Пример #1
def test_case():
    ob = FCodePrinter()
    x, x_, x__, y, X, X_, Y = symbols('x,x_,x__,y,X,X_,Y')
    assert fcode(exp(x_) + sin(x*y) + cos(X*Y)) == \
                        '      exp(x_) + sin(x*y) + cos(X__*Y_)'
    assert fcode(exp(x__) + 2*x*Y*X_**Rational(7, 2)) == \
                        '      2*X_**(7.0d0/2.0d0)*Y*x + exp(x__)'
    assert fcode(exp(x_) + sin(x*y) + cos(X*Y), name_mangling=False) == \
                        '      exp(x_) + sin(x*y) + cos(X*Y)'
    assert fcode(x - cos(X), name_mangling=False) == '      x - cos(X)'
    assert ob.doprint(X * sin(x) + x_,
                      assign_to='me') == '      me = X*sin(x_) + x__'
    assert ob.doprint(X * sin(x), assign_to='mu') == '      mu = X*sin(x_)'
    assert ob.doprint(x_, assign_to='ad') == '      ad = x__'
    n, m = symbols('n,m', integer=True)
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i = Idx('i', m)
    I = Idx('I', n)
    assert fcode(
        A[i, I] * x[I], assign_to=y[i],
        source_format='free') == ("do i = 1, m\n"
                                  "   y(i) = 0\n"
                                  "end do\n"
                                  "do i = 1, m\n"
                                  "   do I_ = 1, n\n"
                                  "      y(i) = A(i, I_)*x(I_) + y(i)\n"
                                  "   end do\n"
                                  "end do")
Пример #2
def test_free_form_comment_line():
    printer = FCodePrinter({ 'source_format': 'free'})
    lines = [ "! This is a long comment on a single line that must be wrapped properly to produce nice output"]
    expected = [
        '! This is a long comment on a single line that must be wrapped properly',
        '! to produce nice output']
    assert printer._wrap_fortran(lines) == expected
Пример #3
def test_free_form_comment_line():
    printer = FCodePrinter({'source_format': 'free'})
    lines = [ "! This is a long comment on a single line that must be wrapped properly to produce nice output"]
    expected = [
        '! This is a long comment on a single line that must be wrapped properly',
        '! to produce nice output']
    assert printer._wrap_fortran(lines) == expected
Пример #4
def render_as_module(definitions, name, declarations=(), printer_settings=None):
    """ Creates a ``Module`` instance and renders it as a string.

    This generates Fortran source code for a module with the correct ``use`` statements.


    definitions : iterable
        Passed to :class:`sympy.codegen.fnodes.Module`.
    name : str
        Passed to :class:`sympy.codegen.fnodes.Module`.
    declarations : iterable
        Passed to :class:`sympy.codegen.fnodes.Module`. It will be extended with
        use statements, 'implicit none' and public list generated from ``definitions``.
    printer_settings : dict
        Passed to ``FCodePrinter`` (default: ``{'standard': 2003, 'source_format': 'free'}``).

    printer_settings = printer_settings or {'standard': 2003, 'source_format': 'free'}
    printer = FCodePrinter(printer_settings)
    dummy = Dummy()
    if isinstance(definitions, Module):
        raise ValueError("This function expects to construct a module on its own.")
    mod = Module(name, chain(declarations, [dummy]), definitions)
    fstr = printer.doprint(mod)
    module_use_str = '   %s\n' % '   \n'.join(['use %s, only: %s' % (k, ', '.join(v)) for
                                                k, v in printer.module_uses.items()])
    module_use_str += '   implicit none\n'
    module_use_str += '   private\n'
    module_use_str += '   public %s\n' % ', '.join([str(node.name) for node in definitions if getattr(node, 'name', None)])
    return fstr.replace(printer.doprint(dummy), module_use_str)
    return fstr
Пример #5
def test_case():
    ob = FCodePrinter()
    x,x_,x__,y,X,X_,Y = symbols('x,x_,x__,y,X,X_,Y')
    assert fcode(exp(x_) + sin(x*y) + cos(X*Y)) == \
                        '      exp(x_) + sin(x*y) + cos(X__*Y_)'
    assert fcode(exp(x__) + 2*x*Y*X_**Rational(7, 2)) == \
                        '      2*X_**(7.0d0/2.0d0)*Y*x + exp(x__)'
    assert fcode(exp(x_) + sin(x*y) + cos(X*Y), name_mangling=False) == \
                        '      exp(x_) + sin(x*y) + cos(X*Y)'
    assert fcode(x - cos(X), name_mangling=False) == '      x - cos(X)'
    assert ob.doprint(X*sin(x) + x_, assign_to='me') == '      me = X*sin(x_) + x__'
    assert ob.doprint(X*sin(x), assign_to='mu') == '      mu = X*sin(x_)'
    assert ob.doprint(x_, assign_to='ad') == '      ad = x__'
    n, m = symbols('n,m', integer=True)
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i = Idx('i', m)
    I = Idx('I', n)
    assert fcode(A[i, I]*x[I], assign_to=y[i], source_format='free') == (
                                            "do i = 1, m\n"
                                            "   y(i) = 0\n"
                                            "end do\n"
                                            "do i = 1, m\n"
                                            "   do I_ = 1, n\n"
                                            "      y(i) = A(i, I_)*x(I_) + y(i)\n"
                                            "   end do\n"
                                            "end do" )
Пример #6
def test_case():
    ob = FCodePrinter()
    x, x_, x__, y, X, X_, Y = symbols("x,x_,x__,y,X,X_,Y")
    assert (fcode(exp(x_) + sin(x * y) +
                  cos(X * Y)) == "      exp(x_) + sin(x*y) + cos(X__*Y_)")
    assert (fcode(exp(x__) + 2 * x * Y * X_**Rational(7, 2)) ==
            "      2*X_**(7.0d0/2.0d0)*Y*x + exp(x__)")
    assert (fcode(
        exp(x_) + sin(x * y) + cos(X * Y),
        name_mangling=False) == "      exp(x_) + sin(x*y) + cos(X*Y)")
    assert fcode(x - cos(X), name_mangling=False) == "      x - cos(X)"
    assert ob.doprint(X * sin(x) + x_,
                      assign_to="me") == "      me = X*sin(x_) + x__"
    assert ob.doprint(X * sin(x), assign_to="mu") == "      mu = X*sin(x_)"
    assert ob.doprint(x_, assign_to="ad") == "      ad = x__"
    n, m = symbols("n,m", integer=True)
    A = IndexedBase("A")
    x = IndexedBase("x")
    y = IndexedBase("y")
    i = Idx("i", m)
    I = Idx("I", n)
    assert fcode(
        A[i, I] * x[I], assign_to=y[i],
        source_format="free") == ("do i = 1, m\n"
                                  "   y(i) = 0\n"
                                  "end do\n"
                                  "do i = 1, m\n"
                                  "   do I_ = 1, n\n"
                                  "      y(i) = A(i, I_)*x(I_) + y(i)\n"
                                  "   end do\n"
                                  "end do")
Пример #7
def test_loops():
    from sympy import symbols
    i,j,n,m = symbols('i j n m', integer=True)
    A,x,y = symbols('A x y')
    A = Indexed(A)(Idx(i, m), Idx(j, n))
    x = Indexed(x)(Idx(j, n))
    y = Indexed(y)(Idx(i, m))

    # human = False
    printer = FCodePrinter({ 'source_format': 'free', 'assign_to':y, 'human':0})
    expected = ([], set([A, x, y, Idx(j, n), Idx(i, m)]), 'do i = 1, m\n   do j = 1, n\n      y(i) = A(i, j)*x(j)\n   end do\nend do')
    code = printer.doprint(A*x)
    # assert expected == code

    # human = True
    printer = FCodePrinter({ 'source_format': 'free', 'assign_to':y, 'human':1})

    expected = (
            '! Not Fortran:\n'
            '! A(i, j)\n'
            '! i\n'
            '! j\n'
            '! x(j)\n'
            '! y(i)\n'
            'do i = 1, m\n'
            '   do j = 1, n\n'
            '      y(i) = A(i, j)*x(j)\n'
            '   end do\n'
            'end do'
    code = printer.doprint(A*x)
    assert expected == code
Пример #8
def test_indent():
    codelines = ("subroutine test(a)\n"
                 "integer :: a, i, j\n"
                 "do \n"
                 "do j = 1, 5\n"
                 "if (a>b) then\n"
                 "if(b>0) then\n"
                 "a = 3\n"
                 "donot_indent_me = 2\n"
                 "do_not_indent_me_either = 2\n"
                 "ifIam_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n"
                 "if_I_am_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n"
                 "end should not be unindented here\n"
                 "end if\n"
                 "end do\n"
                 "end do\n"
                 "end subroutine\n"
                 "subroutine test2(a)\n"
                 "integer :: a\n"
                 "a = a + 1\n"
                 "end do \n"
                 "end subroutine\n")
    expected = ("subroutine test(a)\n"
                "integer :: a, i, j\n"
                "   do \n"
                "      do j = 1, 5\n"
                "         if (a>b) then\n"
                "            if(b>0) then\n"
                "               a = 3\n"
                "               donot_indent_me = 2\n"
                "               do_not_indent_me_either = 2\n"
                "               ifIam_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n"
                "               if_I_am_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n"
                "               end should not be unindented here\n"
                "            end if\n"
                "         endif\n"
                "      end do\n"
                "   end do\n"
                "end subroutine\n"
                "subroutine test2(a)\n"
                "integer :: a\n"
                "   a = a + 1\n"
                "end do \n"
                "end subroutine\n")
    p = FCodePrinter({"source_format": "free"})
    result = p.indent_code(codelines)
    assert result == expected
Пример #9
def test_wrap_fortran():
    #   "########################################################################"
    printer = FCodePrinter()
    lines = [
        "C     This is a long comment on a single line that must be wrapped properly to produce nice output",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that * must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +  that * must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that * must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that*must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that*must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +    that*must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +     that*must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +  that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +    that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +     that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement(that)/must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran +     statement(that)/must + be + wrapped + properly",
    wrapped_lines = printer._wrap_fortran(lines)
    expected_lines = [
        "C     This is a long comment on a single line that must be wrapped",
        "C     properly to produce nice output",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that *",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +  that *",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that",
        "     @ * must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that*",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that*",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +    that",
        "     @ *must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +",
        "     @ that*must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that**",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +  that**",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that",
        "     @ **must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +    that",
        "     @ **must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +",
        "     @ that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement(that)/",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran +     statement(that)",
        "     @ /must + be + wrapped + properly",
    for line in wrapped_lines:
        assert len(line) <= 72
    for w, e in zip(wrapped_lines, expected_lines):
        assert w == e
    assert len(wrapped_lines) == len(expected_lines)
Пример #10
def test_indent():
    codelines = ('subroutine test(a)\n'
                 'integer :: a, i, j\n'
                 'do \n'
                 'do j = 1, 5\n'
                 'if (a>b) then\n'
                 'if(b>0) then\n'
                 'a = 3\n'
                 'donot_indent_me = 2\n'
                 'do_not_indent_me_either = 2\n'
                 'ifIam_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n'
                 'if_I_am_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n'
                 'end should not be unindented here\n'
                 'end if\n'
                 'end do\n'
                 'end do\n'
                 'end subroutine\n'
                 'subroutine test2(a)\n'
                 'integer :: a\n'
                 'a = a + 1\n'
                 'end do \n'
                 'end subroutine\n')
    expected = ('subroutine test(a)\n'
                'integer :: a, i, j\n'
                '   do \n'
                '      do j = 1, 5\n'
                '         if (a>b) then\n'
                '            if(b>0) then\n'
                '               a = 3\n'
                '               donot_indent_me = 2\n'
                '               do_not_indent_me_either = 2\n'
                '               ifIam_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n'
                '               if_I_am_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n'
                '               end should not be unindented here\n'
                '            end if\n'
                '         endif\n'
                '      end do\n'
                '   end do\n'
                'end subroutine\n'
                'subroutine test2(a)\n'
                'integer :: a\n'
                '   a = a + 1\n'
                'end do \n'
                'end subroutine\n')
    p = FCodePrinter({'source_format': 'free'})
    result = p.indent_code(codelines)
    assert result == expected
Пример #11
def test_wrap_fortran():
    #   "########################################################################"
    printer = FCodePrinter()
    lines = [
        "C     This is a long comment on a single line that must be wrapped properly to produce nice output",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that * must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +  that * must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that * must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that*must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that*must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +    that*must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +     that*must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +  that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +    that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +     that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement(that)/must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran +     statement(that)/must + be + wrapped + properly",
    wrapped_lines = printer._wrap_fortran(lines)
    expected_lines = [
        "C     This is a long comment on a single line that must be wrapped",
        "C     properly to produce nice output",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that *",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +  that *",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that",
        "     @ * must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that*",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that*",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +    that",
        "     @ *must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +",
        "     @ that*must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement + that**",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +  that**",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +   that",
        "     @ **must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +    that",
        "     @ **must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement +",
        "     @ that**must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran + statement(that)/",
        "     @ must + be + wrapped + properly",
        "      this = is + a + long + and + nasty + fortran +     statement(that)",
        "     @ /must + be + wrapped + properly",
    for line in wrapped_lines:
        assert len(line) <= 72
    for w, e in zip(wrapped_lines, expected_lines):
        assert w == e
    assert len(wrapped_lines) == len(expected_lines)
Пример #12
def test_fcode_NumberSymbol():
    p = FCodePrinter()
    assert fcode(
    ) == '      parameter (Catalan = 0.915965594177219d0)\n      Catalan'
    assert fcode(
    ) == '      parameter (EulerGamma = 0.577215664901533d0)\n      EulerGamma'
    assert fcode(E) == '      parameter (E = 2.71828182845905d0)\n      E'
    assert fcode(
    ) == '      parameter (GoldenRatio = 1.61803398874989d0)\n      GoldenRatio'
    assert fcode(pi) == '      parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979d0)\n      pi'
    assert fcode(pi,
                 precision=5) == '      parameter (pi = 3.1416d0)\n      pi'
    assert fcode(Catalan, human=False) == (set([
        (Catalan, p._print(Catalan.evalf(15)))
    ]), set([]), '      Catalan')
    assert fcode(EulerGamma, human=False) == (set([
        (EulerGamma, p._print(EulerGamma.evalf(15)))
    ]), set([]), '      EulerGamma')
    assert fcode(E, human=False) == (set([(E, p._print(E.evalf(15)))]),
                                     set([]), '      E')
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio, human=False) == (set([
        (GoldenRatio, p._print(GoldenRatio.evalf(15)))
    ]), set([]), '      GoldenRatio')
    assert fcode(pi, human=False) == (set([(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(15)))]),
                                      set([]), '      pi')
    assert fcode(pi, precision=5, human=False) == (set([
        (pi, p._print(pi.evalf(5)))
    ]), set([]), '      pi')
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, openmp=True, **kwargs):
        """Initialize a Fortran code printer.

        The printer class, the name of the template, and the line continuation
        symbol will be set automatically.

        if openmp:
            add_templ = {
                'tensor_prelude': _FORTRAN_OMP_PARALLEL_PRELUDE,
                'tensor_finale': _FORTRAN_OMP_PARALLEL_FINALE,
                'init_prelude': _FORTRAN_OMP_INIT_PRELUDE,
                'init_finale': _FORTRAN_OMP_INIT_FINALE,
                'term_prelude': _FORTRAN_OMP_TERM_PRELUDE,
                'term_finale': _FORTRAN_OMP_TERM_FINALE,
            add_templ = None

        super().__init__(FCodePrinter(settings={'source_format': 'free'}),
                         lambda base, indices: base +
                         ('' if len(indices) == 0 else '({})'.format(', '.join(
                             i.index for i in indices))),
                             'form_loop_beg': self._form_fortran_loop_beg,
                             'form_loop_end': self._form_fortran_loop_end,
                         add_globals={'zero_literal': '0.0'},
Пример #14
def test_fcode_NumberSymbol():
    prec = 17
    p = FCodePrinter()
    assert fcode(
    ) == "      parameter (Catalan = %sd0)\n      Catalan" % Catalan.evalf(
    assert fcode(
    ) == "      parameter (EulerGamma = %sd0)\n      EulerGamma" % EulerGamma.evalf(
    assert fcode(E) == "      parameter (E = %sd0)\n      E" % E.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(
    ) == "      parameter (GoldenRatio = %sd0)\n      GoldenRatio" % GoldenRatio.evalf(
    assert fcode(
        pi) == "      parameter (pi = %sd0)\n      pi" % pi.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(
        precision=5) == "      parameter (pi = %sd0)\n      pi" % pi.evalf(5)
    assert fcode(Catalan, human=False) == (
        set([(Catalan, p._print(Catalan.evalf(prec)))]),
        "      Catalan",
    assert fcode(EulerGamma, human=False) == (
        set([(EulerGamma, p._print(EulerGamma.evalf(prec)))]),
        "      EulerGamma",
    assert fcode(E, human=False) == (
        set([(E, p._print(E.evalf(prec)))]),
        "      E",
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio, human=False) == (
        set([(GoldenRatio, p._print(GoldenRatio.evalf(prec)))]),
        "      GoldenRatio",
    assert fcode(pi, human=False) == (
        set([(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(prec)))]),
        "      pi",
    assert fcode(pi, precision=5, human=False) == (
        set([(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(5)))]),
        "      pi",
Пример #15
def test_wrap_fortran_keep_d0():
    printer = FCodePrinter()
    lines = [
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break=1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break =1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break  = 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break   = 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break    = 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break = 10.0d0'
    expected = [
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break=1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break =',
        '     @ 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break  =',
        '     @ 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break   =',
        '     @ 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break    =',
        '     @ 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break =',
        '     @ 10.0d0'
    assert printer._wrap_fortran(lines) == expected
Пример #16
def test_wrap_fortran_keep_d0():
    printer = FCodePrinter()
    lines = [
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break=1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break =1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break  = 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break   = 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break    = 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break = 10.0d0'
    expected = [
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break=1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break =',
        '     @ 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break  =',
        '     @ 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break   =',
        '     @ 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break    =',
        '     @ 1.0d0',
        '      this_variable_is_very_long_because_we_try_to_test_line_break =',
        '     @ 10.0d0'
    assert printer._wrap_fortran(lines) == expected
Пример #17
def test_fcode_NumberSymbol():
    p = FCodePrinter()
    assert fcode(Catalan) == '      parameter (Catalan = 0.915965594177219d0)\n      Catalan'
    assert fcode(EulerGamma) == '      parameter (EulerGamma = 0.577215664901533d0)\n      EulerGamma'
    assert fcode(E) == '      parameter (E = 2.71828182845905d0)\n      E'
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio) == '      parameter (GoldenRatio = 1.61803398874989d0)\n      GoldenRatio'
    assert fcode(pi) == '      parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979d0)\n      pi'
    assert fcode(pi,precision=5) == '      parameter (pi = 3.1416d0)\n      pi'
    assert fcode(Catalan,human=False) == (set([(Catalan, p._print(Catalan.evalf(15)))]), set([]), '      Catalan')
    assert fcode(EulerGamma,human=False) == (set([(EulerGamma, p._print(EulerGamma.evalf(15)))]), set([]), '      EulerGamma')
    assert fcode(E,human=False) == (set([(E, p._print(E.evalf(15)))]), set([]), '      E')
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio,human=False) == (set([(GoldenRatio, p._print(GoldenRatio.evalf(15)))]), set([]), '      GoldenRatio')
    assert fcode(pi,human=False) == (set([(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(15)))]), set([]), '      pi')
    assert fcode(pi,precision=5,human=False) == (set([(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(5)))]), set([]), '      pi')
Пример #18
def test_fcode_NumberSymbol():
    prec = 17
    p = FCodePrinter()
    assert fcode(Catalan) == '      parameter (Catalan = %sd0)\n      Catalan' % Catalan.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(EulerGamma) == '      parameter (EulerGamma = %sd0)\n      EulerGamma' % EulerGamma.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(E) == '      parameter (E = %sd0)\n      E' % E.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio) == '      parameter (GoldenRatio = %sd0)\n      GoldenRatio' % GoldenRatio.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(pi) == '      parameter (pi = %sd0)\n      pi' % pi.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(
        pi, precision=5) == '      parameter (pi = %sd0)\n      pi' % pi.evalf(5)
    assert fcode(Catalan, human=False) == (set(
        [(Catalan, p._print(Catalan.evalf(prec)))]), set([]), '      Catalan')
    assert fcode(EulerGamma, human=False) == (set([(EulerGamma, p._print(
        EulerGamma.evalf(prec)))]), set([]), '      EulerGamma')
    assert fcode(E, human=False) == (
        set([(E, p._print(E.evalf(prec)))]), set([]), '      E')
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio, human=False) == (set([(GoldenRatio, p._print(
        GoldenRatio.evalf(prec)))]), set([]), '      GoldenRatio')
    assert fcode(pi, human=False) == (
        set([(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(prec)))]), set([]), '      pi')
    assert fcode(pi, precision=5, human=False) == (
        set([(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(5)))]), set([]), '      pi')
Пример #19
def test_fcode_NumberSymbol():
    prec = 17
    p = FCodePrinter()
    assert fcode(Catalan) == '      parameter (Catalan = %sd0)\n      Catalan' % Catalan.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(EulerGamma) == '      parameter (EulerGamma = %sd0)\n      EulerGamma' % EulerGamma.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(E) == '      parameter (E = %sd0)\n      E' % E.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio) == '      parameter (GoldenRatio = %sd0)\n      GoldenRatio' % GoldenRatio.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(pi) == '      parameter (pi = %sd0)\n      pi' % pi.evalf(prec)
    assert fcode(
        pi, precision=5) == '      parameter (pi = %sd0)\n      pi' % pi.evalf(5)
    assert fcode(Catalan, human=False) == (set(
        [(Catalan, p._print(Catalan.evalf(prec)))]), set([]), '      Catalan')
    assert fcode(EulerGamma, human=False) == (set([(EulerGamma, p._print(
        EulerGamma.evalf(prec)))]), set([]), '      EulerGamma')
    assert fcode(E, human=False) == (
        set([(E, p._print(E.evalf(prec)))]), set([]), '      E')
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio, human=False) == (set([(GoldenRatio, p._print(
        GoldenRatio.evalf(prec)))]), set([]), '      GoldenRatio')
    assert fcode(pi, human=False) == (
        set([(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(prec)))]), set([]), '      pi')
    assert fcode(pi, precision=5, human=False) == (
        set([(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(5)))]), set([]), '      pi')
Пример #20
 def _indent_code(self, codelines):
     p = FCodePrinter({'source_format': 'free', 'human': False})
     return p.indent_code(codelines)
Пример #21
def test_indent():
    codelines = (
        'subroutine test(a)\n'
        'integer :: a, i, j\n'
        'do \n'
        'do j = 1, 5\n'
        'if (a>b) then\n'
        'if(b>0) then\n'
        'a = 3\n'
        'donot_indent_me = 2\n'
        'do_not_indent_me_either = 2\n'
        'ifIam_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n'
        'if_I_am_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n'
        'end should not be unindented here\n'
        'end if\n'
        'end do\n'
        'end do\n'
        'end subroutine\n'
        'subroutine test2(a)\n'
        'integer :: a\n'
        'a = a + 1\n'
        'end do \n'
        'end subroutine\n'
    expected = (
        'subroutine test(a)\n'
        'integer :: a, i, j\n'
        '   do \n'
        '      do j = 1, 5\n'
        '         if (a>b) then\n'
        '            if(b>0) then\n'
        '               a = 3\n'
        '               donot_indent_me = 2\n'
        '               do_not_indent_me_either = 2\n'
        '               ifIam_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n'
        '               if_I_am_indented_something_went_wrong = 2\n'
        '               end should not be unindented here\n'
        '            end if\n'
        '         endif\n'
        '      end do\n'
        '   end do\n'
        'end subroutine\n'
        'subroutine test2(a)\n'
        'integer :: a\n'
        '   a = a + 1\n'
        'end do \n'
        'end subroutine\n'
    p = FCodePrinter({'source_format': 'free'})
    result = p.indent_code(codelines)
    assert result == expected
Пример #22
 def _indent_code(self, codelines):
     p = FCodePrinter({'source_format': 'free', 'human': False})
     return p.indent_code(codelines)
Пример #23
 def _print_Indexed(self, expr):
     return FCodePrinter._print_Indexed(self, expr)