Пример #1
def test__filter_files(expand_path_fixtures):
    files = sorted(
        [str(x) for x in transforms._filter_files(transforms._expand_paths("**/*"))]

    assert files == [
Пример #2

# https://github.com/googleapis/gapic-generator-python/issues/672
    "request.traffic_split = traffic_split",

# post processing to fix the generated reference doc
from synthtool import transforms as st
import re

# https://github.com/googleapis/gapic-generator-python/issues/479
paths = st._filter_files(st._expand_paths("google/cloud/**/*.py", "."))

pattern = r"(:\w+:``[^`]+``)"
expr = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.MULTILINE)
replaces = []
for path in paths:
    with path.open("r+") as fh:
        content = fh.read()
    matches = re.findall(expr, content)
    if matches:
        for match in matches:
            before = match
            after = match.replace("``", "`")
            replaces.append((path, before, after))

for path, before, after in replaces: