Пример #1
def test_mvnormal_conjugate():
    """Test that we can produce the closed-form distribution for the conjugate
    multivariate normal-regression with normal-prior model.
    # import symbolic_pymc.theano.meta as tm
    # tm.load_dispatcher()

    tt.config.cxx = ""
    tt.config.compute_test_value = "ignore"

    a_tt = tt.vector("a")
    R_tt = tt.matrix("R")
    F_t_tt = tt.matrix("F")
    V_tt = tt.matrix("V")

    a_tt.tag.test_value = np.r_[1.0, 0.0]
    R_tt.tag.test_value = np.diag([10.0, 10.0])
    F_t_tt.tag.test_value = np.c_[-2.0, 1.0]
    V_tt.tag.test_value = np.diag([0.5])

    beta_rv = MvNormalRV(a_tt, R_tt, name="\\beta")

    E_y_rv = F_t_tt.dot(beta_rv)
    Y_rv = MvNormalRV(E_y_rv, V_tt, name="Y")

    y_tt = tt.as_tensor_variable(np.r_[-3.0])
    y_tt.name = "y"
    Y_obs = observed(y_tt, Y_rv)

    q_lv = var()

    (expr_graph, ) = run(1, q_lv, walko(conjugate, Y_obs, q_lv))

    fgraph_opt = expr_graph.eval_obj
    fgraph_opt_tt = fgraph_opt.reify()

    # Check that the SSE has decreased from prior to posterior.
    # TODO: Use a better test.
    beta_prior_mean_val = a_tt.tag.test_value
    F_val = F_t_tt.tag.test_value
    beta_post_mean_val = fgraph_opt_tt.owner.inputs[0].tag.test_value
    priorp_err = np.square(y_tt.data - F_val.dot(beta_prior_mean_val)).sum()
    postp_err = np.square(y_tt.data - F_val.dot(beta_post_mean_val)).sum()

    # First, make sure the prior and posterior means are simply not equal.
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(priorp_err, postp_err)

    # Now, make sure there's a decrease (relative to the observed point).
    np.testing.assert_array_less(postp_err, priorp_err)
Пример #2
def test_mvnormal_mvnormal():
    """Test that we can produce the closed-form distribution for the conjugate
    multivariate normal-regression with normal-prior model.
    tt.config.cxx = ''
    tt.config.compute_test_value = 'ignore'

    a_tt = tt.vector('a')
    R_tt = tt.matrix('R')
    F_t_tt = tt.matrix('F')
    V_tt = tt.matrix('V')

    a_tt.tag.test_value = np.r_[1., 0.]
    R_tt.tag.test_value = np.diag([10., 10.])
    F_t_tt.tag.test_value = np.c_[-2., 1.]
    V_tt.tag.test_value = np.diag([0.5])

    beta_rv = MvNormalRV(a_tt, R_tt, name='\\beta')

    E_y_rv = F_t_tt.dot(beta_rv)
    Y_rv = MvNormalRV(E_y_rv, V_tt, name='Y')

    y_tt = tt.as_tensor_variable(np.r_[-3.])
    y_tt.name = 'y'
    Y_obs = observed(y_tt, Y_rv)

    q_lv = var()

    expr_graph, = run(1, q_lv,
                      (tt_graph_applyo, conjugate, Y_obs, q_lv))

    fgraph_opt = expr_graph.eval_obj
    fgraph_opt_tt = fgraph_opt.reify()

    # Check that the SSE has decreased from prior to posterior.
    # TODO: Use a better test.
    beta_prior_mean_val = a_tt.tag.test_value
    F_val = F_t_tt.tag.test_value
    beta_post_mean_val = fgraph_opt_tt.owner.inputs[0].tag.test_value
    priorp_err = np.square(
        y_tt.data - F_val.dot(beta_prior_mean_val)).sum()
    postp_err = np.square(
        y_tt.data - F_val.dot(beta_post_mean_val)).sum()

    # First, make sure the prior and posterior means are simply not equal.
        AssertionError, np.testing.assert_array_equal,
        priorp_err, postp_err)
    # Now, make sure there's a decrease (relative to the observed point).
    np.testing.assert_array_less(postp_err, priorp_err)
Пример #3
def test_unify_rvs():

    a_tt = tt.vector("a")
    R_tt = tt.matrix("R")
    F_t_tt = tt.matrix("F")
    V_tt = tt.matrix("V")
    beta_rv = MvNormalRV(a_tt, R_tt, name="\\beta")
    E_y_rv = F_t_tt.dot(beta_rv)
    Y_rv = MvNormalRV(E_y_rv, V_tt, name="y")

    E_y_lv, V_lv, Y_name_lv = var(), var(), var()
    Y_lv = mt.MvNormalRV(E_y_lv, V_lv, size=var(), rng=var(), name=Y_name_lv)

    s = unify(Y_lv, Y_rv)

    assert s[E_y_lv].reify() == E_y_rv
    assert s[V_lv].reify() == V_tt
    assert s[Y_name_lv] == "y"
Пример #4
def test_kanren():
    # x, a, b = tt.dvectors('xab')
    # with variables(x, a, b):
    #     assert b == run(1, x, eq(a + b, a + x))[0]
    #     assert b == run(1, x, eq(a * b, a * x))[0]

    a, b = mt.dvectors('ab')
    assert b == run(1, var('x'), eq(mt.add(a, b), mt.add(a, var('x'))))[0]
    assert b == run(1, var('x'), eq(mt.mul(a, b), mt.mul(a, var('x'))))[0]

    a_tt = tt.vector('a')
    R_tt = tt.matrix('R')
    F_t_tt = tt.matrix('F')
    V_tt = tt.matrix('V')
    beta_rv = MvNormalRV(a_tt, R_tt, name='\\beta')
    E_y_rv = F_t_tt.dot(beta_rv)
    Y_rv = MvNormalRV(E_y_rv, V_tt, name='y')

    beta_name_lv = var('beta_name')
    beta_size_lv = var('beta_size')
    beta_rng_lv = var('beta_rng')
    a_lv = var('a')
    R_lv = var('R')
    beta_prior_mt = mt.MvNormalRV(a_lv,

    y_name_lv = var('y_name')
    y_size_lv = var('y_size')
    y_rng_lv = var('y_rng')
    F_t_lv = var('f')
    V_lv = var('V')
    E_y_mt = mt.dot(F_t_lv, beta_prior_mt)

    Y_mt = mt.MvNormalRV(E_y_mt, V_lv, y_size_lv, y_rng_lv, name=y_name_lv)

    with variables(Y_mt):
        res, = run(0, Y_mt, (eq, Y_rv, Y_mt))
    assert res.reify() == Y_rv
Пример #5
def test_mvnormalrv_ShapeFeature():
    M_tt = tt.iscalar("M")
    M_tt.tag.test_value = 2

    d_rv = MvNormalRV(tt.ones((M_tt, )), tt.eye(M_tt), size=2)

    fg = FunctionGraph(
        [i for i in tt_inputs([d_rv]) if not isinstance(i, tt.Constant)],

    s1, s2 = fg.shape_feature.shape_of[fg.memo[d_rv]]

    assert s1.eval() == 2
    assert fg.memo[M_tt] in tt_inputs([s2])
Пример #6
def test_normals_to_model():
    """Test conversion to a PyMC3 model."""
    tt.config.compute_test_value = 'ignore'

    a_tt = tt.vector('a')
    R_tt = tt.matrix('R')
    F_t_tt = tt.matrix('F')
    V_tt = tt.matrix('V')

    a_tt.tag.test_value = np.r_[1., 0.]
    R_tt.tag.test_value = np.diag([10., 10.])
    F_t_tt.tag.test_value = np.c_[-2., 1.]
    V_tt.tag.test_value = np.diag([0.5])

    beta_rv = MvNormalRV(a_tt, R_tt, name='\\beta')

    E_y_rv = F_t_tt.dot(beta_rv)
    Y_rv = MvNormalRV(E_y_rv, V_tt, name='Y')

    y_val = np.r_[-3.]

    def _check_model(model):
        assert len(model.observed_RVs) == 1
        assert model.observed_RVs[0].name == 'Y'
        Y_pm = model.observed_RVs[0].distribution
        assert isinstance(Y_pm, pm.MvNormal)
        assert Y_pm.mu.owner.op == tt.basic._dot
        assert Y_pm.cov.name == 'V'
        assert len(model.unobserved_RVs) == 1
        assert model.unobserved_RVs[0].name == '\\beta'
        beta_pm = model.unobserved_RVs[0].distribution
        assert isinstance(beta_pm, pm.MvNormal)

    y_tt = theano.shared(y_val, name='y')
    Y_obs = observed(y_tt, Y_rv)

    fgraph = FunctionGraph(tt_inputs([beta_rv, Y_obs]), [beta_rv, Y_obs],

    model = graph_model(fgraph)


    # Now, let `graph_model` create the `FunctionGraph`
    model = graph_model(Y_obs)


    # Use a different type of observation value
    y_tt = tt.as_tensor_variable(y_val, name='y')
    Y_obs = observed(y_tt, Y_rv)

    model = graph_model(Y_obs)


    # Use an invalid type of observation value
    tt.config.compute_test_value = 'ignore'
    y_tt = tt.vector('y')
    Y_obs = observed(y_tt, Y_rv)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        model = graph_model(Y_obs)