def sync(callback_func=None, update_method='rebase'): """ Runs commands and process stdout and stderr to recogneze the result: `git fetch --all -v` `git rebase origin/master -v` or `git reset --hard origin/master` """ src_dir_path = bpio.getExecutableDir() expected_src_dir = os.path.join(deploy.default_base_dir_portable(), 'src') if bpio.portablePath(src_dir_path) != bpio.portablePath(expected_src_dir): if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'git_proc.sync SKIP, non standard sources location: %r' % src_dir_path) return def _reset_done(response, error, retcode, result): if callback_func is None: return callback_func(result) def _rebase_done(response, error, retcode, result): if callback_func is None: return if retcode != 0: result = 'sync-error' else: if response.count(b'Changes from') or response.count(b'Fast-forwarded'): result = 'code-fetched' else: result = 'up-to-date' callback_func(result) def _fetch_done(response, error, retcode): if retcode != 0: if callback_func: callback_func('sync-error') return result = 'sync-error' if response.count(b'Unpacking') or \ (response.count(b'master') and response.count(b'->')) or \ response.count(b'Updating') or \ response.count(b'Receiving') or \ response.count(b'Counting'): result = 'new-code' if update_method == 'reset': run(['reset', '--hard', 'origin/master', ], callback=lambda resp, err, ret: _reset_done(resp, err, ret, result)) elif update_method == 'rebase': run(['rebase', 'origin/master', '-v'], callback=lambda resp, err, ret: _rebase_done(resp, err, ret, result)) else: raise Exception('invalid update method: %s' % update_method) run(['fetch', '--all', '-v'], callback=_fetch_done)
def listAllEntries(self): try: from system import bpio l = [] abspth = bpio.portablePath(os.path.abspath(self.getConfigDir())) for subpath in bpio.list_dir_recursive(abspth): path = bpio.portablePath(subpath) l.append(path.replace(abspth, '').strip('/')) return l except: lg.exc() return []
def _download(params): # localName = params['name'] backupID = global_id.CanonicalID(params['backupid']) destpath = params['dest_path'] if bpio.Linux() or bpio.Mac(): destpath = '/' + destpath.lstrip('/') restorePath = bpio.portablePath(destpath) # overwrite = params['overwrite'] customerGlobalID, remotePath, version = packetid.SplitBackupID(backupID) pathID = packetid.MakeBackupID(customerGlobalID, remotePath) if not customerGlobalID: customerGlobalID = my_id.getGlobalID() if not packetid.IsCanonicalVersion(version): return {'result': {"success": False, "error": "path %s is not valid" % backupID}} if not remotePath: return {'result': {"success": False, "error": "path %s is not valid" % backupID}} if not packetid.Valid(remotePath): return {'result': {"success": False, "error": "path %s is not valid" % backupID}} if backup_control.IsBackupInProcess(backupID): return {'result': {"success": True, "error": None}} if backup_control.HasTask(pathID): return {'result': {"success": True, "error": None}} localPath = backup_fs.ToPath(remotePath) if localPath == restorePath: restorePath = os.path.dirname(restorePath) def _itemRestored(backupID, result): customerGlobalID, remotePath, _ = packetid.SplitBackupID(backupID) backup_fs.ScanID(remotePath, customer_idurl=global_id.GlobalUserToIDURL(customerGlobalID)) backup_fs.Calculate() restore_monitor.Start(backupID, restorePath, callback=_itemRestored) return {'result': {"success": True, "error": None}}
def saveLocalIdentity(): """ Save identity object from memory into local file. Do sign the identity than serialize to write to the file. """ global _LocalIdentity if not isLocalIdentityReady(): lg.warn("ERROR local identity not exist!") return False if not _LocalIdentity.isCorrect(): lg.warn('local identity is not correct') return False _LocalIdentity.sign() if not _LocalIdentity.Valid(): lg.err('local identity is not valid') return False xmlid = _LocalIdentity.serialize(as_text=True) filename = bpio.portablePath(settings.LocalIdentityFilename()) bpio.WriteTextFile(filename, xmlid) setTransportOrder(getOrderFromContacts(_LocalIdentity)) events.send('local-identity-written', data=dict(idurl=_LocalIdentity.getIDURL(), filename=filename)) if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, "my_id.saveLocalIdentity %d bytes wrote to %s" % (len(xmlid), filename)) return True
def loadLocalIdentity(): """ The core method. The file [BitDust data dir]/metadata/localidentity keeps the user identity in XML format. Do read the local file and set into object in memory. """ global _LocalIdentity xmlid = '' filename = bpio.portablePath(settings.LocalIdentityFilename()) if os.path.exists(filename): xmlid = bpio.ReadTextFile(filename) if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'my_id.loadLocalIdentity %d bytes read from %s' % (len(xmlid), filename)) if not xmlid: if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, "my_id.loadLocalIdentity SKIPPED, local identity in %s is EMPTY !!!" % filename) return False lid = identity.identity(xmlsrc=xmlid) if not lid.isCorrect(): if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, "my_id.loadLocalIdentity ERROR loaded identity is not Correct") return False if not lid.Valid(): if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, "my_id.loadLocalIdentity ERROR loaded identity is not Valid") return False setLocalIdentity(lid) setTransportOrder(getOrderFromContacts(_LocalIdentity)) if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, "my_id.loadLocalIdentity my global id is %s" % getGlobalID()) return True
def run(cmdargs, base_dir=None, git_bin=None, env=None, callback=None): """ """ if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, '') base_dir = base_dir or bpio.getExecutableDir() if bpio.Windows(): cmd = ['git', ] + cmdargs if git_bin: git_exe = git_bin else: git_exe = bpio.portablePath(os.path.join(base_dir, '..', 'git', 'bin', 'git.exe')) if not os.path.isfile(git_exe): if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' not found git.exe, try to run from shell') try: response, error, retcode = execute_in_shell(cmd, base_dir=base_dir) except: response = '' error = '' retcode = 1 if callback: callback(response, error, retcode) return if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' found git in %s' % git_exe) cmd = [git_exe, ] + cmdargs else: cmd = [git_bin or 'git', ] + cmdargs execute(cmd, callback=callback, base_dir=base_dir, env=env)
def _download(params): # localName = params['name'] backupID = params['backupid'] destpath = params['dest_path'] if bpio.Linux() or bpio.Mac(): destpath = '/' + destpath.lstrip('/') restorePath = bpio.portablePath(destpath) # overwrite = params['overwrite'] if not packetid.Valid(backupID): return {'result': {"success": False, "error": "path %s is not valid" % backupID}} pathID, version = packetid.SplitBackupID(backupID) if not pathID: return {'result': {"success": False, "error": "path %s is not valid" % backupID}} if backup_control.IsBackupInProcess(backupID): return {'result': {"success": True, "error": None}} if backup_control.HasTask(pathID): return {'result': {"success": True, "error": None}} localPath = backup_fs.ToPath(pathID) if localPath == restorePath: restorePath = os.path.dirname(restorePath) def _itemRestored(backupID, result): backup_fs.ScanID(packetid.SplitBackupID(backupID)[0]) backup_fs.Calculate() restore_monitor.Start(backupID, restorePath, _itemRestored) return {'result': {"success": True, "error": None}}
def loadLocalIdentity(): """ The core method. The file [BitDust data dir]/metadata/localidentity keeps the user identity in XML format. Do read the local file and set into object in memory. """ global _LocalIdentity global _LocalIDURL global _LocalName xmlid = '' filename = bpio.portablePath(settings.LocalIdentityFilename()) if os.path.exists(filename): xmlid = bpio.ReadTextFile(filename) lg.out(6, 'my_id.loadLocalIdentity %d bytes read from\n %s' % (len(xmlid), filename)) if xmlid == '': lg.out(2, "my_id.loadLocalIdentity SKIPPED, local identity in %s is EMPTY !!!" % filename) return lid = identity.identity(xmlsrc=xmlid) if not lid.isCorrect(): lg.out(2, "my_id.loadLocalIdentity ERROR loaded identity is not Correct") return if not lid.Valid(): lg.out(2, "my_id.loadLocalIdentity ERROR loaded identity is not Valid") return setLocalIdentity(lid) # _LocalIdentity = lid # _LocalIDURL = lid.getIDURL() # _LocalName = lid.getIDName() setTransportOrder(getOrderFromContacts(_LocalIdentity)) lg.out(6, "my_id.loadLocalIdentity my name is [%s]" % lid.getIDName())
def _list_local(params): result = [] path = params['path'] if bpio.Linux() or bpio.Mac(): path = '/' + path.lstrip('/') path = bpio.portablePath(path) only_folders = params['onlyFolders'] if (path == '' or path == '/') and bpio.Windows(): for itemname in bpio.listLocalDrivesWindows(): result.append({ "name": itemname.rstrip('\\').rstrip('/').lower(), "rights": "drwxr-xr-x", "size": "", "date": "", "type": "dir", "dirpath": path, }) else: if bpio.Windows() and len(path) == 2 and path[1] == ':': path += '/' apath = path for itemname in bpio.list_dir_safe(apath): itempath = os.path.join(apath, itemname) if only_folders and not os.path.isdir(itempath): continue result.append({ "name": itemname, "rights": "drwxr-xr-x", "size": str(os.path.getsize(itempath)), "date": str(os.path.getmtime(itempath)), "type": "dir" if os.path.isdir(itempath) else "file", "dirpath": apath, }) return {'result': result, }
def execute_in_shell(cmdargs, base_dir=None): global _CurrentProcess from system import nonblocking import subprocess if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'git_proc.execute_in_shell: "%s"' % (' '.join(cmdargs))) write2log('EXECUTE in shell: %s, base_dir=%s' % (cmdargs, base_dir)) _CurrentProcess = nonblocking.Popen( cmdargs, shell=True, cwd=bpio.portablePath(base_dir), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) result = _CurrentProcess.communicate() out_data = result[0] err_data = result[1] write2log('STDOUT:\n%s\nSTDERR:\n%s\n' % (out_data, err_data)) returncode = _CurrentProcess.returncode if _Debug: lg.out( _DebugLevel, 'git_proc.execute_in_shell returned: %s, stdout bytes: %d, stderr bytes: %d' % (returncode, len(out_data), len(err_data))) return (out_data, err_data, returncode) # _CurrentProcess
def eraseLocalIdentity(do_backup=True): if do_backup: if os.path.isfile(settings.LocalIdentityFilename()): current_identity_xmlsrc = local_fs.ReadBinaryFile(settings.LocalIdentityFilename()) if current_identity_xmlsrc: fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='localidentity_', dir=settings.MetaDataDir()) os.write(fd, current_identity_xmlsrc) os.close(fd)'created backup copy of my local identity in the file : %r' % fname) filename = bpio.portablePath(settings.LocalIdentityFilename()) if not os.path.exists(filename): if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, "my_id.eraseLocalIdentity SKIP file %s not exist" % filename) return True if not os.path.isfile(filename): if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, "my_id.eraseLocalIdentity ERROR path %s is not a file" % filename) return False try: os.remove(filename) except: lg.exc() return False events.send('local-identity-erased', data=dict()) if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, "my_id.eraseLocalIdentity file %s was deleted" % filename) return True
def init(udp_port, db_file_path=None): global _MyNode if _MyNode is not None: if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'dht_service.init SKIP, DHTNode already exist') return if db_file_path is None: db_file_path = settings.DHTDBFile() dbPath = bpio.portablePath(db_file_path) try: dataStore = SQLiteExpiredDataStore(dbFile=dbPath) # dataStore.setItem('not_exist_key', 'not_exist_value', time.time(), time.time(), None, 60) # del dataStore['not_exist_key'] except: lg.warn( 'failed reading DHT records, removing %s and starting clean DB' % dbPath) lg.exc() os.remove(dbPath) dataStore = SQLiteExpiredDataStore(dbFile=dbPath) networkProtocol = KademliaProtocolConveyor _MyNode = DHTNode(udp_port, dataStore, networkProtocol=networkProtocol) if _Debug: lg.out( _DebugLevel, 'dht_service.init UDP port is %d, DB file path: %s' % (udp_port, dbPath))
def _config(params): result = [] homepath = bpio.portablePath(os.path.expanduser('~')) if bpio.Windows(): # set "c:" as a starting point when pick files for Windows # probably should be MyDocuments folder or something else, # but lets take that for now homepath = homepath[:2] result.append({'key': 'homepath', 'value': homepath}) return {'result': result, }
def identity_recover_v1(self, request): data = _request_data(request) private_key_source = data.get('private_key_source') if not private_key_source: private_key_local_file = data.get('private_key_local_file') if private_key_local_file: from system import bpio private_key_source = bpio.ReadTextFile( bpio.portablePath(private_key_local_file)) return api.identity_recover(private_key_source=private_key_source, known_idurl=data.get('known_idurl'))
def eraseLocalIdentity(): filename = bpio.portablePath(settings.LocalIdentityFilename()) if not os.path.exists(filename): lg.out(6, "my_id.eraseLocalIdentity SKIP file %s not exist" % filename) return True if not os.path.isfile(filename): lg.out(6, "my_id.eraseLocalIdentity ERROR path %s is not a file" % filename) return False try: os.remove(filename) except: lg.exc() return False lg.out(6, "my_id.eraseLocalIdentity file %s was deleted" % filename) return True
def cmd_key(opts, args, overDict, running, executablePath): from main import settings from lib import misc from system import bpio from userid import my_id from crypt import key settings.init() my_id.init() if not key.LoadMyKey(): print_text('private key not exist or is not valid\n') return 0 if not my_id.isLocalIdentityReady(): print_text('local identity not exist, your key worth nothing\n') return 0 if len(args) == 2: if args[1] == 'copy': TextToSave = my_id.getLocalID() + "\n" + key.MyPrivateKey() misc.setClipboardText(TextToSave) del TextToSave print_text('now you can "paste" with Ctr+V your private key where you want') print_text('WARNING! keep your key in safe place, do not publish it!\n') return 0 elif args[1] == 'print': TextToSave = my_id.getLocalID() + "\n" + key.MyPrivateKey() print_text('\n' + TextToSave + '\n') del TextToSave print_text('WARNING! keep your key in safe place, do not publish it!\n') return 0 elif len(args) == 3: if args[1] == 'copy' or args[1] == 'save' or args[1] == 'backup': from system import bpio curpath = os.getcwd() os.chdir(executablePath) filenameto = bpio.portablePath(args[2]) os.chdir(curpath) TextToSave = my_id.getLocalID() + "\n" + key.MyPrivateKey() if not bpio.AtomicWriteFile(filenameto, TextToSave): del TextToSave print_text('error writing to %s\n' % filenameto) return 1 del TextToSave print_text('your private key were copied to file %s' % filenameto) print_text('WARNING! keep your key in safe place, do not publish it!\n') return 0 return 2
def init(udp_port, db_file_path=None): global _MyNode if _MyNode is not None: if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, "dht_service.init SKIP, already created a DHTNode") return if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, "dht_service.init UDP port is %d" % udp_port) if db_file_path is None: db_file_path = settings.DHTDBFile() dbPath = bpio.portablePath(db_file_path) lg.out(4, "dht_service.init UDP port is %d, DB file path: %s" % (udp_port, dbPath)) dataStore = SQLiteDataStore(dbFile=dbPath) networkProtocol = KademliaProtocolConveyor # None, encoding.Bencode(), msgformat.DefaultFormat()) _MyNode = DHTNode(udp_port, dataStore, networkProtocol=networkProtocol)
def saveLocalIdentity(): """ Save identity object from memory into local file. Do sign the identity than serialize to write to the file. """ global _LocalIdentity if not isLocalIdentityReady(): lg.warn("ERROR local identity not exist!") return if not _LocalIdentity.isCorrect(): lg.warn('local identity is not correct') return _LocalIdentity.sign() xmlid = _LocalIdentity.serialize() filename = bpio.portablePath(settings.LocalIdentityFilename()) bpio.WriteFile(filename, xmlid) lg.out(6, "my_id.saveLocalIdentity %d bytes wrote to %s" % (len(xmlid), filename))
def init(udp_port, db_file_path=None): global _MyNode if _MyNode is not None: if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'dht_service.init SKIP, already created a DHTNode') return if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'dht_service.init UDP port is %d' % udp_port) if db_file_path is None: db_file_path = settings.DHTDBFile() dbPath = bpio.portablePath(db_file_path) lg.out( 4, 'dht_service.init UDP port is %d, DB file path: %s' % (udp_port, dbPath)) dataStore = SQLiteDataStore(dbFile=dbPath) networkProtocol = KademliaProtocolConveyor # None, encoding.Bencode(), msgformat.DefaultFormat()) _MyNode = DHTNode(udp_port, dataStore, networkProtocol=networkProtocol)
def init(UI='', options=None, args=None, overDict=None, executablePath=None): """ In the method ``main()`` program firstly checks the command line arguments and then calls this method to start the whole process. This initialize some low level modules and finally create an instance of ``initializer()`` state machine and send it an event "run". """ global AppDataDir from logs import lg lg.out(4, ' UI="%s"' % UI) from system import bpio #---settings--- from main import settings if overDict: settings.override_dict(overDict) settings.init(AppDataDir) if not options or options.debug is None: lg.set_debug_level(settings.getDebugLevel()) from main import config config.conf().addCallback('logs/debug-level', lambda p, value, o, r: lg.set_debug_level(value)) #---USE_TRAY_ICON--- if os.path.isfile(settings.LocalIdentityFilename()) and os.path.isfile(settings.KeyFileName()): try: from system.tray_icon import USE_TRAY_ICON if bpio.Mac() or not bpio.isGUIpossible(): lg.out(4, ' GUI is not possible') USE_TRAY_ICON = False if USE_TRAY_ICON: from twisted.internet import wxreactor wxreactor.install() lg.out(4, ' wxreactor installed') except: USE_TRAY_ICON = False lg.exc() else: lg.out(4, ' local identity or key file is not ready') USE_TRAY_ICON = False lg.out(4, ' USE_TRAY_ICON=' + str(USE_TRAY_ICON)) if USE_TRAY_ICON: from system import tray_icon icons_path = bpio.portablePath(os.path.join(bpio.getExecutableDir(), 'icons')) lg.out(4, ' call tray_icon.init(%s)' % icons_path) tray_icon.init(icons_path) def _tray_control_func(cmd): if cmd == 'exit': from . import shutdowner shutdowner.A('stop', 'exit') tray_icon.SetControlFunc(_tray_control_func) #---OS Windows init--- if bpio.Windows(): try: from win32event import CreateMutex # @UnresolvedImport mutex = CreateMutex(None, False, "BitDust") lg.out(4, ' created a Mutex: %s' % str(mutex)) except: lg.exc() #---twisted reactor--- lg.out(4, ' want to import twisted.internet.reactor') try: from twisted.internet import reactor # @UnresolvedImport except: lg.exc() sys.exit('Error initializing reactor in\n') #---logfile---- if lg.logs_enabled() and lg.log_file(): lg.out(2, ' want to switch log files') if bpio.Windows() and bpio.isFrozen(): lg.stdout_stop_redirecting() lg.close_log_file() lg.open_log_file(settings.MainLogFilename()) # lg.open_log_file(settings.MainLogFilename() + '-' + time.strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.log') if bpio.Windows() and bpio.isFrozen(): lg.stdout_start_redirecting() #---memdebug--- # if settings.uconfig('logs.memdebug-enable') == 'True': # try: # from logs import memdebug # memdebug_port = int(settings.uconfig('logs.memdebug-port')) # memdebug.start(memdebug_port) # reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', memdebug.stop) # lg.out(2, ' memdebug web server started on port %d' % memdebug_port) # except: # lg.exc() #---process ID--- try: pid = os.getpid() pid_file_path = os.path.join(settings.MetaDataDir(), 'processid') bpio.WriteTextFile(pid_file_path, str(pid)) lg.out(2, ' wrote process id [%s] in the file %s' % (str(pid), pid_file_path)) except: lg.exc() # #---reactor.callLater patch--- # if lg.is_debug(12): # patchReactorCallLater(reactor) # monitorDelayedCalls(reactor) # #---plugins--- # from plugins import plug # plug.init() # reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', plug.shutdown) lg.out(2, " python executable is: %s" % sys.executable) lg.out(2, " python version is:\n%s" % sys.version) lg.out(2, " python sys.path is:\n %s" % ('\n '.join(sys.path))) lg.out(2, " UI=[%s]" % UI) if lg.is_debug(20): lg.out(0, '\n' + bpio.osinfofull()) lg.out(4, 'import automats') #---START!--- from automats import automat automat.LifeBegins(lg.when_life_begins()) automat.OpenLogFile(settings.AutomatsLog()) from main import events events.init() from main import initializer IA = initializer.A() lg.out(4, 'sending event "run" to initializer()') reactor.callWhenRunning(IA.automat, 'run', UI) # @UndefinedVariable return IA
def init(UI='', options=None, args=None, overDict=None, executablePath=None): """ In the method ``main()`` program firstly checks the command line arguments and then calls this method to start the whole process. This initialize some low level modules and finally create an instance of ``initializer()`` state machine and send it an event "run". """ global AppDataDir from logs import lg lg.out(4, ' UI="%s"' % UI) from system import bpio #---settings--- from main import settings if overDict: settings.override_dict(overDict) settings.init(AppDataDir) if not options or options.debug is None: lg.set_debug_level(settings.getDebugLevel()) from main import config config.conf().addCallback('logs/debug-level', lambda p, value, o, r: lg.set_debug_level(value)) #---USE_TRAY_ICON--- if os.path.isfile(settings.LocalIdentityFilename()) and os.path.isfile(settings.KeyFileName()): try: from system.tray_icon import USE_TRAY_ICON if bpio.Mac() or not bpio.isGUIpossible(): lg.out(4, ' GUI is not possible') USE_TRAY_ICON = False if USE_TRAY_ICON: from twisted.internet import wxreactor wxreactor.install() lg.out(4, ' wxreactor installed') except: USE_TRAY_ICON = False lg.exc() else: lg.out(4, ' local identity or key file is not ready') USE_TRAY_ICON = False lg.out(4, ' USE_TRAY_ICON=' + str(USE_TRAY_ICON)) if USE_TRAY_ICON: from system import tray_icon icons_path = bpio.portablePath(os.path.join(bpio.getExecutableDir(), 'icons')) lg.out(4, ' call tray_icon.init(%s)' % icons_path) tray_icon.init(icons_path) def _tray_control_func(cmd): if cmd == 'exit': import shutdowner shutdowner.A('stop', 'exit') tray_icon.SetControlFunc(_tray_control_func) #---OS Windows init--- if bpio.Windows(): try: from win32event import CreateMutex mutex = CreateMutex(None, False, "BitDust") lg.out(4, ' created a Mutex: %s' % str(mutex)) except: lg.exc() #---twisted reactor--- lg.out(4, ' want to import twisted.internet.reactor') try: from twisted.internet import reactor except: lg.exc() sys.exit('Error initializing reactor in\n') #---logfile---- if lg.logs_enabled() and lg.log_file(): lg.out(2, ' want to switch log files') if bpio.Windows() and bpio.isFrozen(): lg.stdout_stop_redirecting() lg.close_log_file() lg.open_log_file(settings.MainLogFilename() + '-' + time.strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.log') if bpio.Windows() and bpio.isFrozen(): lg.stdout_start_redirecting() #---memdebug--- # if settings.uconfig('logs.memdebug-enable') == 'True': # try: # from logs import memdebug # memdebug_port = int(settings.uconfig('logs.memdebug-port')) # memdebug.start(memdebug_port) # reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', memdebug.stop) # lg.out(2, ' memdebug web server started on port %d' % memdebug_port) # except: # lg.exc() #---process ID--- try: pid = os.getpid() pid_file_path = os.path.join(settings.MetaDataDir(), 'processid') bpio.WriteFile(pid_file_path, str(pid)) lg.out(2, ' wrote process id [%s] in the file %s' % (str(pid), pid_file_path)) except: lg.exc() # #---reactor.callLater patch--- # if lg.is_debug(12): # patchReactorCallLater(reactor) # monitorDelayedCalls(reactor) # #---plugins--- # from plugins import plug # plug.init() # reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', plug.shutdown) lg.out(2, " UI=[%s]" % UI) if lg.is_debug(20): lg.out(0, '\n' + bpio.osinfofull()) lg.out(4, ' import automats') #---START!--- from automats import automat automat.LifeBegins(lg.when_life_begins()) automat.OpenLogFile(settings.AutomatsLog()) import initializer I = initializer.A() lg.out(4, ' send event "run" to initializer()') reactor.callWhenRunning(I.automat, 'run', UI) return I