Пример #1
def test_calculus_2d_4():

    DIM = 2
    domain = Domain('Omega', dim=DIM)

    V = ScalarFunctionSpace('V', domain, kind=None)

    u, v = elements_of(V, names='u, v')

    a = Constant('a', is_real=True)

    # ... jump operator
    assert (jump(u + v) == jump(u) + jump(v))
    assert (jump(a * u) == a * jump(u))
    # ...

    # ... avg operator
    assert (avg(u + v) == avg(u) + avg(v))
    assert (avg(a * u) == a * avg(u))
    # ...

    # ... Dn operator
    assert (Dn(u + v) == Dn(u) + Dn(v))
    assert (Dn(a * u) == a * Dn(u))
    # ...

    # ... minus operator
    assert (minus(u + v) == minus(u) + minus(v))
    assert (minus(a * u) == a * minus(u))
    # ...

    # ... plus operator
    assert (plus(u + v) == plus(u) + plus(v))
    assert (plus(a * u) == a * plus(u))
Пример #2
def test_interface_2d_1():

    # ...
    def two_patches():

        from sympde.topology import InteriorDomain
        from sympde.topology import Connectivity, Interface

        A = Square('A')
        B = Square('B')

        A = A.interior
        B = B.interior

        connectivity = Connectivity()

        bnd_A_1 = Boundary(r'\Gamma_1', A, axis=0, ext=-1)
        bnd_A_2 = Boundary(r'\Gamma_2', A, axis=0, ext=1)
        bnd_A_3 = Boundary(r'\Gamma_3', A, axis=1, ext=-1)
        bnd_A_4 = Boundary(r'\Gamma_4', A, axis=1, ext=1)

        bnd_B_1 = Boundary(r'\Gamma_1', B, axis=0, ext=-1)
        bnd_B_2 = Boundary(r'\Gamma_2', B, axis=0, ext=1)
        bnd_B_3 = Boundary(r'\Gamma_3', B, axis=1, ext=-1)
        bnd_B_4 = Boundary(r'\Gamma_4', B, axis=1, ext=1)

        connectivity['I'] = Interface('I', bnd_A_2, bnd_B_1)

        Omega = Domain('Omega',
                       interiors=[A, B],
                           bnd_A_1, bnd_A_2, bnd_A_3, bnd_A_4, bnd_B_1,
                           bnd_B_2, bnd_B_3, bnd_B_4

        return Omega

    # ...

    # create a domain with an interface
    domain = two_patches()
    interfaces = domain.interfaces

    V = ScalarFunctionSpace('V', domain)

    u, v = elements_of(V, names='u, v')

    print(integral(interfaces, u * v))

    expr = integral(domain, dot(grad(v), grad(u)))
    expr += integral(interfaces, -avg(Dn(u)) * jump(v) + avg(Dn(v)) * jump(u))
    a = BilinearForm((u, v), expr)
Пример #3
def test_interface_integral_1():

    # ...
    A = Square('A')
    B = Square('B')

    domain = A.join(B,
                    bnd_minus=A.get_boundary(axis=0, ext=1),
                    bnd_plus=B.get_boundary(axis=0, ext=-1))
    # ...

    x, y = domain.coordinates

    V = ScalarFunctionSpace('V', domain, kind=None)
    assert (V.is_broken)

    u, v = elements_of(V, names='u, v')

    # ...
    I = domain.interfaces
    # ...

    #    expr = minus(Dn(u))
    #    print(expr)
    #    import sys; sys.exit(0)

    # ... bilinear forms
    #    a = BilinearForm((u,v), integral(domain, u*v))
    #    a = BilinearForm((u,v), integral(domain, dot(grad(u),grad(v))))
    #    a = BilinearForm((u,v), integral(I, jump(u) * jump(v)))
    #    a = BilinearForm((u,v), integral(I, jump(Dn(u)) * jump(v)))

    #    a = BilinearForm((u,v), integral(domain, dot(grad(u),grad(v)))
    #                          + integral(I,      jump(u) * jump(v)))

    # Nitsch
    kappa = Constant('kappa')
    expr_I = (-jump(u) * jump(Dn(v)) + kappa * jump(u) * jump(v) +
              plus(Dn(u)) * minus(v) + minus(Dn(u)) * plus(v))
    a = BilinearForm(
        (u, v),
        integral(domain, dot(grad(u), grad(v))) + integral(I, expr_I))

    #    # TODO BUG
    #    bnd_A = A.get_boundary(axis=0, ext=1)
    #    a = BilinearForm((u,v), integral(domain, dot(grad(u),grad(v)))
    #                          + integral(I,      jump(u) * jump(v))
    #                          + integral(bnd_A,      dx(u)*v))

    expr = TerminalExpr(a)
Пример #4
def test_interface_integral_3():

    # ...
    A = Square('A')
    B = Square('B')
    C = Square('C')

    AB = A.join(B,
                bnd_minus=A.get_boundary(axis=0, ext=1),
                bnd_plus=B.get_boundary(axis=0, ext=-1))

    domain = AB.join(C,
                     bnd_minus=B.get_boundary(axis=0, ext=1),
                     bnd_plus=C.get_boundary(axis=0, ext=-1))
    # ...

    x, y = domain.coordinates

    V = ScalarFunctionSpace('V', domain, kind=None)
    assert (V.is_broken)

    u, v = elements_of(V, names='u, v')

    # ...
    I = domain.interfaces
    #    print(I)
    #    print(integral(I, jump(u) * jump(v)))

    #    a = BilinearForm((u,v), integral(domain, u*v))
    #    a = BilinearForm((u,v), integral(domain, dot(grad(u),grad(v))))
    #    a = BilinearForm((u,v), integral(I, jump(u) * jump(v)))

    a = BilinearForm((u, v),
                     integral(domain, dot(grad(u), grad(v))) +
                              jump(u) * jump(v)))

    expr = TerminalExpr(a)
    # ...

    # ... linear forms
    b = LinearForm(
                 sin(x + y) * v) + integral(I,
                                            cos(x + y) * jump(v)))

    expr = TerminalExpr(b)
Пример #5
def test_interface_integral_2():

    # ...
    A = Square('A')
    B = Square('B')

    domain = A.join(B,
                    bnd_minus=A.get_boundary(axis=0, ext=1),
                    bnd_plus=B.get_boundary(axis=0, ext=-1))
    # ...

    x, y = domain.coordinates

    V = ScalarFunctionSpace('V', domain, kind=None)
    assert (V.is_broken)

    u, u1, u2, u3 = elements_of(V, names='u, u1, u2, u3')
    v, v1, v2, v3 = elements_of(V, names='v, v1, v2, v3')

    # ...
    I = domain.interfaces

    a = BilinearForm((u, v), integral(domain, dot(grad(u), grad(v))))
    b = BilinearForm((u, v), integral(I, jump(u) * jump(v)))

    A = BilinearForm(((u1, u2), (v1, v2)),
                     a(u1, v1) + a(u2, v2) + b(u1, v1) + b(u2, v2) + b(u1, v2))
    B = BilinearForm(
        ((u1, u2, u3), (v1, v2, v3)),
        a(u1, v1) + a(u2, v2) + a(u3, v3) + b(u1, v1) + b(u2, v2) + b(u1, v2))

    # ...

    # ... linear forms
    b = LinearForm(v, integral(I, jump(v)))

    b = LinearForm((v1, v2), b(v1) + b(v2))
    expr = TerminalExpr(b)
Пример #6
def _split_expr_over_interface(expr, interface, tests=None, trials=None):
    Splits an expression defined on an interface, into
    expressions where the test and trial functions are defined on each side of
    the interface.

        expr: sympde expression

        interface: interface of a connectivity

        tests: tests functions as given from linear or bilinear forms

        trials: trials functions as given from linear or bilinear forms

    Returns: sympde expression
    # ...
    is_bilinear = not (trials is None) and not (tests is None)
    is_linear = (trials is None) and not (tests is None)

    if trials is None: trials = []
    if tests is None: tests = []
    # ...

    int_expressions = {}
    bnd_expressions = {}

    # ...
    # we replace all jumps
    jumps = expr.atoms(Jump)
    args = [j._args[0] for j in jumps]

    for a in args:
        expr = expr.subs({jump(a): minus(a) - plus(a)})
    # ...

    # ...
    d_trials = {}
    for u in trials:
        u_minus = minus(u)
        u_plus = plus(u)
        d_trials[u] = {'-': u_minus, '+': u_plus}

#        # TODO add sub for avg
#        expr = expr.subs({jump(u): u_minus - u_plus})

    d_tests = {}
    for v in tests:
        v_minus = minus(v)
        v_plus = plus(v)
        d_tests[v] = {'-': v_minus, '+': v_plus}

#        # TODO add sub for avg
#        expr = expr.subs({jump(v): v_minus - v_plus})
# ...

# ...
    trials = []
    for u in d_trials.keys():
        u_minus = d_trials[u]['-']
        u_plus = d_trials[u]['+']
        trials += [u_minus, u_plus]

    tests = []
    for u in d_tests.keys():
        u_minus = d_tests[u]['-']
        u_plus = d_tests[u]['+']
        tests += [u_minus, u_plus]
    # ...

    # ...
    def _nullify(expr, u, us):
        """nullifies all symbols in us except u."""
        others = list(set(us) - set([u]))
        for other in others:
            expr = expr.subs({other: 0})
        return expr

    # ...
    if is_bilinear:
        for u in d_trials.keys():
            for v in d_tests.keys():
                u_minus = d_trials[u]['-']
                u_plus = d_trials[u]['+']
                v_minus = d_tests[v]['-']
                v_plus = d_tests[v]['+']

                # ...
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_minus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_minus, tests)
                newexpr = newexpr.subs({u_minus: u, v_minus: v})
                mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)
                if mapping and not is_zero(newexpr):
                    mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                    newexpr = newexpr.subs(mapping, mapping.minus)

                if not is_zero(newexpr):
                    if interface.minus in bnd_expressions:
                        newexpr += bnd_expressions[interface.minus]
                    bnd_expressions[interface.minus] = newexpr.subs(
                        interface, interface.minus)

                # ...
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_plus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_plus, tests)
                newexpr = newexpr.subs({u_plus: u, v_plus: v})
                mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)

                if mapping and not is_zero(newexpr):
                    mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                    newexpr = newexpr.subs(mapping, mapping.plus)

                for nn in newexpr.atoms(NormalVector):
                    newexpr = newexpr.subs(nn, -nn)

                if not is_zero(newexpr):
                    if interface.plus in bnd_expressions:
                        newexpr += bnd_expressions[interface.plus]
                    bnd_expressions[interface.plus] = newexpr.subs(
                        interface, interface.plus)

                # ...
                # TODO must call InterfaceExpression afterward
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_minus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_plus, tests)
                mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)
                if mapping:
                    mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                    for det in newexpr.atoms(SymbolicDeterminant):
                        if det.atoms(InterfaceMapping):
                            newdet = det.subs(mapping, mapping.minus)
                            newexpr = newexpr.subs(det, newdet)

                if not is_zero(newexpr):
                    if isinstance(u, IndexedVectorFunction):
                        u_minus = minus(u.base)
                    if isinstance(v, IndexedVectorFunction):
                        v_plus = plus(v.base)
                    if (u_minus, v_plus) in int_expressions:
                        newexpr += int_expressions[u_minus, v_plus].expr

                    int_expressions[u_minus, v_plus] = InterfaceExpression(
                        interface, u_minus, v_plus, newexpr)

                # ...
                # TODO must call InterfaceExpression afterward
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_plus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_minus, tests)
                mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)
                if mapping:
                    mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                    for det in newexpr.atoms(SymbolicDeterminant):
                        if det.atoms(InterfaceMapping):
                            newdet = det.subs(mapping, mapping.minus)
                            newexpr = newexpr.subs(det, newdet)
                if not is_zero(newexpr):
                    if isinstance(u, IndexedVectorFunction):
                        u_plus = plus(u.base)
                    if isinstance(v, IndexedVectorFunction):
                        v_minus = minus(v.base)
                    if (u_plus, v_minus) in int_expressions:
                        newexpr += int_expressions[u_plus, v_minus].expr

                    int_expressions[u_plus, v_minus] = InterfaceExpression(
                        interface, u_plus, v_minus, newexpr)

    elif is_linear:
        for v in d_tests.keys():
            v_minus = d_tests[v]['-']
            v_plus = d_tests[v]['+']

            # ...
            newexpr = _nullify(expr, v_minus, tests)
            newexpr = newexpr.subs({v_minus: v})
            mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)
            if mapping:
                mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                newexpr = newexpr.subs(mapping, mapping.minus)

            if not is_zero(newexpr):
                if interface.minus in bnd_expressions:
                    newexpr += bnd_expressions[interface.minus]

                bnd_expressions[interface.minus] = newexpr
            # ...
            # ...
            newexpr = _nullify(expr, v_plus, tests)
            newexpr = newexpr.subs({v_plus: v})
            mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)
            if mapping:
                mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                newexpr = newexpr.subs(mapping, mapping.plus)

            if not is_zero(newexpr):
                if interface.plus in bnd_expressions:
                    newexpr += bnd_expressions[interface.plus]

                bnd_expressions[interface.plus] = newexpr
            # ...

    int_expressions = list(int_expressions.values())
    return int_expressions, bnd_expressions
Пример #7
def _split_expr_over_interface(expr, interface, tests=None, trials=None):
    Splits an expression defined on an interface, into
    expressions where the test and trial functions are defined on each side of
    the interface.

        expr: sympde expression

        interface: interface of a connectivity

        tests: tests functions as given from linear or bilinear forms

        trials: trials functions as given from linear or bilinear forms

    Returns: sympde expression

    # ...
    def _new_atom(v, label):
        new = '{v}_{label}'.format(v=v.name, label=label)
        return element_of(v.space, name=new)

    # ...

    # ...
    is_bilinear = not (trials is None) and not (tests is None)
    is_linear = (trials is None) and not (tests is None)

    if trials is None: trials = []
    if tests is None: tests = []
    # ...

    # ...
    B_minus = interface.minus
    B_plus = interface.plus
    boundaries = (B_minus, B_plus)
    labels = ('minus', 'plus')
    # ...

    int_expressions = []
    bnd_expressions = {}

    # ...
    # we replace all jumps
    jumps = expr.atoms(Jump)
    args = [j._args[0] for j in jumps]

    for a in args:
        expr = expr.subs({jump(a): minus(a) - plus(a)})
    # ...

    # ...
    d_trials = {}
    for u in trials:
        u_minus = minus(u)
        u_plus = plus(u)
        d_trials[u] = {'-': u_minus, '+': u_plus}

#        # TODO add sub for avg
#        expr = expr.subs({jump(u): u_minus - u_plus})

    d_tests = {}
    for v in tests:
        v_minus = minus(v)
        v_plus = plus(v)
        d_tests[v] = {'-': v_minus, '+': v_plus}

#        # TODO add sub for avg
#        expr = expr.subs({jump(v): v_minus - v_plus})

    expr = expand(expr)
    # ...

    # ...
    trials = []
    for u in d_trials.keys():
        u_minus = d_trials[u]['-']
        u_plus = d_trials[u]['+']
        trials += [u_minus, u_plus]

    tests = []
    for u in d_tests.keys():
        u_minus = d_tests[u]['-']
        u_plus = d_tests[u]['+']
        tests += [u_minus, u_plus]
    # ...

    # ...
    def _nullify(expr, u, us):
        """nullifies all symbols in us except u."""
        others = list(set(us) - set([u]))
        for other in others:
            expr = expr.subs({other: 0})

        return expr

    # ...

    # ...
    def _not_zero_matrix(M):
        n, m = expr.shape
        return any([M[i, j] != 0 for i, j in product(range(n), range(m))])

    # ...

    # ...
    if is_bilinear:
        for u in d_trials.keys():
            u_minus = d_trials[u]['-']
            u_plus = d_trials[u]['+']
            for v in d_tests.keys():
                v_minus = d_tests[v]['-']
                v_plus = d_tests[v]['+']

                # ...
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_minus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_minus, tests)
                newexpr = newexpr.subs({u_minus: u, v_minus: v})
                if _not_zero_matrix(newexpr):
                    bnd_expressions[interface.minus] = newexpr
                # ...

                # ...
                # TODO must call InterfaceExpression afterward
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_minus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_plus, tests)
                if _not_zero_matrix(newexpr):
                    int_expressions += [
                        InterfaceExpression(interface, newexpr)
                # ...

                # ...
                # TODO must call InterfaceExpression afterward
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_plus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_minus, tests)
                if _not_zero_matrix(newexpr):
                    int_expressions += [
                        InterfaceExpression(interface, newexpr)
                # ...

                # ...
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_plus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_plus, tests)
                newexpr = newexpr.subs({u_plus: u, v_plus: v})
                if _not_zero_matrix(newexpr):
                    bnd_expressions[interface.plus] = newexpr
                # ...

    elif is_linear:
        for v in d_tests.keys():
            v_minus = d_tests[v]['-']
            v_plus = d_tests[v]['+']

            # ...
            newexpr = _nullify(expr, v_minus, tests)
            newexpr = newexpr.subs({v_minus: v})
            if _not_zero_matrix(newexpr):
                bnd_expressions[interface.minus] = newexpr
            # ...

            # ...
            newexpr = _nullify(expr, v_plus, tests)
            newexpr = newexpr.subs({v_plus: v})
            if _not_zero_matrix(newexpr):
                bnd_expressions[interface.plus] = newexpr
            # ...
    # ...

    return int_expressions, bnd_expressions
Пример #8
def _split_expr_over_interface(expr, interface, tests=None, trials=None):
    Splits an expression defined on an interface, into
    expressions where the test and trial functions are defined on each side of
    the interface.

        expr: sympde expression

        interface: interface of a connectivity

        tests: tests functions as given from linear or bilinear forms

        trials: trials functions as given from linear or bilinear forms

    Returns: sympde expression
    # ...
    is_bilinear = not (trials is None) and not (tests is None)
    is_linear = (trials is None) and not (tests is None)

    if trials is None: trials = []
    if tests is None: tests = []
    # ...

    int_expressions = []
    bnd_expressions = OrderedDict()

    # ...
    # we replace all jumps
    jumps = expr.atoms(Jump)
    args = [j._args[0] for j in jumps]

    for a in args:
        expr = expr.subs({jump(a): minus(a) - plus(a)})
    # ...

    # ...
    d_trials = OrderedDict()
    for u in trials:
        u_minus = minus(u)
        u_plus = plus(u)
        d_trials[u] = {'-': u_minus, '+': u_plus}

#        # TODO add sub for avg
#        expr = expr.subs({jump(u): u_minus - u_plus})

    d_tests = OrderedDict()
    for v in tests:
        v_minus = minus(v)
        v_plus = plus(v)
        d_tests[v] = {'-': v_minus, '+': v_plus}

#        # TODO add sub for avg
#        expr = expr.subs({jump(v): v_minus - v_plus})
# ...

# ...
    trials = []
    for u in d_trials.keys():
        u_minus = d_trials[u]['-']
        u_plus = d_trials[u]['+']
        trials += [u_minus, u_plus]

    tests = []
    for u in d_tests.keys():
        u_minus = d_tests[u]['-']
        u_plus = d_tests[u]['+']
        tests += [u_minus, u_plus]
    # ...

    # ...
    def _nullify(expr, u, us):
        """nullifies all symbols in us except u."""
        others = list(set(us) - set([u]))
        for other in others:
            expr = expr.subs({other: 0})
        return expr

    # ...
    if is_bilinear:
        for u in d_trials.keys():
            u_minus = d_trials[u]['-']
            u_plus = d_trials[u]['+']
            for v in d_tests.keys():
                v_minus = d_tests[v]['-']
                v_plus = d_tests[v]['+']

                # ...
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_minus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_minus, tests)
                newexpr = newexpr.subs({u_minus: u, v_minus: v})
                mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)
                if mapping and not newexpr.is_zero:
                    mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                    newexpr = newexpr.subs(mapping, mapping.minus)

                if not newexpr.is_zero:
                    bnd_expressions[interface.minus] = newexpr
                # ...
                # TODO must call InterfaceExpression afterward
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_minus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_plus, tests)
                mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)
                if mapping:
                    mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                    newexpr = newexpr.subs(mapping, mapping.plus)
                if not newexpr.is_zero:
                    int_expressions += [
                        InterfaceExpression(interface, u_minus, v_plus,
                # ...
                # TODO must call InterfaceExpression afterward
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_plus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_minus, tests)
                mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)
                if mapping:
                    mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                    newexpr = newexpr.subs(mapping, mapping.plus)
                if not newexpr.is_zero:
                    int_expressions += [
                        InterfaceExpression(interface, u_plus, v_minus,
                # ...
                newexpr = _nullify(expr, u_plus, trials)
                newexpr = _nullify(newexpr, v_plus, tests)
                newexpr = newexpr.subs({u_plus: u, v_plus: v})
                mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)
                if mapping:
                    mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                    newexpr = newexpr.subs(mapping, mapping.plus)
                if not newexpr.is_zero:
                    bnd_expressions[interface.plus] = newexpr
                # ...

    elif is_linear:
        for v in d_tests.keys():
            v_minus = d_tests[v]['-']
            v_plus = d_tests[v]['+']

            # ...
            newexpr = _nullify(expr, v_minus, tests)
            newexpr = newexpr.subs({v_minus: v})
            mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)
            if mapping:
                mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                newexpr = newexpr.subs(mapping, mapping.minus)
            if not newexpr.is_zero:
                bnd_expressions[interface.minus] = newexpr
            # ...

            # ...
            newexpr = _nullify(expr, v_plus, tests)
            newexpr = newexpr.subs({v_plus: v})
            mapping = newexpr.atoms(InterfaceMapping)
            if mapping:
                mapping = list(mapping)[0]
                newexpr = newexpr.subs(mapping, mapping.plus)
            if not newexpr.is_zero:
                bnd_expressions[interface.plus] = newexpr
            # ...

    return int_expressions, bnd_expressions