Пример #1
def optimfuncLDFB(x, N):
    '''function for optimizing an MDCT type filter bank.
    x: unknown matrix coefficients, N: Number of subbands.
    #Analysis folding matrix:
    Fa = symFmatrix(x[0:int(1.5 * N)])
    Faz = polmatmult(Fa, Dmatrix(N))
    Faz = polmatmult(Faz, Gmatrix(x[int(1.5 * N):(2 * N)]))
    #baseband prototype function h:
    h = Fa2h(Faz)
    #'Fa2h is returning 2D array. Squeeze to make it 1D'
    #h= np.squeeze(h)

    #Frequency response of the the baseband prototype function at 1024 frequency sampling points
    #between 0 and Nyquist:
    w, H = sig.freqz(h, 1, 1024)
    #desired frequency response
    #Limit of desired pass band (passband is between -pb and +pb, hence ../2)
    pb = int(1024 / N / 2.0)
    #Ideal desired frequency response:
    Hdes = np.concatenate((np.ones(pb), np.zeros(1024 - pb)))
    #transition band width to allow filter transition from pass band to stop band:
    tb = int(np.round(1.0 * pb))
    #Weights for differently weighting errors in pass band, transition band and stop band:
    weights = np.concatenate(
        (1.0 * np.ones(pb), np.zeros(tb), 1000 * np.ones(1024 - pb - tb)))
    #Resulting total error number as the sum of all weighted errors:
    err = np.sum(np.abs(H - Hdes) * weights)
    return err
Пример #2
def optimfuncMDCT(x, N):
    """Computes the error function for the filter bank optimization
    for coefficients x, a 1-d array, N: Number of subbands"""
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.signal as sig
    from polmatmult import polmatmult
    from Dmatrix import Dmatrix
    from symFmatrix import symFmatrix
    from Fa2h import Fa2h

    #x = np.transpose(x)
    Fa = symFmatrix(x)
    D = Dmatrix(N)
    Faz = polmatmult(Fa, D)
    h = Fa2h(Faz)
    h = np.hstack(h)
    w, H = sig.freqz(h, 1, 1024)
    pb = int(1024 / N / 2)
    Hdes = np.concatenate((np.ones((pb, 1)), np.zeros(((1024 - pb, 1)))),
    tb = np.round(pb)
    weights = np.concatenate((np.ones((pb, 1)), np.zeros(
        (tb, 1)), 1000 * np.ones((1024 - pb - tb, 1))),
    err = np.sum(np.abs(H - Hdes) * weights)
    return err
Пример #3
def MDCTanafb(x, N, fb):
    #MDCT analysis filter bank.
    #Arguments: x: input signal, e.g. audio signal, a 1-dim. array
    #N: number of subbands
    #fb: coefficients for the MDCT filter bank, for the F matrix, np.array with 1.5*N coefficients.
    #returns y, consisting of blocks of subband in in a 2-d array of shape (N,# of blocks)

    Fa = symFmatrix(fb)
    D = Dmatrix(N)
    y = x2polyphase(x, N)
    y = polmatmult(y, Fa)
    y = polmatmult(y, D)
    y = DCT4(y)
    #strip first dimension:
    y = y[0, :, :]
    return y
Пример #4
def LDFBana(x, N, fb):
    #Low Delay analysis filter bank.
    #Arguments: x: input signal, e.g. audio signal, a 1-dim. array
    #N: number of subbands
    #fb: coefficients for the MDCT filter bank, for the F matrix, np.array with 1.5*N coefficients.
    #returns y, consisting of blocks of subband in in a 2-d array of shape (N,# of blocks)

    Fa = symFmatrix(fb[0:int(1.5 * N)])
    print("Fa.shape=", Fa.shape)
    D = Dmatrix(N)
    G = Gmatrix(fb[int(1.5 * N):(2 * N)])
    y = x2polyphase(x, N)
    print("y[:,:,0]=", y[:, :, 0])
    y = polmatmult(y, Fa)
    y = polmatmult(y, D)
    y = polmatmult(y, G)
    y = DCT4(y)
    #strip first dimension:
    y = y[0, :, :]
    return y
Пример #5
def MDCTsynfb(y, fb):
    #MDCT synthesis filter bank.
    #Arguments: y: 2-d array of blocks of subbands, of shape (N, # of blokcs)
    #returns xr, the reconstructed signal, a 1-d array.

    N = y.shape[0]
    Fa = symFmatrix(fb)
    #invert Fa matrix for synthesis after removing last dim:
    Fs = np.linalg.inv(Fa[:, :, 0])
    #add again last dimension for function polmatmult:
    Fs = np.expand_dims(Fs, axis=-1)
    Dinv = Dinvmatrix(N)

    #add first dimension to y for polmatmult:
    y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=0)
    xp = DCT4(y)
    xp = polmatmult(xp, Dinv)
    xp = polmatmult(xp, Fs)
    xr = polyphase2x(xp)
    return xr
Пример #6
def LDFBsyn(y, fb):
    #Low Delay synthesis filter bank.
    #Arguments: y: 2-d array of blocks of subbands, of shape (N, # of blokcs)
    #returns xr, the reconstructed signal, a 1-d array.

    Fa = symFmatrix(fb[0:int(1.5 * N)])
    #invert Fa matrix for synthesis after removing last dim:
    Fs = np.linalg.inv(Fa[:, :, 0])
    #add again last dimension for function polmatmult:
    Fs = np.expand_dims(Fs, axis=-1)
    Ginv = Ginvmatrix(fb[int(1.5 * N):(2 * N)])
    Dinv = Dinvmatrix(N)
    #Display the synthesis folding matrix Fs(z):
    Fsz = polmatmult(polmatmult(Ginv, Dinv), Fs)
    #add first dimension to y for polmatmult:
    y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=0)
    xp = DCT4(y)
    xp = polmatmult(xp, Ginv)
    xp = polmatmult(xp, Dinv)
    xp = polmatmult(xp, Fs)
    xr = polyphase2x(xp)
    return xr
Пример #7
    import scipy.signal
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    N = 4  #number of subbands
    s = 2 * N
    bounds = [(-14, 14)] * s
    xmin = sp.optimize.differential_evolution(optimfuncLDFB,
                                              args=(N, ),
    print("error after optim.=", xmin.fun)
    print("optimized coefficients=", xmin.x)
    np.savetxt("LDFBcoeff.txt", xmin.x)
    x = xmin.x
    #Baseband Impulse Response:
    Fa = symFmatrix(x[0:int(1.5 * N)])
    #print("Fa=", Fa[:,:,0])
    Faz = polmatmult(Fa, Dmatrix(N))
    Faz = polmatmult(Faz, Gmatrix(x[int(1.5 * N):(2 * N)]))
    h = Fa2h(Faz)
    plt.title('Baseband Impulse Response of the Low Delay Filter Bank')
    #Magnitude Response:
    w, H = sp.signal.freqz(h)
    plt.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(H)))
    plt.axis([0, 3.14, -60, 20])
    plt.xlabel('Normalized Frequency')
    plt.ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
Пример #8
    from Dmatrix import Dmatrix
    from Fa2h import Fa2h

    N = 4
    #Start optimization with some starting point:
    x0 = -np.random.rand(int(1.5 * N))
    print("starting error=", optimfuncMDCT(x0, N))  #test optim. function
    xmin = sp.optimize.minimize(optimfuncMDCT,
                                args=(N, ),
                                options={'disp': True})
    print("optimized coefficients=", xmin.x)
    np.savetxt("MDCTcoeff.txt", xmin.x)
    print("error after optim.=", optimfuncMDCT(xmin.x, N))
    #Baseband Impulse Response:
    Fa = symFmatrix(xmin.x)
    Faz = polmatmult(Fa, Dmatrix(N))
    h = Fa2h(Faz)
    print("h=", h)
    plt.title('Baseband Impulse Response of our Optimized MDCT Filter Bank')
    #Magnitude Response:
    w, H = sp.signal.freqz(h)
    plt.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(H)))
    plt.axis([0, 3.14, -60, 20])
    plt.xlabel('Normalized Frequency')
    plt.ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
    plt.title('Mag. Frequency Response of the MDCT Filter Bank')
Пример #9
import numpy as np
#import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from optimfuncLDFB import optimfuncLDFB

x0 = np.random.random(8)
xmin = minimize(optimfuncLDFB, x0)
x = xmin.x

from symFmatrix import symFmatrix
from polmatmult import polmatmult
from Dmatrix import Dmatrix
from Fa2h import Fa2h
from Gmatrix import Gmatrix

N = 4
Fa = symFmatrix(x[0:(3 * N / 2)])
#print("Fa=", Fa[:,:,0])
Faz = polmatmult(Fa, Dmatrix(4))
Faz = polmatmult(Faz, Gmatrix(x[3 * N / 2:(2 * N)]))
#baseband prototype function h:
h = Fa2h(Faz)



import numpy as np
#import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from optimfuncMDCT import optimfuncMDCT

x0 = np.random.random(6)
xmin = minimize(optimfuncMDCT, x0)
print (x)

from symFmatrix import symFmatrix
from polmatmult import polmatmult 
from Dmatrix import Dmatrix
from Fa2h import Fa2h

Fa = symFmatrix(x) 
#print("Fa=", Fa[:,:,0])
Faz = polmatmult(Fa, Dmatrix(4))
h = Fa2h(Faz)
