def GetRareTopUnc(region): systematics = [ Systematic("unc_ttv_xsec", configMgr.weights, 1.22, 0.78, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_ttv_scales", configMgr.weights, 1.13, 0.87, "user", "userOverallSys"), ] return systematics
def GetZjetsUnc(): xsec_unc = [ Systematic("unc_zjets_xsec", configMgr.weights, 1.05, 0.95, "user", "userOverallSys") ] return xsec_unc
def getISRSyst(sig): errisr = getISRerr(sig) isrHighWeights = addWeight(configMgr.weights, str(1 + errisr)) isrLowWeights = addWeight(configMgr.weights, str(1 - errisr)) isrUnc = Systematic("ISR", configMgr.weights, isrHighWeights, isrLowWeights, "weight", "overallSys") return isrUnc
def GetTopUnc(region): if "VRS" in region: region = "VRS" if "SRZ" in region: region = "SRZ" syst_dict = { "SRZ": [ Systematic("unc_srz_top_theo_unc", configMgr.weights, 1.3, 0.7, "user", "userOverallSys"), ], "VRS": [ Systematic("unc_vrs_top_theo_unc", configMgr.weights, 1.29, 0.71, "user", "userOverallSys"), ], "VRT": [ Systematic("unc_vrt_top_theo_unc", configMgr.weights, 1.074, 0.926, "user", "userOverallSys"), ], } systematics = syst_dict[region] return systematics
def GetSingeTopUnc(region): if "VRS" in region: region = "VRS" if "SRZ" in region: region = "SRZ" xsec_unc = [ Systematic("unc_st_xsec", configMgr.weights, 1.053, 0.947, "user", "userOverallSys") ] syst_dict = { "SRZ": [ Systematic("unc_Wt_DS_unc", configMgr.weights, 1.63, 0.37, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_Wt_rad_unc", configMgr.weights, 1.06, 0.94, "user", "userOverallSys"), ], "CRT": [ Systematic("unc_Wt_DS_unc", configMgr.weights, 1.73, 0.27, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_Wt_rad_unc", configMgr.weights, 1.10, 0.90, "user", "userOverallSys"), ], "VRS": [ Systematic("unc_Wt_DS_unc", configMgr.weights, 1.34, 0.66, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_Wt_rad_unc", configMgr.weights, 1.06, 0.94, "user", "userOverallSys"), ], "VRT": [ Systematic("unc_Wt_DS_unc", configMgr.weights, 1.53, 0.47, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_Wt_rad_unc", configMgr.weights, 1.06, 0.94, "user", "userOverallSys"), ], } systematics = syst_dict[region] systematics += xsec_unc return systematics
"CRTop"] = baselineSR[chn] + " && " + meffcut + " && " + bjetcut configMgr.cutsDict["CRQCD"] = baselineSR[chn] + " && " + invdphicut[ chn] + " && " + metomeffcut[chn] + " && " + meffcut configMgr.cutsDict["CR1a"] = baselineSR[chn] + " && " + dphicut[ chn] + " && " + metomeffcut[chn] + " && " + meffcut # Tuples of nominal weights configMgr.weights = ["genWeight", "pileupWeight", "normWeight"] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # List of systematics #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- configMgr.nomName = "" #JES (tree-based) jes = Systematic("JES", "", "_JESUP", "_JESDOWN", "tree", "histoSys") #"overallSys") #JER (tree-based)a jer = Systematic("JER", "", "_JER", "_JER", "tree", "histoSysOneSide") #SCALEST (tree-based) scalest = Systematic("SCALEST", "", "_SCALESTUP", "_SCALESTDOWN", "tree", "overallSys") #RESOST (tree-based) resost = Systematic("RESOST", "", "_RESOSTUP", "_RESOSTDOWN", "tree", "overallSys") #PU sysWeight_pileupUp = myreplace(configMgr.weights, ["pileupWeightUp"], "pileupWeight")
#inputFileName = analysisname.rstrip() #inputFileName = inputFileName.rstrip("NT") #print "inputfilename = " + inputFileName configMgr.inputFileNames = ["data/" + configMgr.analysisName + ".root"] print "conf.inputFileNames = " + configMgr.inputFileNames[0] ## Suffix of nominal tree configMgr.nomName = "_NoSys" #Actually not needed since I input directly histos ## Map regions to cut strings configMgr.cutsDict["SREl"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) configMgr.cutsDict["SRMu"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) # The systematics ttbargammaNorm = Systematic("ttbargammaNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.40, 0.60, "user","userOverallSys") WgammaNorm = Systematic("WgammaNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.28, 0.72, "user","userOverallSys") WjetsNormEl = Systematic("WjetsNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.5, 0.5, "user","userOverallSys") WjetsNormMu = Systematic("WjetsNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.97, 0.03, "user","userOverallSys") ZjetsNorm = Systematic("ZjetsNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.05, 0.95, "user","userOverallSys") ZgammaNorm = Systematic("ZgammaNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.15, 0.85, "user","userOverallSys") ttbarDilepNormEl = Systematic("ttbarDilepNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.136, 0.864, "user","userOverallSys") ttbarDilepNormMu = Systematic("ttbarDilepNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.148, 0.852, "user","userOverallSys") stNorm = Systematic("stNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.08, 0.92, "user","userOverallSys") dibosonNorm = Systematic("dibosonNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.06, 0.94, "user","userOverallSys") diphotonsNorm = Systematic("diphotonsNorm",configMgr.weights, 2.0, 0.5, "user","userOverallSys") qcdElNorm = Systematic("qcdElNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.15, 0.85, "user","userOverallSys") ttbarLepjetsNormEl = Systematic("ttbarLepjetsNorm",configMgr.weights, 4.0, 1.0-0.36, "user","userOverallSys") ttbarLepjetsNormMu = Systematic("ttbarLepjetsNorm",configMgr.weights, 6.7, 1.0-0.33, "user","userOverallSys")
gROOT.LoadMacro("./macros/AtlasStyle.C") import ROOT ROOT.SetAtlasStyle() ########################## # Set observed and expected number of events in counting experiment nDataCR = [75.,35.] # Number of events observed in data in CR nDataSR = [90.,110.] # Number of events observed in data in SR nBkgCR = [20.,20.] # Number of predicted bkg events in CR nBkgSR = [20.,20.] # Number of predicted bkg events in SR nSigSR = [10.,80.] # Number of predicted signal events N.B. signal only in SR lumiError = 0.039 # Relative luminosity uncertainty # Define systematics (1 +/- relative uncertainties) bg1xsec = Systematic("BG1Xsec",configMgr.weights,1.05,0.95,"user","userOverallSys") sigxsec = Systematic("SigXsec",configMgr.weights,1.05,0.95,"user","userOverallSys") xtrap = Systematic("BG2Xtrap",configMgr.weights,1.05,0.95,"user","userOverallSys") ########################## # Setting the parameters of the hypothesis test #configMgr.nTOYs=5000 configMgr.calculatorType=2 # 2=asymptotic calculator, 0=frequentist calculator configMgr.testStatType=3 # 3=one-sided profile likelihood test statistic (LHC default) configMgr.nPoints=20 # number of values scanned of signal-strength for upper-limit determination of signal strength. ########################## # Give the analysis a name configMgr.analysisName = "MyUserAnalysis_ShapeFactor"
ktScaleTopHighWeights = ("genWeight", "eventWeight", "ktfacUpWeightTop", "bTagWeight2Jet") ktScaleTopLowWeights = ("genWeight", "eventWeight", "ktfacDownWeightTop", "bTagWeight2Jet") # QCD weights without and with b-jet selection configMgr.weightsQCD = "qcdWeight" configMgr.weightsQCDWithB = "qcdBWeight" #-------------------- # List of systematics #-------------------- # KtScale uncertainty as histoSys - two-sided, no additional normalization topKtScale = Systematic("KtScaleTop", configMgr.weights, ktScaleTopHighWeights, ktScaleTopLowWeights, "weight", "normHistoSys") wzKtScale = Systematic("KtScaleWZ", configMgr.weights, ktScaleWHighWeights, ktScaleWLowWeights, "weight", "normHistoSys") # JES uncertainty as shapeSys - one systematic per region (combine WR and TR), merge samples jes = Systematic("JES", "_NoSys", "_JESup", "_JESdown", "tree", "normHistoSys") mcstat = Systematic("mcstat", "_NoSys", "_NoSys", "_NoSys", "tree", "shapeStat") # name of nominal histogram for systematics configMgr.nomName = "_NoSys" # List of samples and their plotting colours topSample = Sample("Top", kGreen - 9) topSample.setNormFactor("mu_Top", 1., 0., 5.) topSample.setStatConfig(useStat)
ktScaleWHighWeights = ("genWeight","eventWeight","ktfacUpWeightW","bTagWeight2Jet") ktScaleWLowWeights = ("genWeight","eventWeight","ktfacDownWeightW","bTagWeight2Jet") ktScaleTopHighWeights = ("genWeight","eventWeight","ktfacUpWeightTop","bTagWeight2Jet") ktScaleTopLowWeights = ("genWeight","eventWeight","ktfacDownWeightTop","bTagWeight2Jet") # QCD weights without and with b-jet selection configMgr.weightsQCD = "qcdWeight" configMgr.weightsQCDWithB = "qcdBWeight" #-------------------- # List of systematics #-------------------- # KtScale uncertainty as histoSys - two-sided, no additional normalization topKtScale = Systematic("KtScaleTop",configMgr.weights,ktScaleTopHighWeights,ktScaleTopLowWeights,"weight","overallNormHistoSys") wzKtScale = Systematic("KtScaleWZ",configMgr.weights,ktScaleWHighWeights,ktScaleWLowWeights,"weight","overallNormHistoSys") # JES uncertainty as shapeSys - one systematic per region (combine WR and TR), merge samples jes = Systematic("JES","_NoSys","_JESup","_JESdown","tree","overallNormHistoSys") statWRwz = Systematic("SLWR_wz", "_NoSys","","","tree","shapeStat") statWRtop = Systematic("SLWR_top","_NoSys","","","tree","shapeStat") # name of nominal histogram for systematics configMgr.nomName = "_NoSys" # List of samples and their plotting colours topSample = Sample("Top",kGreen-9) topSample.setNormFactor("mu_Top",1.,0.,5.)
sample_bkg1.setStatConfig(True) # #sample_bkg2 = Sample("bkg2", ROOT.kMagenta) #sample_bkg2.setStatConfig(True) sample_data = Sample("data", ROOT.kBlack) sample_data.setData() #sample_sig = Sample("sig", ROOT.kRed) #sample_sig.setStatConfig(True) all_samples = [sample_bkg0, sample_bkg1, sample_data] #, sample_bkg1, sample_bkg2, sample_data] # systematics syst_bkg0_cr = Systematic("SYST_BKG0_CR", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.05, 1.0 - 0.05, "user", "userHistoSys") syst_bkg0_sr = Systematic("SYST_BKG0_SR", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.25, 1.0 - 0.25, "user", "userHistoSys") syst_bkg1_cr = Systematic("SYST_BKG1_CR", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.05, 1.0 - 0.05, "user", "userHistoSys") syst_bkg1_sr = Systematic("SYST_BKG1_SR", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.25, 1.0 - 0.25, "user", "userHistoSys") sample_bkg0.addSystematic(syst_bkg0_cr) sample_bkg1.addSystematic(syst_bkg1_cr) #norm_syst_bkg1 = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_0", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") #norm_syst2_bkg1 = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_1", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") #norm_syst_bkg2 = Systematic("Norm_Bkg2", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.10, 1.0 - 0.10, "user", "userHistoSys") #sample_bkg1.addSystematic(norm_syst_bkg1)
#configMgr.cutsDict["SRWMu"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) configMgr.cutsDict["WCRhHTEl"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) #configMgr.cutsDict["WCRhHTMu"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) configMgr.cutsDict["WCRlHTEl"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) #configMgr.cutsDict["WCRlHTMu"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) configMgr.cutsDict["HMEThHTEl"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) #configMgr.cutsDict["HMEThHTMu"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) #configMgr.cutsDict["HMETmeffEl"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) #configMgr.cutsDict["HMETmeffMu"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) configMgr.cutsDict["HMThHTEl"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) #configMgr.cutsDict["HMThHTMu"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) #configMgr.cutsDict["HMTmeffEl"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) #configMgr.cutsDict["HMTmeffMu"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) # The systematics ttbargammaNorm = Systematic("ttbargammaNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.40, 0.60, "user","userOverallSys") #WgammaNorm = Systematic("WgammaNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.40, 0.60, "user","userOverallSys") #WjetsNormEl = Systematic("WjetsNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.5, 0.5, "user","userOverallSys") #WjetsNormMu = Systematic("WjetsNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.97, 0.03, "user","userOverallSys") ZjetsNorm = Systematic("ZjetsNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.5, 0.5, "user","userOverallSys") ZgammaNorm = Systematic("ZgammaNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.5, 0.5, "user","userOverallSys") ttbarDilepNorm = Systematic("ttbarDilepNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.5, 0.5, "user","userOverallSys") singletopNorm = Systematic("singletopNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.5, 0.5, "user","userOverallSys") dibosonNorm = Systematic("dibosonNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.5, 0.5, "user","userOverallSys") diphotonsNorm = Systematic("diphotonsNorm",configMgr.weights, 2.0, 0.5, "user","userOverallSys") #qcdElNorm = Systematic("qcdElNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.15, 0.85, "user","userOverallSys") #qcdMuNorm = Systematic("qcdMuNorm",configMgr.weights, 1.15, 0.85, "user","userOverallSys") # extra theory for the SRs #WgammaScaleSRS = Systematic("WgammaScaleSRS",configMgr.weights, 1.104, 1-.104, "user","userOverallSys") WgammaScaleSRW = Systematic("WgammaScaleSRW",configMgr.weights, 1.084, 1-.084, "user","userOverallSys")
dwn = 0.7; ucorb_up = up; ucorb_dwn = dwn; ucors_up = 1.0; ucors_dwn = 1.0; corb_up = 1.0; corb_dwn = 1.0; cors_up = 1.0; cors_dwn = 1.0; normFactorMin = 0.; normFactorMax = 100.; ########################## # Set uncorrelated systematics for bkg and signal (1 +- relative uncertainties) ucb = Systematic("ucb", configMgr.weights, ucorb_up,ucorb_dwn, "user","userOverallSys") ucs = Systematic("ucs", configMgr.weights, ucors_up,ucors_dwn, "user","userOverallSys") # correlated systematic between background and signal (1 +- relative uncertainties) corb = Systematic("cor",configMgr.weights, [corb_up],[corb_dwn], "user","userHistoSys") cors = Systematic("cor",configMgr.weights, [cors_up],[cors_dwn], "user","userHistoSys") ########################## # Setting the parameters of the hypothesis test #configMgr.nTOYs=5000 configMgr.calculatorType=2 # 2=asymptotic calculator, 0=frequentist calculator configMgr.testStatType=3 # 3=one-sided profile likelihood test statistic (LHC default) configMgr.nPoints=20 # number of values scanned of signal-strength for upper-limit determination of signal strength. ##########################
sample_bkg0 = Sample("bkg0", ROOT.kBlue) sample_bkg0.setStatConfig(True) sample_bkg1 = Sample("bkg1", ROOT.kGreen) sample_bkg1.setStatConfig(True) sample_data = Sample("data", ROOT.kBlack) sample_data.setData() sample_sig = Sample("sig", ROOT.kRed) sample_sig.setStatConfig(True) all_samples = [sample_bkg0, sample_bkg1, sample_data] # systematics norm_syst_bkg0 = Systematic("Norm_Bkg0", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.5, 1.0 - 0.5, "user", "userHistoSys") sample_bkg0.addSystematic(norm_syst_bkg0) cb1a = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_A", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") cb1b = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_B", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") cb1c = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_C", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") cb1d = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_D", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") sample_bkg1.addSystematic(cb1a) sample_bkg1.addSystematic(cb1b) #sample_bkg1.addSystematic(cb1c) #sample_bkg1.addSystematic(cb1d) def sample_by_name(name) : global all_samples for s in all_samples : if == name.lower() :
def GetDibosonUnc(region, sample): # we use the same diboson uncertainties in VRS/SRZ and VRT/CRT if "VRT" in region: region = "CRT" if "VRS" in region or "SRZ" in region: region = "SRZ" xsec_unc = [ Systematic("unc_db_xsec", configMgr.weights, 1.06, 0.94, "user", "userOverallSys"), ] if 'llvv' in sample or 'WWoffZ' in sample: syst_dict = { "SRZ": [ Systematic("unc_db_scales", configMgr.weights, 1.19, 0.81, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_db_pdf", configMgr.weights, 1.034, 0.962, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_db_gen", configMgr.weights, 1.71, 0.29, "user", "userOverallSys"), ], "CRT": [ Systematic("unc_db_scales", configMgr.weights, 1.24, 0.76, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_db_pdf", configMgr.weights, 1.04, 0.979, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_db_gen", configMgr.weights, 1.55, 0.45, "user", "userOverallSys"), ], } systematics = syst_dict[region] systematics += xsec_unc elif 'WZZZ' in sample: syst_dict = { "SRZ": [ Systematic("unc_db_gen", configMgr.weights, 1.38, 0.62, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_db_scales", configMgr.weights, 1.23, 0.77, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_db_pdf", configMgr.weights, 1.031, 0.971, "user", "userOverallSys"), ], "CRT": [ Systematic("unc_db_gen", configMgr.weights, 1.07, 0.93, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_db_scales", configMgr.weights, 1.26, 0.74, "user", "userOverallSys"), Systematic("unc_db_pdf", configMgr.weights, 1.04, 0.961, "user", "userOverallSys"), ], } systematics = syst_dict[region] systematics += xsec_unc else: print "ERROR: GetDibosonUnc - unrecognised sample!" return systematics
#gROOT.LoadMacro("./macros/AtlasStyle.C") import ROOT #ROOT.SetAtlasStyle() ########################## # Set observed and expected number of events in counting experiment ndata = 7. # Number of events observed in data nbkg = 5. # Number of predicted bkg events nsig = 1. # Number of predicted signal events nbkgErr = 1. # (Absolute) Statistical error on bkg estimate *from limited MC statistics* nsigErr = 2. # (Absolute) Statistical error on signal estimate *from limited MC statistics* lumiError = 0.039 # Relative luminosity uncertainty # Set uncorrelated systematics for bkg and signal (1 +- relative uncertainties) ucb = Systematic("uncorrl_bkg", configMgr.weights, 1.2, 0.8, "user", "userOverallSys") # 20% error up and down # correlated systematic between background and signal (1 +- relative uncertainties) ########################## # Setting the parameters of the hypothesis test configMgr.doExclusion = True # True=exclusion, False=discovery #configMgr.nTOYs=5000 configMgr.calculatorType = 2 # 2=asymptotic calculator, 0=frequentist calculator configMgr.testStatType = 3 # 3=one-sided profile likelihood test statistic (LHC default) configMgr.nPoints = 20 # number of values scanned of signal-strength for upper-limit determination of signal strength. configMgr.writeXML = True ##########################
configMgr.fixSigXSec=True # fix SigXSec: 0, +/-1sigma configMgr.calculatorType=2 # 2=asymptotic calculator, 0=frequentist calculator configMgr.testStatType=3 # 3=one-sided profile likelihood test statistic (LHC default) configMgr.nPoints=20 # number of values scanned of signal-strength for upper-limit determination of signal strength. ## set scan range for the upper limit #configMgr.scanRange = (0., 1.) ## Suffix of nominal tree configMgr.nomName = "_NoSys" ## Map regions to cut strings configMgr.cutsDict = {"SR":"1.0"} ## Systematics to be applied jes = Systematic("JES","_NoSys","_JESup","_JESdown","tree","overallSys") #jes = Systematic("JES",None,1.2,0.8,"user","overallSys") ## List of samples and their plotting colours allbkgSample = Sample("Bkg",kGreen) #allbkgSample.setNormFactor("mu_AllBkg",1.,0.,5.) #allbkgSample.addSystematic(jesWT) dataSample = Sample("Data",kBlack) dataSample.setData() commonSamples = [allbkgSample,dataSample] configMgr.plotColours = [kGreen,kBlack] ## Parameters of the Measurement measName = "BasicMeasurement" measLumi = 1.
configMgr.fixSigXSec = True # fix SigXSec: 0, +/-1sigma configMgr.calculatorType = 2 # 2=asymptotic calculator, 0=frequentist calculator configMgr.testStatType = 3 # 3=one-sided profile likelihood test statistic (LHC default) configMgr.nPoints = 20 # number of values scanned of signal-strength for upper-limit determination of signal strength. ## Set the cache file configMgr.histCacheFile = "data/" + configMgr.analysisName + ".root" ## Suffix of nominal tree configMgr.nomName = "_NoSys" ## Map regions to cut strings configMgr.cutsDict = {"SR": "1.0"} ## Systematics to be applied jes = Systematic("JES", "_NoSys", "_JESup", "_JESdown", "tree", "overallSys") #jes = Systematic("JES",None,1.2,0.8,"user","overallSys") ## List of samples and their plotting colours allbkgSample = Sample("Bkg", kGreen) #allbkgSample.setNormFactor("mu_AllBkg",1.,0.,5.) #allbkgSample.addSystematic(jesWT) dataSample = Sample("Data", kBlack) dataSample.setData() commonSamples = [allbkgSample, dataSample] configMgr.plotColours = [kGreen, kBlack] ## Parameters of the Measurement measName = "BasicMeasurement" measLumi = 1.
configMgr.cutsDict["VRW3"] = configMgr.cutsDict["VRW2"]+" && "+dphicut[chn]+" && "+metomeffcut[chn] configMgr.cutsDict["VRT3"] = configMgr.cutsDict["VRT2"]+" && "+dphicut[chn]+" && "+metomeffcut[chn] # Tuples of nominal weights configMgr.weights = ["genWeight","pileupWeight","normWeight"] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # List of systematics #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- configMgr.nomName = "" # JES (tree-based) jes = Systematic("JES","","_JESUP","_JESDOWN","tree","overallNormHistoSys") #"overallHistoSys") #"overallSys") # JER (tree-based)a jer = Systematic("JER","","_JER","_JER","tree","overallNormHistoSysOneSideSym") #"histoSysOneSide") # SCALEST (tree-based) scalest = Systematic("SCALEST","","_SCALESTUP","_SCALESTDOWN","tree","overallSys") # RESOST (tree-based) resost = Systematic("RESOST","","_RESOSTUP","_RESOSTDOWN","tree","overallSys") # PU sysWeight_pileupUp=myreplace(configMgr.weights,["pileupWeightUp"],"pileupWeight") sysWeight_pileupDown=myreplace(configMgr.weights,["pileupWeightDown"],"pileupWeight") pileup = Systematic("pileup",configMgr.weights,sysWeight_pileupUp,sysWeight_pileupDown,"weight","overallSys")
## Suffix of nominal tree configMgr.nomName = "_NoSys" #Actually not needed since I input directly histos ## Map regions to cut strings #configMgr.cutsDict = {"SR":"1.0"} configMgr.cutsDict[ "SREl"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) configMgr.cutsDict[ "SRMu"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) configMgr.cutsDict[ "WCREl"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) configMgr.cutsDict[ "WCRMu"] = "1.0" #Only needed when doing directly the cuts (see tutorial) # The systematics ttbargammaNorm = Systematic("ttbargammaNorm", configMgr.weights, 1.2, 0.8, "user", "userOverallSys") WgammaNorm = Systematic("WgammaNorm", configMgr.weights, 1.16, 0.84, "user", "userOverallSys") WjetsNorm = Systematic("WjetsNorm", configMgr.weights, 1.3, 0.7, "user", "userOverallSys") ZjetsNorm = Systematic("ZjetsNorm", configMgr.weights, 1.2, 0.8, "user", "userOverallSys") ZgammaNorm = Systematic("ZgammaNorm", configMgr.weights, 1.2, 0.8, "user", "userOverallSys") ttbarDilepNorm = Systematic("ttbarDilepNorm", configMgr.weights, 1.2, 0.8, "user", "userOverallSys") stNorm = Systematic("stNorm", configMgr.weights, 1.2, 0.8, "user", "userOverallSys") dibosonNorm = Systematic("dibosonNorm", configMgr.weights, 1.2, 0.8, "user", "userOverallSys") diphotonsNorm = Systematic("diphotonsNorm", configMgr.weights, 1.1, 0.9,
def formTreeSys(sysName, upSuffix, dnSuffix, sysType): #syntax: Systematics( sysName, nominalTreeSuffix, 1sigmaPpSuffix, 1sigmaDownSuffix, "tree"/"weight", sysType) return Systematic(sysName, "", "_" + sysName + upSuffix, "_" + sysName + dnSuffix, "tree", sysType)"metomeff = %f" % metomeff)"dPhi = %f" % dPhi)"Full cutsDict can be printed with -L DEBUG") log.debug(pprint.pformat(configMgr.cutsDict, width=60))"Wait 3 seconds for you to panic if these settings are wrong") wait(3)"No panicking detected, continuing...") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # List of systematics #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- configMgr.nomName = "" # JES (tree-based) jes = Systematic("JES","","_JESUP","_JESDOWN","tree","overallNormHistoSys") # JER (tree-based)a jer = Systematic("JER", "", "_JER", "_JER", "tree", "overallNormHistoSysOneSideSym") # SCALEST (tree-based) scalest = Systematic("SCALEST", "", "_SCALESTUP", "_SCALESTDOWN", "tree", "overallSys") # RESOST (tree-based) resost = Systematic("RESOST", "", "_RESOST", "_RESOST", "tree", "overallNormHistoSysOneSideSym") # PU sysWeight_pileupUp=myreplace(configMgr.weights, ["pileupWeightUp"], "pileupWeight") sysWeight_pileupDown=myreplace(configMgr.weights, ["pileupWeightDown"], "pileupWeight") pileup = Systematic("pileup", configMgr.weights, sysWeight_pileupUp, sysWeight_pileupDown, "weight", "overallSys")
sample_bkg1 = Sample("bkg1", ROOT.kGreen) sample_bkg1.setStatConfig(True) sample_bkg2 = Sample("bkg2", ROOT.kMagenta) sample_bkg2.setStatConfig(True) sample_data = Sample("data", ROOT.kBlack) sample_data.setData() sample_sig = Sample("sig", ROOT.kRed) sample_sig.setStatConfig(True) all_samples = [sample_bkg0, sample_bkg1, sample_bkg2, sample_data] # systematics norm_syst_bkg1 = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_0", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") norm_syst2_bkg1 = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_1", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") norm_syst_bkg2 = Systematic("Norm_Bkg2", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.10, 1.0 - 0.10, "user", "userHistoSys") sample_bkg1.addSystematic(norm_syst_bkg1) sample_bkg1.addSystematic(norm_syst2_bkg1) sample_bkg2.addSystematic(norm_syst_bkg2) #sample_bkg0.addSystematic(norm_syst_bkg0) #cb1a = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_A", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.80, 1.0 - 0.80, "user", "userHistoSys") #cb1b = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_B", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") #cb1c = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_C", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") #cb1d = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_D", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") #sample_bkg1.addSystematic(cb1a) #sample_bkg1.addSystematic(cb1b)
#gROOT.LoadMacro("./macros/AtlasStyle.C") import ROOT #ROOT.SetAtlasStyle() ########################## # Set observed and expected number of events in counting experiment ndata = 7. # Number of events observed in data nbkg = 5. # Number of predicted bkg events nsig = 5. # Number of predicted signal events nbkgErr = 1. # (Absolute) Statistical error on bkg estimate nsigErr = 2. # (Absolute) Statistical error on signal estimate lumiError = 0.039 # Relative luminosity uncertainty # Set uncorrelated systematics for bkg and signal (1 +- relative uncertainties) ucb = Systematic("ucb", configMgr.weights, 1.2, 0.8, "user", "userOverallSys") ucs = Systematic("ucs", configMgr.weights, 1.1, 0.9, "user", "userOverallSys") # correlated systematic between background and signal (1 +- relative uncertainties) corb = Systematic("cor", configMgr.weights, [1.1], [0.9], "user", "userHistoSys") cors = Systematic("cor", configMgr.weights, [1.15], [0.85], "user", "userHistoSys") ########################## # Setting the parameters of the hypothesis test configMgr.doExclusion = True # True=exclusion, False=discovery #configMgr.nTOYs=5000 configMgr.calculatorType = 2 # 2=asymptotic calculator, 0=frequentist calculator configMgr.testStatType = 3 # 3=one-sided profile likelihood test statistic (LHC default)
#sample_bkg1.setStatConfig(True) # #sample_bkg2 = Sample("bkg2", ROOT.kMagenta) #sample_bkg2.setStatConfig(True) sample_data = Sample("data", ROOT.kBlack) sample_data.setData() #sample_sig = Sample("sig", ROOT.kRed) #sample_sig.setStatConfig(True) all_samples = [sample_bkg0, sample_data] #, sample_bkg1, sample_bkg2, sample_data] # systematics syst_bkg0_cr = Systematic("SYST_BKG_CR", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.10, 1.0 - 0.10, "user", "userHistoSys") syst_bkg0_sr = Systematic("SYST_BKG_SR", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.05, 1.0 - 0.05, "user", "userHistoSys") sample_bkg0.addSystematic(syst_bkg0_sr) #norm_syst_bkg1 = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_0", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") #norm_syst2_bkg1 = Systematic("Norm_Bkg1_1", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.1, 1.0 - 0.1, "user", "userHistoSys") #norm_syst_bkg2 = Systematic("Norm_Bkg2", configMgr.weights, 1.0 + 0.10, 1.0 - 0.10, "user", "userHistoSys") #sample_bkg1.addSystematic(norm_syst_bkg1) #sample_bkg1.addSystematic(norm_syst2_bkg1) #sample_bkg2.addSystematic(norm_syst_bkg2) def sample_by_name(name): global all_samples for s in all_samples:
def common_setting(mass): from configManager import configMgr from ROOT import kBlack, kGray, kRed, kPink, kViolet, kBlue, kAzure, kGreen, \ kOrange from configWriter import Sample from systematic import Systematic import os color_dict = { "Zbb": kAzure, "Zbc": kAzure, "Zbl": kAzure, "Zcc": kAzure, "Zcl": kBlue, "Zl": kBlue, "Wbb": kGreen, "Wbc": kGreen, "Wbl": kGreen, "Wcc": kGreen, "Wcl": kGreen, "Wl": kGreen, "ttbar": kOrange, "stop": kOrange, "stopWt": kOrange, "ZZPw": kGray, "WZPw": kGray, "WWPw": kGray, "fakes": kPink, "Zjets": kAzure, "Wjets": kGreen, "top": kOrange, "diboson": kGray, "$Z\\tau\\tau$+HF": kAzure, "$Z\\tau\\tau$+LF": kBlue, "$W$+jets": kGreen, "$Zee$": kViolet, "Zhf": kAzure, "Zlf": kBlue, "Zee": kViolet, "others": kViolet, signal_prefix + "1000": kRed, signal_prefix + "1100": kRed, signal_prefix + "1200": kRed, signal_prefix + "1400": kRed, signal_prefix + "1600": kRed, signal_prefix + "1800": kRed, signal_prefix + "2000": kRed, signal_prefix + "2500": kRed, signal_prefix + "3000": kRed, # Add your new processes here "VH": kGray + 2, "VHtautau": kGray + 2, "ttH": kGray + 2, } ########################## # Setting the parameters of the hypothesis test configMgr.doExclusion = True # True=exclusion, False=discovery configMgr.nTOYs = 10000 # default=5000 configMgr.calculatorType = 0 # 2=asymptotic calculator, 0=frequentist calculator configMgr.testStatType = 3 # 3=one-sided profile likelihood test statistic (LHC default) configMgr.nPoints = 30 # number of values scanned of signal-strength for upper-limit determination of signal strength. configMgr.writeXML = False configMgr.seed = 40 configMgr.toySeedSet = True configMgr.toySeed = 400 # Pruning # - any overallSys systematic uncertainty if the difference of between the up variation and the nominal and between # the down variation and the nominal is below a certain (user) given threshold # - for histoSys types, the situation is more complex: # - a first check is done if the integral of the up histogram - the integral of the nominal histogram is smaller # than the integral of the nominal histogram and the same for the down histogram # - then a second check is done if the shape of the up, down and nominal histograms is very similar Only when both # conditions are fulfilled the systematics will be removed. # default is False, so the pruning is normally not enabled configMgr.prun = True # The threshold to decide if an uncertainty is small or not is set by configMgr.prunThreshold = 0.005 # where the number gives the fraction of deviation with respect to the nominal histogram below which an uncertainty # is considered to be small. The default is currently set to 0.01, corresponding to 1 % (This might be very aggressive # for the one or the other analyses!) configMgr.prunThreshold = 0.005 # method 1: a chi2 test (this is still a bit experimental, so watch out if this is working or not) # method 2: checking for every bin of the histograms that the difference between up variation and nominal and down (default) configMgr.prunMethod = 2 # variation and nominal is below a certain threshold. # Smoothing: HistFitter does not provide any smoothing tools. # More Details: ########################## # Keep SRs also in background fit confuguration configMgr.keepSignalRegionType = True configMgr.blindSR = BLIND # Give the analysis a name configMgr.analysisName = "bbtautau" + "X" + mass configMgr.histCacheFile = "data/" + configMgr.analysisName + ".root" configMgr.outputFileName = "results/" + configMgr.analysisName + "_Output.root" # Define cuts configMgr.cutsDict["SR"] = "1." # Define weights configMgr.weights = "1." # Define samples list_samples = [] yields_mass = yields[mass] for process, yields_process in yields_mass.items(): if process == 'data' or signal_prefix in process: continue # print("-> {} / Colour: {}".format(process, color_dict[process])) bkg = Sample(str(process), color_dict[process]) bkg.setStatConfig(stat_config) # OLD: add lumi uncertainty (bkg/sig correlated, not for data-driven fakes) # NOW: add lumi by hand bkg.setNormByTheory(False) noms = yields_process["nEvents"] errors = yields_process["nEventsErr"] if use_mcstat else [0.0] # print(" nEvents (StatError): {} ({})".format(noms, errors)) bkg.buildHisto(noms, "SR", my_disc, 0.5) bkg.buildStatErrors(errors, "SR", my_disc) if not stat_only and not no_syst: if process == 'fakes': key_here = "ATLAS_FF_1BTAG_SIDEBAND_Syst_hadhad" if not impact_check_continue(dict_syst_check, key_here): bkg.addSystematic( Systematic(key_here, configMgr.weights, 1.50, 0.50, "user", syst_type)) else: key_here = "ATLAS_Lumi_Run2_hadhad" if not impact_check_continue(dict_syst_check, key_here): bkg.addSystematic( Systematic(key_here, configMgr.weights, 1.017, 0.983, "user", syst_type)) for key, values in yields_process.items(): if 'ATLAS' not in key: continue if impact_check_continue(dict_syst_check, key): continue # this should not be applied on the Sherpa if process == 'Zhf' and key == 'ATLAS_DiTauSF_ZMODEL_hadhad': continue if process == 'Zlf' and key == 'ATLAS_DiTauSF_ZMODEL_hadhad': continue ups = values[0] downs = values[1] systUpRatio = [ u / n if n != 0. else float(1.) for u, n in zip(ups, noms) ] systDoRatio = [ d / n if n != 0. else float(1.) for d, n in zip(downs, noms) ] bkg.addSystematic( Systematic(str(key), configMgr.weights, systUpRatio, systDoRatio, "user", syst_type)) list_samples.append(bkg) # FIXME: This is unusual! top = Sample('top', kOrange) top.setStatConfig(False) # No stat error top.setNormByTheory(False) # consider lumi for it top.buildHisto([0.00001], "SR", my_disc, 0.5) # small enough # HistFitter can accept such large up ratio # Systematic(name, weight, ratio_up, ratio_down, syst_type, syst_fistfactory_type) if not stat_only and not no_syst: key_here = 'ATLAS_TTBAR_YIELD_UPPER_hadhad' if not impact_check_continue(dict_syst_check, key_here): top.addSystematic( Systematic(key_here, configMgr.weights, unc_ttbar[mass], 0.9, "user", syst_type)) list_samples.append(top) sigSample = Sample("Sig", kRed) sigSample.setNormFactor("mu_Sig", 1., 0., 100.) #sigSample.setStatConfig(stat_config) sigSample.setStatConfig(False) sigSample.setNormByTheory(False) noms = yields_mass[signal_prefix + mass]["nEvents"] errors = yields_mass[signal_prefix + mass]["nEventsErr"] if use_mcstat else [0.0] sigSample.buildHisto([n * MY_SIGNAL_NORM * 1e-3 for n in noms], "SR", my_disc, 0.5) #sigSample.buildStatErrors(errors, "SR", my_disc) for key, values in yields_mass[signal_prefix + mass].items(): if 'ATLAS' not in key: continue if impact_check_continue(dict_syst_check, key): continue ups = values[0] downs = values[1] systUpRatio = [ u / n if n != 0. else float(1.) for u, n in zip(ups, noms) ] systDoRatio = [ d / n if n != 0. else float(1.) for d, n in zip(downs, noms) ] if not stat_only and not no_syst: sigSample.addSystematic( Systematic(str(key), configMgr.weights, systUpRatio, systDoRatio, "user", syst_type)) if not stat_only and not no_syst: key_here = "ATLAS_SigAccUnc_hadhad" if not impact_check_continue(dict_syst_check, key_here): sigSample.addSystematic( Systematic(key_here, configMgr.weights, [1 + unc_sig_acc[mass] for i in range(my_nbins)], [1 - unc_sig_acc[mass] for i in range(my_nbins)], "user", syst_type)) key_here = "ATLAS_Lumi_Run2_hadhad" if not impact_check_continue(dict_syst_check, key_here): sigSample.addSystematic( Systematic(key_here, configMgr.weights, 1.017, 0.983, "user", syst_type)) list_samples.append(sigSample) # Set observed and expected number of events in counting experiment n_SPlusB = yields_mass[signal_prefix + mass]["nEvents"][0] + sum_of_bkg(yields_mass)[0] n_BOnly = sum_of_bkg(yields_mass)[0] if BLIND: # configMgr.useAsimovSet = True # Use the Asimov dataset # configMgr.generateAsimovDataForObserved = True # Generate Asimov data as obsData for UL # configMgr.useSignalInBlindedData = False ndata = sum_of_bkg(yields_mass) else: try: ndata = yields_mass["data"]["nEvents"] except: ndata = [0. for _ in range(my_nbins)] lumiError = 0.017 # Relative luminosity uncertainty dataSample = Sample("Data", kBlack) dataSample.setData() dataSample.buildHisto(ndata, "SR", my_disc, 0.5) list_samples.append(dataSample) # Define top-level ana = configMgr.addFitConfig("SPlusB") ana.addSamples(list_samples) ana.setSignalSample(sigSample) # Define measurement meas = ana.addMeasurement(name="NormalMeasurement", lumi=1.0, lumiErr=lumiError / 100000.) # make it very small so that pruned # we use the one added by hand meas.addPOI("mu_Sig") #meas.statErrorType = "Poisson" # Fix the luminosity in HistFactory to constant meas.addParamSetting("Lumi", True, 1) # Add the channel chan = ana.addChannel(my_disc, ["SR"], my_nbins, my_xmin, my_xmax) chan.blind = BLIND #chan.statErrorType = "Poisson" ana.addSignalChannels([chan]) # These lines are needed for the user analysis to run # Make sure file is re-made when executing HistFactory if configMgr.executeHistFactory: if os.path.isfile("data/%s.root" % configMgr.analysisName): os.remove("data/%s.root" % configMgr.analysisName)
# QCD weights without and with b-jet selection # we turn the QCD background of for the tutorial as we do not want to use ATLAS data #configMgr.weightsQCD = "qcdWeight" #configMgr.weightsQCDWithB = "qcdBWeight" #-------------------- # List of systematics #-------------------- # Alpgen KtScale (weight-based) ktScaleWHighWeights = ("genWeight", "eventWeight", "ktfacUpWeightW", "bTagWeight2Jet") ktScaleWLowWeights = ("genWeight", "eventWeight", "ktfacDownWeightW", "bTagWeight2Jet") wzKtScale = Systematic("KtScaleWZ", configMgr.weights, ktScaleWHighWeights, ktScaleWLowWeights, "weight", "overallSys") ktScaleTopHighWeights = ("genWeight", "eventWeight", "ktfacUpWeightTop", "bTagWeight2Jet") ktScaleTopLowWeights = ("genWeight", "eventWeight", "ktfacDownWeightTop", "bTagWeight2Jet") #topKtScale = Systematic("KtScaleTop",configMgr.weights,ktScaleTopHighWeights,ktScaleTopLowWeights,"weight","overallSys") topKtScale = Systematic("KtScaleTop", configMgr.weights, ktScaleTopHighWeights, ktScaleTopLowWeights, "weight", "histoSys") #topKtScale = Systematic("KtScaleTop",configMgr.weights,ktScaleTopHighWeights,ktScaleTopLowWeights,"weight","normHistoSys") #JES (tree-based) jes = Systematic("JES", "_NoSys", "_JESup", "_JESdown", "tree", "overallSys") configMgr.nomName = "_NoSys" #-------------------------------------------
HistSys('JET_JER_EffectiveNP_4'), HistSys('JET_JER_EffectiveNP_5'), HistSys('JET_JER_EffectiveNP_6'), HistSys('JET_JER_EffectiveNP_7restTerm'), HistSys('JET_JvtEfficiency'), HistSys('JET_fJvtEfficiency'), HistSys('FT_EFF_B_systematics'), HistSys('FT_EFF_C_systematics'), HistSys('FT_EFF_Light_systematics'), HistSys('FT_EFF_extrapolation'), HistSys('FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm'), # met # Systematic('MET_SoftTrk_ResoPara', nom_name, '_MET_SoftTrk_ResoParaHigh', nom_name, 'tree', 'histoSysOneSide'), # Systematic('MET_SoftTrk_ResoPerp', nom_name, '_MET_SoftTrk_ResoPerpHigh', nom_name, 'tree', 'histoSysOneSide'), Systematic('MET_SoftTrk_Scale', nom_name, '_MET_SoftTrk_ScaleHigh', '_MET_SoftTrk_ScaleLow', 'tree', 'overallSys'), # pile-up HistSys('PRW_DATASF'), ] # Flat 100% unc for photon+jet in SRs sigma_gamjet_flat = 0.9999 syst_gamjet_flat_SR = Systematic("flat100GJ", 1, 1 + sigma_gamjet_flat, 1 - sigma_gamjet_flat, "user", "userOverallSys") # Fake photon backgrounds ## e->g syst_feg = HistSys('EFAKE_SYST') syst_stat_feg = Systematic('EFAKE_STAT', nom_name, nom_name, nom_name, 'tree',
print "Parsed user args %s" % str(args) # Set observed and expected number of events in counting experiment ndata = args.nobs # Number of events observed in data nbkg = args.nbkg # Number of predicted bkg events nsig = args.nsig # Number of predicted signal events nbkgErr = sqrt( nbkg ) # (Absolute) Statistical error on bkg estimate *from limited MC statistics* nsigErr = sqrt( nsig ) # (Absolute) Statistical error on signal estimate *from limited MC statistics* lumiError = 0.032 # Relative luminosity uncertainty # Set uncorrelated systematics for bkg and signal (1 +- relative uncertainties) ucb = Systematic("uncorrl_bkg", None, 1 + args.sigb, 1 - args.sigb, "user", "userOverallSys") # 30% error up and down ########################## # Setting the parameters of the hypothesis test if args.m3 != 0 and != 0: configMgr.doExclusion = True # True=exclusion, False=discovery else: configMgr.doExclusion = False # True=exclusion, False=discovery configMgr.nTOYs = args.ntoys configMgr.calculatorType = 0 # 2=asymptotic calculator, 0=frequentist calculator configMgr.testStatType = 3 # 3=one-sided profile likelihood test statistic (LHC default) configMgr.nPoints = 1 # number of values scanned of signal-strength for upper-limit determination of signal strength. configMgr.writeXML = True
def HistSys(name='', kind='overallSys'): #return Systematic(name, nom_name, '_'+name+'Up', '_'+name+'Down', 'tree', kind) return Systematic(name, nom_name, '_' + name + 'High', '_' + name + 'Low', 'tree', kind)