Пример #1
 def draw_text(offset_x, offset_y, width, height):
     canvas.paint.text_align = canvas.paint.TextAlign.CENTER
     for row in range(3):
         for col in range(3):
             text_string = ""
             if settings["user.grids_put_one_bottom_left"]:
                 text_string = f"{(2 - row)*3+col+1}"
                 text_string = f"{row*3+col+1}"
             text_rect = canvas.paint.measure_text(text_string)[1]
             background_rect = text_rect.copy()
             background_rect.center = Point2d(
                 offset_x + width / 6 + col * width / 3,
                 offset_y + height / 6 + row * height / 3,
             background_rect = background_rect.inset(-4)
             paint.color = "9999995f"
             paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL
             paint.color = "00ff00ff"
                 offset_x + width / 6 + col * width / 3,
                 offset_y + height / 6 + row * height / 3 +
                 text_rect.height / 2,
Пример #2
 def draw_header_buttons(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
     header_height = dimensions["header_height"]    
     dimensions = dimensions["rect"]    
     # Header button tray 
     x = dimensions.x
     for index, icon in enumerate(self.icons):
         # Minimize / maximize icon
         icon_position = Point2d(x + dimensions.width - (self.icon_radius * 1.5 + ( index * self.icon_radius * 2.2 )),
             dimensions.y + self.icon_radius + self.padding[0] / 2)
         self.icons[index].pos = icon_position
         paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
         if icon.id == "minimize":
             hover_colour = self.theme.get_colour("button_hover_background", "999999") if self.icon_hovered == index \
                 else self.theme.get_colour("button_background", "CCCCCC")
             paint.shader = linear_gradient(self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + header_height, (hover_colour, hover_colour))
             canvas.draw_circle(icon_position.x, icon_position.y, self.icon_radius, paint)
             text_colour = self.theme.get_colour("icon_colour", "000000")
             paint.shader = linear_gradient(self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + header_height, (text_colour, text_colour))
             if not self.minimized:
                 canvas.draw_rect(ui.Rect(icon_position.x - self.icon_radius / 2, icon_position.y - 1, self.icon_radius, 2))
                 paint.style = paint.Style.STROKE
                 canvas.draw_rect(ui.Rect( 1 + icon_position.x - self.icon_radius / 2, icon_position.y - self.icon_radius / 2, 
                     self.icon_radius - 2, self.icon_radius - 2))                
         elif icon.id == "close":
             close_colour = self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_hover_colour") if self.icon_hovered == index else self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_accent_colour")            
             paint.shader = linear_gradient(self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + header_height, (self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_colour"), close_colour))
             canvas.draw_circle(icon_position.x, icon_position.y, self.icon_radius, paint)
Пример #3
        def draw_text(offset_x, offset_y, width, height):
            canvas.paint.text_align = canvas.paint.TextAlign.CENTER
            for row in range(3):
                for col in range(3):
                    text_string = ""
                    text_string = f"{row*3+col+1}"
                    text_rect = canvas.paint.measure_text(text_string)[1]
                    center = Point2d(
                        offset_x + width / 6 + col * width / 3,
                        offset_y + height / 6 + row * height / 3,

                    background_rect = text_rect.copy()
                    background_rect.center = center
                    background_rect = background_rect.inset(-4)
                    paint.color = "9999995f"
                    paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL

                    paint.color = "00ff00ff"
                        center.y + text_rect.height / 2,
Пример #4
 def setup_draw_cycle(self, canvas):
     """Drawing cycle that mimics a screen region set up"""
     region = HudScreenRegion("setup", "Setup mode text", "command_icon", "DD4500", canvas.rect, \
         Point2d(canvas.rect.x, canvas.rect.y), vertical_centered = True)
     region.text_colour = "FFFFFF"
     canvas_rect = self.align_region_canvas_rect(region)
     self.draw_region(canvas, region, True)
     if self.canvas:
        def draw_text():
            canvas.paint.text_align = canvas.paint.TextAlign.CENTER
            canvas.paint.textsize = 17
            for row in range(0, self.rows + 1):
                skip_it = row % 2 == 0
                for col in range(0, self.columns + 1):
                    skip_it = not skip_it

                    center = Point2d(
                        col * self.field_size + self.field_size / 2,
                        row * self.field_size + self.field_size / 2,

                    if not skip_it or not self.checkers:
                        text_string = f"{letters[row % len(letters)]}{letters[col % len(letters)]}"
                        text_rect = canvas.paint.measure_text(text_string)[1]
                        background_rect = text_rect.copy()
                        background_rect.center = Point2d(
                            col * self.field_size + self.field_size / 2,
                            row * self.field_size + self.field_size / 2,
                        background_rect = background_rect.inset(-4)
                        if (self.input_so_far.startswith(
                                letters[row % len(letters)])
                                or len(self.input_so_far) > 1
                                and self.input_so_far.endswith(
                                    letters[col % len(letters)])):
                            canvas.paint.color = setting_row_highlighter.get(
                            ) + hx(self.label_transparency)
                            canvas.paint.color = setting_letters_background_color.get(
                            ) + hx(self.label_transparency)
                            canvas.paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL
                        canvas.paint.color = setting_small_letters_color.get(
                        ) + hx(self.label_transparency)
                        #paint.style = Paint.Style.STROKE
                            col * self.field_size + self.field_size / 2,
                            row * self.field_size + self.field_size / 2 +
                            text_rect.height / 2)
Пример #6
 def draw_header_buttons(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
     # Header button tray 
     x = dimensions.x
     for index, icon in enumerate(self.icons):
         icon_position = Point2d(x + dimensions.width - (icon_radius * 1.5 + ( index * icon_radius * 2.2 )),
             dimensions.y + icon_radius + self.padding[0] / 2)
         self.icons[index].pos = icon_position
         paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
         if icon.id == "close":
             close_colour = self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_hover_colour") if self.icon_hovered == index else self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_accent_colour")
             paint.shader = linear_gradient(icon_position.x, dimensions.y, icon_position.x, icon_position.y + icon_radius, (self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_colour"), close_colour))
             canvas.draw_circle(icon_position.x, icon_position.y, icon_radius, paint)
Пример #7
    def determine_active_icon(self, pos):
        pos = Point2d(pos[0], pos[1])
        active_icon = None
        size = None
        for icon in self.cursor_icons:
            if icon.rect is None and active_icon is None:
                active_icon = icon
            if icon.rect is not None and hit_test_rect(icon.rect, pos):
                if size is None or size > icon.rect.width * icon.rect.height:
                    size = icon.rect.width * icon.rect.height
                    active_icon = icon

        self.active_icon = active_icon
Пример #8
 def hud_create_screen_region(topic: str,
                              colour: str = None,
                              icon: str = None,
                              title: str = None,
                              hover_visibility: Union[bool, int] = False,
                              x: int = 0,
                              y: int = 0,
                              width: int = 0,
                              height: int = 0,
                              relative_x: int = 0,
                              relative_y: int = 0):
     """Create a HUD screen region, where by default it is active all over the available space and it is visible only on a hover"""
     rect = ui.Rect(x, y, width, height) if width * height > 0 else None
     point = Point2d(x + relative_x, y + relative_y)
     return HudScreenRegion(topic, title, icon, colour, rect, point,
Пример #9
    def draw_footer_buttons(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
        footer_height = dimensions["header_height"]
        dimensions = dimensions["rect"]

        # Small divider between the content and the footer
        x = dimensions.x + self.padding[3]
        start_y = dimensions.y + dimensions.height - self.padding[0] - self.padding[2] / 2        
        for index, icon in enumerate(self.footer_icons):
            icon_position = Point2d(x + dimensions.width - self.padding[3] - (self.icon_radius * 1.5 + ( index * self.icon_radius * 2.2 )),
                start_y - self.padding[0] * 2)
            self.footer_icons[index].pos = icon_position
            paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
            hover_colour = self.theme.get_colour("button_hover_background", "999999") if self.footer_icon_hovered == index \
                else self.theme.get_colour("button_background", "CCCCCC")
            paint.shader = linear_gradient(self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + footer_height, ("AAAAAA", hover_colour))
            canvas.draw_circle(icon_position.x, icon_position.y, self.icon_radius, paint)
            image = self.theme.get_image(icon.image)
            if image:
                canvas.draw_image(image, icon_position.x - image.width / 2, icon_position.y - image.height / 2)
Пример #10
    def determine_active_regions(self, pos):
        pos = Point2d(pos[0], pos[1])
        active_regions = []
        size = None
        for region in self.regions:
            if not region.hover_visibility:
                if region.rect is None:
                elif region.rect is not None and region.hover_visibility == 1 and hit_test_rect(
                        region.rect, pos):
                # For hover visibility -1 , we want the region canvas to be translucent when hovered
                # So it doesn"t occlude content - But otherwise it should be visible
                elif region.hover_visibility == -1:
                    rect = self.align_region_canvas_rect(region)
                    if not hit_test_rect(rect, pos):

        if self.active_regions != active_regions:
            self.active_regions = active_regions
            for canvas_reference in self.canvases:
    def jump(self, spoken_letters, number=-1, compasspoint=None):
        if number == -1:
            number = self.default_superblock + 1
        base_rect = self.superblocks[number - 1].copy()
        base_rect.x += self.rect.x
        base_rect.y += self.rect.y
        spoken_letters = spoken_letters.upper()

        x_idx = letters.index(spoken_letters[1])
        y_idx = letters.index(spoken_letters[0])

        if compasspoint != None:
            index = direction_name_step.index(compasspoint)
            point = direction_vectors[index]

            point = Point2d(0, 0)

            point.x + base_rect.x + x_idx * self.field_size +
            self.field_size / 2, point.y + base_rect.y +
            y_idx * self.field_size + self.field_size / 2)

        self.input_so_far = ""
Пример #12
    def start_setup(self, setup_type, mouse_position=None):
        """Starts a setup mode that is used for moving, resizing and other various changes that the user might setup"""
        if (mouse_position is not None):
            self.drag_position = [
                mouse_position[0] - self.limit_x,
                mouse_position[1] - self.limit_y

        if (setup_type not in self.allowed_setup_options
                and setup_type not in ["", "cancel", "reload"]):

        pos = ctrl.mouse_pos()

        # Persist the user preferences when we end our setup
        if (self.setup_type != "" and not setup_type):
            self.drag_position = []
            rect = self.canvas.rect

            if (self.setup_type == "dimension"):
                self.x = 0
                self.y = 0
                self.width = int(rect.width)
                self.height = int(rect.height)
                self.limit_width = int(rect.width)
                self.limit_height = int(rect.height)
                self.preferences.width = self.limit_width
                self.preferences.height = self.limit_height
                self.preferences.limit_width = self.limit_width
                self.preferences.limit_height = self.limit_height
            elif (self.setup_type == "font_size"):
                self.preferences.font_size = self.font_size

            self.setup_type = setup_type
            self.preferences.mark_changed = True
            self.canvas.unregister("draw", self.setup_draw_cycle)
            self.canvas = None

        # Cancel every change
        elif setup_type == "cancel":
            self.drag_position = []
            if (self.setup_type != ""):
                self.load({}, False)

                self.setup_type = ""
                if self.canvas:
                    self.canvas.unregister("draw", self.setup_draw_cycle)
                    self.canvas = None

                for canvas_reference in self.canvases:
                    canvas_rect = self.align_region_canvas_rect(
                    canvas_reference["canvas"].rect = canvas_rect

        elif setup_type == "reload":
            self.drag_position = []
            self.setup_type = ""
            for canvas_reference in self.canvases:

        # Start the setup by mocking a full screen screen region to place the canvas in
            main_screen = ui.main_screen()
            region = HudScreenRegion("setup", "Setup mode text", "command_icon", "DD4500", main_screen.rect, \
                Point2d(main_screen.rect.x, main_screen.rect.y))
            region.vertical_centered = True
            canvas_rect = self.align_region_canvas_rect(region)
            self.x = canvas_rect.x
            self.y = canvas_rect.y

            if not self.canvas:
                self.canvas = canvas.Canvas(self.x, self.y, self.limit_width,
                self.canvas.register("draw", self.setup_draw_cycle)
            self.canvas.move(self.x, self.y)
            super().start_setup(setup_type, mouse_position)
ctx = Context()

ctx.matches = r"""
tag: user.full_mouse_grid_enabled

# stolen from the race car, this should probably go in a central spot somewhere
direction_name_steps = [
    "east", "east south east", "south east", "south south east", "south",
    "south south west", "south west", "west south west", "west",
    "west north west", "north west", "north north west", "north",
    "north north east", "north east", "east north east"

direction_vectors = [Point2d(0, 0) for i in range(len(direction_name_steps))]

direction_vectors[0] = Point2d(1, 0)
direction_vectors[4] = Point2d(0, 1)
direction_vectors[8] = Point2d(-1, 0)
direction_vectors[12] = Point2d(0, -1)

for i in [2, 6, 10, 14]:
    direction_vectors[i] = direction_vectors[
        (i - 2) % len(direction_vectors)] + direction_vectors[
            (i + 2) % len(direction_vectors)]

for i in [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]:
    direction_vectors[i] = (
        direction_vectors[(i - 1) % len(direction_vectors)] +
        direction_vectors[(i + 1) % len(direction_vectors)]) / 2
Пример #14
 def hud_show_context_menu(widget_id: str, pos_x: int, pos_y: int,
                           buttons: list[HudButton]):
     """Show the context menu for a specific widget id"""
     hud.move_context_menu(widget_id, Point2d(pos_x, pos_y), buttons)
Пример #15
class HeadUpTextPanel(LayoutWidget):
    preferences = HeadUpDisplayUserWidgetPreferences(type="text_box", x=1680, y=50, width=200, height=200, limit_x=1580, limit_y=50, limit_width=300, limit_height=400, enabled=False, alignment="left", expand_direction="down", font_size=18)
    mouse_enabled = True
    # New content topic types
    topic_types = ["text"]
    current_topics = []
    subscriptions = ["*"]

    # Top, right, bottom, left, same order as CSS padding
    padding = [3, 20, 10, 8]
    line_padding = 6
    # Options given to the context menu
    default_buttons = [
        HudButton("copy_icon", "Copy contents", ui.Rect(0,0,0,0), lambda widget: widget.copy_contents())
    buttons = []
    # All the header icons in a right to left order
    icon_radius = 10
    icon_hovered = -1
    icons = [HudIcon("close", "", Point2d(0,0), icon_radius, close_widget),
        HudIcon("minimize", "", Point2d(0,0), icon_radius, minimize_toggle_widget),
    # All the footer icons in a right to left order
    footer_icon_hovered = -1
    footer_icons = [HudIcon("next", "next_icon", Point2d(0,0), icon_radius, lambda widget: widget.set_page_index(widget.page_index + 1)),
        HudIcon("previous", "previous_icon", Point2d(0,0), icon_radius, lambda widget: widget.set_page_index(widget.page_index - 1))

    panel_content = HudPanelContent("", "", [""], [], 0, False)    
    animation_max_duration = 60
    def copy_contents(self):
        actions.user.hud_add_log("event", "Copied contents to clipboard!")
    def update_panel(self, panel_content) -> bool:
        # Update the content buttons
        self.buttons = list(panel_content.buttons)
        return super().update_panel(panel_content)
    def set_preference(self, preference, value, persisted=False):
        self.mark_layout_invalid = True
        super().set_preference(preference, value, persisted)
    def load_theme_values(self):
        self.intro_animation_start_colour = self.theme.get_colour_as_ints("intro_animation_start_colour")
        self.intro_animation_end_colour = self.theme.get_colour_as_ints("intro_animation_end_colour")
        self.blink_difference = [
            self.intro_animation_end_colour[0] - self.intro_animation_start_colour[0],
            self.intro_animation_end_colour[1] - self.intro_animation_start_colour[1],
            self.intro_animation_end_colour[2] - self.intro_animation_start_colour[2]        
    def on_mouse(self, event):
        icon_hovered = -1
        for index, icon in enumerate(self.icons):
            if hit_test_icon(icon, event.gpos):
                icon_hovered = index
        footer_icon_hovered = -1
        if icon_hovered == -1:
            for index, icon in enumerate(self.footer_icons):
                if hit_test_icon(icon, event.gpos):
                    footer_icon_hovered = index

        if icon_hovered != self.icon_hovered or footer_icon_hovered != self.footer_icon_hovered:
            self.icon_hovered = icon_hovered
            self.footer_icon_hovered = footer_icon_hovered
        if event.event == "mouseup" and event.button == 0:
            clicked_icon = None
            if icon_hovered != -1:
                clicked_icon = self.icons[icon_hovered]
            elif footer_icon_hovered != -1:
                clicked_icon = self.footer_icons[footer_icon_hovered]
            if clicked_icon != None:
                self.icon_hovered = -1
                self.footer_icon_hovered = -1

        if event.button == 1 and event.event == "mouseup":
            self.event_dispatch.show_context_menu(self.id, event.gpos, self.buttons)

        if event.button == 0 and event.event == "mouseup":

        # Allow dragging and dropping with the mouse
        if icon_hovered == -1 and footer_icon_hovered == -1:
    def layout_content(self, canvas, paint):
        paint.textsize = self.font_size
        # Line padding needs to accumulate to at least 1.5 times the font size
        # In order to make it readable according to WCAG specifications
        # https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#visual-presentation
        self.line_padding = int(self.font_size / 2) + 1 if self.font_size <= 17 else 5
        horizontal_alignment = "right" if self.limit_x < self.x else "left"
        vertical_alignment = "bottom" if self.limit_y < self.y else "top"
        layout_width = max(self.width - self.padding[1] - self.padding[3] * 2, 
            self.limit_width - self.padding[1] * 2 - self.padding[3] * 2)
        icon_size = len(self.icons) * 2 * self.icon_radius
        """Calculates the width and the height of the content"""
        header_title = self.panel_content.title if self.panel_content.title != "" else self.id
        header_text = layout_rich_text(paint, header_title, self.limit_width - icon_size, self.limit_height)
        content_text = [] if self.minimized else layout_rich_text(paint, self.panel_content.content[0], layout_width, self.limit_height)
        layout_pages = []
        line_count = 0
        total_text_width = 0
        total_text_height = 0
        current_line_length = 0
        header_height = 0
        # The header can only be one line long, so only take the first line
        for index, text in enumerate(header_text):
            line_count = line_count + 1 if text.x == 0 else line_count
            if line_count <= 1:
                header_height = text.height + self.padding[0] * 2
                current_line_length = current_line_length + text.width + self.icon_radius * 1.5
                total_text_width = max( total_text_width, current_line_length )
        header_height = max(header_height, self.padding[0] * 2 + self.icon_radius)
        page_height_limit = self.limit_height - header_height * 2
        # We do not render content if the text box is minimized
        current_content_height = self.font_size + self.line_padding
        current_page_text = []
        current_line_height = 0
        if not self.minimized:
            line_count = 0
            for index, text in enumerate(content_text):
                line_count = line_count + 1 if text.x == 0 else line_count
                current_line_length = current_line_length + text.width if text.x != 0 else text.width
                total_text_width = max( total_text_width, current_line_length )
                total_text_height = total_text_height + current_line_height if text.x == 0 else total_text_height
                current_content_height = total_text_height + self.padding[0] + self.padding[2] + header_height
                # Recalculate current line height if we are starting a new line
                if text.x == 0:
                    current_line_height = max(text.height, self.font_size) + self.line_padding
                    current_line_height = max(current_line_height,  max(text.height, self.font_size) + self.line_padding)

                if page_height_limit > current_content_height:
                # We have exceeded the page height limit, append the layout and try again
                    width = min( self.limit_width, max(self.width, total_text_width + self.padding[1] + self.padding[3]))
                    height = self.limit_height
                    x = self.x if horizontal_alignment == "left" else self.limit_x + self.limit_width - width
                    y = self.limit_y if vertical_alignment == "top" else self.limit_y + self.limit_height - height
                        "rect": ui.Rect(x, y, width, height), 
                        "line_count": max(1, line_count - 1),
                        "header_text": header_text,
                        "icon_size": icon_size,
                        "content_text": current_page_text,
                        "header_height": header_height,
                        "content_height": current_content_height
                    # Reset the variables
                    total_text_height = current_line_height
                    current_page_text = [text]
                    line_count = 1
        # Make sure the remainder of the content gets placed on the final page
        if len(current_page_text) > 0 or len(layout_pages) == 0:
            # If we are dealing with a single line going over to the only other page
            # Just remove the footer to make up for space
            if len(layout_pages) == 1 and line_count == 1:
                layout_pages[0]["line_count"] = layout_pages[0]["line_count"] + 1
                layout_pages[0]["content_height"] += current_line_height
                width = min( self.limit_width, max(self.width, total_text_width + self.padding[1] + self.padding[3]))
                content_height = header_height if self.minimized else total_text_height + self.padding[0] + self.padding[2] + header_height * 2
                height = header_height + self.padding[0] * 2 if self.minimized else min(self.limit_height, max(self.height, content_height))
                x = self.x if horizontal_alignment == "left" else self.limit_x + self.limit_width - width
                y = self.limit_y if vertical_alignment == "top" else self.limit_y + self.limit_height - height
                    "rect": ui.Rect(x, y, width, height), 
                    "line_count": max(1, line_count + 2 ),
                    "header_text": header_text,
                    "icon_size": icon_size,
                    "content_text": current_page_text,
                    "header_height": header_height,
                    "content_height": content_height
        return layout_pages
    def draw_content(self, canvas, paint, dimensions) -> bool:
        paint.textsize = self.font_size
        paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
        # Draw the background first
        background_colour = self.theme.get_colour("text_box_background", "F5F5F5")
        paint.color = background_colour
        self.draw_background(canvas, paint, dimensions["rect"])
        paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("text_colour")
        self.draw_content_text(canvas, paint, dimensions)
        self.draw_header(canvas, paint, dimensions)
        if not self.minimized and len(self.layout) > 1:
            self.draw_footer(canvas, paint, dimensions)
            self.draw_footer_buttons(canvas, paint, dimensions)        
        self.draw_header_buttons(canvas, paint, dimensions)
        return False

    def draw_animation(self, canvas, animation_tick):
        if self.enabled:
            paint = canvas.paint
            if self.mark_layout_invalid and animation_tick == self.animation_max_duration - 1:
                self.layout = self.layout_content(canvas, paint)
                if self.page_index > len(self.layout) - 1:
                    self.page_index = len(self.layout) -1
            dimensions = self.layout[self.page_index]["rect"]
            # Determine colour of the animation
            animation_progress = ( animation_tick - self.animation_max_duration ) / self.animation_max_duration
            red = self.intro_animation_start_colour[0] - int( self.blink_difference[0] * animation_progress )
            green = self.intro_animation_start_colour[1] - int( self.blink_difference[1] * animation_progress )
            blue = self.intro_animation_start_colour[2] - int( self.blink_difference[2] * animation_progress )
            red_hex = "0" + format(red, "x") if red <= 15 else format(red, "x")
            green_hex = "0" + format(green, "x") if green <= 15 else format(green, "x")
            blue_hex = "0" + format(blue, "x") if blue <= 15 else format(blue, "x")
            paint.color = red_hex + green_hex + blue_hex
            if self.minimized:
                 self.draw_background(canvas, paint, dimensions)
                 header_height = self.layout[self.page_index]["header_height"]
                 growth = (self.animation_max_duration - animation_tick ) / self.animation_max_duration
                 easeInOutQuint = 16 * growth ** 5 if growth < 0.5 else 1 - pow(-2 * growth + 2, 5) / 2
                 rect = ui.Rect(dimensions.x, dimensions.y, dimensions.width, max(header_height, dimensions.height * easeInOutQuint))
                 self.draw_background(canvas, paint, rect)
            if animation_tick == 1:
                return self.draw(canvas)
            return True
            return False
    def draw_header(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
        header_height = dimensions["header_height"]
        dimensions = dimensions["rect"]
        paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("text_colour")
        paint.font.embolden = True
        x = dimensions.x + self.padding[3]
        canvas.draw_text(self.panel_content.title if self.panel_content.title else self.id, x, dimensions.y + self.font_size)
        # Small divider between the content and the header
        if not self.minimized:
            paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("text_box_line", "000000")
            canvas.draw_rect(ui.Rect(x - self.padding[3], dimensions.y + header_height + self.padding[0] * 2, dimensions.width, 1))

    def draw_header_buttons(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
        header_height = dimensions["header_height"]    
        dimensions = dimensions["rect"]    
        # Header button tray 
        x = dimensions.x
        for index, icon in enumerate(self.icons):
            # Minimize / maximize icon
            icon_position = Point2d(x + dimensions.width - (self.icon_radius * 1.5 + ( index * self.icon_radius * 2.2 )),
                dimensions.y + self.icon_radius + self.padding[0] / 2)
            self.icons[index].pos = icon_position
            paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
            if icon.id == "minimize":
                hover_colour = self.theme.get_colour("button_hover_background", "999999") if self.icon_hovered == index \
                    else self.theme.get_colour("button_background", "CCCCCC")
                paint.shader = linear_gradient(self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + header_height, (hover_colour, hover_colour))
                canvas.draw_circle(icon_position.x, icon_position.y, self.icon_radius, paint)
                text_colour = self.theme.get_colour("icon_colour", "000000")
                paint.shader = linear_gradient(self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + header_height, (text_colour, text_colour))
                if not self.minimized:
                    canvas.draw_rect(ui.Rect(icon_position.x - self.icon_radius / 2, icon_position.y - 1, self.icon_radius, 2))
                    paint.style = paint.Style.STROKE
                    canvas.draw_rect(ui.Rect( 1 + icon_position.x - self.icon_radius / 2, icon_position.y - self.icon_radius / 2, 
                        self.icon_radius - 2, self.icon_radius - 2))                
            elif icon.id == "close":
                close_colour = self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_hover_colour") if self.icon_hovered == index else self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_accent_colour")            
                paint.shader = linear_gradient(self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + header_height, (self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_colour"), close_colour))
                canvas.draw_circle(icon_position.x, icon_position.y, self.icon_radius, paint)

    def draw_footer(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
        footer_height = dimensions["header_height"]
        dimensions = dimensions["rect"]

        # Small divider between the content and the header
        x = dimensions.x + self.padding[3]
        start_y = dimensions.y + dimensions.height - self.padding[0] - self.padding[2] / 2
        paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("text_colour")
        canvas.draw_text(str(self.page_index + 1 ) + " of " + str(len(self.layout)), x, start_y)
        paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("text_box_line", "000000")        
        canvas.draw_rect(ui.Rect(x - self.padding[3], start_y - footer_height, dimensions.width, 1))

    def draw_footer_buttons(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
        footer_height = dimensions["header_height"]
        dimensions = dimensions["rect"]

        # Small divider between the content and the footer
        x = dimensions.x + self.padding[3]
        start_y = dimensions.y + dimensions.height - self.padding[0] - self.padding[2] / 2        
        for index, icon in enumerate(self.footer_icons):
            icon_position = Point2d(x + dimensions.width - self.padding[3] - (self.icon_radius * 1.5 + ( index * self.icon_radius * 2.2 )),
                start_y - self.padding[0] * 2)
            self.footer_icons[index].pos = icon_position
            paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
            hover_colour = self.theme.get_colour("button_hover_background", "999999") if self.footer_icon_hovered == index \
                else self.theme.get_colour("button_background", "CCCCCC")
            paint.shader = linear_gradient(self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + footer_height, ("AAAAAA", hover_colour))
            canvas.draw_circle(icon_position.x, icon_position.y, self.icon_radius, paint)
            image = self.theme.get_image(icon.image)
            if image:
                canvas.draw_image(image, icon_position.x - image.width / 2, icon_position.y - image.height / 2)

    def draw_content_text(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
        """Draws the content and returns the height of the drawn content"""
        paint.textsize = self.font_size
        header_height = dimensions["header_height"]
        rich_text = dimensions["content_text"]
        content_height = dimensions["content_height"]
        line_count = dimensions["line_count"]
        dimensions = dimensions["rect"]
        text_x = dimensions.x + self.padding[3]
        text_y = dimensions.y + header_height + self.padding[0] * 2
        #line_height = ( content_height - header_height - self.padding[0] - self.padding[2] ) / line_count
        self.draw_rich_text(canvas, paint, rich_text, text_x, text_y, self.line_padding)

    def draw_background(self, canvas, paint, rect):
        radius = 10
        rrect = skia.RoundRect.from_rect(rect, x=radius, y=radius)
Пример #16
class HeadUpWalkthroughPanel(LayoutWidget):
    preferences = HeadUpDisplayUserWidgetPreferences(type="walkthrough", x=910, y=1000, width=100, height=20, limit_x=420, limit_y=784, limit_width=1080, limit_height=230, enabled=False, sleep_enabled=True, alignment="center", expand_direction="up", font_size=24)
    mouse_enabled = True
    step_scheduled = None

    # Top, right, bottom, left, same order as CSS padding
    padding = [12, 20, 12, 8]
    line_padding = 6
    button_padding = 8

    # New content topic types
    topic_types = ["walkthrough_step"]
    current_topics = []
    subscriptions = ["*"]

    # Animation frame related variables
    animation_max_duration = 30
    max_transition_animation_state = 30
    max_animated_word_state = 20
    transition_animation_state = 0
    animated_word_state = 0
    animated_words = []
    commands_positions = {}
    icon_hovered = -1
    icons = [
        HudIcon("close", "", Point2d(0,0), icon_radius, close_widget)

    # Previous dimensions to transition from
    previous_content_dimensions = None    
    # Options given to the context menu
    buttons = [
        HudButton("next_icon", "Skip this step", ui.Rect(0,0,0,0), lambda widget: actions.user.hud_skip_walkthrough_step()),
        HudButton("check_icon", "Mark as done", ui.Rect(0,0,0,0), lambda widget: actions.user.hud_skip_walkthrough_all()),
        HudButton("", "Restore current step", ui.Rect(0,0,0,0), lambda widget: actions.user.hud_restore_walkthrough_step())        

    walkthrough_button_hovered = -1
    walkthrough_buttons = [
        HudButton("", "Previous", ui.Rect(0,0,0,0), lambda widget: actions.user.hud_previous_walkthrough_step()),    
        HudButton("", "Walkthrough options", ui.Rect(0,0,0,0), lambda widget: actions.user.hud_widget_options(widget.id)),
        HudButton("", "Continue", ui.Rect(0,0,0,0), lambda widget: actions.user.hud_skip_walkthrough_step())

    previous_progress = HudContentPage(0,1,0)
    voice_commands_available = []
    previous_walkthrough_step = None
    def disable(self, persisted=False):
       self.previous_content_dimensions = None
       self.transition_animation_state = 0

    def should_enable(self):
        current_walkthrough_step = self.content.get_topic("walkthrough_step")    
        return current_walkthrough_step is not None and len(current_walkthrough_step) > 0

    def content_handler(self, event) -> bool:
        replaced = False
        if event.topic_type == "walkthrough_step":
            if event.operation == "replace":
                current_walkthrough_step = self.content.get_topic("walkthrough_step")
                self.previous_walkthrough_step = copy.copy(current_walkthrough_step[0]) if len(current_walkthrough_step) > 0 else None
                self.previous_progress = self.previous_walkthrough_step.progress if self.previous_walkthrough_step is not None else HudContentPage(0,1,0)
                replaced = True
            elif event.operation == "remove":
                self.previous_walkthrough_step = None
                self.previous_progress = HudContentPage(0,1,0)

        self.mark_layout_invalid = True
        if replaced:
            if self.show_animations and ( self.previous_progress and self.previous_progress.percent != event.content.progress.percent ) or \
            	self.previous_walkthrough_step is None:
                if self.layout is None:
                    self.previous_content_dimensions = None
                    self.previous_content_dimensions = self.layout[self.page_index]["rect"] if self.page_index < len(self.layout) else None
                self.page_index = 0
                should_animate = self.previous_content_dimensions is not None and self.enabled == True
                self.transition_animation_state = self.max_transition_animation_state if should_animate else 0
                self.animated_words = []

    def refresh(self, new_content):
        # Animate the new words
        if "event" in new_content and new_content["event"].topic_type == "walkthrough_step":
            if self.previous_walkthrough_step is None or new_content["event"].operation == "remove":
                self.animated_words = []
                self.animated_word_state = 0
                self.previous_progress = HudContentPage(0,1,0)
                if self.show_animations and self.previous_walkthrough_step.said_walkthrough_commands is not None \
                    and new_content["event"].content.said_walkthrough_commands is not None \
                    and len(self.previous_walkthrough_step.said_walkthrough_commands) != len(new_content["event"].content.said_walkthrough_commands):
                    animated_words = []
                    for said_voice_command in new_content["event"].content.said_walkthrough_commands:                    
                        current_count = self.previous_walkthrough_step.said_walkthrough_commands.count(said_voice_command)
                        new_count = new_content["event"].content.said_walkthrough_commands.count(said_voice_command)
                        if new_count > current_count:
                            for index in range(new_count - current_count):
                                indexed_voice_command = said_voice_command + ":" + str(current_count + index)
                                if indexed_voice_command not in animated_words:
                    self.animated_words = animated_words
                    self.animated_word_state = self.max_animated_word_state
                    self.animated_words = []
                    self.animated_word_state = 0
            if not self.enabled and new_content["event"].show:

        if self.enabled:
            if not self.canvas:
    def on_mouse(self, event):
        icon_hovered = -1
        for index, icon in enumerate(self.icons):
            if hit_test_icon(icon, event.gpos):
                icon_hovered = index
        button_hovered = -1
        for index, button in enumerate(self.walkthrough_buttons):
            if hit_test_button(button, event.gpos):
                button_hovered = index
        if event.event == "mouseup" and event.button == 0:
            clicked_element = None
            if icon_hovered != -1:
                clicked_element = self.icons[icon_hovered]
            if button_hovered != -1:
                clicked_element = self.walkthrough_buttons[button_hovered]
            if clicked_element != None:
                self.icon_hovered = -1
                self.button_hovered = -1
        elif event.button == 1 and event.event == "mouseup":
            self.event_dispatch.show_context_menu(self.id, event.gpos, self.buttons)
        if icon_hovered != self.icon_hovered or button_hovered != self.walkthrough_button_hovered:
            self.icon_hovered = icon_hovered
            self.walkthrough_button_hovered = button_hovered
        # Allow dragging and dropping with the mouse
        if icon_hovered == -1 and button_hovered == -1:

    def set_preference(self, preference, value, persisted=False):
        self.mark_layout_invalid = True
        super().set_preference(preference, value, persisted)
    def load_theme_values(self):
        self.intro_animation_start_colour = self.theme.get_colour_as_ints("intro_animation_start_colour")
        self.intro_animation_end_colour = self.theme.get_colour_as_ints("intro_animation_end_colour")
        self.blink_difference = [
            self.intro_animation_end_colour[0] - self.intro_animation_start_colour[0],
            self.intro_animation_end_colour[1] - self.intro_animation_start_colour[1],
            self.intro_animation_end_colour[2] - self.intro_animation_start_colour[2]        

    def layout_content(self, canvas, paint):
        current_walkthrough_step = self.content.get_topic("walkthrough_step")
        if current_walkthrough_step is not None and len(current_walkthrough_step) > 0:
            current_walkthrough_step = current_walkthrough_step[0]
            # If there is no current walkthrough step - Just clear the layout completely and don"t calculate anything
            return [None]
        paint.textsize = self.font_size
        self.line_padding = int(self.font_size / 2) + 1 if self.font_size <= 17 else 5
        horizontal_alignment = "right" if self.limit_x < self.x else "left"
        vertical_alignment = "bottom" if self.limit_y < self.y else "top"
        if self.alignment == "center" or \
            ( self.x + self.width < self.limit_x + self.limit_width and self.limit_x < self.x ):
            horizontal_alignment = "center"

        icon_padding = icon_radius
        layout_width = self.limit_width - self.padding[1] * 2 - self.padding[3] * 2 - icon_padding
        max_text_width = layout_width - icon_padding - self.padding[1] if self.width < self.limit_width else self.limit_width - self.padding[1] - self.padding[3] - icon_padding
        content_text = [] if self.minimized else layout_rich_text(paint, current_walkthrough_step.content if not current_walkthrough_step.show_context_hint else current_walkthrough_step.context_hint, max_text_width, self.limit_height)
        footer_height = self.font_size + self.padding[2] + self.padding[0]
        # Calculate the size of the footer buttons
        button_x = self.limit_x
        layout_buttons = []
        total_button_width = 0
        for index, button in enumerate(self.walkthrough_buttons):
            button_content_text = layout_rich_text(paint, button.text, layout_width - icon_padding, self.font_size)
            layout_buttons.append({"text": [button_content_text[0]], "rect": ui.Rect(button_x, self.limit_y + self.limit_height - footer_height + self.padding[0], button_content_text[0].width + self.button_padding * 2, self.font_size + self.padding[2] / 2)})
            button_x += button_content_text[0].width + self.button_padding * 3
            total_button_width += button_content_text[0].width + self.button_padding * 3
        total_button_width -= self.button_padding * 3
        # Reposition the buttons based on alignment and their combined width
        left_offset = 0
        if self.alignment == "center":
            left_offset = ( self.limit_width - total_button_width ) / 2
        elif self.alignment == "right":
            left_offset = self.limit_width - total_button_width
        for index, layout_button in enumerate(layout_buttons):
            layout_buttons[index]["rect"].x += left_offset
        # Start segmenting the available voice commands by indexes
        self.voice_commands_available = []
        self.commands_positions = {}
        voice_command_words = []
        voice_command_indecis = []
        for index, text in enumerate(content_text):
            if "command_available" in text.styles:
                voice_command_words += string_to_speakable_string(text.text).split()
            elif len(voice_command_words) > 0:
                voice_command = " ".join(voice_command_words)
                for voice_command_index in voice_command_indecis:
                    self.commands_positions[str(voice_command_index)] = voice_command + ":" + str(self.voice_commands_available.count(voice_command))
                voice_command_words = []
                voice_command_indecis = []

        # Add remaining voice commands if they haven"t been added yet
        if len(voice_command_words) > 0:
            voice_command = " ".join(voice_command_words)
            for voice_command_index in voice_command_indecis:
                self.commands_positions[str(voice_command_index)] = voice_command + ":" + str(self.voice_commands_available.count(voice_command))
                voice_command_words = []
                voice_command_indecis = []
        layout_pages = []
        line_count = 0
        total_text_width = 0
        total_text_height = 0
        current_line_length = 0        
        page_height_limit = self.limit_height - footer_height - self.padding[0] + self.padding[2]

        # We do not render content if the text box is minimized
        current_content_height = self.padding[0] + self.padding[2]
        current_page_text = []
        current_line_height = 0
        if not self.minimized:
            line_count = 0
            for index, text in enumerate(content_text):
                line_count = line_count + 1 if text.x == 0 else line_count
                current_line_length = current_line_length + text.width if text.x != 0 else text.width
                total_text_width = max( total_text_width, current_line_length )
                total_text_height = total_text_height + max(text.height, self.font_size) + self.line_padding if text.x == 0 else total_text_height
                current_content_height = total_text_height
                current_line_height = max(text.height, self.font_size) + self.line_padding
                if page_height_limit > current_content_height:
                # We have exceeded the page height limit, append the layout and try again
                    width = min( self.limit_width, max(self.width, total_text_width + self.padding[1] + self.padding[1] + self.padding[3]))
                    height = self.limit_height
                    x = self.x if horizontal_alignment == "left" else self.limit_x + self.limit_width - width
                    if horizontal_alignment == "center":
                        x = self.limit_x + ( self.limit_width - width ) / 2
                    y = self.limit_y if vertical_alignment == "top" else self.limit_y + self.limit_height - height - footer_height
                        "rect": ui.Rect(x, y, width, height), 
                        "line_count": max(1, line_count - 1),
                        "content_text": current_page_text,
                        "content_height": current_content_height,
                        "layout_buttons": layout_buttons,
                        "footer_height": footer_height
                    # Reset the variables
                    total_text_height = current_line_height
                    current_page_text = [text]
                    current_content_height = self.padding[0] + self.padding[2]
                    line_count = 1
        # Make sure the remainder of the content gets placed on the final page
        if len(current_page_text) > 0 or len(layout_pages) == 0:
            width = min( self.limit_width, max(self.width, total_text_width + self.padding[1] + self.padding[1] + self.padding[3]))
            content_height = total_text_height + self.padding[0] + self.padding[2]
            if self.height == self.limit_height:
                height = min(self.limit_height, min(self.height, content_height) + footer_height)
                height = min(self.limit_height, max(self.height, content_height) + footer_height)
            x = self.x if horizontal_alignment == "left" else self.limit_x + self.limit_width - width
            if horizontal_alignment == "center":
                x = self.limit_x + ( self.limit_width - width ) / 2
            y = self.limit_y if vertical_alignment == "top" else self.limit_y + self.limit_height - height
            last_page_layout_buttons = []
            if vertical_alignment == "top":
                for index, layout_button in enumerate(layout_buttons):
                    last_page_layout_button = {
                        "text": layout_button["text"],
                        "rect": ui.Rect(layout_button["rect"].x, min(self.limit_y + self.limit_height - footer_height + self.padding[0], y + content_height + self.padding[0]), layout_button["rect"].width, layout_button["rect"].height)
                last_page_layout_buttons = layout_buttons
                "rect": ui.Rect(x, y, width, height), 
                "line_count": max(1, line_count + 2 ),
                "content_text": current_page_text,
                "content_height": content_height,
                "layout_buttons": last_page_layout_buttons,
                "footer_height": footer_height
        return layout_pages
    def draw_content(self, canvas, paint, dimensions) -> bool:
        # Disable if there is no content
        if dimensions is None:
            return False

        current_walkthrough_step = self.content.get_topic("walkthrough_step")
        if current_walkthrough_step is not None and len(current_walkthrough_step) > 0:
            current_walkthrough_step = current_walkthrough_step[0]

        paint.textsize = self.font_size
        paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
        progress_bar_offset = 0
        progress_bar_height = 7
        # Animate the transition if an animation state has been set
        self.transition_animation_state = max(0, self.transition_animation_state - 1)
        animation_in_progress = self.transition_animation_state > 0
        # Draw the buttons
        buttons = dimensions["layout_buttons"]
        for index, button_layout in enumerate(buttons):
            self.walkthrough_buttons[index].rect = button_layout["rect"]
            button_colour = self.theme.get_colour("button_background", "BBBBBB")
            text_colour = self.theme.get_colour("button_text_colour", "000000FF")
            button_hovered = self.walkthrough_button_hovered == index
            if animation_in_progress:
                if len(button_colour) == 8:
                    button_colour = button_colour[:-2]
                button_colour += "55" # More transparent during transition
            elif button_hovered:
                button_colour = self.theme.get_colour("button_hover_background", "CCCCCC")
                text_colour = self.theme.get_colour("button_hover_text_colour", "000000FF")
            paint.color = button_colour
            canvas.draw_rrect( skia.RoundRect.from_rect(button_layout["rect"], x=10, y=10) )
            paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("text_colour")
            self.draw_rich_text(canvas, paint, button_layout["text"], button_layout["rect"].x + self.button_padding, button_layout["rect"].y, self.font_size, False, current_walkthrough_step)

        # Draw the background first
        background_colour = self.theme.get_colour("text_box_background", "F5F5F5")
        paint.color = background_colour
        if animation_in_progress:
            growth = (self.max_transition_animation_state - self.transition_animation_state ) / self.max_transition_animation_state
            easeInOutQuint = 16 * growth ** 5 if growth < 0.5 else 1 - pow(-2 * growth + 2, 5) / 2
            difference = ui.Rect((dimensions["rect"].x - self.previous_content_dimensions.x ) * easeInOutQuint,
                ( dimensions["rect"].y - self.previous_content_dimensions.y ) * easeInOutQuint,
                ( dimensions["rect"].width - self.previous_content_dimensions.width ) * easeInOutQuint,
                ( dimensions["rect"].height - self.previous_content_dimensions.height) * easeInOutQuint)
            background_rect = ui.Rect(self.previous_content_dimensions.x + difference.x, 
                self.previous_content_dimensions.y + difference.y, 
                self.previous_content_dimensions.width + difference.width, 
                self.previous_content_dimensions.height + difference.height - dimensions["footer_height"])
            self.draw_background(canvas, paint, background_rect)
            # Reverse the growth if we are heading to a previous step
            growth = growth if current_walkthrough_step.progress.percent > self.previous_progress.percent else growth * -1
            # Draw the progress bar
            progress = ( self.previous_progress.percent + ( growth * (abs(current_walkthrough_step.progress.percent - self.previous_progress.percent))) ) * 0.01
            paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("spoken_voice_command_background_colour", "6CC653")
            rect = ui.Rect(background_rect.x + progress_bar_offset, background_rect.y, \
                min(background_rect.width - progress_bar_offset * 2, (background_rect.width - progress_bar_offset * 2) * progress), progress_bar_height)
            self.draw_header_buttons(canvas, paint, background_rect)
            self.animated_word_state = max(0, self.animated_word_state - 1)
            # Draw the background first
            background_rect = ui.Rect(dimensions["rect"].x, dimensions["rect"].y, dimensions["rect"].width, dimensions["rect"].height - dimensions["footer_height"])
            self.draw_background(canvas, paint, background_rect)
            # Draw the progress bar
            paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("spoken_voice_command_background_colour", "6CC653")
            rect = ui.Rect(dimensions["rect"].x + progress_bar_offset, dimensions["rect"].y, \
                min(dimensions["rect"].width - progress_bar_offset * 2, (dimensions["rect"].width  - progress_bar_offset * 2) * ( current_walkthrough_step.progress.percent * 0.01 )), progress_bar_height)
            paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("text_colour")
            # Keep an offset of previous pages to make sure the animations are properly taken into account for highlighting commands
            text_index_offset = 0
            if self.page_index > 0:
                current_page_index = self.page_index
                while(current_page_index > 0):
                    current_page_index -= 1
                    text_index_offset += len(self.layout[current_page_index]["content_text"])
                text_index_offset = max(0, text_index_offset)
            self.draw_voice_command_backgrounds(canvas, paint, dimensions, self.animated_word_state, current_walkthrough_step, text_index_offset)
            self.draw_content_text(canvas, paint, dimensions, current_walkthrough_step, text_index_offset)
            self.draw_header_buttons(canvas, paint, dimensions["rect"])
        return self.transition_animation_state > 0 or self.animated_word_state > 0

    def draw_animation(self, canvas, animation_tick):
        if self.enabled and self.should_enable():
            paint = canvas.paint
            if self.mark_layout_invalid and animation_tick == self.animation_max_duration - 1:
                self.layout = self.layout_content(canvas, paint)
                if self.page_index > len(self.layout) - 1:
                    self.page_index = len(self.layout) -1
            dimensions = self.layout[self.page_index]["rect"]
            # Determine colour of the animation
            animation_progress = ( animation_tick - self.animation_max_duration ) / self.animation_max_duration
            red = self.intro_animation_start_colour[0] - int( self.blink_difference[0] * animation_progress )
            green = self.intro_animation_start_colour[1] - int( self.blink_difference[1] * animation_progress )
            blue = self.intro_animation_start_colour[2] - int( self.blink_difference[2] * animation_progress )
            red_hex = "0" + format(red, "x") if red <= 15 else format(red, "x")
            green_hex = "0" + format(green, "x") if green <= 15 else format(green, "x")
            blue_hex = "0" + format(blue, "x") if blue <= 15 else format(blue, "x")
            paint.color = red_hex + green_hex + blue_hex
            horizontal_alignment = "right" if self.limit_x < self.x else "left"
            if self.alignment == "center" or \
                ( self.x + self.width < self.limit_x + self.limit_width and self.limit_x < self.x ):
                horizontal_alignment = "center"
            growth = (self.animation_max_duration - animation_tick ) / self.animation_max_duration
            easeInOutQuint = 16 * growth ** 5 if growth < 0.5 else 1 - pow(-2 * growth + 2, 5) / 2
            width = dimensions.width * easeInOutQuint            
            if horizontal_alignment == "left":
                x = dimensions.x
            elif horizontal_alignment == "right":
                x = self.limit_x + self.limit_width - width
            elif horizontal_alignment == "center":
                x = self.limit_x + ( self.limit_width / 2 ) - ( width / 2 )
            rect = ui.Rect(x, dimensions.y, width, dimensions.height - self.layout[self.page_index]["footer_height"])
            if animation_tick == 1:
                return self.draw(canvas)
                self.draw_background(canvas, paint, rect)
            return True
            return False

    def draw_content_text(self, canvas, paint, dimensions, current_walkthrough_step, text_index_offset=0) -> int:
        """Draws the content and returns the height of the drawn content"""
        paint.textsize = self.font_size
        # Line padding needs to accumulate to at least 1.5 times the font size
        # In order to make it readable according to WCAG specifications
        # https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#visual-presentation
        self.line_padding = int(self.font_size / 2) + 1 if self.font_size <= 17 else 5        
        rich_text = dimensions["content_text"]
        content_height = dimensions["content_height"]
        line_count = dimensions["line_count"]
        dimensions = dimensions["rect"]
        text_x = dimensions.x + self.padding[3]
        text_y = dimensions.y + self.padding[0] / 2
        self.draw_rich_text(canvas, paint, rich_text, text_x, text_y, self.line_padding, False, current_walkthrough_step, text_index_offset)

    def draw_background(self, canvas, paint, rect):
        radius = 10
        rrect = skia.RoundRect.from_rect(rect, x=radius, y=radius)
    def draw_voice_command_backgrounds(self, canvas, paint, dimensions, animation_state, current_walkthrough_step, text_index_offset=0):
        text_colour = paint.color    
        rich_text = dimensions["content_text"]
        content_height = dimensions["content_height"]
        line_count = dimensions["line_count"]
        dimensions = dimensions["rect"]
        x = dimensions.x + self.padding[3]
        y = dimensions.y + self.padding[0]
        non_spoken_background_colour = self.theme.get_colour("voice_command_background_colour", "535353")
        spoken_background_colour = self.theme.get_colour("spoken_voice_command_background_colour", "6CC653")
        current_line = -1
        for index, text in enumerate(rich_text):
            current_line = current_line + 1 if text.x == 0 else current_line
            if text.x == 0:
                y += paint.textsize
                if index != 0:
                    y += self.line_padding
            if "command_available" in text.styles and text.text.strip() != "":
                command_padding = self.line_padding / 2
                text_size = max(paint.textsize, text.height)
                rect = ui.Rect(x + text.x - command_padding, y - paint.textsize - self.line_padding, 
                    text.width + command_padding * 2, text_size + command_padding * 2)
                if animation_state > 0 and str(text_index_offset + index) in self.commands_positions and \
                    self.commands_positions[str(text_index_offset + index)] in self.animated_words:
                    growth = (self.max_animated_word_state - animation_state ) / self.max_animated_word_state
                    easeOutQuad = 1 - pow(1 - growth, 4)
                    easeOutQuint = 1 - pow(1 - growth, 5)
                    # Draw the colour shifting rectangle
                    colour_from = hex_to_ints(non_spoken_background_colour)
                    colour_to = hex_to_ints(spoken_background_colour)
                    red_value = int(round(colour_from[0] + ( colour_to[0] - colour_from[0] ) * easeOutQuad))
                    green_value = int(round(colour_from[1] + ( colour_to[1] - colour_from[1] ) * easeOutQuad))
                    blue_value = int(round(colour_from[2] + ( colour_to[2] - colour_from[2] ) * easeOutQuad))
                    red_hex = "0" + format(red_value, "x") if red_value <= 15 else format(red_value, "x")
                    green_hex = "0" + format(green_value, "x") if green_value <= 15 else format(green_value, "x")
                    blue_hex = "0" + format(blue_value, "x") if blue_value <= 15 else format(blue_value, "x")
                    colour = red_hex + green_hex + blue_hex
                    paint.color = colour
                    paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL
                    canvas.draw_rrect(skia.RoundRect.from_rect(rect, x=5, y=5))
                    # Draw the expanding border
                    expand = ( self.font_size / 2 ) * easeOutQuint
                    alpha = int(round( 255 * (1 - easeOutQuint) ))
                    alpha_hex = "0" + format(alpha, "x") if alpha <= 15 else format(alpha, "x")
                    paint.color = colour + alpha_hex
                    paint.style = Paint.Style.STROKE
                    paint.stroke_width = 4
                    rect.x -= int(round(expand / 2))
                    rect.y -= int(round(expand / 2))
                    rect.height += int(round(expand))
                    rect.width += int(round(expand))
                    canvas.draw_rrect(skia.RoundRect.from_rect(rect, x=5, y=5))
                    paint.stroke_width = 1                    
                # Not an animated set of words - Just draw the state
                    paint.color = non_spoken_background_colour
                    if str(text_index_offset + index) in self.commands_positions:
                        used_voice_commands = []
                        for voice_command in current_walkthrough_step.said_walkthrough_commands:
                            if self.commands_positions[str(text_index_offset + index)] == voice_command + ":" + str(used_voice_commands.count(voice_command)):
                                paint.color = spoken_background_colour
                    paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL
                    canvas.draw_rrect(skia.RoundRect.from_rect(rect, x=5, y=5))
        paint.color = text_colour
        paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL

    def draw_rich_text(self, canvas, paint, rich_text, x, y, line_padding, single_line=False, current_walkthrough_step=None, text_index_offset=0):
        # Mostly copied over from layout_widget
        # Draw text line by line
        text_colour = paint.color
        error_colour = self.theme.get_colour("error_colour", "AA0000")
        warning_colour = self.theme.get_colour("warning_colour", "F75B00")
        success_colour = self.theme.get_colour("success_colour", "00CC00")
        info_colour = self.theme.get_colour("info_colour", "30AD9E")
        spoken_voice_command_text_colour = self.theme.get_colour("spoken_voice_command_text_colour", "000000FF")
        voice_command_text_colour = self.theme.get_colour("voice_command_text_colour", "DDDDDD")
        current_line = -1
        for index, text in enumerate(rich_text):
            paint.font.embolden = "bold" in text.styles
            paint.font.skew_x = -0.33 if "italic" in text.styles else 0
            paint.color = text_colour
            if "command_available" in text.styles:
                paint.color = voice_command_text_colour
                if str(text_index_offset + index) in self.commands_positions:
                    used_voice_commands = []
                    for voice_command in current_walkthrough_step.said_walkthrough_commands:
                        if self.commands_positions[str(text_index_offset + index)] == voice_command + ":" + str(used_voice_commands.count(voice_command)):
                            paint.color = spoken_voice_command_text_colour
                if "warning" in text.styles:
                    paint.color = warning_colour
                elif "success" in text.styles:
                    paint.color = success_colour
                elif "error" in text.styles:
                    paint.color = error_colour
                elif "notice" in text.styles:
                    paint.color = info_colour
            current_line = current_line + 1 if text.x == 0 else current_line
            if single_line and current_line > 0:
            if text.x == 0:
                y += paint.textsize
                if index != 0:
                    y += line_padding
            canvas.draw_text(text.text, x + text.x, y )

    def draw_header_buttons(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
        # Header button tray 
        x = dimensions.x
        for index, icon in enumerate(self.icons):
            icon_position = Point2d(x + dimensions.width - (icon_radius * 1.5 + ( index * icon_radius * 2.2 )),
                dimensions.y + icon_radius + self.padding[0] / 2)
            self.icons[index].pos = icon_position
            paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
            if icon.id == "close":
                close_colour = self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_hover_colour") if self.icon_hovered == index else self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_accent_colour")
                paint.shader = linear_gradient(icon_position.x, dimensions.y, icon_position.x, icon_position.y + icon_radius, (self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_colour"), close_colour))
                canvas.draw_circle(icon_position.x, icon_position.y, icon_radius, paint)