def back_system(): # 超级后台 # 管理操作: # 已注册的学校列表 rtdata = { 'success': 'yes', 'msg': 'done', 'code': 0, 'data': None, 'dlen': 0 } if request.method == 'GET': system_code = request.args.get("syscode") if syscode != cur_config.system("syscode"): return abort(403) target = request.args.get("target") action = request.args.get("action") if target == 'schools': if action == 'list': rtdata['data'] = system.on_school("list") return json.dumps(rtdata)
class capp_smsg(app_smsg): # smsg with cache cacheA_Mark = True cacherA = dict() cacherB = dict() cache = cacherA #cache_limit = 128 # just for an easy way cache_limit = cur_config.system('cache_size') cache_kicks = 32 # when full how many to kick cache_kickr = 0.5 cache_array = [None] * cache_limit cpos = 0 cache_dict_limit = 5 # user seperated dict cache clear_time = 1800 switch_time = 3600 last_time = time.time() stimer = None C_LOCK = False lock_wait = 0.1 lock_wcount = 10 @classmethod def cclear(cls): if cls.cacheA_Mark: # when cacher_a works... clear cacherB _ = cls.cacherB else: _ = cls.cacherA"600s and clear on cache: %s with len: %d" % ('cacherB' if cls.cacheA_Mark else 'cacherA', len(_))) _.clear() @classmethod def via_cache(cls, cpath, force=False): # check for switch cache dt = time.time() - cls.last_time if dt > cls.switch_time:"time to switch cacher") cls.cacheA_Mark = not cls.cacheA_Mark cls.cache = cls.cacherA if cls.cacheA_Mark else cls.cacherB cls.cache_array = [] cls.last_time = time.time() cls.stimer = Timer(cls.clear_time, cls.cclear) cls.stimer.start() # real job cpath = cls._xpath(cpath) if cpath in cls.cache:"%s in cache!" % cpath) if cls.C_LOCK is True: loger.debug("CHECK: wait for C_LOCK!") t = cls.lock_wcount while t > 0: time.sleep(cls.lock_wait) if cls.C_LOCK is False: break t -= 1 loger.error("CHECK: wait for C_CLOCK over time!") return None cls.cache_array.remove(cpath) cls.cache_array.insert(0, cpath) return cls.cache[cpath] else: return None @classmethod def store_cache(cls, cpath, data): cpath = cls._xpath(cpath)"%s store into cache!" % cpath) if cls.cpos >= cls.cache_limit and cls.C_LOCK is False:"cache ups to limit! do short clear.") _times = min(cls.cache_kicks, round(len(cls.cache) * cls.cache_kickr)) cls.C_LOCK = True for x in xrange(_times): xpath = cls.cache_array.pop() try: cls.cache.pop(xpath) except KeyError: loger.warn("pop cache error with key: %s" % xpath) continue cls.cpos = len(cls.cache) - 1 cls.C_LOCK = False cls.cpos += 1 loger.debug("cache size: %s!" % cls.cpos) cls.cache_array.append(cpath) cls.cache[cpath] = data return True @classmethod def clear_cache(cls, xurl): try: cls.cache.pop(xurl) except KeyError: return False cls.cpos -= 1 return True @classmethod def _xpath(cls, opath): pstr = re.sub(r'×tamp=.*?&', '&', opath) return pstr[:pstr.index('&sign')] # inject a cacher def __init__(self, mapname, baseurl='', postdata=None, posturl=''): # any thing? super(capp_smsg, self).__init__(mapname, baseurl='', postdata=None, posturl='') def get(self, filep='', urlpath='', json=True, force=False, viacache=True): purl = self.path + '?' + urlpath if urlpath else self.path_param_url print(purl) if not force: rt = self.__class__.via_cache(purl) if rt is not None: if json: return self._rt_solve(rt) else: return rt if self.con: #turl = purl.encode('utf8') if isinstance(purl, unicode) else purl.decode('gbk').encode('utf8') #turl = purl.encode('utf8') self.con.request('GET', purl) resp = self.con.getresponse() if resp.status == 200: if filep: fo = None try: fo = open(filep, 'w+b') fo.write( except: self._url_file_save(purl, filep) finally: if fo: fo.close()'file save done') return filep else: # perhaps get a file some... rt = if not json: return rt rt_json = self._rt_solve(rt) if viacache and rt_json['success']: self.__class__.store_cache(purl, rt) return rt_json else: raise RuntimeError('NO connection!')
import json import re import time from threading import Timer from .message_sets import appmsg_sets, appmsg_sets2 from sys_config import cur_config, loger from .campusApp2 import thirdsvr from ultilities import json_flat_2_tree # PYTHON3 ON Linux: if sys.platform == 'linux': #Context = ssl.create_default_context() #Context = ssl._create_unverified_context() try: _crtpath = os.path.join(cur_config.folder("base_fd"), cur_config.system("qqcrt")) Context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS) Context.check_hostname = False Context.load_verify_locations(_crtpath) print("create context OK!") except: print(_crtpath) Context = None ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context else: Context = None """ 问题的原因是“SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED”。 Python 升级到 2.7.9 之后引入了一个新特性,当使用urllib.urlopen打开一个 https 链接时,会验证一次 SSL 证书。 而当目标网站使用的是自签名的证书时就会抛出一个 urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:581)> 的错误消息,