Пример #1
def test_size_assumed_shape():
    if not has_fortran():
        skip("No fortran compiler found.")
    a = Symbol("a", real=True)
    body = [Return((sum_(a**2) / size(a))**0.5)]
    arr = array(a, dim=[":"], intent="in")
    fd = FunctionDefinition(real, "rms", [arr], body)
    render_as_module([fd], "mod_rms")

    (stdout, stderr), info = compile_run_strings(
            ("rms.f90", render_as_module([fd], "mod_rms")),
                ("program myprog\n"
                 "use mod_rms, only: rms\n"
                 "real*8, dimension(4), parameter :: x = [4, 2, 2, 2]\n"
                 "print *, dsqrt(7d0) - rms(x)\n"
                 "end program\n"),
    assert "0.00000" in stdout
    assert stderr == ""
    assert info["exit_status"] == os.EX_OK
Пример #2
def test_bind_C():
    if not has_fortran():
        skip("No fortran compiler found.")
    if not cython:
        skip("Cython not found.")
    if not np:
        skip("NumPy not found.")

    a = Symbol('a', real=True)
    s = Symbol('s', integer=True)
    body = [Return((sum_(a**2) / s)**.5)]
    arr = array(a, dim=[s], intent='in')
    fd = FunctionDefinition(real, 'rms', [arr, s], body, attrs=[bind_C('rms')])
    f_mod = render_as_module([fd], 'mod_rms')

    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings(
            [('rms.f90', f_mod),
             ('_rms.pyx', ("#cython: language_level={}\n".format("3") +
                           "cdef extern double rms(double*, int*)\n"
                           "def py_rms(double[::1] x):\n"
                           "    cdef int s = x.size\n"
                           "    return rms(&x[0], &s)\n"))],
        assert abs(mod.py_rms(np.array([2., 4., 2., 2.])) - 7**0.5) < 1e-14
Пример #3
def test_bind_C():
    if not has_fortran():
        skip("No fortran compiler found.")
    if not cython:
        skip("Cython not found.")
    if not np:
        skip("NumPy not found.")

    a = Symbol('a', real=True)
    s = Symbol('s', integer=True)
    body = [Return((sum_(a**2)/s)**.5)]
    arr = array(a, dim=[s], intent='in')
    fd = FunctionDefinition(real, 'rms', [arr, s], body, attrs=[bind_C('rms')])
    f_mod = render_as_module([fd], 'mod_rms')

    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings([
            ('rms.f90', f_mod),
            ('_rms.pyx', (
                "cdef extern double rms(double*, int*)\n"
                "def py_rms(double[::1] x):\n"
                "    cdef int s = x.size\n"
                "    return rms(&x[0], &s)\n"))
        ], build_dir=folder)
        assert abs(mod.py_rms(np.array([2., 4., 2., 2.])) - 7**0.5) < 1e-14
Пример #4
def test_size_assumed_shape():
    if not has_fortran():
        skip("No fortran compiler found.")
    a = Symbol('a', real=True)
    body = [Return((sum_(a**2) / size(a))**.5)]
    arr = array(a, dim=[':'], intent='in')
    fd = FunctionDefinition(real, 'rms', [arr], body)
    render_as_module([fd], 'mod_rms')

    (stdout, stderr), info = compile_run_strings(
        [('rms.f90', render_as_module([fd], 'mod_rms')),
         ('main.f90', ('program myprog\n'
                       'use mod_rms, only: rms\n'
                       'real*8, dimension(4), parameter :: x = [4, 2, 2, 2]\n'
                       'print *, dsqrt(7d0) - rms(x)\n'
                       'end program\n'))],
    assert '0.00000' in stdout
    assert stderr == ''
    assert info['exit_status'] == os.EX_OK
Пример #5
def test_size_assumed_shape():
    if not has_fortran():
        skip("No fortran compiler found.")
    a = Symbol('a', real=True)
    body = [Return((sum_(a**2)/size(a))**.5)]
    arr = array(a, dim=[':'], intent='in')
    fd = FunctionDefinition(real, 'rms', [arr], body)
    f_mod = render_as_module([fd], 'mod_rms')

    (stdout, stderr), info = compile_run_strings([
        ('rms.f90', render_as_module([fd], 'mod_rms')),
        ('main.f90', (
            'program myprog\n'
            'use mod_rms, only: rms\n'
            'real*8, dimension(4), parameter :: x = [4, 2, 2, 2]\n'
            'print *, dsqrt(7d0) - rms(x)\n'
            'end program\n'
    ], clean=True)
    assert '0.00000' in stdout
    assert stderr == ''
    assert info['exit_status'] == os.EX_OK