Пример #1
def test_unify():
    expr = Basic(S(1), S(2), S(3))
    a, b, c = map(Symbol, 'abc')
    pattern = Basic(a, b, c)
    assert list(unify(expr, pattern, {}, (a, b, c))) == [{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}]
    assert list(unify(expr, pattern, variables=(a, b, c))) == \
            [{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}]
Пример #2
def test_bottom_up_once():
    bottom_rl = bottom_up_once(rl)

    assert bottom_rl(Basic(S(1), S(2),
                                 S(4.0)))) == Basic(S(1), S(2),
                                                    Basic2(S(3.0), S(4.0)))
Пример #3
def test_subs():
    from sympy.core.symbol import symbols
    a,b,c,d,e,f = symbols('a,b,c,d,e,f')
    mapping = {a: d, d: a, Basic(e): Basic(f)}
    expr   = Basic(a, Basic(b, c), Basic(d, Basic(e)))
    result = Basic(d, Basic(b, c), Basic(a, Basic(f)))
    assert subs(mapping)(expr) == result
Пример #4
def test_atomic():
    g, h = map(Function, 'gh')
    x = symbols('x')
    assert _atomic(g(x + h(x))) == {g(x + h(x))}
    assert _atomic(g(x + h(x)), recursive=True) == {h(x), x, g(x + h(x))}
    assert _atomic(1) == set()
    assert _atomic(Basic(1, 2)) == {Basic(1, 2)}
Пример #5
def test_gcd_terms():
    f = 2*(x + 1)*(x + 4)/(5*x**2 + 5) + (2*x + 2)*(x + 5)/(x**2 + 1)/5 + \
        (2*x + 2)*(x + 6)/(5*x**2 + 5)

    assert _gcd_terms(f) == ((Rational(6, 5)) * ((1 + x) / (1 + x**2)), 5 + x,
    assert _gcd_terms(Add.make_args(f)) == \
        ((Rational(6, 5))*((1 + x)/(1 + x**2)), 5 + x, 1)

    newf = (Rational(6, 5)) * ((1 + x) * (5 + x) / (1 + x**2))
    assert gcd_terms(f) == newf
    args = Add.make_args(f)
    # non-Basic sequences of terms treated as terms of Add
    assert gcd_terms(list(args)) == newf
    assert gcd_terms(tuple(args)) == newf
    assert gcd_terms(set(args)) == newf
    # but a Basic sequence is treated as a container
    assert gcd_terms(Tuple(*args)) != newf
    assert gcd_terms(Basic(Tuple(S(1), 3*y + 3*x*y), Tuple(S(1), S(3)))) == \
        Basic((S(1), 3*y*(x + 1)), (S(1), S(3)))
    # but we shouldn't change keys of a dictionary or some may be lost
    assert gcd_terms(Dict((x*(1 + y), S(2)), (x + x*y, y + x*y))) == \
        Dict({x*(y + 1): S(2), x + x*y: y*(1 + x)})

    assert gcd_terms((2 * x + 2)**3 +
                     (2 * x + 2)**2) == 4 * (x + 1)**2 * (2 * x + 3)

    assert gcd_terms(0) == 0
    assert gcd_terms(1) == 1
    assert gcd_terms(x) == x
    assert gcd_terms(2 + 2 * x) == Mul(2, 1 + x, evaluate=False)
    arg = x * (2 * x + 4 * y)
    garg = 2 * x * (x + 2 * y)
    assert gcd_terms(arg) == garg
    assert gcd_terms(sin(arg)) == sin(garg)

    # issue 6139-like
    alpha, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3 = symbols('alpha:4')
    a = alpha**2 - alpha * x**2 + alpha + x**3 - x * (alpha + 1)
    rep = (alpha,
           (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 + alpha1 * x + alpha2 * x**2 + alpha3 * x**3)
    s = (a / (x - alpha)).subs(*rep).series(x, 0, 1)
    assert simplify(collect(s, x)) == -sqrt(5) / 2 - Rational(3, 2) + O(x)

    # issue 5917
    assert _gcd_terms([S.Zero, S.Zero]) == (0, 0, 1)
    assert _gcd_terms([2 * x + 4]) == (2, x + 2, 1)

    eq = x / (x + 1 / x)
    assert gcd_terms(eq, fraction=False) == eq
    eq = x / 2 / y + 1 / x / y
    assert gcd_terms(eq, fraction=True, clear=True) == \
        (x**2 + 2)/(2*x*y)
    assert gcd_terms(eq, fraction=True, clear=False) == \
        (x**2/2 + 1)/(x*y)
    assert gcd_terms(eq, fraction=False, clear=True) == \
        (x + 2/x)/(2*y)
    assert gcd_terms(eq, fraction=False, clear=False) == \
        (x/2 + 1/x)/y
Пример #6
def test_FiniteSet_complex():
    from sympy.sets.sets import FiniteSet
    a, b, c, x, y, z = symbols('a,b,c,x,y,z')
    expr = FiniteSet(Basic(S(1), x), y, Basic(x, z))
    pattern = FiniteSet(a, Basic(x, b))
    variables = a, b
    expected = tuple([{b: 1, a: FiniteSet(y, Basic(x, z))},
                      {b: z, a: FiniteSet(y, Basic(S(1), x))}])
    assert iterdicteq(unify(expr, pattern, variables=variables), expected)
Пример #7
def test_issue_6079():
    # since x + 2.0 == x + 2 we can't do a simple equality test
    assert _aresame((x + 2.0).subs(2, 3), x + 2.0)
    assert _aresame((x + 2.0).subs(2.0, 3), x + 3)
    assert not _aresame(x + 2, x + 2.0)
    assert not _aresame(Basic(cos(x), S(1)), Basic(cos(x), S(1.)))
    assert _aresame(cos, cos)
    assert not _aresame(1, S.One)
    assert not _aresame(x, symbols('x', positive=True))
Пример #8
def test_xreplace():
    assert b21.xreplace({b2: b1}) == Basic(b1, b1)
    assert b21.xreplace({b2: b21}) == Basic(b21, b1)
    assert b3.xreplace({b2: b1}) == b2
    assert Basic(b1, b2).xreplace({b1: b2, b2: b1}) == Basic(b2, b1)
    assert Atom(b1).xreplace({b1: b2}) == Atom(b1)
    assert Atom(b1).xreplace({Atom(b1): b2}) == b2
    raises(TypeError, 'b1.xreplace()')
    raises(TypeError, 'b1.xreplace([b1,b2])')
Пример #9
def test_purestr():
    assert purestr(Symbol('x')) == "Symbol('x')"
    assert purestr(Basic(S(1), S(2))) == "Basic(Integer(1), Integer(2))"
    assert purestr(Float(2)) == "Float('2.0', precision=53)"

    assert purestr(Symbol('x'), with_args=True) == ("Symbol('x')", ())
    assert purestr(Basic(S(1), S(2)), with_args=True) == \
            ('Basic(Integer(1), Integer(2))', ('Integer(1)', 'Integer(2)'))
    assert purestr(Float(2), with_args=True) == \
        ("Float('2.0', precision=53)", ())
Пример #10
def test_simple():
    rl = rewriterule(Basic(p, S(1)), Basic(p, S(2)), variables=(p,))
    assert list(rl(Basic(S(3), S(1)))) == [Basic(S(3), S(2))]

    p1 = p**2
    p2 = p**3
    rl = rewriterule(p1, p2, variables=(p,))

    expr = x**2
    assert list(rl(expr)) == [x**3]
Пример #11
def test_matches_basic():
    instances = [Basic(b1, b1, b2), Basic(b1, b2, b1), Basic(b2, b1, b1),
                 Basic(b1, b2), Basic(b2, b1), b2, b1]
    for i, b_i in enumerate(instances):
        for j, b_j in enumerate(instances):
            if i == j:
                assert b_i.matches(b_j) == {}
                assert b_i.matches(b_j) is None
    assert b1.match(b1) == {}
Пример #12
def test_subs():
    assert b21.subs(b2, b1) == Basic(b1, b1)
    assert b21.subs(b2, b21) == Basic(b21, b1)
    assert b3.subs(b2, b1) == b2

    assert b21.subs([(b2, b1), (b1, b2)]) == Basic(b2, b2)

    assert b21.subs({b1: b2, b2: b1}) == Basic(b2, b2)

    raises(ValueError, "b21.subs('bad arg')")
    raises(ValueError, "b21.subs(b1, b2, b3)")
Пример #13
def test_equality():
    instances = [b1, b2, b3, b21, Basic(b1, b1, b1), Basic]
    for i, b_i in enumerate(instances):
        for j, b_j in enumerate(instances):
            assert (b_i == b_j) == (i == j)
            assert (b_i != b_j) == (i != j)

    assert Basic() != []
    assert not (Basic() == [])
    assert Basic() != 0
    assert not (Basic() == 0)
Пример #14
def _test_stop_on_non_basics(trav):
    def add_one_if_can(expr):
            return expr + 1
        except TypeError:
            return expr

    expr = Basic(S(1), Str('a'), Basic(S(2), Str('b')))
    expected = Basic(S(2), Str('a'), Basic(S(3), Str('b')))
    rl = trav(add_one_if_can)

    assert rl(expr) == expected
Пример #15
def test_xreplace():
    assert b21.xreplace({b2: b1}) == Basic(b1, b1)
    assert b21.xreplace({b2: b21}) == Basic(b21, b1)
    assert b3.xreplace({b2: b1}) == b2
    assert Basic(b1, b2).xreplace({b1: b2, b2: b1}) == Basic(b2, b1)
    assert Atom(b1).xreplace({b1: b2}) == Atom(b1)
    assert Atom(b1).xreplace({Atom(b1): b2}) == b2
    raises(TypeError, lambda: b1.xreplace())
    raises(TypeError, lambda: b1.xreplace([b1, b2]))
    for f in (exp, Function('f')):
        assert f.xreplace({}) == f
        assert f.xreplace({}, hack2=True) == f
        assert f.xreplace({f: b1}) == b1
        assert f.xreplace({f: b1}, hack2=True) == b1
def test_Singleton():
    global instantiated
    instantiated = 0

    class MySingleton(with_metaclass(Singleton, Basic)):
        def __new__(cls):
            global instantiated
            instantiated += 1
            return Basic.__new__(cls)

    assert instantiated == 0
    MySingleton()  # force instantiation
    assert instantiated == 1
    assert MySingleton() is not Basic()
    assert MySingleton() is MySingleton()
    assert S.MySingleton is MySingleton()
    assert instantiated == 1

    class MySingleton_sub(MySingleton):

    assert instantiated == 1
    assert instantiated == 2
    assert MySingleton_sub() is not MySingleton()
    assert MySingleton_sub() is MySingleton_sub()
Пример #17
def test_core_basic():
    for c in (Atom, Atom(),
              Basic, Basic(),
              # XXX: dynamically created types are not picklable
              # BasicMeta, BasicMeta("test", (), {}),
              SingletonRegistry, S):
Пример #18
def test_deconstruct():
    expr = Basic(S(1), S(2), S(3))
    expected = Compound(Basic, (1, 2, 3))
    assert deconstruct(expr) == expected

    assert deconstruct(1) == 1
    assert deconstruct(x) == x
    assert deconstruct(x, variables=(x, )) == Variable(x)
    assert deconstruct(Add(1, x, evaluate=False)) == Compound(Add, (1, x))
    assert deconstruct(Add(1, x, evaluate=False), variables=(x,)) == \
              Compound(Add, (1, Variable(x)))
Пример #19
def test_styleof():
    styles = [(Basic, {
        'color': 'blue',
        'shape': 'ellipse'
    }), (Expr, {
        'color': 'black'
    assert styleof(Basic(S(1)), styles) == {
        'color': 'blue',
        'shape': 'ellipse'

    assert styleof(x + 1, styles) == {'color': 'black', 'shape': 'ellipse'}
Пример #20
def test_split5():
    expr = Basic(S(2), Basic(S(5), S(3)), S(8))
    expected = {
        Basic(S(0), Basic(S(0), S(0)), S(10)),
        Basic(S(0), Basic(S(10), S(0)), S(10))

    brl = canon(branch5)
    assert set(brl(expr)) == expected
Пример #21
def test_Singleton():
    class MySingleton(Basic, metaclass=Singleton):

    MySingleton()  # force instantiation
    assert MySingleton() is not Basic()
    assert MySingleton() is MySingleton()
    assert S.MySingleton is MySingleton()

    class MySingleton_sub(MySingleton):

    assert MySingleton_sub() is not MySingleton()
    assert MySingleton_sub() is MySingleton_sub()
Пример #22
def test_top_down_harder_function():
    def split5(x):
        if x == 5:
            yield x - 1
            yield x + 1

    expr     = Basic(Basic(S(5), S(6)), S(1))
    expected = {Basic(Basic(S(4), S(6)), S(1)), Basic(Basic(S(6), S(6)), S(1))}
    brl = top_down(split5)

    assert set(brl(expr)) == expected
Пример #23
def test_sall():
    expr     = Basic(S(1), S(2))
    expected = Basic(S(2), S(3))
    brl = sall(inc)

    assert list(brl(expr)) == [expected]

    expr     = Basic(S(1), S(2), Basic(S(3), S(4)))
    expected = Basic(S(2), S(3), Basic(S(3), S(4)))
    brl = sall(do_one(inc, identity))

    assert list(brl(expr)) == [expected]
Пример #24
def test_subs():
    assert b21.subs(b2, b1) == Basic(b1, b1)
    assert b21.subs(b2, b21) == Basic(b21, b1)
    assert b3.subs(b2, b1) == b2

    assert b21.subs([(b2, b1), (b1, b2)]) == Basic(b2, b2)

    assert b21.subs({b1: b2, b2: b1}) == Basic(b2, b2)
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
        assert b21.subs(collections.ChainMap({b1: b2}, {b2: b1})) == Basic(b2, b2)
    assert b21.subs(collections.OrderedDict([(b2, b1), (b1, b2)])) == Basic(b2, b2)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: b21.subs('bad arg'))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: b21.subs(b1, b2, b3))
Пример #25
def test_preorder_traversal():
    expr = Basic(b21, b3)
    assert list(
        preorder_traversal(expr)) == [expr, b21, b2, b1, b1, b3, b2, b1]
    assert list(preorder_traversal(
        ('abc', ('d', 'ef')))) == [('abc', ('d', 'ef')), 'abc', ('d', 'ef'),
                                   'd', 'ef']

    result = []
    pt = preorder_traversal(expr)
    for i in pt:
        if i == b2:
    assert result == [expr, b21, b2, b1, b3, b2]

    w, x, y, z = symbols('w:z')
    expr = z + w * (x + y)
    assert list(preorder_traversal([expr], key=default_sort_key)) == \
        [[w*(x + y) + z], w*(x + y) + z, z, w*(x + y), w, x + y, x, y]
Пример #26
def test_equality():
    instances = [b1, b2, b3, b21, Basic(b1, b1, b1), Basic]
    for i, b_i in enumerate(instances):
        for j, b_j in enumerate(instances):
            assert (b_i == b_j) == (i == j)
            assert (b_i != b_j) == (i != j)

    assert Basic() != []
    assert not (Basic() == [])
    assert Basic() != 0
    assert not (Basic() == 0)

    class Foo(object):
        Class that is unaware of Basic, and relies on both classes returning
        the NotImplemented singleton for equivalence to evaluate to False.


    b = Basic()
    foo = Foo()

    assert b != foo
    assert foo != b
    assert not b == foo
    assert not foo == b

    class Bar(object):
        Class that considers itself equal to any instance of Basic, and relies
        on Basic returning the NotImplemented singleton in order to achieve
        a symmetric equivalence relation.

        def __eq__(self, other):
            if isinstance(other, Basic):
                return True
            return NotImplemented

        def __ne__(self, other):
            return not self == other

    bar = Bar()

    assert b == bar
    assert bar == b
    assert not b != bar
    assert not bar != b
Пример #27
def test_Singleton():
    global instanciated
    instanciated = 0
    class MySingleton(Basic):
        __metaclass__ = Singleton

        def __new__(cls):
            global instanciated
            instanciated += 1
            return Basic.__new__(cls)

    assert instanciated == 1
    assert MySingleton() is not Basic()
    assert MySingleton() is MySingleton()
    assert S.MySingleton is MySingleton()
    assert instanciated == 1

    class MySingleton_sub(MySingleton):
    assert instanciated == 2
    assert MySingleton_sub() is not MySingleton()
    assert MySingleton_sub() is MySingleton_sub()
Пример #28
def test_preorder_traversal():
    expr = Basic(b21, b3)
    assert list(
        preorder_traversal(expr)) == [expr, b21, b2, b1, b1, b3, b2, b1]
    assert list(preorder_traversal(("abc", ("d", "ef")))) == [
        ("abc", ("d", "ef")),
        ("d", "ef"),

    result = []
    pt = preorder_traversal(expr)
    for i in pt:
        if i == b2:
    assert result == [expr, b21, b2, b1, b3, b2]

    w, x, y, z = symbols("w:z")
    expr = z + w * (x + y)
    assert list(preorder_traversal([expr], keys=default_sort_key)) == [
        [w * (x + y) + z],
        w * (x + y) + z,
        w * (x + y),
        x + y,
    assert list(preorder_traversal((x + y) * z, keys=True)) == [
        z * (x + y),
        x + y,
Пример #29
    def _eval_expand_mul(self, **hints):
        from sympy import fraction, expand_mul

        # Handle things like 1/(x*(x + 1)), which are automatically converted
        # to 1/x*1/(x + 1)
        expr = self
        n, d = fraction(expr)
        if d.is_Mul:
            expr = n/d._eval_expand_mul(**hints)
            if not expr.is_Mul:
                return expand_mul(expr, deep=False)

        plain, sums, rewrite = [], [], False
        for factor in expr.args:
            if factor.is_Add:
                rewrite = True
                if factor.is_commutative:
                    sums.append(Basic(factor))  # Wrapper

        if not rewrite:
            return expr
            plain = Mul(*plain)
            if sums:
                terms = Mul._expandsums(sums)
                args = []
                for term in terms:
                    t = Mul(plain, term)
                    if t.is_Mul and any(a.is_Add for a in t.args):
                        t = t._eval_expand_mul()
                return Add(*args)
                return plain
Пример #30
def test_subs():
    assert b21.subs(b2, b1) == Basic(b1, b1)
    assert b21.subs(b2, b21) == Basic(b21, b1)
    assert b3.subs(b2, b1) == b2

    assert b21.subs([(b2, b1), (b1, b2)]) == Basic(b2, b2)

    assert b21.subs({b1: b2, b2: b1}) == Basic(b2, b2)
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
        assert b21.subs(collections.ChainMap({b1: b2},
                                             {b2: b1})) == Basic(b2, b2)
    assert b21.subs(collections.OrderedDict([(b2, b1),
                                             (b1, b2)])) == Basic(b2, b2)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: b21.subs('bad arg'))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: b21.subs(b1, b2, b3))
    # dict(b1=foo) creates a string 'b1' but leaves foo unchanged; subs
    # will convert the first to a symbol but will raise an error if foo
    # cannot be sympified; sympification is strict if foo is not string
    raises(ValueError, lambda: b21.subs(b1='bad arg'))