Пример #1
def processor(data):
    This is a functional form of data_processor sans some features.
    data : string
        path and file name of data (e.g. ld.trainDat)
    xy_keys : list
        list of keys for data dictionary
    dat_array : ndarray
        parsed data dictionary now stored in numpy array
    tag_master : list
        list of tags from Knowledge Component data
    tag_array : ndarray
        array of knowledge component presence in each question
    opp_array : ndarray
        array of opportunity count for each component in each question
    xy_keys,xy_train = ld.loader(data)
    # Process time strings to seconds
    for i in range(4):
        print 'Processing ' + time_strings[i]
        xy_train[time_strings[i]] = ld.convert_times(xy_train[time_strings[i]])
    # Convert Step Duration to seconds
    xy_train['Step Duration (sec)'] = (xy_train['Step End Time']-
                                        xy_train['Step Start Time'])

    # Dictionary of anonId and problem tags
    all_dicts = []

    # Process string ids
    for i in range(2):
        print 'Processing ' + id_strings[i]
        xy_train[id_strings[i]],temp = ida.ID_assigner(xy_train[id_strings[i]])

    xy_train['Problem Hierarchy'],temp,temp2 = ida.unit_ID_assigner(
                                                xy_train['Problem Hierarchy'])
    #These are the variables I care about at the moment, add if want more - JGL
    # 'Anon Student Id','Incorrects','Corrects','Problem View',
    #'Correct Transaction Time','Correct First Attempt','Step Start Time',
    #'First Transaction Time','Problem Hierarchy','Hints','Step End Time']
    # KC(Default) and Opportunity(Default) separate arrays.
    dat_array = np.empty([datLen,14])
    dat_array[:,0] = xy_train['Anon Student Id']
    dat_array[:,1] = xy_train['Problem Name']
    dat_array[:,2] = xy_train['Problem Hierarchy']
    dat_array[:,3] = np.array(xy_train['Incorrects'],dtype=int)
    dat_array[:,4] = np.array(xy_train['Hints'],dtype=int)
    dat_array[:,5] = np.array(xy_train['Corrects'],dtype=int)
    dat_array[:,6] = np.array(xy_train['Correct First Attempt'],dtype=int)
    dat_array[:,7] = np.array(xy_train['Problem View'],dtype=int)
    dat_array[:,8] = xy_train['Step Start Time']
    dat_array[:,9] = xy_train['First Transaction Time']
    dat_array[:,10] = xy_train['Correct Transaction Time']
    dat_array[:,11] = xy_train['Step End Time']
    dat_array[:,12] = xy_train['Step Duration (sec)']
    dat_array[:,13] = ld.check_final_answer(xy_train['Step Name'])
    # Process Knowledge components
    tag_master = tg.string_tags(xy_train['KC(Default)'])

    # Process opportunity
    tag_array,opp_array = tg.tags_to_array(
    return xy_keys, dat_array, tag_master, tag_array, opp_array
Пример #2

[xy_train['Problem Hierarchy'],temp,temp2] = ida.unit_ID_assigner(xy_train['Problem Hierarchy'])

#	0: Student ID
#	1: Step Name
#	2: Problem Name
#	3: Problem Unit
#	4: Problem Section

tag_master = tg.string_tags(xy_train['KC(Default)'])

[tag_array,opp_array] = tg.tags_to_array(xy_train['KC(Default)'],xy_train['Opportunity(Default)'],tag_master)

#Look up location of index in array
#tag_master.index(SOME STRING)
int_s = ['Correct First Attempt','Incorrects','Hints','Corrects']

for i in range(len(int_s)):
    xy_train[int_s[i]] = map(int,xy_train[int_s[i]])

y_pred = xy_train['Correct First Attempt']

#Check entropy of the data
ent = dt.entropy_calc(y_pred,[0],[])

def step_normalize(stud_IDs,stud_dict,step_start_time,first_trans_time,corr_trans_time,step_end_time):
# Normalizes the step start time by student's first transation time
Пример #3
def processor_test(data, dicts, tags, master = False):
    This is a functional form of data_processor sans some features.
    data : string
        path and file name of data (e.g. ld.testDat)
    dicts : list
        list of dictionaries from processing training data
    tags : list
        list of tags from processing training data
    xy_keys : list
        list of keys for data dictionary
    dat_array : ndarray
        parsed data dictionary now stored in numpy array
    tags2 : list
        list of tags from Knowledge Component data
    tag_array : ndarray
        array of knowledge component presence in each question
    opp_array : ndarray
        array of opportunity count for each component in each question
    xy_keys,xy_test = ld.loader(data)

    # Dictionary of anonId and problem tags
    all_dicts = []

    # Process string ids
    for i in range(2):
        print 'Processing ' + id_strings[i]
        xy_test[id_strings[i]],temp = ida.ID_assigner_TEST(xy_test[id_strings[i]],

    xy_test['Problem Hierarchy'],temp,temp2 = ida.unit_ID_assigner_TEST(
                                                xy_test['Problem Hierarchy'],
    datLen = len(xy_test[xy_keys[0]])
    #These are the variables I care about at the moment, add if want more - JGL
    # 'Anon Student Id','Incorrects','Corrects','Problem View',
    #'Correct Transaction Time','Correct First Attempt','Step Start Time',
    #'First Transaction Time','Problem Hierarchy','Hints','Step End Time']
    # KC(Default) and Opportunity(Default) separate arrays.
    dat_array = np.zeros([datLen,16])
    dat_array[:,0] = xy_test['Anon Student Id']
    dat_array[:,1] = xy_test['Problem Name']
    dat_array[:,2:4] = xy_test['Problem Hierarchy']
    dat_array[:,8] = np.array(xy_test['Problem View'],dtype=int)
    dat_array[:,14] = ld.check_final_answer(xy_test['Step Name'])
    dat_array[:,15] = np.array(xy_test['Row'],dtype=int)
    if master == True:
        nsize = len(xy_test['Anon Student Id'])
        # Process time strings to seconds
        for i in range(4):
            print 'Processing ' + time_strings[i]
            xy_test[time_strings[i]] = ld.convert_times(xy_test[time_strings[i]])
        # Convert durations to seconds, 0 if not present    
        for i in range(len(dur_strings)):
            print 'Processing '+dur_strings[i]
            for j in range(nsize):
                if xy_test[dur_strings[i]][j] == '':
                    xy_test[dur_strings[i]][j] = 0.0
                    xy_test[dur_strings[i]][j] = float(xy_test[dur_strings[i]][j])
        dat_array[:,4] = np.array(xy_test['Incorrects'],dtype=int)
        dat_array[:,5] = np.array(xy_test['Hints'],dtype=int)
        dat_array[:,6] = np.array(xy_test['Corrects'],dtype=int)
        dat_array[:,7] = np.array(xy_test['Correct First Attempt'],dtype=int)
        dat_array[:,8] = np.array(xy_test['Problem View'],dtype=int)
        dat_array[:,9] = xy_test['Step Start Time']
        dat_array[:,10] = xy_test['First Transaction Time']
        dat_array[:,11] = xy_test['Correct Transaction Time']
        dat_array[:,12] = xy_test['Step End Time']
        dat_array[:,13] = np.array(xy_test['Step Duration (sec)'])
    # Process Knowledge components
    newTags = tg.string_tags(xy_test['KC(Default)'])
    #Better to make a copy of tags
    tags2 = list(tags)

    # Process opportunity
    tag_array,opp_array = tg.tags_to_array(
    return xy_keys, all_dicts, dat_array, tags2, tag_array, opp_array