Пример #1
def create_inp_build_instructions(inpA, inpB, path, filename, comments=''):
    pass in two inp file paths and produce a spreadsheet showing the differences
    found in each of the INP sections. These differences should then be used
    whenever we need to rebuild this model from the baseline reference model.

    Note: this should be split into a func that creates a overall model "diff"
    that can then be written as a BI file or used programmatically

    allsections_a = get_inp_sections_details(inpA)
    modela = swmmio.Model(inpA)
    modelb = swmmio.Model(inpB)

    # create build insructions folder
    if not os.path.exists(path):
    filepath = os.path.join(path, filename) + '.txt'

    problem_sections = ['TITLE', 'CURVES', 'TIMESERIES', 'RDII', 'HYDROGRAPHS']
    with open(filepath, 'w') as newf:

        # write meta data
        metadata = {
            # 'Baseline Model':modela.inp.path,
            # 'ID':filename,
            'Parent Models': {
                'Baseline': {
                    inpA: vc_utils.modification_date(inpA)
                'Alternatives': {
                    inpB: vc_utils.modification_date(inpB)
            'Log': {
                filename: comments
        # print metadata
        vc_utils.write_meta_data(newf, metadata)
        for section, _ in allsections_a.items():
            if section not in problem_sections:
                # calculate the changes in the current section
                changes = INPSectionDiff(modela, modelb, section)
                data = pd.concat(
                    [changes.removed, changes.added, changes.altered],
                # vc_utils.write_excel_inp_section(excelwriter, allsections_a, section, data)
                )  # na fill fixes SNOWPACK blanks spaces issue

    return BuildInstructions(filepath)
Пример #2
def test_remove_model_section():

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
        m1 = swmmio.Model(MODEL_A_PATH)

        # create a copy of the model without subcatchments
        # m1.inp.infiltration = m1.inp.infiltration.iloc[0:0]
        m1.inp.subcatchments = m1.inp.subcatchments.iloc[0:0]
        # m1.inp.subareas = m1.inp.subareas.iloc[0:0]
        # m1.inp.polygons = m1.inp.polygons.iloc[0:0]

        # save to temp location
        temp_inp = os.path.join(tempdir, f'{m1.inp.name}.inp')

        m2 = swmmio.Model(temp_inp)

        sects1 = get_inp_sections_details(m1.inp.path)
        sects2 = get_inp_sections_details(m2.inp.path)

        # confirm saving a copy retains all sections except those removed
        assert ['SUBCATCHMENTS'] == [x for x in sects1 if x not in sects2]

        # confirm subcatchments returns an empty df
        assert m2.subcatchments.dataframe.empty
Пример #3
def test_infiltration_section():
    # horton
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY)
    inf = m.inp.infiltration
    assert (inf.columns.tolist() == [
        'MaxRate', 'MinRate', 'Decay', 'DryTime', 'MaxInfil'

    # curve number
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_CURVE_NUMBER)
    inf = m.inp.infiltration
    assert m.inp.options.loc['INFILTRATION', 'Value'] == 'CURVE_NUMBER'
    assert (inf.columns.tolist() == [
        'CurveNum', 'Conductivity (depreciated)', 'DryTime'

    # mod horton
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_MOD_HORTON)
    inf = m.inp.infiltration
    assert m.inp.options.loc['INFILTRATION', 'Value'] == 'MODIFIED_HORTON'
    assert (inf.columns.tolist() == [
        'MaxRate', 'MinRate', 'Decay', 'DryTime', 'MaxInfil'

    # green ampt
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_GREEN_AMPT)
    inf = m.inp.infiltration
    assert m.inp.options.loc['INFILTRATION', 'Value'] == 'GREEN_AMPT'
    assert (inf.columns.tolist() == ['Suction', 'HydCon', 'IMDmax'])

    # mod green ampt
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_MOD_GREEN_AMPT)
    inf = m.inp.infiltration
    assert m.inp.options.loc['INFILTRATION', 'Value'] == 'MODIFIED_GREEN_AMPT'
    assert (inf.columns.tolist() == ['Suction', 'Ksat', 'IMD'])
Пример #4
def test_example_1():
    model = swmmio.Model(MODEL_EX_1)
    element_types = ['nodes', 'links', 'subcatchments']
    elem_dict = {
        element: model.__getattribute__(element).geojson
        for element in element_types
    swmm_version = model.rpt.swmm_version
    assert (swmm_version['major'] == 5)
    assert (swmm_version['minor'] == 1)
    assert (swmm_version['patch'] == 12)

    model_b = swmmio.Model(MODEL_EX_1B)
    swmm_version = model_b.rpt.swmm_version
    assert (swmm_version['patch'] == 13)
    elem_dict = {
        element: model_b.__getattribute__(element).geojson
        for element in element_types

    subs = model.subcatchments.dataframe
    assert subs['TotalInfil'].sum() == pytest.approx(12.59, rel=0.001)
    assert subs['TotalRunoffMG'].sum() == pytest.approx(2.05, rel=0.001)

    # access lower level api
    peak_runoff = model.rpt.subcatchment_runoff_summary['PeakRunoff']
    assert peak_runoff.values == pytest.approx(
        [4.66, 4.52, 2.45, 2.45, 6.56, 1.5, 0.79, 1.33], rel=0.001)
    assert peak_runoff.values == pytest.approx(subs['PeakRunoff'].values,
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, model1=None, model2=None):
        m1 = model1
        m2 = model2
        if isinstance(m1, str):
            m1 = swmmio.Model(m1)
        if isinstance(m2, str):
            m2 = swmmio.Model(m2)
        self.m1 = m1
        self.m2 = m2
        self.diffs = OrderedDict()

        m1_sects = get_inp_sections_details(m1.inp.path)
        m2_sects = get_inp_sections_details(m2.inp.path)

        # get union of sections found, maintain order
        sects = list(m1_sects.keys()) + list(m2_sects.keys())
        seen = set()
        self.all_sections = [
            x for x in sects if not (x in seen or seen.add(x))
        self.all_inp_objects = OrderedDict(m1_sects)
        for section in self.all_sections:
            if section not in problem_sections:
                # calculate the changes in the current section
                changes = INPSectionDiff(m1, m2, section)

                self.diffs[section] = changes
Пример #6
def replace_inp_section(inp_path, modified_section_header, new_data):
    modify an existing inp file by passing in new data (Pandas Dataframe)
    and the section header that should be modified. This function will overwrite
    all data in the old section with the passed data

    :param inp_path: path to inp file to be changed
    :param modified_section_header: section for which data should be change
    :param new_data: pd.DataFrame of data to overwrite data in the modified section
    :return: swmmio.Model instantiated with modified inp file

    sections = get_inp_sections_details(inp_path)
    m = swmmio.Model(inp_path)
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
        with open(inp_path) as oldf:
            tmp_inp_path = os.path.join(tempdir, f'{m.inp.name}.inp')
            with open(tmp_inp_path, 'w') as new:

                # write each line as is from the original model until we find the
                # header of the section we wish to overwrite
                found_section = False
                found_next_section = False
                for line in oldf:
                    if modified_section_header in line:
                        # write the replacement data in the new file now

                        found_section = True

                    if (found_section
                            and any(es in line for es in sections.keys())
                            and modified_section_header not in line):
                        found_next_section = True

                    if found_next_section or not found_section:
                        # write the lines from the original file
                        # if we haven't found the section to modify.
                        # if we have found the section and we've found the NEXT section
                        # continue writing original file's lines

                if not found_section:
                    # the header doesn't exist in the old model
                    # so we should append it to the bottom of file
                    write_inp_section(new, sections, modified_section_header,

        # rename files and remove old if we should overwrite
        shutil.copy2(tmp_inp_path, inp_path)

    return swmmio.Model(inp_path)
Пример #7
def test_draw_model():
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY)
    target_img_pth = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test-draw-model.png')
    sg.draw_model(m, file_path=target_img_pth)

    assert os.path.exists(target_img_pth)
Пример #8
def test_coordinates():
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY)
    coordinates = m.inp.coordinates
    # coordinates.to_csv(df_test_coordinates_csv)
    test_coords = pd.read_csv(df_test_coordinates_csv, index_col=0)

    assert (coordinates.equals(test_coords))
Пример #9
def test_web_map_01():

    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_A_PATH,  crs="+init=EPSG:2817")
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
        fname = os.path.join(tempdir, 'test-map.html')
        sg.create_map(m, filename=fname)

        assert os.path.exists(fname)
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, model1=None, model2=None):
        diff of all INP sections between two models
        :param model1:
        :param model2:
        >>> from swmmio.tests.data import MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY, MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY_B
        >>> mydiff.diffs['[XSECTIONS]']
                 Shape  Geom1  Geom2  Geom3  Geom4  Barrels  ;  Comment                     Origin
        1:4   CIRCULAR      1      0      0      0      1.0  ;  Removed  model_full_features_b.inp
        2:5   CIRCULAR      1      0      0      0      1.0  ;  Removed  model_full_features_b.inp
        3:4   CIRCULAR      1      0      0      0      1.0  ;  Removed  model_full_features_b.inp
        4:5   CIRCULAR      1      0      0      0      1.0  ;  Removed  model_full_features_b.inp
        5:J1  CIRCULAR      1      0      0      0      1.0  ;  Removed  model_full_features_b.inp
        >>> print(mydiff)
        m1 = model1
        m2 = model2
        if isinstance(m1, str):
            m1 = swmmio.Model(m1)
        if isinstance(m2, str):
            m2 = swmmio.Model(m2)
        self.m1 = m1
        self.m2 = m2
        self.diffs = OrderedDict()

        m1_sects = get_inp_sections_details(m1.inp.path)
        m2_sects = get_inp_sections_details(m2.inp.path)

        # get union of sections found, maintain order
        sects = list(m1_sects.keys()) + list(m2_sects.keys())
        seen = set()
        self.all_sections = [
            x for x in sects if not (x in seen or seen.add(x))
        self.all_inp_objects = OrderedDict(m1_sects)
        for section in self.all_sections:
            if section not in problem_sections:
                # calculate the changes in the current section
                changes = INPSectionDiff(m1, m2, section)

                self.diffs[section] = changes
Пример #11
def test_inflow_dwf_dataframe():
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_XSECTION_ALT_03)
    dwf = dataframe_from_inp(m.inp.path, 'dwf')
    assert (dwf.loc['dummy_node2',
                    'AverageValue'] == pytest.approx(0.000275, 0.0001))

    inf = m.inp.inflows
    assert (inf.loc['dummy_node2', 'Time Series'] == 'my_time_series')
    assert (pd.isna(inf.loc['dummy_node6', 'Time Series']))
Пример #12
def test_model_to_networkx():
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES__NET_PATH)
    G = m.network

    assert (G['J2']['J3']['C2.1']['Length'] == 666)
    assert (G['J1']['J2']['C1:C2']['Length'] == 244.63)
    assert (round(G.node['J2']['InvertElev'], 3) == 13.0)

    links = m.links()
    assert (len(links) == len(G.edges()))
Пример #13
def test_draw_red_and_grey_nodes():
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES__NET_PATH)
    target_img_pth = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test-draw-model.png')
    nodes = m.nodes()
    nodes['draw_color'] = '#787882'
    nodes.loc[['J1', 'J2', 'J3'], 'draw_color'] = '#ff0000'
    nodes['draw_size'] = nodes['InvertElev'] * 3

    sg.draw_model(conduits=m.conduits(), nodes=nodes, file_path=target_img_pth)
    assert os.path.exists(target_img_pth)
Пример #14
def test_centroid_and_bbox_from_coords():

    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_A_PATH, crs="+init=EPSG:2817")

    c, bbox = centroid_and_bbox_from_coords(m.nodes.dataframe['coords'])
    assert c == (-70.97068150884797, 43.74695249578866)
    assert bbox == [-70.97068150884797, 43.74695249578866, -70.97068150884797, 43.74695249578866]

    c, bbox = centroid_and_bbox_from_coords([(0, 0), (0, 10), (10, 10), (10, 0)])
    assert c == (5, 5)
    assert bbox == [0, 0, 10, 10]
Пример #15
def test_centroid_and_bbox_from_coords():

    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_A_PATH, crs="EPSG:2817")

    c, bbox = centroid_and_bbox_from_coords(m.nodes.dataframe['coords'])
    assert c == pytest.approx((-70.97068, 43.74695), rel=1e-3)
    assert bbox == pytest.approx((-70.97068, 43.74695, -70.97068, 43.74695),

    c, bbox = centroid_and_bbox_from_coords([(0, 0), (0, 10), (10, 10),
                                             (10, 0)])
    assert c == (5, 5)
    assert bbox == [0, 0, 10, 10]
Пример #16
def test_change_crs():

    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_A_PATH, crs="+init=EPSG:2817")
    v1 = m.inp.vertices
    v2 = change_crs(m.inp.vertices, m.crs, "+init=EPSG:4326")
    assert v1.shape == v2.shape
    s = """
    Name      X          Y              
    J4-001.1 -70.959386  43.732851
    J4-001.1 -70.958415  43.732578
    J4-001.1 -70.959423  43.730452
    J2-095.1 -70.951378  43.767796
    v2_test = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s), index_col=0, delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=[0])
    assert v2.to_string() == v2_test.to_string()
Пример #17
def test_nodes_dataframe():
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_XSECTION_ALT_01)
    nodes = m.nodes()

    node_ids_01 = [
        'dummy_node1', 'dummy_node2', 'dummy_node3', 'dummy_node4',
        'dummy_node5', 'dummy_node6', 'dummy_outfall'

    assert (list(nodes.index) == node_ids_01)
    assert (nodes.loc['dummy_node1', 'InvertElev'] == -10.99)
    assert (nodes.loc['dummy_node2', 'MaxDepth'] == 20)
    assert (nodes.loc['dummy_node3', 'X'] == -4205.457)
    assert (nodes.loc['dummy_node4', 'MaxDepth'] == 12.59314)
    assert (nodes.loc['dummy_node5', 'PondedArea'] == 73511)
Пример #18
 def __init__(self, inp_file_path, out_file_path):
     if not inp_file_path:
         self.inp_file_path = config['inp_file_path']
         self.inp_file_path = inp_file_path
     if not out_file_path:
         self.out_file_path = config['out_file_path']
         self.out_file_path = out_file_path
     #initialize some baseline dataframes
     self.baseline = swmmio.core.inp(inp_file_path)
     self.baselineModel = swmmio.Model(inp_file_path)
     self.baselineLinks = self.baselineModel.links.dataframe
     self.baselineNodes = self.baselineModel.nodes.dataframe
     self.timeseries = self.baseline.timeseries  # any changes should be made on deep copy of self.timeseries
     self.inflows = self.baseline.inflows
Пример #19
def test_change_crs():

    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_A_PATH, crs="EPSG:2817")
    v1 = m.inp.vertices
    v2 = change_crs(m.inp.vertices, m.crs, "WGS84")
    assert v1.shape == v2.shape
    s = """
    Name      X          Y              
    J4-001.1 -70.959386  43.732851
    J4-001.1 -70.958415  43.732578
    J4-001.1 -70.959423  43.730452
    J2-095.1 -70.951378  43.767796
    v2_test = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s),
    assert v2['X'].values == pytest.approx(v2_test['X'].values, rel=1e-3)
    assert v2['Y'].values == pytest.approx(v2_test['Y'].values, rel=1e-3)
def get_sim_duration_and_report_step():
    # initialize a model model object
    model = swmmio.Model(data_dir + 'scenario.inp')

    inp_start_date = model.inp.options.loc["START_DATE"].values[0]
    inp_start_time = model.inp.options.loc["START_TIME"].values[0]

    inp_end_date = model.inp.options.loc["END_DATE"].values[0]
    inp_end_time = model.inp.options.loc["END_TIME"].values[0]

    start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(
        inp_start_date + ' ' + inp_start_time, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
    end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(inp_end_date + ' ' + inp_end_time,
                                          '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
    report_step = datetime.datetime.strptime(
        model.inp.options.loc["REPORT_STEP"].values[0], '%H:%M:%S').minute

    simulation_duration = int((end_time - start_time).total_seconds() / 60)

    return simulation_duration, report_step
Пример #21
def test_create_dataframeRPT():
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES__NET_PATH)

    depth_summ = swmmio.create_dataframeRPT(m.rpt.path, "Node Depth Summary")
    flood_summ = swmmio.create_dataframeRPT(m.rpt.path,
                                            "Node Flooding Summary")
    inflo_summ = swmmio.create_dataframeRPT(m.rpt.path, "Node Inflow Summary")

    print('\n', depth_summ)

    assert (inflo_summ.loc['J3', 'TotalInflowV'] == 6.1)
    assert (inflo_summ.loc['J1', 'MaxTotalInflow'] == 3.52)

    assert (depth_summ.loc['J3', 'MaxNodeDepth'] == 1.64)
    assert (depth_summ.loc['4', 'MaxNodeDepth'] == 0.87)

    # need to ensure indices are strings always
    assert (flood_summ.loc[5, 'TotalFloodVol'] == 0)
Пример #22
def make_inp_file(user_input):
    # initialize a baseline model object
    baseline = swmmio.Model(data_dir + 'baseline.inp')

    # create a dataframe of the model's subcatchments
    subs = baseline.inp.subcatchments

    # reads updates to model from user input and updates the swmmio model
    for update in user_input["model_updates"]:
        # update the outlet_id in the row of subcatchment_id

        subs.loc[update["subcatchment_id"], ['Outlet']] = update['outlet_id']
        baseline.inp.subcatchments = subs

    # set the rain gage from user input as raingage for all subcatchments
    scenario_rain_gage_name = 'RainGage' + '_' + str(user_input["rain_event"]["return_period"])
    for i, row in subs.iterrows():
        subs.at[i, 'Raingage'] = scenario_rain_gage_name

    # Save the new model with the adjusted data
    new_file_path = data_dir + 'scenario.inp'
Пример #23
    def build(self, baseline_dir, target_path):
        build a complete INP file with the build instructions committed to a
        baseline model.
        basemodel = swmmio.Model(baseline_dir)
        allheaders = get_inp_sections_details(basemodel.inp.path)
        # new_inp = os.path.join(target_dir, 'model.inp')
        with open(target_path, 'w') as f:
            for section, _ in allheaders.items():

                # check if the section is not in problem_sections and there are changes
                # in self.instructions and commit changes to it from baseline accordingly
                if (section not in problem_sections
                        and allheaders[section]['columns'] != ['blob']
                        and section in self.instructions):

                    # df of baseline model section
                    basedf = dataframe_from_bi(basemodel.inp.path, section)
                    basedf[';'] = ';'

                    # grab the changes to
                    changes = self.instructions[section]

                    # remove elements that have alterations and or tagged for removal
                    remove_ids = changes.removed.index | changes.altered.index
                    new_section = basedf.drop(remove_ids)

                    # add elements
                    new_section = pd.concat(
                        [new_section, changes.altered, changes.added])
                    # section is not well understood or is problematic, just blindly copy
                    new_section = dataframe_from_bi(basemodel.inp.path,
                    new_section[';'] = ';'

                # write the section
                vc_utils.write_inp_section(f, allheaders, section, new_section)
Пример #24
def test_model_section():
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY)

    def pumps_old_method(model):
        collect all useful and available data related model pumps and
        organize in one dataframe.

        # check if this has been done already and return that data accordingly
        if model._pumps_df is not None:
            return model._pumps_df

        # parse out the main objects of this model
        inp = model.inp
        rpt = model.rpt

        # create dataframes of relevant sections from the INP
        pumps_df = create_dataframeINP(inp.path, "[PUMPS]", comment_cols=False)
        if pumps_df.empty:
            return pd.DataFrame()

        # add conduit coordinates
        xys = pumps_df.apply(
            lambda r: swmmio.get_link_coords(r, inp.coordinates, inp.vertices),
        df = pumps_df.assign(coords=xys.map(lambda x: x[0]))
        df.InletNode = df.InletNode.astype(str)
        df.OutletNode = df.OutletNode.astype(str)

        model._pumps_df = df

        return df

    pumps_old_method = pumps_old_method(m)
    pumps = m.pumps()

    assert (pumps_old_method.equals(pumps))
Пример #25
def test_conduits_dataframe(test_model_01):
    m = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_PATH)
    conduits = m.conduits()
    assert (list(conduits.index) == ['C1:C2'])
Пример #26
def test_model_02():
    return swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES__NET_PATH)
Пример #27
def test_model_01():
    return swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY)
Пример #28
def merge_models(inp1, inp2, target='merged_model.inp'):
    Merge two separate swmm models into one model. This creates a diff, ignores
    removed sections, and uses inp1 settings where conflicts exist (altered sections in diff)
    :param inp1: swmmio.Model.inp object to be combined with inp2
    :param inp2: swmmio.Model.inp object to be combined with inp1
    :param target: path of new model
    :return: path to target
    # model object to store resulting merged model
    m3 = swmmio.Model(inp1)

    inp_diff = INPDiff(inp1, inp2)
    with open(target, 'w') as newf:
        for section, _ in inp_diff.all_inp_objects.items():
            # don't consider the "removed" parts of the diff
            # print('{}: {}'.format(section,inp_diff.all_inp_objects[section]['columns']))
            # check if the section is not in problem_sections and there are changes
            # in self.instructions and commit changes to it from baseline accordingly
            col_order = []
            if (section not in problem_sections and
                    inp_diff.all_inp_objects[section]['columns'] != ['blob']
                    and section in inp_diff.diffs):

                # df of baseline model section
                basedf = dataframe_from_inp(
                    additional_cols=[';', 'Comment', 'Origin'])
                basedf[';'] = ';'
                col_order = basedf.columns
                # grab the changes to
                changes = inp_diff.diffs[section]

                # remove elements that have alterations keep ones tagged for removal
                # (unchanged, but not present in m2)
                remove_ids = changes.altered.index
                new_section = basedf.drop(remove_ids)

                # add elements
                new_section = pd.concat(
                    [new_section, changes.altered, changes.added],
                # section is not well understood or is problematic, just blindly copy
                new_section = dataframe_from_inp(
                    additional_cols=[';', 'Comment', 'Origin'])
                new_section[';'] = ';'
                # print ('dealing with confusing section: {}\n{}'.format(section, new_section))

            # print(new_section.head())
            # write the section
            new_section = new_section[col_order]
            new_section[';'] = ';'

    return target