Пример #1
def mark_post(start_response, ctx, mark):
    argd = find_post_args(ctx)

    tags = tagbase.split_marks(argd['tags'])
    (stamp0, stamp1) = mark.key()
    ctx.base.edit1(stamp0, stamp1,
                   argd['title'], argd['href'], argd['extra'], tags)

    # Since the URL stays the same, we eschew 303 here.
    # Just re-read the base entry with a lookup and pretend this was a GET.
    mark = ctx.base.lookup(stamp0, stamp1)
    if mark == None:
        raise App404Error("Mark not found: "+str(stamp0)+"."+str(stamp1))
    return mark_get(start_response, ctx, mark, stamp0)
Пример #2
def edit_post(start_response, ctx):
    username = ctx.user['name']
    userpath = ctx.prefix+'/'+username

    argd = find_post_args(ctx)
    tags = tagbase.split_marks(argd['tags'])

    stamp0 = int(time.time())
    stamp1 = ctx.base.add1(stamp0,
                           argd['title'], argd['href'], argd['extra'], tags)
    if stamp1 < 0:
        raise App404Error("Out of fix: %d" % stamp0)

    redihref = '%s/mark.%d.%02d' % (userpath, stamp0, stamp1)

    response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]
    response_headers.append(('Location', slasti.safestr(redihref)))
    start_response("303 See Other", response_headers)

    jsondict = { "href_redir": redihref }
    return [template_html_redirect.substitute(jsondict)]