Пример #1
 def _eval_trace(self, **kwargs):
     indices = kwargs.get('indices', [])
     return Tr(self.doit(), indices).doit()
Пример #2
def test_Tr():
    A, B = symbols('A B', commutative=False)
    t = Tr(A * B)
    assert str(t) == 'Tr(A*B)'
Пример #3
def test_doit():

    x, y = symbols('x y')
    A, B, C, D, E, F = symbols('A B C D E F', commutative=False)
    d = Density([XKet(), 0.5], [PxKet(), 0.5])
    assert (0.5 * (PxKet() * Dagger(PxKet())) + 0.5 *
            (XKet() * Dagger(XKet()))) == d.doit()

    # check for kets with expr in them
    d_with_sym = Density([XKet(x * y), 0.5], [PxKet(x * y), 0.5])
    assert (0.5 * (PxKet(x * y) * Dagger(PxKet(x * y))) + 0.5 *
            (XKet(x * y) * Dagger(XKet(x * y)))) == d_with_sym.doit()

    d = Density([(A + B) * C, 1.0])
    assert d.doit() == (1.0 * A * C * Dagger(C) * Dagger(A) +
                        1.0 * A * C * Dagger(C) * Dagger(B) +
                        1.0 * B * C * Dagger(C) * Dagger(A) +
                        1.0 * B * C * Dagger(C) * Dagger(B))

    #  With TensorProducts as args
    # Density with simple tensor products as args
    t = TensorProduct(A, B, C)
    d = Density([t, 1.0])
    assert d.doit() == \
        1.0 * TensorProduct(A*Dagger(A), B*Dagger(B), C*Dagger(C))

    # Density with multiple Tensorproducts as states
    t2 = TensorProduct(A, B)
    t3 = TensorProduct(C, D)

    d = Density([t2, 0.5], [t3, 0.5])
    assert d.doit() == (0.5 * TensorProduct(A * Dagger(A), B * Dagger(B)) +
                        0.5 * TensorProduct(C * Dagger(C), D * Dagger(D)))

    #Density with mixed states
    d = Density([t2 + t3, 1.0])
    assert d.doit() == (1.0 * TensorProduct(A * Dagger(A), B * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * TensorProduct(A * Dagger(C), B * Dagger(D)) +
                        1.0 * TensorProduct(C * Dagger(A), D * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * TensorProduct(C * Dagger(C), D * Dagger(D)))

    #Density operators with spin states
    tp1 = TensorProduct(JzKet(1, 1), JzKet(1, -1))
    d = Density([tp1, 1])

    # full trace
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == 1

    #Partial trace on density operators with spin states
    t = Tr(d, [0])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(1, -1) * Dagger(JzKet(1, -1))
    t = Tr(d, [1])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(1, 1) * Dagger(JzKet(1, 1))

    # with another spin state
    tp2 = TensorProduct(JzKet(S(1) / 2, S(1) / 2), JzKet(S(1) / 2, -S(1) / 2))
    d = Density([tp2, 1])

    #full trace
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == 1

    #Partial trace on density operators with spin states
    t = Tr(d, [0])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(S(1) / 2, -S(1) / 2) * Dagger(
        JzKet(S(1) / 2, -S(1) / 2))
    t = Tr(d, [1])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(S(1) / 2,
                             S(1) / 2) * Dagger(JzKet(S(1) / 2,
                                                      S(1) / 2))
Пример #4
def test_Tr():
    #TODO: Handle indices
    A, B = symbols('A B', commutative=False)
    t = Tr(A * B)
    assert latex(t) == r'\mbox{Tr}\left(A B\right)'
Пример #5
def test_eval_trace():
    # This test includes tests with dependencies between TensorProducts
    #and density operators. Since, the test is more to test the behavior of
    #TensorProducts it remains here

    A, B, C, D, E, F = symbols('A B C D E F', commutative=False)

    # Density with simple tensor products as args
    t = TensorProduct(A, B)
    d = Density([t, 1.0])
    tr = Tr(d)
    assert tr.doit() == 1.0 * Tr(A * Dagger(A)) * Tr(B * Dagger(B))

    ## partial trace with simple tensor products as args
    t = TensorProduct(A, B, C)
    d = Density([t, 1.0])
    tr = Tr(d, [1])
    assert tr.doit() == 1.0 * A * Dagger(A) * Tr(B * Dagger(B)) * C * Dagger(C)

    tr = Tr(d, [0, 2])
    assert tr.doit() == 1.0 * Tr(A * Dagger(A)) * B * Dagger(B) * Tr(
        C * Dagger(C))

    # Density with multiple Tensorproducts as states
    t2 = TensorProduct(A, B)
    t3 = TensorProduct(C, D)

    d = Density([t2, 0.5], [t3, 0.5])
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == (0.5 * Tr(A * Dagger(A)) * Tr(B * Dagger(B)) +
                        0.5 * Tr(C * Dagger(C)) * Tr(D * Dagger(D)))

    t = Tr(d, [0])
    assert t.doit() == (0.5 * Tr(A * Dagger(A)) * B * Dagger(B) +
                        0.5 * Tr(C * Dagger(C)) * D * Dagger(D))

    #Density with mixed states
    d = Density([t2 + t3, 1.0])
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == (1.0 * Tr(A * Dagger(A)) * Tr(B * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * Tr(A * Dagger(C)) * Tr(B * Dagger(D)) +
                        1.0 * Tr(C * Dagger(A)) * Tr(D * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * Tr(C * Dagger(C)) * Tr(D * Dagger(D)))

    t = Tr(d, [1])
    assert t.doit() == (1.0 * A * Dagger(A) * Tr(B * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * A * Dagger(C) * Tr(B * Dagger(D)) +
                        1.0 * C * Dagger(A) * Tr(D * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * C * Dagger(C) * Tr(D * Dagger(D)))
Пример #6
def test_trace_new():
    a, b, c, d, Y = symbols("a b c d Y")
    A, B, C, D = symbols("A B C D", commutative=False)

    assert Tr(a + b) == a + b
    assert Tr(A + B) == Tr(A) + Tr(B)

    # check trace args not implicitly permuted
    assert Tr(C * D * A * B).args[0].args == (C, D, A, B)

    # check for mul and adds
    assert Tr((a * b) + (c * d)) == (a * b) + (c * d)
    # Tr(scalar*A) = scalar*Tr(A)
    assert Tr(a * A) == a * Tr(A)
    assert Tr(a * A * B * b) == a * b * Tr(A * B)

    # since A is symbol and not commutative
    assert isinstance(Tr(A), Tr)

    # POW
    assert Tr(pow(a, b)) == a**b
    assert isinstance(Tr(pow(A, a)), Tr)

    # Matrix
    M = Matrix([[1, 1], [2, 2]])
    assert Tr(M) == 3

    ##test indices in different forms
    # no index
    t = Tr(A)
    assert t.args[1] == Tuple()

    # single index
    t = Tr(A, 0)
    assert t.args[1] == Tuple(0)

    # index in a list
    t = Tr(A, [0])
    assert t.args[1] == Tuple(0)

    t = Tr(A, [0, 1, 2])
    assert t.args[1] == Tuple(0, 1, 2)

    # index is tuple
    t = Tr(A, (0))
    assert t.args[1] == Tuple(0)

    t = Tr(A, (1, 2))
    assert t.args[1] == Tuple(1, 2)

    # trace indices test
    t = Tr((A + B), [2])
    assert t.args[0].args[1] == Tuple(2) and t.args[1].args[1] == Tuple(2)

    t = Tr(a * A, [2, 3])
    assert t.args[1].args[1] == Tuple(2, 3)

    # class with trace method defined
    # to simulate numpy objects
    class Foo:
        def trace(self):
            return 1

    assert Tr(Foo()) == 1

    # argument test
    # check for value error, when either/both arguments are not provided
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Tr())
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Tr(A, 1, 2))