Пример #1
def dataframe_from_rpt(rpt_path, section):
    create a dataframe from a section of an RPT file
    :param rpt_path:
    :param section:
    :return: pd.DataFrame

    # get list of all section headers in rpt to use as section ending flags
    headers = get_rpt_sections_details(rpt_path)

    if section not in headers:
        warnings.warn(f'{section} section not found in {rpt_path}')
        return pd.DataFrame()

    # and get the list of columns to use for parsing this section
    end_strings = list(headers.keys())
    start_strings = [section, '-' * 20, '-' * 20]
    cols = headers[section]['columns']

    # extract the string and read into a dataframe
    s = extract_section_of_file(rpt_path, start_strings, end_strings)
    df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s),

    return df
Пример #2
    def headers(self):
        Return all section headers and associated column names found in the RPT file.
        if self._rpt_section_details is None:
            self._rpt_section_details = get_rpt_sections_details(self.path)

        return self._rpt_section_details
Пример #3
def test_complete_headers_rpt(test_model_02):

    headers = get_rpt_sections_details(test_model_02.rpt.path)
    sections_in_rpt = [
        'Link Flow Summary', 'Link Flow Summary', 'Subcatchment Summary',
        'Cross Section Summary', 'Link Summary'

    assert (all(section in headers for section in sections_in_rpt))
    assert headers['Link Summary']['columns'] == [
        'Name', 'FromNode', 'ToNode', 'Type', 'Length', 'SlopePerc',
Пример #4
def dataframe_from_rpt(rpt_path, section, element_id=None):
    create a dataframe from a section of an RPT file

    :param rpt_path: path to rep file
    :param section: title of section to extract
    :param element_id: type of element when extracting time series data
    :return: pd.DataFrame

    # get list of all section headers in rpt to use as section ending flags
    headers = get_rpt_sections_details(rpt_path)

    if section not in headers:
        warnings.warn(f'{section} section not found in {rpt_path}')
        return pd.DataFrame()

    # handle case for extracting timeseries results
    if element_id is not None:
        end_strings = ['<<< ']
        start_strings = [
            f"<<< {section.replace(' Results', '')} {element_id} >>>",
            '-' * 20, '-' * 20
        # and get the list of columns to use for parsing this section
        end_strings = list(headers.keys())
        start_strings = [section, '-'*20, '-'*20]
    cols = headers[section]['columns']

    # extract the string and read into a dataframe
    s = extract_section_of_file(rpt_path, start_strings, end_strings)
    df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s), header=None, delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=[0],
                     index_col=0, names=cols)

    # confirm index name is string
    df = df.rename(index=str)

    return df