def visit_Call(self, node): """Create adjoint for call. We don't allow unpacking of parameters, so we know that each argument gets passed in explicitly, allowing us to create partials for each. However, templates might perform parameter unpacking (for cases where the number of arguments is variable) and express their gradient as a tuple. In this case, we have to unpack this tuple of partials. """ # Find the function we are differentiating func = anno.getanno(node, 'func') if func in non_differentiable.NON_DIFFERENTIABLE: return node, [] if func == tracing.Traceable: return self.primal_and_adjoint_for_tracing(node) if func in grads.UNIMPLEMENTED_ADJOINTS: raise errors.ReverseNotImplementedError(func) # If we don't have an adjoint, we will have to step into the called # function and differentiate it if func not in grads.adjoints: active_args = tuple(i for i, arg in enumerate(node.args) if in self.active_variables) already_counted = False for f, a in self.required: if f.__name__ == func.__name__ and set(a) == set(active_args): already_counted = True break if not already_counted: self.required.append((func, active_args)) pri_name = naming.primal_name(func, active_args) pri_call = gast.Call( func=gast.Name(id=pri_name, ctx=gast.Load(), annotation=None), args=[self.substack] + node.args, keywords=node.keywords) anno.setanno(pri_call, 'pri_call', True) dy = create.create_grad(, self.namer) dy.ctx = gast.Load() dx = create.create_grad(node.args[0], self.namer) dx.ctx = gast.Store() adj_name = naming.adjoint_name(func, active_args) adj_call = gast.Call( func=gast.Name(id=adj_name, ctx=gast.Load(), annotation=None), args=[self.substack, dy] + node.args, keywords=node.keywords) anno.setanno(adj_call, 'adj_call', True) adjoint = [template.replace('dxs = dfx', namer=self.namer, dfx=adj_call)] for j, i in enumerate(active_args): adjoint.append(template.replace('d[x] = dxs[i]', namer=self.namer, x=node.args[i].id, i=gast.Num(n=j))) return pri_call, adjoint # We have a template for the gradient that we need to fill in template_ = grads.adjoints[func] # Match the function call to the template sig = funcsigs.signature(template_) sig = sig.replace(parameters=list(sig.parameters.values())[1:]) kwargs = dict((keyword.arg, keyword.value) for keyword in node.keywords) bound_args = sig.bind(*node.args, **kwargs) # Fill in any missing kwargs with the defaults from the template args = quoting.parse_function(template_).body[0].args kwargs = dict(zip(*map(reversed, [args.args, args.defaults]))) kwargs.update(dict(zip(args.kwonlyargs, args.kw_defaults))) for arg, val in kwargs.items(): if not in bound_args.arguments: bound_args.arguments[] = val # Let's fill in the template. The first argument is the output, which # was stored in a temporary variable output_name = six.get_function_code(template_).co_varnames[0] arg_replacements = {output_name: ast_.copy_node(} arg_replacements.update(bound_args.arguments) # If the template uses *args, then we pack the corresponding inputs packing = [] flags = six.get_function_code(template_).co_flags if flags & inspect.CO_VARARGS: to_pack = node.args[six.get_function_code(template_).co_argcount - 1:] vararg_name = six.get_function_code(template_).co_varnames[-1] target = gast.Name(annotation=None, id=vararg_name, ctx=gast.Store()) value = gast.Tuple(elts=to_pack, ctx=gast.Load()) packing = [gast.Assign(targets=[target], value=value)] # And we fill in the packed tuple into the template arg_replacements[six.get_function_code( template_).co_varnames[-1]] = target adjoint = template.replace(template_, namer=self.namer, **arg_replacements) unpacking = [] if flags & inspect.CO_VARARGS: # If the template packs arguments, then we have to unpack the # derivatives afterwards # We also have to update the replacements tuple then dto_pack = [create.create_temp_grad(arg, self.namer) for arg in to_pack] value = create.create_grad(target, self.namer) target = gast.Tuple(elts=dto_pack, ctx=gast.Store()) unpacking = [gast.Assign(targets=[target], value=value)] return node, packing + adjoint + unpacking
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): # Construct a namer to guarantee we create unique names that don't # override existing names self.namer = # Check that this function has exactly one return statement at the end return_nodes = [n for n in gast.walk(node) if isinstance(n, gast.Return)] if ((len(return_nodes) > 1) or not isinstance(node.body[-1], gast.Return)): raise ValueError('function must have exactly one return statement') return_node = ast_.copy_node(return_nodes[0]) # Perform AD on the function body body, adjoint_body = self.visit_statements(node.body[:-1]) # Annotate the first statement of the primal and adjoint as such if body: body[0] = comments.add_comment(body[0], 'Beginning of forward pass') if adjoint_body: adjoint_body[0] = comments.add_comment( adjoint_body[0], 'Beginning of backward pass') # Before updating the primal arguments, extract the arguments we want # to differentiate with respect to dx = gast.Tuple([create.create_grad(node.args.args[i], self.namer) for i in self.wrt], ctx=gast.Load()) if self.preserve_result: # Append an extra Assign operation to the primal body # that saves the original output value stored_result_node = quoting.quote(self.namer.unique('result')) assign_stored_result = template.replace( 'result=orig_result', result=stored_result_node, orig_result=return_node.value) body.append(assign_stored_result) dx.elts.append(stored_result_node) for _dx in dx.elts: _dx.ctx = gast.Load() return_dx = gast.Return(value=dx) # We add the stack as first argument of the primal node.args.args = [self.stack] + node.args.args # Rename the function to its primal name func = anno.getanno(node, 'func') = naming.primal_name(func, self.wrt) # The new body is the primal body plus the return statement node.body = body + node.body[-1:] # Find the cost; the first variable of potentially multiple return values # The adjoint will receive a value for the initial gradient of the cost y = node.body[-1].value if isinstance(y, gast.Tuple): y = y.elts[0] dy = gast.Name(id=self.namer.grad(, ctx=gast.Param(), annotation=None) # Construct the adjoint adjoint_template = grads.adjoints[gast.FunctionDef] adjoint, = template.replace(adjoint_template, namer=self.namer, adjoint_body=adjoint_body, return_dx=return_dx) adjoint.args.args.extend([self.stack, dy]) adjoint.args.args.extend(node.args.args[1:]) = naming.adjoint_name(func, self.wrt) return node, adjoint