Пример #1
class SwimVideoClient(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, frame_height, frame_width, frame_rate):
        self.FRAME_RATE = frame_rate
        self.frame = SwimFrame(frame_height,frame_width)
        self.image = None
        #threading things
        self.stopreceivethread = False
        self.daemon = True

    def get_frame(self):
        accessor for frame data
        return self.frame.get_frame_data()
    def set_frame(self, data=dict()):
        setter for the frame data
        #should probably check for bad dicts
    def create_image(self):
        if self.frame.new:
            print 'new frame'
            #create a new matrix with the same dimensions as jpeg_mat
            new_mat = cv.CreateMat(self.frame.rows, self.frame.cols, cv.CV_8UC1)
            #set the data in new_mat with the string data
            cv.SetData(new_mat, self.frame.string, self.frame.step)

            #decode the matrix into a raw image and display
            self.image = cv.DecodeImage(new_mat)   #seg fault is here
            cv.ShowImage('jpeg', self.image)
            self.frame.new = False
        #k can be used to quit/change camera/ other stuff by adding more code.
        k = cv.WaitKey(2)
    def run(self):
        implementation of the inherited run() method from the Thread class.  
        This is a separate thread from the main thread that is always receiving information
        while not self.stopreceivethread:
Пример #2
class SwimVideo(Thread):
    def __init__(self, frame_height, frame_width, frame_rate):
        self.FRAME_RATE = frame_rate
        self.cam_id = 0 # opencv internally indexes the attached cameras
        self.frame = SwimFrame(frame_height,frame_width)
        #TODO check that the camera is opened using self.cam.isOpened()
        #threading things        
        self.stopreceivethread = False
        self.daemon = True
    def open_cam(self):
        initialize the camera. must be called to change the camera id
        self.cam = cv2.VideoCapture(self.cam_id)
        self.cam.set(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, self.frame.HEIGHT)
        self.cam.set(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, self.frame.WIDTH)

    def new_frame(self):
        get a new frame from the webcam
        if not self.frame.new:
            valid, matrix = self.cam.read()
            if matrix is None or valid is False:
            #create an empty raw image 
            f_raw = cv.CreateImageHeader((matrix.shape[1], matrix.shape[0]), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
            #fill the empty image with data from frame_mat
            cv.SetData(f_raw, matrix.tostring(), matrix.dtype.itemsize * 3 * matrix.shape[1])
            #encode the image to reduce the size (SAVE BANDWIDTH!)
            f_comp = cv.EncodeImage(".jpeg", f_raw)
            #dump the image (matrix) into a string.  This is what will be sent over the network
            f_string = f_comp.tostring()
            #The matrix format will also have to be sent to reconstruct the image
            data = { 'rows': f_comp.rows,
                     'cols': f_comp.cols,
                     'step': f_comp.step,
                     'len' : len(f_string),
                     'str' : f_string
    def get_frame(self):
        accessor for getting frame data
        return self.frame.get_frame_data()
    def set_frame(self, data = dict()):
        setter for the frame data
        #should probably check for bad dicts
    def timeout_handler(self):
        timer = Timer(1/self.FRAME_RATE, self.timeout_handler)
    def run(self):
        implementation of the inherited run() method from the Thread class.  
        This is a separate thread from the main thread that is always receiving information
        while not self.stopreceivethread: