def main(): w = 0 txt = stdin.detach().readlines() for line in txt: for word in line.decode('windows-1252').strip().split(): for c in word: if (c.isalpha() or c.isdigit()): w += 1 break print(w)
def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] if '--overlay' in args: args.remove('--overlay') overlay = True else: overlay = False if len(args) < 1 or args[0] == '-': if overlay: print("Can't decompress overlays from stdin", file=stderr) return 2 if hasattr(stdin, 'detach'): f = stdin.detach() else: f = stdin else: try: f = open(args[0], "rb") except IOError as e: print(e, file=stderr) return 2 stdout = sys.stdout if hasattr(stdout, 'detach'): # grab the underlying binary stream stdout = stdout.detach() try: if overlay: decompress_overlay(f, stdout) else: stdout.write(decompress_file(f)) except IOError as e: if e.errno == EPIPE: # don't complain about a broken pipe pass else: raise except (DecompressionError,) as e: print(e, file=stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] if '--overlay' in args: args.remove('--overlay') overlay = True else: overlay = False if len(args) < 1 or args[0] == '-': if overlay: print("Can't decompress overlays from stdin", file=stderr) return 2 if hasattr(stdin, 'detach'): f = stdin.detach() else: f = stdin else: try: f = open(args[0], "rb") except IOError as e: print(e, file=stderr) return 2 stdout = sys.stdout if hasattr(stdout, 'detach'): # grab the underlying binary stream stdout = stdout.detach() try: if overlay: decompress_overlay(f, stdout) else: stdout.write(decompress_file(f)) except IOError as e: if e.errno == EPIPE: # don't complain about a broken pipe pass else: raise except (DecompressionError, ) as e: print(e, file=stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] if '--overlay' in args: args.remove('--overlay') overlay = True else: overlay = False if len(args) < 1 or args[0] == '-': if overlay: print("Can't verify overlays from stdin", file=stderr) return 2 if hasattr(stdin, 'detach'): f = stdin.detach() else: f = stdin else: try: f = open(args[0], "rb") except IOError as e: print(e, file=stderr) return 2 try: if overlay: print("Can't verify overlays", file=stderr) else: #verify_file(f) dump_file(f) except (VerificationError,) as e: print(e, file=stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] if "--overlay" in args: args.remove("--overlay") overlay = True else: overlay = False if len(args) < 1 or args[0] == "-": if overlay: print("Can't verify overlays from stdin", file=stderr) return 2 if hasattr(stdin, "detach"): f = stdin.detach() else: f = stdin else: try: f = open(args[0], "rb") except IOError as e: print(e, file=stderr) return 2 try: if overlay: print("Can't verify overlays", file=stderr) else: # verify_file(f) dump_file(f) except (VerificationError,) as e: print(e, file=stderr) return 1 return 0
print_proportion("SACK", tcp_sack_s) print() all_sources = ip4_sources(df) ws_sources = ip4_sources_characteristic(df, qof.QOF_WS) print("WS observed from %8u sources (%8.5f%%)" % (len(ws_sources), len(ws_sources) * 100 / len(all_sources))) ts_sources = ip4_sources_characteristic(df, qof.QOF_TS) print("TS observed from %8u sources (%8.5f%%)" % (len(ts_sources), len(ts_sources) * 100 / len(all_sources))) sack_sources = ip4_sources_characteristic(df, qof.QOF_SACK) print("SACK observed from %8u sources (%8.5f%%)" % (len(sack_sources), len(sack_sources) * 100 / len(all_sources))) nego_sources = ip4_sources_given(df, ecn_nego_s, ecn_nego_s) print("ECN nego involved %8u sources (%8.5f%%)" % (len(nego_sources), len(nego_sources) * 100 / len(all_sources))) parse_args() init_ipfix(args.spec) if args.file: if args.bzip2: with (args.file, mode="rb") as f: opts_report_stream(f) else: with open (args.file, mode="rb") as f: opts_report_stream(f) else: stdin = stdin.detach() opts_report_stream(stdin)
if timeslice: lossy_flows = np.where(df["lossy"], 1, 0) lossy_flows.index = df["flowEndMilliseconds"] total_flows = pd.Series(1, index=lossy_flows.index) lossy_flows = lossy_flows.resample(str(timeslice) + "S", how='sum') total_flows = total_flows.resample(str(timeslice) + "S", how='sum') lossy_flow_rate = lossy_flows / total_flows dfout = pd.DataFrame({ 'total': total_flows, 'lossy': lossy_flows, 'rate': lossy_flow_rate }) dfout.to_csv(stdout) ## begin main ## parse_args() init_ipfix(args.spec) if args.file: if args.bzip2: with, mode="rb") as f: obsloss_report_stream_biflow(f, args.bin) else: with open(args.file, mode="rb") as f: obsloss_report_stream_biflow(f, args.bin) else: stdin = stdin.detach() obsloss_report_stream_biflow(stdin, args.bin)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from collections import defaultdict from sys import stdin import codecs stdin = codecs.getreader('utf8')(stdin.detach(), errors='ignore') def word_count(): counter = defaultdict(int) for l in stdin: for word in bytes(l, 'utf8').split(): counter[word] += 1 for word, cnt in sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])): print('{0}\t{1}'.format(word.decode('utf8'), cnt)) if __name__ == '__main__': word_count()