Пример #1
def mk_bin_inst_spec(fname):
    if not fname.startswith("instruction'"):
    if functions[fname].entry:
    (_, ident) = fname.split("'", 1)
    (ident, addr) = split_inst_name_addr(ident)
    (regs, ident) = split_inst_name_regs(ident)
    ident = instruction_name_aliases.get(ident, ident)
    base_ident = ident.split("_")[0]
    if base_ident not in instruction_fun_specs:
    (impl_fname, regspecs) = instruction_fun_specs[base_ident]
    add_impl_fun(impl_fname, regspecs)
    assert len(regspecs) == len(regs), (fname, regs, regspecs)
    inp_regs = [reg for (reg, d) in zip(regs, regspecs) if d == 'I']
    out_regs = [reg for (reg, d) in zip(regs, regspecs) if d == 'O']
    call = syntax.Node(
        'Call', 'Ret',
        ('l_' + impl_fname,
         [syntax.mk_var(reg, syntax.word32T)
          for reg in inp_regs] + [syntax.mk_token(ident)] +
         [syntax.mk_var(nm, typ)
          for (nm, typ) in bin_globs], [(reg, syntax.word32T)
                                        for reg in out_regs] + bin_globs))
    assert not functions[fname].nodes
    functions[fname].nodes[1] = call
    functions[fname].entry = 1
Пример #2
def node_const_rets(node):
    if "instruction'" in node.fname:
        return inst_const_rets(node)
    if node.fname in pre_pairings:
        if pre_pairings[node.fname]['ASM'] != node.fname:
            return None
        cc = get_asm_calling_convention_at_node(node)
        input_set = set(
            [v for arg in node.args for v in syntax.get_expr_var_set(arg)])
        callee_saved_set = set(cc['callee_saved'])
        return [
            mk_var(nm, typ) for (nm, typ) in node.rets
            if mk_var(nm, typ) in callee_saved_set if (nm, typ) in input_set
    elif preserves_sp(node.fname):
        if node.fname not in get_functions_with_tag('ASM'):
            return None
        f_outs = functions[node.fname].outputs
        return [
            mk_var(nm, typ)
            for ((nm, typ), (nm2, _)) in azip(node.rets, f_outs)
            if nm2 == 'r13'
        return None
Пример #3
def mk_bin_inst_spec (fname):
	if not fname.startswith ("instruction'"):
	if functions[fname].entry:
	(_, ident) = fname.split ("'", 1)
	(ident, addr) = split_inst_name_addr (ident)
	(regs, ident) = split_inst_name_regs (ident)
	ident = instruction_name_aliases.get (ident, ident)
	base_ident = ident.split ("_")[0]
	if base_ident not in instruction_fun_specs:
	(impl_fname, regspecs) = instruction_fun_specs[base_ident]
	add_impl_fun (impl_fname, regspecs)
	assert len (regspecs) == len (regs), (fname, regs, regspecs)
	inp_regs = [reg for (reg, d) in zip (regs, regspecs) if d == 'I']
	out_regs = [reg for (reg, d) in zip (regs, regspecs) if d == 'O']
	call = syntax.Node ('Call', 'Ret', (impl_fname,
		[syntax.mk_var (reg, syntax.word32T) for reg in inp_regs]
			+ [syntax.mk_token (ident)]
			+ [syntax.mk_var (nm, typ) for (nm, typ) in bin_globs],
		[(reg, syntax.word32T) for reg in out_regs] + bin_globs))
	assert not functions[fname].nodes
	functions[fname].nodes[1] = call
	functions[fname].entry = 1
Пример #4
def get_stack_sp(p, tag):
    """get stack and stack-pointer variables"""
    entry = p.get_entry(tag)
    renames = p.entry_exit_renames(tags=[tag])
    r = renames[tag + '_IN']

    sp = syntax.rename_expr(mk_var('r13', syntax.word32T), r)
    stack = syntax.rename_expr(mk_var('stack', syntax.builtinTs['Mem']), r)
    return (stack, sp)
Пример #5
def get_stack_sp (p, tag):
	"""get stack and stack-pointer variables"""
	entry = p.get_entry (tag)
	renames = p.entry_exit_renames (tags = [tag])
	r = renames[tag + '_IN']

	sp = syntax.rename_expr (mk_var ('r13', syntax.word32T), r)
	stack = syntax.rename_expr (mk_var ('stack',
		syntax.builtinTs['Mem']), r)
	return (stack, sp)
Пример #6
def node_const_rets (node):
	if "instruction'" in node.fname:
		return inst_const_rets (node)
	if node.fname not in pre_pairings:
		return None
	if pre_pairings[node.fname]['ASM'] != node.fname:
		return None
	cc = get_asm_calling_convention_at_node (node)
	input_set = set ([v for arg in node.args
		for v in syntax.get_expr_var_set (arg)])
	callee_saved_set = set (cc['callee_saved'])
	return [mk_var (nm, typ) for (nm, typ) in node.rets
		if mk_var (nm, typ) in callee_saved_set
		if (nm, typ) in input_set]
Пример #7
def inline_at_point(p, n, do_analysis=True):
    node = p.nodes[n]
    if node.kind != 'Call':

    f_nm = node.fname
    fun = functions[f_nm]
    (tag, detail) = p.node_tags[n]
    idx = p.node_tag_revs[(tag, detail)].index(n)
    p.inline_scripts[tag].append((detail, idx, f_nm))

    trace('Inlining %s into %s' % (f_nm, p.name))
    if n in p.loop_data:
        trace('  inlining into loop %d!' % p.loop_id(n))

    ex = p.alloc_node(tag, (f_nm, 'RetToCaller'))

    (ns, vs) = p.add_function(fun, tag, {'Ret': ex})
    en = ns[fun.entry]

    inp_lvs = [(vs[v], typ) for (v, typ) in fun.inputs]
    p.nodes[n] = Node('Basic', en, azip(inp_lvs, node.args))

    out_vs = [mk_var(vs[v], typ) for (v, typ) in fun.outputs]
    p.nodes[ex] = Node('Basic', node.cont, azip(node.rets, out_vs))


    if do_analysis:

    trace('Problem size now %d' % len(p.nodes))

    return ns.values()
Пример #8
def stack_virtualise_expr(expr, sp_offs):
    if expr.is_op('MemAcc') and is_stack(expr.vals[0]):
        [m, p] = expr.vals
        if expr.typ == syntax.word8T:
            ps = [(syntax.mk_minus(p, syntax.mk_word32(n)), n)
                  for n in [0, 1, 2, 3]]
        elif expr.typ == syntax.word32T:
            ps = [(p, 0)]
            assert expr.typ == syntax.word32T, expr
        ptrs = [(p, 'MemAcc') for (p, _) in ps]
        if sp_offs == None:
            return (ptrs, None)
        # FIXME: very 32-bit specific
        ps = [(p, n) for (p, n) in ps if p in sp_offs
              if sp_offs[p][1] % 4 == 0]
        if not ps:
            return (ptrs, expr)
        [(p, n)] = ps
        if p not in sp_offs:
            raise StackOffsMissing()
        (k, offs) = sp_offs[p]
        v = mk_var(('Fake', k, offs), syntax.word32T)
        if n != 0:
            v = syntax.mk_shiftr(v, n * 8)
        v = syntax.mk_cast(v, expr.typ)
        return (ptrs, v)
    elif expr.kind == 'Op':
        vs = [stack_virtualise_expr(v, sp_offs) for v in expr.vals]
        return ([p for (ptrs, _) in vs for p in ptrs],
                syntax.adjust_op_vals(expr, [v for (_, v) in vs]))
        return ([], expr)
Пример #9
def get_induct_eq_hyp(p, split, restrs, n):
    details = (split, (0, 1), [])
    (tag, _) = p.node_tags[split]
    visit = split_visit_one_visit(tag, details, restrs, vc_offs(0))
    from syntax import mk_var, word32T, mk_word32

    return eq_hyp((mk_var("%n", word32T), visit), (mk_word32(n), visit), (split, 0))
Пример #10
def split_hyps_at_visit (tags, split, restrs, visit):
	(l_details, r_details, eqs, _, _) = split
	(l_split, (l_seq_start, l_step), l_eqs) = l_details
	(r_split, (r_seq_start, r_step), r_eqs) = r_details

	(l_visit, r_visit) = split_visit_visits (tags, split, restrs, visit)
	(l_start, r_start) = split_visit_visits (tags, split, restrs, vc_num (0))
	(l_tag, r_tag) = tags

	def mksub (v):
		return lambda exp: logic.var_subst (exp, {('%i', word32T) : v},
			must_subst = False)
	def inst (exp):
		return logic.inst_eq_at_visit (exp, visit)
	zsub = mksub (mk_word32 (0))
	if visit.kind == 'Number':
		lsub = mksub (mk_word32 (visit.n))
		lsub = mksub (mk_plus (mk_var ('%n', word32T),
			mk_word32 (visit.n)))

	hyps = [(Hyp ('PCImp', l_visit, r_visit), 'pc imp'),
		(Hyp ('PCImp', l_visit, l_start), '%s pc imp' % l_tag),
		(Hyp ('PCImp', r_visit, r_start), '%s pc imp' % r_tag)]
	hyps += [(eq_hyp ((zsub (l_exp), l_start), (lsub (l_exp), l_visit),
				(l_split, r_split)), '%s const' % l_tag)
			for l_exp in l_eqs if inst (l_exp)]
	hyps += [(eq_hyp ((zsub (r_exp), r_start), (lsub (r_exp), r_visit),
				(l_split, r_split)), '%s const' % r_tag)
			for r_exp in r_eqs if inst (r_exp)]
	hyps += [(eq_hyp ((lsub (l_exp), l_visit), (lsub (r_exp), r_visit),
				(l_split, r_split)), 'eq')
			for (l_exp, r_exp) in eqs
			if inst (l_exp) and inst (r_exp)]
	return hyps
Пример #11
def mk_seq_eqs (p, split, step, with_rodata):
	# eqs take the form of a number of constant expressions
	eqs = []

	# the variable 'loop' will be converted to the point in
	# the sequence - note this should be multiplied by the step size
	loop = mk_var ('%i', word32T)
	if step == 1:
		minus_loop_step = mk_uminus (loop)
		minus_loop_step = mk_times (loop, mk_word32 (- step))

	for (var, data) in get_loop_var_analysis_at (p, split):
		if data == 'LoopVariable':
			if with_rodata and var.typ == builtinTs['Mem']:
				eqs.append (logic.mk_rodata (var))
		elif data == 'LoopConst':
			if var.typ not in syntax.phantom_types:
				eqs.append (var)
		elif data == 'LoopLeaf':
		elif data[0] == 'LoopLinearSeries':
			(_, form, _) = data
			eqs.append (form (var, minus_loop_step))
			assert not 'var_deps type understood'

	return eqs
Пример #12
def stack_virtualise_expr (expr, sp_offs):
	if expr.is_op ('MemAcc') and is_stack (expr.vals[0]):
		[m, p] = expr.vals
		if expr.typ == syntax.word8T:
			ps = [(syntax.mk_minus (p, syntax.mk_word32 (n)), n)
				for n in [0, 1, 2, 3]]
		elif expr.typ == syntax.word32T:
			ps = [(p, 0)]
			assert expr.typ == syntax.word32T, expr
		ptrs = [(p, 'MemAcc') for (p, _) in ps]
		if sp_offs == None:
			return (ptrs, None)
		# FIXME: very 32-bit specific
		ps = [(p, n) for (p, n) in ps if p in sp_offs
			if sp_offs[p][1] % 4 == 0]
		if not ps:
			return (ptrs, expr)
		[(p, n)] = ps
		(k, offs) = sp_offs[p]
		v = mk_var (('Fake', k, offs), syntax.word32T)
		if n != 0:
			v = syntax.mk_shiftr (v, n * 8)
		v = syntax.mk_cast (v, expr.typ)
		return (ptrs, v)
	elif expr.kind == 'Op':
		vs = [stack_virtualise_expr (v, sp_offs) for v in expr.vals]
		return ([p for (ptrs, _) in vs for p in ptrs],
			syntax.Expr ('Op', expr.typ, name = expr.name,
				vals = [v for (_, v) in vs]))
		return ([], expr)
Пример #13
def split_hyps_at_visit(tags, split, restrs, visit):
    (l_details, r_details, eqs, _, _) = split
    (l_split, (l_seq_start, l_step), l_eqs) = l_details
    (r_split, (r_seq_start, r_step), r_eqs) = r_details

    (l_visit, r_visit) = split_visit_visits(tags, split, restrs, visit)
    (l_start, r_start) = split_visit_visits(tags, split, restrs, vc_num(0))
    (l_tag, r_tag) = tags

    def mksub(v):
        return lambda exp: logic.var_subst(exp, {('%i', word32T): v},

    def inst(exp):
        return logic.inst_eq_at_visit(exp, visit)

    zsub = mksub(mk_word32(0))
    if visit.kind == 'Number':
        lsub = mksub(mk_word32(visit.n))
        lsub = mksub(mk_plus(mk_var('%n', word32T), mk_word32(visit.n)))

    hyps = [(Hyp('PCImp', l_visit, r_visit), 'pc imp'),
            (Hyp('PCImp', l_visit, l_start), '%s pc imp' % l_tag),
            (Hyp('PCImp', r_visit, r_start), '%s pc imp' % r_tag)]
    hyps += [(eq_hyp((zsub(l_exp), l_start), (lsub(l_exp), l_visit),
                     (l_split, r_split)), '%s const' % l_tag)
             for l_exp in l_eqs if inst(l_exp)]
    hyps += [(eq_hyp((zsub(r_exp), r_start), (lsub(r_exp), r_visit),
                     (l_split, r_split)), '%s const' % r_tag)
             for r_exp in r_eqs if inst(r_exp)]
    hyps += [(eq_hyp((lsub(l_exp), l_visit), (lsub(r_exp), r_visit),
                     (l_split, r_split)), 'eq') for (l_exp, r_exp) in eqs
             if inst(l_exp) and inst(r_exp)]
    return hyps
Пример #14
def inline_at_point (p, n, do_analysis = True):
	node = p.nodes[n]
	if node.kind != 'Call':

	f_nm = node.fname
	fun = functions[f_nm]
	(tag, detail) = p.node_tags[n]
	idx = p.node_tag_revs[(tag, detail)].index (n)
	p.inline_scripts[tag].append ((detail, idx, f_nm))

	trace ('Inlining %s into %s' % (f_nm, p.name))
	if n in p.loop_data:
		trace ('  inlining into loop %d!' % p.loop_id (n))

	ex = p.alloc_node (tag, (f_nm, 'RetToCaller'))

	(ns, vs) = p.add_function (fun, tag, {'Ret': ex})
	en = ns[fun.entry]

	inp_lvs = [(vs[v], typ) for (v, typ) in fun.inputs]
	p.nodes[n] = Node ('Basic', en, azip (inp_lvs, node.args))

	out_vs = [mk_var (vs[v], typ) for (v, typ) in fun.outputs]
	p.nodes[ex] = Node ('Basic', node.cont, azip (node.rets, out_vs))

	p.cached_analysis.clear ()
	if do_analysis:
		p.do_analysis ()

	trace ('Problem size now %d' % len(p.nodes))
	sys.stdin.flush ()

	return ns.values ()
Пример #15
def adjust_ret_ptr (ptr):
	"""this is a bit of a hack.

	the return slots are named based on r0_input, which will be unchanged,
	which is handy, but we really want to be talking about r0, which will
	produce meaningful offsets against the pointers actually used in the

	return logic.var_subst (ptr, {('r0_input', syntax.word32T):
		syntax.mk_var ('r0', syntax.word32T)}, must_subst = False)
Пример #16
def adjusted_var_dep_outputs_for_tag(p, tag):
    (ent, fname, _) = p.get_entry_details(tag)
    fun = functions[fname]
    cc = get_asm_calling_convention(fname)
    callee_saved_set = set(cc['callee_saved'])
    ret_set = set([(nm, typ) for ret in cc['rets']
                   for (nm, typ) in syntax.get_expr_var_set(ret)])
    rets = [(nm2, typ)
            for ((nm, typ), (nm2, _)) in azip(fun.outputs, p.outputs[tag])
            if (nm, typ) in ret_set or mk_var(nm, typ) in callee_saved_set]
    return rets
Пример #17
def adjusted_var_dep_outputs_for_tag (p, tag):
	(ent, fname, _) = p.get_entry_details (tag)
	fun = functions[fname]
	cc = get_asm_calling_convention (fname)
	callee_saved_set = set (cc['callee_saved'])
	ret_set = set ([(nm, typ) for ret in cc['rets']
		for (nm, typ) in syntax.get_expr_var_set (ret)])
	rets = [(nm2, typ) for ((nm, typ), (nm2, _))
			in azip (fun.outputs, p.outputs[tag])
			if (nm, typ) in ret_set
				or mk_var (nm, typ) in callee_saved_set]
	return rets
Пример #18
def compute_loop_var_analysis (nodes, var_deps, n, loop, preds):
	upd_vs = set ([v for n2 in loop
		if not nodes[n2].is_noop ()
		for v in nodes[n2].get_lvals ()])
	const_vs = set ([v for n2 in loop
		for v in var_deps[n2] if v not in upd_vs])

	vca = compute_var_cycle_analysis (nodes, n, loop, preds,
		const_vs, set (var_deps[n]))
	vca = [(syntax.mk_var (nm, typ), data)
		for ((nm, typ), data) in vca.items ()]
	return vca
Пример #19
def get_asm_calling_convention_inner(num_c_args, num_c_rets, const_mem):
    key = ('Inner', num_c_args, num_c_rets, const_mem)
    if key in asm_cc_cache:
        return asm_cc_cache[key]

    from logic import mk_var_list, mk_stack_sequence
    from syntax import mk_var, word32T, builtinTs

    arg_regs = mk_var_list(['r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3'], word32T)
    r0 = arg_regs[0]
    sp = mk_var('r13', word32T)
    st = mk_var('stack', builtinTs['Mem'])
    r0_input = mk_var('ret_addr_input', word32T)

    mem = mk_var('mem', builtinTs['Mem'])
    dom = mk_var('dom', builtinTs['Dom'])
    dom_stack = mk_var('dom_stack', builtinTs['Dom'])

    global_args = [mem, dom, st, dom_stack, sp, mk_var('ret', word32T)]

    sregs = mk_stack_sequence(sp, 4, st, word32T, num_c_args + 1)

    arg_seq = [r for r in arg_regs] + [s for (s, _) in sregs]
    if num_c_rets > 1:
        # the 'return-too-much' issue.
        # instead r0 is a save-returns-here pointer
        rets = mk_stack_sequence(r0_input, 4, st, word32T, num_c_rets)
        rets = [r for (r, _) in rets]
        rets = [r0]

    callee_saved_vars = (
        [mk_var(v, word32T)
         for v in 'r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r13'.split()] + [dom, dom_stack])

    if const_mem:
        callee_saved_vars += [mem]
        rets += [mem]
    rets += [st]

    cc = {
        'args': arg_seq[:num_c_args] + global_args,
        'rets': rets,
        'callee_saved': callee_saved_vars

    asm_cc_cache[key] = cc
    return cc
Пример #20
def add_impl_fun(impl_fname, regspecs):
    l_fname = 'l_' + impl_fname
    r_fname = 'r_' + impl_fname
    if l_fname in functions:
    assert r_fname not in functions

    ident_v = ("inst_ident", syntax.builtinTs['Token'])

    inps = [s for s in regspecs if s == 'I']
    inps = ['reg_val%d' % (i + 1) for (i, s) in enumerate(inps)]
    rets = [s for s in regspecs if s == 'O']
    rets = ['ret_val%d' % (i + 1) for (i, s) in enumerate(rets)]
    l_fun = mk_fun(l_fname, inps, [ident_v], rets, [], bin_globs)
    r_fun = mk_fun(r_fname, inps, [ident_v], rets, [], bin_globs)
    inp_eqs = [((mk_var(nm, typ), 'ASM_IN'), (mk_var(nm, typ), 'C_IN'))
               for (nm, typ) in l_fun.inputs]
    inp_eqs += [((logic.mk_rodata(mk_var(nm, typ)), 'ASM_IN'),
                 (syntax.true_term, 'C_IN')) for (nm, typ) in bin_globs]
    out_eqs = [((mk_var(nm, typ), 'ASM_OUT'), (mk_var(nm, typ), 'C_OUT'))
               for (nm, typ) in l_fun.outputs]
    out_eqs += [((logic.mk_rodata(mk_var(nm, typ)), 'ASM_OUT'),
                 (syntax.true_term, 'C_OUT')) for (nm, typ) in bin_globs]
    pair = logic.Pairing(['ASM', 'C'], {
        'ASM': l_fname,
        'C': r_fname
    }, (inp_eqs, out_eqs))
    assert l_fname not in pairings
    assert r_fname not in pairings
    functions[l_fname] = l_fun
    functions[r_fname] = r_fun
    pairings[l_fname] = [pair]
    pairings[r_fname] = [pair]
Пример #21
def adjust_ret_ptr(ptr):
    """this is a bit of a hack.

	the return slots are named based on r0_input, which will be unchanged,
	which is handy, but we really want to be talking about r0, which will
	produce meaningful offsets against the pointers actually used in the

    return logic.var_subst(ptr, {
        ('ret_addr_input', syntax.word32T):
        syntax.mk_var('r0', syntax.word32T)
Пример #22
def pseudo_node_lvals_rvals(node):
    assert node.kind == 'Call'
    cc = get_asm_calling_convention_at_node(node)
    if not cc:
        return None

    arg_vars = set(
        [var for arg in cc['args'] for var in syntax.get_expr_var_set(arg)])

    callee_saved_set = set(cc['callee_saved'])
    rets = [(nm, typ) for (nm, typ) in node.rets
            if mk_var(nm, typ) not in callee_saved_set]

    return (rets, arg_vars)
Пример #23
def pseudo_node_lvals_rvals (node):
	assert node.kind == 'Call'
	cc = get_asm_calling_convention_at_node (node)
	if not cc:
		return None
	arg_vars = set ([var for arg in cc['args']
		for var in syntax.get_expr_var_set (arg)])

	callee_saved_set = set (cc['callee_saved'])
	rets = [(nm, typ) for (nm, typ) in node.rets
		if mk_var (nm, typ) not in callee_saved_set]

	return (rets, arg_vars)
Пример #24
def get_asm_calling_convention_inner (num_c_args, num_c_rets, const_mem):
	key = ('Inner', num_c_args, num_c_rets, const_mem)
	if key in asm_cc_cache:
		return asm_cc_cache[key]

	from logic import mk_var_list, mk_stack_sequence
	from syntax import mk_var, word32T, builtinTs

	arg_regs = mk_var_list (['r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3'], word32T)
	r0 = arg_regs[0]
	sp = mk_var ('r13', word32T)
	st = mk_var ('stack', builtinTs['Mem'])
	r0_input = mk_var ('r0_input', word32T)

	mem = mk_var ('mem', builtinTs['Mem'])
	dom = mk_var ('dom', builtinTs['Dom'])
	dom_stack = mk_var ('dom_stack', builtinTs['Dom'])

	global_args = [mem, dom, st, dom_stack, sp, mk_var ('ret', word32T)]

	sregs = mk_stack_sequence (sp, 4, st, word32T, num_c_args + 1)

	arg_seq = [r for r in arg_regs] + [s for (s, _) in sregs]
	if num_c_rets > 1:
		# the 'return-too-much' issue.
		# instead r0 is a save-returns-here pointer
		arg_seq.pop (0)
		rets = mk_stack_sequence (r0_input, 4, st, word32T, num_c_rets)
		rets = [r for (r, _) in rets]
		rets = [r0]

	callee_saved_vars = ([mk_var (v, word32T)
			for v in 'r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r13'.split ()]
		+ [dom, dom_stack])

	if const_mem:
		callee_saved_vars += [mem]
		rets += [mem]
	rets += [st]

	cc = {'args': arg_seq[: num_c_args] + global_args,
		'rets': rets, 'callee_saved': callee_saved_vars}

	asm_cc_cache[key] = cc
	return cc
Пример #25
def inst_const_rets (node):
	assert "instruction'" in node.fname
	bits = set ([s.lower () for s in node.fname.split ('_')])
	fun = functions[node.fname]
	def is_const (nm, typ):
		if typ in [builtinTs['Mem'], builtinTs['Dom']]:
			return True
		if typ != word32T:
			return False
		return not (nm in bits or [al for al in reg_aliases.get (nm, [])
				if al in bits])
	is_consts = [is_const (nm, typ) for (nm, typ) in fun.outputs]
	input_set = set ([v for arg in node.args
		for v in syntax.get_expr_var_set (arg)])
	return [mk_var (nm, typ)
		for ((nm, typ), const) in azip (node.rets, is_consts)
		if const and (nm, typ) in input_set]
Пример #26
def candidate_additional_eqs(p, split):
    eq_vals = set()

    def visitor(expr):
        if expr.is_op('Equals') and expr.vals[0].typ.kind == 'Word':
            [x, y] = expr.vals
            eq_vals.update([(x, y), (y, x)])

    for n in p.loop_body(split):
        p.nodes[n].visit(lambda x: (), visitor)
    for (x, y) in list(eq_vals):
        if is_zero(x) and y.is_op('Plus'):
            [x, y] = y.vals
            eq_vals.add((x, syntax.mk_uminus(y)))
            eq_vals.add((y, syntax.mk_uminus(x)))
        elif is_zero(x) and y.is_op('Minus'):
            [x, y] = y.vals
            eq_vals.add((x, y))
            eq_vals.add((y, x))

    loop = syntax.mk_var('%i', syntax.word32T)
    minus_loop_step = syntax.mk_uminus(loop)

    vas = search.get_loop_var_analysis_at(p, split)
    ls_vas = dict([(var, [data]) for (var, data) in vas
                   if data[0] == 'LoopLinearSeries'])
    cmp_series = [(x, y, rew, offs) for (x, y) in eq_vals
                  for (_, rew, offs) in ls_vas.get(x, [])]
    odd_eqs = []
    for (x, y, rew, offs) in cmp_series:
        x_init_cmp1 = syntax.mk_less_eq(x, rew(x, minus_loop_step))
        x_init_cmp2 = syntax.mk_less_eq(rew(x, minus_loop_step), x)
        fin_cmp1 = syntax.mk_less(x, y)
        fin_cmp2 = syntax.mk_less(y, x)
        odd_eqs.append(syntax.mk_eq(x_init_cmp1, fin_cmp1))
        odd_eqs.append(syntax.mk_eq(x_init_cmp2, fin_cmp1))
        odd_eqs.append(syntax.mk_eq(x_init_cmp1, fin_cmp2))
        odd_eqs.append(syntax.mk_eq(x_init_cmp2, fin_cmp2))

    ass_eqs = []
    var_deps = p.compute_var_dependencies()
    for hook in target_objects.hooks('extra_wcet_assertions'):
        for assn in hook(var_deps[split]):

    return odd_eqs + ass_eqs
Пример #27
def mk_function_link_hyps (p, call_vis, tag, adjust_eq_seq = None):
	(entry, _, args) = p.get_entry_details (tag)
	((call_site, restrs), call_tag) = call_vis
	assert p.nodes[call_site].kind == 'Call'
	entry_vis = ((entry, ()), p.node_tags[entry][0])

	args = [syntax.mk_var (nm, typ) for (nm, typ) in args]

	pc = pc_true_hyp (call_vis)
	eq_seq = logic.azip (p.nodes[call_site].args, args)
	if adjust_eq_seq:
		eq_seq = adjust_eq_seq (eq_seq)
	hyps = [pc] + [eq_hyp ((x, call_vis), (y, entry_vis))
		for (x, y) in eq_seq
		if x.typ.kind == 'Word' or x.typ == syntax.builtinTs['Mem']
			or x.typ.kind == 'WordArray']

	return hyps
Пример #28
def get_extra_sp_defs (rep, tag):
	"""all functions will keep the stack pointer equal, whether they have
	pairing partners or not. add these extra defs/equalities for the
	purposes of stack depth analysis."""
	# FIXME how to parametrise this?
	sp = mk_var ('r13', syntax.word32T)
	defs = {}
	items = [(n_vc, x) for (n_vc, x) in rep.funcs.iteritems ()
		if logic.is_int (n_vc[0])]
	for ((n, vc), (inputs, outputs, _)) in items:
		if rep.p.node_tags[n][0] == tag:
			inp_sp = solver.smt_expr (sp, inputs, rep.solv)
			inp_sp = solver.parse_s_expression (inp_sp)
			out_sp = solver.smt_expr (sp, outputs, rep.solv)
			out_sp = solver.parse_s_expression (out_sp)
			if inp_sp != out_sp:
				defs[out_sp] = inp_sp
	return defs
Пример #29
def candidate_additional_eqs(p, split):
    eq_vals = set()

    def visitor(expr):
        if expr.is_op("Equals") and expr.vals[0].typ.kind == "Word":
            [x, y] = expr.vals
            eq_vals.update([(x, y), (y, x)])

    for n in p.loop_body(split):
        p.nodes[n].visit(lambda x: (), visitor)
    for (x, y) in list(eq_vals):
        if is_zero(x) and y.is_op("Plus"):
            [x, y] = y.vals
            eq_vals.add((x, syntax.mk_uminus(y)))
            eq_vals.add((y, syntax.mk_uminus(x)))
        elif is_zero(x) and y.is_op("Minus"):
            [x, y] = y.vals
            eq_vals.add((x, y))
            eq_vals.add((y, x))

    loop = syntax.mk_var("%i", syntax.word32T)
    minus_loop_step = syntax.mk_uminus(loop)

    vas = search.get_loop_var_analysis_at(p, split)
    ls_vas = dict([(var, [data]) for (var, data) in vas if data[0] == "LoopLinearSeries"])
    cmp_series = [(x, y, rew, offs) for (x, y) in eq_vals for (_, rew, offs) in ls_vas.get(x, [])]
    odd_eqs = []
    for (x, y, rew, offs) in cmp_series:
        x_init_cmp1 = syntax.mk_less_eq(x, rew(x, minus_loop_step))
        x_init_cmp2 = syntax.mk_less_eq(rew(x, minus_loop_step), x)
        fin_cmp1 = syntax.mk_less(x, y)
        fin_cmp2 = syntax.mk_less(y, x)
        odd_eqs.append(syntax.mk_eq(x_init_cmp1, fin_cmp1))
        odd_eqs.append(syntax.mk_eq(x_init_cmp2, fin_cmp1))
        odd_eqs.append(syntax.mk_eq(x_init_cmp1, fin_cmp2))
        odd_eqs.append(syntax.mk_eq(x_init_cmp2, fin_cmp2))

    ass_eqs = []
    var_deps = p.compute_var_dependencies()
    for hook in target_objects.hooks("extra_wcet_assertions"):
        for assn in hook(var_deps[split]):

    return odd_eqs + ass_eqs
Пример #30
def get_asm_calling_convention_at_node (node):
	cc = get_asm_calling_convention (node.fname)
	if not cc:
		return None

	fun = functions[node.fname]
	arg_input_map = dict (azip (fun.inputs, node.args))
	ret_output_map = dict (azip (fun.outputs,
		[mk_var (nm, typ) for (nm, typ) in node.rets]))

	args = [logic.var_subst (arg, arg_input_map) for arg in cc['args']]
	rets = [logic.var_subst (ret, ret_output_map) for ret in cc['rets']]
	# these are useful because they happen to map ret r0_input back to
	# the previous value r0, rather than the useless value r0_input_ignore.
	rets_inp = [logic.var_subst (ret, arg_input_map) for ret in cc['rets']]
	saved = [logic.var_subst (v, ret_output_map)
		for v in cc['callee_saved']]
	return {'args': args, 'rets': rets,
		'rets_inp': rets_inp, 'callee_saved': saved}
Пример #31
def inst_const_rets(node):
    assert "instruction'" in node.fname
    bits = set([s.lower() for s in node.fname.split('_')])
    fun = functions[node.fname]

    def is_const(nm, typ):
        if typ in [builtinTs['Mem'], builtinTs['Dom']]:
            return True
        if typ != word32T:
            return False
        return not (nm in bits
                    or [al for al in reg_aliases.get(nm, []) if al in bits])

    is_consts = [is_const(nm, typ) for (nm, typ) in fun.outputs]
    input_set = set(
        [v for arg in node.args for v in syntax.get_expr_var_set(arg)])
    return [
        mk_var(nm, typ) for ((nm, typ), const) in azip(node.rets, is_consts)
        if const and (nm, typ) in input_set
Пример #32
def stack_virtualise_expr (expr, sp_offs):
	if expr.is_op ('MemAcc') and is_stack (expr.vals[0]):
		[m, p] = expr.vals
		assert expr.typ == syntax.word32T
		ptrs = [(p, 'MemAcc')]
		if sp_offs == None:
			return (ptrs, None)
			if p not in sp_offs:
				return (ptrs, expr)
			(k, offs) = sp_offs[p]
			return (ptrs, mk_var (('Fake', k, offs),
	elif expr.kind == 'Op':
		vs = [stack_virtualise_expr (v, sp_offs) for v in expr.vals]
		return ([p for (ptrs, _) in vs for p in ptrs],
			syntax.Expr ('Op', expr.typ, name = expr.name,
				vals = [v for (_, v) in vs]))
		return ([], expr)
Пример #33
def loop_eq_hyps_at_visit(tag, split, eqs, restrs, visit_num, use_if_at=False):
    details = (split, (0, 1), eqs)
    visit = split_visit_one_visit(tag, details, restrs, visit_num)
    start = split_visit_one_visit(tag, details, restrs, vc_num(0))

    def mksub(v):
        return lambda exp: logic.var_subst(exp, {('%i', word32T): v},

    zsub = mksub(mk_word32(0))
    if visit_num.kind == 'Number':
        isub = mksub(mk_word32(visit_num.n))
        isub = mksub(mk_plus(mk_var('%n', word32T), mk_word32(visit_num.n)))

    hyps = [(Hyp('PCImp', visit, start), '%s pc imp' % tag)]
    hyps += [(eq_hyp((zsub(exp), start), (isub(exp), visit), (split, 0),
                     use_if_at=use_if_at), '%s const' % tag) for exp in eqs
             if logic.inst_eq_at_visit(exp, visit_num)]

    return hyps
Пример #34
def linear_eq_hyps_at_visit (tag, split, eqs, restrs, visit_num):
    details = (split, (0, 1), eqs)
    visit = split_visit_one_visit (tag, details, restrs, visit_num)
    start = split_visit_one_visit (tag, details, restrs, vc_num (0))
    from syntax import mk_word32, mk_plus, mk_var, word32T

    def mksub (v):
            return lambda exp: logic.var_subst (exp, {('%i', word32T) : v},
                    must_subst = False)
    zsub = mksub (mk_word32 (0))
    if visit_num.kind == 'Number':
            isub = mksub (mk_word32 (visit_num.n))
            isub = mksub (mk_plus (mk_var ('%n', word32T),
                    mk_word32 (visit_num.n)))

    hyps = [(Hyp ('PCImp', visit, start), '%s pc imp' % tag)]
    hyps += [(eq_hyp ((zsub (exp), start), (isub (exp), visit),
                            (split, 0)), '%s const' % tag)
                    for exp in eqs if logic.inst_eq_at_visit (exp, visit_num)]

    return hyps
Пример #35
def get_asm_calling_convention_at_node(node):
    cc = get_asm_calling_convention(node.fname)
    if not cc:
        return None

    fun = functions[node.fname]
    arg_input_map = dict(azip(fun.inputs, node.args))
    ret_output_map = dict(
        azip(fun.outputs, [mk_var(nm, typ) for (nm, typ) in node.rets]))

    args = [logic.var_subst(arg, arg_input_map) for arg in cc['args']]
    rets = [logic.var_subst(ret, ret_output_map) for ret in cc['rets']]
    # these are useful because they happen to map ret r0_input back to
    # the previous value r0, rather than the useless value r0_input_ignore.
    rets_inp = [logic.var_subst(ret, arg_input_map) for ret in cc['rets']]
    saved = [logic.var_subst(v, ret_output_map) for v in cc['callee_saved']]
    return {
        'args': args,
        'rets': rets,
        'rets_inp': rets_inp,
        'callee_saved': saved
Пример #36
def get_extra_sp_defs(rep, tag):
    """add extra defs/equalities about stack pointer for the
	purposes of stack depth analysis."""
    # FIXME how to parametrise this?
    sp = mk_var('r13', syntax.word32T)
    defs = {}

    fcalls = [
        n_vc for n_vc in rep.funcs if logic.is_int(n_vc[0])
        if rep.p.node_tags[n_vc[0]][0] == tag
        if preserves_sp(rep.p.nodes[n_vc[0]].fname)
    for (n, vc) in fcalls:
        (inputs, outputs, _) = rep.funcs[(n, vc)]
        if (sp.name, sp.typ) not in outputs:
        inp_sp = solver.smt_expr(sp, inputs, rep.solv)
        inp_sp = solver.parse_s_expression(inp_sp)
        out_sp = solver.smt_expr(sp, outputs, rep.solv)
        out_sp = solver.parse_s_expression(out_sp)
        if inp_sp != out_sp:
            defs[out_sp] = inp_sp
    return defs
Пример #37
def add_impl_fun (impl_fname, regspecs):
	if impl_fname in functions:
	ident_v = ("inst_ident", syntax.builtinTs['Token'])

	inps = [s for s in regspecs if s == 'I']
	inps = ['reg_val%d' % (i + 1) for (i, s) in enumerate (inps)]
	rets = [s for s in regspecs if s == 'O']
	rets = ['ret_val%d' % (i + 1) for (i, s) in enumerate (rets)]
	fun = mk_fun (impl_fname, inps, [ident_v], rets, [], bin_globs)
	inp_eqs = [((mk_var (nm, typ), 'ASM_IN'), (mk_var (nm, typ), 'C_IN'))
		for (nm, typ) in fun.inputs]
	inp_eqs += [((logic.mk_rodata (mk_var (nm, typ)), 'ASM_IN'),
		(syntax.true_term, 'C_IN')) for (nm, typ) in bin_globs]
	out_eqs = [((mk_var (nm, typ), 'ASM_OUT'), (mk_var (nm, typ), 'C_OUT'))
		for (nm, typ) in fun.outputs]
	out_eqs += [((logic.mk_rodata (mk_var (nm, typ)), 'ASM_OUT'),
		(syntax.true_term, 'C_OUT')) for (nm, typ) in bin_globs]
	pair = logic.Pairing (['ASM', 'C'],
		{'C': impl_fname, 'ASM': impl_fname},
		(inp_eqs, out_eqs))
	assert impl_fname not in pairings
	functions[impl_fname] = fun
	pairings[impl_fname] = [pair]
Пример #38
def add_recursion_ident(f, group, idents, extra_unfolds):
    from syntax import mk_eq, mk_implies, mk_var
    p = problem.Problem(None, name='Recursion Test')
    chain = []
    tag = 'fun0'
    p.add_entry_function(functions[f], tag)
    assns = []
    recursion_last_assns[0] = assns

    while True:
        res = find_unknown_recursion(p, group, idents, tag, assns,
        if res == None:
        if p.nodes[res].fname not in group:
            problem.inline_at_point(p, res)
        fname = p.nodes[res].fname
        tag = 'fun%d' % len(chain)
        (args, _, entry) = p.add_entry_function(functions[fname], tag)
        assns += function_link_assns(p, res, tag)
    if chain == []:
        return None
    recursion_trace.append('  created fun chain %s' % chain)
    word_args = [(i, mk_var(s, typ)) for (i, (s, typ)) in enumerate(args)
                 if typ.kind == 'Word']
    rep = rep_graph.mk_graph_slice(p, fast=True)
    (_, env) = rep.get_node_pc_env((entry, ()))

    m = {}
    res = rep.test_hyp_whyps(syntax.false_term, assns, model=m)
    assert m

    if find_unknown_recursion(p, group, idents, tag, [], []) == None:
        idents.setdefault(fname, [])
        recursion_trace.append('      found final ident for %s' % fname)
        return syntax.true_term
    assert word_args
    recursion_trace.append('      scanning for ident for %s' % fname)
    for (i, arg) in word_args:
        (nm, typ) = functions[fname].inputs[i]
        arg_smt = solver.to_smt_expr(arg, env, rep.solv)
        val = search.eval_model_expr(m, rep.solv, arg_smt)
        if not rep.test_hyp_whyps(mk_eq(arg_smt, val), assns):
            recursion_trace.append('      discarded %s = 0x%x, not stable' %
                                   (nm, val.val))
        entry_vis = ((entry, ()), tag)
        ass = rep_graph.eq_hyp((arg, entry_vis), (val, entry_vis))
        res = find_unknown_recursion(p, group, idents, tag, assns + [ass], [])
        if res:
            fname2 = p.nodes[res].fname
                '      discarded %s, allows recursion to %s' % (nm, fname2))
        eq = syntax.mk_eq(mk_var(nm, typ), val)
        idents.setdefault(fname, [])
        recursion_trace.append('    found ident for %s: %s' % (fname, eq))
        return eq
    assert not "identifying assertion found"
Пример #39
def pretty_lambda (t):
	v = syntax.mk_var ('#seq-visits', word32T)
	t = logic.var_subst (t, {('%i', word32T) : v}, must_subst = False)
	return syntax.pretty_expr (t, print_type = True)
Пример #40
 def fresh_var(self, name, typ):
     name = fresh_name(name, self.vs, typ)
     return mk_var(name, typ)
Пример #41
def avail_val(vs, typ):
    for (nm, typ2) in vs:
        if typ2 == typ:
            return mk_var(nm, typ2)
    return logic.default_val(typ)
Пример #42
def mk_var_list (vs, typ):
	return [syntax.mk_var (v, typ) for v in vs]
Пример #43
def avail_val (vs, typ):
	for (nm, typ2) in vs:
		if typ2 == typ:
			return mk_var (nm, typ2)
	return logic.default_val (typ)
Пример #44
def const_ret_hook(node, nm, typ):
    consts = node_const_rets(node)
    return consts and mk_var(nm, typ) in consts
Пример #45
	def fresh_var (self, name, typ):
		name = fresh_name (name, self.vs, typ)
		return mk_var (name, typ)
Пример #46
def mk_loop_counter_eq_hyp(p, split, restrs, n):
    details = (split, (0, 1), [])
    (tag, _) = p.node_tags[split]
    visit = split_visit_one_visit(tag, details, restrs, vc_offs(0))
    return eq_hyp((mk_var('%n', word32T), visit), (mk_word32(n), visit),
                  (split, 0))
Пример #47
def pretty_lambda(t):
    v = syntax.mk_var('#seq-visits', word32T)
    t = logic.var_subst(t, {('%i', word32T): v}, must_subst=False)
    return syntax.pretty_expr(t, print_type=True)
Пример #48
def const_ret_hook (node, nm, typ):
	consts = node_const_rets (node)
	return consts and mk_var (nm, typ) in consts
Пример #49
def add_recursion_ident (f, group, idents, extra_unfolds):
	from syntax import mk_eq, mk_implies, mk_var
	p = problem.Problem (None, name = 'Recursion Test')
	chain = []
	tag = 'fun0'
	p.add_entry_function (functions[f], tag)
	p.do_analysis ()
	assns = []
	recursion_last_assns[0] = assns

	while True:
		res = find_unknown_recursion (p, group, idents, tag, assns,
		if res == None:
		if p.nodes[res].fname not in group:
			problem.inline_at_point (p, res)
		fname = p.nodes[res].fname
		chain.append (fname)
		tag = 'fun%d' % len (chain)
		(args, _, entry) = p.add_entry_function (functions[fname], tag)
		p.do_analysis ()
		assns += function_link_assns (p, res, tag)
	if chain == []:
		return None
	recursion_trace.append ('  created fun chain %s' % chain)
	word_args = [(i, mk_var (s, typ))
		for (i, (s, typ)) in enumerate (args)
		if typ.kind == 'Word']
	rep = rep_graph.mk_graph_slice (p, fast = True)
	(_, env) = rep.get_node_pc_env ((entry, ()))

	m = {}
	res = rep.test_hyp_whyps (syntax.false_term, assns, model = m)
	assert m

	if find_unknown_recursion (p, group, idents, tag, [], []) == None:
		idents.setdefault (fname, [])
		idents[fname].append (syntax.true_term)
		recursion_trace.append ('      found final ident for %s' % fname)
		return syntax.true_term
	assert word_args
	recursion_trace.append ('      scanning for ident for %s' % fname)
	for (i, arg) in word_args:
		(nm, typ) = functions[fname].inputs[i]
		arg_smt = solver.to_smt_expr (arg, env, rep.solv)
		val = search.eval_model_expr (m, rep.solv, arg_smt)
		if not rep.test_hyp_whyps (mk_eq (arg_smt, val), assns):
			recursion_trace.append ('      discarded %s = 0x%x, not stable' % (nm, val.val))
		entry_vis = ((entry, ()), tag)
		ass = rep_graph.eq_hyp ((arg, entry_vis), (val, entry_vis))
		res = find_unknown_recursion (p, group, idents, tag,
				assns + [ass], [])
		if res:
			fname2 = p.nodes[res].fname
			recursion_trace.append ('      discarded %s, allows recursion to %s' % (nm, fname2))
		eq = syntax.mk_eq (mk_var (nm, typ), val)
		idents.setdefault (fname, [])
		idents[fname].append (eq)
		recursion_trace.append ('    found ident for %s: %s' % (fname, eq))
		return eq
	assert not "identifying assertion found"