Пример #1
def test_anticommutator():
    A = Operator('A')
    B = Operator('B')
    ac = AntiCommutator(A, B)
    ac_tall = AntiCommutator(A**2, B)
    assert str(ac) == '{A,B}'
    assert pretty(ac) == '{A,B}'
    assert upretty(ac) == u('{A,B}')
    assert latex(ac) == r'\left\{A,B\right\}'
    sT(ac, "AntiCommutator(Operator(Symbol('A')),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
    assert str(ac_tall) == '{A**2,B}'
    ascii_str = \
/ 2  \\\n\
<A ,B>\n\
\\    /\
    ucode_str = \
⎧ 2  ⎫\n\
⎨A ,B⎬\n\
⎩    ⎭\
    assert pretty(ac_tall) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(ac_tall) == ucode_str
    assert latex(ac_tall) == r'\left\{\left(A\right)^{2},B\right\}'
    sT(ac_tall, "AntiCommutator(Pow(Operator(Symbol('A')), Integer(2)),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
Пример #2
def test_dyadic_pretty_print():

    expected = """\
a  n_x|n_y + b n_y|n_y + c*sin(alpha) n_z|n_y\

    uexpected = u("""\
a  n_x⊗n_y + b n_y⊗n_y + c⋅sin(α) n_z⊗n_y\
    assert ascii_vpretty(y) == expected
    assert unicode_vpretty(y) == uexpected

    expected = u('alpha n_x|n_x + sin(omega) n_y|n_z + alpha*beta n_z|n_x')
    uexpected = u('α n_x⊗n_x + sin(ω) n_y⊗n_z + α⋅β n_z⊗n_x')
    assert ascii_vpretty(x) == expected
    assert unicode_vpretty(x) == uexpected

    assert ascii_vpretty(Dyadic([])) == '0'
    assert unicode_vpretty(Dyadic([])) == '0'

    assert ascii_vpretty(xx) == '- n_x|n_y - n_x|n_z'
    assert unicode_vpretty(xx) == u('- n_x⊗n_y - n_x⊗n_z')

    assert ascii_vpretty(xx2) == 'n_x|n_y + n_x|n_z'
    assert unicode_vpretty(xx2) == u('n_x⊗n_y + n_x⊗n_z')
Пример #3
def test_commutator():
    A = Operator('A')
    B = Operator('B')
    c = Commutator(A, B)
    c_tall = Commutator(A**2, B)
    assert str(c) == '[A,B]'
    assert pretty(c) == '[A,B]'
    assert upretty(c) == u('[A,B]')
    assert latex(c) == r'\left[A,B\right]'
    sT(c, "Commutator(Operator(Symbol('A')),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
    assert str(c_tall) == '[A**2,B]'
    ascii_str = \
[ 2  ]\n\
[A ,B]\
    ucode_str = \
⎡ 2  ⎤\n\
⎣A ,B⎦\
    assert pretty(c_tall) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(c_tall) == ucode_str
    assert latex(c_tall) == r'\left[\left(A\right)^{2},B\right]'
    sT(c_tall, "Commutator(Pow(Operator(Symbol('A')), Integer(2)),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
Пример #4
def annotated(letter):
    Return a stylised drawing of the letter ``letter``, together with
    information on how to put annotations (super- and subscripts to the
    left and to the right) on it.

    See pretty.py functions _print_meijerg, _print_hyper on how to use this
    ucode_pics = {
                            '\N{BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP}')),
        'G': (3, 0, 3, 1,
    ascii_pics = {
        'F': (3, 0, 3, 0, ' _\n|_\n|\n'),
        'G': (3, 0, 3, 1, ' __\n/__\n\_|')

    if _use_unicode:
        return ucode_pics[letter]
        return ascii_pics[letter]
Пример #5
def test_vector_pretty_print():

    # TODO : The unit vectors should print with subscripts but they just
    # print as `n_x` instead of making `x` a subscript with unicode.

    # TODO : The pretty print division does not print correctly here:
    # w = alpha * N.x + sin(omega) * N.y + alpha / beta * N.z

    expected = """\
a  n_x + b n_y + c*sin(alpha) n_z\
    uexpected = u("""\
a  n_x + b n_y + c⋅sin(α) n_z\

    assert ascii_vpretty(v) == expected
    assert unicode_vpretty(v) == uexpected

    expected = u('alpha n_x + sin(omega) n_y + alpha*beta n_z')
    uexpected = u('α n_x + sin(ω) n_y + α⋅β n_z')

    assert ascii_vpretty(w) == expected
    assert unicode_vpretty(w) == uexpected
def test_ipythonprinting():
    # Initialize and setup IPython session
    app = init_ipython_session()
    app.run_cell("ip = get_ipython()")
    app.run_cell("inst = ip.instance()")
    app.run_cell("format = inst.display_formatter.format")
    app.run_cell("from sympy import Symbol")

    # Printing without printing extension
    app.run_cell("a = format(Symbol('pi'))")
    app.run_cell("a2 = format(Symbol('pi')**2)")
    # Deal with API change starting at IPython 1.0
    if int(ipython.__version__.split(".")[0]) < 1:
        assert app.user_ns['a']['text/plain'] == "pi"
        assert app.user_ns['a2']['text/plain'] == "pi**2"
        assert app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/plain'] == "pi"
        assert app.user_ns['a2'][0]['text/plain'] == "pi**2"

    # Load printing extension
    app.run_cell("from sympy import init_printing")
    # Printing with printing extension
    app.run_cell("a = format(Symbol('pi'))")
    app.run_cell("a2 = format(Symbol('pi')**2)")
    # Deal with API change starting at IPython 1.0
    if int(ipython.__version__.split(".")[0]) < 1:
        assert app.user_ns['a']['text/plain'] in (u('\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI}'), 'pi')
        assert app.user_ns['a2']['text/plain'] in (u(' 2\n\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI} '), '  2\npi ')
        assert app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/plain'] in (u('\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI}'), 'pi')
        assert app.user_ns['a2'][0]['text/plain'] in (u(' 2\n\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI} '), '  2\npi ')
def test_print_builtin_option():
    # Initialize and setup IPython session
    app = init_ipython_session()
    app.run_cell("ip = get_ipython()")
    app.run_cell("inst = ip.instance()")
    app.run_cell("format = inst.display_formatter.format")
    app.run_cell("from sympy import Symbol")
    app.run_cell("from sympy import init_printing")

    app.run_cell("a = format({Symbol('pi'): 3.14, Symbol('n_i'): 3})")
    # Deal with API change starting at IPython 1.0
    if int(ipython.__version__.split(".")[0]) < 1:
        text = app.user_ns['a']['text/plain']
        raises(KeyError, lambda: app.user_ns['a']['text/latex'])
        text = app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/plain']
        raises(KeyError, lambda: app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/latex'])
    # Note : Unicode of Python2 is equivalent to str in Python3. In Python 3 we have one
    # text type: str which holds Unicode data and two byte types bytes and bytearray.
    # XXX: How can we make this ignore the terminal width? This test fails if
    # the terminal is too narrow.
    assert text in ("{pi: 3.14, n_i: 3}",
                    u('{n\N{LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER I}: 3, \N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI}: 3.14}'),
                    "{n_i: 3, pi: 3.14}",
                    u('{\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI}: 3.14, n\N{LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER I}: 3}'))

    # If we enable the default printing, then the dictionary's should render
    # as a LaTeX version of the whole dict: ${\pi: 3.14, n_i: 3}$
    app.run_cell("inst.display_formatter.formatters['text/latex'].enabled = True")
    app.run_cell("a = format({Symbol('pi'): 3.14, Symbol('n_i'): 3})")
    # Deal with API change starting at IPython 1.0
    if int(ipython.__version__.split(".")[0]) < 1:
        text = app.user_ns['a']['text/plain']
        latex = app.user_ns['a']['text/latex']
        text = app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/plain']
        latex = app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/latex']
    assert text in ("{pi: 3.14, n_i: 3}",
                    u('{n\N{LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER I}: 3, \N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI}: 3.14}'),
                    "{n_i: 3, pi: 3.14}",
                    u('{\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI}: 3.14, n\N{LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER I}: 3}'))
    assert latex == r'$$\left \{ n_{i} : 3, \quad \pi : 3.14\right \}$$'

    app.run_cell("inst.display_formatter.formatters['text/latex'].enabled = True")
    app.run_cell("init_printing(use_latex=True, print_builtin=False)")
    app.run_cell("a = format({Symbol('pi'): 3.14, Symbol('n_i'): 3})")
    # Deal with API change starting at IPython 1.0
    if int(ipython.__version__.split(".")[0]) < 1:
        text = app.user_ns['a']['text/plain']
        raises(KeyError, lambda: app.user_ns['a']['text/latex'])
        text = app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/plain']
        raises(KeyError, lambda: app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/latex'])
    # Note : Unicode of Python2 is equivalent to str in Python3. In Python 3 we have one
    # text type: str which holds Unicode data and two byte types bytes and bytearray.
    # Python 3.3.3 + IPython 0.13.2 gives: '{n_i: 3, pi: 3.14}'
    # Python 3.3.3 + IPython 1.1.0 gives: '{n_i: 3, pi: 3.14}'
    # Python 2.7.5 + IPython 1.1.0 gives: '{pi: 3.14, n_i: 3}'
    assert text in ("{pi: 3.14, n_i: 3}", "{n_i: 3, pi: 3.14}")
Пример #8
def test_operator():
    a = Operator('A')
    b = Operator('B', Symbol('t'), S(1)/2)
    inv = a.inv()
    f = Function('f')
    x = symbols('x')
    d = DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x), f(x))
    op = OuterProduct(Ket(), Bra())
    assert str(a) == 'A'
    assert pretty(a) == 'A'
    assert upretty(a) == u('A')
    assert latex(a) == 'A'
    sT(a, "Operator(Symbol('A'))")
    assert str(inv) == 'A**(-1)'
    ascii_str = \
A  \
    ucode_str = \
A  \
    assert pretty(inv) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(inv) == ucode_str
    assert latex(inv) == r'\left(A\right)^{-1}'
    sT(inv, "Pow(Operator(Symbol('A')), Integer(-1))")
    assert str(d) == 'DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x),f(x))'
    ascii_str = \
                    /d            \\\n\
                    \dx           /\
    ucode_str = \
                    ⎛d            ⎞\n\
                    ⎝dx           ⎠\
    assert pretty(d) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(d) == ucode_str
    assert latex(d) == \
        r'DifferentialOperator\left(\frac{d}{d x} f{\left (x \right )},f{\left (x \right )}\right)'
    sT(d, "DifferentialOperator(Derivative(Function('f')(Symbol('x')), Symbol('x')),Function('f')(Symbol('x')))")
    assert str(b) == 'Operator(B,t,1/2)'
    assert pretty(b) == 'Operator(B,t,1/2)'
    assert upretty(b) == u('Operator(B,t,1/2)')
    assert latex(b) == r'Operator\left(B,t,\frac{1}{2}\right)'
    sT(b, "Operator(Symbol('B'),Symbol('t'),Rational(1, 2))")
    assert str(op) == '|psi><psi|'
    assert pretty(op) == '|psi><psi|'
    assert upretty(op) == u('❘ψ⟩⟨ψ❘')
    assert latex(op) == r'{\left|\psi\right\rangle }{\left\langle \psi\right|}'
    sT(op, "OuterProduct(Ket(Symbol('psi')),Bra(Symbol('psi')))")
Пример #9
def test_vector_derivative_printing():
    # First order
    v = omega.diff() * N.x
    assert unicode_vpretty(v) == u('ω̇ n_x')
    assert ascii_vpretty(v) == u("omega'(t) n_x")

    # Second order
    v = omega.diff().diff() * N.x

    assert v._latex() == r'\ddot{\omega}\mathbf{\hat{n}_x}'
    assert unicode_vpretty(v) == u('ω̈ n_x')
    assert ascii_vpretty(v) == u("omega''(t) n_x")

    # Third order
    v = omega.diff().diff().diff() * N.x

    assert v._latex() == r'\dddot{\omega}\mathbf{\hat{n}_x}'
    assert unicode_vpretty(v) == u('ω⃛ n_x')
    assert ascii_vpretty(v) == u("omega'''(t) n_x")

    # Fourth order
    v = omega.diff().diff().diff().diff() * N.x

    assert v._latex() == r'\ddddot{\omega}\mathbf{\hat{n}_x}'
    assert unicode_vpretty(v) == u('ω⃜ n_x')
    assert ascii_vpretty(v) == u("omega''''(t) n_x")

    # Fifth order
    v = omega.diff().diff().diff().diff().diff() * N.x

    assert v._latex() == r'\frac{d^{5}}{d t^{5}} \omega{\left(t \right)}\mathbf{\hat{n}_x}'
    assert unicode_vpretty(v) == u('  5\n d\n───(ω) n_x\n  5\ndt')
    assert ascii_vpretty(v) == '  5\n d\n---(omega) n_x\n  5\ndt'
Пример #10
def test_operator():
    a = Operator("A")
    b = Operator("B", Symbol("t"), S(1) / 2)
    inv = a.inv()
    f = Function("f")
    x = symbols("x")
    d = DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x), f(x))
    op = OuterProduct(Ket(), Bra())
    assert str(a) == "A"
    assert pretty(a) == "A"
    assert upretty(a) == u"A"
    assert latex(a) == "A"
    sT(a, "Operator(Symbol('A'))")
    assert str(inv) == "A**(-1)"
    ascii_str = """\
A  \
    ucode_str = u(
A  \
    assert pretty(inv) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(inv) == ucode_str
    assert latex(inv) == r"A^{-1}"
    sT(inv, "Pow(Operator(Symbol('A')), Integer(-1))")
    assert str(d) == "DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x),f(x))"
    ascii_str = """\
                    /d            \\\n\
                    \dx           /\
    ucode_str = u(
                    ⎛d            ⎞\n\
                    ⎝dx           ⎠\
    assert pretty(d) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(d) == ucode_str
    assert latex(d) == r"DifferentialOperator\left(\frac{d}{d x} f{\left (x \right )},f{\left (x \right )}\right)"
    sT(d, "DifferentialOperator(Derivative(Function('f')(Symbol('x')), Symbol('x')),Function('f')(Symbol('x')))")
    assert str(b) == "Operator(B,t,1/2)"
    assert pretty(b) == "Operator(B,t,1/2)"
    assert upretty(b) == u"Operator(B,t,1/2)"
    assert latex(b) == r"Operator\left(B,t,\frac{1}{2}\right)"
    sT(b, "Operator(Symbol('B'),Symbol('t'),Rational(1, 2))")
    assert str(op) == "|psi><psi|"
    assert pretty(op) == "|psi><psi|"
    assert upretty(op) == u"❘ψ⟩⟨ψ❘"
    assert latex(op) == r"{\left|\psi\right\rangle }{\left\langle \psi\right|}"
    sT(op, "OuterProduct(Ket(Symbol('psi')),Bra(Symbol('psi')))")
Пример #11
def test_qubit():
    q1 = Qubit('0101')
    q2 = IntQubit(8)
    assert str(q1) == '|0101>'
    assert pretty(q1) == '|0101>'
    assert upretty(q1) == u('❘0101⟩')
    assert latex(q1) == r'{\left|0101\right\rangle }'
    sT(q1, "Qubit(Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1))")
    assert str(q2) == '|8>'
    assert pretty(q2) == '|8>'
    assert upretty(q2) == u('❘8⟩')
    assert latex(q2) == r'{\left|8\right\rangle }'
    sT(q2, "IntQubit(8)")
Пример #12
def test_upretty_sub_super():
    assert upretty( Symbol('beta_1_2') ) == u('β₁ ₂')
    assert upretty( Symbol('beta^1^2') ) == u('β¹ ²')
    assert upretty( Symbol('beta_1^2') ) == u('β²₁')
    assert upretty( Symbol('beta_10_20') ) == u('β₁₀ ₂₀')
    assert upretty( Symbol('beta_ax_gamma^i') ) == u('βⁱₐₓ ᵧ')
    assert upretty( Symbol("F^1^2_3_4") ) == u('F¹ ²₃ ₄')
    assert upretty( Symbol("F_1_2^3^4") ) == u('F³ ⁴₁ ₂')
    assert upretty( Symbol("F_1_2_3_4") ) == u('F₁ ₂ ₃ ₄')
    assert upretty( Symbol("F^1^2^3^4") ) == u('F¹ ² ³ ⁴')
Пример #13
def test_print_builtin_option():
    # Initialize and setup IPython session
    app = init_ipython_session()
    app.run_cell("ip = get_ipython()")
    app.run_cell("inst = ip.instance()")
    app.run_cell("format = inst.display_formatter.format")
    app.run_cell("from sympy import Symbol")
    app.run_cell("from sympy import init_printing")

    app.run_cell("a = format({Symbol('pi'): 3.14, Symbol('n_i'): 3})")
    # Deal with API change starting at IPython 1.0
    if int(ipython.__version__.split(".")[0]) < 1:
        text = app.user_ns['a']['text/plain']
        raises(KeyError, lambda: app.user_ns['a']['text/latex'])
        text = app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/plain']
        raises(KeyError, lambda: app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/latex'])
    # Note : In Python 3 the text is unicode, but in 2 it is a string.
    assert text in ("{pi: 3.14, n_i: 3}", u('{n\u1d62: 3, \u03c0: 3.14}'))

    # If we enable the default printing, then the dictionary's should render
    # as a LaTeX version of the whole dict: ${\pi: 3.14, n_i: 3}$
    app.run_cell("inst.display_formatter.formatters['text/latex'].enabled = True")
    app.run_cell("a = format({Symbol('pi'): 3.14, Symbol('n_i'): 3})")
    # Deal with API change starting at IPython 1.0
    if int(ipython.__version__.split(".")[0]) < 1:
        text = app.user_ns['a']['text/plain']
        latex = app.user_ns['a']['text/latex']
        text = app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/plain']
        latex = app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/latex']
    assert text == u('{n\u1d62: 3, \u03c0: 3.14}')
    assert latex == '$$\\begin{Bmatrix}n_{i} : 3, & \\pi : 3.14\\end{Bmatrix}$$'

    app.run_cell("inst.display_formatter.formatters['text/latex'].enabled = True")
    app.run_cell("init_printing(use_latex=True, print_builtin=False)")
    app.run_cell("a = format({Symbol('pi'): 3.14, Symbol('n_i'): 3})")
    # Deal with API change starting at IPython 1.0
    if int(ipython.__version__.split(".")[0]) < 1:
        text = app.user_ns['a']['text/plain']
        raises(KeyError, lambda: app.user_ns['a']['text/latex'])
        text = app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/plain']
        raises(KeyError, lambda: app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/latex'])
    # Note : In Python 3 the text is unicode, but in 2 it is a string.
    # Python 3.3.3 + IPython 0.13.2 gives: '{n_i: 3, pi: 3.14}'
    # Python 3.3.3 + IPython 1.1.0 gives: '{n_i: 3, pi: 3.14}'
    # Python 2.7.5 + IPython 1.1.0 gives: '{pi: 3.14, n_i: 3}'
    assert text in ("{pi: 3.14, n_i: 3}", "{n_i: 3, pi: 3.14}")
Пример #14
 def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self = e
     ar = self.args  # just to shorten things
     if len(ar) == 0:
         return unicode(0)
     ol = []  # output list, to be concatenated to a string
     for i, v in enumerate(ar):
         for j in 0, 1, 2:
             # if the coef of the basis vector is 1, we skip the 1
             if ar[i][0][j] == 1:
                 ol.append(u(" + ") + ar[i][1].pretty_vecs[j])
             # if the coef of the basis vector is -1, we skip the 1
             elif ar[i][0][j] == -1:
                 ol.append(u(" - ") + ar[i][1].pretty_vecs[j])
             elif ar[i][0][j] != 0:
                 # If the basis vector coeff is not 1 or -1,
                 # we might wrap it in parentheses, for readability.
                 arg_str = (VectorPrettyPrinter().doprint(
                 if isinstance(ar[i][0][j], Add):
                     arg_str = u("(%s)") % arg_str
                 if arg_str[0] == u("-"):
                     arg_str = arg_str[1:]
                     str_start = u(" - ")
                     str_start = u(" + ")
                 ol.append(str_start + arg_str + '*' +
     outstr = u("").join(ol)
     if outstr.startswith(u(" + ")):
         outstr = outstr[3:]
     elif outstr.startswith(" "):
         outstr = outstr[1:]
     return outstr
Пример #15
def test_dyadic_pretty_print():

    expected = u("""\
a  n_x⊗n_y + b n_y⊗n_y + c⋅sin(α) n_z⊗n_y\
    result = y._pretty().render()

    assert expected == result

    expected = u('α n_x⊗n_x + sin(ω) n_y⊗n_z + α⋅β n_z⊗n_x')
    result = x._pretty().render()

    assert expected == result
Пример #16
            def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
                ar = e.args  # just to shorten things
                settings = printer._settings if printer else {}
                if printer:
                    use_unicode = printer._use_unicode
                    from sympy.printing.pretty.pretty_symbology import (
                    use_unicode = pretty_use_unicode()
                mpp = printer if printer else VectorPrettyPrinter(settings)
                if len(ar) == 0:
                    return unicode(0)
                bar = u("\N{CIRCLED TIMES}") if use_unicode else "|"
                ol = []  # output list, to be concatenated to a string
                for i, v in enumerate(ar):
                    # if the coef of the dyadic is 1, we skip the 1
                    if ar[i][0] == 1:
                        ol.extend([u(" + "),

                    # if the coef of the dyadic is -1, we skip the 1
                    elif ar[i][0] == -1:
                        ol.extend([u(" - "),

                    # If the coefficient of the dyadic is not 1 or -1,
                    # we might wrap it in parentheses, for readability.
                    elif ar[i][0] != 0:
                        if isinstance(ar[i][0], Add):
                            arg_str = mpp._print(
                            arg_str = mpp.doprint(ar[i][0])
                        if arg_str.startswith(u("-")):
                            arg_str = arg_str[1:]
                            str_start = u(" - ")
                            str_start = u(" + ")
                        ol.extend([str_start, arg_str, u(" "),

                outstr = u("").join(ol)
                if outstr.startswith(u(" + ")):
                    outstr = outstr[3:]
                elif outstr.startswith(" "):
                    outstr = outstr[1:]
                return outstr
Пример #17
def test_commutator():
    A = Operator("A")
    B = Operator("B")
    c = Commutator(A, B)
    c_tall = Commutator(A ** 2, B)
    assert str(c) == "[A,B]"
    assert pretty(c) == "[A,B]"
    assert upretty(c) == u"[A,B]"
    assert latex(c) == r"\left[A,B\right]"
    sT(c, "Commutator(Operator(Symbol('A')),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
    assert str(c_tall) == "[A**2,B]"
    ascii_str = """\
[ 2  ]\n\
[A ,B]\
    ucode_str = u(
⎡ 2  ⎤\n\
⎣A ,B⎦\
    assert pretty(c_tall) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(c_tall) == ucode_str
    assert latex(c_tall) == r"\left[A^{2},B\right]"
    sT(c_tall, "Commutator(Pow(Operator(Symbol('A')), Integer(2)),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
Пример #18
def test_anticommutator():
    A = Operator("A")
    B = Operator("B")
    ac = AntiCommutator(A, B)
    ac_tall = AntiCommutator(A ** 2, B)
    assert str(ac) == "{A,B}"
    assert pretty(ac) == "{A,B}"
    assert upretty(ac) == u"{A,B}"
    assert latex(ac) == r"\left\{A,B\right\}"
    sT(ac, "AntiCommutator(Operator(Symbol('A')),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
    assert str(ac_tall) == "{A**2,B}"
    ascii_str = """\
/ 2  \\\n\
<A ,B>\n\
\\    /\
    ucode_str = u(
⎧ 2  ⎫\n\
⎨A ,B⎬\n\
⎩    ⎭\
    assert pretty(ac_tall) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(ac_tall) == ucode_str
    assert latex(ac_tall) == r"\left\{A^{2},B\right\}"
    sT(ac_tall, "AntiCommutator(Pow(Operator(Symbol('A')), Integer(2)),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
Пример #19
    def __new__(cls, name, index, system, pretty_str, latex_str):
        from sympy.vector.coordsysrect import CoordSysCartesian
        if isinstance(name, Symbol):
            name = name.name
        if isinstance(pretty_str, Symbol):
            pretty_str = pretty_str.name
        if isinstance(latex_str, Symbol):
            latex_str = latex_str.name

        index = _sympify(index)
        system = _sympify(system)
        obj = super(BaseScalar, cls).__new__(cls, Symbol(name), index, system,
        if not isinstance(system, CoordSysCartesian):
            raise TypeError("system should be a CoordSysCartesian")
        if index not in range(0, 3):
            raise ValueError("Invalid index specified.")
        # The _id is used for equating purposes, and for hashing
        obj._id = (index, system)
        obj._name = obj.name = name
        obj._pretty_form = u(pretty_str)
        obj._latex_form = latex_str
        obj._system = system

        return obj
Пример #20
 def _pretty(self, printer, *args):
     length = len(self.args)
     pform = printer._print('', *args)
     for i in range(length):
         next_pform = printer._print(self.args[i], *args)
         if isinstance(self.args[i], (Add, Mul)):
             next_pform = prettyForm(
                 *next_pform.parens(left='(', right=')')
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(next_pform))
         if i != length - 1:
             if printer._use_unicode:
                 pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(u('\u2a02') + u(' ')))
                 pform = prettyForm(*pform.right('x' + ' '))
     return pform
Пример #21
def test_qexpr():
    q = QExpr('q')
    assert str(q) == 'q'
    assert pretty(q) == 'q'
    assert upretty(q) == u('q')
    assert latex(q) == r'q'
    sT(q, "QExpr(Symbol('q'))")
Пример #22
    def __new__(cls, name, index, system, pretty_str, latex_str):
        name = str(name)
        pretty_str = str(pretty_str)
        latex_str = str(latex_str)
        #Verify arguments
        if not index in range(0, 3):
            raise ValueError("index must be 0, 1 or 2")
        if not isinstance(system, CoordSysCartesian):
            raise TypeError("system should be a CoordSysCartesian")
        #Initialize an object
        obj = super(BaseVector, cls).__new__(cls, Symbol(name), S(index),
                                             system, Symbol(pretty_str),
        #Assign important attributes
        obj._base_instance = obj
        obj._components = {obj: S(1)}
        obj._measure_number = S(1)
        obj._name = name
        obj._pretty_form = u(pretty_str)
        obj._latex_form = latex_str
        obj._system = system

        assumptions = {}
        assumptions['commutative'] = True
        obj._assumptions = StdFactKB(assumptions)

        #This attr is used for re-expression to one of the systems
        #involved in the definition of the Vector. Applies to
        #VectorMul and VectorAdd too.
        obj._sys = system

        return obj
Пример #23
 def _print_contents_pretty(self, printer, *args):
     from sympy.printing.pretty.stringpict import prettyForm
     pform = printer._print(self.args[0], *args)
     if self.is_annihilation:
         return pform
         return pform**prettyForm(u('\u2020'))
Пример #24
 def _pretty(self, printer, *args):
     pform_exp = printer._print(self.exp, *args)
     if printer._use_unicode:
         pform_exp = prettyForm(*pform_exp.left(prettyForm(u('\N{N-ARY CIRCLED TIMES OPERATOR}'))))
         pform_exp = prettyForm(*pform_exp.left(prettyForm('x')))
     pform_base = printer._print(self.base, *args)
     return pform_base**pform_exp
Пример #25
 def _pretty(self, printer, *args):
     pform_exp = printer._print(self.exp, *args)
     if printer._use_unicode:
         pform_exp = prettyForm(*pform_exp.left(prettyForm(u('\u2a02'))))
         pform_exp = prettyForm(*pform_exp.left(prettyForm('x')))
     pform_base = printer._print(self.base, *args)
     return pform_base**pform_exp
Пример #26
 def _pretty(self, printer, *args):
     length = len(self.args)
     pform = printer._print('', *args)
     for i in range(length):
         next_pform = printer._print(self.args[i], *args)
         if isinstance(self.args[i], (DirectSumHilbertSpace,
             next_pform = prettyForm(
                 *next_pform.parens(left='(', right=')')
         pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(next_pform))
         if i != length - 1:
             if printer._use_unicode:
                 pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(u(' ') + u('\N{CIRCLED PLUS}') + u(' ')))
                 pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(' + '))
     return pform
Пример #27
def test_tensorproduct():
    tp = TensorProduct(JzKet(1, 1), JzKet(1, 0))
    assert str(tp) == '|1,1>x|1,0>'
    assert pretty(tp) == '|1,1>x |1,0>'
    assert upretty(tp) == u('❘1,1⟩⨂ ❘1,0⟩')
    assert latex(tp) == \
        r'{{\left|1,1\right\rangle }}\otimes {{\left|1,0\right\rangle }}'
    sT(tp, "TensorProduct(JzKet(Integer(1),Integer(1)), JzKet(Integer(1),Integer(0)))")
Пример #28
 def _pretty(self, printer, *args):
     from sympy.printing.pretty.stringpict import prettyForm
     pform = printer._print(self.args[0], *args)
     if printer._use_unicode:
         pform = pform**prettyForm(u('\u2020'))
         pform = pform**prettyForm('+')
     return pform
Пример #29
def _test_rational_new(cls):
    Tests that are common between Integer and Rational.
    assert cls(0) is S.Zero
    assert cls(1) is S.One
    assert cls(-1) is S.NegativeOne
    # These look odd, but are similar to int():
    assert cls('1') is S.One
    assert cls(u('-1')) is S.NegativeOne

    i = Integer(10)
    assert _strictly_equal(i, cls('10'))
    assert _strictly_equal(i, cls(u('10')))
    assert _strictly_equal(i, cls(long(10)))
    assert _strictly_equal(i, cls(i))

    raises(TypeError, lambda: cls(Symbol('x')))
Пример #30
def test_iterable_is_sequence():
    ordered = [list(), tuple(), Tuple(), Matrix([[]])]
    unordered = [set()]
    not_sympy_iterable = [{}, '', u('')]
    assert all(is_sequence(i) for i in ordered)
    assert all(not is_sequence(i) for i in unordered)
    assert all(iterable(i) for i in ordered + unordered)
    assert all(not iterable(i) for i in not_sympy_iterable)
    assert all(iterable(i, exclude=None) for i in not_sympy_iterable)
Пример #31
    def _pretty_brackets(self, height, use_unicode=True):
        # Return pretty printed brackets for the state
        # Ideally, this could be done by pform.parens but it does not support the angled < and >

        # Setup for unicode vs ascii
        if use_unicode:
            lbracket, rbracket = self.lbracket_ucode, self.rbracket_ucode
            slash, bslash, vert = u('\u2571'), u('\u2572'), u('\u2502')
            lbracket, rbracket = self.lbracket, self.rbracket
            slash, bslash, vert = '/', '\\', '|'

        # If height is 1, just return brackets
        if height == 1:
            return stringPict(lbracket), stringPict(rbracket)
        # Make height even
        height += (height % 2)

        brackets = []
        for bracket in lbracket, rbracket:
            # Create left bracket
            if bracket in set([_lbracket, _lbracket_ucode]):
                bracket_args = [
                    ' ' * (height // 2 - i - 1) + slash
                    for i in range(height // 2)
                    [' ' * i + bslash for i in range(height // 2)])
            # Create right bracket
            elif bracket in set([_rbracket, _rbracket_ucode]):
                bracket_args = [' ' * i + bslash for i in range(height // 2)]
                    ' ' * (height // 2 - i - 1) + slash
                    for i in range(height // 2)
            # Create straight bracket
            elif bracket in set([_straight_bracket, _straight_bracket_ucode]):
                bracket_args = [vert for i in range(height)]
                raise ValueError(bracket)
                stringPict('\n'.join(bracket_args), baseline=height // 2))
        return brackets
Пример #32
 def plot_gate(self, circ_plot, gate_idx):
     Plot the controlled gate. If *simplify_cgate* is true, simplify
     C-X and C-Z gates into their more familiar forms.
     min_wire = int(_min(chain(self.controls, self.targets)))
     max_wire = int(_max(chain(self.controls, self.targets)))
     circ_plot.control_line(gate_idx, min_wire, max_wire)
     for c in self.controls:
         circ_plot.control_point(gate_idx, int(c))
     if self.simplify_cgate:
         if self.gate.gate_name == u('X'):
             self.gate.plot_gate_plus(circ_plot, gate_idx)
         elif self.gate.gate_name == u('Z'):
             circ_plot.control_point(gate_idx, self.targets[0])
             self.gate.plot_gate(circ_plot, gate_idx)
         self.gate.plot_gate(circ_plot, gate_idx)
def test_vector_pretty_print():

    # TODO : The unit vectors should print with subscripts but they just
    # print as `n_x` instead of making `x` a subscritp with unicode.

    # TODO : The pretty print division does not print correctly here:
    # w = alpha * N.x + sin(omega) * N.y + alpha / beta * N.z

    pp = VectorPrettyPrinter()

    expected = u(' 2\na  n_x + b n_y + c\u22c5sin(\u03b1) n_z')

    assert expected == pp.doprint(v)
    assert expected == v._pretty().render()

    expected = u('\u03b1 n_x + sin(\u03c9) n_y + \u03b1\u22c5\u03b2 n_z')

    assert expected == pp.doprint(w)
    assert expected == w._pretty().render()
Пример #34
    def _pretty(self, printer, *args):

        if (_combined_printing
                and (all([isinstance(arg, Ket) for arg in self.args])
                     or all([isinstance(arg, Bra) for arg in self.args]))):

            length = len(self.args)
            pform = printer._print('', *args)
            for i in range(length):
                next_pform = printer._print('', *args)
                length_i = len(self.args[i].args)
                for j in range(length_i):
                    part_pform = printer._print(self.args[i].args[j], *args)
                    next_pform = prettyForm(*next_pform.right(part_pform))
                    if j != length_i - 1:
                        next_pform = prettyForm(*next_pform.right(', '))

                if len(self.args[i].args) > 1:
                    next_pform = prettyForm(
                        *next_pform.parens(left='{', right='}'))
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(next_pform))
                if i != length - 1:
                    pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(',' + ' '))

            pform = prettyForm(*pform.left(self.args[0].lbracket))
            pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(self.args[0].rbracket))
            return pform

        length = len(self.args)
        pform = printer._print('', *args)
        for i in range(length):
            next_pform = printer._print(self.args[i], *args)
            if isinstance(self.args[i], (Add, Mul)):
                next_pform = prettyForm(
                    *next_pform.parens(left='(', right=')'))
            pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(next_pform))
            if i != length - 1:
                if printer._use_unicode:
                    pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(
                        u('\N{N-ARY CIRCLED TIMES OPERATOR}') + u(' ')))
                    pform = prettyForm(*pform.right('x' + ' '))
        return pform
Пример #35
def test_dyadic_pretty_print():

    expected = u(' 2\na  \x1b[94m\x1b[1mn_x\x1b[0;0m\x1b[0;0m\u2297\x1b[94'
                 'm\x1b[1mn_y\x1b[0;0m\x1b[0;0m + b \x1b[94m\x1b[1mn_y\x1b'
                 ' + c\u22c5sin(\u03b1) \x1b[94m\x1b[1mn_z\x1b[0;0m\x1b[0;'
    result = y._pretty().render()

    assert expected == result

    expected = u('\u03b1 \x1b[94m\x1b[1mn_x\x1b[0;0m\x1b[0;0m\u2297\x1b[94'
                 'm\x1b[1mn_x\x1b[0;0m\x1b[0;0m + sin(\u03c9) \x1b[94m\x1b'
                 'm\x1b[0;0m + \u03b1\u22c5\u03b2 \x1b[94m\x1b[1mn_z\x1b[0'

    result = x._pretty().render()

    assert expected == result
Пример #36
def test_tensorproduct():
    tp = TensorProduct(JzKet(1, 1), JzKet(1, 0))
    assert str(tp) == '|1,1>x|1,0>'
    assert pretty(tp) == '|1,1>x |1,0>'
    assert upretty(tp) == u('❘1,1⟩⨂ ❘1,0⟩')
    assert latex(tp) == \
        r'{{\left|1,1\right\rangle }}\otimes {{\left|1,0\right\rangle }}'
        "TensorProduct(JzKet(Integer(1),Integer(1)), JzKet(Integer(1),Integer(0)))"
Пример #37
def test_vector_pretty_print():

    # TODO : The unit vectors should print with subscripts but they just
    # print as `n_x` instead of making `x` a subscript with unicode.

    # TODO : The pretty print division does not print correctly here:
    # w = alpha * N.x + sin(omega) * N.y + alpha / beta * N.z

    expected = """\
a  n_x + b n_y + c*sin(alpha) n_z\
    uexpected = u("""\
a  n_x + b n_y + c⋅sin(α) n_z\

    assert ascii_vpretty(v) == expected
    assert unicode_vpretty(v) == uexpected

    expected = u('alpha n_x + sin(omega) n_y + alpha*beta n_z')
    uexpected = u('α n_x + sin(ω) n_y + α⋅β n_z')

    assert ascii_vpretty(w) == expected
    assert unicode_vpretty(w) == uexpected

    expected = """\
a       b + c       c
- n_x + ----- n_y + -- n_z
b         a         b\
    uexpected = u("""\
a       b + c       c
─ n_x + ───── n_y + ── n_z
b         a         b\

    assert ascii_vpretty(o) == expected
    assert unicode_vpretty(o) == uexpected
Пример #38
class VectorZero(BasisDependentZero, Vector):
    Class to denote a zero vector

    _op_priority = 12.1
    _pretty_form = u('0')
    _latex_form = '\mathbf{\hat{0}}'

    def __new__(cls):
        obj = BasisDependentZero.__new__(cls)
        return obj
Пример #39
class DyadicZero(BasisDependentZero, Dyadic):
    Class to denote a zero dyadic

    _op_priority = 13.1
    _pretty_form = u('(0|0)')
    _latex_form = '(\mathbf{\hat{0}}|\mathbf{\hat{0}})'

    def __new__(cls):
        obj = BasisDependentZero.__new__(cls)
        return obj
Пример #40
def test_pretty_print_unicode():
    assert upretty(v[0]) == u('0')
    assert upretty(v[1]) == u('N_i')
    assert upretty(v[5]) == u('(a) N_i + (-b) N_j')
    # Make sure the printing works in other objects
    assert upretty(v[5].args) == u('((a) N_i, (-b) N_j)')
    assert upretty(v[8]) == upretty_v_8
    assert upretty(v[2]) == u('(-1) N_i')
    assert upretty(v[11]) == upretty_v_11
    assert upretty(s) == upretty_s
    assert upretty(d[0]) == u('(0|0)')
    assert upretty(d[5]) == u('(a) (N_i|N_k) + (-b) (N_j|N_k)')
    assert upretty(d[7]) == upretty_d_7
    assert upretty(d[10]) == u('(cos(a)) (C_i|N_k) + (-sin(a)) (C_j|N_k)')
Пример #41
def test_vector_pretty_print():

    # TODO : The unit vectors should print with subscripts but they just
    # print as `n_x` instead of making `x` a subscript with unicode.

    # TODO : The pretty print division does not print correctly here:
    # w = alpha * N.x + sin(omega) * N.y + alpha / beta * N.z

    pp = VectorPrettyPrinter()

    expected = u("""\
a  n_x + b n_y + c⋅sin(α) n_z\

    assert expected == pp.doprint(v)
    assert expected == v._pretty().render()

    expected = u('α n_x + sin(ω) n_y + α⋅β n_z')

    assert expected == pp.doprint(w)
    assert expected == w._pretty().render()
def test_pretty_print_unicode():
    assert upretty(v[0]) == u('0')
    assert upretty(v[1]) == u('N_i')
    assert upretty(v[5]) == u('(a) N_i + (-b) N_j')
    assert upretty(v[8]) == upretty_v_8
    assert upretty(v[2]) == u('(-1) N_i')
    assert upretty(v[11]) == upretty_v_11
    assert upretty(s) == upretty_s
    assert upretty(d[0]) == u('(0|0)')
    assert upretty(d[5]) == u('(a) (N_i|N_k) + (-b) (N_j|N_k)')
    assert upretty(d[7]) == upretty_d_7
    assert upretty(d[10]) == u('(cos(a)) (C_i|N_k) + (-sin(a)) (C_j|N_k)')
Пример #43
def annotated(letter):
    Return a stylised drawing of the letter ``letter``, together with
    information on how to put annotations (super- and subscripts to the
    left and to the right) on it.

    See pretty.py functions _print_meijerg, _print_hyper on how to use this
    ucode_pics = {
        'F': (2, 0, 2, 0, u('\u250c\u2500\n\u251c\u2500\n\u2575')),
        'G': (3, 0, 3, 1,
    ascii_pics = {
        'F': (3, 0, 3, 0, ' _\n|_\n|\n'),
        'G': (3, 0, 3, 1, ' __\n/__\n\_|')

    if _use_unicode:
        return ucode_pics[letter]
        return ascii_pics[letter]
Пример #44
def test_vector_pretty_print():

    # TODO : The unit vectors should print with subscripts but they just
    # print as `n_x` instead of making `x` a subscritp with unicode.

    # TODO : The pretty print division does not print correctly here:
    # w = alpha * N.x + sin(omega) * N.y + alpha / beta * N.z

    pp = VectorPrettyPrinter()

    expected = u(' 2\na  \x1b[94m\x1b[1mn_x\x1b[0;0m\x1b[0;0m + b \x1b[94m'
                 '\x1b[1mn_y\x1b[0;0m\x1b[0;0m + c\u22c5sin(\u03b1) \x1b[9'

    assert expected == pp.doprint(v)
    assert expected == v._pretty().render()

    expected = u('\u03b1 \x1b[94m\x1b[1mn_x\x1b[0;0m\x1b[0;0m + sin(\u03c9'
                 ') \x1b[94m\x1b[1mn_y\x1b[0;0m\x1b[0;0m + \u03b1\u22c5'
                 '\u03b2 \x1b[94m\x1b[1mn_z\x1b[0;0m\x1b[0;0m')

    assert expected == pp.doprint(w)
    assert expected == w._pretty().render()
Пример #45
class IdentityGate(OneQubitGate):
    """The single qubit identity gate.

    target : int
        The target qubit this gate will apply to.


    gate_name = u('1')
    gate_name_latex = u('1')

    def get_target_matrix(self, format='sympy'):
        return matrix_cache.get_matrix('eye2', format)

    def _eval_commutator(self, other, **hints):
        return Integer(0)

    def _eval_anticommutator(self, other, **hints):
        return Integer(2) * other
Пример #46
class ZGate(HermitianOperator, OneQubitGate):
    """The single qubit Z gate.

    target : int
        The target qubit this gate will apply to.


    gate_name = u('Z')
    gate_name_latex = u('Z')

    def get_target_matrix(self, format='sympy'):
        return matrix_cache.get_matrix('Z', format)

    def _eval_commutator_XGate(self, other, **hints):
        return Integer(2) * I * YGate(self.targets[0])

    def _eval_anticommutator_YGate(self, other, **hints):
        return Integer(0)
Пример #47
class XGate(HermitianOperator, OneQubitGate):
    """The single qubit X, or NOT, gate.

    target : int
        The target qubit this gate will apply to.


    gate_name = u('X')
    gate_name_latex = u('X')

    def get_target_matrix(self, format='sympy'):
        return matrix_cache.get_matrix('X', format)

    def plot_gate(self, circ_plot, gate_idx):

    def plot_gate_plus(self, circ_plot, gate_idx):
            gate_idx, int(self.label[0])

    def _eval_commutator_YGate(self, other, **hints):
        return Integer(2)*I*ZGate(self.targets[0])

    def _eval_anticommutator_XGate(self, other, **hints):
        return Integer(2)*IdentityGate(self.targets[0])

    def _eval_anticommutator_YGate(self, other, **hints):
        return Integer(0)

    def _eval_anticommutator_ZGate(self, other, **hints):
        return Integer(0)
Пример #48
    def __new__(cls, name, index, system, pretty_str, latex_str):
        from sympy.vector.coordsysrect import CoordSysCartesian
        obj = super(BaseScalar, cls).__new__(cls, name)
        if not isinstance(system, CoordSysCartesian):
            raise TypeError("system should be a CoordSysCartesian")
        if index not in range(0, 3):
            raise ValueError("Invalid index specified.")
        #The _id is used for equating purposes, and for hashing
        obj._id = (index, system)
        obj._name = name
        obj._pretty_form = u(pretty_str)
        obj._latex_form = latex_str
        obj._system = system

        return obj
Пример #49
def test_ipythonprinting():
    # Initialize and setup IPython session
    app = init_ipython_session()
    app.run_cell("ip = get_ipython()")
    app.run_cell("inst = ip.instance()")
    app.run_cell("format = inst.display_formatter.format")
    app.run_cell("from sympy import Symbol")

    # Printing without printing extension
    app.run_cell("a = format(Symbol('pi'))")
    app.run_cell("a2 = format(Symbol('pi')**2)")
    # Deal with API change starting at IPython 1.0
    if int(ipython.__version__.split(".")[0]) < 1:
        assert app.user_ns['a']['text/plain'] == "pi"
        assert app.user_ns['a2']['text/plain'] == "pi**2"
        assert app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/plain'] == "pi"
        assert app.user_ns['a2'][0]['text/plain'] == "pi**2"

    # Load printing extension
    app.run_cell("from sympy import init_printing")
    # Printing with printing extension
    app.run_cell("a = format(Symbol('pi'))")
    app.run_cell("a2 = format(Symbol('pi')**2)")
    # Deal with API change starting at IPython 1.0
    if int(ipython.__version__.split(".")[0]) < 1:
        assert app.user_ns['a']['text/plain'] in (
            u('\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI}'), 'pi')
        assert app.user_ns['a2']['text/plain'] in (
            u(' 2\n\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI} '), '  2\npi ')
        assert app.user_ns['a'][0]['text/plain'] in (
            u('\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI}'), 'pi')
        assert app.user_ns['a2'][0]['text/plain'] in (
            u(' 2\n\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI} '), '  2\npi ')
Пример #50
def test_dagger():
    x = symbols("x")
    expr = Dagger(x)
    assert str(expr) == "Dagger(x)"
    ascii_str = """\
x \
    ucode_str = u("""\
x \
    assert pretty(expr) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(expr) == ucode_str
    assert latex(expr) == r"x^{\dagger}"
    sT(expr, "Dagger(Symbol('x'))")
Пример #51
def test_dagger():
    x = symbols('x')
    expr = Dagger(x)
    assert str(expr) == 'Dagger(x)'
    ascii_str = \
x \
    ucode_str = \
x \
    assert pretty(expr) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(expr) == ucode_str
    assert latex(expr) == r'x^{\dag}'
    sT(expr, "Dagger(Symbol('x'))")
Пример #52
    def __new__(cls, vector1, vector2):
        Vector = sympy.vector.Vector
        BaseVector = sympy.vector.BaseVector
        VectorZero = sympy.vector.VectorZero
        #Verify arguments
        if not isinstance(vector1, (BaseVector, VectorZero)) or \
               not isinstance(vector2, (BaseVector, VectorZero)):
            raise TypeError("BaseDyadic cannot be composed of non-base "+
        #Handle special case of zero vector
        elif vector1 == Vector.zero or vector2 == Vector.zero:
            return Dyadic.zero
        #Initialize instance
        obj = super(BaseDyadic, cls).__new__(cls, vector1, vector2)
        obj._base_instance = obj
        obj._measure_number = 1
        obj._components = {obj: S(1)}
        obj._sys = vector1._sys
        obj._pretty_form = u('(' + vector1._pretty_form + '|' +
                             vector2._pretty_form + ')')
        obj._latex_form = ('(' + vector1._latex_form + "{|}" +
                           vector2._latex_form + ')')

        return obj
Пример #53
            def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
                ar = e.args  # just to shorten things
                if len(ar) == 0:
                    return unicode(0)
                settings = printer._settings if printer else {}
                vp = printer if printer else VectorPrettyPrinter(settings)
                ol = []  # output list, to be concatenated to a string
                for i, v in enumerate(ar):
                    for j in 0, 1, 2:
                        # if the coef of the basis vector is 1, we skip the 1
                        if ar[i][0][j] == 1:
                            ol.append(u(" + ") + ar[i][1].pretty_vecs[j])
                        # if the coef of the basis vector is -1, we skip the 1
                        elif ar[i][0][j] == -1:
                            ol.append(u(" - ") + ar[i][1].pretty_vecs[j])
                        elif ar[i][0][j] != 0:
                            # If the basis vector coeff is not 1 or -1,
                            # we might wrap it in parentheses, for readability.
                            if isinstance(ar[i][0][j], Add):
                                arg_str = vp._print(
                                arg_str = (vp.doprint(

                            if arg_str[0] == u("-"):
                                arg_str = arg_str[1:]
                                str_start = u(" - ")
                                str_start = u(" + ")
                            ol.append(str_start + arg_str + ' ' +
                outstr = u("").join(ol)
                if outstr.startswith(u(" + ")):
                    outstr = outstr[3:]
                elif outstr.startswith(" "):
                    outstr = outstr[1:]
                return outstr
Пример #54
    'KetBase', 'BraBase', 'StateBase', 'State', 'Ket', 'Bra', 'TimeDepState',
    'TimeDepBra', 'TimeDepKet', 'Wavefunction'

# States, bras and kets.

# ASCII brackets
_lbracket = "<"
_rbracket = ">"
_straight_bracket = "|"

# Unicode brackets
_lbracket_ucode = u("\u27E8")
_rbracket_ucode = u("\u27E9")
_straight_bracket_ucode = u("\u2758")

# Other options for unicode printing of <, > and | for Dirac notation.

# _lbracket = u"\u2329"
# _rbracket = u"\u232A"

# _lbracket = u"\u3008"
# _rbracket = u"\u3009"

Пример #55
"""Simple tools for timing functions' execution, when IPython is not available. """

from __future__ import print_function, division

import timeit
import math

from sympy.core.compatibility import u

_scales = [1e0, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9]
_units = [u('s'), u('ms'), u('\u03bcs'), u('ns')]

def timed(func, setup="pass", limit=None):
    """Adaptively measure execution time of a function. """
    timer = timeit.Timer(func, setup=setup)
    repeat, number = 3, 1

    for i in range(1, 10):
        if timer.timeit(number) >= 0.2:
        elif limit is not None and number >= limit:
            number *= 10

    time = min(timer.repeat(repeat, number)) / number

    if time > 0.0:
        order = min(-int(math.floor(math.log10(time)) // 3), 3)
Пример #56
 def _pretty(self, printer, *args):
     # u = u('\u2108') # script
     ustr = u('\u0048')
     return prettyForm(ustr)
Пример #57
 def _pretty(self, printer, *args):
     if printer._use_unicode:
         return prettyForm(u('\u210f'))
     return prettyForm('hbar')
Пример #58
class QExpr(Expr):
    """A base class for all quantum object like operators and states."""

    # In sympy, slots are for instance attributes that are computed
    # dynamically by the __new__ method. They are not part of args, but they
    # derive from args.

    # The Hilbert space a quantum Object belongs to.
    __slots__ = ['hilbert_space']

    is_commutative = False

    # The separator used in printing the label.
    _label_separator = u('')

    def free_symbols(self):
        return set([self])

    def __new__(cls, *args, **old_assumptions):
        """Construct a new quantum object.


        args : tuple
            The list of numbers or parameters that uniquely specify the
            quantum object. For a state, this will be its symbol or its
            set of quantum numbers.


        >>> from sympsi.qexpr import QExpr
        >>> q = QExpr(0)
        >>> q
        >>> q.label
        >>> q.hilbert_space
        >>> q.args
        >>> q.is_commutative

        # First compute args and call Expr.__new__ to create the instance
        args = cls._eval_args(args)
        if len(args) == 0:
            args = cls._eval_args(tuple(cls.default_args()))
        inst = Expr.__new__(cls, *args, **old_assumptions)
        # Now set the slots on the instance
        inst.hilbert_space = cls._eval_hilbert_space(args)
        return inst

    def _new_rawargs(cls, hilbert_space, *args, **old_assumptions):
        """Create new instance of this class with hilbert_space and args.

        This is used to bypass the more complex logic in the ``__new__``
        method in cases where you already have the exact ``hilbert_space``
        and ``args``. This should be used when you are positive these
        arguments are valid, in their final, proper form and want to optimize
        the creation of the object.

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *args, **old_assumptions)
        obj.hilbert_space = hilbert_space
        return obj

    # Properties

    def label(self):
        """The label is the unique set of identifiers for the object.

        Usually, this will include all of the information about the state
        *except* the time (in the case of time-dependent objects).

        This must be a tuple, rather than a Tuple.
        if len(self.args
               ) == 0:  # If there is no label specified, return the default
            return self._eval_args(list(self.default_args()))
            return self.args

    def is_symbolic(self):
        return True

    def default_args(self):
        """If no arguments are specified, then this will return a default set
        of arguments to be run through the constructor.

        NOTE: Any classes that override this MUST return a tuple of arguments.
        Should be overidden by subclasses to specify the default arguments for kets and operators
        raise NotImplementedError("No default arguments for this class!")

    # _eval_* methods

    def _eval_adjoint(self):
        obj = Expr._eval_adjoint(self)
        if obj is None:
            obj = Expr.__new__(Dagger, self)
        if isinstance(obj, QExpr):
            obj.hilbert_space = self.hilbert_space
        return obj

    def _eval_args(cls, args):
        """Process the args passed to the __new__ method.

        This simply runs args through _qsympify_sequence.
        return _qsympify_sequence(args)

    def _eval_hilbert_space(cls, args):
        """Compute the Hilbert space instance from the args.
        from sympsi.hilbert import HilbertSpace
        return HilbertSpace()

    # Printing

    # Utilities for printing: these operate on raw sympy objects

    def _print_sequence(self, seq, sep, printer, *args):
        result = []
        for item in seq:
            result.append(printer._print(item, *args))
        return sep.join(result)

    def _print_sequence_pretty(self, seq, sep, printer, *args):
        pform = printer._print(seq[0], *args)
        for item in seq[1:]:
            pform = prettyForm(*pform.right((sep)))
            pform = prettyForm(*pform.right((printer._print(item, *args))))
        return pform

    # Utilities for printing: these operate prettyForm objects

    def _print_subscript_pretty(self, a, b):
        top = prettyForm(*b.left(' ' * a.width()))
        bot = prettyForm(*a.right(' ' * b.width()))
        return prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.POW, *bot.below(top))

    def _print_superscript_pretty(self, a, b):
        return a**b

    def _print_parens_pretty(self, pform, left='(', right=')'):
        return prettyForm(*pform.parens(left=left, right=right))

    # Printing of labels (i.e. args)

    def _print_label(self, printer, *args):
        """Prints the label of the QExpr

        This method prints self.label, using self._label_separator to separate
        the elements. This method should not be overridden, instead, override
        _print_contents to change printing behavior.
        return self._print_sequence(self.label, self._label_separator, printer,

    def _print_label_repr(self, printer, *args):
        return self._print_sequence(self.label, ',', printer, *args)

    def _print_label_pretty(self, printer, *args):
        return self._print_sequence_pretty(self.label, self._label_separator,
                                           printer, *args)

    def _print_label_latex(self, printer, *args):
        return self._print_sequence(self.label, self._label_separator, printer,

    # Printing of contents (default to label)

    def _print_contents(self, printer, *args):
        """Printer for contents of QExpr

        Handles the printing of any unique identifying contents of a QExpr to
        print as its contents, such as any variables or quantum numbers. The
        default is to print the label, which is almost always the args. This
        should not include printing of any brackets or parenteses.
        return self._print_label(printer, *args)

    def _print_contents_pretty(self, printer, *args):
        return self._print_label_pretty(printer, *args)

    def _print_contents_latex(self, printer, *args):
        return self._print_label_latex(printer, *args)

    # Main printing methods

    def _sympystr(self, printer, *args):
        """Default printing behavior of QExpr objects

        Handles the default printing of a QExpr. To add other things to the
        printing of the object, such as an operator name to operators or
        brackets to states, the class should override the _print/_pretty/_latex
        functions directly and make calls to _print_contents where appropriate.
        This allows things like InnerProduct to easily control its printing the
        printing of contents.
        return self._print_contents(printer, *args)

    def _sympyrepr(self, printer, *args):
        classname = self.__class__.__name__
        label = self._print_label_repr(printer, *args)
        return '%s(%s)' % (classname, label)

    def _pretty(self, printer, *args):
        pform = self._print_contents_pretty(printer, *args)
        return pform

    def _latex(self, printer, *args):
        return self._print_contents_latex(printer, *args)

    # Methods from Basic and Expr

    def doit(self, **kw_args):
        return self

    def _eval_rewrite(self, pattern, rule, **hints):
        if hints.get('deep', False):
            args = [a._eval_rewrite(pattern, rule, **hints) for a in self.args]
            args = self.args

        # TODO: Make Basic.rewrite use hints in evaluating
        # self.rule(*args, **hints), not having hints breaks spin state
        # (un)coupling on rewrite
        if pattern is None or isinstance(self, pattern):
            if hasattr(self, rule):
                rewritten = getattr(self, rule)(*args, **hints)

                if rewritten is not None:
                    return rewritten

        return self

    # Represent

    def _represent_default_basis(self, **options):
        raise NotImplementedError('This object does not have a default basis')

    def _represent(self, **options):
        """Represent this object in a given basis.

        This method dispatches to the actual methods that perform the
        representation. Subclases of QExpr should define various methods to
        determine how the object will be represented in various bases. The
        format of these methods is::

            def _represent_BasisName(self, basis, **options):

        Thus to define how a quantum object is represented in the basis of
        the operator Position, you would define::

            def _represent_Position(self, basis, **options):

        Usually, basis object will be instances of Operator subclasses, but
        there is a chance we will relax this in the future to accomodate other
        types of basis sets that are not associated with an operator.

        If the ``format`` option is given it can be ("sympy", "numpy",
        "scipy.sparse"). This will ensure that any matrices that result from
        representing the object are returned in the appropriate matrix format.


        basis : Operator
            The Operator whose basis functions will be used as the basis for
        options : dict
            A dictionary of key/value pairs that give options and hints for
            the representation, such as the number of basis functions to
            be used.
        basis = options.pop('basis', None)
        if basis is None:
            result = self._represent_default_basis(**options)
            result = dispatch_method(self, '_represent', basis, **options)

        # If we get a matrix representation, convert it to the right format.
        format = options.get('format', 'sympy')
        result = self._format_represent(result, format)
        return result

    def _format_represent(self, result, format):
        if format == 'sympy' and not isinstance(result, Matrix):
            return to_sympy(result)
        elif format == 'numpy' and not isinstance(result, numpy_ndarray):
            return to_numpy(result)
        elif format == 'scipy.sparse' and \
                not isinstance(result, scipy_sparse_matrix):
            return to_scipy_sparse(result)

        return result
Пример #59
 def _print_GoldenRatio(self, e):
     """We use unicode #x3c6 for Greek letter phi as defined here
     x = self.dom.createElement('cn')
     return x
Пример #60
C = N.orient_new_axis("C", a, N.k)  # type: ignore
v = []
d = []
v.append(N.i)  # type: ignore
v.append(-N.i)  # type: ignore
v.append(N.i + N.j)  # type: ignore
v.append(a * N.i)  # type: ignore
v.append(a * N.i - b * N.j)  # type: ignore
v.append((a**2 + N.x) * N.i + N.k)  # type: ignore
v.append((a**2 + b) * N.i + 3 * (C.y - c) * N.k)  # type: ignore
f = Function("f")
v.append(N.j - (Integral(f(b)) - C.x**2) * N.k)  # type: ignore
upretty_v_8 = u("""\
      ⎛   2   ⌠        ⎞    \n\
j_N + ⎜x_C  - ⎮ f(b) db⎟ k_N\n\
      ⎝       ⌡        ⎠    \
pretty_v_8 = u("""\
j_N + /         /       \\\n\
      |   2    |        |\n\
      |x_C  -  | f(b) db|\n\
      |        |        |\n\
      \\       /         / \

v.append(N.i + C.k)  # type: ignore
v.append(express(N.i, C))  # type: ignore
v.append((a**2 + b) * N.i + (Integral(f(b))) * N.k)  # type: ignore
upretty_v_11 = u("""\
⎛ 2    ⎞        ⎛⌠        ⎞    \n\