Пример #1
    def test_get_distance(self):
        n = 100
        ps = 100 * q.mm
        p = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n)
        sin = np.sin(p)
        cos = np.cos(p)
        zeros = np.zeros(n)

        # Simple body
        # -----------
        traj = Trajectory(zip(cos, sin, zeros) * q.m, velocity=1 * q.m / q.s)
        ball = MetaBall(traj, .5 * q.m)
        dist = ball.get_distance(0 * q.s, ball.trajectory.time)
        # Maximum along the x axis where the body travels 2 m by translation and rotates by 180
        # degrees compared to position at t0, so the rotational displacement is 2 * furthest point,
        # in this case 2 m, so altogether 4 m
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dist.simplified.magnitude, 4)

        # Composite body
        # --------------
        traj_m = Trajectory([(0, 0, 0)] * q.m)
        ball = MetaBall(traj_m, .5 * q.m)
        comp = CompositeBody(traj, bodies=[ball])

        d = comp.get_distance(0 * q.s, comp.time).simplified.magnitude
        # 2 by translation and 180 degrees means 2 * furthest
        gt = 2 * ball.furthest_point.simplified.magnitude + 2
        self.assertAlmostEqual(gt, d, places=4)

        d = comp.get_distance(0 * q.s, comp.time / 2).simplified.magnitude
        # 1 by translation by either x or y and sqrt(2) * furthest by rotation
        gt = 1 + comp.furthest_point.simplified.magnitude * np.sqrt(2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(gt, d, places=4)
Пример #2
    def test_get_next_time(self):
        n = 100
        ps = 100 * q.mm
        psm = ps.simplified.magnitude
        p = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n)
        sin = np.sin(p) * 1e-3
        cos = np.cos(p) * 1e-3
        zeros = np.zeros(n)

        traj_m_0 = Trajectory(zip(p * 1e-3, zeros, zeros) * q.m,
                              velocity=1 * q.mm / q.s)
        traj_m_1 = Trajectory([(0, 0, 0)] * q.m)
        ball_0 = MetaBall(traj_m_0, .5 * q.m)
        ball_1 = MetaBall(traj_m_1, .5 * q.m)
        traj = Trajectory(zip(cos, sin, zeros) * q.m, velocity=1 * q.mm / q.s)
        comp = CompositeBody(traj, bodies=[ball_0, ball_1])
        dt = comp.get_maximum_dt(ps)

        # Normal trajectories
        # Test the beginning, middle and end because of time complexity
        for t_0 in [0 * q.s, comp.time / 2, comp.time - 10 * dt]:
            t_1 = comp.get_next_time(t_0, ps)

            d = comp.get_distance(t_0, t_1).simplified.magnitude
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(psm, d)

        # Trajectories which sum up to no movement
        traj_m = Trajectory(zip(zeros, -p, zeros) * q.m,
                            velocity=1 * q.mm / q.s)
        ball = MetaBall(traj_m, .5 * q.m)
        traj = Trajectory(zip(p, zeros, zeros) * q.m, velocity=1 * q.mm / q.s)
        comp = CompositeBody(traj, bodies=[ball])

        self.assertEqual(np.inf * q.s, comp.get_next_time(0 * q.s, ps))