 ) )
    ax.set_ylabel ( r"$\Psi(x)$" )
    if InferenceObject.__repr__().split()[1] in ["BayesInference","ASIRInference"]:
        InferenceObject.drawposteriorexamples ( ax=ax )
    plotPMF ( InferenceObject, ax=ax, showaxes=True, showdesc=False, color="b", linewidth=2 )
    ax.plot ( [InferenceObject.data[maxinfl,0]], [InferenceObject.data[maxinfl,1].astype("d")/InferenceObject.data[maxinfl,2]],
            'rx', markersize=20, markeredgewidth=5 )
    # ax = plotPMF ( influencedDataset, ax=ax, showdesc=False, showaxes=True, color="r", markertype=([(0,0)],0), linewidth=2 )[-1]
    ax.plot ( x, influencedPMF, color="r", linewidth=2 )

    xl = list(ax.get_xlim ())

    # ax = p.axes ( (0.0, 0., .9, .5) )
    ax = p.subplot ( 2,1,2, sharex=ax )
    if InferenceObject.__repr__().split()[1] == "BootstrapInference":
        ax.plot ( [InferenceObject.data[:,0].min(),InferenceObject.data[:,0].max()], [1,1], 'k:' )
        yname = "Influence"
        yname = "D_KL( full || reduced )"
    ax.plot ( InferenceObject.data[:,0], InferenceObject.infl, 'bo' )
    drawaxes ( ax, ax.get_xticks(), "%g", ax.get_yticks(), "%g", r"stimulus intensity $x$", yname )
Пример #2
 def test_old_doctest(self):
     x = [float(2 * k) for k in xrange(6)]
     k = [34, 32, 40, 48, 50, 48]
     n = [50] * 6
     d = [[xx, kk, nn] for xx, kk, nn in zip(x, k, n)]
     prm = [2.75, 1.45, 0.015]
     pred, di, D, thres, slope, Rpd, Rkd = interface.diagnostics(d, prm)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(8.07484858608, D)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(1.68932796526, di[0])
     self.assertAlmostEqual(-0.19344675783032761, Rpd)
Пример #3
 def test_old_doctest(self):
     x = [float(2*k) for k in xrange(6)]
     k = [34,32,40,48,50,48]
     n = [50]*6
     d = [[xx,kk,nn] for xx,kk,nn in zip(x,k,n)]
     prm = [2.75, 1.45, 0.015]
     pred,di,D,thres,slope,Rpd,Rkd = interface.diagnostics(d,prm)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(8.07484858608, D)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(1.68932796526, di[0])
     self.assertAlmostEqual(-0.19344675783032761, Rpd)
Пример #4
 def test_single_cut(self):
     # this test was added to ensure the return type of swignifit
     # is also an ndarray. Before it was a list. Unfortunately a list with
     # one item cannot be cast to a float, but an ndarray with one item can
     # this was a problem in the getThres() of the PsiInference class in
     # psignidata.py
     sfi_output = float(sfi.diagnostics(data, TestDiagnostics.prm,
     psipy_output = float(psipy.diagnostics(data, TestDiagnostics.prm,
     self.assertEqual(sfi_output, psipy_output)
Пример #5
 def test_empty_data(self):
     # if an empty sequence is passed we only obtain the threshold
     result = interface.diagnostics([], TestDiagnostics.prm)
Пример #6
def sample ():
    boots = interface.bootstrap ( d, priors=priors, nsamples=1500-2*k )
    mape = interface.mapestimate ( d, priors=priors )
    mcmc = interface.mcmc ( d, start=(4,2,.02), priors=priors, nsamples = 1500-2*k )
    diag = interface.diagnostics ( d, (4,1,.02) )
    return float(os.popen ( "ps -C python -o rss" ).readlines()[1])/1024
Пример #7
 def test_cuts(self):
     interface.diagnostics(data, TestDiagnostics.prm, cuts=[0.5, 0.75, 0.85])
Пример #8
 def test_intensities_only(self):
     predicted = interface.diagnostics(x, TestDiagnostics.prm)
Пример #9
 def test_sigmoid(self):
     interface.diagnostics(data, TestDiagnostics.prm, sigmoid='logistic')
Пример #10
 def test_core(self):
     interface.diagnostics(data, TestDiagnostics.prm, core='linear')
Пример #11
 def test_nafc(self):
     interface.diagnostics(data, TestDiagnostics.prm, nafc=23)
Пример #12
 def test_nafc(self):
     interface.diagnostics(data, TestDiagnostics.prm, nafc=23)
Пример #13
 def test_basic(self):
     interface.diagnostics(data, TestDiagnostics.prm)
Пример #14
 def test_basic(self):
     interface.diagnostics(data, TestDiagnostics.prm)
Пример #15
 def test_empty_data(self):
     # if an empty sequence is passed we only obtain the threshold
     result = interface.diagnostics([], TestDiagnostics.prm)
Пример #16
 def test_intensities_only(self):
     predicted = interface.diagnostics(x, TestDiagnostics.prm)
Пример #17
 def test_cuts(self):
                           cuts=[0.5, 0.75, 0.85])
Пример #18
 def test_core(self):
     interface.diagnostics(data, TestDiagnostics.prm, core='linear')
Пример #19
 def test_sigmoid(self):
     interface.diagnostics(data, TestDiagnostics.prm, sigmoid='logistic')