for item in top_single_chars_items.items(): fout.write(f"{item[0]}#序{item[1]}\n") sys_single_char_data = f"{output_dir}/sys_single_char_data.txt" with open(sys_single_char_data, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fout: fout.write("---config@码表分类=主码-系统码表\n") fout.write("---config@允许编辑=否\n") fout.write(f"---config@码表别名=系统单字\n") pipe(, filter(lambda e: e.char in char_to_shape), map(lambda e: f"{e.char}\t{e.zrm+char_to_shape[e.char]}#序40000"), for_each(lambda e: fout.write(e + '\n')), ) del_words = pipe(, map(lambda e: e.word), set) sys_word_data = f"{output_dir}/sys_word_data.txt" with open(sys_word_data, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fout: fout.write("---config@码表分类=主码-2\n") fout.write("---config@允许编辑=否\n") fout.write(f"---config@码表别名=系统词组\n") pipe(, WordPhoneTable.priority.desc()), filter(lambda e: e.word not in del_words), map(lambda e: (f'{e.word}\t{e.zrm}', e.word[0], e.word[-1])), filter(lambda e: e[1] in char_to_shape and e[2] in char_to_shape), map(lambda e: f'{e[0]}{char_to_shape[e[1]][0]}{char_to_shape[e[2]][-1]}#序20000' ), for_each(lambda e: fout.write(e + '\n')))
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print(f"USAGE: python3 {sys.argv[0]} words.txt", file=sys.stderr) print("words format:word prioroty w1_yin w2_yin ...") sys.exit(1) _, words_path = sys.argv exist_words = set() exist_words = pipe(, map(lambda e: e.word), set ) exist_words = exist_words | pipe(, map(lambda e: e.word), set ) xhe_transformer = get_full_to_xhe_transformer(); zrm_transformer = get_full_to_zrm_transformmer(); lu_transformer = get_full_to_lu_transformmer(); with open(words_path, "r", encoding='utf8') as fin: to_add_words = pipe(fin, map(lambda e: e.strip().split(' ')), # filter(lambda e: len(e) in (1, 2)), filter(lambda e: len(e[0]) <= 5), filter(lambda e: not contain_alpha( e[0]) and not contain_symbols(e[0])),
sys_single_char_data = f"{output_dir}/sys_single_char_data.txt" with open(sys_single_char_data, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fout: fout.write("---config@码表分类=主码-系统码表\n") fout.write("---config@允许编辑=否\n") fout.write(f"---config@码表别名=系统单字\n") pipe(, filter(lambda e: e.char in char_to_shape), map( lambda e: f"{e.char}\t{e.zrm+char_to_shape[e.char]}#序40000"), for_each(lambda e: fout.write(e+'\n')), ) del_words = pipe(, map(lambda e: e.word), set ) sys_word_data = f"{output_dir}/sys_word_data.txt" with open(sys_word_data, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fout: fout.write("---config@码表分类=主码-2\n") fout.write("---config@允许编辑=否\n") fout.write(f"---config@码表别名=系统词组\n") pipe(, WordPhoneTable.priority.desc()), filter(lambda e: e.word not in del_words), map(lambda e: (f'{e.word}\t{e.zrm}', e.word[0], e.word[-1])), filter(lambda e: e[1] in char_to_shape and e[2] in char_to_shape), map(lambda e: f'{e[0]}{char_to_shape[e[1]][0]}{char_to_shape[e[2]][-1]}#序20000'),
#encoding=utf8 import os, sys from datetime import datetime from tables import db, DelWordTable from toolz.curried import map, filter, pipe, groupby, keymap if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("USAGE: python3 words.txt") sys.exit(1) _, words_path = sys.argv exist_wordphones = pipe(, map(lambda e: e.word), set) with open(words_path, "r", encoding='utf8') as fin: to_add_words = pipe( fin, map(lambda e: e.strip()), filter(lambda e: e != ''), filter(lambda e: e not in exist_wordphones), groupby(lambda e: e), keymap(lambda e: DelWordTable(word=e,, ) with db.atomic(): DelWordTable.bulk_create(to_add_words, batch_size=100) # for w in to_add_words: # print(f"add {w}") # #