def build_fwtrack(self, fhd): """Build FWTrackI from all lines, return a FWTrackI object. Note: All ranges will be merged (exclude the same range) then sorted after the track is built. If both_strand is True, it will store strand information in FWTrackI object. if do_merge is False, it will not merge the same range after the track is built. """ fwtrack = FWTrackI() i = 0 m = 0 for thisline in fhd: (chromosome, fpos, strand) = self.__fw_parse_line(thisline) i += 1 if i == 1000000: m += 1" %d" % (m * 1000000)) i = 0 if fpos == None or not chromosome: continue fwtrack.add_loc(chromosome, fpos, strand) return fwtrack
def build_fwtrack(self, lfhd, rfhd, dist=200): """Build FWTrackI from all lines, return a FWTrackI object. lfhd: the filehandler for left tag file rfhd: the filehandler for right tag file dist: the best distance between two tags in a pair The score system for pairing two tags: score = abs(abs(rtag-ltag)-200)+error4lefttag+error4righttag the smaller score the better pairing. If the score for a pairing is bigger than 200, this pairing will be discarded. Note only the best pair is kept. If there are over two best pairings, this pair of left and right tags will be discarded. Note, the orders in left tag file and right tag file must match, i.e., the Nth left tag must has the same name as the Nth right tag. Note, remove comment lines beforehand. """ fwtrack = FWTrackI() i = 0 m = 0 lnext = rnext = self.dist = dist try: while 1: lline = lnext() rline = rnext() (chromosome, fpos, strand) = self.__fw_parse_line(lline, rline) i += 1 if i == 1000000: m += 1" %d" % (m * 1000000)) i = 0 if not fpos or not chromosome: continue fwtrack.add_loc(chromosome, fpos, strand) except StopIteration: pass return fwtrack
def build_fwtrack(self, fhd): """Build FWTrackI from all lines, return a FWTrackI object. Note only the unique match for a tag is kept. """ fwtrack = FWTrackI() i = 0 m = 0 for thisline in fhd: (chromosome, fpos, strand) = self.__fw_parse_line(thisline) i += 1 if i == 1000000: m += 1" %d" % (m * 1000000)) i = 0 if not fpos or not chromosome: continue fwtrack.add_loc(chromosome, fpos, strand) return fwtrack
def read_motif2 (motif_fhd,species,cutoff=0): """Read motif scan result, and return a WigTrackI object containing the motif locations. * If the motif scan data file is not big, use this function to load the whole file into memory. It may be faster than read_motif(). motif_fhd : a file handler for binary motif scan result species : must be "mm8" for mouse or "hg18" for human cutoff : cutoff for the motif scan score """ motif_range_list = FWTrackI(fw=0) if species == "hg18": chromosomes_fp = { # store start and number of file-pos for every chromosome in bin file "chr1":[0,0],"chr2":[0,0],"chr3":[0,0], "chr4":[0,0],"chr5":[0,0],"chr6":[0,0], "chr7":[0,0],"chr8":[0,0],"chr9":[0,0], "chr10":[0,0],"chr11":[0,0],"chr12":[0,0], "chr13":[0,0],"chr14":[0,0],"chr15":[0,0], "chr16":[0,0],"chr17":[0,0],"chr18":[0,0], "chr19":[0,0],"chr20":[0,0],"chr21":[0,0], "chr22":[0,0],"chrX":[0,0],"chrY":[0,0] } chromosomes = ["chr1","chr2","chr3","chr4","chr5","chr6", "chr7","chr8","chr9","chr10","chr11","chr12", "chr13","chr14","chr15","chr16","chr17","chr18", "chr19","chr20","chr21","chr22","chrX","chrY"] elif species == "mm8": chromosomes_fp = { # store start and number of file-pos for every chromosome in bin file "chr1":[0,0],"chr2":[0,0],"chr3":[0,0], "chr4":[0,0],"chr5":[0,0],"chr6":[0,0], "chr7":[0,0],"chr8":[0,0],"chr9":[0,0], "chr10":[0,0],"chr11":[0,0],"chr12":[0,0], "chr13":[0,0],"chr14":[0,0],"chr15":[0,0], "chr16":[0,0],"chr17":[0,0],"chr18":[0,0], "chr19":[0,0],"chrX":[0,0],"chrY":[0,0] } chromosomes = ["chr1","chr2","chr3","chr4","chr5","chr6", "chr7","chr8","chr9","chr10","chr11","chr12", "chr13","chr14","chr15","chr16","chr17","chr18", "chr19","chrX","chrY"] else: raise Exception("Only hg18/mm8 supported!") data = # unpack the start pos p = 0 for chromosome in chromosomes: chromosomes_fp[chromosome][0] = upk("<i",data[p:p+4])[0] p += 128 # calculate number of hits total_motif_hits = 0 for i in range(len(chromosomes)-1): mh = (chromosomes_fp[chromosomes[i+1]][0]-chromosomes_fp[chromosomes[i]][0])/8 chromosomes_fp[chromosomes[i]][1] = mh total_motif_hits += mh # last one mh = (len(data)-chromosomes_fp[chromosomes[-1]][0])/8 chromosomes_fp[chromosomes[-1]][1]=mh total_motif_hits += mh # read and write read_motif_hits = 0 portion = 0 p = 0 n=0 for chromosome in chromosomes: p = chromosomes_fp[chromosome][0] for i in range(chromosomes_fp[chromosome][1]): read_motif_hits += 1 portion = float(read_motif_hits)/total_motif_hits if LOG: sys.stdout.write("\r %.1f%% %s" % (portion*100,"#"*int(portion*50))) sys.stdout.flush() loc = upk("<i",data[p:p+4])[0] score = upk("<f",data[p+4:p+8])[0] p += 8 if score < 0: strand = 1 score = score*-1 else: strand = 0 #ofhd.write("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s_%s_%d\t%.2f\t%s\n" % (chromosome,loc-1,loc+motif_len-1,motif,chromosome,i,score,strand)) if score > cutoff: #print score,cutoff n+=1 motif_range_list.add_loc(chromosome,loc-1,strand) #print loc-1 if LOG : sys.stdout.write("\n") data = None motif_range_list.merge_overlap() return motif_range_list