Пример #1
    def hom(self, A, B):
        Returns a 2-tuple of sets of morphisms between objects A and
        B: one set of morphisms listed as premises, and the other set
        of morphisms listed as conclusions.


        >>> from sympy.categories import Object, NamedMorphism, Diagram
        >>> from sympy import pretty
        >>> A = Object("A")
        >>> B = Object("B")
        >>> C = Object("C")
        >>> f = NamedMorphism(A, B, "f")
        >>> g = NamedMorphism(B, C, "g")
        >>> d = Diagram([f, g], {g * f: "unique"})
        >>> print(pretty(d.hom(A, C), use_unicode=False))
        ({g*f:A-->C}, {g*f:A-->C})

        See Also
        Object, Morphism
        premises = EmptySet()
        conclusions = EmptySet()

        for morphism in self.premises.keys():
            if (morphism.domain == A) and (morphism.codomain == B):
                premises |= FiniteSet(morphism)
        for morphism in self.conclusions.keys():
            if (morphism.domain == A) and (morphism.codomain == B):
                conclusions |= FiniteSet(morphism)

        return (premises, conclusions)
Пример #2
    def __new__(cls, name, objects=EmptySet(), commutative_diagrams=EmptySet()):
        if not name:
            raise ValueError("A Category cannot have an empty name.")

        new_category = Basic.__new__(cls, Symbol(name), Class(objects),
        return new_category
def test_simplified_FiniteSet_in_CondSet():
    assert ConditionSet(x, And(x < 1, x > -3), FiniteSet(0, 1, 2)) == FiniteSet(0)
    assert ConditionSet(x, x < 0, FiniteSet(0, 1, 2)) == EmptySet()
    assert ConditionSet(x, And(x < -3), EmptySet()) == EmptySet()
    y = Symbol('y')
    assert (ConditionSet(x, And(x > 0), FiniteSet(-1, 0, 1, y)) ==
        Union(FiniteSet(1), ConditionSet(x, And(x > 0), FiniteSet(y))))
    assert (ConditionSet(x, Eq(Mod(x, 3), 1), FiniteSet(1, 4, 2, y)) ==
        Union(FiniteSet(1, 4), ConditionSet(x, Eq(Mod(x, 3), 1), FiniteSet(y))))
Пример #4
    def _add_morphism_closure(morphisms,
        Adds a morphism and its attributes to the supplied dictionary
        ``morphisms``.  If ``add_identities`` is True, also adds the
        identity morphisms for the domain and the codomain of
        if not Diagram._set_dict_union(morphisms, morphism, props):
            # We have just added a new morphism.

            if isinstance(morphism, IdentityMorphism):
                if props:
                    # Properties for identity morphisms don't really
                    # make sense, because very much is known about
                    # identity morphisms already, so much that they
                    # are trivial.  Having properties for identity
                    # morphisms would only be confusing.
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Instances of IdentityMorphism cannot have properties."

            if add_identities:
                empty = EmptySet()

                id_dom = IdentityMorphism(morphism.domain)
                id_cod = IdentityMorphism(morphism.codomain)

                Diagram._set_dict_union(morphisms, id_dom, empty)
                Diagram._set_dict_union(morphisms, id_cod, empty)

            for existing_morphism, existing_props in list(morphisms.items()):
                new_props = existing_props & props
                if morphism.domain == existing_morphism.codomain:
                    left = morphism * existing_morphism
                    Diagram._set_dict_union(morphisms, left, new_props)
                if morphism.codomain == existing_morphism.domain:
                    right = existing_morphism * morphism
                    Diagram._set_dict_union(morphisms, right, new_props)

            if isinstance(morphism, CompositeMorphism) and recurse_composites:
                # This is a composite morphism, add its components as
                # well.
                empty = EmptySet()
                for component in morphism.components:
                    Diagram._add_morphism_closure(morphisms, component, empty,
Пример #5
    def constraint_to_matrix(self, constraint):
        Generates the corresponding block in the lp matrix from a given constraint and adds the result to the block dictionary.

        :param constraint: The constraint the corresponding block is generated from.
        constr_name = constraint_str(constraint)

        self.row_dicts[constr_name] = OrderedSet()
        row_dict = self.row_dicts[constr_name]

        if isinstance(constraint, Rel):
            lhs = constraint.lhs - constraint.rhs
            constr_query = True
            constr_query_symbols = EmptySet()
            if isinstance(constraint, GreaterThan):
                lhs *= -1
        elif isinstance(constraint, ForAll):
            lhs = constraint.relation.lhs - constraint.relation.rhs
            if isinstance(constraint.relation, GreaterThan):
                lhs *= -1
            constr_query = constraint.query
            constr_query_symbols = constraint.query_symbols
            raise Exception("Impossible-to-happen Exception!")

        var_blocks = self.expr_to_matrix(lhs, row_dict, constr_query, constr_query_symbols)

        self.blocks[constr_name] = var_blocks
Пример #6
def test_booleans():
    """ test basic unions and intersections """
    assert Union(l1, l2).equals(l1)
    assert Intersection(l1, l2).equals(l1)
    assert Intersection(l1, l4) == FiniteSet(Point(1, 1))
    assert Intersection(Union(l1, l4),
                        l3) == FiniteSet(Point(-1 / 3, -1 / 3), Point(5, 1))
    assert Intersection(l1, FiniteSet(Point(7, -7))) == EmptySet()
    assert Intersection(Circle(Point(0, 0), 3),
                        Line(p1, p2)) == FiniteSet(Point(-3, 0), Point(3, 0))

    fs = FiniteSet(Point(1 / 3, 1), Point(2 / 3, 0), Point(9 / 5, 1 / 5),
                   Point(7 / 3, 1))
    # test the intersection of polygons
    assert Intersection(poly1, poly2) == fs
    # make sure if we union polygons with subsets, the subsets go away
    assert Union(poly1, poly2, fs) == Union(poly1, poly2)
    # make sure that if we union with a FiniteSet that isn't a subset,
    # that the points in the intersection stop being listed
    assert Union(poly1, FiniteSet(Point(0, 0),
                                        5))) == Union(poly1,
                                                      FiniteSet(Point(3, 5)))
    # intersect two polygons that share an edge
    assert Intersection(poly1, poly3) == Union(
        FiniteSet(Point(3 / 2, 1), Point(2, 1)),
        Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0)))
Пример #7
    def objective_to_matrix(self, objective):
        Grounds the objective of the given rlp into the matrix

        :param objective: The objective of the LP from which the corresponding block is generated from.
        var_blocks = self.expr_to_matrix(objective, OrderedSet(), True, EmptySet())
        return var_blocks
Пример #8
def test_booleans():
    """ test basic unions and intersections """
    half = Rational(1, 2)

    p1, p2, p3, p4 = map(Point, [(0, 0), (1, 0), (5, 1), (0, 1)])
    p5, p6, p7 = map(Point, [(3, 2), (1, -1), (0, 2)])
    l1 = Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1))
    l2 = Line(Point(half, half), Point(5, 5))
    l3 = Line(p2, p3)
    l4 = Line(p3, p4)
    poly1 = Polygon(p1, p2, p3, p4)
    poly2 = Polygon(p5, p6, p7)
    poly3 = Polygon(p1, p2, p5)
    assert Union(l1, l2).equals(l1)
    assert Intersection(l1, l2).equals(l1)
    assert Intersection(l1, l4) == FiniteSet(Point(1, 1))
    assert Intersection(Union(l1, l4),
                        l3) == FiniteSet(Point(-S(1) / 3, -S(1) / 3),
                                         Point(5, 1))
    assert Intersection(l1, FiniteSet(Point(7, -7))) == EmptySet()
    assert Intersection(Circle(Point(0, 0), 3),
                        Line(p1, p2)) == FiniteSet(Point(-3, 0), Point(3, 0))
    assert Intersection(l1, FiniteSet(p1)) == FiniteSet(p1)
    assert Union(l1, FiniteSet(p1)) == l1

    fs = FiniteSet(Point(S(1) / 3, 1), Point(S(2) / 3, 0),
                   Point(S(9) / 5,
                         S(1) / 5), Point(S(7) / 3, 1))
    # test the intersection of polygons
    assert Intersection(poly1, poly2) == fs
    # make sure if we union polygons with subsets, the subsets go away
    assert Union(poly1, poly2, fs) == Union(poly1, poly2)
    # make sure that if we union with a FiniteSet that isn't a subset,
    # that the points in the intersection stop being listed
    assert Union(poly1, FiniteSet(Point(0, 0),
                                        5))) == Union(poly1,
                                                      FiniteSet(Point(3, 5)))
    # intersect two polygons that share an edge
    assert Intersection(poly1, poly3) == Union(
        FiniteSet(Point(S(3) / 2, 1), Point(2, 1)),
        Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0)))
Пример #9
def solveset(f, symbol=None, domain=S.Complexes):
    """Solves a given inequality or equation with set as output


    f : Expr or a relational.
        The target equation or inequality
    symbol : Symbol
        The variable for which the equation is solved
    domain : Set
        The domain over which the equation is solved


        A set of values for `symbol` for which `f` is True or is equal to
        zero. An `EmptySet` is returned if no solution is found.
        A `ConditionSet` is returned as unsolved object if algorithms
        to evaluatee complete solution are not yet implemented.

    `solveset` claims to be complete in the solution set that it returns.


        The algorithms to solve inequalities in complex domain  are
        not yet implemented.
        The input is not valid.
        It is a bug, please report to the github issue tracker.

    `solveset` uses two underlying functions `solveset_real` and
    `solveset_complex` to solve equations. They are the solvers for real and
    complex domain respectively. `solveset` ignores the assumptions on the
    variable being solved for and instead, uses the `domain` parameter to
    decide which solver to use.

    See Also

    solveset_real: solver for real domain
    solveset_complex: solver for complex domain


    >>> from sympy import exp, Symbol, Eq, pprint, S, solveset
    >>> from sympy.abc import x

    * The default domain is complex. Not specifying a domain will lead to the
      solving of the equation in the complex domain.

    >>> pprint(solveset(exp(x) - 1, x), use_unicode=False)
    {2*n*I*pi | n in Integers()}

    * If you want to solve equation in real domain by the `solveset`
      interface, then specify that the domain is real. Alternatively use

    >>> x = Symbol('x')
    >>> solveset(exp(x) - 1, x, S.Reals)
    >>> solveset(Eq(exp(x), 1), x, S.Reals)

    * Inequalities can be solved over the real domain only. Use of a complex
      domain leads to a NotImplementedError.

    >>> solveset(exp(x) > 1, x, S.Reals)
    (0, oo)


    from sympy.solvers.inequalities import solve_univariate_inequality

    if symbol is None:
        free_symbols = f.free_symbols
        if len(free_symbols) == 1:
            symbol = free_symbols.pop()
            raise ValueError(
                The independent variable must be specified for a
                multivariate equation.'''))
    elif not symbol.is_Symbol:
        raise ValueError('A Symbol must be given, not type %s: %s' %
                         (type(symbol), symbol))

    f = sympify(f)

    if f is S.false:
        return EmptySet()

    if f is S.true:
        return domain

    if isinstance(f, Eq):
        from sympy.core import Add
        f = Add(f.lhs, -f.rhs, evaluate=False)

    if f.is_Relational:
        if not domain.is_subset(S.Reals):
            raise NotImplementedError("Inequalities in the complex domain are "
                                      "not supported. Try the real domain by"
                                      "setting domain=S.Reals")
            result = solve_univariate_inequality(
                f, symbol, relational=False).intersection(domain)
        except NotImplementedError:
            result = ConditionSet(symbol, f, domain)
        return result

    if isinstance(f, (Expr, Number)):
        if domain is S.Reals:
            return solveset_real(f, symbol)
        elif domain is S.Complexes:
            return solveset_complex(f, symbol)
        elif domain.is_subset(S.Reals):
            return Intersection(solveset_real(f, symbol), domain)
            return Intersection(solveset_complex(f, symbol), domain)
Пример #10
def solveset_complex(f, symbol):
    """ Solve a complex valued equation.


    f : Expr
        The target equation
    symbol : Symbol
        The variable for which the equation is solved


        A set of values for `symbol` for which `f` equal to
        zero. An `EmptySet` is returned if no solution is found.
        A `ConditionSet` is returned as an unsolved object if algorithms
        to evaluate complete solutions are not yet implemented.

    `solveset_complex` claims to be complete in the solution set that
    it returns.


        The algorithms to solve inequalities in complex domain  are
        not yet implemented.
        The input is not valid.
        It is a bug, please report to the github issue tracker.

    See Also

    solveset_real: solver for real domain


    >>> from sympy import Symbol, exp
    >>> from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset_complex
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, a, b, c
    >>> solveset_complex(a*x**2 + b*x +c, x)
    {-b/(2*a) - sqrt(-4*a*c + b**2)/(2*a), -b/(2*a) + sqrt(-4*a*c + b**2)/(2*a)}

    * Due to the fact that complex extension of my real valued functions are
      multivariate even some simple equations can have infinitely many

    >>> solveset_complex(exp(x) - 1, x)
    ImageSet(Lambda(_n, 2*_n*I*pi), Integers())

    if not symbol.is_Symbol:
        raise ValueError(" %s is not a symbol" % (symbol))

    f = sympify(f)
    original_eq = f
    if not isinstance(f, (Expr, Number)):
        raise ValueError(" %s is not a valid sympy expression" % (f))

    f = together(f)
    # Without this equations like a + 4*x**2 - E keep oscillating
    # into form  a/4 + x**2 - E/4 and (a + 4*x**2 - E)/4
    if not fraction(f)[1].has(symbol):
        f = expand(f)

    if f.is_zero:
        return S.Complexes
    elif not f.has(symbol):
        result = EmptySet()
    elif f.is_Mul and all([_is_finite_with_finite_vars(m) for m in f.args]):
        result = Union(*[solveset_complex(m, symbol) for m in f.args])
        lhs, rhs_s = invert_complex(f, 0, symbol)
        if lhs == symbol:
            result = rhs_s
        elif isinstance(rhs_s, FiniteSet):
            equations = [lhs - rhs for rhs in rhs_s]
            result = EmptySet()
            for equation in equations:
                if equation == f:
                    if any(
                            _has_rational_power(g, symbol)[0]
                            for g in equation.args):
                        result += _solve_radical(equation, symbol,
                        result += _solve_as_rational(
                    result += solveset_complex(equation, symbol)
            result = ConditionSet(symbol, Eq(f, 0), S.Complexes)

    if isinstance(result, FiniteSet):
        result = [
            s for s in result
            if isinstance(s, RootOf) or domain_check(original_eq, symbol, s)
        return FiniteSet(*result)
        return result
Пример #11
def solveset_real(f, symbol):
    """ Solves a real valued equation.


    f : Expr
        The target equation
    symbol : Symbol
        The variable for which the equation is solved


        A set of values for `symbol` for which `f` is equal to
        zero. An `EmptySet` is returned if no solution is found.
        A `ConditionSet` is returned as unsolved object if algorithms
        to evaluate complete solutions are not yet implemented.

    `solveset_real` claims to be complete in the set of the solution it


        Algorithms to solve inequalities in complex domain are
        not yet implemented.
        The input is not valid.
        It is a bug, please report to the github issue tracker.

    See Also

    solveset_complex : solver for complex domain


    >>> from sympy import Symbol, exp, sin, sqrt, I
    >>> from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset_real
    >>> x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    >>> a = Symbol('a', real=True, finite=True, positive=True)
    >>> solveset_real(x**2 - 1, x)
    {-1, 1}
    >>> solveset_real(sqrt(5*x + 6) - 2 - x, x)
    {-1, 2}
    >>> solveset_real(x - I, x)
    >>> solveset_real(x - a, x)
    >>> solveset_real(exp(x) - a, x)

    * In case the equation has infinitely many solutions an infinitely indexed
      `ImageSet` is returned.

    >>> solveset_real(sin(x) - 1, x)
    ImageSet(Lambda(_n, 2*_n*pi + pi/2), Integers())

    * If the equation is true for any arbitrary value of the symbol a `S.Reals`
      set is returned.

    >>> solveset_real(x - x, x)
    (-oo, oo)

    if not symbol.is_Symbol:
        raise ValueError(" %s is not a symbol" % (symbol))

    f = sympify(f)
    if not isinstance(f, (Expr, Number)):
        raise ValueError(" %s is not a valid sympy expression" % (f))

    original_eq = f
    f = together(f)

    # In this, unlike in solveset_complex, expression should only
    # be expanded when fraction(f)[1] does not contain the symbol
    # for which we are solving
    if not symbol in fraction(f)[1].free_symbols and f.is_rational_function():
        f = expand(f)

    if f.has(Piecewise):
        f = piecewise_fold(f)
    result = EmptySet()

    if f.expand().is_zero:
        return S.Reals
    elif not f.has(symbol):
        return EmptySet()
    elif f.is_Mul and all([_is_finite_with_finite_vars(m) for m in f.args]):
        # if f(x) and g(x) are both finite we can say that the solution of
        # f(x)*g(x) == 0 is same as Union(f(x) == 0, g(x) == 0) is not true in
        # general. g(x) can grow to infinitely large for the values where
        # f(x) == 0. To be sure that we are not silently allowing any
        # wrong solutions we are using this technique only if both f and g are
        # finite for a finite input.
        result = Union(*[solveset_real(m, symbol) for m in f.args])
    elif _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction, f, symbol) or \
            _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction, f, symbol):
        result = _solve_real_trig(f, symbol)
    elif f.is_Piecewise:
        result = EmptySet()
        expr_set_pairs = f.as_expr_set_pairs()
        for (expr, in_set) in expr_set_pairs:
            solns = solveset_real(expr, symbol).intersect(in_set)
            result = result + solns
        lhs, rhs_s = invert_real(f, 0, symbol)
        if lhs == symbol:
            result = rhs_s
        elif isinstance(rhs_s, FiniteSet):
            equations = [lhs - rhs for rhs in rhs_s]
            for equation in equations:
                if equation == f:
                    if any(
                            _has_rational_power(g, symbol)[0]
                            for g in equation.args):
                        result += _solve_radical(equation, symbol,
                    elif equation.has(Abs):
                        result += _solve_abs(f, symbol)
                        result += _solve_as_rational(
                    result += solveset_real(equation, symbol)
            result = ConditionSet(symbol, Eq(f, 0), S.Reals)

    if isinstance(result, FiniteSet):
        result = [
            s for s in result
            if isinstance(s, RootOf) or domain_check(original_eq, symbol, s)
        return FiniteSet(*result).intersect(S.Reals)
        return result.intersect(S.Reals)
Пример #12
def test_sympify_set():
    n = Symbol('n')
    assert sympify({n}) == FiniteSet(n)
    assert sympify(set()) == EmptySet()
Пример #13
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        Construct a new instance of Diagram.

        If no arguments are supplied, an empty diagram is created.

        If at least an argument is supplied, ``args[0]`` is
        interpreted as the premises of the diagram.  If ``args[0]`` is
        a list, it is interpreted as a list of :class:`Morphism`'s, in
        which each :class:`Morphism` has an empty set of properties.
        If ``args[0]`` is a Python dictionary or a :class:`Dict`, it
        is interpreted as a dictionary associating to some
        :class:`Morphism`'s some properties.

        If at least two arguments are supplied ``args[1]`` is
        interpreted as the conclusions of the diagram.  The type of
        ``args[1]`` is interpreted in exactly the same way as the type
        of ``args[0]``.  If only one argument is supplied, the diagram
        has no conclusions.


        >>> from sympy.categories import Object, NamedMorphism
        >>> from sympy.categories import IdentityMorphism, Diagram
        >>> A = Object("A")
        >>> B = Object("B")
        >>> C = Object("C")
        >>> f = NamedMorphism(A, B, "f")
        >>> g = NamedMorphism(B, C, "g")
        >>> d = Diagram([f, g])
        >>> IdentityMorphism(A) in d.premises.keys()
        >>> g * f in d.premises.keys()
        >>> d = Diagram([f, g], {g * f: "unique"})
        >>> d.conclusions[g * f]

        premises = {}
        conclusions = {}

        # Here we will keep track of the objects which appear in the
        # premises.
        objects = EmptySet()

        if len(args) >= 1:
            # We've got some premises in the arguments.
            premises_arg = args[0]

            if isinstance(premises_arg, list):
                # The user has supplied a list of morphisms, none of
                # which have any attributes.
                empty = EmptySet()

                for morphism in premises_arg:
                    objects |= FiniteSet(morphism.domain, morphism.codomain)
                    Diagram._add_morphism_closure(premises, morphism, empty)
            elif isinstance(premises_arg, dict) or isinstance(
                    premises_arg, Dict):
                # The user has supplied a dictionary of morphisms and
                # their properties.
                for morphism, props in premises_arg.items():
                    objects |= FiniteSet(morphism.domain, morphism.codomain)
                        premises, morphism,
                            *props) if iterable(props) else FiniteSet(props))

        if len(args) >= 2:
            # We also have some conclusions.
            conclusions_arg = args[1]

            if isinstance(conclusions_arg, list):
                # The user has supplied a list of morphisms, none of
                # which have any attributes.
                empty = EmptySet()

                for morphism in conclusions_arg:
                    # Check that no new objects appear in conclusions.
                    if (morphism.domain in objects) and \
                       (morphism.codomain in objects):
                        # No need to add identities and recurse
                        # composites this time.
            elif isinstance(conclusions_arg, dict) or \
                    isinstance(conclusions_arg, Dict):
                # The user has supplied a dictionary of morphisms and
                # their properties.
                for morphism, props in conclusions_arg.items():
                    # Check that no new objects appear in conclusions.
                    if (morphism.domain in objects) and \
                       (morphism.codomain in objects):
                        # No need to add identities and recurse
                        # composites this time.
                            if iterable(props) else FiniteSet(props),

        return Basic.__new__(cls, Dict(premises), Dict(conclusions), objects)
Пример #14
def solveset(f, symbol=None):
    """Solves a given inequality or equation with set as output


    f : Expr or a relational.
        The target equation or inequality
    symbol : Symbol
        The variable for which the equation is solved


        A set of values for `symbol` for which `f` is True or is equal to
        zero. An `EmptySet` is returned if no solution is found.

    `solveset` claims to be complete in the solution set that it returns.


        The algorithms for to find the solution of the given equation are
        not yet implemented.
        The input is not valid.
        It is a bug, please report to the github issue tracker.

    `solveset` uses two underlying functions `solveset_real` and
    `solveset_complex` to solve equations. They are
    the solvers for real and complex domain respectively. The domain of
    the solver is decided by the assumption on the variable for which the
    equation is being solved.

    See Also

    solveset_real: solver for real domain
    solveset_complex: solver for complex domain


    >>> from sympy import exp, Symbol, Eq, pprint
    >>> from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset
    >>> from sympy.abc import x

    * Symbols in Sympy are complex by default. A complex variable
      will lead to the solving of the equation in complex domain.

    >>> pprint(solveset(exp(x) - 1, x), use_unicode=False)
    {2*n*I*pi | n in Integers()}

    * If you want to solve equation in real domain by the `solveset`
      interface, then specify the variable to real. Alternatively use

    >>> x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    >>> solveset(exp(x) - 1, x)
    >>> solveset(Eq(exp(x), 1), x)

    * Inequalities are always solved in the real domain irrespective of
      the assumption on the variable for which the inequality is solved.

    >>> solveset(exp(x) > 1, x)
    (0, oo)


    from sympy.solvers.inequalities import solve_univariate_inequality

    if symbol is None:
        free_symbols = f.free_symbols
        if len(free_symbols) == 1:
            symbol = free_symbols.pop()
            raise ValueError(
                The independent variable must be specified for a
                multivariate equation.'''))
    elif not symbol.is_Symbol:
        raise ValueError('A Symbol must be given, not type %s: %s' %
                         (type(symbol), symbol))

    real = (symbol.is_real is True)

    f = sympify(f)

    if f is S.false:
        return EmptySet()

    if f is S.true:
        if real:
            return S.Reals
            return S.Complex

    if isinstance(f, Eq):
        from sympy.core import Add
        f = Add(f.lhs, -f.rhs, evaluate=False)

    if f.is_Relational:
        if real is False:
                The variable you are solving for is complex
                but will assumed to be real since solving complex
                inequalities is not supported.
        return solve_univariate_inequality(f, symbol, relational=False)

    if isinstance(f, (Expr, Number)):
        if real is True:
            return solveset_real(f, symbol)
            return solveset_complex(f, symbol)
Пример #15
    def expr_to_matrix(self, expr, row_dict, constr_query, constr_query_symbols):
        First normalizes a given expression with a visitor pattern then queries the knowledge base for the given query
        and assigns the results to their respective row and column index defined the the row and column dictionaries.

        :param expr: The expression to be grounded
        :type expr: Sympy Expression| RLPSum
        :param row_dict: An OrderedSet containing the row indices for the lp matrix for the given expression
        :type row_dict: OrderedSet
        :param constr_query: The query originating from a given constraint
        :type constr_query: Sympy Expression | RLPSum
        :param constr_query_symbols: A Set containing the query symbols for the given constraint query
        :type constr_query_symbols: FiniteSet
        :return: A dictionary containing a unique name for the variable and the results returned from the knowledge base.
        expr = Normalizer(expr).result

        if not isinstance(expr, Add):
            summands = [expr]
            summands = expr.args

        result = {}
        log.debug("\nSummands: %s", str(summands))

        for summand in summands:
            log.debug("\n->summand: %s", str(summand))

            if isinstance(summand, RlpSum):
                summand_query = summand.query
                summand_query_symbols = summand.query_symbols
                coef_query, coef_expr, variable = coefficient_to_query(summand.args[2])
                summand_query = True
                summand_query_symbols = EmptySet()
                coef_query, coef_expr, variable = coefficient_to_query(summand)

            query_symbols = OrderedSet(constr_query_symbols + summand_query_symbols)

            query = constr_query & summand_query & coef_query

            answers = self.logkb.ask(query_symbols, query, coef_expr)
            variable_qs_indices = []
            if variable is not None:
                variable_qs_indices = [query_symbols.index(arg) for arg in variable.args if isinstance(arg, SubSymbol)]
            constr_qs_indices = [query_symbols.index(symbol) for symbol in constr_query_symbols]

            variable_class = variable.__class__
            col_dict = self.col_dicts.get(variable_class, OrderedSet())
            self.col_dicts[variable_class] = col_dict

            # If the query yields no results we don't have to add anything to the matrix
            if len(answers) == 0:

            expr_index = len(answers[0]) - 1
            sparse_data = []
            for answer in answers:
                column_record = []

                # use only subsymbols when they occur, otherwise constants
                qs_iterator = iter(variable_qs_indices)
                if variable is not None:
                    for arg in variable.args:
                        if isinstance(arg, SubSymbol):

                col_dict_index = col_dict.add(tuple(column_record))
                row_dict_index = row_dict.add(tuple(answer[i] for i in constr_qs_indices))

                sparse_data.append([np.float(answer[expr_index]), row_dict_index, col_dict_index])

            sparse_data = np.array(sparse_data)
            summand_block = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((sparse_data[:, 0], (sparse_data[:, 1], sparse_data[:, 2]))).todok()

            if variable_class in result:
                shape = (len(row_dict), len(col_dict))
                result[variable_class] += summand_block
                result[variable_class] = summand_block

        return result
Пример #16
def _solveset(f, symbol, domain, _check=False):
    """Helper for solveset to return a result from an expression
    that has already been sympify'ed and is known to contain the
    given symbol."""
    # _check controls whether the answer is checked or not

    from sympy.simplify.simplify import signsimp
    orig_f = f
    f = together(f)
    if f.is_Mul:
        _, f = f.as_independent(symbol, as_Add=False)
    if f.is_Add:
        a, h = f.as_independent(symbol)
        m, h = h.as_independent(symbol, as_Add=False)
        f = a/m + h  # XXX condition `m != 0` should be added to soln
    f = piecewise_fold(f)

    # assign the solvers to use
    solver = lambda f, x, domain=domain: _solveset(f, x, domain)
    if domain.is_subset(S.Reals):
        inverter_func = invert_real
        inverter_func = invert_complex
    inverter = lambda f, rhs, symbol: inverter_func(f, rhs, symbol, domain)

    result = EmptySet()

    if f.expand().is_zero:
        return domain
    elif not f.has(symbol):
        return EmptySet()
    elif f.is_Mul and all(_is_finite_with_finite_vars(m, domain)
            for m in f.args):
        # if f(x) and g(x) are both finite we can say that the solution of
        # f(x)*g(x) == 0 is same as Union(f(x) == 0, g(x) == 0) is not true in
        # general. g(x) can grow to infinitely large for the values where
        # f(x) == 0. To be sure that we are not silently allowing any
        # wrong solutions we are using this technique only if both f and g are
        # finite for a finite input.
        result = Union(*[solver(m, symbol) for m in f.args])
    elif _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction, f, symbol) or \
            _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction, f, symbol):
        result = _solve_trig(f, symbol, domain)
    elif f.is_Piecewise:
        dom = domain
        result = EmptySet()
        expr_set_pairs = f.as_expr_set_pairs()
        for (expr, in_set) in expr_set_pairs:
            if in_set.is_Relational:
                in_set = in_set.as_set()
            if in_set.is_Interval:
                dom -= in_set
            solns = solver(expr, symbol, in_set)
            result += solns
        lhs, rhs_s = inverter(f, 0, symbol)
        if lhs == symbol:
            # do some very minimal simplification since
            # repeated inversion may have left the result
            # in a state that other solvers (e.g. poly)
            # would have simplified; this is done here
            # rather than in the inverter since here it
            # is only done once whereas there it would
            # be repeated for each step of the inversion
            if isinstance(rhs_s, FiniteSet):
                rhs_s = FiniteSet(*[Mul(*
                    for i in rhs_s])
            result = rhs_s
        elif isinstance(rhs_s, FiniteSet):
            for equation in [lhs - rhs for rhs in rhs_s]:
                if equation == f:
                    if any(_has_rational_power(g, symbol)[0]
                           for g in equation.args) or _has_rational_power(
                           equation, symbol)[0]:
                        result += _solve_radical(equation,
                    elif equation.has(Abs):
                        result += _solve_abs(f, symbol, domain)
                        result += _solve_as_rational(equation, symbol, domain)
                    result += solver(equation, symbol)
            result = ConditionSet(symbol, Eq(f, 0), domain)

    if _check:
        if isinstance(result, ConditionSet):
            # it wasn't solved or has enumerated all conditions
            # -- leave it alone
            return result

        # whittle away all but the symbol-containing core
        # to use this for testing
        fx = orig_f.as_independent(symbol, as_Add=True)[1]
        fx = fx.as_independent(symbol, as_Add=False)[1]

        if isinstance(result, FiniteSet):
            # check the result for invalid solutions
            result = FiniteSet(*[s for s in result
                      if isinstance(s, RootOf)
                      or domain_check(fx, symbol, s)])

    return result
Пример #17
def linsolve(system, *symbols):
    Solve system of N linear equations with M variables, which
    means both under - and overdetermined systems are supported.
    The possible number of solutions is zero, one or infinite.
    Zero solutions throws a ValueError, where as infinite
    solutions are represented parametrically in terms of given
    symbols. For unique solution a FiniteSet of ordered tuple
    is returned.

    All Standard input formats are supported:
    For the given set of Equations, the respective input types
    are given below:

    .. math:: 3x + 2y -   z = 1
    .. math:: 2x - 2y + 4z = -2
    .. math:: 2x -   y + 2z = 0

    * Augmented Matrix Form, `system` given below:


              [3   2  -1  1]
     system = [2  -2   4 -2]
              [2  -1   2  0]

    * List Of Equations Form

    `system  =  [3x + 2y - z - 1, 2x - 2y + 4z + 2, 2x - y + 2z]`

    * Input A & b Matrix Form (from Ax = b) are given as below:


         [3   2  -1 ]         [  1 ]
     A = [2  -2   4 ]    b =  [ -2 ]
         [2  -1   2 ]         [  0 ]

    `system = (A, b)`

    Symbols to solve for should be given as input in all the
    cases either in an iterable or as comma separated arguments.
    This is done to maintain consistency in returning solutions
    in the form of variable input by the user.

    The algorithm used here is Gauss-Jordan elimination, which
    results, after elimination, in an row echelon form matrix.


    A FiniteSet of ordered tuple of values of `symbols` for which
    the `system` has solution.

    Please note that general FiniteSet is unordered, the solution
    returned here is not simply a FiniteSet of solutions, rather
    it is a FiniteSet of ordered tuple, i.e. the first & only
    argument to FiniteSet is a tuple of solutions, which is ordered,
    & hence the returned solution is ordered.

    Also note that solution could also have been returned as an
    ordered tuple, FiniteSet is just a wrapper `{}` around
    the tuple. It has no other significance except for
    the fact it is just used to maintain a consistent output
    format throughout the solveset.

    Returns EmptySet(), if the linear system is inconsistent.


        The input is not valid.
        The symbols are not given.


    >>> from sympy import Matrix, S, linsolve, symbols
    >>> x, y, z = symbols("x, y, z")
    >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 10]])
    >>> b = Matrix([3, 6, 9])
    >>> A
    [1, 2,  3],
    [4, 5,  6],
    [7, 8, 10]])
    >>> b
    >>> linsolve((A, b), [x, y, z])
    {(-1, 2, 0)}

    * Parametric Solution: In case the system is under determined, the function
      will return parametric solution in terms of the given symbols.
      Free symbols in the system are returned as it is. For e.g. in the system
      below, `z` is returned as the solution for variable z, which means z is a
      free symbol, i.e. it can take arbitrary values.

    >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
    >>> b = Matrix([3, 6, 9])
    >>> linsolve((A, b), [x, y, z])
    {(z - 1, -2*z + 2, z)}

    * List of Equations as input

    >>> Eqns = [3*x + 2*y - z - 1, 2*x - 2*y + 4*z + 2, - x + S(1)/2*y - z]
    >>> linsolve(Eqns, x, y, z)
    {(1, -2, -2)}

    * Augmented Matrix as input

    >>> aug = Matrix([[2, 1, 3, 1], [2, 6, 8, 3], [6, 8, 18, 5]])
    >>> aug
    [2, 1,  3, 1],
    [2, 6,  8, 3],
    [6, 8, 18, 5]])
    >>> linsolve(aug, x, y, z)
    {(3/10, 2/5, 0)}

    * Solve for symbolic coefficients

    >>> a, b, c, d, e, f = symbols('a, b, c, d, e, f')
    >>> eqns = [a*x + b*y - c, d*x + e*y - f]
    >>> linsolve(eqns, x, y)
    {((-b*f + c*e)/(a*e - b*d), (a*f - c*d)/(a*e - b*d))}

    * A degenerate system returns solution as set of given

    >>> system = Matrix(([0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]))
    >>> linsolve(system, x, y)
    {(x, y)}

    * For an empty system linsolve returns empty set

    >>> linsolve([ ], x)


    if not system:
        return S.EmptySet

    if not symbols:
        raise ValueError('Symbols must be given, for which solution of the '
                         'system is to be found.')

    if hasattr(symbols[0], '__iter__'):
        symbols = symbols[0]

        sym = symbols[0].is_Symbol
    except AttributeError:
        sym = False

    if not sym:
        raise ValueError('Symbols or iterable of symbols must be given as '
                         'second argument, not type %s: %s' % (type(symbols[0]), symbols[0]))

    # 1). Augmented Matrix input Form
    if isinstance(system, Matrix):
        A, b = system[:, :-1], system[:, -1:]

    elif hasattr(system, '__iter__'):

        # 2). A & b as input Form
        if len(system) == 2 and system[0].is_Matrix:
            A, b = system[0], system[1]

        # 3). List of equations Form
        if not system[0].is_Matrix:
            A, b = linear_eq_to_matrix(system, symbols)

        raise ValueError("Invalid arguments")

    # Solve using Gauss-Jordan elimination
        sol, params, free_syms = A.gauss_jordan_solve(b, freevar=True)
    except ValueError:
        # No solution
        return EmptySet()

    # Replace free parameters with free symbols
    solution = []
    if params:
        for s in sol:
            for k, v in enumerate(params):
                s = s.xreplace({v: symbols[free_syms[k]]})
        for s in sol:

    # Return solutions
    solution = FiniteSet(tuple(solution))
    return solution
Пример #18
def _invert_real(f, g_ys, symbol):
    """Helper function for _invert."""

    if f == symbol:
        return (f, g_ys)

    n = Dummy('n', real=True)

    if hasattr(f, 'inverse') and not isinstance(f, (
        if len(f.args) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Only functions with one argument are supported.")
        return _invert_real(f.args[0], imageset(Lambda(n,
                                                       f.inverse()(n)), g_ys),

    if isinstance(f, Abs):
        pos = Interval(0, S.Infinity)
        neg = Interval(S.NegativeInfinity, 0)
        return _invert_real(
                imageset(Lambda(n, n), g_ys).intersect(pos),
                imageset(Lambda(n, -n), g_ys).intersect(neg)), symbol)

    if f.is_Add:
        # f = g + h
        g, h = f.as_independent(symbol)
        if g is not S.Zero:
            return _invert_real(h, imageset(Lambda(n, n - g), g_ys), symbol)

    if f.is_Mul:
        # f = g*h
        g, h = f.as_independent(symbol)

        if g is not S.One:
            return _invert_real(h, imageset(Lambda(n, n / g), g_ys), symbol)

    if f.is_Pow:
        base, expo = f.args
        base_has_sym = base.has(symbol)
        expo_has_sym = expo.has(symbol)

        if not expo_has_sym:
            res = imageset(Lambda(n, real_root(n, expo)), g_ys)
            if expo.is_rational:
                numer, denom = expo.as_numer_denom()
                if denom % 2 == 0 and \
                        g_ys.is_subset(Interval(S.NegativeInfinity, 0, right_open=True)):
                    return (symbol, EmptySet())
                if numer == S.One or numer == -S.One:
                    return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)
                    if numer % 2 == 0:
                        n = Dummy('n')
                        neg_res = imageset(Lambda(n, -n), res)
                        return _invert_real(base, res + neg_res, symbol)
                        return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)
                if not base.is_positive:
                    raise ValueError("x**w where w is irrational is not "
                                     "defined for negative x")
                return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)

        if not base_has_sym:
            return _invert_real(expo,
                                                log(n) / log(base)), g_ys),

    if isinstance(f, TrigonometricFunction):
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):

            def inv(trig):
                if isinstance(f, (sin, csc)):
                    F = asin if isinstance(f, sin) else acsc
                    return (lambda a: n * pi + (-1)**n * F(a), )
                if isinstance(f, (cos, sec)):
                    F = acos if isinstance(f, cos) else asec
                    return (
                        lambda a: 2 * n * pi + F(a),
                        lambda a: 2 * n * pi - F(a),
                if isinstance(f, (tan, cot)):
                    return (lambda a: n * pi + f.inverse()(a), )

            n = Dummy('n', integer=True)
            invs = S.EmptySet
            for L in inv(f):
                invs += Union(
                    *[imageset(Lambda(n, L(g)), S.Integers) for g in g_ys])
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], invs, symbol)

    return (f, g_ys)