def test02_NewFileWithExpectedSize(self): "Creation of a new file node with 'expectedsize' argument." try: filenode.newNode( self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test', expectedsize = 100000) except TypeError:"\ filenode.newNode() failed to accept 'expectedsize' argument.")
def setUp(self): """ This method sets the following instance attributes: * ``h5fname``: the name of the temporary HDF5 file. * ``h5file``: the writable, temporary HDF5 file with a ``/test`` node. * ``fnode``: the readable file node in ``/test``, with text in it. """ super(ReadlineTestCase, self).setUp() linesep = self.lineSeparator # Fill the node file with some text. fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') fnode.lineSeparator = linesep fnode.write(linesep) fnode.write('short line%sshort line%s%s' % ((linesep,) * 3)) fnode.write('long line ' * 20 + linesep) fnode.write('unterminated') fnode.close() # Re-open it for reading. self.fnode = filenode.openNode(self.h5file.getNode('/test')) self.fnode.lineSeparator = linesep
def writeFile(self, fileToImport): """ Used to import a binary file into the HDFFile. """ fnode = filenode.newNode(self.hdfFile,, name=self._makesafekey(os.path.basename(fileToImport))) with open(fileToImport, "r") as fdisk: contents = fnode.write(contents) fnode.close()
def setUp(self): """setUp() -> None This method sets the following instance attributes: * 'h5fname', the name of the temporary HDF5 file * 'h5file', the writable, temporary HDF5 file with a '/test' node * 'fnode', the writable file node in '/test' """ super(AttrsTestCase, self).setUp() self.fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test')
def test00_NewFile(self): "Creation of a brand new file node." try: fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') node = self.h5file.getNode('/test') except LookupError:"filenode.newNode() failed to create a new node.") else: self.assertEqual( fnode.node, node, "filenode.newNode() created a node in the wrong place.")
def testEnum(self): """ Write four rows into file enum.h5 and read it back. Note that the actual enum is stored inside the file """ h5f = tables.openFile('enum.h5', 'w') fnode = filenode.newNode(h5f, where='/', name='timeMaskHdr') fnode.attrs.beginTime = 1234 fnode.attrs.endTime = 5678 fnode.close() tbl = h5f.createTable('/','timeMask',TimeMask.TimeMask,"Time Mask") b = [1010000, 1020000, 1010001, 1030000] e = [1020000, 1030000, 1020001, 1040000] r = ["Flash in r0", "Flash in r2", "Flash in r7", "Merged Flash"] for i in range(len(b)): row = tbl.row row['tBegin'] = b[i] row['tEnd'] = e[i] row['reason'] = TimeMask.timeMaskReason[r[i]] row.append() tbl.flush() tbl.close() h5f.close() fid = tables.openFile("enum.h5", mode='r') node = fid.root.timeMaskHdr self.assertEqual(node.attrs.beginTime, 1234) self.assertEqual(node.attrs.endTime, 5678) table = fid.getNode('/timeMask') self.assertEqual(len(b), table.nrows) enum = table.getEnum('reason') for i in range(table.nrows): self.assertEqual(table[i]['tBegin'], b[i]) self.assertEqual(table[i]['tEnd'], e[i]) self.assertEqual(enum(table[i]['reason']),r[i]) fid.close()
def setUp(self): """setUp() -> None This method sets the following instance attributes: * 'datafile', the opened data file * 'h5fname', the name of the temporary HDF5 file * 'h5file', the writable, temporary HDF5 file with a '/test' node * 'fnode', the readable file node in '/test', with data in it """ self.datafname = self._testFilename(self.datafname) self.datafile = file(self.datafname) super(ReadFileTestCase, self).setUp() fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') copyFileToFile(self.datafile, fnode) fnode.close() self.fnode = filenode.openNode(self.h5file.getNode('/test'))
def writeFlashesToHdf5(self,overwrite=1): """ write intervals with flashes to the timeMask file """ # get the output file name, and make the directory if you need to cmFileName = self.fn.cosmicMask() (cmDir,name) = os.path.split(cmFileName) if not os.path.exists(cmDir): os.makedirs(cmDir) # write parameters used to find flashes h5f = tables.openFile(cmFileName, 'w') fnode = filenode.newNode(h5f, where='/', name='timeMaskHdr') fnode.attrs.beginTime = self.beginTime fnode.attrs.endTime = self.endTime fnode.attrs.nBinsPerSec = self.nBinsPerSec fnode.attrs.flashMergeTime = self.flashMergeTime fnode.close(); # write the times where flashes are located tbl = h5f.createTable('/','timeMask',TimeMask.TimeMask,"Time Mask") rlAll = list(self.roachList) rlAll.append("all") for roach in rlAll: extrema = self.flashInterval[roach].extrema for i in range(len(extrema)/2): row = tbl.row row['tBegin'] = int(extrema[2*i][0]) row['tEnd'] = int(extrema[2*i+1][0]) if (roach == "all"): reason = "Merged Flash" else: reason = "Flash in %s" % roach row['reason'] = TimeMask.timeMaskReason[reason] row.append() tbl.flush() tbl.close() h5f.close()
# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # Author: Vicent Mas - [email protected] # # This script is based on a script by Ivan Vilata. """How to use the filenode module.""" from tables.nodes import filenode import tables h5file = tables.openFile('fnode.h5', 'w') fnode = filenode.newNode(h5file, where='/', name='fnode_test') print >> fnode, "This is a test text line." print >> fnode, "And this is another one." print >> fnode fnode.write("Of course, file methods can also be used.") fnode.close() node = h5file.root.fnode_test fnode = filenode.openNode(node, 'a+') print >> fnode, "This is a new line." fnode.attrs.content_type = 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii' = "Ivan Vilata i Balaguer" fnode.attrs.creation_date = '2004-10-20T13:25:25+0200' fnode.attrs.keywords_en = ["FileNode", "test", "metadata"]
def dir_to_h5(directory, h5_obj, h5_path="/"): # Use the openDIR object to deal with the ugliness dir_listing = openDIR( directory ) # You know what they say about assertions assert (len(dir_listing.exp_paths) == 1), "This function only does 1 run at a time:" + str(dir_listing.exp_paths) print dir_listing.total_trial_count, "blockfiles detected, compressing . . ." # Create a leaf in the h5 for HTB and LOG file related data htb_leaf = h5_obj.createGroup(h5_path, "htb") log_leaf = h5_obj.createGroup(h5_path, "log") # Create filenodes htb_fn = filenode.newNode(h5_obj, where=htb_leaf, name='htbfile') log_fn = filenode.newNode(h5_obj, where=log_leaf, name='logfile') # Get file paths log_file = dir_listing.get_LOG(dir_listing.exp_paths[0]) htb_file = dir_listing.get_HTB(dir_listing.exp_paths[0]) # Store the raw files (they are pretty small, so why not) htb_fn.write(open(htb_file).read()) log_fn.write(open(log_file).read()) # Close to force flush htb_fn.close() log_fn.close() # Open the HTB file, and break out and write each array htb_file = openHTB(htb_file) for a_name, htb_arr in zip( htb_file.db_names, htb_file.db_array ): # Figure out the type in terms of tables symantics atm = tables.Atom.from_dtype(htb_arr.dtype) # Takes spaces out of the name, so we can use natural naming nat_name = a_name.replace(" ","") # Create the array and throw the data in it leaf_arr = h5_obj.createCArray(htb_leaf, nat_name, atm, htb_arr.shape, a_name) leaf_arr[:] = htb_arr # Block file bits # Conv. lists condition = [] trial_num = [] # Pack in the block files array_created = False for n, (cn, bn, tn, f) in enumerate(dir_listing.BLK_iter(dir_listing.exp_paths[0])): print "Starting", n, "of", dir_listing.total_trial_count print "\tLoading .BLK (%s) cn:%i tn:%i" % (f, cn, tn) # Open the block file bf = openBLK(f) bf.load_data() # Create a c-array if not array_created: new_shape = bf.data_array.shape + tuple([0]) ear = h5_obj.createEArray("/", "block", tables.Int32Atom(), new_shape, "Data from '%s'" % directory) array_created = True print "\tWriting to h5." # Make the stings for the name and description of each data bloc ear.append( bf.data_array[:,:,:,newaxis] ) # Mem clear necessary? TODO ear.flush() h5_obj.flush() del bf # For later conv. condition.append(cn) trial_num.append(tn) print "\tDone." # Create the condition and trial number arrays. # (i.e avoid redoing that ugly file name munging each time) h5_obj.createArray(h5_path, "condition", array(condition)) h5_obj.createArray(h5_path, "trial_num", array(trial_num)) # Yay done! print "Done!"
from tables.nodes import filenode import tables h5file = tables.openFile('fnode.h5', 'w') fnode = filenode.newNode(h5file, where='/', name='fnode_test') print h5file.getNodeAttr('/fnode_test', 'NODE_TYPE') print >> fnode, "This is a test text line." print >> fnode, "And this is another one." print >> fnode fnode.write("Of course, file methods can also be used.") # Go back to the beginning of file. for line in fnode: print repr(line) fnode.close() print fnode.closed node = h5file.root.fnode_test fnode = filenode.openNode(node, 'a+') print repr(fnode.readline())
def download_and_store(url, datastore, data_filename=None, overwrite=False, download_reference=None): # set data_filename from the URL if not explicitly defined if not data_filename: data_filename = url.split('/')[-1] # if datastore exists, check if filename already exists in datastore if os.access(datastore, os.R_OK): store = pd.HDFStore(datastore, "a") # pandas API change between 0.10.1 and 0.11 try: _h = store.handle except: _h = store._handle src_filenames = [n.__repr__().split("(")[0].strip()[1:].split("/")[1] for n in _h.iterNodes('/{0}'.format(path_src))] if data_filename in src_filenames: if overwrite: _h.removeNode("/{0}/{1}".format(path_src, data_filename)) else: raise AttributeError("Data file cannot be saved: filename " "already exists in datastore") # create datastore else: store = pd.HDFStore(datastore, "w", complevel=complevel, complib=complib) # pandas API change between 0.10.1 and 0.11 try: _h = store.handle except: _h = store._handle # prepare datastore if path_data not in [n.__repr__().split("(")[0].strip()[1:] for n in _h.iterNodes('/')]: _h.createGroup('/', path_data) if path_src not in [n.__repr__().split("(")[0].strip()[1:] for n in _h.iterNodes('/')]: _h.createGroup('/', path_src) if path_doc not in [n.__repr__().split("(")[0].strip()[1:] for n in _h.iterNodes('/')]: _h.createGroup('/', path_doc) # retrieve file # TODO: find out if download was successful localfile = tempfile.mktemp() urlretrieve(url, localfile) with open(localfile, "rb") as fd: rawdata = # save retrieved file to datastore fnode = filenode.newNode(_h, where="/{0}".format(path_src), name=data_filename) fnode.write(rawdata) fnode.close() # create metadata srcnode = _h.getNode("/{0}".format(path_src), data_filename) srcnode.attrs.DOWNLOAD_URL = url srcnode.attrs.DOWNLOAD_DATE = if download_reference: srcnode.attrs.DOWNLOAD_REFERENCE = download_reference # TODO: create README # cleanup os.remove(localfile) store.close()