Пример #1
def make_shop(vnum):
    """Create an instance of a shop given by the vnum"""
        return converted_shops[vnum]
    except KeyError:
        c_shop = shops[vnum]
        shop = ShopBehavior()
        shop.vnum = c_shop.vnum  # keep the vnum
        shop.shopkeeper_vnum = c_shop.shopkeeper   # keep the vnum of the shopkeeper
        shop.banks_money = c_shop.banks
        shop.will_fight = c_shop.fights
        shop.buyprofit = c_shop.buyprofit       # price factor when shop buys an item
        assert shop.buyprofit <= 1.0
        shop.sellprofit = c_shop.sellprofit     # price factor when shop sells item
        assert shop.sellprofit >= 1.0
        open_hrs = (max(0, c_shop.open1), min(24, c_shop.close1))
        shop.open_hours = [open_hrs]
        if c_shop.open2 and c_shop.close2:
            open_hrs = (max(0, c_shop.open2), min(24, c_shop.close2))
        # items to be cloned when sold (endless supply):
        shop.forsale = set()
        missing_items = set()
        for item_vnum in c_shop.forsale:
            except KeyError:
        if missing_items:
            print("Shop #%d: unknown items:" % vnum, missing_items)
        shop.msg_playercantafford = c_shop.msg_playercantafford
        shop.msg_playercantbuy = c_shop.msg_playercantbuy
        shop.msg_playercantsell = c_shop.msg_playercantsell
        shop.msg_shopboughtitem = c_shop.msg_shopboughtitem
        shop.msg_shopcantafford = c_shop.msg_shopcantafford
        shop.msg_shopdoesnotbuy = c_shop.msg_shopdoesnotbuy
        shop.msg_shopsolditem = c_shop.msg_shopsolditem
        shop.action_temper = c_shop.msg_temper
        shop.willbuy = c_shop.willbuy
        shop.wontdealwith = c_shop.wontdealwith
        converted_shops[vnum] = shop
        return shop
Пример #2
def make_shop(vnum):
    """Create an instance of a shop given by the vnum"""
        return converted_shops[vnum]
    except KeyError:
        c_shop = shops[vnum]
        shop = ShopBehavior()
        shop.vnum = c_shop.vnum  # keep the vnum
        shop.shopkeeper_vnum = c_shop.shopkeeper  # keep the vnum of the shopkeeper
        shop.banks_money = c_shop.banks
        shop.will_fight = c_shop.fights
        shop.buyprofit = c_shop.buyprofit  # price factor when shop buys an item
        assert shop.buyprofit <= 1.0
        shop.sellprofit = c_shop.sellprofit  # price factor when shop sells item
        assert shop.sellprofit >= 1.0
        open_hrs = (max(0, c_shop.open1), min(24, c_shop.close1))
        shop.open_hours = [open_hrs]
        if c_shop.open2 and c_shop.close2:
            open_hrs = (max(0, c_shop.open2), min(24, c_shop.close2))
        # items to be cloned when sold (endless supply):
        shop.forsale = set()
        missing_items = set()
        for item_vnum in c_shop.forsale:
            except KeyError:
        if missing_items:
            print("Shop #%d: unknown items:" % vnum, missing_items)
        shop.msg_playercantafford = c_shop.msg_playercantafford
        shop.msg_playercantbuy = c_shop.msg_playercantbuy
        shop.msg_playercantsell = c_shop.msg_playercantsell
        shop.msg_shopboughtitem = c_shop.msg_shopboughtitem
        shop.msg_shopcantafford = c_shop.msg_shopcantafford
        shop.msg_shopdoesnotbuy = c_shop.msg_shopdoesnotbuy
        shop.msg_shopsolditem = c_shop.msg_shopsolditem
        shop.action_temper = c_shop.msg_temper
        shop.willbuy = c_shop.willbuy
        shop.wontdealwith = c_shop.wontdealwith
        converted_shops[vnum] = shop
        return shop