Пример #1
def _minpoly_exp(ex, x):
    Returns the minimal polynomial of ``exp(ex)``
    c, a = ex.args[0].as_coeff_Mul()
    if a == I * pi:
        if c.is_rational:
            q = sympify(c.q)
            if c.p == 1 or c.p == -1:
                if q == 3:
                    return x**2 - x + 1
                if q == 4:
                    return x**4 + 1
                if q == 6:
                    return x**4 - x**2 + 1
                if q == 8:
                    return x**8 + 1
                if q == 9:
                    return x**6 - x**3 + 1
                if q == 10:
                    return x**8 - x**6 + x**4 - x**2 + 1
                if q.is_prime:
                    s = 0
                    for i in range(q):
                        s += (-x)**i
                    return s

            # x**(2*q) = product(factors)
            factors = [cyclotomic_poly(i, x) for i in divisors(2 * q)]
            mp = _choose_factor(factors, x, ex)
            return mp
            raise NotAlgebraic("%s does not seem to be an algebraic element" %
    raise NotAlgebraic("%s does not seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
Пример #2
def _minpoly_cos(ex, x):
    Returns the minimal polynomial of ``cos(ex)``
    see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TrigonometryAngles.html
    c, a = ex.args[0].as_coeff_Mul()
    if a is pi:
        if c.is_rational:
            if c.p == 1:
                if c.q == 7:
                    return 8 * x**3 - 4 * x**2 - 4 * x + 1
                if c.q == 9:
                    return 8 * x**3 - 6 * x - 1
            elif c.p == 2:
                q = sympify(c.q)
                if q.is_prime:
                    s = _minpoly_sin(ex, x)
                    return _mexpand(s.subs({x: sqrt((1 - x) / 2)}))

            # for a = pi*p/q, cos(q*a) =T_q(cos(a)) = (-1)**p
            n = int(c.q)
            a = dup_chebyshevt(n, ZZ)
            a = [x**(n - i) * a[i] for i in range(n + 1)]
            r = Add(*a) - (-1)**c.p
            _, factors = factor_list(r)
            res = _choose_factor(factors, x, ex)
            return res

    raise NotAlgebraic("%s does not seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
Пример #3
def _minpoly_pow(ex, pw, x, dom, mp=None):
    Returns ``minpoly(ex**pw, x)``


    ex : algebraic element
    pw : rational number
    x : indeterminate of the polynomial
    dom: ground domain
    mp : minimal polynomial of ``p``


    >>> from sympy import sqrt, QQ, Rational
    >>> from sympy.polys.numberfields.minpoly import _minpoly_pow, minpoly
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> p = sqrt(1 + sqrt(2))
    >>> _minpoly_pow(p, 2, x, QQ)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> minpoly(p**2, x)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> _minpoly_pow(y, Rational(1, 3), x, QQ.frac_field(y))
    x**3 - y
    >>> minpoly(y**Rational(1, 3), x)
    x**3 - y

    pw = sympify(pw)
    if not mp:
        mp = _minpoly_compose(ex, x, dom)
    if not pw.is_rational:
        raise NotAlgebraic("%s does not seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
    if pw < 0:
        if mp == x:
            raise ZeroDivisionError('%s is zero' % ex)
        mp = _invertx(mp, x)
        if pw == -1:
            return mp
        pw = -pw
        ex = 1 / ex

    y = Dummy(str(x))
    mp = mp.subs({x: y})
    n, d = pw.as_numer_denom()
    res = Poly(resultant(mp, x**d - y**n, gens=[y]), x, domain=dom)
    _, factors = res.factor_list()
    res = _choose_factor(factors, x, ex**pw, dom)
    return res.as_expr()
Пример #4
    def bottom_up_scan(ex):
        if ex.is_Atom:
            if ex is S.ImaginaryUnit:
                if ex not in mapping:
                    return update_mapping(ex, 2, 1)
                    return symbols[ex]
            elif ex.is_Rational:
                return ex
        elif ex.is_Add:
            return Add(*[bottom_up_scan(g) for g in ex.args])
        elif ex.is_Mul:
            return Mul(*[bottom_up_scan(g) for g in ex.args])
        elif ex.is_Pow:
            if ex.exp.is_Rational:
                if ex.exp < 0 and ex.base.is_Add:
                    coeff, terms = ex.base.as_coeff_add()
                    elt, _ = primitive_element(terms, polys=True)

                    alg = ex.base - coeff

                    # XXX: turn this into eval()
                    inverse = invert(elt.gen + coeff, elt).as_expr()
                    base = inverse.subs(elt.gen, alg).expand()

                    if ex.exp == -1:
                        return bottom_up_scan(base)
                        ex = base**(-ex.exp)

                if not ex.exp.is_Integer:
                    base, exp = (ex.base**ex.exp.p).expand(), Rational(
                        1, ex.exp.q)
                    base, exp = ex.base, ex.exp

                base = bottom_up_scan(base)
                expr = base**exp

                if expr not in mapping:
                    return update_mapping(expr, 1 / exp, -base)
                    return symbols[expr]
        elif ex.is_AlgebraicNumber:
            if ex.root not in mapping:
                return update_mapping(ex.root, ex.minpoly)
                return symbols[ex.root]

        raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic number" % ex)
Пример #5
def _minpoly_compose(ex, x, dom):
    Computes the minimal polynomial of an algebraic element
    using operations on minimal polynomials


    >>> from sympy import minimal_polynomial, sqrt, Rational
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2) + 3*Rational(1, 3), x, compose=True)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> minimal_polynomial(sqrt(y) + 1/y, x, compose=True)
    x**2*y**2 - 2*x*y - y**3 + 1

    if ex.is_Rational:
        return ex.q * x - ex.p
    if ex is I:
        return x**2 + 1
    if hasattr(dom, 'symbols') and ex in dom.symbols:
        return x - ex

    if dom.is_QQ and _is_sum_surds(ex):
        # eliminate the square roots
        ex -= x
        while 1:
            ex1 = _separate_sq(ex)
            if ex1 is ex:
                return ex
                ex = ex1

    if ex.is_Add:
        res = _minpoly_add(x, dom, *ex.args)
    elif ex.is_Mul:
        res = _minpoly_mul(x, dom, *ex.args)
    elif ex.is_Pow:
        res = _minpoly_pow(ex.base, ex.exp, x, dom)
    elif ex.__class__ is C.sin:
        res = _minpoly_sin(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is C.cos:
        res = _minpoly_cos(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is C.exp:
        res = _minpoly_exp(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is RootOf:
        res = _minpoly_rootof(ex, x)
        raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
    return res
Пример #6
def _minpoly1(ex, x):
    Computes the minimal polynomial of an algebraic number
    using operations on minimal polynomials


    >>> from sympy import minimal_polynomial, sqrt, Rational
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2) + 3*Rational(1, 3), x, compose=True)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    if ex.is_Rational:
        return ex.q * x - ex.p
    if ex is I:
        return x**2 + 1

    if _is_sum_surds(ex):
        # eliminate the square roots
        ex -= x
        while 1:
            ex1 = _separate_sq(ex)
            if ex1 is ex:
                return ex
                ex = ex1

    if ex.is_Add:
        res = _minpoly_add(x, *ex.args)
    elif ex.is_Mul:
        res = _minpoly_mul(x, *ex.args)
    elif ex.is_Pow:
        res = _minpoly_pow(ex.base, ex.exp, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is C.sin:
        res = _minpoly_sin(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is C.cos:
        res = _minpoly_cos(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is C.exp:
        res = _minpoly_exp(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is RootOf:
        res = _minpoly_rootof(ex, x)
        raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic number" % ex)
    return res
Пример #7
def _minpoly_pow(ex, pw, x, mp=None):
    Returns ``minpoly(ex**pw, x)``


    p  : algebraic number
    mp : minimal polynomial of ``p``
    pw : rational number
    x : indeterminate of the polynomial


    >>> from sympy import sqrt
    >>> from sympy.polys.numberfields import _minpoly_pow, minpoly
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> p = sqrt(1 + sqrt(2))
    >>> _minpoly_pow(p, 2, x)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> minpoly(p**2, x)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    pw = sympify(pw)
    if not mp:
        mp = _minpoly1(ex, x)
    if not pw.is_rational:
        raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic number" % ex)
    if pw < 0:
        if mp == x:
            raise ZeroDivisionError('%s is zero' % ex)
        mp = _invertx(mp, x)
        if pw == -1:
            return mp
        pw = -pw
        ex = 1 / ex
    y = Dummy(str(x))
    mp = mp.subs({x: y})
    n, d = pw.as_numer_denom()
    res = resultant(mp, x**d - y**n, gens=[y])
    _, factors = factor_list(res)
    res = _choose_factor(factors, x, ex**pw)
    return res
Пример #8
    def bottom_up_scan(ex):
        if ex.is_Atom:
            if ex is S.ImaginaryUnit:
                if ex not in mapping:
                    return update_mapping(ex, 2, 1)
                    return symbols[ex]
            elif ex.is_Rational:
                return ex
        elif ex.is_Add:
            return Add(*[bottom_up_scan(g) for g in ex.args])
        elif ex.is_Mul:
            return Mul(*[bottom_up_scan(g) for g in ex.args])
        elif ex.is_Pow:
            if ex.exp.is_Rational:
                if ex.exp < 0:
                    minpoly_base = _minpoly_groebner(ex.base, x, cls)
                    inverse = invert(x, minpoly_base).as_expr()
                    base_inv = inverse.subs(x, ex.base).expand()

                    if ex.exp == -1:
                        return bottom_up_scan(base_inv)
                        ex = base_inv**(-ex.exp)
                if not ex.exp.is_Integer:
                    base, exp = (ex.base**ex.exp.p).expand(), Rational(
                        1, ex.exp.q)
                    base, exp = ex.base, ex.exp
                base = bottom_up_scan(base)
                expr = base**exp

                if expr not in mapping:
                    return update_mapping(expr, 1 / exp, -base)
                    return symbols[expr]
        elif ex.is_AlgebraicNumber:
            if ex.root not in mapping:
                return update_mapping(ex.root, ex.minpoly)
                return symbols[ex.root]

        raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic number" % ex)
Пример #9
def _minpoly_tan(ex, x):
    Returns the minimal polynomial of ``tan(ex)``
    see https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/21430
    c, a = ex.args[0].as_coeff_Mul()
    if a is pi:
        if c.is_rational:
            c = c * 2
            n = int(c.q)
            a = n if c.p % 2 == 0 else 1
            terms = []
            for k in range((c.p + 1) % 2, n + 1, 2):
                terms.append(a * x**k)
                a = -(a * (n - k - 1) * (n - k)) // ((k + 1) * (k + 2))

            r = Add(*terms)
            _, factors = factor_list(r)
            res = _choose_factor(factors, x, ex)
            return res

    raise NotAlgebraic("%s does not seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
Пример #10
def _minpoly_sin(ex, x):
    Returns the minimal polynomial of ``sin(ex)``
    see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TrigonometryAngles.html
    from sympy.functions.combinatorial.factorials import binomial
    c, a = ex.args[0].as_coeff_Mul()
    if a is pi:
        if c.is_rational:
            n = c.q
            q = sympify(n)
            if q.is_prime:
                # for a = pi*p/q with q odd prime, using chebyshevt
                # write sin(q*a) = mp(sin(a))*sin(a);
                # the roots of mp(x) are sin(pi*p/q) for p = 1,..., q - 1
                a = dup_chebyshevt(n, ZZ)
                return Add(*[x**(n - i - 1) * a[i] for i in range(n)])
            if c.p == 1:
                if q == 9:
                    return 64 * x**6 - 96 * x**4 + 36 * x**2 - 3

            if n % 2 == 1:
                # for a = pi*p/q with q odd, use
                # sin(q*a) = 0 to see that the minimal polynomial must be
                # a factor of dup_chebyshevt(n, ZZ)
                a = dup_chebyshevt(n, ZZ)
                a = [x**(n - i) * a[i] for i in range(n + 1)]
                r = Add(*a)
                _, factors = factor_list(r)
                res = _choose_factor(factors, x, ex)
                return res

            expr = ((1 - C.cos(2 * c * pi)) / 2)**S.Half
            res = _minpoly_compose(expr, x, QQ)
            return res

    raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
Пример #11
def test_pickling_polys_errors():
    from sympy.polys.polyerrors import (
        ExactQuotientFailed, OperationNotSupported, HeuristicGCDFailed,
        HomomorphismFailed, IsomorphismFailed, ExtraneousFactors,
        EvaluationFailed, RefinementFailed, CoercionFailed, NotInvertible,
        NotReversible, NotAlgebraic, DomainError, PolynomialError,
        UnificationFailed, GeneratorsError, GeneratorsNeeded,
        ComputationFailed, UnivariatePolynomialError,
        MultivariatePolynomialError, PolificationFailed, OptionError,

    x = Symbol('x')

    # TODO: TypeError: __init__() takes at least 3 arguments (1 given)
    # for c in (ExactQuotientFailed, ExactQuotientFailed(x, 3*x, ZZ)):
    #    check(c)

    # TODO: TypeError: can't pickle instancemethod objects
    # for c in (OperationNotSupported, OperationNotSupported(Poly(x), Poly.gcd)):
    #    check(c)

    for c in (HeuristicGCDFailed, HeuristicGCDFailed()):

    for c in (HomomorphismFailed, HomomorphismFailed()):

    for c in (IsomorphismFailed, IsomorphismFailed()):

    for c in (ExtraneousFactors, ExtraneousFactors()):

    for c in (EvaluationFailed, EvaluationFailed()):

    for c in (RefinementFailed, RefinementFailed()):

    for c in (CoercionFailed, CoercionFailed()):

    for c in (NotInvertible, NotInvertible()):

    for c in (NotReversible, NotReversible()):

    for c in (NotAlgebraic, NotAlgebraic()):

    for c in (DomainError, DomainError()):

    for c in (PolynomialError, PolynomialError()):

    for c in (UnificationFailed, UnificationFailed()):

    for c in (GeneratorsError, GeneratorsError()):

    for c in (GeneratorsNeeded, GeneratorsNeeded()):

    # TODO: PicklingError: Can't pickle <function <lambda> at 0x38578c0>: it's not found as __main__.<lambda>
    # for c in (ComputationFailed, ComputationFailed(lambda t: t, 3, None)):
    #    check(c)

    for c in (UnivariatePolynomialError, UnivariatePolynomialError()):

    for c in (MultivariatePolynomialError, MultivariatePolynomialError()):

    # TODO: TypeError: __init__() takes at least 3 arguments (1 given)
    # for c in (PolificationFailed, PolificationFailed({}, x, x, False)):
    #    check(c)

    for c in (OptionError, OptionError()):

    for c in (FlagError, FlagError()):
Пример #12
    def bottom_up_scan(ex):
        Transform a given algebraic expression *ex* into a multivariate
        polynomial, by introducing fresh variables with defining equations.


        The critical elements of the algebraic expression *ex* are root
        extractions, instances of :py:class:`~.AlgebraicNumber`, and negative

        When we encounter a root extraction or an :py:class:`~.AlgebraicNumber`
        we replace this expression with a fresh variable ``a_i``, and record
        the defining polynomial for ``a_i``. For example, if ``a_0**(1/3)``
        occurs, we will replace it with ``a_1``, and record the new defining
        polynomial ``a_1**3 - a_0``.

        When we encounter a negative power we transform it into a positive
        power by algebraically inverting the base. This means computing the
        minimal polynomial in ``x`` for the base, inverting ``x`` modulo this
        poly (which generates a new polynomial) and then substituting the
        original base expression for ``x`` in this last polynomial.

        We return the transformed expression, and we record the defining
        equations for new symbols using the ``update_mapping()`` function.

        if ex.is_Atom:
            if ex is S.ImaginaryUnit:
                if ex not in mapping:
                    return update_mapping(ex, 2, 1)
                    return symbols[ex]
            elif ex.is_Rational:
                return ex
        elif ex.is_Add:
            return Add(*[bottom_up_scan(g) for g in ex.args])
        elif ex.is_Mul:
            return Mul(*[bottom_up_scan(g) for g in ex.args])
        elif ex.is_Pow:
            if ex.exp.is_Rational:
                if ex.exp < 0:
                    minpoly_base = _minpoly_groebner(ex.base, x, cls)
                    inverse = invert(x, minpoly_base).as_expr()
                    base_inv = inverse.subs(x, ex.base).expand()

                    if ex.exp == -1:
                        return bottom_up_scan(base_inv)
                        ex = base_inv**(-ex.exp)
                if not ex.exp.is_Integer:
                    base, exp = (ex.base**ex.exp.p).expand(), Rational(
                        1, ex.exp.q)
                    base, exp = ex.base, ex.exp
                base = bottom_up_scan(base)
                expr = base**exp

                if expr not in mapping:
                    if exp.is_Integer:
                        return expr.expand()
                        return update_mapping(expr, 1 / exp, -base)
                    return symbols[expr]
        elif ex.is_AlgebraicNumber:
            if ex not in mapping:
                return update_mapping(ex, ex.minpoly_of_element())
                return symbols[ex]

        raise NotAlgebraic("%s does not seem to be an algebraic number" % ex)
Пример #13
def _minpoly_compose(ex, x, dom):
    Computes the minimal polynomial of an algebraic element
    using operations on minimal polynomials


    >>> from sympy import minimal_polynomial, sqrt, Rational
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2) + 3*Rational(1, 3), x, compose=True)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> minimal_polynomial(sqrt(y) + 1/y, x, compose=True)
    x**2*y**2 - 2*x*y - y**3 + 1

    if ex.is_Rational:
        return ex.q * x - ex.p
    if ex is I:
        _, factors = factor_list(x**2 + 1, x, domain=dom)
        return x**2 + 1 if len(factors) == 1 else x - I

    if ex is S.GoldenRatio:
        _, factors = factor_list(x**2 - x - 1, x, domain=dom)
        if len(factors) == 1:
            return x**2 - x - 1
            return _choose_factor(factors, x, (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, dom=dom)

    if ex is S.TribonacciConstant:
        _, factors = factor_list(x**3 - x**2 - x - 1, x, domain=dom)
        if len(factors) == 1:
            return x**3 - x**2 - x - 1
            fac = (1 + cbrt(19 - 3 * sqrt(33)) + cbrt(19 + 3 * sqrt(33))) / 3
            return _choose_factor(factors, x, fac, dom=dom)

    if hasattr(dom, 'symbols') and ex in dom.symbols:
        return x - ex

    if dom.is_QQ and _is_sum_surds(ex):
        # eliminate the square roots
        ex -= x
        while 1:
            ex1 = _separate_sq(ex)
            if ex1 is ex:
                return ex
                ex = ex1

    if ex.is_Add:
        res = _minpoly_add(x, dom, *ex.args)
    elif ex.is_Mul:
        f = Factors(ex).factors
        r = sift(f.items(),
                 lambda itx: itx[0].is_Rational and itx[1].is_Rational)
        if r[True] and dom == QQ:
            ex1 = Mul(*[bx**ex for bx, ex in r[False] + r[None]])
            r1 = dict(r[True])
            dens = [y.q for y in r1.values()]
            lcmdens = reduce(lcm, dens, 1)
            neg1 = S.NegativeOne
            expn1 = r1.pop(neg1, S.Zero)
            nums = [base**(y.p * lcmdens // y.q) for base, y in r1.items()]
            ex2 = Mul(*nums)
            mp1 = minimal_polynomial(ex1, x)
            # use the fact that in SymPy canonicalization products of integers
            # raised to rational powers are organized in relatively prime
            # bases, and that in ``base**(n/d)`` a perfect power is
            # simplified with the root
            # Powers of -1 have to be treated separately to preserve sign.
            mp2 = ex2.q * x**lcmdens - ex2.p * neg1**(expn1 * lcmdens)
            ex2 = neg1**expn1 * ex2**Rational(1, lcmdens)
            res = _minpoly_op_algebraic_element(Mul,
            res = _minpoly_mul(x, dom, *ex.args)
    elif ex.is_Pow:
        res = _minpoly_pow(ex.base, ex.exp, x, dom)
    elif ex.__class__ is sin:
        res = _minpoly_sin(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is cos:
        res = _minpoly_cos(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is tan:
        res = _minpoly_tan(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is exp:
        res = _minpoly_exp(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is CRootOf:
        res = _minpoly_rootof(ex, x)
        raise NotAlgebraic("%s does not seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
    return res
Пример #14
def _minpoly_compose(ex, x, dom):
    Computes the minimal polynomial of an algebraic element
    using operations on minimal polynomials


    >>> from sympy import minimal_polynomial, sqrt, Rational
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2) + 3*Rational(1, 3), x, compose=True)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> minimal_polynomial(sqrt(y) + 1/y, x, compose=True)
    x**2*y**2 - 2*x*y - y**3 + 1

    if ex.is_Rational:
        return ex.q * x - ex.p
    if ex is I:
        return x**2 + 1
    if hasattr(dom, 'symbols') and ex in dom.symbols:
        return x - ex

    if dom.is_QQ and _is_sum_surds(ex):
        # eliminate the square roots
        ex -= x
        while 1:
            ex1 = _separate_sq(ex)
            if ex1 is ex:
                return ex
                ex = ex1

    if ex.is_Add:
        res = _minpoly_add(x, dom, *ex.args)
    elif ex.is_Mul:
        f = Factors(ex).factors
        r = sift(f.items(),
                 lambda itx: itx[0].is_rational and itx[1].is_rational)
        if r[True] and dom == QQ:
            ex1 = Mul(*[bx**ex for bx, ex in r[False] + r[None]])
            r1 = r[True]
            dens = [y.q for _, y in r1]
            lcmdens = reduce(lcm, dens, 1)
            nums = [base**(y.p * lcmdens // y.q) for base, y in r1]
            ex2 = Mul(*nums)
            mp1 = minimal_polynomial(ex1, x)
            # use the fact that in SymPy canonicalization products of integers
            # raised to rational powers are organized in relatively prime
            # bases, and that in ``base**(n/d)`` a perfect power is
            # simplified with the root
            mp2 = ex2.q * x**lcmdens - ex2.p
            ex2 = ex2**Rational(1, lcmdens)
            res = _minpoly_op_algebraic_element(Mul,
            res = _minpoly_mul(x, dom, *ex.args)
    elif ex.is_Pow:
        res = _minpoly_pow(ex.base, ex.exp, x, dom)
    elif ex.__class__ is C.sin:
        res = _minpoly_sin(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is C.cos:
        res = _minpoly_cos(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is C.exp:
        res = _minpoly_exp(ex, x)
    elif ex.__class__ is RootOf:
        res = _minpoly_rootof(ex, x)
        raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
    return res