Пример #1
def test_matrix2numpy_conversion():
    a = Matrix([[1, 2, sin(x)], [x**2, x, Rational(1, 2)]])
    b = array([[1, 2, sin(x)], [x**2, x, Rational(1, 2)]])
    assert (matrix2numpy(a) == b).all()
    assert matrix2numpy(a).dtype == numpy.dtype('object')

    c = matrix2numpy(Matrix([[1, 2], [10, 20]]), dtype='int8')
    d = matrix2numpy(Matrix([[1, 2], [10, 20]]), dtype='float64')
    assert c.dtype == numpy.dtype('int8')
    assert d.dtype == numpy.dtype('float64')
Пример #2
 def getl_ultrasonic_side(self, convert_to_float=False):
     a = self.world.getl_ultrasonic_side()
     if convert_to_float:
         a = dense.matrix2numpy(a, dtype=float)
         a = a.flatten()
     return a
Пример #3
 def getl_ultrasonic_top(self, float=False):
     a = self.world.getl_ultrasonic_top()
     if float:
         a = dense.matrix2numpy(a, dtype=float)
         a = a.flatten()
     return a
Пример #4
    def get_rvec(self, coordsys, base):
        rot_mat = base.rotation_matrix(coordsys)
        rot_mat_np = dense.matrix2numpy(rot_mat, dtype=float)

        rotation_vector, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rot_mat_np)
        rotation_vector = rotation_vector.flatten()
        return rotation_vector
Пример #5
def test_matrix2numpy():
    a = matrix2numpy(Matrix([[1, x**2], [3*sin(x), 0]]))
    assert isinstance(a, ndarray)
    assert a.shape == (2, 2)
    assert a[0, 0] == 1
    assert a[0, 1] == x**2
    assert a[1, 0] == 3*sin(x)
    assert a[1, 1] == 0
Пример #6
    def newton(self, max_ite=1000):
        # 初始化
        setattr(self, "ite", 0)
        setattr(self, "x1", self.x1_init)
        setattr(self, "x2", self.x2_init)

        fx = diff(self.f, self.x)
        fy = diff(self.f, self.y)
        grad_f1 = Matrix([[fx], [fy]])
        grad_H2 = hessian(self.f, (self.x, self.y))
        x_tmp = self.x1_init
        y_tmp = self.x2_init

        # start = time.time()
        for _ in range(max_ite):
            grad_f1 = np.array(
                    self.x: x_tmp,
                    self.y: y_tmp
                }))], [float(fy.evalf(subs={
                    self.x: x_tmp,
                    self.y: y_tmp
            tmp = matrix2numpy(grad_H2.evalf(subs={
                self.x: x_tmp,
                self.y: y_tmp
            ans_tmp = np.array([[x_tmp], [y_tmp]]) - np.dot(
                np.linalg.inv(tmp), grad_f1)
            acc_tmp = ((ans_tmp[0, 0] - x_tmp)**2 +
                       (ans_tmp[1, 0] - y_tmp)**2)**0.5
            self.ite += 1

            print("第{}次迭代后,坐标为({}, {})".format(self.ite, ans_tmp[0, 0],
                                               ans_tmp[1, 0]))

            x_tmp = ans_tmp[0, 0]
            y_tmp = ans_tmp[1, 0]
            f_tmp = self.f.evalf(subs={self.x: x_tmp, self.y: y_tmp})

            if acc_tmp <= self.stop_condition:
                self.x1 = ans_tmp[0, 0]
                self.x2 = ans_tmp[1, 0]
        # end = time.time()
        # print((end-start)*1000)
        print("\n迭代结束点为({}, {})".format(self.x1, self.x2))
                self.x: self.x1,
                self.y: self.x2
Пример #7
    def find_fixed_point(self, r_init):
        Returns the value of a fixed point based a Newton's method computation.
        See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_method for details.

        num_iter = 50
        r = r_init

        for _ in range(num_iter):
            J = self.eval_jacobian(r)
            J_inv = matrix2numpy(J.inv(), dtype="float")
            r = r - J_inv.dot(self.phasespace_eval(t=None, r=r))

        return r
Пример #8
 def get_numpy_mat(vec: sympy.vector.vector.Vector, base):
     a = vec.to_matrix(base)
     # a = DummyVariable.eval_all(a)
     b = dense.matrix2numpy(a, dtype=float)
     return b
reaching_states = np.where(np.logical_and(x_s_distance != 0, x_s_distance < np.inf))[0]

# List of state indices from which the state x_s is unreachable.
non_reaching_states = np.where(x_s_distance == np.inf)[0]

# r×r sub-matrix of P, transition probability from each reaching state to each reaching state
P_1 = P[np.ix_(reaching_states, reaching_states)]

# r×1 sub-matrix of P, transition probability from each reaching state to state x_s
P_2 = P[np.ix_(reaching_states, [x_s])]

# Identity matrix
I = np.identity(len(reaching_states))

# Hitting probability from any reaching state to x_s, given by the system of linear equations h = h*P_1.T + P_2.T
h_reaching = P_2.T * matrix2numpy(sympyMatrix(I - P_1.T).inv())

h = np.zeros(len(P), dtype=sympy.symbol.Symbol)
h[reaching_states] = h_reaching
h[x_s] = 1.

# Probability of reaching x_s starting from x_i
h_i = h[x_i]

# Compute partial derivatites for each parameter
print("\nSensitivity and its absolute value, for each parameter:")
sensitivity = dict()
for p in parameters.keys():
    sensitivity[p] = diff(h_i, p).subs(parameters)
    print(str(p).ljust(10, ' '), '%0.5f\t%0.5f' % (float(sensitivity[p]), np.abs(float(sensitivity[p]))))
theta = aruco_angle
x, y, z = 0.485, -0.295, 0.456  # coordinates of camera in respect to robot coord [m]
a, b, c = aruco_x, aruco_y, aruco_z

Robot = CoordSys3D('Robot')
Cam = Robot.locate_new('Cam', x * Robot.i + y * Robot.j + z * Robot.k)
Cam2 = Cam.orient_new_axis('Cam2', theta, Cam.i)
Marker = Cam2.locate_new('Marker', a * Cam2.i + b * Cam2.j + c * Cam2.k)

mat = Marker.position_wrt(Robot).to_matrix(Robot)
# mat = Robot.position_wrt(Marker).to_matrix(Marker)

from sympy.matrices import dense

mat = dense.matrix2numpy(mat, float)
MarkerTurned = Marker.orient_new_axis('MarkerTurned', aruco_angle, Marker.k)
# print(Cam.position_wrt(Robot))
# print(Robot.origin.express_coordinates(Cam2))
# print(Cam.origin.express_coordinates(Robot))
# print(Robot.origin.express_coordinates(Marker))
# print(Marker.origin.express_coordinates(Robot))
# print(MarkerTurned.rotation_matrix(Robot))
# print(express(MarkerTurned.position_wrt(Robot), MarkerTurned))

from matplotlib import pyplot
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as plt