Пример #1
def test_entity_creation():
    props = {
        "id": "syn123456",
        "concreteType": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder",
        "parentId": "syn445566",
        "name": "Testing123"
    annos = {'testing': 123}
    folder = Entity.create(props, annos)

    assert folder.concreteType == 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder'
    assert folder.__class__ == Folder
    assert folder.name == 'Testing123'
    assert folder.testing == 123

    ## In case of unknown concreteType, fall back on generic Entity object
    props = {
        "id": "syn123456",
        "concreteType": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.DoesntExist",
        "parentId": "syn445566",
        "name": "Whatsits"
    whatsits = Entity.create(props)

    assert whatsits.concreteType == 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.DoesntExist'
    assert whatsits.__class__ == Entity
def test_entity_creation():
    props = {
        "id": "syn123456",
        "concreteType": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder",
        "parentId": "syn445566",
        "name": "Testing123"
    annos = {'testing':123}
    folder = Entity.create(props, annos)

    assert folder.concreteType == 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder'
    assert folder.__class__ == Folder
    assert folder.name == 'Testing123'
    assert folder.testing == 123

    ## In case of unknown concreteType, fall back on generic Entity object
    props = {
        "id": "syn123456",
        "concreteType": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.DoesntExist",
        "parentId": "syn445566",
        "name": "Whatsits"
    whatsits = Entity.create(props)

    assert whatsits.concreteType == 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.DoesntExist'
    assert whatsits.__class__ == Entity
def test_entity_creation():
    props = {
        "id": "syn123456",
        "entityType": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder",
        "parentId": "syn445566",
        "name": "Testing123"
    annos = {'testing':123}
    folder = Entity.create(props, annos)

    assert folder.entityType == 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder'
    assert folder.__class__ == Folder
    assert folder.name == 'Testing123'
    assert folder.testing == 123

    props = {
        "id": "syn123456",
        "entityType": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.DoesntExist",
        "name": "Whatsits"
    whatsits = Entity.create(props)

    assert whatsits.entityType == 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.DoesntExist'
    assert whatsits.__class__ == Entity
Пример #4
def test_entity_creation():
    props = {
        "id": "syn123456",
        "entityType": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder",
        "parentId": "syn445566",
        "name": "Testing123"
    annos = {'testing': 123}
    folder = Entity.create(props, annos)

    assert folder.entityType == 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder'
    assert folder.__class__ == Folder
    assert folder.name == 'Testing123'
    assert folder.testing == 123

    props = {
        "id": "syn123456",
        "entityType": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.DoesntExist",
        "name": "Whatsits"
    whatsits = Entity.create(props)

    assert whatsits.entityType == 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.DoesntExist'
    assert whatsits.__class__ == Entity
Пример #5
def test_split_entity_namespaces():
    """Test split_entity_namespaces"""

    e = {
        'concreteType': 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder',
        'name': 'Henry',
        'color': 'blue',
        'foo': 1234,
        'parentId': 'syn1234'
    (properties, annotations, local_state) = split_entity_namespaces(e)

    assert set(properties.keys()) == set(['concreteType', 'name', 'parentId'])
    assert properties['name'] == 'Henry'
    assert set(annotations.keys()) == set(['color', 'foo'])
    assert annotations['foo'] == 1234
    assert len(local_state) == 0

    e = {
        'concreteType': 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.FileEntity',
        'name': 'Henry',
        'color': 'blue',
        'foo': 1234,
        'parentId': 'syn1234',
        'dataFileHandleId': 54321,
        'cacheDir': '/foo/bar/bat',
        'files': ['foo.xyz'],
        'path': '/foo/bar/bat/foo.xyz'
    (properties, annotations, local_state) = split_entity_namespaces(e)

    assert set(properties.keys()) == set(
        ['concreteType', 'name', 'parentId', 'dataFileHandleId'])
    assert properties['name'] == 'Henry'
    assert properties['dataFileHandleId'] == 54321
    assert set(annotations.keys()) == set(['color', 'foo'])
    assert annotations['foo'] == 1234
    assert set(local_state.keys()) == set(['cacheDir', 'files', 'path'])
    assert local_state['cacheDir'] == '/foo/bar/bat'

    f = Entity.create(properties, annotations, local_state)
    assert f.properties.dataFileHandleId == 54321
    assert f.properties.name == 'Henry'
    assert f.annotations.foo == 1234
    assert f.__dict__['cacheDir'] == '/foo/bar/bat'
    assert f.__dict__['path'] == '/foo/bar/bat/foo.xyz'
def test_split_entity_namespaces():
    """Test split_entity_namespaces"""

    e = {
        'concreteType': 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder',
        'name': 'Henry',
        'color': 'blue',
        'foo': 1234,
        'parentId': 'syn1234'
    (properties, annotations, local_state) = split_entity_namespaces(e)

    assert_equals(set(properties.keys()), {'concreteType', 'name', 'parentId'})
    assert_equals(properties['name'], 'Henry')
    assert_equals(set(annotations.keys()), {'color', 'foo'})
    assert_equals(annotations['foo'], 1234)
    assert_equals(len(local_state), 0)

    e = {
        'concreteType': 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.FileEntity',
        'name': 'Henry',
        'color': 'blue',
        'foo': 1234,
        'parentId': 'syn1234',
        'dataFileHandleId': 54321,
        'cacheDir': '/foo/bar/bat',
        'files': ['foo.xyz'],
        'path': '/foo/bar/bat/foo.xyz'
    (properties, annotations, local_state) = split_entity_namespaces(e)

                  {'concreteType', 'name', 'parentId', 'dataFileHandleId'})
    assert_equals(properties['name'], 'Henry')
    assert_equals(properties['dataFileHandleId'], 54321)
    assert_equals(set(annotations.keys()), {'color', 'foo'})
    assert_equals(annotations['foo'], 1234)
    assert_equals(set(local_state.keys()), {'cacheDir', 'files', 'path'})
    assert_equals(local_state['cacheDir'], '/foo/bar/bat')

    f = Entity.create(properties, annotations, local_state)
    assert_equals(f.properties.dataFileHandleId, 54321)
    assert_equals(f.properties.name, 'Henry')
    assert_equals(f.annotations.foo, 1234)
    assert_equals(f.__dict__['cacheDir'], '/foo/bar/bat')
    assert_equals(f.__dict__['path'], '/foo/bar/bat/foo.xyz')
def test_split_entity_namespaces():
    """Test split_entity_namespaces"""

    e = {'concreteType':'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder',
    (properties,annotations,local_state) = split_entity_namespaces(e)

    assert set(properties.keys()) == set(['concreteType', 'name', 'parentId'])
    assert properties['name'] == 'Henry'
    assert set(annotations.keys()) == set(['color', 'foo'])
    assert annotations['foo'] == 1234
    assert len(local_state) == 0

    e = {'concreteType':'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.FileEntity',
    (properties,annotations,local_state) = split_entity_namespaces(e)

    assert set(properties.keys()) == set(['concreteType', 'name', 'parentId', 'dataFileHandleId'])
    assert properties['name'] == 'Henry'
    assert properties['dataFileHandleId'] == 54321
    assert set(annotations.keys()) == set(['color', 'foo'])
    assert annotations['foo'] == 1234
    assert set(local_state.keys()) == set(['cacheDir', 'files', 'path'])
    assert local_state['cacheDir'] == '/foo/bar/bat'

    f = Entity.create(properties,annotations,local_state)
    assert f.properties.dataFileHandleId == 54321
    assert f.properties.name == 'Henry'
    assert f.annotations.foo == 1234
    assert f.__dict__['cacheDir'] == '/foo/bar/bat'
    assert f.__dict__['path'] == '/foo/bar/bat/foo.xyz'
def test_split_entity_namespaces():
    """Test split_entity_namespaces"""

    e = {'concreteType': 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Folder',
         'name': 'Henry',
         'color': 'blue',
         'foo': 1234,
         'parentId': 'syn1234'}
    (properties, annotations, local_state) = split_entity_namespaces(e)

    assert_equals(set(properties.keys()), {'concreteType', 'name', 'parentId'})
    assert_equals(properties['name'], 'Henry')
    assert_equals(set(annotations.keys()), {'color', 'foo'})
    assert_equals(annotations['foo'], 1234)
    assert_equals(len(local_state), 0)

    e = {'concreteType': 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.FileEntity',
         'name': 'Henry',
         'color': 'blue',
         'foo': 1234,
         'parentId': 'syn1234',
         'dataFileHandleId': 54321,
         'cacheDir': '/foo/bar/bat',
         'files': ['foo.xyz'],
         'path': '/foo/bar/bat/foo.xyz'}
    (properties, annotations, local_state) = split_entity_namespaces(e)

    assert_equals(set(properties.keys()), {'concreteType', 'name', 'parentId', 'dataFileHandleId'})
    assert_equals(properties['name'], 'Henry')
    assert_equals(properties['dataFileHandleId'], 54321)
    assert_equals(set(annotations.keys()), {'color', 'foo'})
    assert_equals(annotations['foo'], 1234)
    assert_equals(set(local_state.keys()), {'cacheDir', 'files', 'path'})
    assert_equals(local_state['cacheDir'], '/foo/bar/bat')

    f = Entity.create(properties, annotations, local_state)
    assert_equals(f.properties.dataFileHandleId, 54321)
    assert_equals(f.properties.name, 'Henry')
    assert_equals(f.annotations.foo, 1234)
    assert_equals(f.__dict__['cacheDir'], '/foo/bar/bat')
    assert_equals(f.__dict__['path'], '/foo/bar/bat/foo.xyz')
def test_Entity():
    # Test the basics of creating and accessing properties on an entity
    for i in range(2):
        e = Entity(name='Test object', description='I hope this works',
                   annotations = dict(foo=123, nerds=['chris','jen','janey'], annotations='How confusing!'),
                   properties  = dict(annotations='/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations',

        # Should be able to create an Entity from an Entity
        if i == 1:
            e = Entity.create(e)
        assert e.parentId == 'syn1234'
        assert e['parentId'] == 'syn1234'
        assert e.properties['parentId'] == 'syn1234'
        assert e.properties.parentId =='syn1234'

        assert e.foo == 123
        assert e['foo'] == 123
        assert e.annotations['foo'] == 123
        assert e.annotations.foo == 123

        # Annotations is a bit funny, because there is a property call
        # 'annotations', which will be masked by a member of the object
        # called 'annotations'. Because annotations are open-ended, we
        # might even have an annotations called 'annotations', which gets
        # really confusing.
        assert isinstance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert isinstance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert e.properties['annotations'] == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.properties.annotations == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.annotations.annotations == 'How confusing!'
        assert e.annotations['annotations'] == 'How confusing!'
        assert e.nerds == ['chris','jen','janey']
        assert all([ k in e for k in ['name', 'description', 'foo', 'nerds', 'annotations', 'md5', 'parentId']])

        # Test modifying properties
        e.description = 'Working, so far'
        assert e['description'] == 'Working, so far'
        e['description'] = 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle'
        assert e.description == 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle'

        # Test modifying annotations
        e.foo = 999
        assert e.annotations['foo'] == 999
        e['foo'] = 12345
        assert e.annotations.foo == 12345

        # Test creating a new annotation
        e['bar'] = 888
        assert e.annotations['bar'] == 888
        e['bat'] = 7788
        assert e.annotations['bat'] == 7788

        # Test replacing annotations object
        e.annotations = {'splat':'a totally new set of annotations', 'foo':456}
        assert e.foo == 456
        assert e['foo'] == 456
        assert isinstance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert isinstance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert e.annotations.foo == 456
        assert e.properties['annotations'] == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.properties.annotations == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
Пример #10
def test_Entity():
    # Test the basics of creating and accessing properties on an entity
    for i in range(2):
        e = Entity(name='Test object',
                   description='I hope this works',
                                    nerds=['chris', 'jen', 'janey'],
                                    annotations='How confusing!'),

        # Should be able to create an Entity from an Entity
        if i == 1:
            e = Entity.create(e)

        assert e.parentId == 'syn1234'
        assert e['parentId'] == 'syn1234'
        assert e.properties['parentId'] == 'syn1234'
        assert e.properties.parentId == 'syn1234'

        assert e.foo == 123
        assert e['foo'] == 123
        assert e.annotations['foo'] == 123
        assert e.annotations.foo == 123

        # Annotations is a bit funny, because there is a property call
        # 'annotations', which will be masked by a member of the object
        # called 'annotations'. Because annotations are open-ended, we
        # might even have an annotations called 'annotations', which gets
        # really confusing.
        assert isinstance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert isinstance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert e.properties[
            'annotations'] == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.properties.annotations == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.annotations.annotations == 'How confusing!'
        assert e.annotations['annotations'] == 'How confusing!'
        assert e.nerds == ['chris', 'jen', 'janey']
        assert all([
            k in e for k in [
                'name', 'description', 'foo', 'nerds', 'annotations', 'md5',

        # Test modifying properties
        e.description = 'Working, so far'
        assert e['description'] == 'Working, so far'
        e['description'] = 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle'
        assert e.description == 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle'

        # Test modifying annotations
        e.foo = 999
        assert e.annotations['foo'] == 999
        e['foo'] = 12345
        assert e.annotations.foo == 12345

        # Test creating a new annotation
        e['bar'] = 888
        assert e.annotations['bar'] == 888
        e['bat'] = 7788
        assert e.annotations['bat'] == 7788

        # Test replacing annotations object
        e.annotations = {
            'splat': 'a totally new set of annotations',
            'foo': 456
        assert e.foo == 456
        assert e['foo'] == 456
        assert isinstance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert isinstance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert e.annotations.foo == 456
        assert e.properties[
            'annotations'] == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.properties.annotations == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
def test_Entity():
    # Test the basics of creating and accessing properties on an entity
    for i in range(2):
        e = Entity(name='Test object', description='I hope this works',
                   annotations=dict(foo=123, nerds=['chris', 'jen', 'janey'], annotations='How confusing!'),
                                   md5='cdef636522577fc8fb2de4d95875b27c', parentId='syn1234'),

        # Should be able to create an Entity from an Entity
        if i == 1:
            e = Entity.create(e)
        assert_equals(e.parentId, 'syn1234')
        assert_equals(e['parentId'], 'syn1234')
        assert_equals(e.properties['parentId'], 'syn1234')
        assert_equals(e.properties.parentId, 'syn1234')

        assert_equals(e.foo, 123)
        assert_equals(e['foo'], 123)
        assert_equals(e.annotations['foo'], 123)
        assert_equals(e.annotations.foo, 123)

        assert_true(hasattr(e, 'parentId'))
        assert_true(hasattr(e, 'foo'))
        assert_false(hasattr(e, 'qwerqwer'))

        # Annotations is a bit funny, because there is a property call
        # 'annotations', which will be masked by a member of the object
        # called 'annotations'. Because annotations are open-ended, we
        # might even have an annotations called 'annotations', which gets
        # really confusing.
        assert_is_instance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert_is_instance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert_equals(e.properties['annotations'], '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations')
        assert_equals(e.properties.annotations, '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations')
        assert_equals(e.annotations.annotations, 'How confusing!')
        assert_equals(e.annotations['annotations'], 'How confusing!')
        assert_equals(e.nerds, ['chris', 'jen', 'janey'])
        assert_true(all([k in e for k in ['name', 'description', 'foo', 'nerds', 'annotations', 'md5', 'parentId']]))

        # Test modifying properties
        e.description = 'Working, so far'
        assert_equals(e['description'], 'Working, so far')
        e['description'] = 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle'
        assert_equals(e.description, 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle')

        # Test modifying annotations
        e.foo = 999
        assert_equals(e.annotations['foo'], 999)
        e['foo'] = 12345
        assert_equals(e.annotations.foo, 12345)

        # Test creating a new annotation
        e['bar'] = 888
        assert_equals(e.annotations['bar'], 888)
        e['bat'] = 7788
        assert_equals(e.annotations['bat'], 7788)

        # Test replacing annotations object
        e.annotations = {'splat': 'a totally new set of annotations', 'foo': 456}
        assert_equals(e.foo, 456)
        assert_equals(e['foo'], 456)
        assert_is_instance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert_is_instance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert_equals(e.annotations.foo, 456)
        assert_equals(e.properties['annotations'], '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations')
        assert_equals(e.properties.annotations, '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations')

        # test unicode properties
        e.train = '時刻表には記載されない 月への列車が来ると聞いて'
        e.band = "Motörhead"
        e.lunch = "すし"
def test_Entity():
    # Test the basics of creating and accessing properties on an entity
    for i in range(2):
        e = Entity(name='Test object',
                   description='I hope this works',
                                    nerds=['chris', 'jen', 'janey'],
                                    annotations='How confusing!'),

        # Should be able to create an Entity from an Entity
        if i == 1:
            e = Entity.create(e)

        assert_equals(e.parentId, 'syn1234')
        assert_equals(e['parentId'], 'syn1234')
        assert_equals(e.properties['parentId'], 'syn1234')
        assert_equals(e.properties.parentId, 'syn1234')

        assert_equals(e.foo, 123)
        assert_equals(e['foo'], 123)
        assert_equals(e.annotations['foo'], 123)
        assert_equals(e.annotations.foo, 123)

        assert_true(hasattr(e, 'parentId'))
        assert_true(hasattr(e, 'foo'))
        assert_false(hasattr(e, 'qwerqwer'))

        # Annotations is a bit funny, because there is a property call
        # 'annotations', which will be masked by a member of the object
        # called 'annotations'. Because annotations are open-ended, we
        # might even have an annotations called 'annotations', which gets
        # really confusing.
        assert_is_instance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert_is_instance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert_equals(e.annotations.annotations, 'How confusing!')
        assert_equals(e.annotations['annotations'], 'How confusing!')
        assert_equals(e.nerds, ['chris', 'jen', 'janey'])
                k in e for k in [
                    'name', 'description', 'foo', 'nerds', 'annotations',
                    'md5', 'parentId'

        # Test modifying properties
        e.description = 'Working, so far'
        assert_equals(e['description'], 'Working, so far')
        e['description'] = 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle'
        assert_equals(e.description, 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle')

        # Test modifying annotations
        e.foo = 999
        assert_equals(e.annotations['foo'], 999)
        e['foo'] = 12345
        assert_equals(e.annotations.foo, 12345)

        # Test creating a new annotation
        e['bar'] = 888
        assert_equals(e.annotations['bar'], 888)
        e['bat'] = 7788
        assert_equals(e.annotations['bat'], 7788)

        # Test replacing annotations object
        e.annotations = {
            'splat': 'a totally new set of annotations',
            'foo': 456
        assert_equals(e.foo, 456)
        assert_equals(e['foo'], 456)
        assert_is_instance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert_is_instance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert_equals(e.annotations.foo, 456)

        # test unicode properties
        e.train = '時刻表には記載されない 月への列車が来ると聞いて'
        e.band = "Motörhead"
        e.lunch = "すし"