def test_simple_case(self): """Test trivial case.""" bit = cirq.GridQubit(0, 0) circuit = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), ) inputs = util.convert_to_tensor([circuit]) symbols = tf.convert_to_tensor(['alpha']) new = tf.convert_to_tensor(['new']) res = tfq_ps_util_ops.tfq_ps_symbol_replace(inputs, symbols, new) output = util.from_tensor(res) correct_00 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('new'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), ) correct_01 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('new'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), ) correct_02 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('new'), ) self.assertEqual(correct_00, output[0][0][0]) self.assertEqual(correct_01, output[0][0][1]) self.assertEqual(correct_02, output[0][0][2])
def _infer_impl(self, in_mp): self.sympy_data_ = {} self.out_mp_.graph.ClearField('value_info') self._apply_suggested_merge_to_graph_input() input_symbols = set() for i in self.out_mp_.graph.input: input_symbols.update([ d for d in get_shape_from_type_proto(i.type) if type(d) == str ]) for s in input_symbols: if s in self.suggested_merge_: s_merge = self.suggested_merge_[s] assert s_merge in self.symbolic_dims_ self.symbolic_dims_[s] = self.symbolic_dims_[s_merge] else: self.symbolic_dims_[s] = sympy.Symbol(s, integer=True) # create a temporary ModelProto for single node inference # note that we remove initializer to have faster inference # for tensor ops like Reshape/Tile/Expand that read initializer, we need to do sympy computation based inference anyways self.tmp_mp_ = onnx.ModelProto() self.tmp_mp_.CopyFrom(self.out_mp_) self.tmp_mp_.graph.ClearField('initializer') for node in self.out_mp_.graph.node: assert all([i in self.known_vi_ for i in node.input if i]) self._onnx_infer_single_node(node) if node.op_type in self.dispatcher_: self.dispatcher_[node.op_type](node) if self.verbose_ > 2: print(node.op_type + ': ' + for i_o in range(len(node.output)): out_type = self.known_vi_[node.output[i_o]].type out_shape = get_shape_from_type_proto( self.known_vi_[node.output[i_o]].type) out_type_undefined = out_type.tensor_type.elem_type == onnx.TensorProto.UNDEFINED if self.verbose_ > 2: print(' {}: {} {}'.format( node.output[i_o], str(out_shape), self.known_vi_[ node.output[i_o]].type.tensor_type.elem_type)) if node.output[i_o] in self.sympy_data_: print(' Sympy Data: ' + str(self.sympy_data_[node.output[i_o]])) if None in out_shape or out_type_undefined: if self.auto_merge_: if node.op_type in [ 'Add', 'Sub', 'Mul', 'Div', 'MatMul', 'Concat', 'Where' ]: shapes = [ self._get_shape(node, i) for i in range(len(node.input)) ] if node.op_type == 'MatMul': # only support auto merge for MatMul for dim < rank-2 when rank > 2 assert len(shapes[0]) > 2 and dim_idx[0] < len( shapes[0]) - 2 assert len(shapes[1]) > 2 and dim_idx[1] < len( shapes[1]) - 2 elif node.op_type == 'Expand': # auto merge for cases like Expand([min(batch, 1), min(seq, 512)], [batch, seq]) shapes = [ self._get_shape(node, 0), self._get_value(node, 1) ] else: shapes = [] if shapes: for idx in range(len(out_shape)): if out_shape[idx] is not None: continue dim_idx = [ len(s) - len(out_shape) + idx for s in shapes ] assert all([d >= 0 for d in dim_idx]) self._add_suggested_merge([ str(s[i]) for s, i in zip(shapes, dim_idx) ]) self.run_ = True else: self.run_ = False else: self.run_ = False if self.verbose_ > 0 or not self.auto_merge_ or out_type_undefined: print('Stopping at incomplete shape inference at ' + node.op_type + ': ' + print('node inputs:') for i in node.input: print(self.known_vi_[i]) print('node outputs:') for o in node.output: print(self.known_vi_[o]) if self.auto_merge_ and not out_type_undefined: print('Merging: ' + str(self.suggested_merge_)) return False self.run_ = False return True
def __new__(self, v): return RelaxationParameterFinal(v, sp.Symbol(symb))
def comparison_plot(f, u, Omega, filename='tmp', plot_title='', ymin=None, ymax=None, u_legend='approximation', points=None, point_values=None, points_legend=None, legend_loc='upper right', show=True): """Compare f(x) and u(x) for x in Omega in a plot.""" x = sym.Symbol('x') print('f:', f) print('u:', u) f = sym.lambdify([x], f, modules="numpy") u = sym.lambdify([x], u, modules="numpy") if len(Omega) != 2: raise ValueError('Omega=%s must be an interval (2-list)' % str(Omega)) # When doing symbolics, Omega can easily contain symbolic expressions, # assume .evalf() will work in that case to obtain numerical # expressions, which then must be converted to float before calling # linspace below if not isinstance(Omega[0], (int, float)): Omega[0] = float(Omega[0].evalf()) if not isinstance(Omega[1], (int, float)): Omega[1] = float(Omega[1].evalf()) resolution = 601 # no of points in plot (high resolution) xcoor = np.linspace(Omega[0], Omega[1], resolution) # Vectorized functions expressions does not work with # lambdify'ed functions without the modules="numpy" exact = f(xcoor) approx = u(xcoor) plt.figure() plt.plot(xcoor, approx, '-') plt.plot(xcoor, exact, '--') legends = [u_legend, 'exact'] if points is not None: if point_values is None: # Use f plt.plot(points, f(points), 'ko') else: # Use supplied points plt.plot(points, point_values, 'ko') if points_legend is not None: legends.append(points_legend) else: legends.append('points') plt.legend(legends, loc=legend_loc) plt.title(plot_title) plt.xlabel('x') if ymin is not None and ymax is not None: plt.axis([xcoor[0], xcoor[-1], ymin, ymax]) plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf') plt.savefig(filename + '.png') if show:
import sympy as sym from math import * x = sym.Symbol('x') t = sym.Symbol('t') print(sym.diff(x**5)) b = 1 a = 0 x = sym.expand((b - a) / 2 * t) exp = x.expand() print(exp) print(exp.subs(t, 1))
please tell me, many thanks! To do: * 将证明过程对象化,便于处理,打印(英文版,中文版), * 其他连接词的转换 * 处理简单的, 有一定模式的自然语言, 形成命题推理 ''' import re import sympy from random import randint from collections import namedtuple NON = sympy.Symbol('~') CONTAIN = sympy.Symbol('>') AND = sympy .Symbol('&') OR = sysmpy.Symbol('|') EQUAL = sysmpy.Symbol('-') LEFT = sympy.Symbol('(') RIGHT = sympy.Symbol(')') CONN=[NON,CONTAIN,LEFT,RIGHT] PAIR = namedtuple('pair',['pre','suf']) def non(p): li = p.getPreOrderLst() if li[0]==NON:return formula(li[1:])
## example of differentiation import sympy as sym x = sym.Symbol('x') y = sym.Symbol('y') print(sym.limit((sym.log(1 + x) - x) / x**2, x, 0))
def get_hof(equation_file=None, n_features=None, variable_names=None, extra_sympy_mappings=None): """Get the equations from a hall of fame file. If no arguments entered, the ones used previously from a call to PySR will be used.""" global global_n_features global global_equation_file global global_variable_names global global_extra_sympy_mappings if equation_file is None: equation_file = global_equation_file if n_features is None: n_features = global_n_features if variable_names is None: variable_names = global_variable_names if extra_sympy_mappings is None: extra_sympy_mappings = global_extra_sympy_mappings global_equation_file = equation_file global_n_features = n_features global_variable_names = variable_names global_extra_sympy_mappings = extra_sympy_mappings try: output = pd.read_csv(equation_file + '.bkup', sep="|") except FileNotFoundError: print("Couldn't find equation file!") return pd.DataFrame() scores = [] lastMSE = None lastComplexity = 0 sympy_format = [] lambda_format = [] use_custom_variable_names = (len(variable_names) != 0) local_sympy_mappings = {**extra_sympy_mappings, **sympy_mappings} if use_custom_variable_names: sympy_symbols = [ sympy.Symbol(variable_names[i]) for i in range(n_features) ] else: sympy_symbols = [sympy.Symbol('x%d' % i) for i in range(n_features)] for i in range(len(output)): eqn = sympify(output.loc[i, 'Equation'], locals=local_sympy_mappings) sympy_format.append(eqn) lambda_format.append(lambdify(sympy_symbols, eqn)) curMSE = output.loc[i, 'MSE'] curComplexity = output.loc[i, 'Complexity'] if lastMSE is None: cur_score = 0.0 else: cur_score = -np.log(curMSE / lastMSE) / (curComplexity - lastComplexity) scores.append(cur_score) lastMSE = curMSE lastComplexity = curComplexity output['score'] = np.array(scores) output['sympy_format'] = sympy_format output['lambda_format'] = lambda_format return output[[ 'Complexity', 'MSE', 'score', 'Equation', 'sympy_format', 'lambda_format' ]]
#因子矩阵 fac_mat = pd.DataFrame({'Ri': Ri, 'MKT': MKT, 'SMB': SMB, 'HML': HML}) # 计算沪深300 alpha & beta(三因子模型) model_se_3 = smf.ols('Ri ~ MKT + SMB + HML', data=fac_mat) result_se_3 = # 拟合 #result_se_3.summary() alpha_series_3.append(result_se_3.params[0]) alpha_1 = result_se_3.params[0] MKT_1 = result_se_3.params['MKT'] SMB_1 = result_se_3.params['SMB'] HML_1 = result_se_3.params['HML'] #定义符号变量 e1 = sympy.Symbol('e1') e2 = sympy.Symbol('e2') e3 = sympy.Symbol('e3') m_ad = MKT - np.ones(len(Rm)) * e1 s_ad = SMB - np.ones(len(Rm)) * e2 h_ad = HML - np.ones(len(Rm)) * e3 #计算alpha标准差 N = len(Rm) M = Matrix([np.ones(len(Rm)), m_ad, s_ad, h_ad]) M = M.T #因子矩阵 beta_m = Matrix([alpha_1, MKT_1, SMB_1, HML_1]) beta_m = beta_m.T #暴露度矩阵 L = sympy.simplify(M.T * M) L_1 = L**(-1) L_1 = L_1.evalf(subs={e1: 0, e2: 0, e3: 0})
return False return True def f(x): return x * sp.tan(x) - 1/3 def fi(x): return sp.atan(1 / (3 * x)) def df(x): return x*(np.tan(x)**2 + 1) + np.tan(x) def dfi(x): return -1/(3*x**2*(1 + 1/(9*x**2))) x = sp.Symbol('x') print('f(x) = %s' % f(x)) print("f'(x) = %s" % sp.diff(f(x), x)) print('fi(x) = tan(0.58*x + 0.1)**0.5') print("fi'(x) = %s\n" % sp.diff(fi(x), x)) print('Stage of root separation:') a = 0.1 b = 2 eps = 1e-5 while b - a > 0.1: print(' a = %f, f(a) = %f' % (a, f(a))) print(' b = %f, f(b) = %f' % (b, f(b))) middle = (b + a) / 2 print(' length = %f, f(middle) = %f\n' % (b - a, f(middle)))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file difines the pipeline to calculate a concrete example # 1. Substitute [R,S,T,P] in general examples and get specific value. # 2. Save the values to file # 3. (Optional) Solve expressions according to these values. import sympy as sym from z3 import * import pandas as pd import numpy as np _R = 3 _S = 0 _T = 5 _P = 1 p1 = sym.Symbol('p1') p2 = sym.Symbol('p2') p3 = sym.Symbol('p3') p4 = sym.Symbol('p4') R = sym.Symbol('R', constant=True) S = sym.Symbol('S', constant=True) T = sym.Symbol('T', constant=True) P = sym.Symbol('P', constant=True) df = pd.read_excel('SymbolicSubstraction.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1') concrete_table = np.zeros((df.shape[0], df.shape[0]), dtype=object) for i in range(0, df.shape[0]): for j in range(0, df.shape[0]): if (df.iat[i, j] == 0): continue
#T# the following code shows how to make simple logical statements #T# to make logical statements, the sympy package is used import sympy #T# a simple logical statement is created as a symbol p = sympy.Symbol('p') q = sympy.Symbol('q') #T# the logical values True and False can be substituted into the symbols p.subs(p, sympy.S.true) # True q.subs(q, sympy.S.false) # False
def test_complex_pad(self): """Test trickier padding.""" bit = cirq.GridQubit(0, 0) bit2 = cirq.GridQubit(0, 1) circuit = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.XX(bit, bit2)**sympy.Symbol('alpha')) circuit2 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.XX(bit, bit2)**sympy.Symbol('alpha')) circuit3 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.XX(bit, bit2)**sympy.Symbol('alpha')) inputs = util.convert_to_tensor([circuit, circuit2, circuit3]) symbols = tf.convert_to_tensor(['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']) new = tf.convert_to_tensor(['new', 'old', 'nothing']) res = tfq_ps_util_ops.tfq_ps_symbol_replace(inputs, symbols, new) output = util.from_tensor(res) correct_000 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('new'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.XX(bit, bit2)**sympy.Symbol('alpha')) correct_001 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('new'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.XX(bit, bit2)**sympy.Symbol('alpha')) correct_002 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('new'), cirq.XX(bit, bit2)**sympy.Symbol('alpha')) correct_003 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('alpha'), cirq.XX(bit, bit2)**sympy.Symbol('new')) self.assertEqual(correct_000, output[0][0][0]) self.assertEqual(correct_001, output[0][0][1]) self.assertEqual(correct_002, output[0][0][2]) self.assertEqual(correct_003, output[0][0][3]) self.assertEqual(correct_000, output[2][0][0]) self.assertEqual(correct_001, output[2][0][1]) self.assertEqual(correct_002, output[2][0][2]) self.assertEqual(correct_003, output[2][0][3]) correct_110 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('old'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.XX(bit, bit2)**sympy.Symbol('alpha')) correct_111 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('old'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.XX(bit, bit2)**sympy.Symbol('alpha')) correct_112 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('old'), cirq.XX(bit, bit2)**sympy.Symbol('alpha')) correct_113 = cirq.Circuit() self.assertEqual(correct_110, output[1][1][0]) self.assertEqual(correct_111, output[1][1][1]) self.assertEqual(correct_112, output[1][1][2]) self.assertEqual(correct_113, output[1][1][3]) correct_100 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.Y(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.Z(bit)**sympy.Symbol('beta'), cirq.XX(bit, bit2)**sympy.Symbol('new')) correct_101 = cirq.Circuit() correct_102 = cirq.Circuit() correct_103 = cirq.Circuit() self.assertEqual(correct_100, output[1][0][0]) self.assertEqual(correct_101, output[1][0][1]) self.assertEqual(correct_102, output[1][0][2]) self.assertEqual(correct_103, output[1][0][3]) correct_220 = cirq.Circuit() correct_221 = cirq.Circuit() correct_222 = cirq.Circuit() correct_223 = cirq.Circuit() self.assertEqual(correct_220, output[2][2][0]) self.assertEqual(correct_221, output[2][2][1]) self.assertEqual(correct_222, output[2][2][2]) self.assertEqual(correct_223, output[2][2][3]) correct = cirq.Circuit() for i in range(3): for j in range(3): for k in range(3): if i != j and (not (i == 2 and j == 0)) \ and (not (i == 1 and j == 0)): self.assertEqual(correct, output[i][j][k])
def test_weight_coefficient(self): """Test that scalar multiples of trivial case work.""" bit = cirq.GridQubit(0, 0) circuit = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('alpha') * 2.0), cirq.Y(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('alpha') * 3.0), cirq.Z(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('alpha') * 4.0), ) inputs = util.convert_to_tensor([circuit]) symbols = tf.convert_to_tensor(['alpha']) new = tf.convert_to_tensor(['new']) res = tfq_ps_util_ops.tfq_ps_symbol_replace(inputs, symbols, new) output = util.from_tensor(res) correct_00 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('new') * 2.0), cirq.Y(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('alpha') * 3.0), cirq.Z(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('alpha') * 4.0), ) correct_01 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('alpha') * 2.0), cirq.Y(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('new') * 3.0), cirq.Z(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('alpha') * 4.0), ) correct_02 = cirq.Circuit( cirq.X(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('alpha') * 2.0), cirq.Y(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('alpha') * 3.0), cirq.Z(bit)**(sympy.Symbol('new') * 4.0), ) self.assertEqual(correct_00, output[0][0][0]) self.assertEqual(correct_01, output[0][0][1]) self.assertEqual(correct_02, output[0][0][2])
if not cmp(e.subs(n, i), 0): return False, i return True, -1 def rearrange(e, n): """'e' is assumed to be a list of exponential polynomial terms""" pos, neg = [], [] for t in e: poly = sp.poly(t[0], gens=n) lc = sp.LC(poly, gens=n) if lc > 0: pos.append(t) elif lc < 0: neg.append(t) return pos, neg if __name__ =='__main__': n = sp.Symbol('n') close = sp.Matrix([[n], [1]]) conds = [PolyCondition(n - 50, strict=True)] validate(close, conds, [1], n) # A = [sp.Matrix([[1, 1], [0, 1]]), sp.Matrix([[1, 2], [0, 1]])] # x0 = sp.Matrix([0, 1]) # from condition import PolyCondition # _PRS_x0, _PRS_x1 = sp.symbols('_PRS_x0 _PRS_x1') # conds = [PolyCondition(50 - _PRS_x0, strict=True)] # res = exhaust_pattern(A, x0, conds, [0]) # print(res) # n = sp.Symbol('n') # # e = 0.2**n + 0.3**n + .4**n + n**2 + 100*n # e = -n**2 + 2 # res = ep_ge_0(e, n) # print(res)
def generate_code(): name = dim_state = LiveKalman.initial_x.shape[0] dim_state_err = LiveKalman.initial_P_diag.shape[0] state_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('state', dim_state, 1) state = sp.Matrix(state_sym) x, y, z = state[States.ECEF_POS, :] q = state[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION, :] v = state[States.ECEF_VELOCITY, :] vx, vy, vz = v omega = state[States.ANGULAR_VELOCITY, :] vroll, vpitch, vyaw = omega roll_bias, pitch_bias, yaw_bias = state[States.GYRO_BIAS, :] odo_scale = state[States.ODO_SCALE, :][0,:] acceleration = state[States.ACCELERATION, :] imu_angles = state[States.IMU_OFFSET, :] dt = sp.Symbol('dt') # calibration and attitude rotation matrices quat_rot = quat_rotate(*q) # Got the quat predict equations from here # A New Quaternion-Based Kalman Filter for # Real-Time Attitude Estimation Using the Two-Step # Geometrically-Intuitive Correction Algorithm A = 0.5 * sp.Matrix([[0, -vroll, -vpitch, -vyaw], [vroll, 0, vyaw, -vpitch], [vpitch, -vyaw, 0, vroll], [vyaw, vpitch, -vroll, 0]]) q_dot = A * q # Time derivative of the state as a function of state state_dot = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((dim_state, 1))) state_dot[States.ECEF_POS, :] = v state_dot[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION, :] = q_dot state_dot[States.ECEF_VELOCITY, 0] = quat_rot * acceleration # Basic descretization, 1st order intergrator # Can be pretty bad if dt is big f_sym = state + dt * state_dot state_err_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('state_err', dim_state_err, 1) state_err = sp.Matrix(state_err_sym) quat_err = state_err[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION_ERR, :] v_err = state_err[States.ECEF_VELOCITY_ERR, :] omega_err = state_err[States.ANGULAR_VELOCITY_ERR, :] acceleration_err = state_err[States.ACCELERATION_ERR, :] # Time derivative of the state error as a function of state error and state quat_err_matrix = euler_rotate(quat_err[0], quat_err[1], quat_err[2]) q_err_dot = quat_err_matrix * quat_rot * (omega + omega_err) state_err_dot = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((dim_state_err, 1))) state_err_dot[States.ECEF_POS_ERR, :] = v_err state_err_dot[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION_ERR, :] = q_err_dot state_err_dot[States.ECEF_VELOCITY_ERR, :] = quat_err_matrix * quat_rot * (acceleration + acceleration_err) f_err_sym = state_err + dt * state_err_dot # Observation matrix modifier H_mod_sym = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((dim_state, dim_state_err))) H_mod_sym[States.ECEF_POS, States.ECEF_POS_ERR] = np.eye(States.ECEF_POS.stop - States.ECEF_POS.start) H_mod_sym[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION, States.ECEF_ORIENTATION_ERR] = 0.5 * quat_matrix_r(state[3:7])[:, 1:] H_mod_sym[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION.stop:, States.ECEF_ORIENTATION_ERR.stop:] = np.eye(dim_state - States.ECEF_ORIENTATION.stop) # these error functions are defined so that say there # is a nominal x and true x: # true x = err_function(nominal x, delta x) # delta x = inv_err_function(nominal x, true x) nom_x = sp.MatrixSymbol('nom_x', dim_state, 1) true_x = sp.MatrixSymbol('true_x', dim_state, 1) delta_x = sp.MatrixSymbol('delta_x', dim_state_err, 1) err_function_sym = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((dim_state, 1))) delta_quat = sp.Matrix(np.ones(4)) delta_quat[1:, :] = sp.Matrix(0.5 * delta_x[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION_ERR, :]) err_function_sym[States.ECEF_POS, :] = sp.Matrix(nom_x[States.ECEF_POS, :] + delta_x[States.ECEF_POS_ERR, :]) err_function_sym[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION, 0] = quat_matrix_r(nom_x[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION, 0]) * delta_quat err_function_sym[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION.stop:, :] = sp.Matrix(nom_x[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION.stop:, :] + delta_x[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION_ERR.stop:, :]) inv_err_function_sym = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((dim_state_err, 1))) inv_err_function_sym[States.ECEF_POS_ERR, 0] = sp.Matrix(-nom_x[States.ECEF_POS, 0] + true_x[States.ECEF_POS, 0]) delta_quat = quat_matrix_r(nom_x[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION, 0]).T * true_x[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION, 0] inv_err_function_sym[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION_ERR, 0] = sp.Matrix(2 * delta_quat[1:]) inv_err_function_sym[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION_ERR.stop:, 0] = sp.Matrix(-nom_x[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION.stop:, 0] + true_x[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION.stop:, 0]) eskf_params = [[err_function_sym, nom_x, delta_x], [inv_err_function_sym, nom_x, true_x], H_mod_sym, f_err_sym, state_err_sym] # # Observation functions # imu_rot = euler_rotate(*imu_angles) h_gyro_sym = imu_rot * sp.Matrix([vroll + roll_bias, vpitch + pitch_bias, vyaw + yaw_bias]) pos = sp.Matrix([x, y, z]) gravity = quat_rot.T * ((EARTH_GM / ((x**2 + y**2 + z**2)**(3.0 / 2.0))) * pos) h_acc_sym = imu_rot * (gravity + acceleration) h_phone_rot_sym = sp.Matrix([vroll, vpitch, vyaw]) speed = sp.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2) h_speed_sym = sp.Matrix([speed * odo_scale]) h_pos_sym = sp.Matrix([x, y, z]) h_imu_frame_sym = sp.Matrix(imu_angles) h_relative_motion = sp.Matrix(quat_rot.T * v) obs_eqs = [[h_speed_sym, ObservationKind.ODOMETRIC_SPEED, None], [h_gyro_sym, ObservationKind.PHONE_GYRO, None], [h_phone_rot_sym, ObservationKind.NO_ROT, None], [h_acc_sym, ObservationKind.PHONE_ACCEL, None], [h_pos_sym, ObservationKind.ECEF_POS, None], [h_relative_motion, ObservationKind.CAMERA_ODO_TRANSLATION, None], [h_phone_rot_sym, ObservationKind.CAMERA_ODO_ROTATION, None], [h_imu_frame_sym, ObservationKind.IMU_FRAME, None]] gen_code(name, f_sym, dt, state_sym, obs_eqs, dim_state, dim_state_err, eskf_params)
from all_funcs import * import sympy def foo(a, b): return a * b + a + b a = sympy.Symbol('a') b = sympy.Symbol('b') e = foo(a, b) print e print e.diff(a) # result = degreeNPolyMultiVar([2,a,b], [1,2,1]) # print result
class CarKalman(): name = 'car' x_initial = np.array([ 1.0, 15.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ]) # state covariance P_initial = np.diag([ .1**2, .1**2, math.radians(0.1)**2, math.radians(0.1)**2, 10**2, 10**2, 1**2, 1**2, ]) # process noise Q = np.diag([ (.05 / 10)**2, .0001**2, math.radians(0.01)**2, math.radians(0.2)**2, .1**2, .1**2, math.radians(0.1)**2, math.radians(0.1)**2, ]) obs_noise = { ObservationKind.ROAD_FRAME_XY_SPEED: np.diag([0.1**2, 0.1**2]), ObservationKind.ROAD_FRAME_YAW_RATE: np.atleast_2d(math.radians(0.1)**2), ObservationKind.STEER_ANGLE: np.atleast_2d(math.radians(0.1)**2), ObservationKind.ANGLE_OFFSET_FAST: np.atleast_2d(math.radians(5.0)**2), ObservationKind.STEER_RATIO: np.atleast_2d(50.0**2), ObservationKind.STIFFNESS: np.atleast_2d(50.0**2), } maha_test_kinds = [ ] # [ObservationKind.ROAD_FRAME_YAW_RATE, ObservationKind.ROAD_FRAME_XY_SPEED] global_vars = [ sp.Symbol('mass'), sp.Symbol('rotational_inertia'), sp.Symbol('center_to_front'), sp.Symbol('center_to_rear'), sp.Symbol('stiffness_front'), sp.Symbol('stiffness_rear'), ] @staticmethod def generate_code(): dim_state = CarKalman.x_initial.shape[0] name = maha_test_kinds = CarKalman.maha_test_kinds # globals m, j, aF, aR, cF_orig, cR_orig = CarKalman.global_vars # make functions and jacobians with sympy # state variables state_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('state', dim_state, 1) state = sp.Matrix(state_sym) # Vehicle model constants x = state[States.STIFFNESS, :][0, 0] cF, cR = x * cF_orig, x * cR_orig angle_offset = state[States.ANGLE_OFFSET, :][0, 0] angle_offset_fast = state[States.ANGLE_OFFSET_FAST, :][0, 0] sa = state[States.STEER_ANGLE, :][0, 0] sR = state[States.STEER_RATIO, :][0, 0] u, v = state[States.VELOCITY, :] r = state[States.YAW_RATE, :][0, 0] A = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((2, 2))) A[0, 0] = -(cF + cR) / (m * u) A[0, 1] = -(cF * aF - cR * aR) / (m * u) - u A[1, 0] = -(cF * aF - cR * aR) / (j * u) A[1, 1] = -(cF * aF**2 + cR * aR**2) / (j * u) B = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((2, 1))) B[0, 0] = cF / m / sR B[1, 0] = (cF * aF) / j / sR x = sp.Matrix([v, r]) # lateral velocity, yaw rate x_dot = A * x + B * (sa - angle_offset - angle_offset_fast) dt = sp.Symbol('dt') state_dot = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((dim_state, 1))) state_dot[States.VELOCITY.start + 1, 0] = x_dot[0] state_dot[States.YAW_RATE.start, 0] = x_dot[1] # Basic descretization, 1st order integrator # Can be pretty bad if dt is big f_sym = state + dt * state_dot # # Observation functions # obs_eqs = [ [sp.Matrix([r]), ObservationKind.ROAD_FRAME_YAW_RATE, None], [sp.Matrix([u, v]), ObservationKind.ROAD_FRAME_XY_SPEED, None], [sp.Matrix([sa]), ObservationKind.STEER_ANGLE, None], [ sp.Matrix([angle_offset_fast]), ObservationKind.ANGLE_OFFSET_FAST, None ], [sp.Matrix([sR]), ObservationKind.STEER_RATIO, None], [sp.Matrix([x]), ObservationKind.STIFFNESS, None], ] gen_code(name, f_sym, dt, state_sym, obs_eqs, dim_state, dim_state, maha_test_kinds=maha_test_kinds, global_vars=CarKalman.global_vars) def __init__(self): self.dim_state = self.x_initial.shape[0] # init filter self.filter = EKF_sym(, self.Q, self.x_initial, self.P_initial, self.dim_state, self.dim_state, maha_test_kinds=self.maha_test_kinds, global_vars=self.global_vars) @property def x(self): return self.filter.state() @property def P(self): return self.filter.covs() def predict(self, t): return self.filter.predict(t) def rts_smooth(self, estimates): return self.filter.rts_smooth(estimates, norm_quats=False) def get_R(self, kind, n): obs_noise = self.obs_noise[kind] dim = obs_noise.shape[0] R = np.zeros((n, dim, dim)) for i in range(n): R[i, :, :] = obs_noise return R def init_state(self, state, covs_diag=None, covs=None, filter_time=None): if covs_diag is not None: P = np.diag(covs_diag) elif covs is not None: P = covs else: P = self.filter.covs() self.filter.init_state(state, P, filter_time) def predict_and_observe(self, t, kind, data): if len(data) > 0: data = np.atleast_2d(data) self.filter.predict_and_update_batch(t, kind, data, self.get_R(kind, len(data)))
'float_value': half_turns } }, }, 'qubits': [{ 'id': '1_2' }], }) assert _single_qubit_gate_set().serialize_op(gate.on(q)) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('gate', 'axis_half_turns', 'half_turns'), [ (cirq.X**sympy.Symbol('a'), 0.0, 'a'), (cirq.Y**sympy.Symbol('b'), 0.5, 'b'), (cirq.PhasedXPowGate(exponent=sympy.Symbol('a'), phase_exponent=0.25), 0.25, 'a'), ], ) def test_serialize_xy_parameterized_half_turns(gate, axis_half_turns, half_turns): q = cirq.GridQubit(1, 2) expected = op_proto({ 'gate': { 'id': 'xy' }, 'args': { 'axis_half_turns': { 'arg_value': {
def generate_code(): dim_state = CarKalman.x_initial.shape[0] name = maha_test_kinds = CarKalman.maha_test_kinds # globals m, j, aF, aR, cF_orig, cR_orig = CarKalman.global_vars # make functions and jacobians with sympy # state variables state_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('state', dim_state, 1) state = sp.Matrix(state_sym) # Vehicle model constants x = state[States.STIFFNESS, :][0, 0] cF, cR = x * cF_orig, x * cR_orig angle_offset = state[States.ANGLE_OFFSET, :][0, 0] angle_offset_fast = state[States.ANGLE_OFFSET_FAST, :][0, 0] sa = state[States.STEER_ANGLE, :][0, 0] sR = state[States.STEER_RATIO, :][0, 0] u, v = state[States.VELOCITY, :] r = state[States.YAW_RATE, :][0, 0] A = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((2, 2))) A[0, 0] = -(cF + cR) / (m * u) A[0, 1] = -(cF * aF - cR * aR) / (m * u) - u A[1, 0] = -(cF * aF - cR * aR) / (j * u) A[1, 1] = -(cF * aF**2 + cR * aR**2) / (j * u) B = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((2, 1))) B[0, 0] = cF / m / sR B[1, 0] = (cF * aF) / j / sR x = sp.Matrix([v, r]) # lateral velocity, yaw rate x_dot = A * x + B * (sa - angle_offset - angle_offset_fast) dt = sp.Symbol('dt') state_dot = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((dim_state, 1))) state_dot[States.VELOCITY.start + 1, 0] = x_dot[0] state_dot[States.YAW_RATE.start, 0] = x_dot[1] # Basic descretization, 1st order integrator # Can be pretty bad if dt is big f_sym = state + dt * state_dot # # Observation functions # obs_eqs = [ [sp.Matrix([r]), ObservationKind.ROAD_FRAME_YAW_RATE, None], [sp.Matrix([u, v]), ObservationKind.ROAD_FRAME_XY_SPEED, None], [sp.Matrix([sa]), ObservationKind.STEER_ANGLE, None], [ sp.Matrix([angle_offset_fast]), ObservationKind.ANGLE_OFFSET_FAST, None ], [sp.Matrix([sR]), ObservationKind.STEER_RATIO, None], [sp.Matrix([x]), ObservationKind.STIFFNESS, None], ] gen_code(name, f_sym, dt, state_sym, obs_eqs, dim_state, dim_state, maha_test_kinds=maha_test_kinds, global_vars=CarKalman.global_vars)
import sympy import sys from sympy.utilities.codegen import codegen from sympy.printing import print_ccode #The Data M = sympy.Symbol('M') m = sympy.Symbol('m') E = sympy.Symbol('E') #The Parameters e = sympy.Symbol('a.error') h = sympy.Symbol('a.freq') F = sympy.Symbol('a.f') #An array of the parameters. params = [h, e, F] #The three componenents of the likelihood function. H00 is homozygous for the major allele, H01 heterozygous, and H11 homozygous minor. lnc = sympy.Symbol('lnc') lne = sympy.Symbol('lne') lneh = sympy.Symbol('lneh') lnch = sympy.Symbol('lnch') #H00=( h**2.+h*(1.-h)*F)*sympy.exp( lnc*M+lne*(m+e1+e2) ) #H01=2.*h*(1.-h)*(1.-F)*sympy.exp( lnch*(M+m)+lneh*(e1+e2) ) #H11=( (1.-h)**2.+h*(1.-h)*F)*sympy.exp( lnc*m+lne*(M+e1+e2) ) #H00=( (h)**2.+h*(1.-h)*F)*( ( (1.- e)**M)*(( e/3.)**(m+E) ) ) #H01=2.*h*(1.-h)*(1.-F)*( ( ( (1.- e)/2.+( e/6.) )**(M+m) )*( ( e/3.)**(E) ) )#-0.00001
for j in range(n): A[i][j] = g3(l, r, 10, al[j] * bt[i]) return A def getD(b, f): d = [] for beta in bt: beta = beta.subs('s', 'x') q = beta * f q = q.subs('x', 's') d.append(g3(l, r, 10, q)) return d x = sp.Symbol('x') s = sp.Symbol('s') ker = (x * s * s - 1) * sp.cos(x * s + 1) f = 2 * x + 3 lmbd = 3/5 l, r, count = 0., 1., 9 al, bt = interpolate(l, r, count, ker) A = np.array(getA(al, bt, count), dtype=np.float) d = np.array(getD(bt, f), dtype=np.float) c = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(count) - lmbd * A, d) u = 0 for i in range(count): u += al[i] * c[i] u *= lmbd u += f u = sp.expand(u.subs('s', 'x'))
def test_namespace_type(): # lambdify had a bug where it would reject modules of type unicode # on Python 2. x = sympy.Symbol('x') lambdify(x, x, modules=u'math')
'string_value': 'abc' } }), (float, 1, { 'arg_value': { 'float_value': 1.0 } }), (List[bool], [True, False], { 'arg_value': { 'bool_values': { 'values': [True, False] } } }), (sympy.Symbol, sympy.Symbol('x'), { 'symbol': 'x' }), ( float, sympy.Symbol('x') - sympy.Symbol('y'), { 'func': { 'type': 'add', 'args': [ { 'symbol': 'x' }, { 'func': {
# That means can not find next step due to the limit of a if t == 0: print("t == 0 ") break x = x + t * directionValue fValue = GetValue(f, args, x) fStack.append(fValue) print("The optimize solution: " + str(x)) print("error = ", end="") print(np.linalg.norm(dfValue, 2)) print("Iteration times = " + str(len(fStack))) return eStack if __name__ == "__test__": X1 = sp.Symbol("x1") X2 = sp.Symbol("x2") args = np.array((X1, X2)) # function f = sp.exp(X1 + 3 * X2 - 0.1) + sp.exp(X1 - 3 * X2 - 0.1) + sp.exp(-X1 - 0.1) # Init point x0 = np.array([1, 1]) # Error range e = 10**-10 a = 10**-1 b = 10**-1 eStack = Search(f, args, a, b, x0, e) if __name__ == "__main__": X1 = sp.Symbol("x1")
def default_circuit(): return cirq.FrozenCircuit( cirq.X(cirq.GridQubit(1, 1))**sympy.Symbol('k'), cirq.X(cirq.GridQubit(1, 2)).with_tags(DEFAULT_TOKEN), cirq.measure(cirq.GridQubit(1, 1), key='m'), )
def syms(vars): items = [] for var in vars: items.append(sp.Symbol(var)) return items
import sympy as sym import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import pickle num_nrns = 2 # SYMBOLIC VARIABLES x = sym.Symbol("x") V = sym.MatrixSymbol("V", 1, num_nrns) H = sym.MatrixSymbol("H", 1, num_nrns) M = sym.MatrixSymbol("M", 1, num_nrns) Z_inh = sym.MatrixSymbol("Z_inh", num_nrns, num_nrns * num_nrns) # V sensitivity to W_inh Y_inh = sym.MatrixSymbol("Y_inh", num_nrns, num_nrns * num_nrns) # M sensitivity to W_inh W_inh = sym.MatrixSymbol("W_inh", 1, num_nrns * num_nrns) # MODEL PARAMETERS V_half = sym.Symbol("V_half") k_v = 4.0 k_ad = 0.9 C = 20 g_ad = 10.0 g_l = 2.8 g_SynE = 10.0 g_SynI = 60.0 E_K = -85.0 E_L = -60 E_SynE = 0.0 E_SynI = -75.0 tau_ad = 2000
def __new__(self, v): return RealParameterFinal(v, sp.Symbol(symb))
def test_decompose_with_complex_circuit(self): """Test decompose with complex circuit.""" names = ['CLAE', 'HRYV', 'IRKB', 'LKRV', 'PJOU', 'CJKX', 'NASW'] # Test circuit has a Moment with 1) FSimGate & PhasedXPowGate, # 2) PhasedXPowGate & ISwapPowGate and 3) FSimGate & ISwapPowGate. # Be careful, they are not decomposed if not parameterized. circuit_batch = [ cirq.Circuit([ cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.FSimGate(theta=0.10338130973488413 * sympy.Symbol('CLAE'), phi=0.10338130973488413 * sympy.Symbol('IRKB')). on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 2), cirq.GridQubit(0, 3)), cirq.PhasedXPowGate(phase_exponent=1.0, exponent=0.86426029696045281 * sympy.Symbol('HRYV')).on( cirq.GridQubit(0, 1)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.Y.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 3)), cirq.Z.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0)), cirq.FSimGate(theta=1, phi=1).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 1), cirq.GridQubit(0, 2)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ (cirq.CNOT**(0.92874230274398684 * sympy.Symbol('IRKB')) ).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 1), cirq.GridQubit(0, 2)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.PhasedXPowGate(phase_exponent=sympy.Symbol('PJOU'), exponent=0.2081415255258906 * sympy.Symbol('LKRV')).on( cirq.GridQubit(0, 2)), (cirq.ISWAP**(0.32860954996781722 * sympy.Symbol('PJOU')) ).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 1), cirq.GridQubit(0, 3)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.PhasedXPowGate(phase_exponent=sympy.Symbol( 'CJKX')).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 1)), cirq.ZZ.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0), cirq.GridQubit(0, 3)), (cirq.X**(0.6826594585474709 * sympy.Symbol('HRYV'))).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 2)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ (cirq.ZZ**(0.18781276022427218 * sympy.Symbol('PJOU')) ).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0), cirq.GridQubit(0, 3)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.Y.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.FSimGate(theta=0.13793763138552417 * sympy.Symbol('CJKX'), phi=0.13793763138552417 * sympy.Symbol('PJOU')). on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 2), cirq.GridQubit(0, 3)), (cirq.ISWAP**(0.028165738453673095 * sympy.Symbol('NASW')) ).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0), cirq.GridQubit(0, 1)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.FSimGate(theta=0.74356520426349459 * sympy.Symbol('CJKX'), phi=0.74356520426349459 * sympy.Symbol('NASW')). on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 3), cirq.GridQubit(0, 0)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.CNOT.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0), cirq.GridQubit(0, 2)), cirq.SWAP.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 3), cirq.GridQubit(0, 1)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.H.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 3)), cirq.H.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 2)), cirq.CNOT.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 1), cirq.GridQubit(0, 0)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.CNOT.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0), cirq.GridQubit(0, 1)), cirq.YY.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 2), cirq.GridQubit(0, 3)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.CZ.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 1), cirq.GridQubit(0, 0)), cirq.CNOT.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 2), cirq.GridQubit(0, 3)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.FSimGate(theta=1, phi=1).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0), cirq.GridQubit(0, 2)), cirq.CNOT.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 3), cirq.GridQubit(0, 1)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.FSimGate(theta=1, phi=1).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0), cirq.GridQubit(0, 3)), cirq.SWAP.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 2), cirq.GridQubit(0, 1)), ]), cirq.Moment(operations=[ cirq.Y.on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0)), cirq.PhasedXPowGate( phase_exponent=1.0).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 2)), cirq.FSimGate(theta=1, phi=1).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 1), cirq.GridQubit(0, 3)), ]), ]) ] # Decompose programs. inputs = util.convert_to_tensor(circuit_batch) outputs = tfq_ps_util_ops.tfq_ps_decompose(inputs) decomposed_programs = util.from_tensor(outputs) self.assertEqual(len(decomposed_programs), len(circuit_batch)) # Original programs has parameterized ISP, PXP, FSIM, but this result # has no such gates at all. All parameterized gates have at most two # eigenvalues. There are still ISwap and PhasedX(1.0) because they are # not parameterized, which doesn't affect ParameterShift differentiation # at all. for program in decomposed_programs: for moment in program: for gate_op in moment: # Consider parameterized gates only if cirq.is_parameterized(gate_op.gate): # Check I. The gate should have _eigen_components. self.assertTrue( hasattr(gate_op.gate, '_eigen_components')) # Check II. The gate should have two eigen values. self.assertEqual(len(gate_op.gate._eigen_components()), 2, gate_op.gate) # Now all programs don't have ISWAP & PhasedXPowGate because ISWAP has # 3 eigenvalues and PhasedXPowGate doesn't have _eigen_components. # Check if two programs are identical. rand_resolver = {name: np.random.random() for name in names} self.assertAllClose(cirq.unitary( cirq.resolve_parameters(circuit_batch[0], rand_resolver)), cirq.unitary( cirq.resolve_parameters( decomposed_programs[0], rand_resolver)), atol=1e-5)