Пример #1
def transform_grid(ACT_fits, optical_fits):

    import tableio
    from astropy.io.fits import getheader
    import numpy

    header = getheader(ACT_fits)
    nx = header['NAXIS1']
    ny = header['NAXIS2']
    (iy, ix) = numpy.indices((ny, nx))

    # flatten (x,y) indices arrays and add 1.0 and put in a tmp file
    x = ix.ravel() + 1
    y = iy.ravel() + 1
    tableio.put_data('/tmp/xy_file', (x, y), format="%7d %7d")

    # system call for xy2sky and sky2xy
    cmd1 = "xy2sky -d %s @/tmp/xy_file  > /tmp/radec_file" % ACT_fits
    cmd2 = "sky2xy  %s @/tmp/radec_file > /tmp/xynew_file" % optical_fits

    # Read in new grid and re-shape
    (ixnew, iynew) = tableio.get_data('/tmp/xynew_file', (4, 5))
    ix_new = ixnew.reshape(ix.shape) - 1.
    iy_new = iynew.reshape(iy.shape) - 1.

    # Clean up files

    return ix_new, iy_new
Пример #2
    def run(self): 
        """Make the multicolor catalog."""
        # define the zero point error
        zpoint_err = 0.01

        self.logfile.write('Processing catalogs...')

        detection_variables = tableio.get_data(self.detCatalog,self.detectionColumns)
        nsources = len(detection_variables[0])
        ncats    = len(self.catalogList)

        #Create a series of arrays to keep the relevant data
        flux    = Numeric.zeros((ncats,nsources))*1.0          # ISO flux ... for now.
        fluxerr = Numeric.zeros((ncats,nsources))*1.0          # ISO flux error... for now.
        m       = Numeric.zeros((ncats,nsources))*1.0          # MAG_ISO
        em      = Numeric.zeros((ncats,nsources))*1.0          # MAGERR_ISO
        m_corr  = Numeric.zeros((ncats,nsources))*1.0          # extinction corrected magnitude
        em_corr = Numeric.zeros((ncats,nsources))*1.0          # extinction corrected magnitude error
        ap_corr = Numeric.zeros((ncats,nsources))*1.0          # aperture   correction
        m_bpz   = Numeric.zeros((ncats,nsources))*1.0          # MAG_BPZ    extinction/aperture corrected
        em_bpz  = Numeric.zeros((ncats,nsources))*1.0          # MAGERR_BPZ extinction/aperture corrected

        preds = [os.path.basename(self.detCatalog)]

        # this is a list of those indices of the catalogList which raised the filterError exception
        # i think i need to know this, but i'm not sure why yet....
        self.badcats = []
        for i in range(ncats):
            selectSet = {}
            pardict = {}
            imname  =  os.path.splitext(self.catalogList[i])[0]
            basefits=  imname + '.fits'    
            fitsfile= os.path.join(self.obsFits,basefits)
            detector= fUtil.getDetector(fitsfile)

                imfilter= fUtil.filterResponseName(fitsfile)

            except fUtil.filterError:
                imfilter = fUtil.twoFilterName(fitsfile)

                filterXCorr       = extinction.filterFactor(imfilter) * self.eBV
                filterXCorrError  = filterXCorr*0.16
            except fUtil.filterError,err:
                self.errorList.append(("extintion.py","filterError: "+str(err)))
                self.logfile.write("filterError: "+str(err))
                filterXCorr       = 0.0
                filterXCorrError  = 0.0

                filter = fUtil.filterName(fitsfile)
                ap_corr[i,:] = self._apcorr(detector,filter)
            except KeyError,err:
                print str(err)
                # if we can't do it, well, we can't do it.
Пример #3
def KEfit(modelfile):

    import scipy
    import scipy.interpolate
    import tableio

    sout.write("# Getting K(z) and Ev(z) corrections from file:  %s\n" %

    e = {}
    k = {}

    (z, k_g, k_r, k_i, k_z, e_g, e_r, e_i,
     e_z) = tableio.get_data(modelfile,
                             cols=(0, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20))

    # K-only correction at each age SED,
    k['g'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, k_g)
    k['r'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, k_r)
    k['i'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, k_i)
    k['z'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, k_z)

    # Evolution term alone
    e['g'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_g)
    e['r'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_r)
    e['i'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_i)
    e['z'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_z)

    return k, e
Пример #4
def KEfit(modelfile):

    import scipy
    import scipy.interpolate
    import tableio

    print("# Getting K(z) and Ev(z) corrections from file:  %s\n" % modelfile)

    e = {}
    k = {}
    c = {}

    (z, c_gr, c_ri, c_iz, k_g, k_r, k_i, k_z, e_g, e_r, e_i,
     e_z) = tableio.get_data(modelfile,
                             cols=(0, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17))

    # K-only correction at each age SED,
    k['g'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, k_g)
    k['r'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, k_r)
    k['i'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, k_i)
    k['z'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, k_z)

    # Evolution term alone
    e['g'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_g)
    e['r'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_r)
    e['i'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_i)
    e['z'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_z)

    # Color redshift
    c['gr'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, c_gr)
    c['ri'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, c_ri)
    c['iz'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, c_iz)

    return k, e, c
Пример #5
    def match_cats(self, field, dmax=4.0):

        matchcat = os.path.join(self.outpath, "Catalogs",
                                "{}{}.mch".format(field, self.filter[-1]))
        with open(matchcat, 'w') as mch:
            (x1, y1, m1) = tableio.get_data(self.GaList, cols=(0, 1, 2))
            (x2, y2, m2) = tableio.get_data(self.SExCat, cols=(1, 2, 3))
            idx = []

            ## Find matches for GaList on SEx one
            for i in range(len(x1)):
                d = numpy.sqrt((x1[i] - x2)**2 + (y1[i] - y2)**2)
                if d.min() < dmax:
                    ix = numpy.argmin(d)
                        "%8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f\n" %
                        (x1[i], y1[i], m1[i], x2[ix], y2[ix], m2[ix], d[ix]))
        print("# Matched cat  on %s" % matchcat)
        idx = numpy.array(idx)
        print("# Matched %s/%s" % (len(idx), self.Ngal))
Пример #6
 def _apcorrSetup(self,dcat,detectionSelectSet):
     """private method called by the constructor to help initialise aperture correction stuff.
     This method reads the detection catalog and greps the ISOAREA_IMAGE data out of that catalog.
     This method then converts the areas for the objects in the catalog into radii and returns
     a Numeric array to the constructor.  These ISO areas are the same for all filters so this
     only has to happen once, hence the constructor calls this.  The catalog arg  passed is the
     detection catalog which is just a readlines() list, the second arg is the selectSet for the
     detection catalog header.
     iradList = []
     isoAreaIndex = detectionSelectSet["ISOAREA_IMAGE"] - 1 # index is one less than the col no.
     isoAreaData = tableio.get_data(self.detCatalog,isoAreaIndex)
     for area in isoAreaData:
         iradList.append(max(2.0 ,(math.sqrt(area/math.pi))))
     return iradList
Пример #7
def evolfit(modelfile):

    import scipy
    import scipy.interpolate
    import tableio

    e = {}

    (z, e_g, e_r, e_i, e_z) = tableio.get_data(modelfile,
                                               cols=(0, 14, 15, 16, 17))

    e['g'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_g)
    e['r'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_r)
    e['i'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_i)
    e['z'] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, e_z)

    return e
Пример #8
def sky2xy_list(ra, dec, fitsfile):
    import os
    import tableio

    inlist = "/tmp/%s_list.sky2xy" % os.environ['USER']
    outlist = "/tmp/%s_list.sky2xy.out" % os.environ['USER']
    tableio.put_data(inlist, (ra, dec),
                     format="%s %s J2000",
    cmd = "sky2xy %s @%s > %s" % (fitsfile, inlist, outlist)
    (x, y) = tableio.get_data(outlist, cols=(4, 5))
    #print cmd
    os.system("rm %s" % inlist)
    os.system("rm %s" % outlist)
    return x, y
Пример #9
    def _apcorr(self, detector, filter):
        """Calculate the aperture corrections for this dataset for the given detector and filter.
        This is a factor to be added to the magnitudes calculated above array [m].
        This "apcor" is to be in magnitudes and apcor must be <= 0.  This new magnitude or
        array of magnitudes is then written into the multicolor.cat file and presented to
        BPZ as the magnitude to use, as indicated in the multicolor.columns file.
        Function returns a numeric array of aperture corrections.  The fiducial radius
        specified herein is specified in Bugzilla bug #2708, as are the other specifications
        for this method.
        apcorr = []
        apcorrArray = None
        irad_fiducial = 14
        aperFiles = {
            "UVIS": os.path.join(self.aperData,
            "IR": os.path.join(self.aperData, "newIR_1210.ee_new_csky.dat"),
            "WFC": os.path.join(self.aperData, "newWFC_0803.ee_new_csky.dat"),
            #{}"HRC" : os.path.join(self.aperData,"newHRC_0803.ee_new_csky.dat")

            aperDataFile = aperFiles[detector]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError, "No known aperture data for detector, " + detector

        # now get the filter aperture data for the indicated detector.
        # raise a filterError if the lookup fails.

        aperCatalog = open(aperDataFile).readlines()
        selectSet = pUtil.makeHeaderDict(aperCatalog)
        colName = "EE_" + filter
            aperIndex = selectSet[colName] - 1
        except KeyError:
            raise fUtil.filterError, "No aperture data for filter " + filter

        aperData = tableio.get_data(aperDataFile, aperIndex)

        # the aperData contains the encircled energy as a function of radius in
        # pixels.  Conveniently, the pixel radius = index + 1 of the value we
        # want from the array for that radius.

        eeFiducial = aperData[irad_fiducial - 1]

        for irad in self.iradList:
            if irad > irad_fiducial:

            # irad1, irad2 are the adjacent integers of the radius of the object.
            # used to do a linear interpolation on the encircled energy curve.

            irad1 = int(irad)
            irad2 = irad1 + 1
            iradFrac = irad - irad1
            ee_irad1 = aperData[irad1 - 1]
            ee_irad2 = aperData[irad2 - 1]
            k = (ee_irad2 - ee_irad1)
            ee_irad = k * iradFrac + ee_irad1
            apcorr.append(min(0, +2.5 * math.log10(ee_irad / eeFiducial)))
        apcorrArray = Numeric.array(apcorr)
        return apcorrArray
Пример #10
    def run(self, band):
        """Make the multicolor catalog."""
        # define the zero point error
        zpoint_err = 0.01

        self.logfile.write('Processing catalogs...')

        detection_variables = tableio.get_data(self.detCatalog,
        nsources = len(detection_variables[0])
        # WZ Should be a dimension check here with the filter catalogs before crashing
        ncats = len(self.catalogList)

        #Create a series of arrays to keep the relevant data
        flux = Numeric.zeros((ncats, nsources)) * 1.0  # ISO flux ... for now.
        fluxerr = Numeric.zeros(
            (ncats, nsources)) * 1.0  # ISO flux error... for now.
        m = Numeric.zeros((ncats, nsources)) * 1.0  # MAG_ISO
        em = Numeric.zeros((ncats, nsources)) * 1.0  # MAGERR_ISO
        m_corr = Numeric.zeros(
            (ncats, nsources)) * 1.0  # extinction corrected magnitude
        em_corr = Numeric.zeros(
            (ncats, nsources)) * 1.0  # extinction corrected magnitude error
        ap_corr = Numeric.zeros(
            (ncats, nsources)) * 1.0  # aperture   correction
        m_bpz = Numeric.zeros(
             nsources)) * 1.0  # MAG_BPZ    extinction/aperture corrected
        em_bpz = Numeric.zeros(
             nsources)) * 1.0  # MAGERR_BPZ extinction/aperture corrected

        preds = [os.path.basename(self.detCatalog)]

        # this is a list of those indices of the catalogList which raised the filterError exception
        # i think i need to know this, but i'm not sure why yet....
        self.badcats = []
        for i in range(ncats):
            selectSet = {}
            pardict = {}
            imname = os.path.splitext(self.catalogList[i])[0]
            j = string.rfind(imname, '_')
            basefits = imname[0:j] + '_sci.fits'
            fitsfile = os.path.join(self.obsFits, basefits)
            detector = fUtil.getDetector(fitsfile)
                imfilter = fUtil.filterResponseName(fitsfile)

            except fUtil.filterError:
                imfilter = fUtil.twoFilterName(fitsfile)

                filterXCorr = extinction.filterFactor(imfilter) * self.eBV
                filterXCorrError = filterXCorr * 0.16
            except fUtil.filterError, err:
                    ("extintion.py", "filterError: " + str(err)))
                self.logfile.write("filterError: " + str(err))
                filterXCorr = 0.0
                filterXCorrError = 0.0

                f = pyfits.open(fitsfile)  # WZ
                instr = f[0].header.get('INSTRUME')
                del f
                if instr == 'ACS':
                    #filter = 'F814W'   #WZ
                    filter = fUtil.filterNameACS(fitsfile)
                elif instr == 'WFC3':
                    #filter = fUtil.filterName(fitsfile)
                    filter = fUtil.filterNameWFC3(fitsfile)
                if filter:
                    print "Find filter ", filter
                    raise filterError, "No filter found for fits image: " + fitsfile
                #filter = fUtil.filterName(fitsfile)
                ap_corr[i, :] = self._apcorr(detector, filter)
            except KeyError, err:
                print str(err)
                # if we can't do it, well, we can't do it.
Пример #11
            # i.e the catalog column numbers start at 1 not zero.

            catalogObj = open(catalog).readlines()
            selectSet = pUtil.makeHeaderDict(catalogObj)

            #Info for flux columns
            fluxList = []
            fluxList.append(selectSet['FLUX_ISO'] - 1)
            fluxList.append(selectSet['FLUXERR_ISO'] - 1)
            self.fluxColumns = tuple(
                fluxList)  # the get_data function interface requires a tuple

            # Build the various columns arrays with the get_data function.
            # We read raw fluxes and errors into the flux,fluxerr arrays.
            # They are afterwards transformed to magnitudes
            t1, t2 = tableio.get_data(catalog, self.fluxColumns)
            if (len(t1) != nsources):
                self.logfile.write("Catalog dimension mismatch: ",
                                   str(len(t1)), ' ', nsources)
                    "Check patrameters in detectionCatalog.inpar and filterCatalog.inpar"
            #flux[i,:],fluxerr[i,:] = tableio.get_data(catalog,self.fluxColumns)
            flux[i, :], fluxerr[i, :] = t1, t2
            flux[i, :] = pUtil.deNAN(flux[i, :])

            # Those objects with flux equal or less than 0 are assigned a magnitude of 99
            # and a limiting magnitude equal to their SExtractor photometric error. This
            # is interpreted by BPZ as a nondetection with zero flux and 1-sigma error
            # equal to the limiting magnitude
Пример #12
            catalogObj = open(catalog).readlines()
            selectSet  = pUtil.makeHeaderDict(catalogObj)

            #Info for flux columns
            fluxList = []
            fluxList.append(selectSet['FLUX_ISO']   - 1)
            fluxList.append(selectSet['FLUXERR_ISO']- 1)
            self.fluxColumns = tuple(fluxList)    # the get_data function interface requires a tuple

            # Build the various columns arrays with the get_data function.
            # We read raw fluxes and errors into the flux,fluxerr arrays.
            # They are afterwards transformed to magnitudes

            pdb.set_trace()   #xingxing
            flux[i,:],fluxerr[i,:] = tableio.get_data(catalog,self.fluxColumns)
            flux[i,:] = pUtil.deNAN(flux[i,:])

            # Those objects with flux equal or less than 0 are assigned a magnitude of 99
            # and a limiting magnitude equal to their SExtractor photometric error. This
            # is interpreted by BPZ as a nondetection with zero flux and 1-sigma error
            # equal to the limiting magnitude

            nondetected = Numeric.less_equal(flux[i,:],0.0)*Numeric.greater(fluxerr[i,:],0.0)

            # Those objects with error flux and flux equal to 0 are assigned a magnitude of -99
            # and a flux of 0, which is interpreted by SExtractor as a non-observed object

            nonobserved = Numeric.less_equal(fluxerr[i,:],0.0)

            # When flux error > 100*(flux), mark as nonobserved (Benitez, 24-Oct-03).
Пример #13
 def read_dndM(self):
     (M, dndM) = tableio.get_data(self.dndMFile, cols=(0, 1))
     return M, dndM
Пример #14
def BuildColorCat(tilename, combcat, filters=['g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'K'],

    # The default output names
    colorCat = tilename + "_complete.catalog"

    print('Processing catalogs... for: ', tilename, file=sys.stderr)

    flux = {}
    fluxerr = {}

    m = {}
    em = {}

    # Get the detection catalog required columns
    outColumns = ['NUMBER', 'X_IMAGE', 'Y_IMAGE']
    detCatalog = combcat['i']
    detcols = SEx_head(detCatalog, verb=None)
    detectionList = []
    for key in outColumns:
    # the get_data function requires a tuple
    detectionColumns = tuple(detectionList)
    detection_variables = tableio.get_data(detCatalog,

    # Read in the MAG_ISO and MAG_ISOERR from each catalog
    for filter in filters:
        if not newfirm and filter == 'K':
        # get the zeropoint Info
        tmp = np.genfromtxt('photometry_control_star_{}.dat'.format(
                            filter), names=True, dtype=None)
        zpoint = tmp['ZP']

        # Get the columns
        sexcols = SEx_head(combcat[filter], verb=None)

        ## Info for flux columns
        fluxList = []
        fluxColumns = tuple(
            fluxList)  # the get_data function interface requires a tuple

        # Get the array using tableio
        flux[filter], fluxerr[filter] = tableio.get_data(combcat[filter],
        m[filter] = flux[filter] * 0.0
        em[filter] = flux[filter] * 0.0

        # Fix the NAN values
        flux[filter] = deNAN(flux[filter])

        # Those objects with flux equal or less than 0 are assigned a
        # magnitude of 99 and a limiting magnitude equal to their
        # SExtractor photometric error. This is interpreted by BPZ as a
        # nondetection with zero flux and 1-sigma error equal to the
        # limiting magnitude

        #nondetected = np.less_equal(flux[filter], 0.0) * \
        #              np.greater(fluxerr[filter], 0.0)

        # update: There are a lot of really small positive values. I am
        # going to modify this to look for values really close to zero.

        nondetected = (flux[filter] < 1E-3) & (fluxerr[filter] > 0.0)

        # Those objects with error flux and flux equal to 0 are assigned a
        # magnitude of -99
        # and a flux of 0, which is interpreted by SExtractor as a
        # non-observed object

        nonobserved = np.less_equal(fluxerr[filter], 0.0)

        # When flux error > 100*(flux), mark as nonobserved (Benitez,
        # 24-Oct-03).

        nonobserved = np.where(fluxerr[filter] > 100 *
                                    (abs(flux[filter])), True,

        detected = np.logical_not(nonobserved + nondetected)

        print(filter, zpoint)

        flux[filter] = np.clip(flux[filter], 1e-100, 1e100)
        m[filter] = np.where(detected,
                                  -2.5 * np.log10(abs(flux[filter])) +
                                  zpoint, m[filter])
        m[filter] = np.where(nondetected, 99.0, m[filter])
        m[filter] = np.where(nonobserved, -99.0, m[filter])

        # clip values from being too small or large, i.e. 0 or inf.
        fluxerr[filter] = np.clip(fluxerr[filter], 1e-100, 1e100)
        em[filter] = np.where(
            2.5 * np.log10(1.0 + abs(fluxerr[filter] / flux[filter])), em[filter])
        em[filter] = np.where(
            2.5 * np.log10(abs(fluxerr[filter])) - zpoint, em[filter])
        em[filter] = np.where(nonobserved, 0.0, em[filter])

        if filter == 'K':
            outColumns.append(filter + '_KittPeak_MAG_ISO')
            outColumns.append(filter + '_KittPeak_MAGERR_ISO')
            outColumns.append(filter + '_MOSAICII_MAG_ISO')
            outColumns.append(filter + '_MOSAICII_MAGERR_ISO')

    # Prepare the header
    header = \
           '## ' + '\n' + \
           '## BPZ Catalog file for Observation: ' + tilename + \
            '\n' + \
            '## (This file was generated automatically by' + \
            'the BCS Rutgers pipeline)\n##\n'
    for i in range(len(outColumns)):
        header = header + '# ' + str(i + 1) + '\t' + outColumns[i] + '\n'

        # Prepare the data
    vars = list(detection_variables)
    for filter in filters:
        if not newfirm and filter == 'K':

    variables = tuple(vars)
    format = '%i\t %10.2f %10.2f' + '%10.4f  ' * (len(variables) - 3)
    print('Writing data to multicolor catalog...', file=sys.stderr)
    print('Multicolor catalog complete.', file=sys.stderr)

Пример #15
def read_cat(self):
    t1 = time.time()

    cols = (1, 2, 23, 27, 26, 28, 29, 30, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16,
            17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36)

    sout.write("# Reading cols:%s\n# Reading cats from: %s... \n" %
               (cols, self.catsfile))
    (ra, dec, z_b, odds, t_b, z_ml, t_ml, chi, g, g_err, r, r_err, i, i_err, z,
     z_err, g_bpz, g_berr, r_bpz, r_berr, i_bpz, i_berr, z_bpz, z_berr,
     class_star, a_image, b_image, theta, x_image,
     y_image) = tableio.get_data(self.catsfile, cols=cols)

    (id) = tableio.get_str(self.catsfile, cols=(0, ))

    # Choose the photo-z to use, ml or bayesian
    sout.write("# Will use %s redshifts\n" % self.zuse)
    if self.zuse == "ML":
        z_ph = z_ml
        # t = t_ml
    elif self.zuse == "ZB":
        z_ph = z_b
        # t = t_b

    i_lim = self.maglim
    odds_lim = 0.80  # not currently used
    star_lim = self.starlim

    # Clean up according to BPZ
    sout.write("# Avoiding magnitudes -99 and 99 in BPZ \n")
    g_mask = numpy.where(lor(g_bpz == 99, g_bpz == -99), 0, 1)
    r_mask = numpy.where(lor(r_bpz == 99, r_bpz == -99), 0, 1)
    i_mask = numpy.where(lor(i_bpz == 99, i_bpz == -99), 0, 1)
    z_mask = numpy.where(lor(z_bpz == 99, z_bpz == -99), 0, 1)
    bpz_mask = g_mask * r_mask * i_mask * z_mask

    # Clean up to avoid 99 values and very faint i_mag values
    sout.write("# Avoiding magnitudes 99 in MAG_AUTO \n")
    #g_mask = numpy.where( g >= 99,    0 , 1)
    #r_mask = numpy.where( r >= 99,    0 , 1)
    #i_mask = numpy.where( i >= i_lim, 0 , 1)
    #z_mask = numpy.where( z >= 99,    0 , 1)
    sout.write("# Avoiding magnitudes i > %s in MAG_AUTO \n" % i_lim)

    # Clean by class_star
    sout.write("# Avoiding CLASS_STAR > %s \n" % star_lim)
    mask_star = numpy.where(class_star > star_lim, 0, 1)

    # Clean up by odds
    #sout.write( "# Avoiding ODDS < %s in BPZ \n" % odds_lim)
    odds_mask = numpy.where(odds > odds_lim, 1, 0)
    odds_mask = 1

    # Avoid z> zlim objects too.
    #sout.write( "# Avoiding objects with z > %s " % self.zlim)
    zp_mask = numpy.where(z_ph > self.zlim, 0, 1)
    zp_mask = 1

    # Clean up by BPZ type
    # sout.write('# Avoiding objects with type > %s' % t)
    tp_mask = 1

    # The final 'good' mask
    mask_good = bpz_mask * odds_mask * mask_star * zp_mask * tp_mask
    idx = numpy.where(mask_good == 1)

    # Make ids a Char String in numarray
    self.id = nstr.array(id)[idx]

    # Only keep the 'good' one, avoid -99 and 99 values in BPZ mags
    self.ra = ra[idx]
    self.dec = dec[idx]
    self.z_b = z_b[idx]
    self.odds = odds[idx]

    self.z_ml = z_ml[idx]
    self.t_ml = t_ml[idx]
    self.t_b = t_b[idx]
    self.t_ml = t_ml[idx]
    self.chi = chi[idx]

    # Choose the photo-z to use, ml or bayesian
    if self.zuse == "ML":
        self.z_ph = self.z_ml
        self.type = self.t_ml
    elif self.zuse == "ZB":
        self.z_ph = self.z_b
        self.type = self.t_b

    self.g = g[idx]
    self.r = r[idx]
    self.i = i[idx]
    self.z = z[idx]
    self.g_err = g_err[idx]
    self.r_err = r_err[idx]
    self.i_err = i_err[idx]
    self.z_err = z_err[idx]

    self.g_bpz = g_bpz[idx]
    self.r_bpz = r_bpz[idx]
    self.i_bpz = i_bpz[idx]
    self.z_bpz = z_bpz[idx]
    self.g_berr = g_berr[idx]
    self.r_berr = r_berr[idx]
    self.i_berr = i_berr[idx]
    self.z_berr = z_berr[idx]

    self.class_star = class_star[idx]
    self.a_image = a_image[idx]
    self.b_image = b_image[idx]
    self.theta = theta[idx]
    self.x_image = x_image[idx]
    self.y_image = y_image[idx]

    # Color of selected galaxies
    self.gr = self.g_bpz - self.r_bpz
    self.ri = self.r_bpz - self.i_bpz
    self.iz = self.i_bpz - self.z_bpz

    # Min and and max values in RA/DEC
    self.ramin = self.ra.min()
    self.ramax = self.ra.max()
    self.decmin = self.dec.min()
    self.decmax = self.dec.max()

    self.idx_cat = idx

    sout.write(" \tDone: %s\n" % extras.elapsed_time_str(t1))
Пример #16
    def BuildColorCat(self):

        # Change accordingly
        zp_error = 0.05

        # The default output names
        self.colorCat = self.tilename + ".color"
        self.columnsFile = self.tilename + ".columns"

        print('Processing catalogs... for: ', self.tilename, file=sys.stderr)

        flux = {}
        fluxerr = {}

        m = {}
        em = {}

        # Get the detection catalog required columns
        outColumns = ['NUMBER', 'X_IMAGE', 'Y_IMAGE']
        detCatalog = self.combcat['i']
        detcols = SEx_head(detCatalog, verb=None)
        detectionList = []
        for key in outColumns:
        detectionColumns = tuple(
            detectionList)  # the get_data function requires a tuple
        detection_variables = tableio.get_data(detCatalog, detectionColumns)

        # Read in the MAG_ISO and MAG_ISOERR from each catalog
        for filter in self.filters:

            # Get the columns
            sexcols = SEx_head(self.combcat[filter], verb=None)

            ## Info for flux columns
            fluxList = []
            fluxColumns = tuple(
                fluxList)  # the get_data function interface requires a tuple

            # Get the array using tableio
            flux[filter], fluxerr[filter] = tableio.get_data(
                self.combcat[filter], fluxColumns)
            m[filter] = flux[filter] * 0.0
            em[filter] = flux[filter] * 0.0

            # Fix the NAN values
            flux[filter] = deNAN(flux[filter])

            # Those objects with flux equal or less than 0 are assigned a magnitude of 99
            # and a limiting magnitude equal to their SExtractor photometric error. This
            # is interpreted by BPZ as a nondetection with zero flux and 1-sigma error
            # equal to the limiting magnitude

            nondetected = Numeric.less_equal(
                flux[filter], 0.0) * Numeric.greater(fluxerr[filter], 0.0)

            # Those objects with error flux and flux equal to 0 are assigned a magnitude of -99
            # and a flux of 0, which is interpreted by SExtractor as a non-observed object

            nonobserved = Numeric.less_equal(fluxerr[filter], 0.0)

            # When flux error > 100*(flux), mark as nonobserved (Benitez, 24-Oct-03).

            # Fix for fc11 -- y[:] has change meaning
            #nonobserved = Numeric.where(fluxerr[filter] > 100*(abs(flux[filter])),1.0,nonobserved[:])
            nonobserved = Numeric.where(
                fluxerr[filter] > 100 * (abs(flux[filter])), 1.0, nonobserved)

            detected = Numeric.logical_not(nonobserved + nondetected)

            # Get the zero point for the final magnitudes
            zpoint = self.magbase

            print(filter, zpoint)

            flux[filter] = Numeric.clip(flux[filter], 1e-100, 1e100)
            m[filter] = Numeric.where(
                detected, -2.5 * Numeric.log10(abs(flux[filter])) + zpoint -
                self.XCorr[filter], m[filter])
            m[filter] = Numeric.where(nondetected, 99.0, m[filter])
            m[filter] = Numeric.where(nonobserved, -99.0, m[filter])

            # clip values from being too small or large, i.e. 0 or inf.
            fluxerr[filter] = Numeric.clip(fluxerr[filter], 1e-100, 1e100)
            em[filter] = Numeric.where(
                2.5 * Numeric.log10(1.0 + abs(fluxerr[filter] / flux[filter]))
                + self.XCorrError[filter], em[filter])
            em[filter] = Numeric.where(
                2.5 * Numeric.log10(abs(fluxerr[filter])) - zpoint, em[filter])
            em[filter] = Numeric.where(nonobserved, 0.0, em[filter])

            #outColumns.append(filter +'_SDSS_MAG_ISO')
            #outColumns.append(filter +'_SDSS_MAGERR_ISO')
            outColumns.append(filter + '_MOSAICII_MAG_ISO')
            outColumns.append(filter + '_MOSAICII_MAGERR_ISO')

        # Prepare the header
        header = \
               '## ' + time.ctime() + '\n'+\
               '## BPZ Catalog file for Observation: ' + self.tilename + '\n'+\
               '## (This file was generated automatically by the BCS Rutgers pipeline)\n##\n'
        for i in range(len(outColumns)):
            header = header + '# ' + str(i + 1) + '\t' + outColumns[i] + '\n'

            # Prepare the data
        vars = list(detection_variables)
        for filter in self.filters:

        variables = tuple(vars)
        format = '%i\t %10.2f %10.2f' + '%10.4f  ' * (len(variables) - 3)
        print('Writing data to multicolor catalog...', file=sys.stderr)
        print('Multicolor catalog complete.', file=sys.stderr)

        # And now write .columns file
        cfile = open(self.columnsFile, 'w')
        cfile.write('## ' + time.ctime() + '\n')
        cfile.write('## ' + 'BPZ' + ' .columns file for Observation: ' +
                    self.tilename + '\n')
            '## (This file was generated automatically by the BCS Rutgers pipeline)\n##\n'

        i = len(detection_variables)
        for filter in self.filters:

            if filter == 'i':
                n_mo = str(i + 1)
            colmag = i + 1
            colmagerr = i + 2
            cfile.write('%s_MOSAICII\t %s,%s\t AB\t %.2f\t 0.0\n' %
                        (filter, i + 1, i + 2, zp_error))
            i = i + 2

        cfile.write('M_0\t%s\n' % n_mo)
Пример #17
def prepMatch(reffile, imlist):  #WZ
    """ Calculate shift/rotation 
            new reference: center position
    de = 100.  # distance from edge
    circle = 500.  # matching range in pixel
    rmin = 4.  # FWHM minimum
    rmax = 15.  # 10. # 6.
    # clx = 0.8 # must be a star
    pardir = '/home/zheng/drex/reffiles/pars'

    fitsfile = pyfits.open(reffile)
    detector = fitsfile[0].header.get('DETECTOR')
    weightfile = reffile.split(".fits")[0] + '_weight.fits'
    cmd = 'cp ' + weightfile + ' temp_weight.fits'
    sproc = popen2.Popen3(cmd, 1)
    output = sproc.fromchild.readlines()
    errs = sproc.childerr.readlines()
    if (detector == 'WFC'):
        cmd = 'sex ' + reffile + ' -c ' + pardir + '/tweak_wfc.inpar'
        if (detector == 'UVIS'):
            cmd = 'sex ' + reffile + ' -c ' + pardir + '/tweak_uvis.inpar'
            cmd = 'sex ' + reffile + ' -c ' + pardir + '/tweak_ir.inpar'
    sproc = popen2.Popen3(cmd, 1)
    output = sproc.fromchild.readlines()
    errs = sproc.childerr.readlines()
    cmd = 'cp temp.cat temp0.cat'
    sproc = popen2.Popen3(cmd, 1)
    output = sproc.fromchild.readlines()
    errs = sproc.childerr.readlines()
    x0, y0, mag0, err0, fwhm0, ra0, dec0, cls0 = tableio.get_data(
        'temp.cat', (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
    xmin0 = min(x0) + de
    xmax0 = max(x0) - de
    ymin0 = min(y0) + de
    ymax0 = max(y0) - de
    #twf = open("tweak.dat","w")
    format = str('%4d %8.2f %8.2f %6.2f %6.2f %4.1f')
    #format2=str('%s %6.3f %5.3f %10.7f')
    for im in imlist:
        #outfile = im.split("_sci")[0]+'_ini.fits'
        fitsfile = pyfits.open(im)
        detector = fitsfile[0].header.get('DETECTOR')
        weightfile = im.split(".fits")[0] + '_weight.fits'
        cmd = 'cp ' + weightfile + ' temp_weight.fits'
        sproc = popen2.Popen3(cmd, 1)
        output = sproc.fromchild.readlines()
        errs = sproc.childerr.readlines()
        if (detector == 'WFC'):
            cmd = 'sex ' + im + ' -c ' + pardir + '/tweak_wfc.inpar'
            if (detector == 'UVIS'):
                cmd = 'sex ' + im + ' -c ' + pardir + '/tweak_uvis.inpar'
                cmd = 'sex ' + im + ' -c ' + pardir + '/tweak_ir.inpar'
        sproc = popen2.Popen3(cmd, 1)
        output = sproc.fromchild.readlines()
        errs = sproc.childerr.readlines()
        if errs:
            print 'Program choked on ' + cmd
            n, x, y, mag, err, fwhm, ra, dec, cls = tableio.get_data(
                'temp.cat', (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
            # pdb.set_trace()
            flag0 = numpy.zeros(len(x0), dtype=int)
            flag = numpy.zeros(len(n), dtype=int)
            index = numpy.zeros(len(n), dtype=int)
            xmin = min(x) + de
            if (xmin < xmin0):
                xmin = xmin0
            xmax = max(x) - de
            if (xmax > xmax0):
                xmax = xmax0
            ymin = min(y) + de
            if (ymin < ymin0):
                ymin = ymin0
            ymax = max(y) - de
            if (ymax > ymax0):
                ymax = ymax0
            print 'Min/max: ', xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
            fname0 = im.split("_drz")[0] + '_1.cat'
            fname1 = im.split("_drz")[0] + '_2.cat'
            f0 = open(fname0, "w")
            f = open(fname1, "w")
            k = 0
            for i in range(len(x)):
                # if (mag[i] < 90 and fwhm[i] > rmin and fwhm[i] < rmax):
                if (mag[i] < 90):
                    for j in range(len(x0)):
                        if (abs(x[i] - x0[j]) < circle
                                and abs(y[i] - y0[j]) < circle and mag0[j] < 90
                                and fwhm0[j] > rmin and fwhm0[j] < rmax):
                            #if (abs(x[i]-x0[j]) < circle and abs(y[i]-y0[j]) < circle and mag0[j] < 90):
                            index[i] = j
                            flag[i] = flag[i] + 1
                            flag0[j] = flag0[j] + 1
                            k = k + 1
            print k, " sources found in ", im
            k = m = 0
            for i in range(len(x)):
                if (flag[i] >= 1):
                    j = index[i]
                    if (flag0[j] >= 1 and fwhm0[j] < rmax and mag[i] < 90):
                        #if (flag0[j] >= 1 and mag[i] < 90):
                        print >> f, format % (k, x[i], y[i], mag[i], err[i],
                        print >> f0, format % (k, x0[j], y0[j], mag0[j],
                                               err0[j], fwhm0[j])
                        k = k + 1
                    m = m + 1
            print k, " sources used in ", im  #,", ",m," missed"
Пример #18
    def _magFix(self, catalogFile):
        """This private method receives a path to a catalog file and sifts through the
        MAGERR field looking for values > 10.  It sets the corresponding MAG field = -99 and
        sets that object's MAGERR field to 0.0.  catalogFile is a path not a file object."""

        # fillHeader will return a list of tuples where which looks like
        # [(1, 'NUMBER'),
        # (2, 'X_IMAGE'),
        # (3, 'Y_IMAGE'),
        # ...
        # (12, 'MAG_ISOCOR'),
        # (13, 'MAGERR_ISOCOR'),
        # (14, 'FLUX_APER', 1)
        # (15, 'FLUX_APER', 2),
        # (16, 'FLUX_APER', 3),
        # ...
        # ]
        # The tuples are either of length 2 or 3.  If len is 3, the 3rd item of the
        # tuple is the nth occurance of that column identifier.  This occurs on those
        # columns of MAGs and MAGERRs for a series of increasingly larger apertures.

        # newFieldList will be a list of Numeric arrays containing the columns of the catalogs.
        # This list will contain fields which have not been altered, i.e. all fields other than
        # MAG_* and MAGERR_*, and the new MAG and MAGERR fields which have been corrected.
        # Once the list is complete, it is tuple-ized and send to the tableio pu_data function.

        newFieldList = []
        newMagsList = []
        newMagErrsList = []
        newMagHeaders = []
        newMagErrHeaders = []
        newHeaders = []
        magCols = []
        magErrCols = []
        selectSet = fillHeader(catalogFile)

        print "Searching catalog for required columns, MAG, MAGERR"
        for i in range(len(selectSet)):
            if len(selectSet[i]) == 2:
                column, name = selectSet[i]
                paramNames = name.split("_")
                if "MAG" in paramNames:
                    magCols.append((column, name))
                elif "MAGERR" in paramNames:
                    magErrCols.append((column, name))
                    oldField = tableio.get_data(catalogFile, (column - 1))
                column, name, id = selectSet[i]
                paramNames = name.split("_")
                if "MAG" in paramNames:
                    magCols.append((column, name, id))
                elif "MAGERR" in paramNames:
                    magErrCols.append((column, name, id))
                    oldField = tableio.get_data(catalogFile, (column - 1))

        # We now have
        #  catalog field  --> list
        # --------------------------------
        #        MAG_*    --> magCols
        #     MAGERR_*    --> magErrCols
        # The algorithm will be to step through the magErrCols columns, extracting those fields
        # via get_data and getting Numeric arrays.  The matching mag columns are slurped as well.
        # We search the magErrCols arrays looking for >= 10 values and then marking the those mags
        # as -99.0 and the matching magerrs as 0.0
        # See Bugzilla bug #2700

        for item in magErrCols:
            magErrAperId = None
            # item may be of len 2 or 3
            if len(item) == 2:
                magErrColId, magErrColName = item
                magErrColId, magErrColName, magErrAperId = item

            magErrKind = magErrColName.split("_")[1]  # ISO, ISOCORR, etc.

            print "\n\nMAG type:", magErrKind
            if magErrAperId: print magErrColName, "Aper id is", magErrAperId
            print "Getting\t", magErrColName, "\tfield", magErrColId

            # MAGERR array:
            magErrs = tableio.get_data(catalogFile, magErrColId - 1)

            matchingMagColName = None
            matchingMagColId = None

            #----------------------- Search for matching MAG_* field -----------------------#

            for magitems in magCols:

                # We know that the magErrColName is MAGERR and if magErrNameId is true then
                # the tuple is of len 3, i.e. a MAGERR_APER field.  We look for the matching
                # MAG_APER field id, 1, 2, 3... etc.

                if len(magitems) == 3:
                    magColId, magColName, magAperId = magitems
                    if magColName == "MAG_" + magErrKind:
                        matchingMagColName = magColName
                        #print "Found matching field type:",magColName,"in field",magColId
                        if magAperId == magErrAperId:
                            print "Found matching aperture id."
                            print "MAG_APER id: ", magAperId, "MAGERR_APER id: ", magErrAperId
                            matchingMagColId = magColId
                            matchingMags = tableio.get_data(
                                catalogFile, magColId - 1)
                    magColId, magColName = magitems
                    if magColName == "MAG_" + magErrKind:
                        print "Found matching field type:", magColName, "in field", magColId
                        matchingMagColName = magColName
                        matchingMagColId = magColId
                        matchingMags = tableio.get_data(
                            catalogFile, magColId - 1)


            print " MAG err field:", magErrColName, magErrColId
            print "     Mag field:", matchingMagColName, matchingMagColId

            # Now the grunt work on the arrays,
            # magErrs, matchingMags
            # update: flagging all MAGs as -99 when the corresponding MAGERR > 10
            # introduced a bug which unintentionally reset the magnitudes
            # SExtractor had flagged with a MAG = 99.0 and a MAGERR = 99.0
            # This now checks for a MAGERR of 99 and does not reset the MAG value
            # if MAGERR = 99.0 but does for all other MAGERRS > 10.0

            badMagErrs1 = Numeric.where(magErrs >= 10, 1, 0)
            badMagErrs2 = Numeric.where(magErrs != 99.0, 1, 0)
            badMagErrs = badMagErrs1 * badMagErrs2
            del badMagErrs1, badMagErrs2
            newMags = Numeric.where(badMagErrs, -99.0, matchingMags)
            newMagErrs = Numeric.where(badMagErrs, 0.0, magErrs)


        # concatenate the lists.  This is done to preserve the MAG_APER and MAGERR_APER
        # grouping of the original SExtractor catalog.

        newFieldList = newFieldList + newMagsList
        newFieldList = newFieldList + newMagErrsList
        newHeaders = newHeaders + newMagHeaders
        newHeaders = newHeaders + newMagErrHeaders

        newVariables = tuple(newFieldList)

        # rename the old catalog file as catalogFile.old
        os.rename(catalogFile, catalogFile + ".old")
        self.outputList[os.path.basename(catalogFile) +
                        ".old"] = [os.path.basename(catalogFile)]
        fob = open(catalogFile, 'w')
        fob.write("## " + ptime() + "\n")
        fob.write("## " + self.modName +
                  " catalog regenerated by _magFix method.\n")
            '## (This file was generated automatically by the ACS Pipeline.)\n##\n'
            "## This catalog has been photometrically corrected to remove\n")
        fob.write("## 'bad' magnitude values.\n")
        for i in range(len(newHeaders)):
            fob.write("# " + str(i + 1) + "\t" + newHeaders[i] + "\n")
        tableio.put_data(catalogFile, newVariables, append="yes")
