Пример #1
def rdWeight(imgx,typ,db):
    img = stdSize(imgx,typ)
    imgray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray,127,255,0)
    img = thresh.copy()
    y1 = 45; y2 = y1 + 322;  x1 = 152; x2=200
    wtx00 = img[y1:y2,  x1:x2].copy()
    w100  =  tMatch(wtx00,typ,db)    # search for a number
#    cvs(1,wtx00,'y')
    y1 = 45; y2 = y1 + 322;  x1 = 240; x2=360
    wtx01 = img[y1:y2,  x1:x2].copy()    
#    cvs(1,wtx01,'y')       
    w010     =  tMatch(wtx01,typ,db)    # search for a number
    y1 = 45; y2 = y1 + 322;  x1 = 405; x2=535
    wtx02 = img[y1:y2,  x1:x2].copy()    
    w001 =  tMatch(wtx02,typ,db)
    y1 = 45; y2 = y1 + 322;  x1 = 580; x2=720
    wtx03 = img[y1:y2,  x1:x2].copy()    
    wp1 =  tMatch(wtx03,typ,db)
    print w100, w010, w001, wp1
    n = 100 * w100 + 10 * w010 + w001 + float(wp1 / 10.0)
    print n
Пример #2
def rdTyp(imgx,typ,db):
    '''rdTyp finds the screen area of a digit based on the x y co-ordinates
        in the tables below.   It passes this area to tMatch which returns
        a number  '''
    img = stdSize(imgx,typ)
    d = 150
    #cvs(1,imgx,'rdTyp input')
    hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    # define range of blue color in HSV
    h = 46; s = 20; v = 212
    lower_blue = np.array([h,s,v])   #np.array([110,50,50])
    upper_blue = np.array( [h+d,s+d,v+d])   #np.array([130,255,255])
    # Threshold the HSV image to get only blue colors
    thresh = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue)

    img = thresh.copy()
    Y= {
                 #      y1  y2    j limit        
             'wt' : [   45, 367 , 4 ],
             'fat': [   84, 344 , 3 ],
             'h2o': [   35, 230 , 3 ]
    XX = {
           #        100          10           one      tenth   
         'wt' : [(152, 200) , (240,360) , (415,530),  (580,720)  ],             
         'fat': [(20, 80) ,   (100,220) , (250,350),  (0,0)  ],
         'h2o': [(10, 90) ,   (110,210) , (235,320),  (0,0)  ]
    n = []
    # look at each digit in the image by xx position
    for j in range(0,Y[typ][2]):      #   loops across XX table above
        y1 =Y[typ][0]; y2 = Y[typ][1];
        x1 =XX[typ][j][0]; x2=XX[typ][j][1]
        digit = img[y1:y2,  x1:x2].copy()
        cv2.imwrite('digTest.png',digit)   # save for future debug
        n.append( tMatch(digit,typ,db))    # interpret as a number      
    if db: print '       rdTyp n ',  n     #  exit here
    nn = 0; j = -1
    #nn = 100 * n[1] + 10 * n[2] + n[3] + n[4]/10.0
    for j, xin in  enumerate(n):
        nn = nn + xin * 10**(j-1)
    return(nn)                   # the decoded number
Пример #3
def qnumb(grp,mask):      #   what number does this group encode??
    we count horizontal bars.   The we create an encoding of the four
    possible vertical bars upper left and right lower left and right
    An 8 has three horizontal bars and all four vertical bars for an
    encoding of 3 1 1 1 1.
    #xd = 999
    global tfile
 #   mask = stdSize(mask,xtyp)  #cv2.resize(img, (1040,410))
    if not len(grp) > 0:
        if db: ( 'zero len group. -- quitting')
##    x,y, w, h  = boundsBlob(grp)
##    #w = 110; h = 300                         #  nasty hack w and h 
##    tmsk = mask[y:y+h , x:x+w].copy()
##    pxls =  tMatch(tmsk,xtyp,db)    # search for a number
##    print 'number is',pxls
##    cvs(db,tmsk,'tmsk')
##    return(pxls)
    xll =0; xlh=0; xrl=0; xrh = 0    #  pixel counts 
    v=0 ;  h=0;                      #  pixel groups  
    x, y, wg, hg = boundsBlob(grp)
    for b in grp:
        bx,by,bw,bh = cv2.boundingRect(b)
        if bh   < 1.1 * bw:
            h = h + 1                         # add to the horizontal count
        else: #v
            v = v + 1
            if (bx < wg/2 +  x) :             # if left side
                if (by > hg/2 + y):        # if low 
                    xll = 1                   # count vertical left  low 
                    xlh = 1                   #                      high   
            else:                             # must be right side 
                if (by > hg/2 + y):        # so if low              
                    xrl = 1                   # count vertical right low
                    xrh = 1                   #                 else high
        #if db: print( 'p so far is h {} v {} xll {} xlh {} xrl {} xrh {}'
        #                  .format(h,   v,   xll,   xlh,    xrl, xrh) )

    p = h * 10000 +  xll *  1000 + xlh * 100 +  xrl *  10 + xrh

    ''' ptrn translates the results of the pattern analysis into numbers '''
    ptrn = {
            1100: 1,   #                
           31001: 2,                    
           30011: 3,
           10111: 4,
           30110: 5,
           31110: 6,
           10011: 7,  #?
           11001: 7,  
           31111: 8,
           30111: 9,
           21111: 0
    if p in ptrn:       #  HOO RAY we found a digit                 
        if db: print '>>>>>>found a {}  {}   '.format( ptrn[p] , p)
        writeNumb(ptrn[p],grp,mask)      #      keep the mask image for future use
        return ptrn[p]
    else:                  #  we don't seem to have a number
        print   '<<<<<<<qptrn - pattern problem p is >{}<'.format( p)
        x,y, w, h  = boundsBlob(grp)
        w = 110; h = 300                         #  nasty hack w and h 
        tmsk = mask[y:y+h , x:x+w].copy()
        pxls =  tMatch(tmsk,xtyp,db)    # search for a number
        print 'number is',pxls