Пример #1
 def _convert_units(self, key, values):
     Convert SEGY units to plot units.
     _units = self._get_units(key)
     if _units is not None:
         scl =  float(units.__getattribute__(_units[0])\
         return [v * scl for v in values]
         return values
Пример #2
def interface2netcdf(vm, iref, filename, units="km", elevation=False):
    Write interface depths to a netcdf file.

    vm : :class:`rockfish.tomography.model.VM`
        VM model to extract an interface from.
    iref : int
        Index of interface to extract.
    filename: str
        Name of the netcdf file to write the interface to.
    units : 'str', optional
        Name of distance units in the output file. Must be a unit name
        understood by :class:`sympy.physics.units`. Distance units in the
        model are assumed to be 'km'.
    elevation : bool, optional
        If ``True``, flip the sign of interface depths.
    # Unit scaling
    scl = sunits.kilometers / sunits.__getattribute__(units)
    if elevation:
        zscl = scl * -1.0
        zscl = scl
    # Open file
    f = netcdf(filename, "w")
    f.title = "Interface {:} from VM model.".format(iref)
    f.source = "Created by rockfish.tomography.vm2gmt.surface2netcdf"
    # x-dimension
    f.createDimension("x", vm.ny)
    x = f.createVariable("x", "f", ("x",))
    x[:] = vm.y * scl
    x.units = units
    # y-dimension
    f.createDimension("y", vm.nx)
    y = f.createVariable("y", "f", ("y",))
    y[:] = vm.x * scl
    y.units = units
    # depths (z)
    z = f.createVariable("z", "f", ("x", "y"))
    z[:, :] = vm.rf[iref].transpose() * zscl
    z.units = units
    z.scale_factor = 1.0
    z.add_offset = 0.0
    # depth range
    f.createDimension("side", 2)
    z_range = f.createVariable("z_range", "f", ("side",))
    z_range[0] = np.min(vm.rf[0]) * zscl
    z_range[1] = np.min(vm.rf[1]) * zscl