Пример #1
def enableTwitter(userName):
        'IMDBot: I can use Twitter to enhance your search experience by reading the latest tweets by actors, directors, etc., but first I need to ask for your permission. '
    while True:  # loop to ask if user wants to enable Twitter
            'IMDBot: Please confirm (yes/no) if you would like to grant me read and write permission. If you say yes, the web page that opens will explain the permission in detail before confirming the authorization.'
        check = input(f'{userName}: ')
        checkFirst = check[:1].lower(
        )  # Save first letter (might only need y or n)
        checkArr = sy.getArray(
            check, [])  # Turn user input into array for synonym checking
        if (checkFirst == 'y'
                or sy.findSyns(checkArr, 'yes') == 0):  # If user said yes
            print('IMDBot: Great! ', end='')
            api = authenticateTwitter()  # call method to authenticate
            return api
        elif (checkFirst == 'n'
              or sy.findSyns(checkArr, 'no') == 0):  # If user said no
                'IMDBot: Ok, I will not use Twitter. If you change your mind, please ask me to \"Enable Twitter\" '
            )  # acknowledge user choice
            return ''
            print(f'IMDBot: I\'m sorry, I don\'t understand. ')
Пример #2
def findMovieForCompany(userName, query_movie_name):
    movie = ""
    movieFound = False
    while movieFound == False:
        search = ''
        if(query_movie_name == ''):
            print('IMDBot: Which movie do you have in mind?')
            search = input(f'{userName}: ')
            search = query_movie_name
        searchID = 0 #an index to go through the list to confirm the movie the user is talking about
        print(f'IMDBot: First, I need to find and confirm the movie you\'re talking about...') # Serves to provide a buffer while the query is sent
        movieNameCorrect = False
        while movieNameCorrect == False:
                movie = ia.get_movie(ia.search_movie(search.lower())[searchID].movieID) # gets the movieID through a search, then creates an object for the movie from the IMDbPy classes
                title = movie['title']
                year = movie['year']
                print(f'IMDBot: I found {title} ({year}). Is this the movie you\'re asking about?')
                movieCheck = input(f'{userName}: ')
                movieCheckFirst = movieCheck[:1].lower()
                movieCheckArr = sy.getArray(movieCheck, [])
                if (movieCheckFirst == 'y' or sy.findSyns(movieCheckArr, "yes") == 0): # If first letter is y or word is synonym of yes
                    movieNameCorrect = True
                    movieFound = True
                elif (movieCheckFirst == 'n' or sy.findSyns(movieCheckArr, "no") == 0): # If first letter is n or word is synonym of no
                    print(f'IMDBot: Hmm. Ok, let me try again...')
                    searchID += 1 #to continue through the list of movies found
                else: #if the user didn't enter an answer starting with y or n
                    print(f'IMDBot: I\'m sorry. I don\'t understand.')
                print(f'IMDBot: Uh oh. I can\'t find any movies that match {search}. Let\'s try again.')
                break #starts from the beginning so the user can search for a new title
    return movie # returns movie object
Пример #3
def searchForMovie(userName, search):
    searchID = 0  #an index to go through the list to confirm the movie the user is talking about
    print('IMDBot: Ok! Let me see if I can find it...'
          )  # Serves to provide a buffer while the query is sent
    while True:
            if (searchID > 0 and searchID % 3 == 0
                    and askToContinue(userName) == False):
                return ''
                movie = ia.get_movie(
                )  # gets the movieID through a search, then creates an object for the movie from the IMDbPy classes
                title = movie['title']
                year = movie['year']
                    f'IMDBot: I found {title} ({year}). Is this the movie you\'re asking about?'
                movieCheck = input(f'{userName}: ')
                movieCheckFirst = movieCheck[:1].lower()
                movieCheckArr = sy.getArray(movieCheck, [])
                if (movieCheckFirst == 'y'
                        or sy.findSyns(movieCheckArr, 'yes') == 0):
                    return movie
                elif (movieCheck == 'n'
                      or sy.findSyns(movieCheckArr, 'no') == 0):
                    print(f'IMDBot: Hmm. Ok, let me try again...')
                    searchID += 1  #to continue through the list of movies found
                else:  #if the user didn't enter an answer starting with y or n
                    print(f'IMDBot: I\'m sorry. I don\'t understand.')
                f'IMDBot: Uh oh. I can\'t find any movies that match {search}. Let\'s try again.'
            return findMovie(userName)
Пример #4
def whoPlayed(twAPI, userName, oldMovie, charName, newMovie_name):
        movie = '' # Variable to hold movie id of the one to look for the character in
        if(oldMovie == ''): # If there was no movie in locals(), then need to search for the new movie
            print(f'IMDBot: Before I can see who played {charName} in {newMovie_name}, I need to confirm the movie.')
            movie = searchForMovie(userName, newMovie_name) # will return movie object if successfully found. Otherwise, ''
            if (movie == ''): # will only be '' if user said to stop searching
                return 'User cancel'
        else: # If there was a movie in locals, it was passed in oldMovie
            oldMovie_name = oldMovie['title']
            if (newMovie_name == '' or (newMovie_name == oldMovie_name)):
                movie = oldMovie # check using the old movie because we already have the movie ID
                print(f'IMDBot: Before I can see who played {charName} in {newMovie_name}, I need to confirm the movie')
                while True:
                    print(f'IMDBot: We were talking about {oldMovie_name}. Want me to search for {newMovie_name}?')
                    searchCheck = input(f'{userName}: ')
                    sCheckFirst = searchCheck[:1].lower() # Save first letter (might only need y or n)
                    sCheckArr = sy.getArray(searchCheck, []) # Turn user input into array for synonym checking
                    if (sCheckFirst == 'y' or sy.findSyns(sCheckArr, 'yes') == 0): # If the user does want to search for the new movie name
                        movie = searchForMovie(userName, newMovie_name)
                        if movie == '': # movie will only return blank if the user said to stop searching
                            return 'User cancel'
                    elif (sCheckFirst == 'n' or sy.findSyns(sCheckArr, 'no') == 0): # If the user does not want to search for the new movie name
                        print('IMDBot: Ok. I\'ll see who played {charName} in {oldMovie_name}.')
                        movie = oldMovie
                        print(f'IMDBot: I\'m sorry, I don\'t understand. ')
        title = movie['title']        
        print(f'IMDBot: Ok. Let me see...') #buffer while the bot searches
        castID = 0
        while (castID < len(movie['cast'])):
            character = movie['cast'][castID].currentRole #need to look through each cast member's role
            actor = movie['cast'][castID]
            if (str(character).lower().find(charName.lower()) != -1): #compares the role and the string in lowercase to compare
                print(f'IMDBot: {character} is played by {actor}')
                if(twAPI != ''):
                    tw.printLatestTweet(twAPI, actor, userName) # Twitter API - search for last tweet by that actor about this movie
                    print(f'IMDBot: What else would you like to know?')
                return actor
                castID += 1
        print(f'IMDBot: It looks like I can\'t find {charName} in {title}.')
        print(f'IMDBot: What else would you like to know about {title}?')
        return 'Couldn\'t find the character'
        print(f'IMDBot: Uh oh. Something went wrong.')
        print(f'IMDBot: What else would you like to know about {title}?')
        return 'Error handled'
Пример #5
def askToContinue(userName):
    while True:
        print('IMDBot: Wait. Would you like me to keep looking?')
        check = input(f'{userName}: ')
        checkFirst = check[:1].lower()
        checkArr = sy.getArray(check, [])
        if (checkFirst == 'y' or sy.findSyns(checkArr, 'yes') == 0):
            print(f'IMDBot: Ok. Let me see...')
            return True
        elif (check == 'n' or sy.findSyns(checkArr, 'no') == 0):
            print(f'IMDBot: Ok. What else can I help you with?')
            return False
        else:  #if the user didn't enter an answer starting with y or n
            print(f'IMDBot: I\'m sorry. I don\'t understand.')
def askToReadAnother(userName, articleList, query):
    while True:
        print('IMDBot: Would you like to read one of the other articles?')
        check = input(f'{userName}: ')
        checkFirst = check[:1].lower() # Save first letter (might only need y or n)
        checkArr = sy.getArray(check, []) # Turn user input into array for synonym checking
        if (checkFirst == 'y' or sy.findSyns(checkArr, 'yes') == 0): # If user said yes
            print('IMDBot: Great! I\'ll list them again.') # acknowledge the yes
            displayResults(articleList, query) # display results again
            askToRead(userName, articleList, query) # ask which they want to read
        elif (checkFirst == 'n' or sy.findSyns(checkArr, 'no') == 0): # If user said no
            print(f'IMDBot: I\'m sorry, I don\'t understand. ')
Пример #7
def askToLikeTweet(api, tweet_obj_id, userName):
        if api.get_status(
        ).favorited:  # Check if the tweet was already liked. If the user has already liked the tweet, then acknowledge and continue to next iteration of user input for converation
            print('IMDBot: Oh! It looks like you already liked this tweet!')
            print('IMDBot: What else would you like to know?')
            while True:  # Loop for yes or no question in case the user inputs something other than yes or no
                print(f'IMDBot: Do you want to \'like\' this tweet?'
                      )  # Prompt to like tweet
                check = input(f'{userName}: ')  # Receive input
                checkFirst = check[:1].lower(
                )  # Save first letter (only need y or n)
                checkArr = sy.getArray(
                    [])  # Turn user input into array for synonym checking
                if (checkFirst == 'y' or sy.findSyns(checkArr, 'yes')
                        == 0):  # if user said yes
                        tweet_obj_id)  # Tweepy's method to like a Tweet
                    if api.get_status(
                    ).favorited:  # Check using the tweet ID if it is now liked
                        print('IMDBot: Cool! You liked the tweet!'
                              )  # Acknowledge if it is
                            'IMDBot: Woops! Something went wrong, so I could not like the tweet.'
                elif (checkFirst == 'n'
                      or sy.findSyns(checkArr, 'no') == 0):  # if user said no
                    print(f'IMDBot: Ok, you did not like the tweet.')
                else:  # if user said something other than yes or no
                    print(f'IMDBot: I\'m sorry, I don\'t understand. ')
            print('IMDBot: What else can I do for you today?')
            'IMDBot: Uh oh. Something went wrong and I cannot continue this action. What else can I help you with today?'
Пример #8
def checkName(name):  #can be used if the user wants to change their username
    nameCorrect = False
    while nameCorrect == False:  #using nameCorrect as a flag
        print(f'IMDBot: Is your name {name}?')
        nameCheck = input(f'You: ')  # Receive input from user
        nameCheckFirst = nameCheck[:1].lower(
        )  # Save first letter (might only need y or n)
        nameCheckArr = sy.getArray(
            nameCheck, [])  # Turn user input into array for synonym checking
        if (nameCheckFirst == 'y' or sy.findSyns(nameCheckArr, 'yes') == 0):
            print(f'IMDBot: That\'s a cool name, {name}! ', end="")
            nameCorrect = True
        elif (nameCheckFirst == 'n' or sy.findSyns(nameCheckArr, 'no') == 0):
            print('IMDBot: Sorry I got it wrong. ', end="")
            name = askForName()
            print(f'IMDBot: I\'m sorry, I don\'t understand. ')
    return name
Пример #9
def checker(userName, person_name, oldMovie, newMovie_name):
        # Finds the person in IMDB, gets the id code for person
        pers = ia.search_person(person_name.title())
        p = ia.get_person(pers[0].personID)
        pName = p['name']

        checkMovie = ''  # Variable to hold the movie id of the movie that will be checked

        if (oldMovie == ''):  # If no movie was being talked about previously
                f'IMDBot: Before I can check if {pName} was in {newMovie_name}, I need to confirm the movie.'
            checkMovie = f.searchForMovie(
                newMovie_name)  # Search for the new movie being talked about
            if (
                    checkMovie == ''
            ):  # checkMovie will only return blank if the user said to stop searching
                return 'User cancelled'
            oldMovie_name = oldMovie['title']
            if oldMovie_name != newMovie_name:  # If the old movie and new movie names don't match
                    f'IMDBot: Before I can check if {pName} was in {newMovie_name}, I need to confirm the movie.'
                while True:
                        f'IMDBot: We were talking about {oldMovie_name}. Want me to search for {newMovie_name}?'
                    searchCheck = input(userName + ': ')
                    sCheckFirst = searchCheck[:1].lower(
                    )  # Save first letter (might only need y or n)
                    sCheckArr = sy.getArray(
                        [])  # Turn user input into array for synonym checking
                    if (
                            sCheckFirst == 'y'
                            or sy.findSyns(sCheckArr, 'yes') == 0
                    ):  # If the user does want to search for the new movie name
                        checkMovie = f.searchForMovie(userName, newMovie_name)
                        if (
                                checkMovie == ''
                        ):  # checkMovie will only return blank if the user said to stop searching
                            return 'User Cancelled'
                    elif (
                            sCheckFirst == 'n'
                            or sy.findSyns(sCheckArr, 'no') == 0
                    ):  # If the user does not want to search for the new movie name
                            'IMDBot: Ok. I\'ll check if {pName} was in {oldMovie_name}.'
                        checkMovie = oldMovie
                        print(f'IMDBot: I\'m sorry, I don\'t understand. ')
            else:  # if the old movie name and new movie name match
                checkMovie = oldMovie  # check using the old movie because we already have the movie ID

        checkMovie_name = checkMovie['title']
        if (p in checkMovie):
            print(f'IMDBot: Yes, {pName} was in {checkMovie_name}!')
            return True
            print(f'IMDBot: No, {pName} was not in {checkMovie_name}.')
            return False
            "IMDBot: Woops! Something went wrong. What else can I help you with?"
        return 'Error Found'
Пример #10
        raw_user_input = input(
            f'{userName}: ')  #collect user input for this iteration.
        entities = ner.listEntities(raw_user_input)
        movie_name = ner.getMovieName(raw_user_input)
        person_name = ner.getPersonName(raw_user_input)
        company_name = ner.getOrgName(raw_user_input)
        user_input = sp.fixSentence(raw_user_input, entities)
        user_input = sy.getArray(
            user_input, entities
        )  # User input is now an array. To look for keywords: if 'keyword' in user_input

        for i in range(len(user_input)):
            user_input[i] = user_input[i].lower()

        if ('bye' in user_input or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'goodbye')
                == 0):  #end conversation if user says bye

        elif ('nevermind' in user_input):
            print(f'IMDBot: Ok. How can I help?')

        elif ((sy.findSyns(user_input, 'find') == 0
               or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'search') == 0)
              and ('another' in user_input or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'movie')
                   == 0)):  # pick the movie to talk about
            movie = f.findMovie(userName)

        elif (
                sy.findSyns(user_input, 'director') == 0
                or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'directed') == 0
def askToRead(userName, articleList, query):
    # Ask user which article they want to read (0 to cancel, 1-5 for articles, otherwise ask again)
    while True:
        print('IMDBot: Which article you would like to read?')
        user_input = input(f'{userName}: ')
        user_input = user_input.split(" ")
        user_input = [word.lower() for word in user_input]
        if('nevermind' in user_input or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'cancel') == 0 or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'stop') == 0 or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'none') == 0):
        elif(2 in user_input or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'second') == 0 or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'two') == 0):
        elif(3 in user_input or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'third') == 0 or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'three') == 0):
        elif(4 in user_input or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'fourth') == 0 or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'four') == 0):
        elif(5 in user_input or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'fifth') == 0 or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'five') == 0):
        elif(1 in user_input or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'first') == 0 or sy.findSyns(user_input, 'one') == 0): # moved to bottom in case someone writes "second one"
            print('IMDBot: I\'m sorry, I don\'t understand.')
    askToReadAnother(userName, articleList, query)