Пример #1
 def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
     new_watumiaji = form.save(commit=False)
     #Super users dont belong to any group so have to display a dropdown field for organization
     #that they can use to allocate the user
     if request.user.is_superuser:
         org_id = request.POST['organization']
         slot = utility.auto_alloc_slot(obj)
         org = Organization.objects.get(pk = int(org_id))
         grp_name = slugify(org.org_name).replace('-','')
         group = Vikundi.objects.get(group_name = grp_name, org = org)
         #TODO: Remove user from other organizations, if any so that they are not members
         #of more than one organization
         if not new_watumiaji.is_member(group):
             new_watumiaji.join_group(group, slot, None, False)
     #if adding a new user then they'll be added to default
     #group for that organization
     if not change:
         if not request.user.is_superuser:
             slot = utility.auto_alloc_slot(obj)
             org = Organization.objects.get(org_admin = request.user)
             grp_name = slugify(org.org_name).replace('-','')
             group = Vikundi.objects.get(group_name = grp_name, org = org)
             obj.join_group(group, slot, None, False)
Пример #2
    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):

        new_watumiaji = form.save(commit=False)
        #Super users dont belong to any group so have to display a dropdown field for organization
        #that they can use to allocate the user
        if request.user.is_superuser:
            org_id = request.POST['organization']
            slot = utility.auto_alloc_slot(obj)
            org = Organization.objects.get(pk=int(org_id))
            grp_name = slugify(org.org_name).replace('-', '')
            group = Vikundi.objects.get(group_name=grp_name, org=org)
            #TODO: Remove user from other organizations, if any so that they are not members
            #of more than one organization
            if not new_watumiaji.is_member(group):
                new_watumiaji.join_group(group, slot, None, False)

        #if adding a new user then they'll be added to default
        #group for that organization
        if not change:
            if not request.user.is_superuser:

                slot = utility.auto_alloc_slot(obj)
                org = Organization.objects.get(org_admin=request.user)
                grp_name = slugify(org.org_name).replace('-', '')
                group = Vikundi.objects.get(group_name=grp_name, org=org)
                obj.join_group(group, slot, None, False)
Пример #3
def create_vikundi_object_handler(sender,  **kwargs):
    logger.debug ('Creating vikundi %s' % kwargs)
    auth_user = kwargs['auth_user']
    group_name =  kwargs['group_name']
    org = kwargs['org']
    slot = utility.auto_alloc_slot(get_or_create_user_profile(auth_user), auth_user.is_superuser)
    user = auth_user.get_profile()
    Vikundi.create(user, group_name, slot, org = org)
Пример #4
def create_vikundi_object_handler(sender, **kwargs):
    logger.debug('Creating vikundi %s' % kwargs)
    auth_user = kwargs['auth_user']
    group_name = kwargs['group_name']
    org = kwargs['org']

    slot = utility.auto_alloc_slot(get_or_create_user_profile(auth_user),

    user = auth_user.get_profile()
    Vikundi.create(user, group_name, slot, org=org)
Пример #5
 def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, commit=True):
     ug_form = super(UserGroupsForm,self).save(commit=False)
     #for new users auto alloc slot. self.initial == {} for new records
     if self.initial == {}:
         ug_form.slot = utility.auto_alloc_slot(ug_form.user)
     #if quiet state changed use methods in model
     ug_db = UserGroups.objects.filter(pk = ug_form.pk)
     if len(ug_db) > 0: #if it's an edit then ug_db is not empty
         if ug_db[0].is_quiet != ug_form.is_quiet:
             if ug_form.is_quiet == 'yes':
     #For some reason this value is not set
     ug_form.group_id = ug_form.group.pk
     return ug_form
Пример #6
    def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, commit=True):
        ug_form = super(UserGroupsForm, self).save(commit=False)

        #for new users auto alloc slot. self.initial == {} for new records
        if self.initial == {}:
            ug_form.slot = utility.auto_alloc_slot(ug_form.user)

        #if quiet state changed use methods in model
        ug_db = UserGroups.objects.filter(pk=ug_form.pk)

        if len(ug_db) > 0:  #if it's an edit then ug_db is not empty
            if ug_db[0].is_quiet != ug_form.is_quiet:
                if ug_form.is_quiet == 'yes':

        #For some reason this value is not set
        ug_form.group_id = ug_form.group.pk

        return ug_form