Пример #1
    def _eval_rewrite_as_Add(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """return Eq(L, R) as L - R. To control the evaluation of
        the result set pass `evaluate=True` to give L - R;
        if `evaluate=None` then terms in L and R will not cancel
        but they will be listed in canonical order; otherwise
        non-canonical args will be returned.


        >>> from sympy import Eq, Add
        >>> from sympy.abc import b, x
        >>> eq = Eq(x + b, x - b)
        >>> eq.rewrite(Add)
        >>> eq.rewrite(Add, evaluate=None).args
        (b, b, x, -x)
        >>> eq.rewrite(Add, evaluate=False).args
        (b, x, b, -x)
        L, R = args
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', True)
        if evaluate:
            # allow cancellation of args
            return L - R
        args = Add.make_args(L) + Add.make_args(-R)
        if evaluate is None:
            # no cancellation, but canonical
            return _unevaluated_Add(*args)
        # no cancellation, not canonical
        return Add._from_args(args)
Пример #2
def _gcd_terms(terms, isprimitive=False, fraction=True):
    """Helper function for :func:`gcd_terms`.

    If ``isprimitive`` is True then the call to primitive
    for an Add will be skipped. This is useful when the
    content has already been extrated.

    If ``fraction`` is True then the expression will appear over a common
    denominator, the lcm of all term denominators.

    if isinstance(terms, Basic) and not isinstance(terms, Tuple):
        terms = Add.make_args(terms)

    terms = map(Term, [t for t in terms if t])

    # there is some simplification that may happen if we leave this
    # here rather than duplicate it before the mapping of Term onto
    # the terms
    if len(terms) == 0:
        return S.Zero, S.Zero, S.One

    if len(terms) == 1:
        cont = terms[0].coeff
        numer = terms[0].numer.as_expr()
        denom = terms[0].denom.as_expr()

        cont = terms[0]
        for term in terms[1:]:
            cont = cont.gcd(term)

        for i, term in enumerate(terms):
            terms[i] = term.quo(cont)

        if fraction:
            denom = terms[0].denom

            for term in terms[1:]:
                denom = denom.lcm(term.denom)

            numers = []
            for term in terms:
                numer = term.numer.mul(denom.quo(term.denom))
            numers = [t.as_expr() for t in terms]
            denom = Term(S(1)).numer

        cont = cont.as_expr()
        numer = Add(*numers)
        denom = denom.as_expr()

    if not isprimitive and numer.is_Add:
        _cont, numer = numer.primitive()
        cont *= _cont

    return cont, numer, denom
Пример #3
def factor_terms(expr, radical=False):
    """Remove common factors from terms in all arguments without
    changing the underlying structure of the expr. No expansion or
    simplification (and no processing of non-commutatives) is performed.

    If radical=True then a radical common to all terms will be factored
    out of any Add sub-expressions of the expr.


    >>> from sympy import factor_terms, Symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> factor_terms(x + x*(2 + 4*y)**3)
    x*(8*(2*y + 1)**3 + 1)
    >>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    >>> factor_terms(x*A + x*A + x*y*A)
    x*(y*A + 2*A)


    expr = sympify(expr)
    is_iterable = iterable(expr)

    if not isinstance(expr, Basic) or expr.is_Atom:
        if is_iterable:
            return type(expr)([factor_terms(i, radical=radical) for i in expr])
        return expr

    if expr.is_Function or is_iterable or not hasattr(expr, 'args_cnc'):
        args = expr.args
        newargs = tuple([factor_terms(i, radical=radical) for i in args])
        if newargs == args:
            return expr
        return expr.func(*newargs)

    cont, p = expr.as_content_primitive(radical=radical)
    list_args, nc = zip(*[ai.args_cnc() for ai in Add.make_args(p)])
    list_args = list(list_args)
    nc = [((Dummy(), Mul._from_args(i)) if i else None) for i in nc]
    ncreps = dict([i for i in nc if i is not None])
    for i, a in enumerate(list_args):
        if nc[i] is not None:
        a = Mul._from_args(a) # gcd_terms will fix up ordering
        list_args[i] = gcd_terms(a, isprimitive=True)
        # cancel terms that may not have cancelled
    p = Add._from_args(list_args) # gcd_terms will fix up ordering
    p = gcd_terms(p, isprimitive=True).xreplace(ncreps)
    return _keep_coeff(cont, p)
Пример #4
def _peeloff_pi(arg):
    Split ARG into two parts, a "rest" and a multiple of pi/2.
    This assumes ARG to be an Add.
    The multiple of pi returned in the second position is always a Rational.

    >>> from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import _peeloff_pi as peel
    >>> from sympy import pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> peel(x + pi/2)
    (x, pi/2)
    >>> peel(x + 2*pi/3 + pi*y)
    (x + pi*y + pi/6, pi/2)
    for a in Add.make_args(arg):
        if a is S.Pi:
            K = S.One
        elif a.is_Mul:
            K, p = a.as_two_terms()
            if p is S.Pi and K.is_Rational:
        return arg, S.Zero

    m1 = (K % S.Half) * S.Pi
    m2 = K*S.Pi - m1
    return arg - m2, m2
Пример #5
    def _eval_imageset(self, f):
        expr = f.expr
        if not isinstance(expr, Expr):

        if len(f.variables) > 1:

        n = f.variables[0]

        # f(x) + c and f(-x) + c cover the same integers
        # so choose the form that has the fewest negatives
        c = f(0)
        fx = f(n) - c
        f_x = f(-n) - c
        neg_count = lambda e: sum(_coeff_isneg(_) for _ in Add.make_args(e))
        if neg_count(f_x) < neg_count(fx):
            expr = f_x + c

        a = Wild('a', exclude=[n])
        b = Wild('b', exclude=[n])
        match = expr.match(a*n + b)
        if match and match[a]:
            # canonical shift
            expr = match[a]*n + match[b] % match[a]

        if expr != f.expr:
            return ImageSet(Lambda(n, expr), S.Integers)
Пример #6
def _transform_explike_DE(DE, g, x, order, syms):
    """Converts DE with free parameters into DE with constant coefficients."""
    from sympy.solvers.solveset import linsolve

    eq = []
    highest_coeff = DE.coeff(Derivative(g(x), x, order))
    for i in range(order):
        coeff = DE.coeff(Derivative(g(x), x, i))
        coeff = (coeff / highest_coeff).expand().collect(x)
        for t in Add.make_args(coeff):
    temp = []
    for e in eq:
        if e.has(x):
        elif e.has(Symbol):
        eq = temp
    if eq:
        sol = dict(zip(syms, (i for s in linsolve(eq, list(syms)) for i in s)))
        if sol:
            DE = DE.subs(sol)
            DE = DE.factor().as_coeff_mul(Derivative)[1][0]
            DE = DE.collect(Derivative(g(x)))
    return DE
Пример #7
def _peeloff_ipi(arg):
    Split ARG into two parts, a "rest" and a multiple of I*pi/2.
    This assumes ARG to be an Add.
    The multiple of I*pi returned in the second position is always a Rational.


    >>> from sympy.functions.elementary.hyperbolic import _peeloff_ipi as peel
    >>> from sympy import pi, I
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> peel(x + I*pi/2)
    (x, I*pi/2)
    >>> peel(x + I*2*pi/3 + I*pi*y)
    (x + I*pi*y + I*pi/6, I*pi/2)
    for a in Add.make_args(arg):
        if a == S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit:
            K = S.One
        elif a.is_Mul:
            K, p = a.as_two_terms()
            if p == S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit and K.is_Rational:
        return arg, S.Zero

    m1 = (K % S.Half)*S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit
    m2 = K*S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit - m1
    return arg - m2, m2
Пример #8
    def _eval_simplify(self, ratio=1.7, measure=None):
        from sympy.simplify.simplify import factor_sum, sum_combine
        from sympy.core.function import expand
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul

        # split the function into adds
        terms = Add.make_args(expand(self.function))
        s_t = [] # Sum Terms
        o_t = [] # Other Terms

        for term in terms:
            if term.has(Sum):
                # if there is an embedded sum here
                # it is of the form x * (Sum(whatever))
                # hence we make a Mul out of it, and simplify all interior sum terms
                subterms = Mul.make_args(expand(term))
                out_terms = []
                for subterm in subterms:
                    # go through each term
                    if isinstance(subterm, Sum):
                        # if it's a sum, simplify it
                        # otherwise, add it as is

                # turn it back into a Mul

        # next try to combine any interior sums for further simplification
        result = Add(sum_combine(s_t), *o_t)

        return factor_sum(result, limits=self.limits)
Пример #9
    def do(expr):
        from sympy.concrete.summations import Sum
        from sympy.simplify.simplify import factor_sum
        is_iterable = iterable(expr)

        if not isinstance(expr, Basic) or expr.is_Atom:
            if is_iterable:
                return type(expr)([do(i) for i in expr])
            return expr

        if expr.is_Pow or expr.is_Function or \
                is_iterable or not hasattr(expr, 'args_cnc'):
            args = expr.args
            newargs = tuple([do(i) for i in args])
            if newargs == args:
                return expr
            return expr.func(*newargs)

        if isinstance(expr, Sum):
            return factor_sum(expr, radical=radical, clear=clear, fraction=fraction, sign=sign)

        cont, p = expr.as_content_primitive(radical=radical, clear=clear)
        if p.is_Add:
            list_args = [do(a) for a in Add.make_args(p)]
            # get a common negative (if there) which gcd_terms does not remove
            if all(a.as_coeff_Mul()[0].extract_multiplicatively(-1) is not None
                   for a in list_args):
                cont = -cont
                list_args = [-a for a in list_args]
            # watch out for exp(-(x+2)) which gcd_terms will change to exp(-x-2)
            special = {}
            for i, a in enumerate(list_args):
                b, e = a.as_base_exp()
                if e.is_Mul and e != Mul(*e.args):
                    list_args[i] = Dummy()
                    special[list_args[i]] = a
            # rebuild p not worrying about the order which gcd_terms will fix
            p = Add._from_args(list_args)
            p = gcd_terms(p,
        elif p.args:
            p = p.func(
                *[do(a) for a in p.args])
        rv = _keep_coeff(cont, p, clear=clear, sign=sign)
        return rv
Пример #10
def factor_terms(expr):
    """Remove common factors from terms in all arguments without
    changing the underlying structure of the expr. No expansion or
    simplification (and no processing of non-commutative) is performed.


    >>> from sympy import factor_terms, Symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> factor_terms(x + x*(2 + 4*y)**3)
    x*(8*(2*y + 1)**3 + 1)
    >>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    >>> factor_terms(x*A + x*A + x*y*A)
    x*(y*A + 2*A)


    expr = sympify(expr)

    if iterable(expr):
        return type(expr)([factor_terms(i) for i in expr])

    if not isinstance(expr, Basic) or expr.is_Atom:
        return expr

    if expr.is_Function:
        return expr.func(*[factor_terms(i) for i in expr.args])

    cont, p = expr.as_content_primitive()
    list_args, nc = zip(*[ai.args_cnc(clist=True) for ai in Add.make_args(p)])
    list_args = list(list_args)
    nc = [((Dummy(), Mul._from_args(i)) if i else None) for i in nc]
    ncreps = dict([i for i in nc if i is not None])
    for i, a in enumerate(list_args):
        if nc[i] is not None:
        a = Mul._from_args(a) # gcd_terms will fix up ordering
        list_args[i] = gcd_terms(a, isprimitive=True)
        # cancel terms that may not have cancelled
    p = Add._from_args(list_args) # gcd_terms will fix up ordering
    p = gcd_terms(p, isprimitive=True).subs(ncreps) # exact subs could be used here
    return _keep_coeff(cont, p)
Пример #11
def _gcd_terms(terms, isprimitive=False):
    """Helper function for :func:`gcd_terms`. If `isprimitive` is True then the
    call to primitive for an Add will be skipped. This is useful when the
    content has already been extrated."""
    if isinstance(terms, Basic) and not isinstance(terms, Tuple):
        terms = Add.make_args(terms)

    if len(terms) <= 1:
        if not terms:
            return S.Zero, S.Zero, S.One
            return terms[0], S.One, S.One

    terms = map(Term, terms)
    cont = terms[0]

    for term in terms[1:]:
        cont = cont.gcd(term)

    for i, term in enumerate(terms):
        terms[i] = term.quo(cont)

    denom = terms[0].denom

    for term in terms[1:]:
        denom = denom.lcm(term.denom)

    numers = []

    for term in terms:
        numer = term.numer.mul(denom.quo(term.denom))

    cont = cont.as_expr()
    numer = Add(*numers)
    denom = denom.as_expr()
    if not isprimitive and numer.is_Add:
        _cont, numer = numer.primitive()
        cont *= _cont

    return cont, numer, denom
Пример #12
def _solve_explike_DE(f, x, DE, g, k):
    """Solves DE with constant coefficients."""
    from sympy.solvers import rsolve

    for t in Add.make_args(DE):
        coeff, d = t.as_independent(g)
        if coeff.free_symbols:

    RE = exp_re(DE, g, k)

    init = {}
    for i in range(len(Add.make_args(RE))):
        if i:
            f = f.diff(x)
        init[g(k).subs(k, i)] = f.limit(x, 0)

    sol = rsolve(RE, g(k), init)

    if sol:
        return (sol / factorial(k), S.Zero, S.Zero)
Пример #13
def _solve_hyper_RE(f, x, RE, g, k):
    """See docstring of :func:`rsolve_hypergeometric` for details."""
    terms = Add.make_args(RE)

    if len(terms) == 2:
        gs = list(RE.atoms(Function))
        P, Q = map(RE.coeff, gs)
        m = gs[1].args[0] - gs[0].args[0]
        if m < 0:
            P, Q = Q, P
            m = abs(m)
        return rsolve_hypergeometric(f, x, P, Q, k, m)
Пример #14
def _gcd_terms(terms):
    """Helper function for :func:`gcd_terms`. """
    if isinstance(terms, Basic):
        terms = Add.make_args(terms)

    if len(terms) <= 1:
        if not terms:
            return S.Zero, S.Zero, S.One
            return terms[0], S.One, S.One

    terms = map(Term, terms)
    cont = terms[0]

    for term in terms[1:]:
        cont = cont.gcd(term)

    for i, term in enumerate(terms):
        terms[i] = term.quo(cont)

    denom = terms[0].denom

    for term in terms[1:]:
        denom = denom.lcm(term.denom)

    numers = []

    for term in terms:
        numer = term.numer.mul(denom.quo(term.denom))

    cont = cont.as_expr()
    numer = Add(*numers)
    denom = denom.as_expr()

    if numer.is_Add:
        _cont, numer = numer.primitive()
        cont *= _cont

    return cont, numer, denom
Пример #15
def hyper_re(DE, r, k):
    """Converts a DE into a RE.

    Performs the substitution:

    .. math::
        x^l f^j(x) \\to (k + 1 - l)_j . a_{k + j - l}

    Normalises the terms so that lowest order of a term is always r(k).


    >>> from sympy import Function, Derivative
    >>> from sympy.series.formal import hyper_re
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, k
    >>> f, r = Function('f'), Function('r')

    >>> hyper_re(-f(x) + Derivative(f(x)), r, k)
    (k + 1)*r(k + 1) - r(k)
    >>> hyper_re(-x*f(x) + Derivative(f(x), x, x), r, k)
    (k + 2)*(k + 3)*r(k + 3) - r(k)

    See Also

    RE = S.Zero

    g = DE.atoms(Function).pop()
    x = g.atoms(Symbol).pop()

    mini = None
    for t in Add.make_args(DE.expand()):
        coeff, d = t.as_independent(g)
        c, v = coeff.as_independent(x)
        l = v.as_coeff_exponent(x)[1]
        if isinstance(d, Derivative):
            j = len(d.args[1:])
            j = 0
        RE += c * rf(k + 1 - l, j) * r(k + j - l)
        if mini is None or j - l < mini:
            mini = j - l

    RE = RE.subs(k, k - mini)

    m = Wild('m')
    return RE.collect(r(k + m))
Пример #16
    def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        nint = int(to_int(nexpr, rnd))
        n, c, p, b = nexpr
        is_int = (p == 0)
        if not is_int:
            # if there are subs and they all contain integer re/im parts
            # then we can (hopefully) safely substitute them into the
            # expression
            s = options.get('subs', False)
            if s:
                doit = True
                from sympy.core.compatibility import as_int
                for v in s.values():
                    except ValueError:
                            [as_int(i) for i in v.as_real_imag()]
                        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
                            doit = False
                if doit:
                    expr = expr.subs(s)

            expr = Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
            x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
                check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
            except PrecisionExhausted:
                if not expr.equals(0):
                    raise PrecisionExhausted
                x = fzero
            nint += int(no*(mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
        nint = from_int(nint)
        return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10
Пример #17
def _solve_simple(f, x, DE, g, k):
    """Converts DE into RE and solves using :func:`rsolve`."""
    from sympy.solvers import rsolve

    RE = hyper_re(DE, g, k)

    init = {}
    for i in range(len(Add.make_args(RE))):
        if i:
            f = f.diff(x)
        init[g(k).subs(k, i)] = f.limit(x, 0) / factorial(i)

    sol = rsolve(RE, g(k), init)

    if sol:
        return (sol, S.Zero, S.Zero)
Пример #18
def exp_re(DE, r, k):
    """Converts a DE with constant coefficients (explike) into a RE.

    Performs the substitution:

    .. math::
        f^j(x) \\to r(k + j)

    Normalises the terms so that lowest order of a term is always r(k).


    >>> from sympy import Function, Derivative
    >>> from sympy.series.formal import exp_re
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, k
    >>> f, r = Function('f'), Function('r')

    >>> exp_re(-f(x) + Derivative(f(x)), r, k)
    -r(k) + r(k + 1)
    >>> exp_re(Derivative(f(x), x) + Derivative(f(x), x, x), r, k)
    r(k) + r(k + 1)

    See Also

    RE = S.Zero

    g = DE.atoms(Function).pop()

    mini = None
    for t in Add.make_args(DE):
        coeff, d = t.as_independent(g)
        if isinstance(d, Derivative):
            j = len(d.args) - 1
            j = 0
        if mini is None or j < mini:
            mini = j
        RE += coeff * r(k + j)
    if mini:
        RE = RE.subs(k, k - mini)
    return RE
Пример #19
def _transform_explike_DE(DE, g, x, order, syms):
    """Converts DE with free parameters into DE with constant coefficients."""
    from sympy.solvers import solve

    eq = []
    highest_coeff = DE.coeff(Derivative(g(x), x, order))
    for i in range(order):
        coeff = DE.coeff(Derivative(g(x), x, i))
        coeff = (coeff / highest_coeff).expand().collect(x)
        for t in Add.make_args(coeff):
            if t.has(x):
    sol = solve(eq, syms, dict=True)
    if sol:
        DE = DE.subs(sol[0])
        DE = DE.factor().as_coeff_mul(Derivative)[1][0]
        DE = DE.collect(Derivative(g(x)))
    return DE
Пример #20
Файл: risch.py Проект: haz/sympy
    def integrate(field=None):
        irreducibles = set()

        for poly in reducibles:
            for z in poly.atoms(Symbol):
                if z in V:

            irreducibles |= set(root_factors(poly, z, filter=field))

        log_coeffs, log_part = [], []
        B = _symbols('B', len(irreducibles))

        for i, poly in enumerate(irreducibles):
            if poly.has(*V):
                log_part.append(log_coeffs[-1] * log(poly))

        coeffs = poly_coeffs + log_coeffs

        candidate = poly_part/poly_denom + Add(*log_part)

        h = F - derivation(candidate) / denom

        numer = h.as_numer_denom()[0].expand()

        equations = {}

        for term in Add.make_args(numer):
            coeff, dependent = term.as_independent(*V)

            if dependent in equations:
                equations[dependent] += coeff
                equations[dependent] = coeff

        solution = solve(equations.values(), *coeffs)

        if solution is not None:
            return (solution, candidate, coeffs)
            return None
Пример #21
    def integrate(self, x=None, **kwargs):
        """Integrate Formal Power Series.


        >>> from sympy import fps, sin, integrate
        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> f = fps(sin(x))
        >>> f.integrate(x).truncate()
        -1 + x**2/2 - x**4/24 + O(x**6)
        >>> integrate(f, (x, 0, 1))
        -cos(1) + 1
        from sympy.integrals import integrate

        if x is None:
            x = self.x
        elif iterable(x):
            return integrate(self.function, x)

        f = integrate(self.function, x)
        ind = integrate(self.ind, x)
        ind += (f - ind).limit(x, 0)  # constant of integration

        pow_xk = self._get_pow_x(self.xk.formula)
        ak = self.ak
        k = ak.variables[0]
        if ak.formula.has(x):
            form = []
            for e, c in ak.formula.args:
                temp = S.Zero
                for t in Add.make_args(e):
                    pow_x = self._get_pow_x(t)
                    temp += t / (pow_xk + pow_x + 1)
                form.append((temp, c))
            form = Piecewise(*form)
            ak = sequence(form.subs(k, k - 1), (k, ak.start + 1, ak.stop))
            ak = sequence((ak.formula / (pow_xk + 1)).subs(k, k - 1),
                          (k, ak.start + 1, ak.stop))

        return self.func(f, self.x, self.x0, self.dir, (ak, self.xk, ind))
Пример #22
def dominant(expr, n):
    """Finds the most dominating term in an expression.

    if limit(a/b, n, oo) is oo then a dominates b.
    if limit(a/b, n, oo) is 0 then b dominates a.
    else a and b are comparable.

    returns the most dominant term.
    If no unique domiant term, then returns ``None``.


    >>> from sympy import Sum
    >>> from sympy.series.limitseq import dominant
    >>> from sympy.abc import n, k
    >>> dominant(5*n**3 + 4*n**2 + n + 1, n)
    >>> dominant(2**n + Sum(k, (k, 0, n)), n)

    See Also

    terms = Add.make_args(expr.expand(func=True))
    term0 = terms[-1]
    comp = [term0]  # comparable terms
    for t in terms[:-1]:
        e = (term0 / t).gammasimp()
        l = limit_seq(e, n)
        if l is S.Zero:
            term0 = t
            comp = [term0]
        elif l is None:
            return None
        elif l not in [S.Infinity, -S.Infinity]:
    if len(comp) > 1:
        return None
    return term0
Пример #23
    def _eval_term(self, pt):
            pt_xk = self.xk.coeff(pt)
            pt_ak = self.ak.coeff(pt).simplify()  # Simplify the coefficients
        except IndexError:
            term = S.Zero
            term = (pt_ak * pt_xk)

        if self.ind:
            ind = S.Zero
            for t in Add.make_args(self.ind):
                pow_x = self._get_pow_x(t)
                if pt == 0 and pow_x < 1:
                    ind += t
                elif pow_x >= pt and pow_x < pt + 1:
                    ind += t
            term += ind

        return term.collect(self.x)
Пример #24
    def _eval_derivative(self, x):
        f = self.function.diff(x)
        ind = self.ind.diff(x)

        pow_xk = self._get_pow_x(self.xk.formula)
        ak = self.ak
        k = ak.variables[0]
        if ak.formula.has(x):
            form = []
            for e, c in ak.formula.args:
                temp = S.Zero
                for t in Add.make_args(e):
                    pow_x = self._get_pow_x(t)
                    temp += t * (pow_xk + pow_x)
                form.append((temp, c))
            form = Piecewise(*form)
            ak = sequence(form.subs(k, k + 1), (k, ak.start - 1, ak.stop))
            ak = sequence((ak.formula * pow_xk).subs(k, k + 1),
                          (k, ak.start - 1, ak.stop))

        return self.func(f, self.x, self.x0, self.dir, (ak, self.xk, ind))
Пример #25
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy.calculus import AccumBounds
        from sympy.sets.setexpr import SetExpr
        from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
        from sympy import im, logcombine, re
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg.is_zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg is S.ComplexInfinity:
            return S.NaN
        elif isinstance(arg, log):
            return arg.args[0]
        elif isinstance(arg, AccumBounds):
            return AccumBounds(exp(arg.min), exp(arg.max))
        elif isinstance(arg, SetExpr):
            return arg._eval_func(cls)
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            coeff = arg.as_coefficient(S.Pi * S.ImaginaryUnit)
            if coeff:
                if (2 * coeff).is_integer:
                    if coeff.is_even:
                        return S.One
                    elif coeff.is_odd:
                        return S.NegativeOne
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_even:
                        return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_odd:
                        return S.ImaginaryUnit
                elif coeff.is_Rational:
                    ncoeff = coeff % 2  # restrict to [0, 2pi)
                    if ncoeff > 1:  # restrict to (-pi, pi]
                        ncoeff -= 2
                    if ncoeff != coeff:
                        return cls(ncoeff * S.Pi * S.ImaginaryUnit)

            # Warning: code in risch.py will be very sensitive to changes
            # in this (see DifferentialExtension).

            # look for a single log factor

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul()

            # but it can't be multiplied by oo
            if coeff in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]:
                if terms.is_number:
                    if coeff is S.NegativeInfinity:
                        terms = -terms
                    if re(terms).is_zero and terms is not S.Zero:
                        return S.NaN
                    if re(terms).is_positive and im(terms) is not S.Zero:
                        return S.ComplexInfinity
                    if re(terms).is_negative:
                        return S.Zero
                return None

            coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None
            for term in Mul.make_args(terms):
                term_ = logcombine(term)
                if isinstance(term_, log):
                    if log_term is None:
                        log_term = term_.args[0]
                        return None
                elif term.is_comparable:
                    return None

            return log_term**Mul(*coeffs) if log_term else None

        elif arg.is_Add:
            out = []
            add = []
            argchanged = False
            for a in arg.args:
                if a is S.One:
                newa = cls(a)
                if isinstance(newa, cls):
                    if newa.args[0] != a:
                        argchanged = True
            if out or argchanged:
                return Mul(*out) * cls(Add(*add), evaluate=False)

        elif isinstance(arg, MatrixBase):
            return arg.exp()

        if arg.is_zero:
            return S.One
Пример #26
def rational_laurent_series(num, den, x, r, m, n):
    The function computes the Laurent series coefficients
    of a rational function.


    num: A Poly object that is the numerator of `f(x)`.
    den: A Poly object that is the denominator of `f(x)`.
    x: The variable of expansion of the series.
    r: The point of expansion of the series.
    m: Multiplicity of r if r is a pole of `f(x)`. Should
    be zero otherwise.
    n: Order of the term upto which the series is expanded.


    series: A dictionary that has power of the term as key
    and coefficient of that term as value.

    Below is a basic outline of how the Laurent series of a
    rational function `f(x)` about `x_0` is being calculated -

    1. Substitute `x + x_0` in place of `x`. If `x_0`
    is a pole of `f(x)`, multiply the expression by `x^m`
    where `m` is the multiplicity of `x_0`. Denote the
    the resulting expression as g(x). We do this substitution
    so that we can now find the Laurent series of g(x) about
    `x = 0`.

    2. We can then assume that the Laurent series of `g(x)`
    takes the following form -

    .. math:: g(x) = \frac{num(x)}{den(x)} = \sum_{m = 0}^{\infty} a_m x^m

    where `a_m` denotes the Laurent series coefficients.

    3. Multiply the denominator to the RHS of the equation
    and form a recurrence relation for the coefficients `a_m`.
    one = Poly(1, x, extension=True)

    if r == oo:
        # Series at x = oo is equal to first transforming
        # the function from x -> 1/x and finding the
        # series at x = 0
        num, den = inverse_transform_poly(num, den, x)
        r = S(0)

    if r:
        # For an expansion about a non-zero point, a
        # transformation from x -> x + r must be made
        num = num.transform(Poly(x + r, x, extension=True), one)
        den = den.transform(Poly(x + r, x, extension=True), one)

    # Remove the pole from the denominator if the series
    # expansion is about one of the poles
    num, den = (num * x**m).cancel(den, include=True)

    # Equate coefficients for the first terms (base case)
    maxdegree = 1 + max(num.degree(), den.degree())
    syms = symbols(f'a:{maxdegree}', cls=Dummy)
    diff = num - den * Poly(syms[::-1], x)
    coeff_diffs = diff.all_coeffs()[::-1][:maxdegree]
    (coeffs, ) = linsolve(coeff_diffs, syms)

    # Use the recursion relation for the rest
    recursion = den.all_coeffs()[::-1]
    div, rec_rhs = recursion[0], recursion[1:]
    series = list(coeffs)
    while len(series) < n:
        next_coeff = Add(*(c * series[-1 - n]
                           for n, c in enumerate(rec_rhs))) / div
    series = {m - i: val for i, val in enumerate(series)}
    return series
Пример #27
def factor_nc(expr):
    """Return the factored form of ``expr`` while handling non-commutative


    >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import factor_nc
    >>> from sympy import Symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    >>> B = Symbol('B', commutative=False)
    >>> factor_nc((x**2 + 2*A*x + A**2).expand())
    (x + A)**2
    >>> factor_nc(((x + A)*(x + B)).expand())
    (x + A)*(x + B)
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import powsimp
    from sympy.polys import gcd, factor

    def _pemexpand(expr):
        "Expand with the minimal set of hints necessary to check the result."
        return expr.expand(deep=True,

    expr = sympify(expr)
    if not isinstance(expr, Expr) or not expr.args:
        return expr
    if not expr.is_Add:
        return expr.func(*[factor_nc(a) for a in expr.args])

    expr, rep, nc_symbols = _mask_nc(expr)
    if rep:
        return factor(expr).subs(rep)
        args = [a.args_cnc() for a in Add.make_args(expr)]
        c = g = l = r = S.One
        hit = False
        # find any commutative gcd term
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                c = Mul._from_args(a[0])
            elif a[0]:
                c = gcd(c, Mul._from_args(a[0]))
                c = S.One
        if c is not S.One:
            hit = True
            c, g = c.as_coeff_Mul()
            if g is not S.One:
                for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
                    cc = list(Mul.make_args(Mul._from_args(list(cc)) / g))
                    args[i][0] = cc
            for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
                cc[0] = cc[0] / c
                args[i][0] = cc
        # find any noncommutative common prefix
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                n = a[1][:]
                n = common_prefix(n, a[1])
            if not n:
                # is there a power that can be extracted?
                if not args[0][1]:
                b, e = args[0][1][0].as_base_exp()
                ok = False
                if e.is_Integer:
                    for t in args:
                        if not t[1]:
                        bt, et = t[1][0].as_base_exp()
                        if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
                            e = min(e, et)
                        ok = hit = True
                        l = b**e
                        il = b**-e
                        for i, a in enumerate(args):
                            args[i][1][0] = il * args[i][1][0]
                if not ok:
            hit = True
            lenn = len(n)
            l = Mul(*n)
            for i, a in enumerate(args):
                args[i][1] = args[i][1][lenn:]
        # find any noncommutative common suffix
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                n = a[1][:]
                n = common_suffix(n, a[1])
            if not n:
                # is there a power that can be extracted?
                if not args[0][1]:
                b, e = args[0][1][-1].as_base_exp()
                ok = False
                if e.is_Integer:
                    for t in args:
                        if not t[1]:
                        bt, et = t[1][-1].as_base_exp()
                        if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
                            e = min(e, et)
                        ok = hit = True
                        r = b**e
                        il = b**-e
                        for i, a in enumerate(args):
                            args[i][1][-1] = args[i][1][-1] * il
                if not ok:
            hit = True
            lenn = len(n)
            r = Mul(*n)
            for i, a in enumerate(args):
                args[i][1] = a[1][:len(a[1]) - lenn]
        if hit:
            mid = Add(*[Mul(*cc) * Mul(*nc) for cc, nc in args])
            mid = expr

        # sort the symbols so the Dummys would appear in the same
        # order as the original symbols, otherwise you may introduce
        # a factor of -1, e.g. A**2 - B**2) -- {A:y, B:x} --> y**2 - x**2
        # and the former factors into two terms, (A - B)*(A + B) while the
        # latter factors into 3 terms, (-1)*(x - y)*(x + y)
        rep1 = [(n, Dummy()) for n in sorted(nc_symbols, key=default_sort_key)]
        unrep1 = [(v, k) for k, v in rep1]
        new_mid, r2, _ = _mask_nc(mid.subs(rep1))
        new_mid = powsimp(factor(new_mid))

        new_mid = new_mid.subs(r2).subs(unrep1)

        if new_mid.is_Pow:
            return _keep_coeff(c, g * l * new_mid * r)

        if new_mid.is_Mul:
            # XXX TODO there should be a way to inspect what order the terms
            # must be in and just select the plausible ordering without
            # checking permutations
            cfac = []
            ncfac = []
            for f in new_mid.args:
                if f.is_commutative:
                    b, e = f.as_base_exp()
                    if e.is_Integer:
                        ncfac.extend([b] * e)
            pre_mid = g * Mul(*cfac) * l
            target = _pemexpand(expr / c)
            for s in variations(ncfac, len(ncfac)):
                ok = pre_mid * Mul(*s) * r
                if _pemexpand(ok) == target:
                    return _keep_coeff(c, ok)

        # mid was an Add that didn't factor successfully
        return _keep_coeff(c, g * l * mid * r)
    def eval(cls, arg):
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg.func is log:
            return arg.args[0]
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            coeff = arg.as_coefficient(S.Pi * S.ImaginaryUnit)

            if coeff is not None:
                if (2 * coeff).is_integer:
                    if coeff.is_even:
                        return S.One
                    elif coeff.is_odd:
                        return S.NegativeOne
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_even:
                        return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_odd:
                        return S.ImaginaryUnit
            I = S.ImaginaryUnit
            oo = S.Infinity
            a = Wild("a", exclude=[I, oo])
            r = arg.match(I * a * oo)
            if r and r[a] != 0:
                return S.NaN

        args = Add.make_args(arg)

        included, excluded = [], []

        for arg in args:
            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_mul()

            if coeff is S.Infinity:
                excluded.append(coeff ** Mul(*terms))
                coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None

                for term in terms:
                    if term.func is log:
                        if log_term is None:
                            log_term = term.args[0]
                            log_term = None
                    elif term.is_comparable:
                        log_term = None

                if log_term is not None:
                    excluded.append(log_term ** Mul(*coeffs))

        if excluded:
            return Mul(*(excluded + [cls(Add(*included))]))
Пример #29
    def __new__(cls, lhs, rhs=0, **options):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        from sympy.core.logic import fuzzy_bool
        from sympy.core.expr import _n2
        from sympy.simplify.simplify import clear_coefficients

        lhs = _sympify(lhs)
        rhs = _sympify(rhs)

        evaluate = options.pop('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])

        if evaluate:
            # If one expression has an _eval_Eq, return its results.
            if hasattr(lhs, '_eval_Eq'):
                r = lhs._eval_Eq(rhs)
                if r is not None:
                    return r
            if hasattr(rhs, '_eval_Eq'):
                r = rhs._eval_Eq(lhs)
                if r is not None:
                    return r
            # If expressions have the same structure, they must be equal.
            if lhs == rhs:
                return S.true
            elif all(isinstance(i, BooleanAtom) for i in (rhs, lhs)):
                return S.false

            # check finiteness
            fin = L, R = [i.is_finite for i in (lhs, rhs)]
            if None not in fin:
                if L != R:
                    return S.false
                if L is False:
                    if lhs == -rhs:  # Eq(oo, -oo)
                        return S.false
                    return S.true
            elif None in fin and False in fin:
                return Relational.__new__(cls, lhs, rhs, **options)

            if all(isinstance(i, Expr) for i in (lhs, rhs)):
                # see if the difference evaluates
                dif = lhs - rhs
                z = dif.is_zero
                if z is not None:
                    if z is False and dif.is_commutative:  # issue 10728
                        return S.false
                    if z:
                        return S.true
                # evaluate numerically if possible
                n2 = _n2(lhs, rhs)
                if n2 is not None:
                    return _sympify(n2 == 0)
                # see if the ratio evaluates
                n, d = dif.as_numer_denom()
                rv = None
                if n.is_zero:
                    rv = d.is_nonzero
                elif n.is_finite:
                    if d.is_infinite:
                        rv = S.true
                    elif n.is_zero is False:
                        rv = d.is_infinite
                        if rv is None:
                            # if the condition that makes the denominator infinite does not
                            # make the original expression True then False can be returned
                            l, r = clear_coefficients(d, S.Infinity)
                            args = [_.subs(l, r) for _ in (lhs, rhs)]
                            if args != [lhs, rhs]:
                                rv = fuzzy_bool(Eq(*args))
                                if rv is True:
                                    rv = None
                elif any(a.is_infinite for a in Add.make_args(n)):  # (inf or nan)/x != 0
                    rv = S.false
                if rv is not None:
                    return _sympify(rv)

        return Relational.__new__(cls, lhs, rhs, **options)
Пример #30
 def dot(self, p2):
     """Return dot product of self with another Point."""
     p2 = Point(p2)
     return Add(*[a * b for a, b in zip(self, p2)])
Пример #31
 def _eval_rewrite_as_Heaviside(self, *args):
     from sympy import Heaviside
     return Add(*[j*Mul(*[Heaviside(i-j) for i in args if i!=j]) \
             for j in args])
Пример #32
def add_terms(terms, prec, target_prec):
    Helper for evalf_add. Adds a list of (mpfval, accuracy) terms.


    - None, None if there are no non-zero terms;
    - terms[0] if there is only 1 term;
    - scaled_zero if the sum of the terms produces a zero by cancellation
      e.g. mpfs representing 1 and -1 would produce a scaled zero which need
      special handling since they are not actually zero and they are purposely
      malformed to ensure that they can't be used in anything but accuracy
    - a tuple that is scaled to target_prec that corresponds to the
      sum of the terms.

    The returned mpf tuple will be normalized to target_prec; the input
    prec is used to define the working precision.

    XXX explain why this is needed and why one can't just loop using mpf_add
    from sympy.core.core import C

    terms = [t for t in terms if not iszero(t)]
    if not terms:
        return None, None
    elif len(terms) == 1:
        return terms[0]

    # see if any argument is NaN or oo and thus warrants a special return
    special = []
    for t in terms:
        arg = C.Float._new(t[0], 1)
        if arg is S.NaN or arg.is_unbounded:
    if special:
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        rv = evalf(Add(*special), prec + 4, {})
        return rv[0], rv[2]

    working_prec = 2*prec
    sum_man, sum_exp, absolute_error = 0, 0, MINUS_INF

    for x, accuracy in terms:
        sign, man, exp, bc = x
        if sign:
            man = -man
        absolute_error = max(absolute_error, bc + exp - accuracy)
        delta = exp - sum_exp
        if exp >= sum_exp:
            # x much larger than existing sum?
            # first: quick test
            if ((delta > working_prec) and
                ((not sum_man) or
                 delta - bitcount(abs(sum_man)) > working_prec)):
                sum_man = man
                sum_exp = exp
                sum_man += (man << delta)
            delta = -delta
            # x much smaller than existing sum?
            if delta - bc > working_prec:
                if not sum_man:
                    sum_man, sum_exp = man, exp
                sum_man = (sum_man << delta) + man
                sum_exp = exp
    if not sum_man:
        return scaled_zero(absolute_error)
    if sum_man < 0:
        sum_sign = 1
        sum_man = -sum_man
        sum_sign = 0
    sum_bc = bitcount(sum_man)
    sum_accuracy = sum_exp + sum_bc - absolute_error
    r = normalize(sum_sign, sum_man, sum_exp, sum_bc, target_prec,
        rnd), sum_accuracy
    #print "returning", to_str(r[0],50), r[1]
    return r
Пример #33
    def eval(cls, arg):
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg.func is log:
            return arg.args[0]
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            coeff = arg.as_coefficient(S.Pi * S.ImaginaryUnit)

            if coeff is not None:
                if (2 * coeff).is_integer:
                    if coeff.is_even:
                        return S.One
                    elif coeff.is_odd:
                        return S.NegativeOne
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_even:
                        return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_odd:
                        return S.ImaginaryUnit
            I = S.ImaginaryUnit
            oo = S.Infinity
            a = Wild("a", exclude=[I, oo])
            r = arg.match(I * a * oo)
            if r and r[a] != 0:
                return S.NaN

        args = Add.make_args(arg)

        included, excluded = [], []

        for arg in args:
            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_mul()

            if coeff is S.Infinity:
                coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None

                for term in terms:
                    if term.func is log:
                        if log_term is None:
                            log_term = term.args[0]
                            log_term = None
                    elif term.is_comparable:
                        log_term = None

                if log_term is not None:

        if excluded:
            return Mul(*(excluded + [cls(Add(*included))]))
Пример #34
def rsolve_hyper(coeffs, f, n, **hints):
    Given linear recurrence operator `\operatorname{L}` of order `k`
    with polynomial coefficients and inhomogeneous equation
    `\operatorname{L} y = f` we seek for all hypergeometric solutions
    over field `K` of characteristic zero.

    The inhomogeneous part can be either hypergeometric or a sum
    of a fixed number of pairwise dissimilar hypergeometric terms.

    The algorithm performs three basic steps:

        (1) Group together similar hypergeometric terms in the
            inhomogeneous part of `\operatorname{L} y = f`, and find
            particular solution using Abramov's algorithm.

        (2) Compute generating set of `\operatorname{L}` and find basis
            in it, so that all solutions are linearly independent.

        (3) Form final solution with the number of arbitrary
            constants equal to dimension of basis of `\operatorname{L}`.

    Term `a(n)` is hypergeometric if it is annihilated by first order
    linear difference equations with polynomial coefficients or, in
    simpler words, if consecutive term ratio is a rational function.

    The output of this procedure is a linear combination of fixed
    number of hypergeometric terms. However the underlying method
    can generate larger class of solutions - D'Alembertian terms.

    Note also that this method not only computes the kernel of the
    inhomogeneous equation, but also reduces in to a basis so that
    solutions generated by this procedure are linearly independent


    >>> from sympy.solvers import rsolve_hyper
    >>> from sympy.abc import x

    >>> rsolve_hyper([-1, -1, 1], 0, x)
    C0*(1/2 + sqrt(5)/2)**x + C1*(-sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2)**x

    >>> rsolve_hyper([-1, 1], 1 + x, x)
    C0 + x*(x + 1)/2


    .. [1] M. Petkovsek, Hypergeometric solutions of linear recurrences
           with polynomial coefficients, J. Symbolic Computation,
           14 (1992), 243-264.

    .. [2] M. Petkovsek, H. S. Wilf, D. Zeilberger, A = B, 1996.
    coeffs = list(map(sympify, coeffs))

    f = sympify(f)

    r, kernel, symbols = len(coeffs) - 1, [], set()

    if not f.is_zero:
        if f.is_Add:
            similar = {}

            for g in f.expand().args:
                if not g.is_hypergeometric(n):
                    return None

                for h in similar.keys():
                    if hypersimilar(g, h, n):
                        similar[h] += g
                    similar[g] = S.Zero

            inhomogeneous = []

            for g, h in similar.items():
                inhomogeneous.append(g + h)
        elif f.is_hypergeometric(n):
            inhomogeneous = [f]
            return None

        for i, g in enumerate(inhomogeneous):
            coeff, polys = S.One, coeffs[:]
            denoms = [S.One]*(r + 1)

            s = hypersimp(g, n)

            for j in range(1, r + 1):
                coeff *= s.subs(n, n + j - 1)

                p, q = coeff.as_numer_denom()

                polys[j] *= p
                denoms[j] = q

            for j in range(r + 1):
                polys[j] *= Mul(*(denoms[:j] + denoms[j + 1:]))

            R = rsolve_poly(polys, Mul(*denoms), n)

            if not (R is None or R is S.Zero):
                inhomogeneous[i] *= R
                return None

            result = Add(*inhomogeneous)
        result = S.Zero

    Z = Dummy('Z')

    p, q = coeffs[0], coeffs[r].subs(n, n - r + 1)

    p_factors = [z for z in roots(p, n).keys()]
    q_factors = [z for z in roots(q, n).keys()]

    factors = [(S.One, S.One)]

    for p in p_factors:
        for q in q_factors:
            if p.is_integer and q.is_integer and p <= q:
                factors += [(n - p, n - q)]

    p = [(n - p, S.One) for p in p_factors]
    q = [(S.One, n - q) for q in q_factors]

    factors = p + factors + q

    for A, B in factors:
        polys, degrees = [], []
        D = A*B.subs(n, n + r - 1)

        for i in range(r + 1):
            a = Mul(*[A.subs(n, n + j) for j in range(i)])
            b = Mul(*[B.subs(n, n + j) for j in range(i, r)])

            poly = quo(coeffs[i]*a*b, D, n)

            if not poly.is_zero:

        if degrees:
            d, poly = max(degrees), S.Zero
            return None

        for i in range(r + 1):
            coeff = polys[i].nth(d)

            if coeff is not S.Zero:
                poly += coeff * Z**i

        for z in roots(poly, Z).keys():
            if z.is_zero:

            (C, s) = rsolve_poly([polys[i]*z**i for i in range(r + 1)], 0, n, symbols=True)

            if C is not None and C is not S.Zero:
                symbols |= set(s)

                ratio = z * A * C.subs(n, n + 1) / B / C
                ratio = simplify(ratio)
                # If there is a nonnegative root in the denominator of the ratio,
                # this indicates that the term y(n_root) is zero, and one should
                # start the product with the term y(n_root + 1).
                n0 = 0
                for n_root in roots(ratio.as_numer_denom()[1], n).keys():
                    if n_root.has(I):
                        return None
                    elif (n0 < (n_root + 1)) == True:
                        n0 = n_root + 1
                K = product(ratio, (n, n0, n - 1))
                if K.has(factorial, FallingFactorial, RisingFactorial):
                    K = simplify(K)

                if casoratian(kernel + [K], n, zero=False) != 0:

    sk = list(zip(numbered_symbols('C'), kernel))

    if sk:
        for C, ker in sk:
            result += C * ker
        return None

    if hints.get('symbols', False):
        symbols |= {s for s, k in sk}
        return (result, list(symbols))
        return result
Пример #35
def test_doit():
    a = OperationsOnlyMatrix([[Add(x, x, evaluate=False)]])
    assert a[0] != 2*x
    assert a.doit() == Matrix([[2*x]])
Пример #36
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy.assumptions import ask, Q
        from sympy.calculus import AccumBounds
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg.func is log:
            return arg.args[0]
        elif isinstance(arg, AccumBounds):
            return AccumBounds(exp(arg.min), exp(arg.max))
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            if arg.is_number or arg.is_Symbol:
                coeff = arg.coeff(S.Pi * S.ImaginaryUnit)
                if coeff:
                    if ask(Q.integer(2 * coeff)):
                        if ask(Q.even(coeff)):
                            return S.One
                        elif ask(Q.odd(coeff)):
                            return S.NegativeOne
                        elif ask(Q.even(coeff + S.Half)):
                            return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                        elif ask(Q.odd(coeff + S.Half)):
                            return S.ImaginaryUnit

            # Warning: code in risch.py will be very sensitive to changes
            # in this (see DifferentialExtension).

            # look for a single log factor

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul()

            # but it can't be multiplied by oo
            if coeff in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]:
                return None

            coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None
            for term in Mul.make_args(terms):
                if term.func is log:
                    if log_term is None:
                        log_term = term.args[0]
                        return None
                elif term.is_comparable:
                    return None

            return log_term**Mul(*coeffs) if log_term else None

        elif arg.is_Add:
            out = []
            add = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if a is S.One:
                newa = cls(a)
                if newa.func is cls:
            if out:
                return Mul(*out) * cls(Add(*add), evaluate=False)

        elif arg.is_Matrix:
            return arg.exp()
Пример #37
    def eval(cls, arg):
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg.func is log:
            return arg.args[0]
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            Ioo = S.ImaginaryUnit * S.Infinity
            if arg in [Ioo, -Ioo]:
                return S.NaN

            coeff = arg.coeff(S.Pi * S.ImaginaryUnit)
            if coeff:
                if (2 * coeff).is_integer:
                    if coeff.is_even:
                        return S.One
                    elif coeff.is_odd:
                        return S.NegativeOne
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_even:
                        return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_odd:
                        return S.ImaginaryUnit

            # Warning: code in risch.py will be very sensitive to changes
            # in this (see DifferentialExtension).

            # look for a single log factor

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul()

            # but it can't be multiplied by oo
            if coeff in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]:
                return None

            coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None
            for term in Mul.make_args(terms):
                if term.func is log:
                    if log_term is None:
                        log_term = term.args[0]
                        return None
                elif term.is_comparable:
                    return None

            return log_term**Mul(*coeffs) if log_term else None

        elif arg.is_Add:
            out = []
            add = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if a is S.One:
                newa = cls(a)
                if newa.func is cls:
            if out:
                return Mul(*out) * cls(Add(*add), evaluate=False)

        elif arg.is_Matrix:
            from sympy import Matrix
            return arg.exp()
Пример #38
def test_core_add():
    x = Symbol("x")
    for c in (Add, Add(x, 4)):
Пример #39
    def _eval_nseries(self, x, n, logx, cdir=0):
        # NOTE Please see the comment at the beginning of this file, labelled
        #      IMPORTANT.
        from sympy.series.order import Order
        from sympy.simplify.simplify import logcombine
        if not logx:
            logx = log(x)
        if self.args[0] == x:
            return logx
        arg = self.args[0]
        k, l = Wild("k"), Wild("l")
        r = arg.match(k * x**l)
        if r is not None:
            k, l = r[k], r[l]
            if l != 0 and not l.has(x) and not k.has(x):
                r = log(k) + l * logx  # XXX true regardless of assumptions?
                return r

        def coeff_exp(term, x):
            coeff, exp = S.One, S.Zero
            for factor in Mul.make_args(term):
                if factor.has(x):
                    base, exp = factor.as_base_exp()
                    if base != x:
                            return term.leadterm(x)
                        except ValueError:
                            return term, S.Zero
                    coeff *= factor
            return coeff, exp

        # TODO new and probably slow
            a, b = arg.leadterm(x)
            s = arg.nseries(x, n=n + b, logx=logx)
        except (ValueError, NotImplementedError, PoleError):
            s = arg.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
            while s.is_Order:
                n += 1
                s = arg.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
        a, b = s.removeO().leadterm(x)
        p = cancel(s / (a * x**b) - 1).expand().powsimp()
        if p.has(exp):
            p = logcombine(p)
        if isinstance(p, Order):
            n = p.getn()
        _, d = coeff_exp(p, x)
        if not d.is_positive:
            return log(a) + b * logx + Order(x**n, x)

        def mul(d1, d2):
            res = {}
            for e1, e2 in product(d1, d2):
                ex = e1 + e2
                if ex < n:
                    res[ex] = res.get(ex, S.Zero) + d1[e1] * d2[e2]
            return res

        pterms = {}

        for term in Add.make_args(p):
            co1, e1 = coeff_exp(term, x)
            pterms[e1] = pterms.get(e1, S.Zero) + co1.removeO()

        k = S.One
        terms = {}
        pk = pterms

        while k * d < n:
            coeff = -S.NegativeOne**k / k
            for ex in pk:
                terms[ex] = terms.get(ex, S.Zero) + coeff * pk[ex]
            pk = mul(pk, pterms)
            k += S.One

        res = log(a) + b * logx
        for ex in terms:
            res += terms[ex] * x**(ex)

        if cdir != 0:
            cdir = self.args[0].dir(x, cdir)
        if a.is_real and a.is_negative and im(cdir) < 0:
            res -= 2 * I * S.Pi
        return res + Order(x**n, x)
Пример #40
 def split_real_imag(expr):
     real_imag = lambda t: (
         'real' if is_extended_real(t, assumptions) else
         'imag' if is_extended_real(I*t, assumptions) else None)
     return sift(Add.make_args(expr), real_imag)
Пример #41
    def _eval_integral(self, f, x, meijerg=None, risch=None, manual=None,
        Calculate the anti-derivative to the function f(x).

        The following algorithms are applied (roughly in this order):

        1. Simple heuristics (based on pattern matching and integral table):

           - most frequently used functions (e.g. polynomials, products of trig functions)

        2. Integration of rational functions:

           - A complete algorithm for integrating rational functions is
             implemented (the Lazard-Rioboo-Trager algorithm).  The algorithm
             also uses the partial fraction decomposition algorithm
             implemented in apart() as a preprocessor to make this process
             faster.  Note that the integral of a rational function is always
             elementary, but in general, it may include a RootSum.

        3. Full Risch algorithm:

           - The Risch algorithm is a complete decision
             procedure for integrating elementary functions, which means that
             given any elementary function, it will either compute an
             elementary antiderivative, or else prove that none exists.
             Currently, part of transcendental case is implemented, meaning
             elementary integrals containing exponentials, logarithms, and
             (soon!) trigonometric functions can be computed.  The algebraic
             case, e.g., functions containing roots, is much more difficult
             and is not implemented yet.

           - If the routine fails (because the integrand is not elementary, or
             because a case is not implemented yet), it continues on to the
             next algorithms below.  If the routine proves that the integrals
             is nonelementary, it still moves on to the algorithms below,
             because we might be able to find a closed-form solution in terms
             of special functions.  If risch=True, however, it will stop here.

        4. The Meijer G-Function algorithm:

           - This algorithm works by first rewriting the integrand in terms of
             very general Meijer G-Function (meijerg in SymPy), integrating
             it, and then rewriting the result back, if possible.  This
             algorithm is particularly powerful for definite integrals (which
             is actually part of a different method of Integral), since it can
             compute closed-form solutions of definite integrals even when no
             closed-form indefinite integral exists.  But it also is capable
             of computing many indefinite integrals as well.

           - Another advantage of this method is that it can use some results
             about the Meijer G-Function to give a result in terms of a
             Piecewise expression, which allows to express conditionally
             convergent integrals.

           - Setting meijerg=True will cause integrate() to use only this

        5. The "manual integration" algorithm:

           - This algorithm tries to mimic how a person would find an
             antiderivative by hand, for example by looking for a
             substitution or applying integration by parts. This algorithm
             does not handle as many integrands but can return results in a
             more familiar form.

           - Sometimes this algorithm can evaluate parts of an integral; in
             this case integrate() will try to evaluate the rest of the
             integrand using the other methods here.

           - Setting manual=True will cause integrate() to use only this

        6. The Heuristic Risch algorithm:

           - This is a heuristic version of the Risch algorithm, meaning that
             it is not deterministic.  This is tried as a last resort because
             it can be very slow.  It is still used because not enough of the
             full Risch algorithm is implemented, so that there are still some
             integrals that can only be computed using this method.  The goal
             is to implement enough of the Risch and Meijer G methods so that
             this can be deleted.

        from sympy.integrals.risch import risch_integrate

        if risch:
                return risch_integrate(f, x, conds=conds)
            except NotImplementedError:
                return None

        if manual:
                result = manualintegrate(f, x)
                if result is not None and result.func != Integral:
                    return result
            except (ValueError, PolynomialError):

        # if it is a poly(x) then let the polynomial integrate itself (fast)
        # It is important to make this check first, otherwise the other code
        # will return a sympy expression instead of a Polynomial.
        # see Polynomial for details.
        if isinstance(f, Poly) and not meijerg:
            return f.integrate(x)

        # Piecewise antiderivatives need to call special integrate.
        if f.func is Piecewise:
            return f._eval_integral(x)

        # let's cut it short if `f` does not depend on `x`
        if not f.has(x):
            return f*x

        # try to convert to poly(x) and then integrate if successful (fast)
        poly = f.as_poly(x)

        if poly is not None and not meijerg:
            return poly.integrate().as_expr()

        if risch is not False:
                result, i = risch_integrate(f, x, separate_integral=True, conds=conds)
            except NotImplementedError:
                if i:
                    # There was a nonelementary integral. Try integrating it.
                    return result + i.doit(risch=False)
                    return result

        # since Integral(f=g1+g2+...) == Integral(g1) + Integral(g2) + ...
        # we are going to handle Add terms separately,
        # if `f` is not Add -- we only have one term

        # Note that in general, this is a bad idea, because Integral(g1) +
        # Integral(g2) might not be computable, even if Integral(g1 + g2) is.
        # For example, Integral(x**x + x**x*log(x)).  But many heuristics only
        # work term-wise.  So we compute this step last, after trying
        # risch_integrate.  We also try risch_integrate again in this loop,
        # because maybe the integral is a sum of an elementary part and a
        # nonelementary part (like erf(x) + exp(x)).  risch_integrate() is
        # quite fast, so this is acceptable.
        parts = []
        args = Add.make_args(f)
        for g in args:
            coeff, g = g.as_independent(x)

            # g(x) = const
            if g is S.One and not meijerg:

            # g(x) = expr + O(x**n)
            order_term = g.getO()

            if order_term is not None:
                h = self._eval_integral(g.removeO(), x)

                if h is not None:
                    h_order_expr = self._eval_integral(order_term.expr, x)

                    if h_order_expr is not None:
                        h_order_term = order_term.func(
                            h_order_expr, *order_term.variables)
                        parts.append(coeff*(h + h_order_term))

                # NOTE: if there is O(x**n) and we fail to integrate then there is
                # no point in trying other methods because they will fail anyway.
                return None

            #               c
            # g(x) = (a*x+b)
            if g.is_Pow and not g.exp.has(x) and not meijerg:
                a = Wild('a', exclude=[x])
                b = Wild('b', exclude=[x])

                M = g.base.match(a*x + b)

                if M is not None:
                    if g.exp == -1:
                        h = C.log(g.base)
                    elif conds != 'piecewise':
                        h = g.base**(g.exp + 1) / (g.exp + 1)
                        h1 = C.log(g.base)
                        h2 = g.base**(g.exp + 1) / (g.exp + 1)
                        h = Piecewise((h1, Eq(g.exp, -1)), (h2, True))

                    parts.append(coeff * h / M[a])

            #        poly(x)
            # g(x) = -------
            #        poly(x)
            if g.is_rational_function(x) and not meijerg:
                parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))

            if not meijerg:
                # g(x) = Mul(trig)
                h = trigintegrate(g, x, conds=conds)
                if h is not None:
                    parts.append(coeff * h)

                # g(x) has at least a DiracDelta term
                h = deltaintegrate(g, x)
                if h is not None:
                    parts.append(coeff * h)

                # Try risch again.
                if risch is not False:
                        h, i = risch_integrate(g, x, separate_integral=True, conds=conds)
                    except NotImplementedError:
                        h = None
                        if i:
                            h = h + i.doit(risch=False)


                # fall back to heurisch
                    if conds == 'piecewise':
                        h = heurisch_wrapper(g, x, hints=[])
                        h = heurisch(g, x, hints=[])
                except PolynomialError:
                    # XXX: this exception means there is a bug in the
                    # implementation of heuristic Risch integration
                    # algorithm.
                    h = None
                h = None

            if meijerg is not False and h is None:
                # rewrite using G functions
                    h = meijerint_indefinite(g, x)
                except NotImplementedError:
                    from sympy.integrals.meijerint import _debug
                    _debug('NotImplementedError from meijerint_definite')
                    res = None
                if h is not None:
                    parts.append(coeff * h)

            if h is None and manual is not False:
                    result = manualintegrate(g, x)
                    if result is not None and not isinstance(result, Integral):
                        if result.has(Integral):
                            # try to have other algorithms do the integrals
                            # manualintegrate can't handle
                            result = result.func(*[
                                arg.doit(manual=False) if arg.has(Integral) else arg
                                for arg in result.args
                        if not result.has(Integral):
                            parts.append(coeff * result)
                except (ValueError, PolynomialError):
                    # can't handle some SymPy expressions

            # if we failed maybe it was because we had
            # a product that could have been expanded,
            # so let's try an expansion of the whole
            # thing before giving up; we don't try this
            # out the outset because there are things
            # that cannot be solved unless they are
            # NOT expanded e.g., x**x*(1+log(x)). There
            # should probably be a checker somewhere in this
            # routine to look for such cases and try to do
            # collection on the expressions if they are already
            # in an expanded form
            if not h and len(args) == 1:
                f = f.expand(mul=True, deep=False)
                if f.is_Add:
                    # Note: risch will be identical on the expanded
                    # expression, but maybe it will be able to pick out parts,
                    # like x*(exp(x) + erf(x)).
                    return self._eval_integral(f, x, meijerg=meijerg, risch=risch, conds=conds)

            if h is not None:
                parts.append(coeff * h)
                return None

        return Add(*parts)
Пример #42
def _compute_fps(f, x, x0, dir, hyper, order, rational, full):
    """Recursive wrapper to compute fps.

    See :func:`compute_fps` for details.
    if x0 in [S.Infinity, -S.Infinity]:
        dir = S.One if x0 is S.Infinity else -S.One
        temp = f.subs(x, 1 / x)
        result = _compute_fps(temp, x, 0, dir, hyper, order, rational, full)
        if result is None:
            return None
        return (result[0], result[1].subs(x, 1 / x), result[2].subs(x, 1 / x))
    elif x0 or dir == -S.One:
        if dir == -S.One:
            rep = -x + x0
            rep2 = -x
            rep2b = x0
            rep = x + x0
            rep2 = x
            rep2b = -x0
        temp = f.subs(x, rep)
        result = _compute_fps(temp, x, 0, S.One, hyper, order, rational, full)
        if result is None:
            return None
        return (result[0], result[1].subs(x, rep2 + rep2b),
                result[2].subs(x, rep2 + rep2b))

    if f.is_polynomial(x):
        return None

    #  Break instances of Add
    #  this allows application of different
    #  algorithms on different terms increasing the
    #  range of admissible functions.
    if isinstance(f, Add):
        result = False
        ak = sequence(S.Zero, (0, oo))
        ind, xk = S.Zero, None
        for t in Add.make_args(f):
            res = _compute_fps(t, x, 0, S.One, hyper, order, rational, full)
            if res:
                if not result:
                    result = True
                    xk = res[1]
                if res[0].start > ak.start:
                    seq = ak
                    s, f = ak.start, res[0].start
                    seq = res[0]
                    s, f = res[0].start, ak.start
                save = Add(
                    *[z[0] * z[1] for z in zip(seq[0:(f - s)], xk[s:f])])
                ak += res[0]
                ind += res[2] + save
                ind += t
        if result:
            return ak, xk, ind
        return None

    result = None

    # from here on it's x0=0 and dir=1 handling
    k = Dummy('k')
    if rational:
        result = rational_algorithm(f, x, k, order, full)

    if result is None and hyper:
        result = hyper_algorithm(f, x, k, order)

    if result is None:
        return None

    ak = sequence(result[0], (k, result[2], oo))
    xk = sequence(x**k, (k, 0, oo))
    ind = result[1]

    return ak, xk, ind
Пример #43
    def _eval_integral(self, f, x, meijerg=None, risch=None, manual=None,
        Calculate the anti-derivative to the function f(x).

        The following algorithms are applied (roughly in this order):

        1. Simple heuristics (based on pattern matching and integral table):

           - most frequently used functions (e.g. polynomials, products of trig functions)

        2. Integration of rational functions:

           - A complete algorithm for integrating rational functions is
             implemented (the Lazard-Rioboo-Trager algorithm).  The algorithm
             also uses the partial fraction decomposition algorithm
             implemented in apart() as a preprocessor to make this process
             faster.  Note that the integral of a rational function is always
             elementary, but in general, it may include a RootSum.

        3. Full Risch algorithm:

           - The Risch algorithm is a complete decision
             procedure for integrating elementary functions, which means that
             given any elementary function, it will either compute an
             elementary antiderivative, or else prove that none exists.
             Currently, part of transcendental case is implemented, meaning
             elementary integrals containing exponentials, logarithms, and
             (soon!) trigonometric functions can be computed.  The algebraic
             case, e.g., functions containing roots, is much more difficult
             and is not implemented yet.

           - If the routine fails (because the integrand is not elementary, or
             because a case is not implemented yet), it continues on to the
             next algorithms below.  If the routine proves that the integrals
             is nonelementary, it still moves on to the algorithms below,
             because we might be able to find a closed-form solution in terms
             of special functions.  If risch=True, however, it will stop here.

        4. The Meijer G-Function algorithm:

           - This algorithm works by first rewriting the integrand in terms of
             very general Meijer G-Function (meijerg in SymPy), integrating
             it, and then rewriting the result back, if possible.  This
             algorithm is particularly powerful for definite integrals (which
             is actually part of a different method of Integral), since it can
             compute closed-form solutions of definite integrals even when no
             closed-form indefinite integral exists.  But it also is capable
             of computing many indefinite integrals as well.

           - Another advantage of this method is that it can use some results
             about the Meijer G-Function to give a result in terms of a
             Piecewise expression, which allows to express conditionally
             convergent integrals.

           - Setting meijerg=True will cause integrate() to use only this

        5. The "manual integration" algorithm:

           - This algorithm tries to mimic how a person would find an
             antiderivative by hand, for example by looking for a
             substitution or applying integration by parts. This algorithm
             does not handle as many integrands but can return results in a
             more familiar form.

           - Sometimes this algorithm can evaluate parts of an integral; in
             this case integrate() will try to evaluate the rest of the
             integrand using the other methods here.

           - Setting manual=True will cause integrate() to use only this

        6. The Heuristic Risch algorithm:

           - This is a heuristic version of the Risch algorithm, meaning that
             it is not deterministic.  This is tried as a last resort because
             it can be very slow.  It is still used because not enough of the
             full Risch algorithm is implemented, so that there are still some
             integrals that can only be computed using this method.  The goal
             is to implement enough of the Risch and Meijer G methods so that
             this can be deleted.

        from sympy.integrals.risch import risch_integrate

        manual = True # force manual integration
        if risch:
                return risch_integrate(f, x, conds=conds)
            except NotImplementedError:
                return None

        if manual:
                result = manualintegrate(f, x)
                if result is not None and result.func != Integral:
                    return result
            except (ValueError, PolynomialError):

        # if it is a poly(x) then let the polynomial integrate itself (fast)
        # It is important to make this check first, otherwise the other code
        # will return a sympy expression instead of a Polynomial.
        # see Polynomial for details.
        if isinstance(f, Poly) and not meijerg:
            return f.integrate(x)

        # Piecewise antiderivatives need to call special integrate.
        if f.func is Piecewise:
            return f._eval_integral(x)

        # let's cut it short if `f` does not depend on `x`
        if not f.has(x):
            return f*x

        # try to convert to poly(x) and then integrate if successful (fast)
        poly = f.as_poly(x)

        if poly is not None and not meijerg:
            add_comment("The function is a polinomial therefore the antiderivative is")
            ad = poly.integrate().as_expr()
            return ad

        if risch is not False:
                result, i = risch_integrate(f, x, separate_integral=True, conds=conds)
            except NotImplementedError:
                if i:
                    # There was a nonelementary integral. Try integrating it.
                    return result + i.doit(risch=False)
                    return result

        # since Integral(f=g1+g2+...) == Integral(g1) + Integral(g2) + ...
        # we are going to handle Add terms separately,
        # if `f` is not Add -- we only have one term

        # Note that in general, this is a bad idea, because Integral(g1) +
        # Integral(g2) might not be computable, even if Integral(g1 + g2) is.
        # For example, Integral(x**x + x**x*log(x)).  But many heuristics only
        # work term-wise.  So we compute this step last, after trying
        # risch_integrate.  We also try risch_integrate again in this loop,
        # because maybe the integral is a sum of an elementary part and a
        # nonelementary part (like erf(x) + exp(x)).  risch_integrate() is
        # quite fast, so this is acceptable.
        parts = []
        args = Add.make_args(f)
        for g in args:
            coeff, g = g.as_independent(x)

            # g(x) = const
            if g is S.One and not meijerg:

            # g(x) = expr + O(x**n)
            order_term = g.getO()

            if order_term is not None:
                h = self._eval_integral(g.removeO(), x)

                if h is not None:
                    h_order_expr = self._eval_integral(order_term.expr, x)

                    if h_order_expr is not None:
                        h_order_term = order_term.func(
                            h_order_expr, *order_term.variables)
                        parts.append(coeff*(h + h_order_term))

                # NOTE: if there is O(x**n) and we fail to integrate then there is
                # no point in trying other methods because they will fail anyway.
                return None

            #               c
            # g(x) = (a*x+b)
            if g.is_Pow and not g.exp.has(x) and not meijerg:
                a = Wild('a', exclude=[x])
                b = Wild('b', exclude=[x])

                M = g.base.match(a*x + b)

                if M is not None:
                    if g.exp == -1:
                        h = C.log(g.base)
                    elif conds != 'piecewise':
                        h = g.base**(g.exp + 1) / (g.exp + 1)
                        h1 = C.log(g.base)
                        h2 = g.base**(g.exp + 1) / (g.exp + 1)
                        h = Piecewise((h1, Eq(g.exp, -1)), (h2, True))

                    parts.append(coeff * h / M[a])

            #        poly(x)
            # g(x) = -------
            #        poly(x)
            if g.is_rational_function(x) and not meijerg:
                parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))

            if not meijerg:
                # g(x) = Mul(trig)
                h = trigintegrate(g, x, conds=conds)
                if h is not None:
                    parts.append(coeff * h)

                # g(x) has at least a DiracDelta term
                h = deltaintegrate(g, x)
                if h is not None:
                    parts.append(coeff * h)

                # Try risch again.
                if risch is not False:
                        h, i = risch_integrate(g, x, separate_integral=True, conds=conds)
                    except NotImplementedError:
                        h = None
                        if i:
                            h = h + i.doit(risch=False)


                # fall back to heurisch
                    if conds == 'piecewise':
                        h = heurisch_wrapper(g, x, hints=[])
                        h = heurisch(g, x, hints=[])
                except PolynomialError:
                    # XXX: this exception means there is a bug in the
                    # implementation of heuristic Risch integration
                    # algorithm.
                    h = None
                h = None

            if meijerg is not False and h is None:
                # rewrite using G functions
                    h = meijerint_indefinite(g, x)
                except NotImplementedError:
                    from sympy.integrals.meijerint import _debug
                    _debug('NotImplementedError from meijerint_definite')
                    res = None
                if h is not None:
                    parts.append(coeff * h)

            if h is None and manual is not False:
                    result = manualintegrate(g, x)
                    if result is not None and not isinstance(result, Integral):
                        if result.has(Integral):
                            # try to have other algorithms do the integrals
                            # manualintegrate can't handle
                            result = result.func(*[
                                arg.doit(manual=False) if arg.has(Integral) else arg
                                for arg in result.args
                        if not result.has(Integral):
                            parts.append(coeff * result)
                except (ValueError, PolynomialError):
                    # can't handle some SymPy expressions

            # if we failed maybe it was because we had
            # a product that could have been expanded,
            # so let's try an expansion of the whole
            # thing before giving up; we don't try this
            # out the outset because there are things
            # that cannot be solved unless they are
            # NOT expanded e.g., x**x*(1+log(x)). There
            # should probably be a checker somewhere in this
            # routine to look for such cases and try to do
            # collection on the expressions if they are already
            # in an expanded form
            if not h and len(args) == 1:
                f = f.expand(mul=True, deep=False)
                if f.is_Add:
                    # Note: risch will be identical on the expanded
                    # expression, but maybe it will be able to pick out parts,
                    # like x*(exp(x) + erf(x)).
                    return self._eval_integral(f, x, meijerg=meijerg, risch=risch, conds=conds)

            if h is not None:
                parts.append(coeff * h)
                return None

        return Add(*parts)
Пример #44
def rational_algorithm(f, x, k, order=4, full=False):
    """Rational algorithm for computing
    formula of coefficients of Formal Power Series
    of a function.

    Applicable when f(x) or some derivative of f(x)
    is a rational function in x.

    :func:`rational_algorithm` uses :func:`apart` function for partial fraction
    decomposition. :func:`apart` by default uses 'undetermined coefficients
    method'. By setting ``full=True``, 'Bronstein's algorithm' can be used

    Looks for derivative of a function up to 4'th order (by default).
    This can be overridden using order option.


    formula : Expr
    ind : Expr
        Independent terms.
    order : int


    >>> from sympy import log, atan, I
    >>> from sympy.series.formal import rational_algorithm as ra
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, k

    >>> ra(1 / (1 - x), x, k)
    (1, 0, 0)
    >>> ra(log(1 + x), x, k)
    (-(-1)**(-k)/k, 0, 1)

    >>> ra(atan(x), x, k, full=True)
    ((-I*(-I)**(-k)/2 + I*I**(-k)/2)/k, 0, 1)


    By setting ``full=True``, range of admissible functions to be solved using
    ``rational_algorithm`` can be increased. This option should be used
    carefully as it can signifcantly slow down the computation as ``doit`` is
    performed on the :class:`RootSum` object returned by the ``apart`` function.
    Use ``full=False`` whenever possible.

    See Also



    .. [1] Formal Power Series - Dominik Gruntz, Wolfram Koepf
    .. [2] Power Series in Computer Algebra - Wolfram Koepf
    from sympy.polys import RootSum, apart
    from sympy.integrals import integrate

    diff = f
    ds = []  # list of diff

    for i in range(order + 1):
        if i:
            diff = diff.diff(x)

        if diff.is_rational_function(x):
            coeff, sep = S.Zero, S.Zero

            terms = apart(diff, x, full=full)
            if terms.has(RootSum):
                terms = terms.doit()

            for t in Add.make_args(terms):
                num, den = t.as_numer_denom()
                if not den.has(x):
                    sep += t
                    if isinstance(den, Mul):
                        # m*(n*x - a)**j -> (n*x - a)**j
                        ind = den.as_independent(x)
                        den = ind[1]
                        num /= ind[0]

                    # (n*x - a)**j -> (x - b)
                    den, j = den.as_base_exp()
                    a, xterm = den.as_coeff_add(x)

                    # term -> m/x**n
                    if not a:
                        sep += t

                    xc = xterm[0].coeff(x)
                    a /= -xc
                    num /= xc**j

                    ak = ((-1)**j * num *
                          binomial(j + k - 1, k).rewrite(factorial) /
                          a**(j + k))
                    coeff += ak

            # Hacky, better way?
            if coeff is S.Zero:
                return None
            if (coeff.has(x) or coeff.has(zoo) or coeff.has(oo)
                    or coeff.has(nan)):
                return None

            for j in range(i):
                coeff = (coeff / (k + j + 1))
                sep = integrate(sep, x)
                sep += (ds.pop() - sep).limit(x, 0)  # constant of integration
            return (coeff.subs(k, k - i), sep, i)


    return None
Пример #45
def limit_seq(expr, n=None, trials=5):
    """Finds the limit of a sequence as index n tends to infinity.


    expr : Expr
        SymPy expression for the n-th term of the sequence
    n : Symbol, optional
        The index of the sequence, an integer that tends to positive
        infinity. If None, inferred from the expression unless it has
        multiple symbols.
    trials: int, optional
        The algorithm is highly recursive. ``trials`` is a safeguard from
        infinite recursion in case the limit is not easily computed by the
        algorithm. Try increasing ``trials`` if the algorithm returns ``None``.

    Admissible Terms

    The algorithm is designed for sequences built from rational functions,
    indefinite sums, and indefinite products over an indeterminate n. Terms of
    alternating sign are also allowed, but more complex oscillatory behavior is
    not supported.


    >>> from sympy import limit_seq, Sum, binomial
    >>> from sympy.abc import n, k, m
    >>> limit_seq((5*n**3 + 3*n**2 + 4) / (3*n**3 + 4*n - 5), n)
    >>> limit_seq(binomial(2*n, n) / Sum(binomial(2*k, k), (k, 1, n)), n)
    >>> limit_seq(Sum(k**2 * Sum(2**m/m, (m, 1, k)), (k, 1, n)) / (2**n*n), n)

    See Also



    .. [1] Computing Limits of Sequences - Manuel Kauers

    from sympy.concrete.summations import Sum
    from sympy.calculus.util import AccumulationBounds
    if n is None:
        free = expr.free_symbols
        if len(free) == 1:
            n = free.pop()
        elif not free:
            return expr
            raise ValueError("Expression has more than one variable. "
                             "Please specify a variable.")
    elif n not in expr.free_symbols:
        return expr

    expr = expr.rewrite(fibonacci, S.GoldenRatio)
    n_ = Dummy("n", integer=True, positive=True)
    n1 = Dummy("n", odd=True, positive=True)
    n2 = Dummy("n", even=True, positive=True)

    # If there is a negative term raised to a power involving n, or a
    # trigonometric function, then consider even and odd n separately.
    powers = (p.as_base_exp() for p in expr.atoms(Pow))
    if (any(b.is_negative and e.has(n) for b, e in powers)
            or expr.has(cos, sin)):
        L1 = _limit_seq(expr.xreplace({n: n1}), n1, trials)
        if L1 is not None:
            L2 = _limit_seq(expr.xreplace({n: n2}), n2, trials)
            if L1 != L2:
                if L1.is_comparable and L2.is_comparable:
                    return AccumulationBounds(Min(L1, L2), Max(L1, L2))
                    return None
        L1 = _limit_seq(expr.xreplace({n: n_}), n_, trials)
    if L1 is not None:
        return L1
        if expr.is_Add:
            limits = [limit_seq(term, n, trials) for term in expr.args]
            if any(result is None for result in limits):
                return None
                return Add(*limits)
        # Maybe the absolute value is easier to deal with (though not if
        # it has a Sum). If it tends to 0, the limit is 0.
        elif not expr.has(Sum):
            lim = _limit_seq(Abs(expr.xreplace({n: n_})), n_, trials)
            if lim is not None and lim.is_zero:
                return S.Zero
Пример #46
    def _integrate(field=None):
        irreducibles = set()

        for poly in reducibles:
            for z in poly.atoms(Symbol):
                if z in V:

            irreducibles |= set(root_factors(poly, z, filter=field))

        log_coeffs, log_part = [], []
        B = _symbols('B', len(irreducibles))

        for i, poly in enumerate(irreducibles):
            if poly.has(*V):
                log_part.append(log_coeffs[-1] * log(poly))

        coeffs = poly_coeffs + log_coeffs

        # TODO: Currently it's better to use symbolic expressions here instead
        # of rational functions, because it's simpler and FracElement doesn't
        # give big speed improvement yet. This is because cancelation is slow
        # due to slow polynomial GCD algorithms. If this gets improved then
        # revise this code.
        candidate = poly_part / poly_denom + Add(*log_part)
        h = F - _derivation(candidate) / denom
        raw_numer = h.as_numer_denom()[0]

        # Rewrite raw_numer as a polynomial in K[coeffs][V] where K is a field
        # that we have to determine. We can't use simply atoms() because log(3),
        # sqrt(y) and similar expressions can appear, leading to non-trivial
        # domains.
        syms = set(coeffs) | set(V)
        non_syms = set([])

        def find_non_syms(expr):
            if expr.is_Integer or expr.is_Rational:
                pass  # ignore trivial numbers
            elif expr in syms:
                pass  # ignore variables
            elif not expr.has(*syms):
            elif expr.is_Add or expr.is_Mul or expr.is_Pow:
                list(map(find_non_syms, expr.args))
                # TODO: Non-polynomial expression. This should have been
                # filtered out at an earlier stage.
                raise PolynomialError

        except PolynomialError:
            return None
            ground, _ = construct_domain(non_syms, field=True)

        coeff_ring = PolyRing(coeffs, ground)
        ring = PolyRing(V, coeff_ring)

        numer = ring.from_expr(raw_numer)

        solution = solve_lin_sys(numer.coeffs(), coeff_ring)

        if solution is None:
            return None
            solution = [(k.as_expr(), v.as_expr())
                        for k, v in solution.items()]
            return candidate.subs(solution).subs(
                list(zip(coeffs, [S.Zero] * len(coeffs))))
Пример #47
def rational_algorithm(f, x, k, order=4, full=False):
    """Rational algorithm for computing
    formula of coefficients of Formal Power Series
    of a function.

    Applicable when f(x) or some derivative of f(x)
    is a rational function in x.

    :func:`rational_algorithm` uses :func:`apart` function for partial fraction
    decomposition. :func:`apart` by default uses 'undetermined coefficients
    method'. By setting ``full=True``, 'Bronstein's algorithm' can be used

    Looks for derivative of a function up to 4'th order (by default).
    This can be overriden using order option.


    formula : Expr
    ind : Expr
        Independent terms.
    order : int


    >>> from sympy import log, atan, I
    >>> from sympy.series.formal import rational_algorithm as ra
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, k

    >>> ra(1 / (1 - x), x, k)
    (1, 0, 0)
    >>> ra(log(1 + x), x, k)
    (-(-1)**(-k)/k, 0, 1)

    >>> ra(atan(x), x, k, full=True)
    ((-I*(-I)**(-k)/2 + I*I**(-k)/2)/k, 0, 1)


    By setting ``full=True``, range of admissible functions to be solved using
    ``rational_algorithm`` can be increased. This option should be used
    carefully as it can signifcantly slow down the computation as ``doit`` is
    performed on the :class:`RootSum` object returned by the ``apart`` function.
    Use ``full=False`` whenever possible.

    See Also



    .. [1] Formal Power Series - Dominik Gruntz, Wolfram Koepf
    .. [2] Power Series in Computer Algebra - Wolfram Koepf
    from sympy.polys import RootSum, apart
    from sympy.integrals import integrate

    diff = f
    ds = []  # list of diff

    for i in range(order + 1):
        if i:
            diff = diff.diff(x)

        if diff.is_rational_function(x):
            coeff, sep = S.Zero, S.Zero

            terms = apart(diff, x, full=full)
            if terms.has(RootSum):
                terms = terms.doit()

            for t in Add.make_args(terms):
                num, den = t.as_numer_denom()
                if not den.has(x):
                    sep += t
                    if isinstance(den, Mul):
                        # m*(n*x - a)**j -> (n*x - a)**j
                        ind = den.as_independent(x)
                        den = ind[1]
                        num /= ind[0]

                    # (n*x - a)**j -> (x - b)
                    den, j = den.as_base_exp()
                    a, xterm = den.as_coeff_add(x)

                    # term -> m/x**n
                    if not a:
                        sep += t

                    xc = xterm[0].coeff(x)
                    a /= -xc
                    num /= xc**j

                    ak = ((-1)**j * num *
                          binomial(j + k - 1, k).rewrite(factorial) /
                          a**(j + k))
                    coeff += ak

            # Hacky, better way?
            if coeff is S.Zero:
                return None
            if (coeff.has(x) or coeff.has(zoo) or coeff.has(oo) or
                return None

            for j in range(i):
                coeff = (coeff / (k + j + 1))
                sep = integrate(sep, x)
                sep += (ds.pop() - sep).limit(x, 0)  # constant of integration
            return (coeff.subs(k, k - i), sep, i)


    return None
Пример #48
from sympy.core.add import Add
from sympy.core.relational import Eq
from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol
from sympy.printing.latex import latex

t = {}  # type: tDict[tTuple[Type, ...], List[Any]]

doc = ""

for about, category in sorted(t.items()):
    if about == ():
        doc += 'Elementary functions:\n\n'
        doc += 'Functions involving ' + ', '.join(
            '`%s`' % latex(list(category[0][0].atoms(func))[0])
            for func in about) + ':\n\n'
    for formula, gs, cond, hint in category:
        if not isinstance(gs, list):
            g = Symbol('\\text{generated}')
            g = Add(*[fac * f for (fac, f) in gs])
        obj = Eq(formula, g)
        if cond is True:
            cond = ""
            cond = ',\\text{ if } %s' % latex(cond)
        doc += ".. math::\n  %s%s\n\n" % (latex(obj), cond)

__doc__ = doc
Пример #49
 def _makeDE(k):
     eq = f.diff(x, k) + Add(*[a[i] * f.diff(x, i) for i in range(0, k)])
     DE = g(x).diff(x,
                    k) + Add(*[a[i] * g(x).diff(x, i) for i in range(0, k)])
     return eq, DE
Пример #50
def eval_sum_direct(expr, limits):
    from sympy.core import Add
    (i, a, b) = limits

    dif = b - a
    return Add(*[expr.subs(i, a + j) for j in range(dif + 1)])
Пример #51
 def _derivation(h):
     return Add(*[d * h.diff(v) for d, v in zip(numers, V)])
Пример #52
def bivariate_type(f, x, y, *, first=True):
    """Given an expression, f, 3 tests will be done to see what type
    of composite bivariate it might be, options for u(x, y) are::


    If it matches one of these types, ``u(x, y)``, ``P(u)`` and dummy
    variable ``u`` will be returned. Solving ``P(u)`` for ``u`` and
    equating the solutions to ``u(x, y)`` and then solving for ``x`` or
    ``y`` is equivalent to solving the original expression for ``x`` or
    ``y``. If ``x`` and ``y`` represent two functions in the same
    variable, e.g. ``x = g(t)`` and ``y = h(t)``, then if ``u(x, y) - p``
    can be solved for ``t`` then these represent the solutions to
    ``P(u) = 0`` when ``p`` are the solutions of ``P(u) = 0``.

    Only positive values of ``u`` are considered.


    >>> from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve
    >>> from sympy.solvers.bivariate import bivariate_type
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> eq = (x**2 - 3).subs(x, x + y)
    >>> bivariate_type(eq, x, y)
    (x + y, _u**2 - 3, _u)
    >>> uxy, pu, u = _
    >>> usol = solve(pu, u); usol
    >>> [solve(uxy - s) for s in solve(pu, u)]
    [[{x: -y + sqrt(3)}]]
    >>> all(eq.subs(s).equals(0) for sol in _ for s in sol)


    u = Dummy('u', positive=True)

    if first:
        p = Poly(f, x, y)
        f = p.as_expr()
        _x = Dummy()
        _y = Dummy()
        rv = bivariate_type(Poly(f.subs({
            x: _x,
            y: _y
        }), _x, _y),
        if rv:
            reps = {_x: x, _y: y}
            return rv[0].xreplace(reps), rv[1].xreplace(reps), rv[2]

    p = f
    f = p.as_expr()

    # f(x*y)
    args = Add.make_args(p.as_expr())
    new = []
    for a in args:
        a = _mexpand(a.subs(x, u / y))
        free = a.free_symbols
        if x in free or y in free:
        return x * y, Add(*new), u

    def ok(f, v, c):
        new = _mexpand(f.subs(v, c))
        free = new.free_symbols
        return None if (x in free or y in free) else new

    # f(a*x + b*y)
    new = []
    d = p.degree(x)
    if p.degree(y) == d:
        a = root(p.coeff_monomial(x**d), d)
        b = root(p.coeff_monomial(y**d), d)
        new = ok(f, x, (u - b * y) / a)
        if new is not None:
            return a * x + b * y, new, u

    # f(a*x*y + b*y)
    new = []
    d = p.degree(x)
    if p.degree(y) == d:
        for itry in range(2):
            a = root(p.coeff_monomial(x**d * y**d), d)
            b = root(p.coeff_monomial(y**d), d)
            new = ok(f, x, (u - b * y) / a / y)
            if new is not None:
                return a * x * y + b * y, new, u
            x, y = y, x
Пример #53
def heurisch(f,
    Compute indefinite integral using heuristic Risch algorithm.

    This is a heuristic approach to indefinite integration in finite
    terms using the extended heuristic (parallel) Risch algorithm, based
    on Manuel Bronstein's "Poor Man's Integrator".

    The algorithm supports various classes of functions including
    transcendental elementary or special functions like Airy,
    Bessel, Whittaker and Lambert.

    Note that this algorithm is not a decision procedure. If it isn't
    able to compute the antiderivative for a given function, then this is
    not a proof that such a functions does not exist.  One should use
    recursive Risch algorithm in such case.  It's an open question if
    this algorithm can be made a full decision procedure.

    This is an internal integrator procedure. You should use toplevel
    'integrate' function in most cases,  as this procedure needs some
    preprocessing steps and otherwise may fail.


     heurisch(f, x, rewrite=False, hints=None)

         f : expression
         x : symbol

         rewrite -> force rewrite 'f' in terms of 'tan' and 'tanh'
         hints   -> a list of functions that may appear in anti-derivate

          - hints = None          --> no suggestions at all
          - hints = [ ]           --> try to figure out
          - hints = [f1, ..., fn] --> we know better


    >>> from sympy import tan
    >>> from sympy.integrals.heurisch import heurisch
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

    >>> heurisch(y*tan(x), x)
    y*log(tan(x)**2 + 1)/2

    See Manuel Bronstein's "Poor Man's Integrator":

    [1] http://www-sop.inria.fr/cafe/Manuel.Bronstein/pmint/index.html

    For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:

    [2] K. Geddes, L. Stefanus, On the Risch-Norman Integration
       Method and its Implementation in Maple, Proceedings of
       ISSAC'89, ACM Press, 212-217.

    [3] J. H. Davenport, On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (I),
       Proceedings of EUROCAM'82, LNCS 144, Springer, 144-157.

    [4] J. H. Davenport, On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (III):
       Use of Tangents, SIGSAM Bulletin 16 (1982), 3-6.

    [5] J. H. Davenport, B. M. Trager, On the Parallel Risch
       Algorithm (II), ACM Transactions on Mathematical
       Software 11 (1985), 356-362.

    See Also

    f = sympify(f)
    if x not in f.free_symbols:
        return f * x

    if not f.is_Add:
        indep, f = f.as_independent(x)
        indep = S.One

    rewritables = {
        (sin, cos, cot): tan,
        (sinh, cosh, coth): tanh,

    if rewrite:
        for candidates, rule in rewritables.items():
            f = f.rewrite(candidates, rule)
        for candidates in rewritables.keys():
            if f.has(*candidates):
            rewrite = True

    terms = components(f, x)

    if hints is not None:
        if not hints:
            a = Wild('a', exclude=[x])
            b = Wild('b', exclude=[x])
            c = Wild('c', exclude=[x])

            for g in set(terms):
                if g.is_Function:
                    if g.func is li:
                        M = g.args[0].match(a * x**b)

                        if M is not None:
                                x *
                                (li(M[a] * x**M[b]) -
                                 (M[a] * x**M[b])**(-1 / M[b]) * Ei(
                                     (M[b] + 1) * log(M[a] * x**M[b]) / M[b])))
                            #terms.add( x*(li(M[a]*x**M[b]) - (x**M[b])**(-1/M[b])*Ei((M[b]+1)*log(M[a]*x**M[b])/M[b])) )
                            #terms.add( x*(li(M[a]*x**M[b]) - x*Ei((M[b]+1)*log(M[a]*x**M[b])/M[b])) )
                            #terms.add( li(M[a]*x**M[b]) - Ei((M[b]+1)*log(M[a]*x**M[b])/M[b]) )

                    elif g.func is exp:
                        M = g.args[0].match(a * x**2)

                        if M is not None:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                terms.add(erfi(sqrt(M[a]) * x))
                            else:  # M[a].is_negative or unknown
                                terms.add(erf(sqrt(-M[a]) * x))

                        M = g.args[0].match(a * x**2 + b * x + c)

                        if M is not None:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                    sqrt(pi / 4 * (-M[a])) *
                                    exp(M[c] - M[b]**2 / (4 * M[a])) * erfi(
                                        sqrt(M[a]) * x + M[b] /
                                        (2 * sqrt(M[a]))))
                            elif M[a].is_negative:
                                    sqrt(pi / 4 * (-M[a])) *
                                    exp(M[c] - M[b]**2 / (4 * M[a])) * erf(
                                        sqrt(-M[a]) * x - M[b] /
                                        (2 * sqrt(-M[a]))))

                        M = g.args[0].match(a * log(x)**2)

                        if M is not None:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                        sqrt(M[a]) * log(x) + 1 /
                                        (2 * sqrt(M[a]))))
                            if M[a].is_negative:
                                        sqrt(-M[a]) * log(x) - 1 /
                                        (2 * sqrt(-M[a]))))

                elif g.is_Pow:
                    if g.exp.is_Rational and g.exp.q == 2:
                        M = g.base.match(a * x**2 + b)

                        if M is not None and M[b].is_positive:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                terms.add(asinh(sqrt(M[a] / M[b]) * x))
                            elif M[a].is_negative:
                                terms.add(asin(sqrt(-M[a] / M[b]) * x))

                        M = g.base.match(a * x**2 - b)

                        if M is not None and M[b].is_positive:
                            if M[a].is_positive:
                                terms.add(acosh(sqrt(M[a] / M[b]) * x))
                            elif M[a].is_negative:
                                terms.add((-M[b] / 2 * sqrt(-M[a]) * atan(
                                    sqrt(-M[a]) * x / sqrt(M[a] * x**2 - M[b]))

            terms |= set(hints)

    for g in set(terms):
        terms |= components(cancel(g.diff(x)), x)

    # TODO: caching is significant factor for why permutations work at all. Change this.
    V = _symbols('x', len(terms))

    mapping = dict(list(zip(terms, V)))

    rev_mapping = {}

    if unnecessary_permutations is None:
        unnecessary_permutations = []
    for k, v in mapping.items():
        rev_mapping[v] = k

    if mappings is None:
        # Pre-sort mapping in order of largest to smallest expressions (last is always x).
        def _sort_key(arg):
            return default_sort_key(arg[0].as_independent(x)[1])

        #optimizing the number of permutations of mappping
        unnecessary_permutations = [(x, mapping[x])]
        del mapping[x]
        mapping = sorted(list(mapping.items()), key=_sort_key, reverse=True)
        mappings = permutations(mapping)

    def _substitute(expr):
        return expr.subs(mapping)

    for mapping in mappings:
        mapping = list(mapping)
        mapping = mapping + unnecessary_permutations
        diffs = [_substitute(cancel(g.diff(x))) for g in terms]
        denoms = [g.as_numer_denom()[1] for g in diffs]
        if all(h.is_polynomial(*V)
               for h in denoms) and _substitute(f).is_rational_function(*V):
            denom = reduce(lambda p, q: lcm(p, q, *V), denoms)
        if not rewrite:
            result = heurisch(

            if result is not None:
                return indep * result
        return None

    numers = [cancel(denom * g) for g in diffs]

    def _derivation(h):
        return Add(*[d * h.diff(v) for d, v in zip(numers, V)])

    def _deflation(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has(y):

            if _derivation(p) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).primitive()
                return _deflation(c) * gcd(q, q.diff(y)).as_expr()
            return p

    def _splitter(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has(y):

            if _derivation(y) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).primitive()

                q = q.as_expr()

                h = gcd(q, _derivation(q), y)
                s = quo(h, gcd(q, q.diff(y), y), y)

                c_split = _splitter(c)

                if s.as_poly(y).degree() == 0:
                    return (c_split[0], q * c_split[1])

                q_split = _splitter(cancel(q / s))

                return (c_split[0] * q_split[0] * s, c_split[1] * q_split[1])
            return (S.One, p)

    special = {}

    for term in terms:
        if term.is_Function:
            if term.func is tan:
                special[1 + _substitute(term)**2] = False
            elif term.func is tanh:
                special[1 + _substitute(term)] = False
                special[1 - _substitute(term)] = False
            elif term.func is C.LambertW:
                special[_substitute(term)] = True

    F = _substitute(f)

    P, Q = F.as_numer_denom()

    u_split = _splitter(denom)
    v_split = _splitter(Q)

    polys = list(v_split) + [u_split[0]] + list(special.keys())

    s = u_split[0] * Mul(*[k for k, v in special.items() if v])
    polified = [p.as_poly(*V) for p in [s, P, Q]]

    if None in polified:
        return None

    a, b, c = [p.total_degree() for p in polified]

    poly_denom = (s * v_split[0] * _deflation(v_split[1])).as_expr()

    def _exponent(g):
        if g.is_Pow:
            if g.exp.is_Rational and g.exp.q != 1:
                if g.exp.p > 0:
                    return g.exp.p + g.exp.q - 1
                    return abs(g.exp.p + g.exp.q)
                return 1
        elif not g.is_Atom and g.args:
            return max([_exponent(h) for h in g.args])
            return 1

    A, B = _exponent(f), a + max(b, c)

    if A > 1 and B > 1:
        monoms = itermonomials(V, A + B - 1 + degree_offset)
        monoms = itermonomials(V, A + B + degree_offset)

    poly_coeffs = _symbols('A', len(monoms))

    poly_part = Add(
        *[poly_coeffs[i] * monomial for i, monomial in enumerate(monoms)])

    reducibles = set()

    for poly in polys:
        if poly.has(*V):
                factorization = factor(poly, greedy=True)
            except PolynomialError:
                factorization = poly
            factorization = poly

            if factorization.is_Mul:
                reducibles |= set(factorization.args)

    def _integrate(field=None):
        irreducibles = set()

        for poly in reducibles:
            for z in poly.atoms(Symbol):
                if z in V:

            irreducibles |= set(root_factors(poly, z, filter=field))

        log_coeffs, log_part = [], []
        B = _symbols('B', len(irreducibles))

        for i, poly in enumerate(irreducibles):
            if poly.has(*V):
                log_part.append(log_coeffs[-1] * log(poly))

        coeffs = poly_coeffs + log_coeffs

        # TODO: Currently it's better to use symbolic expressions here instead
        # of rational functions, because it's simpler and FracElement doesn't
        # give big speed improvement yet. This is because cancelation is slow
        # due to slow polynomial GCD algorithms. If this gets improved then
        # revise this code.
        candidate = poly_part / poly_denom + Add(*log_part)
        h = F - _derivation(candidate) / denom
        raw_numer = h.as_numer_denom()[0]

        # Rewrite raw_numer as a polynomial in K[coeffs][V] where K is a field
        # that we have to determine. We can't use simply atoms() because log(3),
        # sqrt(y) and similar expressions can appear, leading to non-trivial
        # domains.
        syms = set(coeffs) | set(V)
        non_syms = set([])

        def find_non_syms(expr):
            if expr.is_Integer or expr.is_Rational:
                pass  # ignore trivial numbers
            elif expr in syms:
                pass  # ignore variables
            elif not expr.has(*syms):
            elif expr.is_Add or expr.is_Mul or expr.is_Pow:
                list(map(find_non_syms, expr.args))
                # TODO: Non-polynomial expression. This should have been
                # filtered out at an earlier stage.
                raise PolynomialError

        except PolynomialError:
            return None
            ground, _ = construct_domain(non_syms, field=True)

        coeff_ring = PolyRing(coeffs, ground)
        ring = PolyRing(V, coeff_ring)

        numer = ring.from_expr(raw_numer)

        solution = solve_lin_sys(numer.coeffs(), coeff_ring)

        if solution is None:
            return None
            solution = [(k.as_expr(), v.as_expr())
                        for k, v in solution.items()]
            return candidate.subs(solution).subs(
                list(zip(coeffs, [S.Zero] * len(coeffs))))

    if not (F.atoms(Symbol) - set(V)):
        solution = _integrate('Q')

        if solution is None:
            solution = _integrate()
        solution = _integrate()

    if solution is not None:
        antideriv = solution.subs(rev_mapping)
        antideriv = cancel(antideriv).expand(force=True)

        if antideriv.is_Add:
            antideriv = antideriv.as_independent(x)[1]

        return indep * antideriv
        if retries >= 0:
            result = heurisch(
                retries=retries - 1,

            if result is not None:
                return indep * result

        return None
Пример #54
 def dot(self, p):
     """Return dot product of self with another Point."""
     if not is_sequence(p):
         p = Point(p)  # raise the error via Point
     return Add(*(a * b for a, b in zip(self, p)))
Пример #55
def rsolve(f, y, init=None):
    Solve univariate recurrence with rational coefficients.

    Given `k`-th order linear recurrence `\operatorname{L} y = f`,
    or equivalently:

    .. math:: a_{k}(n) y(n+k) + a_{k-1}(n) y(n+k-1) +
              \cdots + a_{0}(n) y(n) = f(n)

    where `a_{i}(n)`, for `i=0, \ldots, k`, are polynomials or rational
    functions in `n`, and `f` is a hypergeometric function or a sum
    of a fixed number of pairwise dissimilar hypergeometric terms in
    `n`, finds all solutions or returns ``None``, if none were found.

    Initial conditions can be given as a dictionary in two forms:

        (1) ``{  n_0  : v_0,   n_1  : v_1, ...,   n_m  : v_m}``
        (2) ``{y(n_0) : v_0, y(n_1) : v_1, ..., y(n_m) : v_m}``

    or as a list ``L`` of values:

        ``L = [v_0, v_1, ..., v_m]``

    where ``L[i] = v_i``, for `i=0, \ldots, m`, maps to `y(n_i)`.


    Lets consider the following recurrence:

    .. math:: (n - 1) y(n + 2) - (n^2 + 3 n - 2) y(n + 1) +
              2 n (n + 1) y(n) = 0

    >>> from sympy import Function, rsolve
    >>> from sympy.abc import n
    >>> y = Function('y')

    >>> f = (n - 1)*y(n + 2) - (n**2 + 3*n - 2)*y(n + 1) + 2*n*(n + 1)*y(n)

    >>> rsolve(f, y(n))
    2**n*C0 + C1*factorial(n)

    >>> rsolve(f, y(n), {y(0):0, y(1):3})
    3*2**n - 3*factorial(n)

    See Also

    rsolve_poly, rsolve_ratio, rsolve_hyper

    if isinstance(f, Equality):
        f = f.lhs - f.rhs

    n = y.args[0]
    k = Wild('k', exclude=(n,))

    # Preprocess user input to allow things like
    # y(n) + a*(y(n + 1) + y(n - 1))/2
    f = f.expand().collect(y.func(Wild('m', integer=True)))

    h_part = defaultdict(lambda: S.Zero)
    i_part = S.Zero
    for g in Add.make_args(f):
        coeff = S.One
        kspec = None
        for h in Mul.make_args(g):
            if h.is_Function:
                if h.func == y.func:
                    result = h.args[0].match(n + k)

                    if result is not None:
                        kspec = int(result[k])
                        raise ValueError(
                            "'%s(%s + k)' expected, got '%s'" % (y.func, n, h))
                    raise ValueError(
                        "'%s' expected, got '%s'" % (y.func, h.func))
                coeff *= h

        if kspec is not None:
            h_part[kspec] += coeff
            i_part += coeff

    for k, coeff in h_part.items():
        h_part[k] = simplify(coeff)

    common = S.One

    for coeff in h_part.values():
        if coeff.is_rational_function(n):
            if not coeff.is_polynomial(n):
                common = lcm(common, coeff.as_numer_denom()[1], n)
            raise ValueError(
                "Polynomial or rational function expected, got '%s'" % coeff)

    i_numer, i_denom = i_part.as_numer_denom()

    if i_denom.is_polynomial(n):
        common = lcm(common, i_denom, n)

    if common is not S.One:
        for k, coeff in h_part.items():
            numer, denom = coeff.as_numer_denom()
            h_part[k] = numer*quo(common, denom, n)

        i_part = i_numer*quo(common, i_denom, n)

    K_min = min(h_part.keys())

    if K_min < 0:
        K = abs(K_min)

        H_part = defaultdict(lambda: S.Zero)
        i_part = i_part.subs(n, n + K).expand()
        common = common.subs(n, n + K).expand()

        for k, coeff in h_part.items():
            H_part[k + K] = coeff.subs(n, n + K).expand()
        H_part = h_part

    K_max = max(H_part.keys())
    coeffs = [H_part[i] for i in range(K_max + 1)]

    result = rsolve_hyper(coeffs, -i_part, n, symbols=True)

    if result is None:
        return None

    solution, symbols = result

    if init == {} or init == []:
        init = None

    if symbols and init is not None:
        if isinstance(init, list):
            init = {i: init[i] for i in range(len(init))}

        equations = []

        for k, v in init.items():
                i = int(k)
            except TypeError:
                if k.is_Function and k.func == y.func:
                    i = int(k.args[0])
                    raise ValueError("Integer or term expected, got '%s'" % k)
                eq = solution.limit(n, i) - v
            except NotImplementedError:
                eq = solution.subs(n, i) - v

        result = solve(equations, *symbols)

        if not result:
            return None
            solution = solution.subs(result)

    return solution
Пример #56
    def __new__(cls, lhs, rhs=None, **options):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        from sympy.core.logic import fuzzy_bool
        from sympy.core.expr import _n2
        from sympy.simplify.simplify import clear_coefficients

        if rhs is None:
                feature="Eq(expr) with rhs default to 0",
                useinstead="Eq(expr, 0)",
            rhs = 0

        lhs = _sympify(lhs)
        rhs = _sympify(rhs)

        evaluate = options.pop('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])

        if evaluate:
            # If one expression has an _eval_Eq, return its results.
            if hasattr(lhs, '_eval_Eq'):
                r = lhs._eval_Eq(rhs)
                if r is not None:
                    return r
            if hasattr(rhs, '_eval_Eq'):
                r = rhs._eval_Eq(lhs)
                if r is not None:
                    return r
            # If expressions have the same structure, they must be equal.
            if lhs == rhs:
                return S.true  # e.g. True == True
            elif all(isinstance(i, BooleanAtom) for i in (rhs, lhs)):
                return S.false  # True != False
            elif not (lhs.is_Symbol or rhs.is_Symbol) and (
                    isinstance(lhs, Boolean) !=
                    isinstance(rhs, Boolean)):
                return S.false  # only Booleans can equal Booleans

            # check finiteness
            fin = L, R = [i.is_finite for i in (lhs, rhs)]
            if None not in fin:
                if L != R:
                    return S.false
                if L is False:
                    if lhs == -rhs:  # Eq(oo, -oo)
                        return S.false
                    return S.true
            elif None in fin and False in fin:
                return Relational.__new__(cls, lhs, rhs, **options)

            if all(isinstance(i, Expr) for i in (lhs, rhs)):
                # see if the difference evaluates
                dif = lhs - rhs
                z = dif.is_zero
                if z is not None:
                    if z is False and dif.is_commutative:  # issue 10728
                        return S.false
                    if z:
                        return S.true
                # evaluate numerically if possible
                n2 = _n2(lhs, rhs)
                if n2 is not None:
                    return _sympify(n2 == 0)
                # see if the ratio evaluates
                n, d = dif.as_numer_denom()
                rv = None
                if n.is_zero:
                    rv = d.is_nonzero
                elif n.is_finite:
                    if d.is_infinite:
                        rv = S.true
                    elif n.is_zero is False:
                        rv = d.is_infinite
                        if rv is None:
                            # if the condition that makes the denominator
                            # infinite does not make the original expression
                            # True then False can be returned
                            l, r = clear_coefficients(d, S.Infinity)
                            args = [_.subs(l, r) for _ in (lhs, rhs)]
                            if args != [lhs, rhs]:
                                rv = fuzzy_bool(Eq(*args))
                                if rv is True:
                                    rv = None
                elif any(a.is_infinite for a in Add.make_args(n)):
                    # (inf or nan)/x != 0
                    rv = S.false
                if rv is not None:
                    return _sympify(rv)

        return Relational.__new__(cls, lhs, rhs, **options)
Пример #57
def _compute_fps(f, x, x0, dir, hyper, order, rational, full):
    """Recursive wrapper to compute fps.

    See :func:`compute_fps` for details.
    if x0 in [S.Infinity, -S.Infinity]:
        dir = S.One if x0 is S.Infinity else -S.One
        temp = f.subs(x, 1/x)
        result = _compute_fps(temp, x, 0, dir, hyper, order, rational, full)
        if result is None:
            return None
        return (result[0], result[1].subs(x, 1/x), result[2].subs(x, 1/x))
    elif x0 or dir == -S.One:
        if dir == -S.One:
            rep = -x + x0
            rep2 = -x
            rep2b = x0
            rep = x + x0
            rep2 = x
            rep2b = -x0
        temp = f.subs(x, rep)
        result = _compute_fps(temp, x, 0, S.One, hyper, order, rational, full)
        if result is None:
            return None
        return (result[0], result[1].subs(x, rep2 + rep2b),
                result[2].subs(x, rep2 + rep2b))

    if f.is_polynomial(x):
        return None

    #  Break instances of Add
    #  this allows application of different
    #  algorithms on different terms increasing the
    #  range of admissible functions.
    if isinstance(f, Add):
        result = False
        ak = sequence(S.Zero, (0, oo))
        ind, xk = S.Zero, None
        for t in Add.make_args(f):
            res = _compute_fps(t, x, 0, S.One, hyper, order, rational, full)
            if res:
                if not result:
                    result = True
                    xk = res[1]
                if res[0].start > ak.start:
                    seq = ak
                    s, f = ak.start, res[0].start
                    seq = res[0]
                    s, f = res[0].start, ak.start
                save = Add(*[z[0]*z[1] for z in zip(seq[0:(f - s)], xk[s:f])])
                ak += res[0]
                ind += res[2] + save
                ind += t
        if result:
            return ak, xk, ind
        return None

    result = None

    # from here on it's x0=0 and dir=1 handling
    k = Dummy('k')
    if rational:
        result = rational_algorithm(f, x, k, order, full)

    if result is None and hyper:
        result = hyper_algorithm(f, x, k, order)

    if result is None:
        return None

    ak = sequence(result[0], (k, result[2], oo))
    xk = sequence(x**k, (k, 0, oo))
    ind = result[1]

    return ak, xk, ind
Пример #58
def rsolve_poly(coeffs, f, n, **hints):
    Given linear recurrence operator `\operatorname{L}` of order
    `k` with polynomial coefficients and inhomogeneous equation
    `\operatorname{L} y = f`, where `f` is a polynomial, we seek for
    all polynomial solutions over field `K` of characteristic zero.

    The algorithm performs two basic steps:

        (1) Compute degree `N` of the general polynomial solution.
        (2) Find all polynomials of degree `N` or less
            of `\operatorname{L} y = f`.

    There are two methods for computing the polynomial solutions.
    If the degree bound is relatively small, i.e. it's smaller than
    or equal to the order of the recurrence, then naive method of
    undetermined coefficients is being used. This gives system
    of algebraic equations with `N+1` unknowns.

    In the other case, the algorithm performs transformation of the
    initial equation to an equivalent one, for which the system of
    algebraic equations has only `r` indeterminates. This method is
    quite sophisticated (in comparison with the naive one) and was
    invented together by Abramov, Bronstein and Petkovsek.

    It is possible to generalize the algorithm implemented here to
    the case of linear q-difference and differential equations.

    Lets say that we would like to compute `m`-th Bernoulli polynomial
    up to a constant. For this we can use `b(n+1) - b(n) = m n^{m-1}`
    recurrence, which has solution `b(n) = B_m + C`. For example:

    >>> from sympy import Symbol, rsolve_poly
    >>> n = Symbol('n', integer=True)

    >>> rsolve_poly([-1, 1], 4*n**3, n)
    C0 + n**4 - 2*n**3 + n**2


    .. [1] S. A. Abramov, M. Bronstein and M. Petkovsek, On polynomial
           solutions of linear operator equations, in: T. Levelt, ed.,
           Proc. ISSAC '95, ACM Press, New York, 1995, 290-296.

    .. [2] M. Petkovsek, Hypergeometric solutions of linear recurrences
           with polynomial coefficients, J. Symbolic Computation,
           14 (1992), 243-264.

    .. [3] M. Petkovsek, H. S. Wilf, D. Zeilberger, A = B, 1996.

    f = sympify(f)

    if not f.is_polynomial(n):
        return None

    homogeneous = f.is_zero

    r = len(coeffs) - 1

    coeffs = [Poly(coeff, n) for coeff in coeffs]

    polys = [Poly(0, n)]*(r + 1)
    terms = [(S.Zero, S.NegativeInfinity)]*(r + 1)

    for i in range(r + 1):
        for j in range(i, r + 1):
            polys[i] += coeffs[j]*binomial(j, i)

        if not polys[i].is_zero:
            (exp,), coeff = polys[i].LT()
            terms[i] = (coeff, exp)

    d = b = terms[0][1]

    for i in range(1, r + 1):
        if terms[i][1] > d:
            d = terms[i][1]

        if terms[i][1] - i > b:
            b = terms[i][1] - i

    d, b = int(d), int(b)

    x = Dummy('x')

    degree_poly = S.Zero

    for i in range(r + 1):
        if terms[i][1] - i == b:
            degree_poly += terms[i][0]*FallingFactorial(x, i)

    nni_roots = list(roots(degree_poly, x, filter='Z',
        predicate=lambda r: r >= 0).keys())

    if nni_roots:
        N = [max(nni_roots)]
        N = []

    if homogeneous:
        N += [-b - 1]
        N += [f.as_poly(n).degree() - b, -b - 1]

    N = int(max(N))

    if N < 0:
        if homogeneous:
            if hints.get('symbols', False):
                return (S.Zero, [])
                return S.Zero
            return None

    if N <= r:
        C = []
        y = E = S.Zero

        for i in range(N + 1):
            C.append(Symbol('C' + str(i)))
            y += C[i] * n**i

        for i in range(r + 1):
            E += coeffs[i].as_expr()*y.subs(n, n + i)

        solutions = solve_undetermined_coeffs(E - f, C, n)

        if solutions is not None:
            C = [c for c in C if (c not in solutions)]
            result = y.subs(solutions)
            return None  # TBD
        A = r
        U = N + A + b + 1

        nni_roots = list(roots(polys[r], filter='Z',
            predicate=lambda r: r >= 0).keys())

        if nni_roots != []:
            a = max(nni_roots) + 1
            a = S.Zero

        def _zero_vector(k):
            return [S.Zero] * k

        def _one_vector(k):
            return [S.One] * k

        def _delta(p, k):
            B = S.One
            D = p.subs(n, a + k)

            for i in range(1, k + 1):
                B *= -Rational(k - i + 1, i)
                D += B * p.subs(n, a + k - i)

            return D

        alpha = {}

        for i in range(-A, d + 1):
            I = _one_vector(d + 1)

            for k in range(1, d + 1):
                I[k] = I[k - 1] * (x + i - k + 1)/k

            alpha[i] = S.Zero

            for j in range(A + 1):
                for k in range(d + 1):
                    B = binomial(k, i + j)
                    D = _delta(polys[j].as_expr(), k)

                    alpha[i] += I[k]*B*D

        V = Matrix(U, A, lambda i, j: int(i == j))

        if homogeneous:
            for i in range(A, U):
                v = _zero_vector(A)

                for k in range(1, A + b + 1):
                    if i - k < 0:

                    B = alpha[k - A].subs(x, i - k)

                    for j in range(A):
                        v[j] += B * V[i - k, j]

                denom = alpha[-A].subs(x, i)

                for j in range(A):
                    V[i, j] = -v[j] / denom
            G = _zero_vector(U)

            for i in range(A, U):
                v = _zero_vector(A)
                g = S.Zero

                for k in range(1, A + b + 1):
                    if i - k < 0:

                    B = alpha[k - A].subs(x, i - k)

                    for j in range(A):
                        v[j] += B * V[i - k, j]

                    g += B * G[i - k]

                denom = alpha[-A].subs(x, i)

                for j in range(A):
                    V[i, j] = -v[j] / denom

                G[i] = (_delta(f, i - A) - g) / denom

        P, Q = _one_vector(U), _zero_vector(A)

        for i in range(1, U):
            P[i] = (P[i - 1] * (n - a - i + 1)/i).expand()

        for i in range(A):
            Q[i] = Add(*[(v*p).expand() for v, p in zip(V[:, i], P)])

        if not homogeneous:
            h = Add(*[(g*p).expand() for g, p in zip(G, P)])

        C = [Symbol('C' + str(i)) for i in range(A)]

        g = lambda i: Add(*[c*_delta(q, i) for c, q in zip(C, Q)])

        if homogeneous:
            E = [g(i) for i in range(N + 1, U)]
            E = [g(i) + _delta(h, i) for i in range(N + 1, U)]

        if E != []:
            solutions = solve(E, *C)

            if not solutions:
                if homogeneous:
                    if hints.get('symbols', False):
                        return (S.Zero, [])
                        return S.Zero
                    return None
            solutions = {}

        if homogeneous:
            result = S.Zero
            result = h

        for c, q in list(zip(C, Q)):
            if c in solutions:
                s = solutions[c]*q
                s = c*q

            result += s.expand()

    if hints.get('symbols', False):
        return (result, C)
        return result
Пример #59
def bivariate_type(f, x, y, **kwargs):
    """Given an expression, f, 3 tests will be done to see what type
    of composite bivariate it might be, options for u(x, y) are::


    If it matches one of these types, ``u(x, y)``, ``P(u)`` and dummy
    variable ``u`` will be returned. Solving ``P(u)`` for ``u`` and
    equating the solutions to ``u(x, y)`` and then solving for ``x`` or
    ``y`` is equivalent to solving the original expression for ``x`` or
    ``y``. If ``x`` and ``y`` represent two functions in the same
    variable, e.g. ``x = g(t)`` and ``y = h(t)``, then if ``u(x, y) - p``
    can be solved for ``t`` then these represent the solutions to
    ``P(u) = 0`` when ``p`` are the solutions of ``P(u) = 0``.

    Only positive values of ``u`` are considered.


    >>> from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve
    >>> from sympy.solvers.bivariate import bivariate_type
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> eq = (x**2 - 3).subs(x, x + y)
    >>> bivariate_type(eq, x, y)
    (x + y, _u**2 - 3, _u)
    >>> uxy, pu, u = _
    >>> usol = solve(pu, u); usol
    >>> [solve(uxy - s) for s in solve(pu, u)]
    [[{x: -y + sqrt(3)}]]
    >>> all(eq.subs(s).equals(0) for sol in _ for s in sol)


    u = Dummy('u', positive=True)

    if kwargs.pop('first', True):
        p = Poly(f, x, y)
        f = p.as_expr()
        _x = Dummy()
        _y = Dummy()
        rv = bivariate_type(Poly(f.subs({x: _x, y: _y}), _x, _y), _x, _y, first=False)
        if rv:
            reps = {_x: x, _y: y}
            return rv[0].xreplace(reps), rv[1].xreplace(reps), rv[2]

    p = f
    f = p.as_expr()

    # f(x*y)
    args = Add.make_args(p.as_expr())
    new = []
    for a in args:
        a = _mexpand(a.subs(x, u/y))
        free = a.free_symbols
        if x in free or y in free:
        return x*y, Add(*new), u

    def ok(f, v, c):
        new = _mexpand(f.subs(v, c))
        free = new.free_symbols
        return None if (x in free or y in free) else new

    # f(a*x + b*y)
    new = []
    d = p.degree(x)
    if p.degree(y) == d:
        a = root(p.coeff_monomial(x**d), d)
        b = root(p.coeff_monomial(y**d), d)
        new = ok(f, x, (u - b*y)/a)
        if new is not None:
            return a*x + b*y, new, u

    # f(a*x*y + b*y)
    new = []
    d = p.degree(x)
    if p.degree(y) == d:
        for itry in range(2):
            a = root(p.coeff_monomial(x**d*y**d), d)
            b = root(p.coeff_monomial(y**d), d)
            new = ok(f, x, (u - b*y)/a/y)
            if new is not None:
                return a*x*y + b*y, new, u
            x, y = y, x
Пример #60
def is_eq(lhs, rhs, assumptions=None):
    Fuzzy bool representing mathematical equality between *lhs* and *rhs*.


    lhs : Expr
        The left-hand side of the expression, must be sympified.

    rhs : Expr
        The right-hand side of the expression, must be sympified.

    assumptions: Boolean, optional
        Assumptions taken to evaluate the equality.


    ``True`` if *lhs* is equal to *rhs*, ``False`` is *lhs* is not equal to *rhs*,
    and ``None`` if the comparison between *lhs* and *rhs* is indeterminate.


    This function is intended to give a relatively fast determination and
    deliberately does not attempt slow calculations that might help in
    obtaining a determination of True or False in more difficult cases.

    :func:`~.is_neq` calls this function to return its value, so supporting
    new type with this function will ensure correct behavior for ``is_neq``
    as well.


    >>> from sympy import Q, S
    >>> from sympy.core.relational import is_eq, is_neq
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> is_eq(S(0), S(0))
    >>> is_neq(S(0), S(0))
    >>> is_eq(S(0), S(2))
    >>> is_neq(S(0), S(2))

    Assumptions can be passed to evaluate the equality which is otherwise

    >>> print(is_eq(x, S(0)))
    >>> is_eq(x, S(0), assumptions=Q.zero(x))

    New types can be supported by dispatching to ``_eval_is_eq``.

    >>> from sympy import Basic, sympify
    >>> from sympy.multipledispatch import dispatch
    >>> class MyBasic(Basic):
    ...     def __new__(cls, arg):
    ...         return Basic.__new__(cls, sympify(arg))
    ...     @property
    ...     def value(self):
    ...         return self.args[0]
    >>> @dispatch(MyBasic, MyBasic)
    ... def _eval_is_eq(a, b):
    ...     return is_eq(a.value, b.value)
    >>> a = MyBasic(1)
    >>> b = MyBasic(1)
    >>> is_eq(a, b)
    >>> is_neq(a, b)

    from sympy.assumptions.wrapper import (AssumptionsWrapper,
        is_infinite, is_extended_real)
    from sympy.core.add import Add
    from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import arg
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import clear_coefficients
    from sympy.utilities.iterables import sift

    # here, _eval_Eq is only called for backwards compatibility
    # new code should use is_eq with multiple dispatch as
    # outlined in the docstring
    for side1, side2 in (lhs, rhs), (rhs, lhs):
        eval_func = getattr(side1, '_eval_Eq', None)
        if eval_func is not None:
            retval = eval_func(side2)
            if retval is not None:
                return retval

    retval = _eval_is_eq(lhs, rhs)
    if retval is not None:
        return retval

    if dispatch(type(lhs), type(rhs)) != dispatch(type(rhs), type(lhs)):
        retval = _eval_is_eq(rhs, lhs)
        if retval is not None:
            return retval

    # retval is still None, so go through the equality logic
    # If expressions have the same structure, they must be equal.
    if lhs == rhs:
        return True  # e.g. True == True
    elif all(isinstance(i, BooleanAtom) for i in (rhs, lhs)):
        return False  # True != False
    elif not (lhs.is_Symbol or rhs.is_Symbol) and (
        isinstance(lhs, Boolean) !=
        isinstance(rhs, Boolean)):
        return False  # only Booleans can equal Booleans

    _lhs = AssumptionsWrapper(lhs, assumptions)
    _rhs = AssumptionsWrapper(rhs, assumptions)

    if _lhs.is_infinite or _rhs.is_infinite:
        if fuzzy_xor([_lhs.is_infinite, _rhs.is_infinite]):
            return False
        if fuzzy_xor([_lhs.is_extended_real, _rhs.is_extended_real]):
            return False
        if fuzzy_and([_lhs.is_extended_real, _rhs.is_extended_real]):
            return fuzzy_xor([_lhs.is_extended_positive, fuzzy_not(_rhs.is_extended_positive)])

        # Try to split real/imaginary parts and equate them
        I = S.ImaginaryUnit

        def split_real_imag(expr):
            real_imag = lambda t: (
                'real' if is_extended_real(t, assumptions) else
                'imag' if is_extended_real(I*t, assumptions) else None)
            return sift(Add.make_args(expr), real_imag)

        lhs_ri = split_real_imag(lhs)
        if not lhs_ri[None]:
            rhs_ri = split_real_imag(rhs)
            if not rhs_ri[None]:
                eq_real = is_eq(Add(*lhs_ri['real']), Add(*rhs_ri['real']), assumptions)
                eq_imag = is_eq(I * Add(*lhs_ri['imag']), I * Add(*rhs_ri['imag']), assumptions)
                return fuzzy_and(map(fuzzy_bool, [eq_real, eq_imag]))

        # Compare e.g. zoo with 1+I*oo by comparing args
        arglhs = arg(lhs)
        argrhs = arg(rhs)
        # Guard against Eq(nan, nan) -> Falsesymp
        if not (arglhs == S.NaN and argrhs == S.NaN):
            return fuzzy_bool(is_eq(arglhs, argrhs, assumptions))

    if all(isinstance(i, Expr) for i in (lhs, rhs)):
        # see if the difference evaluates
        dif = lhs - rhs
        _dif = AssumptionsWrapper(dif, assumptions)
        z = _dif.is_zero
        if z is not None:
            if z is False and _dif.is_commutative:  # issue 10728
                return False
            if z:
                return True

        n2 = _n2(lhs, rhs)
        if n2 is not None:
            return _sympify(n2 == 0)

        # see if the ratio evaluates
        n, d = dif.as_numer_denom()
        rv = None
        _n = AssumptionsWrapper(n, assumptions)
        _d = AssumptionsWrapper(d, assumptions)
        if _n.is_zero:
            rv = _d.is_nonzero
        elif _n.is_finite:
            if _d.is_infinite:
                rv = True
            elif _n.is_zero is False:
                rv = _d.is_infinite
                if rv is None:
                    # if the condition that makes the denominator
                    # infinite does not make the original expression
                    # True then False can be returned
                    l, r = clear_coefficients(d, S.Infinity)
                    args = [_.subs(l, r) for _ in (lhs, rhs)]
                    if args != [lhs, rhs]:
                        rv = fuzzy_bool(is_eq(*args, assumptions))
                        if rv is True:
                            rv = None
        elif any(is_infinite(a, assumptions) for a in Add.make_args(n)):
            # (inf or nan)/x != 0
            rv = False
        if rv is not None:
            return rv