Пример #1
def test_has_any():
    x,y,z,t,u = symbols('x y z t u')
    f = Function("f")
    g = Function("g")
    p = Wild('p')

    assert sin(x).has(x)
    assert sin(x).has(sin)
    assert not sin(x).has(y)
    assert not sin(x).has(cos)
    assert f(x).has(x)
    assert f(x).has(f)
    assert not f(x).has(y)
    assert not f(x).has(g)

    assert f(x).diff(x).has(x)
    assert f(x).diff(x).has(f)
    assert f(x).diff(x).has(Derivative)
    assert not f(x).diff(x).has(y)
    assert not f(x).diff(x).has(g)
    assert not f(x).diff(x).has(sin)

    assert (x**2).has(Symbol)
    assert not (x**2).has(Wild)
    assert (2*p).has(Wild)

    i = Integer(4400)

    assert i.has(x) is False

    assert (i*x**i).has(x)
    assert (i*y**i).has(x) is False
    assert (i*y**i).has(x, y)

    expr = x**2*y + sin(2**t + log(z))

    assert expr.has(u) is False

    assert expr.has(x)
    assert expr.has(y)
    assert expr.has(z)
    assert expr.has(t)

    assert expr.has(x, y, z, t)
    assert expr.has(x, y, z, t, u)

    from sympy.physics.units import m, s

    assert (x*m/s).has(x)
    assert (x*m/s).has(y, z) is False

    poly = Poly(x**2 + x*y*sin(z), x, y, t)

    assert poly.has(x)
    assert poly.has(x, y, z)
    assert poly.has(x, y, z, t)

    assert FockState((x, y)).has(x)
Пример #2
def _big_delta_coeff(aa, bb, cc, prec=None):
    Calculates the Delta coefficient of the 3 angular momenta for
    Racah symbols. Also checks that the differences are of integer


    -  ``aa`` - first angular momentum, integer or half integer

    -  ``bb`` - second angular momentum, integer or half integer

    -  ``cc`` - third angular momentum, integer or half integer

    -  ``prec`` - precision of the ``sqrt()`` calculation


    double - Value of the Delta coefficient


        sage: from sage.functions.wigner import _big_delta_coeff
        sage: _big_delta_coeff(1,1,1)
    if int(aa + bb - cc) != (aa + bb - cc):
        raise ValueError("j values must be integer or half integer and fulfill the triangle relation")
    if int(aa + cc - bb) != (aa + cc - bb):
        raise ValueError("j values must be integer or half integer and fulfill the triangle relation")
    if int(bb + cc - aa) != (bb + cc - aa):
        raise ValueError("j values must be integer or half integer and fulfill the triangle relation")
    if (aa + bb - cc) < 0:
        return 0
    if (aa + cc - bb) < 0:
        return 0
    if (bb + cc - aa) < 0:
        return 0

    maxfact = max(aa + bb - cc, aa + cc - bb, bb + cc - aa, aa + bb + cc + 1)

    argsqrt = Integer(_Factlist[int(aa + bb - cc)] * \
                          _Factlist[int(aa + cc - bb)] * \
                          _Factlist[int(bb + cc - aa)]) / \
                          Integer(_Factlist[int(aa + bb + cc + 1)])

    ressqrt = argsqrt.sqrt(prec)
    if type(ressqrt) is ComplexNumber:
        res = ressqrt.real()
        res = ressqrt
    return res
Пример #3
def test_power():
    x,y,a,b,c = map(Symbol, 'xyabc')
    p,q,r = map(Wild, 'pqr')

    e = (x+y)**a
    assert e.match(p**q) == {p: x+y, q: a}
    assert e.match(p**p) == None

    e = (x+y)**(x+y)
    assert e.match(p**p) == {p: x+y}
    assert e.match(p**q) == {p: x+y, q: x+y}

    e = (2*x)**2
    assert e.match(p*q**r) == {p: 4, q: x, r: 2}

    e = Integer(1)
    assert e.match(x**p) == {p: 0}
Пример #4
def test_has_multiple():
    f = x ** 2 * y + sin(2 ** t + log(z))

    assert f.has(x)
    assert f.has(y)
    assert f.has(z)
    assert f.has(t)

    assert not f.has(u)

    assert f.has(x, y, z, t)
    assert f.has(x, y, z, t, u)

    i = Integer(4400)

    assert not i.has(x)

    assert (i * x ** i).has(x)
    assert not (i * y ** i).has(x)
    assert (i * y ** i).has(x, y)
    assert not (i * y ** i).has(x, z)
Пример #5
def test_has_any_symbols():
    x,y,z,t,u = symbols('xyztu')

    i = Integer(4400)

    assert i.has_any_symbols(x) == False

    assert (i*x**i).has_any_symbols(x) == True
    assert (i*y**i).has_any_symbols(x) == False
    assert (i*y**i).has_any_symbols(x, y) == True

    expr = x**2*y + sin(2**t + log(z))

    assert expr.has_any_symbols(u) == False

    assert expr.has_any_symbols(x) == True
    assert expr.has_any_symbols(y) == True
    assert expr.has_any_symbols(z) == True
    assert expr.has_any_symbols(t) == True

    assert expr.has_any_symbols(x, y, z, t) == True
    assert expr.has_any_symbols(x, y, z, t, u)  == True

    from sympy.physics.units import m, s

    assert (x*m/s).has_any_symbols(x) == True
    assert (x*m/s).has_all_symbols(x) == True

    assert (x*m/s).has_any_symbols(y, z) == False
    assert (x*m/s).has_all_symbols(x, y) == False

    poly = Poly(x**2 + x*y*sin(z), x, y, t)

    assert poly.has_any_symbols(x) == True
    assert poly.has_any_symbols(x, y, z) == True
    assert poly.has_any_symbols(x, y, z, t) == True

    assert poly.has_all_symbols(x, y, z) == True
    assert poly.has_all_symbols(x, y, z, t) == False
Пример #6
def test_has_all():
    x,y,z,t,u = symbols('xyztu')
    u = symbols('u')

    i = Integer(4400)

    assert i.has(x, all=True) is False

    assert (i*x**i).has(x, all=True)
    assert (i*y**i).has(x, all=True) is False

    expr = x**2*y + sin(2**t + log(z))

    assert expr.has(y, z, t, all=True)
    assert expr.has(x, z, t, all=True)
    assert expr.has(x, y, t, all=True)
    assert expr.has(x, y, z, all=True)

    assert expr.has(y, u, t, all=True) is False
    assert expr.has(x, z, u, all=True) is False
    assert expr.has(u, y, z, all=True) is False

    assert expr.has(x, y, z, t, all=True)
    assert expr.has(x, y, z, t, u, all=True) is False

    from sympy.physics.units import m, s

    assert (x*m/s).has(x, all=True)
    assert (x*m/s).has(x, y, all=True) is False

    poly = Poly(x**2 + x*y*sin(z), x, y, t)

    assert poly.has(x, y, z, all=True)
    assert poly.has(x, y, z, t, all=True) is False

    f = FockState((x, y))
    assert f.has(x, y, all=True)
    assert f.has(x, y, z, all=True) is False
Пример #7
def test_has_all_symbols():
    x,y,z,t,u = symbols('xyztu')

    i = Integer(4400)

    assert i.has_all_symbols(x) == False

    assert (i*x**i).has_all_symbols(x) == True
    assert (i*y**i).has_all_symbols(x) == False

    expr = x**2*y + sin(2**t + log(z))

    assert expr.has_all_symbols(y, z, t) == True
    assert expr.has_all_symbols(x, z, t) == True
    assert expr.has_all_symbols(x, y, t) == True
    assert expr.has_all_symbols(x, y, z) == True

    assert expr.has_all_symbols(y, u, t) == False
    assert expr.has_all_symbols(x, z, u) == False
    assert expr.has_all_symbols(u, y, z) == False

    assert expr.has_all_symbols(x, y, z, t) == True
    assert expr.has_all_symbols(x, y, z, t, u) == False
Пример #8
def test_dict_from_expr():
    assert dict_from_expr(Eq(x, 1)) == \
        ({(0,): -Integer(1), (1,): Integer(1)}, (x,))
    raises(PolynomialError, lambda: dict_from_expr(A*B - B*A))
Пример #9
def generate_equivalent_ids(gate_seq, return_as_muls=False):
    """Returns a set of equivalent gate identities.

    A gate identity is a quantum circuit such that the product
    of the gates in the circuit is equal to a scalar value.
    For example, XYZ = i, where X, Y, Z are the Pauli gates and
    i is the imaginary value, is considered a gate identity.

    This function uses the four operations (LL, LR, RL, RR)
    to generate the gate rules and, subsequently, to locate equivalent
    gate identities.

    Note that all equivalent identities are reachable in n operations
    from the starting gate identity, where n is the number of gates
    in the sequence.

    The max number of gate identities is 2n, where n is the number
    of gates in the sequence (unproven).


    gate_seq : Gate tuple, Mul, or Number
        A variable length tuple or Mul of Gates whose product is equal to
        a scalar matrix.
    return_as_muls: bool
        True to return as Muls; False to return as tuples


    Find equivalent gate identities from the current circuit with tuples:

    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.identitysearch import generate_equivalent_ids
    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import X, Y, Z
    >>> x = X(0); y = Y(0); z = Z(0)
    >>> generate_equivalent_ids((x, x))
    {(X(0), X(0))}

    >>> generate_equivalent_ids((x, y, z))
    {(X(0), Y(0), Z(0)), (X(0), Z(0), Y(0)), (Y(0), X(0), Z(0)),
     (Y(0), Z(0), X(0)), (Z(0), X(0), Y(0)), (Z(0), Y(0), X(0))}

    Find equivalent gate identities from the current circuit with Muls:

    >>> generate_equivalent_ids(x*x, return_as_muls=True)

    >>> generate_equivalent_ids(x*y*z, return_as_muls=True)
    {X(0)*Y(0)*Z(0), X(0)*Z(0)*Y(0), Y(0)*X(0)*Z(0),
     Y(0)*Z(0)*X(0), Z(0)*X(0)*Y(0), Z(0)*Y(0)*X(0)}

    if isinstance(gate_seq, Number):
        return {Integer(1)}
    elif isinstance(gate_seq, Mul):
        gate_seq = gate_seq.args

    # Filter through the gate rules and keep the rules
    # with an empty tuple either on the left or right side

    # A set of equivalent gate identities
    eq_ids = set()

    gate_rules = generate_gate_rules(gate_seq)
    for rule in gate_rules:
        l, r = rule
        if l == ():
        elif r == ():

    if return_as_muls:
        convert_to_mul = lambda id_seq: Mul(*id_seq)
        eq_ids = set(map(convert_to_mul, eq_ids))

    return eq_ids
Пример #10
def test_Integer_as_index():
    if hasattr(int, '__index__'):  # Python 2.5+ (PEP 357)
        assert 'hello'[Integer(2):] == 'llo'
Пример #11
def test_mod():
    x = Rational(1, 2)
    y = Rational(3, 4)
    z = Rational(5, 18043)

    assert x % x == 0
    assert x % y == 1/S(2)
    assert x % z == 3/S(36086)
    assert y % x == 1/S(4)
    assert y % y == 0
    assert y % z == 9/S(72172)
    assert z % x == 5/S(18043)
    assert z % y == 5/S(18043)
    assert z % z == 0

    a = Float(2.6)

    assert (a % .2) == 0
    assert (a % 2).round(15) == 0.6
    assert (a % 0.5).round(15) == 0.1

    p = Symbol('p', infinite=True)

    assert zoo % 0 == nan
    assert oo % oo == nan
    assert zoo % oo == nan
    assert 5 % oo == nan
    assert p % 5 == nan

    # In these two tests, if the precision of m does
    # not match the precision of the ans, then it is
    # likely that the change made now gives an answer
    # with degraded accuracy.
    r = Rational(500, 41)
    f = Float('.36', 3)
    m = r % f
    ans = Float(r % Rational(f), 3)
    assert m == ans and m._prec == ans._prec
    f = Float('8.36', 3)
    m = f % r
    ans = Float(Rational(f) % r, 3)
    assert m == ans and m._prec == ans._prec

    s = S.Zero

    assert s % float(1) == S.Zero

    # No rounding required since these numbers can be represented
    # exactly.
    assert Rational(3, 4) % Float(1.1) == 0.75
    assert Float(1.5) % Rational(5, 4) == 0.25
    assert Rational(5, 4).__rmod__(Float('1.5')) == 0.25
    assert Float('1.5').__rmod__(Float('2.75')) == Float('1.25')
    assert 2.75 % Float('1.5') == Float('1.25')

    a = Integer(7)
    b = Integer(4)

    assert type(a % b) == Integer
    assert a % b == Integer(3)
    assert Integer(1) % Rational(2, 3) == Rational(1, 3)
    assert Rational(7, 5) % Integer(1) == Rational(2, 5)
    assert Integer(2) % 1.5 == 0.5

    assert Integer(3).__rmod__(Integer(10)) == Integer(1)
    assert Integer(10) % 4 == Integer(2)
    assert 15 % Integer(4) == Integer(3)
Пример #12
def test_hashing_sympy_integers():
    # Test for issue 5072
    assert set([Integer(3)]) == set([int(3)])
    assert hash(Integer(4)) == hash(int(4))
Пример #13
def test_conversion_to_mpmath():
    assert mpmath.mpmathify(Integer(1)) == mpmath.mpf(1)
    assert mpmath.mpmathify(Rational(1, 2)) == mpmath.mpf(0.5)
    assert mpmath.mpmathify(Float('1.23', 15)) == mpmath.mpf('1.23')
Пример #14
def test_IntegerInteger():
    a = Integer(4)
    b = Integer(a)

    assert a == b
Пример #15
 def _sympy_(self):
     return Integer(5)
Пример #16
def test_sympify_function():
    assert sympify('factor(x**2-1, x)') == -(1 - x) * (x + 1)
    assert sympify('sin(pi/2)*cos(pi)') == -Integer(1)
Пример #17
def test_check_arguments():
    x, y = symbols("x, y")

    ### Test arguments for plot()

    # single expressions
    args = _plot_sympify((x + 1, ))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, (x, -10, 10), "x + 1")

    # single expressions with range
    args = _plot_sympify((x + 1, (x, -2, 2)))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, (x, -2, 2), "x + 1")

    # single expressions with range and label
    args = _plot_sympify((x + 1, (x, -2, 2), "test"))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, (x, -2, 2), "test")

    # multiple expressions
    args = _plot_sympify((x + 1, x**2))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, (x, -10, 10), "x + 1")
    assert r[1] == (x**2, (x, -10, 10), "x**2")

    # multiple expressions over the same range
    args = _plot_sympify((x + 1, x**2, (x, 0, 5)))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, (x, 0, 5), "x + 1")
    assert r[1] == (x**2, (x, 0, 5), "x**2")

    # multiple expressions with different ranges and labels
    args = _plot_sympify([(x + 1, (x, 0, 5)), (x**2, (x, -2, 2), "test")])
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, (x, 0, 5), "x + 1")
    assert r[1] == (x**2, (x, -2, 2), "test")

    ### Test arguments for plot_parametric()

    # single parametric expression
    args = _plot_sympify((x + 1, x))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 2, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, x, (x, -10, 10), "(x + 1, x)")

    # single parametric expression with custom range and label
    args = _plot_sympify((x + 1, x, (x, -2, 2), "test"))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 2, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, x, (x, -2, 2), "test")

    args = _plot_sympify(((x + 1, x), (x, -2, 2), "test"))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 2, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, x, (x, -2, 2), "test")

    # multiple parametric expressions
    args = _plot_sympify([(x + 1, x), (x**2, x + 1)])
    r = _check_arguments(args, 2, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, x, (x, -10, 10), "(x + 1, x)")
    assert r[1] == (x**2, x + 1, (x, -10, 10), "(x**2, x + 1)")

    # multiple parametric expressions same range
    args = _plot_sympify([(x + 1, x), (x**2, x + 1), (x, -2, 2)])
    r = _check_arguments(args, 2, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, x, (x, -2, 2), "(x + 1, x)")
    assert r[1] == (x**2, x + 1, (x, -2, 2), "(x**2, x + 1)")

    # multiple parametric expressions, custom ranges and labels
    args = _plot_sympify([(x + 1, x, (x, -2, 2)),
                          (x**2, x + 1, (x, -3, 3), "test")])
    r = _check_arguments(args, 2, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, x, (x, -2, 2), "(x + 1, x)")
    assert r[1] == (x**2, x + 1, (x, -3, 3), "test")

    ### Test arguments for plot3d_parametric_line()

    # single parametric expression
    args = _plot_sympify((x + 1, x, sin(x)))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 3, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, x, sin(x), (x, -10, 10), "(x + 1, x, sin(x))")

    # single parametric expression with custom range and label
    args = _plot_sympify((x + 1, x, sin(x), (x, -2, 2), "test"))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 3, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, x, sin(x), (x, -2, 2), "test")

    args = _plot_sympify(((x + 1, x, sin(x)), (x, -2, 2), "test"))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 3, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, x, sin(x), (x, -2, 2), "test")

    # multiple parametric expression
    args = _plot_sympify([(x + 1, x, sin(x)), (x**2, 1, cos(x))])
    r = _check_arguments(args, 3, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, x, sin(x), (x, -10, 10), "(x + 1, x, sin(x))")
    assert r[1] == (x**2, Integer(1), cos(x), (x, -10, 10),
                    "(x**2, 1, cos(x))")

    # multiple parametric expression, custom ranges and labels
    args = _plot_sympify([(x + 1, x, sin(x)),
                          (x**2, 1, cos(x), (x, -2, 2), "test")])
    r = _check_arguments(args, 3, 1)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert r[0] == (x + 1, x, sin(x), (x, -10, 10), "(x + 1, x, sin(x))")
    assert r[1] == (x**2, Integer(1), cos(x), (x, -2, 2), "test")

    ### Test arguments for plot3d() and plot_contour()

    # single expression
    args = _plot_sympify((x + y, ))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert len(r[0]) == 4
    assert r[0][0] == x + y
    assert r[0][1] == (x, -10, 10) or (y, -10, 10)
    assert r[0][2] == (y, -10, 10) or (x, -10, 10)
    assert r[0][1] != r[0][2]
    assert r[0][3] == "x + y"

    # single expression, custom range and label
    args = _plot_sympify((x + y, (x, -2, 2), "test"))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert len(r[0]) == 4
    assert r[0][0] == x + y
    assert r[0][1] == (x, -2, 2) or (y, -10, 10)
    assert r[0][2] == (y, -10, 10) or (x, -2, 2)
    assert r[0][1] != r[0][2]
    assert r[0][3] == "test"

    args = _plot_sympify((x + y, (x, -2, 2), (y, -4, 4), "test"))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert r[0] == (x + y, (x, -2, 2), (y, -4, 4), "test")

    # multiple expressions
    args = _plot_sympify((x + y, x * y))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert len(r[0]) == 4
    assert len(r[1]) == 4
    assert r[0][0] == x + y
    assert r[0][1] == (x, -10, 10) or (y, -10, 10)
    assert r[0][2] == (y, -10, 10) or (x, -10, 10)
    assert r[0][1] != r[0][2]
    assert r[0][3] == "x + y"
    assert r[1][0] == x * y
    assert r[1][1] == (x, -10, 10) or (y, -10, 10)
    assert r[1][2] == (y, -10, 10) or (x, -10, 10)
    assert r[1][1] != r[0][2]
    assert r[1][3] == "x*y"

    # multiple expressions, same custom ranges
    args = _plot_sympify((x + y, x * y, (x, -2, 2), (y, -4, 4)))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert r[0] == (x + y, (x, -2, 2), (y, -4, 4), "x + y")
    assert r[1] == (x * y, (x, -2, 2), (y, -4, 4), "x*y")

    # multiple expressions, custom ranges and labels
    args = _plot_sympify([(x + y, (x, -2, 2), (y, -4, 4)),
                          (x * y, (x, -3, 3), (y, -6, 6), "test")])
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert r[0] == (x + y, (x, -2, 2), (y, -4, 4), "x + y")
    assert r[1] == (x * y, (x, -3, 3), (y, -6, 6), "test")

    ### Test arguments for plot3d_parametric_surface()

    # single parametric expression
    args = _plot_sympify((x + y, cos(x + y), sin(x + y)))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 3, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert len(r[0]) == 6
    assert r[0][0] == x + y
    assert r[0][1] == cos(x + y)
    assert r[0][2] == sin(x + y)
    assert r[0][3] == (x, -10, 10) or (y, -10, 10)
    assert r[0][4] == (y, -10, 10) or (x, -10, 10)
    assert r[0][3] != r[0][4]
    assert r[0][5] == "(x + y, cos(x + y), sin(x + y))"

    # single parametric expression, custom ranges and labels
    args = _plot_sympify(
        (x + y, cos(x + y), sin(x + y), (x, -2, 2), (y, -4, 4), "test"))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 3, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert r[0] == (x + y, cos(x + y), sin(x + y), (x, -2, 2), (y, -4, 4),

    # multiple parametric expressions
    args = _plot_sympify([(x + y, cos(x + y), sin(x + y)),
                          (x - y, cos(x - y), sin(x - y))])
    r = _check_arguments(args, 3, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert len(r[0]) == 6
    assert len(r[1]) == 6
    assert r[0][0] == x + y
    assert r[0][1] == cos(x + y)
    assert r[0][2] == sin(x + y)
    assert r[0][3] == (x, -10, 10) or (y, -10, 10)
    assert r[0][4] == (y, -10, 10) or (x, -10, 10)
    assert r[0][3] != r[0][4]
    assert r[0][5] == "(x + y, cos(x + y), sin(x + y))"
    assert r[1][0] == x - y
    assert r[1][1] == cos(x - y)
    assert r[1][2] == sin(x - y)
    assert r[1][3] == (x, -10, 10) or (y, -10, 10)
    assert r[1][4] == (y, -10, 10) or (x, -10, 10)
    assert r[1][3] != r[0][4]
    assert r[1][5] == "(x - y, cos(x - y), sin(x - y))"

    # multiple parametric expressions, custom ranges and labels
    args = _plot_sympify([
        (x + y, cos(x + y), sin(x + y), (x, -2, 2), "test"),
        (x - y, cos(x - y), sin(x - y), (x, -3, 3), (y, -4, 4), "test2"),
    r = _check_arguments(args, 3, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert len(r[0]) == 6
    assert r[0][0] == x + y
    assert r[0][1] == cos(x + y)
    assert r[0][2] == sin(x + y)
    assert r[0][3] == (x, -2, 2) or (y, -10, 10)
    assert r[0][4] == (y, -10, 10) or (x, -2, 2)
    assert r[0][3] != r[0][4]
    assert r[0][5] == "test"
    assert r[1] == (x - y, cos(x - y), sin(x - y), (x, -3, 3), (y, -4, 4),

    ### Test arguments for plot_implicit

    # single expression with both ranges
    args = _plot_sympify((x > 0, (x, -2, 2), (y, -3, 3)))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert len(r[0]) == 4
    assert r[0] == (x > 0, (x, -2, 2), (y, -3, 3), "x > 0")

    # single expression with one missing range
    args = _plot_sympify((x > 0, (x, -2, 2), "test"))
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 1
    assert len(r[0]) == 4
    assert r[0][:2] == (x > 0, (x, -2, 2))
    assert r[0][-1] == "test"
    assert (r[0][2][1] == Integer(-10)) and (r[0][2][2] == Integer(10))

    # multiple expressions
    args = _plot_sympify([(x > 0, (x, -2, 2), (y, -3, 3)),
                          ((x > 0) & (y < 0), "test")])
    r = _check_arguments(args, 1, 2)
    assert isinstance(r, (list, tuple, Tuple)) and len(r) == 2
    assert len(r[0]) == 4
    assert r[0] == (x > 0, (x, -2, 2), (y, -3, 3), "x > 0")
    assert len(r[1]) == 4
    assert r[1][0] == ((x > 0) & (y < 0))
    assert (r[1][1] == Tuple(x, -10, 10)) or (r[1][1] == Tuple(y, -10, 10))
    assert (r[1][2] == Tuple(x, -10, 10)) or (r[1][2] == Tuple(y, -10, 10))
    assert r[1][-1] == "test"

    # incompatible free symbols between expression and ranges
    z = symbols("z")
    args = _plot_sympify((x * y > 0, (x, -2, 2), (z, -3, 3)))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: _check_arguments(args, 1, 2))
Пример #18
def test_powers_Integer():
    """Test Integer._eval_power"""
    # check infinity
    assert S(1)**S.Infinity == 1
    assert S(-1)**S.Infinity == S.NaN
    assert S(2)**S.Infinity == S.Infinity
    assert S(-2)**S.Infinity == S.Infinity + S.Infinity * S.ImaginaryUnit
    assert S(0)**S.Infinity == 0

    # check Nan
    assert S(1)**S.NaN == S.One
    assert S(-1)**S.NaN == S.NaN

    # check for exact roots
    assert S(-1)**Rational(6, 5) == -(-1)**(S(1) / 5)
    assert sqrt(S(4)) == 2
    assert sqrt(S(-4)) == I * 2
    assert S(16)**Rational(1, 4) == 2
    assert S(-16)**Rational(1, 4) == 2 * (-1)**Rational(1, 4)
    assert S(9)**Rational(3, 2) == 27
    assert S(-9)**Rational(3, 2) == -27 * I
    assert S(27)**Rational(2, 3) == 9
    assert S(-27)**Rational(2, 3) == 9 * (S(-1)**Rational(2, 3))
    assert (-2)**Rational(-2, 1) == Rational(1, 4)

    # not exact roots
    assert sqrt(-3) == I * sqrt(3)
    assert (3)**(S(3) / 2) == 3 * sqrt(3)
    assert (-3)**(S(3) / 2) == -3 * sqrt(-3)
    assert (-3)**(S(5) / 2) == 9 * I * sqrt(3)
    assert (-3)**(S(7) / 2) == -I * 27 * sqrt(3)
    assert (2)**(S(3) / 2) == 2 * sqrt(2)
    assert (2)**(S(-3) / 2) == sqrt(2) / 4
    assert (81)**(S(2) / 3) == 9 * (S(3)**(S(2) / 3))
    assert (-81)**(S(2) / 3) == 9 * (S(-3)**(S(2) / 3))
    assert (-3) ** Rational(-7, 3) == \
        -(-1)**Rational(2, 3)*3**Rational(2, 3)/27
    assert (-3) ** Rational(-2, 3) == \
        -(-1)**Rational(1, 3)*3**Rational(1, 3)/3

    # join roots
    assert sqrt(6) + sqrt(24) == 3 * sqrt(6)
    assert sqrt(2) * sqrt(3) == sqrt(6)

    # separate symbols & constansts
    x = Symbol("x")
    assert sqrt(49 * x) == 7 * sqrt(x)
    assert sqrt((3 - sqrt(pi))**2) == 3 - sqrt(pi)

    # check that it is fast for big numbers
    assert (2**64 + 1)**Rational(4, 3)
    assert (2**64 + 1)**Rational(17, 25)

    # negative rational power and negative base
    assert (-3) ** Rational(-7, 3) == \
        -(-1)**Rational(2, 3)*3**Rational(2, 3)/27
    assert (-3) ** Rational(-2, 3) == \
        -(-1)**Rational(1, 3)*3**Rational(1, 3)/3

    assert S(1234).factors() == {617: 1, 2: 1}
    assert Rational(2 * 3, 3 * 5 * 7).factors() == {2: 1, 5: -1, 7: -1}

    # test that eval_power factors numbers bigger than
    # the current limit in factor_trial_division (2**15)
    from sympy import nextprime
    n = nextprime(2**15)
    assert sqrt(n**2) == n
    assert sqrt(n**3) == n * sqrt(n)
    assert sqrt(4 * n) == 2 * sqrt(n)

    # check that factors of base with powers sharing gcd with power are removed
    assert (2**4 * 3)**Rational(1, 6) == 2**Rational(2, 3) * 3**Rational(1, 6)
    assert (2**4 * 3)**Rational(
        5, 6) == 8 * 2**Rational(1, 3) * 3**Rational(5, 6)

    # check that bases sharing a gcd are exptracted
    assert 2**Rational(1, 3)*3**Rational(1, 4)*6**Rational(1, 5) == \
        2**Rational(8, 15)*3**Rational(9, 20)
    assert sqrt(8)*24**Rational(1, 3)*6**Rational(1, 5) == \
        4*2**Rational(7, 10)*3**Rational(8, 15)
    assert sqrt(8)*(-24)**Rational(1, 3)*(-6)**Rational(1, 5) == \
        4*(-3)**Rational(8, 15)*2**Rational(7, 10)
    assert 2**Rational(1, 3) * 2**Rational(8, 9) == 2 * 2**Rational(2, 9)
    assert 2**Rational(2, 3) * 6**Rational(1, 3) == 2 * 3**Rational(1, 3)
    assert 2**Rational(2, 3)*6**Rational(8, 9) == \
        2*2**Rational(5, 9)*3**Rational(8, 9)
    assert (-2)**Rational(2, S(3)) * (-4)**Rational(
        1, S(3)) == -2 * 2**Rational(1, 3)
    assert 3 * Pow(3, 2, evaluate=False) == 3**3
    assert 3 * Pow(3, -1 / S(3), evaluate=False) == 3**(2 / S(3))
    assert (-2)**(1/S(3))*(-3)**(1/S(4))*(-5)**(5/S(6)) == \
        -(-1)**Rational(5, 12)*2**Rational(1, 3)*3**Rational(1, 4) * \
        5**Rational(5, 6)

    assert Integer(-2)**Symbol('', even=True) == \
        Integer(2)**Symbol('', even=True)
    assert (-1)**Float(.5) == 1.0 * I
Пример #19
def test_mod():
    x = Rational(1, 2)
    y = Rational(3, 4)
    z = Rational(5, 18043)

    assert x % x == 0
    assert x % y == 1 / S(2)
    assert x % z == 3 / S(36086)
    assert y % x == 1 / S(4)
    assert y % y == 0
    assert y % z == 9 / S(72172)
    assert z % x == 5 / S(18043)
    assert z % y == 5 / S(18043)
    assert z % z == 0

    a = Float(2.6)

    assert (a % .2).round(15) == 0.2
    assert (a % 2).round(15) == 0.6
    assert (a % 0.5).round(15) == 0.1

    # No rounding required since these numbers can be represented
    # exactly.
    assert Rational(3, 4) % Float(1.1) == 0.75
    assert Float(1.5) % Rational(5, 4) == 0.25
    assert Rational(5, 4).__rmod__(Float('1.5')) == 0.25
    assert Float('1.5').__rmod__(Float('2.75')) == Float('1.25')
    assert 2.75 % Float('1.5') == Float('1.25')

    a = Integer(7)
    b = Integer(4)

    assert type(a % b) == Integer
    assert a % b == Integer(3)
    assert Integer(1) % Rational(2, 3) == Rational(1, 3)
    assert Rational(7, 5) % Integer(1) == Rational(2, 5)
    assert Integer(2) % 1.5 == 0.5

    assert Integer(3).__rmod__(Integer(10)) == Integer(1)
    assert Integer(10) % 4 == Integer(2)
    assert 15 % Integer(4) == Integer(3)
Пример #20
def test_Float():
    def eq(a, b):
        t = Float("1.0E-15")
        return (-t < a - b < t)

    a = Float(2)**Float(3)
    assert eq(a.evalf(), Float(8))
    assert eq((pi**-1).evalf(), Float("0.31830988618379067"))
    a = Float(2)**Float(4)
    assert eq(a.evalf(), Float(16))
    assert (S(.3) == S(.5)) is False
    x_str = Float((0, '13333333333333', -52, 53))
    x2_str = Float((0, '26666666666666', -53, 53))
    x_hex = Float((0, 0x13333333333333L, -52, 53))
    x_dec = Float((0, 5404319552844595L, -52, 53))
    x2_hex = Float((0, 0x13333333333333L * 2, -53, 53))
    assert x_str == x_hex == x_dec == x2_hex == Float(1.2)
    # x2_str and 1.2 are superficially the same
    assert str(x2_str) == str(Float(1.2))
    # but are different at the mpf level
    assert Float(1.2)._mpf_ == (0, 5404319552844595L, -52, 53)
    assert x2_str._mpf_ == (0, 10808639105689190L, -53, 53)

    assert Float((0, 0L, -123, -1)) == Float('nan')
    assert Float((0, 0L, -456, -2)) == Float('inf') == Float('+inf')
    assert Float((1, 0L, -789, -3)) == Float('-inf')

    # do not automatically evalf
    def teq(a):
        assert (a.evalf() == a) is False
        assert (a.evalf() != a) is True
        assert (a == a.evalf()) is False
        assert (a != a.evalf()) is True

    teq(2 * pi)
    teq(cos(0.1, evaluate=False))

    i = 12345678901234567890
    assert _aresame(Float(12, ''), Float('12', ''))
    assert _aresame(Float(Integer(i), ''), Float(i, ''))
    assert _aresame(Float(i, ''), Float(str(i), 20))
    assert not _aresame(Float(str(i)), Float(i, ''))

    # inexact floats (repeating binary = denom not multiple of 2)
    # cannot have precision greater than 15
    assert Float(.125, 22) == .125
    assert Float(2.0, 22) == 2
    assert float(Float('.12500000000000001', '')) == .125
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float(.12500000000000001, ''))

    # allow spaces
    Float('123 456.123 456') == Float('123456.123456')
    Integer('123 456') == Integer('123456')
    Rational('123 456.123 456') == Rational('123456.123456')
    assert Float(' .3e2') == Float('0.3e2')

    # allow auto precision detection
    assert Float('.1', '') == Float(.1, 1)
    assert Float('.125', '') == Float(.125, 3)
    assert Float('.100', '') == Float(.1, 3)
    assert Float('2.0', '') == Float('2', 2)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float("12.3d-4", ""))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float(12.3, ""))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float('.'))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float('-.'))

    zero = Float('0.0')
    assert Float('-0') == zero
    assert Float('.0') == zero
    assert Float('-.0') == zero
    assert Float('-0.0') == zero
    assert Float(0.0) == zero
    assert Float(0) == zero
    assert Float(0, '') == Float('0', '')
    assert Float(1) == Float(1.0)
    assert Float(S.Zero) == zero
    assert Float(S.One) == Float(1.0)
Пример #21
def test_no_len():
    # there should be no len for numbers
    raises(TypeError, lambda: len(Rational(2)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: len(Rational(2, 3)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: len(Integer(2)))
Пример #22
 def F(i):
     return Integer(i).factors()
Пример #23
def test_issue1034():
    a = sympify('Integer(4)')

    assert a == Integer(4)
    assert a.is_Integer
Пример #24
def test_Rational_gcd_lcm_cofactors():
    assert Integer(4).gcd(2) == Integer(2)
    assert Integer(4).lcm(2) == Integer(4)
    assert Integer(4).gcd(Integer(2)) == Integer(2)
    assert Integer(4).lcm(Integer(2)) == Integer(4)

    assert Integer(4).gcd(3) == Integer(1)
    assert Integer(4).lcm(3) == Integer(12)
    assert Integer(4).gcd(Integer(3)) == Integer(1)
    assert Integer(4).lcm(Integer(3)) == Integer(12)

    assert Rational(4, 3).gcd(2) == Rational(2, 3)
    assert Rational(4, 3).lcm(2) == Integer(4)
    assert Rational(4, 3).gcd(Integer(2)) == Rational(2, 3)
    assert Rational(4, 3).lcm(Integer(2)) == Integer(4)

    assert Integer(4).gcd(Rational(2, 9)) == Rational(2, 9)
    assert Integer(4).lcm(Rational(2, 9)) == Integer(4)

    assert Rational(4, 3).gcd(Rational(2, 9)) == Rational(2, 9)
    assert Rational(4, 3).lcm(Rational(2, 9)) == Rational(4, 3)
    assert Rational(4, 5).gcd(Rational(2, 9)) == Rational(2, 45)
    assert Rational(4, 5).lcm(Rational(2, 9)) == Integer(4)

    assert Integer(4).cofactors(2) == (Integer(2), Integer(2), Integer(1))
    assert Integer(4).cofactors(Integer(2)) == \
        (Integer(2), Integer(2), Integer(1))

    assert Integer(4).gcd(Float(2.0)) == S.One
    assert Integer(4).lcm(Float(2.0)) == Float(8.0)
    assert Integer(4).cofactors(Float(2.0)) == (S.One, Integer(4), Float(2.0))

    assert Rational(1, 2).gcd(Float(2.0)) == S.One
    assert Rational(1, 2).lcm(Float(2.0)) == Float(1.0)
    assert Rational(1, 2).cofactors(Float(2.0)) == \
        (S.One, Rational(1, 2), Float(2.0))
Пример #25
def test_issue883():
    a = [3, 2.0]
    assert sympify(a) == [Integer(3), Real(2.0)]
    assert sympify(tuple(a)) == (Integer(3), Real(2.0))
    assert sympify(set(a)) == set([Integer(3), Real(2.0)])
Пример #26
def test_Integer_as_index():
    assert 'hello'[Integer(2):] == 'llo'
Пример #27
def test__dict_from_expr_if_gens():
    assert dict_from_expr(
        Integer(17), gens=(x,)) == ({(0,): Integer(17)}, (x,))
    assert dict_from_expr(
        Integer(17), gens=(x, y)) == ({(0, 0): Integer(17)}, (x, y))
    assert dict_from_expr(
        Integer(17), gens=(x, y, z)) == ({(0, 0, 0): Integer(17)}, (x, y, z))

    assert dict_from_expr(
        Integer(-17), gens=(x,)) == ({(0,): Integer(-17)}, (x,))
    assert dict_from_expr(
        Integer(-17), gens=(x, y)) == ({(0, 0): Integer(-17)}, (x, y))
    assert dict_from_expr(Integer(
        -17), gens=(x, y, z)) == ({(0, 0, 0): Integer(-17)}, (x, y, z))

    assert dict_from_expr(
        Integer(17)*x, gens=(x,)) == ({(1,): Integer(17)}, (x,))
    assert dict_from_expr(
        Integer(17)*x, gens=(x, y)) == ({(1, 0): Integer(17)}, (x, y))
    assert dict_from_expr(Integer(
        17)*x, gens=(x, y, z)) == ({(1, 0, 0): Integer(17)}, (x, y, z))

    assert dict_from_expr(
        Integer(17)*x**7, gens=(x,)) == ({(7,): Integer(17)}, (x,))
    assert dict_from_expr(
        Integer(17)*x**7*y, gens=(x, y)) == ({(7, 1): Integer(17)}, (x, y))
    assert dict_from_expr(Integer(17)*x**7*y*z**12, gens=(
        x, y, z)) == ({(7, 1, 12): Integer(17)}, (x, y, z))

    assert dict_from_expr(x + 2*y + 3*z, gens=(x,)) == \
        ({(1,): Integer(1), (0,): 2*y + 3*z}, (x,))
    assert dict_from_expr(x + 2*y + 3*z, gens=(x, y)) == \
        ({(1, 0): Integer(1), (0, 1): Integer(2), (0, 0): 3*z}, (x, y))
    assert dict_from_expr(x + 2*y + 3*z, gens=(x, y, z)) == \
        ({(1, 0, 0): Integer(
            1), (0, 1, 0): Integer(2), (0, 0, 1): Integer(3)}, (x, y, z))

    assert dict_from_expr(x*y + 2*x*z + 3*y*z, gens=(x,)) == \
        ({(1,): y + 2*z, (0,): 3*y*z}, (x,))
    assert dict_from_expr(x*y + 2*x*z + 3*y*z, gens=(x, y)) == \
        ({(1, 1): Integer(1), (1, 0): 2*z, (0, 1): 3*z}, (x, y))
    assert dict_from_expr(x*y + 2*x*z + 3*y*z, gens=(x, y, z)) == \
        ({(1, 1, 0): Integer(
            1), (1, 0, 1): Integer(2), (0, 1, 1): Integer(3)}, (x, y, z))

    assert dict_from_expr(2**y*x, gens=(x,)) == ({(1,): 2**y}, (x,))
    assert dict_from_expr(Integral(x, (x, 1, 2)) + x) == (
        {(0, 1): 1, (1, 0): 1}, (x, Integral(x, (x, 1, 2))))
    raises(PolynomialError, lambda: dict_from_expr(2**y*x, gens=(x, y)))
Пример #28
def test_Float():
    def eq(a, b):
        t = Float("1.0E-15")
        return (-t < a - b < t)

    a = Float(2) ** Float(3)
    assert eq(a.evalf(), Float(8))
    assert eq((pi ** -1).evalf(), Float("0.31830988618379067"))
    a = Float(2) ** Float(4)
    assert eq(a.evalf(), Float(16))
    assert (S(.3) == S(.5)) is False
    x_str = Float((0, '13333333333333', -52, 53))
    x2_str = Float((0, '26666666666666', -53, 53))
    x_hex = Float((0, long(0x13333333333333), -52, 53))
    x_dec = Float((0, 5404319552844595, -52, 53))
    x2_hex = Float((0, long(0x13333333333333)*2, -53, 53))
    assert x_str == x_hex == x_dec == x2_hex == Float(1.2)
    # x2_str and 1.2 are superficially the same
    assert str(x2_str) == str(Float(1.2))
    # but are different at the mpf level
    assert Float(1.2)._mpf_ == (0, long(5404319552844595), -52, 53)
    assert x2_str._mpf_ == (0, long(10808639105689190), -53, 53)

    assert Float((0, long(0), -123, -1)) == Float('nan')
    assert Float((0, long(0), -456, -2)) == Float('inf') == Float('+inf')
    assert Float((1, long(0), -789, -3)) == Float('-inf')

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float((0, 7, 1, 3), ''))

    assert Float('+inf').is_finite is False
    assert Float('+inf').is_negative is False
    assert Float('+inf').is_positive is True
    assert Float('+inf').is_infinite is True
    assert Float('+inf').is_zero is False

    assert Float('-inf').is_finite is False
    assert Float('-inf').is_negative is True
    assert Float('-inf').is_positive is False
    assert Float('-inf').is_infinite is True
    assert Float('-inf').is_zero is False

    assert Float('0.0').is_finite is True
    assert Float('0.0').is_negative is False
    assert Float('0.0').is_positive is False
    assert Float('0.0').is_infinite is False
    assert Float('0.0').is_zero is True

    # rationality properties
    assert Float(1).is_rational is None
    assert Float(1).is_irrational is None
    assert sqrt(2).n(15).is_rational is None
    assert sqrt(2).n(15).is_irrational is None

    # do not automatically evalf
    def teq(a):
        assert (a.evalf() == a) is False
        assert (a.evalf() != a) is True
        assert (a == a.evalf()) is False
        assert (a != a.evalf()) is True

    teq(cos(0.1, evaluate=False))

    # long integer
    i = 12345678901234567890
    assert same_and_same_prec(Float(12, ''), Float('12', ''))
    assert same_and_same_prec(Float(Integer(i), ''), Float(i, ''))
    assert same_and_same_prec(Float(i, ''), Float(str(i), 20))
    assert same_and_same_prec(Float(str(i)), Float(i, ''))
    assert same_and_same_prec(Float(i), Float(i, ''))

    # inexact floats (repeating binary = denom not multiple of 2)
    # cannot have precision greater than 15
    assert Float(.125, 22) == .125
    assert Float(2.0, 22) == 2
    assert float(Float('.12500000000000001', '')) == .125
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float(.12500000000000001, ''))

    # allow spaces
    Float('123 456.123 456') == Float('123456.123456')
    Integer('123 456') == Integer('123456')
    Rational('123 456.123 456') == Rational('123456.123456')
    assert Float(' .3e2') == Float('0.3e2')

    # allow auto precision detection
    assert Float('.1', '') == Float(.1, 1)
    assert Float('.125', '') == Float(.125, 3)
    assert Float('.100', '') == Float(.1, 3)
    assert Float('2.0', '') == Float('2', 2)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float("12.3d-4", ""))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float(12.3, ""))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float('.'))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Float('-.'))

    zero = Float('0.0')
    assert Float('-0') == zero
    assert Float('.0') == zero
    assert Float('-.0') == zero
    assert Float('-0.0') == zero
    assert Float(0.0) == zero
    assert Float(0) == zero
    assert Float(0, '') == Float('0', '')
    assert Float(1) == Float(1.0)
    assert Float(S.Zero) == zero
    assert Float(S.One) == Float(1.0)

    assert Float(decimal.Decimal('0.1'), 3) == Float('.1', 3)
    assert Float(decimal.Decimal('nan')) == S.NaN
    assert Float(decimal.Decimal('Infinity')) == S.Infinity
    assert Float(decimal.Decimal('-Infinity')) == S.NegativeInfinity

    assert '{0:.3f}'.format(Float(4.236622)) == '4.237'
    assert '{0:.35f}'.format(Float(pi.n(40), 40)) == '3.14159265358979323846264338327950288'
Пример #29
def test_complex_e():
    assert_equal("e^{I\\pi}", Integer(-1))
Пример #30
def test_scalar_sympy():
    assert represent(Integer(1)) == Integer(1)
    assert represent(Float(1.0)) == Float(1.0)
    assert represent(1.0 + I) == 1.0 + I
Пример #31
 def _eval_innerproduct_QubitBra(self, bra, **hints):
     if self.label == bra.label:
         return Integer(1)
         return Integer(0)
Пример #32
def test_equality_subs1():
    f = Function('f')
    x = abc.x
    eq = Eq(f(x)**2, x)
    res = Eq(Integer(16), x)
    assert eq.subs(f(x), 4) == res
Пример #33
def test_parallel_dict_from_expr():
    assert parallel_dict_from_expr([Eq(x, 1), Eq(
        x**2, 2)]) == ([{(0,): -Integer(1), (1,): Integer(1)},
                        {(0,): -Integer(2), (2,): Integer(1)}], (x,))
    raises(PolynomialError, lambda: parallel_dict_from_expr([A*B - B*A]))
Пример #34
def test__parallel_dict_from_expr_if_gens():
    assert parallel_dict_from_expr([x + 2*y + 3*z, Integer(7)], gens=(x,)) == \
        ([{(1,): Integer(1), (0,): 2*y + 3*z}, {(0,): Integer(7)}], (x,))
Пример #35
def generate_gate_rules(gate_seq, return_as_muls=False):
    """Returns a set of gate rules.  Each gate rules is represented
    as a 2-tuple of tuples or Muls.  An empty tuple represents an arbitrary
    scalar value.

    This function uses the four operations (LL, LR, RL, RR)
    to generate the gate rules.

    A gate rule is an expression such as ABC = D or AB = CD, where
    A, B, C, and D are gates.  Each value on either side of the
    equal sign represents a circuit.  The four operations allow
    one to find a set of equivalent circuits from a gate identity.
    The letters denoting the operation tell the user what
    activities to perform on each expression.  The first letter
    indicates which side of the equal sign to focus on.  The
    second letter indicates which gate to focus on given the
    side.  Once this information is determined, the inverse
    of the gate is multiplied on both circuits to create a new
    gate rule.

    For example, given the identity, ABCD = 1, a LL operation
    means look at the left value and multiply both left sides by the
    inverse of the leftmost gate A.  If A is Hermitian, the inverse
    of A is still A.  The resulting new rule is BCD = A.

    The following is a summary of the four operations.  Assume
    that in the examples, all gates are Hermitian.

        LL : left circuit, left multiply
             ABCD = E -> AABCD = AE -> BCD = AE
        LR : left circuit, right multiply
             ABCD = E -> ABCDD = ED -> ABC = ED
        RL : right circuit, left multiply
             ABC = ED -> EABC = EED -> EABC = D
        RR : right circuit, right multiply
             AB = CD -> ABD = CDD -> ABD = C

    The number of gate rules generated is n*(n+1), where n
    is the number of gates in the sequence (unproven).


    gate_seq : Gate tuple, Mul, or Number
        A variable length tuple or Mul of Gates whose product is equal to
        a scalar matrix
    return_as_muls : bool
        True to return a set of Muls; False to return a set of tuples


    Find the gate rules of the current circuit using tuples:

    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.identitysearch import generate_gate_rules
    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import X, Y, Z
    >>> x = X(0); y = Y(0); z = Z(0)
    >>> generate_gate_rules((x, x))
    {((X(0),), (X(0),)), ((X(0), X(0)), ())}

    >>> generate_gate_rules((x, y, z))
    {((), (X(0), Z(0), Y(0))), ((), (Y(0), X(0), Z(0))),
     ((), (Z(0), Y(0), X(0))), ((X(0),), (Z(0), Y(0))),
     ((Y(0),), (X(0), Z(0))), ((Z(0),), (Y(0), X(0))),
     ((X(0), Y(0)), (Z(0),)), ((Y(0), Z(0)), (X(0),)),
     ((Z(0), X(0)), (Y(0),)), ((X(0), Y(0), Z(0)), ()),
     ((Y(0), Z(0), X(0)), ()), ((Z(0), X(0), Y(0)), ())}

    Find the gate rules of the current circuit using Muls:

    >>> generate_gate_rules(x*x, return_as_muls=True)
    {(1, 1)}

    >>> generate_gate_rules(x*y*z, return_as_muls=True)
    {(1, X(0)*Z(0)*Y(0)), (1, Y(0)*X(0)*Z(0)),
     (1, Z(0)*Y(0)*X(0)), (X(0)*Y(0), Z(0)),
     (Y(0)*Z(0), X(0)), (Z(0)*X(0), Y(0)),
     (X(0)*Y(0)*Z(0), 1), (Y(0)*Z(0)*X(0), 1),
     (Z(0)*X(0)*Y(0), 1), (X(0), Z(0)*Y(0)),
     (Y(0), X(0)*Z(0)), (Z(0), Y(0)*X(0))}

    if isinstance(gate_seq, Number):
        if return_as_muls:
            return {(Integer(1), Integer(1))}
            return {((), ())}

    elif isinstance(gate_seq, Mul):
        gate_seq = gate_seq.args

    # Each item in queue is a 3-tuple:
    #     i)   first item is the left side of an equality
    #    ii)   second item is the right side of an equality
    #   iii)   third item is the number of operations performed
    # The argument, gate_seq, will start on the left side, and
    # the right side will be empty, implying the presence of an
    # identity.
    queue = deque()
    # A set of gate rules
    rules = set()
    # Maximum number of operations to perform
    max_ops = len(gate_seq)

    def process_new_rule(new_rule, ops):
        if new_rule is not None:
            new_left, new_right = new_rule

            if new_rule not in rules and (new_right, new_left) not in rules:
            # If haven't reached the max limit on operations
            if ops + 1 < max_ops:
                queue.append(new_rule + (ops + 1,))

    queue.append((gate_seq, (), 0))
    rules.add((gate_seq, ()))

    while len(queue) > 0:
        left, right, ops = queue.popleft()

        # Do a LL
        new_rule = ll_op(left, right)
        process_new_rule(new_rule, ops)
        # Do a LR
        new_rule = lr_op(left, right)
        process_new_rule(new_rule, ops)
        # Do a RL
        new_rule = rl_op(left, right)
        process_new_rule(new_rule, ops)
        # Do a RR
        new_rule = rr_op(left, right)
        process_new_rule(new_rule, ops)

    if return_as_muls:
        # Convert each rule as tuples into a rule as muls
        mul_rules = set()
        for rule in rules:
            left, right = rule
            mul_rules.add((Mul(*left), Mul(*right)))

        rules = mul_rules

    return rules
Пример #36
def test__parallel_dict_from_expr_no_gens():
    assert parallel_dict_from_expr([x*y, Integer(3)]) == \
        ([{(1, 1): Integer(1)}, {(0, 0): Integer(3)}], (x, y))
    assert parallel_dict_from_expr([x*y, 2*z, Integer(3)]) == \
        ([{(1, 1, 0): Integer(
            1)}, {(0, 0, 1): Integer(2)}, {(0, 0, 0): Integer(3)}], (x, y, z))
Пример #37
def test_fcode_Integer():
    assert fcode(Integer(67)) == "67"
    assert fcode(Integer(-1)) == "-1"