def run(self, args): # Support native python numerical types (int, float), Ndarray. # Taichi Matrix types are flattened into (int, float) arrays. # TODO diminish the flatten behavior when Matrix becomes a Taichi native type. arg_ptrs = {} arg_ints = {} arg_floats = {} arg_doubles = {} for k, v in args.items(): if isinstance(v, Ndarray): arg_ptrs[k] = v.arr elif isinstance(v, int): arg_ints[k] = v elif isinstance(v, float): arg_doubles[k] = v elif isinstance(v, Matrix): mat_val_id = 0 for a in range(v.n): for b in range(v.m): key = f"{k}_mat_arg_{mat_val_id}" mat_val_id += 1 if isinstance(v[a, b], int): arg_ints[key] = int(v[a, b]) elif isinstance(v[a, b], float): arg_floats[key] = float(v[a, b]) else: raise TaichiRuntimeError( f'Only python int, float are supported as matrix runtime arguments but got {type(v)}' ) else: raise TaichiRuntimeError( f'Only python int, float and ti.Ndarray are supported as runtime arguments but got {type(v)}' ), arg_ints, arg_floats, arg_doubles)
def get_paddle_callbacks(self, v, has_pp): callbacks = [] def get_call_back(u, v): def call_back(): u.copy_(v, False) return call_back assert has_pp assert isinstance(v, paddle.Tensor) tmp = v.value().get_tensor() taichi_arch = self.runtime.prog.config.arch if # External tensor on cuda if taichi_arch != _ti_core.Arch.cuda: # copy data back to cpu host_v = v.cpu() tmp = host_v.value().get_tensor() callbacks.append(get_call_back(v, host_v)) elif # External tensor on cpu if taichi_arch == _ti_core.Arch.cuda: gpu_v = v.cuda() tmp = gpu_v.value().get_tensor() callbacks.append(get_call_back(v, gpu_v)) else: # Paddle do support many other backends like XPU, NPU, MLU, IPU. raise TaichiRuntimeError( f"Taichi do not support backend {} that Paddle support." ) return tmp, callbacks
def ndarray(dtype, shape, layout=Layout.NULL): """Defines a Taichi ndarray with scalar elements. Args: dtype (Union[DataType, MatrixType]): Data type of each element. This can be either a scalar type like ti.f32 or a compound type like ti.types.vector(3, ti.i32). shape (Union[int, tuple[int]]): Shape of the ndarray. layout (Layout, optional): Layout of ndarray, only applicable when element is non-scalar type. Default is Layout.AOS. Example: The code below shows how a Taichi ndarray with scalar elements can be declared and defined:: >>> x = ti.ndarray(ti.f32, shape=(16, 8)) # ndarray of shape (16, 8), each element is ti.f32 scalar. >>> vec3 = ti.types.vector(3, ti.i32) >>> y = ti.ndarray(vec3, shape=(10, 2)) # ndarray of shape (10, 2), each element is a vector of 3 ti.i32 scalars. >>> matrix_ty = ti.types.matrix(3, 4, float) >>> z = ti.ndarray(matrix_ty, shape=(4, 5), layout=ti.Layout.SOA) # ndarray of shape (4, 5), each element is a matrix of (3, 4) ti.float scalars. """ if isinstance(shape, numbers.Number): shape = (shape, ) if dtype in all_types: assert layout == Layout.NULL return ScalarNdarray(dtype, shape) if isinstance(dtype, MatrixType): layout = Layout.AOS if layout == Layout.NULL else layout return MatrixNdarray(dtype.n, dtype.m, dtype.dtype, shape, layout) raise TaichiRuntimeError( f'{dtype} is not supported as ndarray element type')
def create_field_member(dtype, name, needs_grad, needs_dual): dtype = cook_dtype(dtype) # primal prog = get_runtime().prog if prog is None: raise TaichiRuntimeError( "Cannont create field, maybe you forgot to call `ti.init()` first?" ) x = Expr(prog.make_id_expr("")) x.declaration_tb = get_traceback(stacklevel=4) x.ptr = _ti_core.global_new(x.ptr, dtype) x.ptr.set_name(name) x.ptr.set_is_primal(True) pytaichi.global_vars.append(x) x_grad = None x_dual = None if _ti_core.is_real(dtype): # adjoint x_grad = Expr(get_runtime().prog.make_id_expr("")) x_grad.declaration_tb = get_traceback(stacklevel=4) x_grad.ptr = _ti_core.global_new(x_grad.ptr, dtype) x_grad.ptr.set_name(name + ".grad") x_grad.ptr.set_is_primal(False) x.ptr.set_adjoint(x_grad.ptr) if needs_grad: pytaichi.grad_vars.append(x_grad) # dual x_dual = Expr(get_runtime().prog.make_id_expr("")) x_dual.ptr = _ti_core.global_new(x_dual.ptr, dtype) x_dual.ptr.set_name(name + ".dual") x_dual.ptr.set_is_primal(False) x.ptr.set_dual(x_dual.ptr) if needs_dual: pytaichi.dual_vars.append(x_dual) elif needs_grad or needs_dual: raise TaichiRuntimeError( f'{dtype} is not supported for field with `needs_grad=True` or `needs_dual=True`.' ) return x, x_grad, x_dual
def __init__(self, dtype=f32, solver_type="LLT", ordering="AMD"): solver_type_list = ["LLT", "LDLT", "LU"] solver_ordering = ['AMD', 'COLAMD'] if solver_type in solver_type_list and ordering in solver_ordering: taichi_arch = taichi.lang.impl.get_runtime().prog.config.arch assert taichi_arch == _ti_core.Arch.x64 or taichi_arch == _ti_core.Arch.arm64, "SparseSolver only supports CPU for now." self.solver = _ti_core.make_sparse_solver(dtype, solver_type, ordering) else: raise TaichiRuntimeError( f"The solver type {solver_type} with {ordering} is not supported for now. Only {solver_type_list} with {solver_ordering} are supported." )
def build_from_ndarray(self, ndarray): """Build the sparse matrix from a ndarray. Args: ndarray (Union[ti.ndarray, ti.Vector.ndarray, ti.Matrix.ndarray]): the ndarray to build the sparse matrix from. Raises: TaichiRuntimeError: If the input is not a ndarray or the length is not divisible by 3. Example:: >>> N = 5 >>> triplets = ti.Vector.ndarray(n=3, dtype=ti.f32, shape=10, layout=ti.Layout.AOS) >>> @ti.kernel >>> def fill(triplets: ti.types.ndarray()): >>> for i in range(N): >>> triplets[i] = ti.Vector([i, (i + 1) % N, i+1], dt=ti.f32) >>> fill(triplets) >>> A = ti.linalg.SparseMatrix(n=N, m=N, dtype=ti.f32) >>> A.build_from_ndarray(triplets) >>> print(A) [0, 1, 0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 2, 0, 0] [0, 0, 0, 3, 0] [0, 0, 0, 0, 4] [5, 0, 0, 0, 0] """ if isinstance(ndarray, Ndarray): num_scalars = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, ndarray.shape + ndarray.element_shape) if num_scalars % 3 != 0: raise TaichiRuntimeError( "The number of ndarray elements must have a length that is divisible by 3." ) get_runtime().prog.make_sparse_matrix_from_ndarray( self.matrix, ndarray.arr) else: raise TaichiRuntimeError( 'Sparse matrix only supports building from [ti.ndarray, ti.Vector.ndarray, ti.Matrix.ndarray]' )
def Arg(tag, name, dtype=None, field_dim=0, element_shape=(), channel_format=None, shape=(), num_channels=None): if isinstance(dtype, MatrixType): if len(element_shape) > 0: raise TaichiRuntimeError( f'Element shape for MatrixType argument "{name}" is not supported.' ) mat_type = dtype arg_list = [] i = 0 for _ in range(mat_type.n): arg_sublist = [] for _ in range(mat_type.m): arg_sublist.append( _ti_core.Arg(tag, f'{name}_mat_arg_{i}', dtype.dtype, field_dim, element_shape)) i += 1 arg_list.append(arg_sublist) return arg_list if tag == ArgKind.TEXTURE or tag == ArgKind.RWTEXTURE: if channel_format is None or len(shape) == 0 or num_channels is None: raise TaichiRuntimeError( 'channel_format, num_channels and shape arguments are required for texture arguments' ) return _ti_core.Arg(tag, name, channel_format=channel_format, num_channels=num_channels, shape=shape) return _ti_core.Arg(tag, name, dtype, field_dim, element_shape)
def solve(self, b): # pylint: disable=R1710 """Computes the solution of the linear systems. Args: b (numpy.array or Field): The right-hand side of the linear systems. Returns: numpy.array: The solution of linear systems. """ if isinstance(b, Field): return self.solver.solve(b.to_numpy()) if isinstance(b, np.ndarray): return self.solver.solve(b) raise TaichiRuntimeError( f"The parameter type: {type(b)} is not supported in linear solvers for now." )
def run(self, args): arg_ptrs = {} # Only support native python numerical types (int, float) for now. arg_ints = {} arg_floats = {} for k, v in args.items(): if isinstance(v, Ndarray): arg_ptrs[k] = v.arr elif isinstance(v, int): arg_ints[k] = v elif isinstance(v, float): arg_floats[k] = v else: raise TaichiRuntimeError( 'Only python int, float and ti.Ndarray are supported as runtime arguments' ), arg_ints, arg_floats)
def Arg(tag, name, dtype, element_shape=()): if isinstance(dtype, MatrixType): if len(element_shape) > 0: raise TaichiRuntimeError( f'Element shape for MatrixType argument "{name}" is not supported.' ) mat_type = dtype arg_list = [] i = 0 for _ in range(mat_type.n): arg_sublist = [] for _ in range(mat_type.m): arg_sublist.append( _ti_core.Arg(tag, f'{name}_mat_arg_{i}', dtype.dtype, element_shape)) i += 1 arg_list.append(arg_sublist) return arg_list return _ti_core.Arg(tag, name, dtype, element_shape)
def __matmul__(self, other): """Matrix multiplication. Args: other (SparseMatrix, Field, or numpy.array): the other sparse matrix of the multiplication. Returns: The result of matrix multiplication. """ if isinstance(other, SparseMatrix): assert self.m == other.n, f"Dimension mismatch between sparse matrices ({self.n}, {self.m}) and ({other.n}, {other.m})" sm = self.matrix.matmul(other.matrix) return SparseMatrix(sm=sm) if isinstance(other, Field): assert self.m == other.shape[ 0], f"Dimension mismatch between sparse matrix ({self.n}, {self.m}) and vector ({other.shape})" return self.matrix.mat_vec_mul(other.to_numpy()) if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): assert self.m == other.shape[ 0], f"Dimension mismatch between sparse matrix ({self.n}, {self.m}) and vector ({other.shape})" return self.matrix.mat_vec_mul(other) raise TaichiRuntimeError( f"Sparse matrix-matrix/vector multiplication does not support {type(other)} for now. Supported types are SparseMatrix, ti.field, and numpy ndarray." )
def run(self, args): # Support native python numerical types (int, float), Ndarray. # Taichi Matrix types are flattened into (int, float) arrays. # TODO diminish the flatten behavior when Matrix becomes a Taichi native type. flattened = {} for k, v in args.items(): if isinstance(v, Ndarray): flattened[k] = v.arr elif isinstance(v, Texture): flattened[k] = v.tex elif isinstance(v, Matrix): mat_val_id = 0 for a in range(v.n): for b in range(v.m): key = f"{k}_mat_arg_{mat_val_id}" mat_val_id += 1 flattened[key] = v[a, b] elif isinstance(v, (int, float)): flattened[k] = v else: raise TaichiRuntimeError( f'Only python int, float, ti.Matrix and ti.Ndarray are supported as runtime arguments but got {type(v)}' )
def _check_not_finalized(self): if self._finalized: raise TaichiRuntimeError('FieldsBuilder finalized')
def _type_assert(sparse_matrix): raise TaichiRuntimeError( f"The parameter type: {type(sparse_matrix)} is not supported in linear solvers for now." )
def func__(*args): assert len(args) == len( self.argument_annotations ), f'{len(self.argument_annotations)} arguments needed but {len(args)} provided' tmps = [] callbacks = [] has_external_arrays = False has_torch = has_pytorch() actual_argument_slot = 0 launch_ctx = t_kernel.make_launch_context() for i, v in enumerate(args): needed = self.argument_annotations[i] if isinstance(needed, template): continue provided = type(v) # Note: do not use sth like "needed == f32". That would be slow. if id(needed) in primitive_types.real_type_ids: if not isinstance(v, (float, int)): raise TaichiRuntimeTypeError.get( i, needed.to_string(), provided) launch_ctx.set_arg_float(actual_argument_slot, float(v)) elif id(needed) in primitive_types.integer_type_ids: if not isinstance(v, int): raise TaichiRuntimeTypeError.get( i, needed.to_string(), provided) launch_ctx.set_arg_int(actual_argument_slot, int(v)) elif isinstance(needed, sparse_matrix_builder): # Pass only the base pointer of the ti.types.sparse_matrix_builder() argument launch_ctx.set_arg_int(actual_argument_slot, v._get_addr()) elif isinstance(needed, ndarray_type.NdarrayType) and isinstance( v, taichi.lang._ndarray.Ndarray): has_external_arrays = True v = v.arr launch_ctx.set_arg_ndarray(actual_argument_slot, v) elif isinstance( needed, ndarray_type.NdarrayType) and (self.match_ext_arr(v)): has_external_arrays = True is_numpy = isinstance(v, np.ndarray) if is_numpy: tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(v) # Purpose: DO NOT GC |tmp|! tmps.append(tmp) launch_ctx.set_arg_external_array_with_shape( actual_argument_slot, int(, tmp.nbytes, v.shape) else: is_ndarray = False tmp, torch_callbacks = self.get_torch_callbacks( v, has_torch, is_ndarray) callbacks += torch_callbacks launch_ctx.set_arg_external_array_with_shape( actual_argument_slot, int(tmp.data_ptr()), tmp.element_size() * tmp.nelement(), v.shape) elif isinstance(needed, MatrixType): if id(needed.dtype) in primitive_types.real_type_ids: for a in range(needed.n): for b in range(needed.m): if not isinstance(v[a, b], (int, float)): raise TaichiRuntimeTypeError.get( i, needed.dtype.to_string(), type(v[a, b])) launch_ctx.set_arg_float( actual_argument_slot, float(v[a, b])) actual_argument_slot += 1 elif id(needed.dtype) in primitive_types.integer_type_ids: for a in range(needed.n): for b in range(needed.m): if not isinstance(v[a, b], int): raise TaichiRuntimeTypeError.get( i, needed.dtype.to_string(), type(v[a, b])) launch_ctx.set_arg_int(actual_argument_slot, int(v[a, b])) actual_argument_slot += 1 else: raise ValueError( f'Matrix dtype {needed.dtype} is not integer type or real type.' ) continue else: raise ValueError( f'Argument type mismatch. Expecting {needed}, got {type(v)}.' ) actual_argument_slot += 1 # Both the class kernels and the plain-function kernels are unified now. # In both cases, |self.grad| is another Kernel instance that computes the # gradient. For class kernels, args[0] is always the kernel owner. if not self.is_grad and self.runtime.target_tape and not self.runtime.grad_replaced: self.runtime.target_tape.insert(self, args) if actual_argument_slot > 8 and ( impl.current_cfg().arch == _ti_core.opengl or impl.current_cfg().arch == raise TaichiRuntimeError( f"The number of elements in kernel arguments is too big! Do not exceed 8 on {_ti_core.arch_name(impl.current_cfg().arch)} backend." ) if actual_argument_slot > 64 and ( (impl.current_cfg().arch != _ti_core.opengl and impl.current_cfg().arch != raise TaichiRuntimeError( f"The number of elements in kernel arguments is too big! Do not exceed 64 on {_ti_core.arch_name(impl.current_cfg().arch)} backend." ) try: t_kernel(launch_ctx) except Exception as e: e = handle_exception_from_cpp(e) raise e from None ret = None ret_dt = self.return_type has_ret = ret_dt is not None if has_ret or (impl.current_cfg().async_mode and has_external_arrays): runtime_ops.sync() if has_ret: if id(ret_dt) in primitive_types.integer_type_ids: ret = t_kernel.get_ret_int(0) elif id(ret_dt) in primitive_types.real_type_ids: ret = t_kernel.get_ret_float(0) elif id(ret_dt.dtype) in primitive_types.integer_type_ids: it = iter(t_kernel.get_ret_int_tensor(0)) ret = Matrix([[next(it) for _ in range(ret_dt.m)] for _ in range(ret_dt.n)]) else: it = iter(t_kernel.get_ret_float_tensor(0)) ret = Matrix([[next(it) for _ in range(ret_dt.m)] for _ in range(ret_dt.n)]) if callbacks: for c in callbacks: c() return ret
def __getattr__(self, item): if item == '__qualname__': # For sphinx docstring extraction. return '_UninitializedRootFieldsBuilder' raise TaichiRuntimeError('Please call init() first')
def destroy(self): if self.destroyed: raise TaichiRuntimeError('SNode tree has been destroyed') self.ptr.destroy_snode_tree(impl.get_runtime().prog) self.destroyed = True
def id(self): if self.destroyed: raise TaichiRuntimeError('SNode tree has been destroyed') return