Пример #1
    def test09_ArrayGet(self):
        mv1 = MapVector([('door', 0), ('hwal', 1)])
        mv2 = MapVector([('hall', 0), ('room', 1)])
        ma1 = MapArray([mv1, mv2], (5, 5))
        print('\n' + str(ma1))
        # row getters
        mv3 = ma1[1]
        st3 = "#.#.#"
        self.assertEqual(str(mv3), "#.#.#", "get single row element")
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(mv3, MapVector),
                        "single int parameter is MapVector")
        li1 = ma1[1:5]
            type(li1) == list, "single-dimension slice is standard list")
        mv4 = li1[1]
        st4 = "+-+-+"
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(mv4, MapVector),
                        "element of list is MapVector")
        self.assertEqual(str(mv4), st4, "get element from slice of rows")
        ms1 = ma1[1, 1]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(ms1, MapSquare),
                        "[int,int] returns single MapSquare")
        self.assertEqual(str(ms1), ".", "[int,int] correct element")
        # changed MapArray get result types
        #mv5 = ma1[1][1:3]
        #mv6 = ma1[1:3,1]
        # self.assertTrue(isinstance(mv6, MapVector), "[range,y] returns MapVector")
        #self.assertEqual(str(mv5),str(mv6), "[range, y] returns the right MapVector")

        # get single square
        mc = ('hall', 0)
        self.assertEqual(ma1[2, 1], mc,
                         "get correct single MapSquare from [int,int]")

        # column slice tests
        ma2a = ma1[1, 1:2]
        self.assertEqual((1, 1), (ma2a.w, ma2a.h), "1x1 column slice")
        ma2 = ma1[1, 1:3]
        self.assertEqual((1, 2), (ma2.w, ma2.h), "1x2 column slice")
        st2 = ".\n-"
        st2b = "MapArray([MapVector([MapSquare('room', 1)]), MapVector([MapSquare('hwal', 1)])])"
        self.assertEqual(ma2.__repr__(), st2b,
                         "get range on single column __repr__")
        self.assertEqual(len(ma2), 2)
        self.assertEqual(type(ma2[1]), MapVector, "2 MapVector rows")
        self.assertEqual(str(ma2), st2, "get range on single column")

        ma3 = MapArray(ma1, (2, 3))
        ma4 = ma1[2:4, 2:6]
        self.assertEqual(str(ma3), str(ma4), "slices in multiple dimensions")

        ma5 = ma1[3:5, 4:5]
        st5 = "-+"
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(ma5, MapArray),
                        "1 row slice is still MapArray")
        self.assertEqual(str(ma5), st5, "correct 1 row slice")
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.params = params
        self.log_messages = []
        self.roll_log = []
        self.loaded_dice = []


        self.maparray = MapArray(("void", 0), (self.w, self.h))
        self.descriptions = [{}]

        self.engine = self.the_engine()
Пример #3
def hall_test(w, h):
    ma = MapArray(('void', 0), (w, h))
    rlist = [{}]
    features = set({'type': 'passage', 'x': 1, 'y': h // 2, 'd': 'e'})
    while len(features) > 0:
        add_feature(ma, rlist, features)
    return ma, rlist
Пример #4
def room(w, h, rnum):
    mp = MapArray(('room', rnum), (w, h))
    mp[0:w:w - 1, 1:h - 1] = ('vwal', rnum)
    mp[1:w - 1, 0:h:h - 1] = ('hwal', rnum)
    mp[0:w:w - 1, 0] = ('tcor', rnum)
    mp[0:w:w - 1, h - 1] = ('bcor', rnum)
    return mp
Пример #5
def maparray_tests():
    m = MapArray(('void', 0), (10, 10))
    assert ('void', 0) == m[0, 0]
    assert ('void', 0) == m[5, 5]
    m[4, 4] = ('hall', 0)
    assert ('hall', 0) == m[4, 4]
    x = len(m[0:4, 1:2].squares())
    assert x == 4
Пример #6
    def test10_ArraySet(self):
        mvs = []
        mvs.append(MapVector([('void', 0), ('hall', 0)], 8))
        mvs.append(MapVector([('room', 0), ('sdor', 0)], 8))
        mvs.append(MapVector([('vwal', 0), ('hwal', 0)], 8))
        mvs.append(MapVector([('sdwn', 0), ('stup', 0)], 8))
        ma1 = MapArray(mvs)
        print("\n" + str(ma1))
        st1 = "\n".join([str(mv) for mv in mvs])
        self.assertEqual(str(ma1), st1)
        ma1[2] = mvs[3]
        mvs2 = [mvs[0], mvs[1], mvs[3], mvs[3]]
        st2 = "\n".join([str(mv) for mv in mvs2])
        self.assertEqual(str(ma1), st2, "replace single row")
        ma1[2] = ('door', 0)
        mvd = MapVector(('door', 0), 8)
        mvs3 = [mvs[0], mvs[1], mvd, mvs[3]]
        st3 = "\n".join([str(mv) for mv in mvs3])
        self.assertEqual(str(ma1), st3, "replace row with single square")
        ma1[0:5:2] = mvs[2]
        mvs4 = [mvs[2], mvs[1], mvs[2], mvs[3]]
        st4 = "\n".join([str(mv) for mv in mvs4])
        self.assertEqual(str(ma1), st4, "replace slice with single row")
        ma1 = MapArray(mvs)
        ma1[1:3] = mvs
        mvs5 = [mvs[0], mvs[0], mvs[1], mvs[3]]
        st5 = "\n".join([str(mv) for mv in mvs5])
        self.assertEqual(str(ma1), st5, "replace slice with larger list")

        # set 2d
        ma1 = MapArray(mvs)
        ma1[0, 0] = ('door', 1)
        st6 = "+#\n.*"
        self.assertEqual(str(ma1[0:2, 0:2]), st6, "set single square")
        ma1[1:4, 1] = ('door', 1)
        st7 = ".+++.*.*"
        self.assertEqual(str(ma1[1]), st7)
        ma2 = MapArray(('room', 0), (4, 4))
        st8 = "...."
        st9 = ".++."
        st10 = "\n".join([st8, st9, st9, st8])
        ma2[1:3, 1:3] = ('door', 1)
        self.assertEqual(str(ma2), st10)
        ma1[1:7, 1:3] = ma2
Пример #7
def gen_map(w, h, typ="default"):
    maparray = MapArray(('void', 0), (w, h))
    x = maparray.w // 2
    y = 0
    mapset = set()
    add_hall(maparray, ('hall', 's', x, y), mapset)
    while len(mapset) > 0:
        pop_section(maparray, mapset)
    return (maparray, [{}])
Пример #8
def big_room(w, h):
    ma = MapArray(('void', 0), (w, h))
    rlist = [{}]
    x = 3
    y = 3
    rw = w - 6
    rh = h - 6
    ma[x:x + rw, y:y + rh] = room(rw, rh, 1)
    rlist.append({"description": "BIG ROOM DADDY-O"})
    return ma, rlist
Пример #9
 def test03_VecConstruct(self):
     mv1 = MapVector([MapSquare('door', 0)])
     st1 = "MapVector([MapSquare('door', 0)])"
     self.assertEqual(mv1.__repr__(), st1)
     self.assertEqual(str(mv1), "+")
     mv2 = MapVector(('door', 0))
     self.assertEqual(mv2.__repr__(), st1)
     self.assertEqual(str(mv1), "+")
     mv3 = MapVector(
         [MapSquare('vwal', 1),
          MapSquare('room', 2),
          MapSquare('vwal', 3)])
     st2 = "MapVector([MapSquare('vwal', 1), MapSquare('room', 2), MapSquare('vwal', 3)])"
     self.assertEqual(mv3.__repr__(), st2,
                      "MapVector constructor from list of MapSquares")
         str(mv3), "|.|",
         "MapVector constructor from list of MapSquares - str")
     mv4 = MapVector([('vwal', 1), ('room', 2), ('vwal', 3)])
     self.assertEqual(mv4.__repr__(), st2,
                      "MapVector constructor from list of tuples")
     self.assertEqual(str(mv4), "|.|",
                      "MapVector constructor from list of tuples - str")
     mv6 = MapVector([MapSquare('hall', 0) for _ in range(3)])
     st3 = "MapVector([MapSquare('hall', 0), MapSquare('hall', 0), MapSquare('hall', 0)])"
     self.assertEqual(mv6.__repr__(), st3,
                      "MapVector constructor with list comprehension")
         str(mv6), "###",
         "MapVector constructor with list comperhension - str)")
     mv5 = MapVector(mv4)
     self.assertEqual(mv5.__repr__(), st2,
                      "Nested MapVector constructor is copies value")
         id(mv4), id(mv5),
         "Nested MapVector constructor does not copy pointer")
     l1 = [("room", 3), ("room", 4), ("room", 5)]
     mv7 = MapVector(l1)
     mv8 = MapVector(l1)
         id(mv7), id(mv8),
         "MapVector constructor from same list does not duplicate pointer")
     s1 = MapSquare("void", 0)
     mv9 = MapVector(s1)
     mv10 = MapVector(s1)
         id(mv9), id(mv10),
         "MapVector constructor from same MapSquare does not duplicate pointer"
     ma = MapArray([mv4, mv6])
     mv11 = MapVector(ma)
     self.assertEqual(str(mv11), "|.|")
Пример #10
def gen_splash(w, h):
    ma = MapArray(('void', 0), (w, h))
    topW = ma.w // 4 * 2
    botW = ma.w // 7
    topH = ma.h // 9
    botH = ma.h // 9 * 5
    topX = ma.w // 4
    botX = ma.w // 7 * 3
    dorX = ma.w // 2 - 1
    topY = ma.h // 9 * 2
    botY = ma.h // 9 * 3 - 1
    topR = room(topW, topH, 1)
    botR = room(botW, botH, 1)
    ma[topX:topX + topW, topY:topY + topH] = topR
    ma[botX:botX + botW, botY:botY + botH] = botR
    ma[dorX, botY] = ('door', 1)
    rlist = [{}]
    <p>&copy; Carter Adams 2018</p>"""
    return ma, rlist
Пример #11
    def dispatch_command(self, command):
        if command is None:
        elif command[0] == 'step':
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'add':
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'insert':
            self.pending.insert(command[1], command[2])
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'execute':
            self.dispatch(self.pending.ipop(command[1]), None)
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'step_with_command':
            self.dispatch(self.pending.pop(), command[1])
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'execute_with_command':
            self.dispatch(self.pending.ipop(command[1]), command[2])
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'remove':
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'replace':
            self.pending[command[1]] = command[2]
            return len(self.pending)

        # Clears everything but the log
        elif command[0] == 'clear':
            self.log("\n\n:: CLEARING ENGINE")
            self.maparray = MapArray(('void', 0), (self.w, self.h))
            self.descriptions = []
            self.pending = PendingList(self.params.get("pop_mode", "random"))
            return None

        elif command[0] == 'set_params':
            self.params = command[1]
            return None

        elif command[0] == 'get' and len(command) == 1:
            return {
                    "maparray": self.maparray,
                    "descriptions": self.descriptions,
                    "pending": self.pending

        elif command[0] == 'in':
            return command[1] in self.pending.items

        elif command[0] == 'load_dice':
            self.loaded_dice = command[1]
            return None

        elif command[0] == 'roll':
                return self.roll(command[1])
            except IndexError:
                return self.roll([20])

        elif command[0] == 'log':
            return None

        elif command[0] == 'get_log':
            return "\n".join(str(message) for message in self.get_log())

        # this will render the map pretty well non-functional as a map, should
        # move this into MapArray logic if it is kept at all, but it's a hack
        # for testing
        elif command[0] == 'place_grid':
            for x in range(1, self.w, 5):
                for y in range(1, self.w, 5):
                    if self.maparray[x, y][0] == "void":
                        self.maparray[x, y] = ("grid", 0)
Пример #12
class Engine():

    def __init__(self, params):
        self.params = params
        self.log_messages = []
        self.roll_log = []
        self.loaded_dice = []


        self.maparray = MapArray(("void", 0), (self.w, self.h))
        self.descriptions = [{}]

        self.engine = self.the_engine()

    def generate_description(self, t):
        n = t[1]
        if n == -1:
            n = len(self.descriptions)

        if n >= len(self.descriptions):
            for _ in range(len(self.descriptions), n+1):
                self.descriptions.append({'num': n})
        return (t[0], n)

    def describe(self, n, content):
        old_content = self.descriptions[n]
        self.descriptions[n] = {**old_content, **content}

    def process_params(self):
        self.w = self.params['w']
        self.h = self.params['h']

        self.pending = PendingList(self.params.get("pop_mode", "random"))
        self.immediate_list = PendingList("stack")

        script_file = self.params.get("script_file", None)
        if script_file is not None:
            script_data = json.load(open(script_file))
            self.loaded_dice = script_data["roll"]
            self.pending.scripted_ipop = script_data["ipop"]

        if self.params.get("log", True) is True:
            self.log = self.yes_log
            self.log2 = self.no_log
        elif self.params.get("log", True) is 2:
            self.log = self.yes_log
            self.log2 = self.yes_log
            self.log = self.no_log
            self.log2 = self.no_log

        self.dont_terminate = self.params.get("dont_terminate", False)
# does not do anything yet
        self.max_steps = self.params.get("max_steps", -1)
        self.log("::Parameters Loaded\n\t{}".format(self.params))
        self.extra_branch = self.params.get("extra_branch", False)

    # Coroutine generator. At each step returns the length of pending.
    # .__next__() will iterate the generation by popping an element from
    # pending and dispatching it. .send(command) will dispatch the command
    def the_engine(self):
        ret = len(self.pending)
        while True:
            command = yield ret  # PEP 342
            if command is None and len(self.pending) > 0:
                self.log(":: Step()")
                self.dispatch(self.pending.pop(), {})
                ret = len(self.pending)
            elif command is None and self.dont_terminate is False:
                self.log(":: No Action")
            elif command is not None:
                self.log(":: Command:\n\t{}".format(command))
                ret = self.dispatch_command(command)

    # Default log function, does nothing
    def no_log(self, message):

    def yes_log(self, message):

    def get_log(self):
        return "\n".join(str(m) for m in self.log_messages)

    def print_log(self, message):

    # Generate the map by looping through the engine with no commands. Does not
    # respect dont_terminate. Should never create an infinite loop.
    def gen_map(self):
        the_engine = self.the_engine()
        for ndispatches in the_engine:
            if ndispatches == 0:

#     def gen_map_with_status(self, filename):
#         the_engine = self.the_engine()
#         next(the_engine)
#         for ndispatches in the_engine:
#             if randint(1, 10) == 10:
#                 with open(filename, 'w') as f:
#                     f.write(str(len(self.descriptions)))
#             if ndispatches == 0:
#                 break
#         with open(filename, 'w') as f:
#             f.write("done")
    def gen_map_files(self, mapfile, jsonfile, statusfile):
        the_engine = self.the_engine()
        for ndispatches in the_engine:
            if randint(1, 20) == 20:
                with open(statusfile, 'w') as f:
            if ndispatches == 0:

        with open(statusfile, "w") as f:
            f.write("populating rooms")


        with open(mapfile, "wb") as f:

        with open(jsonfile, "w") as f:
                "w": self.w,
                "h": self.h,
                "descriptions": self.descriptions
            }, f)

        with open(statusfile, "w") as f:

    # iterate map generation one step with no command
    def step(self):
        return next(self.engine)

    # send a command to the engine
    def send(self, command):
        return self.engine.send(command)

    def add(self, element):
        self.log(":: Add\n\t{}".format(element))

    def write_choice_log(self, filename):
        with open(filename, "w") as f:
            log_output = {
                    "roll": self.roll_log,
                    "ipop": self.pending.ipop_log
            json.dump(log_output, f)

    # Create a list of die roll results from a vector of the numbers of sides
    # of each die. All random number generation in the map generation process
    # is handled by this method and in the random pop method of PendingList
    # forced_rolls will force rolls
    # if no forced rolls, check loaded_dice (set with a command or a script
    # file)
    def roll(self, dice, forced_rolls=[]):
        ret = []
        for i, nsides in enumerate(dice):
            except IndexError:
                    self.loaded_dice = self.loaded_dice[1:]
                except IndexError:
                    ret.append(randint(1, nsides))
        self.log("::Dice rolled\n\t{}".format(ret))
        # log dice rolled, to be output to a script json
        for roll in ret:
        return ret

# TODO: send die rolls from a command to the immediate list
# Dispatch an element from the immediate_list, which is a stack.
    def dispatch_immediate(self, command={}):
        if len(self.immediate_list) > 0:
            element = self.immediate_list.pop()
            return self.dispatch(element, command)
            return False

# Add an element to the immediate list
    def immediate_add(self, element):
        self.log(":: immediate_add\n\t{}".format(element))

# dispatch an element
    def dispatch(self, element, command={}):
        if element[0] == 'describe':

        if element[0] == 'door':
            dice = self.roll(door_dice, command.get("dice", []))
            self.log("::dispatch_door\n\t{} {}".format(element, dice))
            return dispatch_door(self, element, dice)

        if element[0] == 'hall':
            dice = self.roll(passage_dice, command.get("dice", []))
            self.log("::dispatch_passage\n\t{} {}".format(element, dice))
            return dispatch_passage(self, element, dice)

        if element[0] == 'start':
            dice = self.roll(start_dice, command.get("dice", []))
            self.log("::dispatch_start\n\t{} {}".format(element, dice))
            return dispatch_start(self, element, dice)

        if element[0] == 'room':
            dice = self.roll(room_dice, command.get("dice", []))
            self.log("::dispatch_room\n\t{} {}".format(element, dice))
            return dispatch_room(self, element, dice)

        if element[0] == 'exit':
            dice = self.roll(exit_dice, command.get("dice", []))
            self.log("::dispatch_exit\n\t{} {}".format(element, dice))
            return dispatch_exit(self, element, dice)

    def __str__(self):
        if len(self.roll_log) > 2:
            last_roll = self.roll_log[-3:]
            last_roll = self.roll_log
        return """Engine:
last roll:
pending elements:
{}""".format(self.maparray, self.descriptions, last_roll, self.pending)

    def process_descriptions(self):
        for d in self.descriptions:
            if 'type' in d:
                if d['type'] == 'chamber':
                        d['description'] = describe_chamber(self, d)
                    except Exception as e:
                        d['description'] = "Oops, the room chamber contains\
{}.\nRoll for initiative to fight the bug. {}".format(e, self.roll_log[-20:])

                elif d['type'] == 'passage':
                        d['description'] = describe_passage(self, d)
                    except Exception as e:
                        d['description'] = "Oops, the passage contains\
 {}.\nRoll for initiative to fight the bug.".format(e)

                elif d['type'] == 'door':
                        d['description'] = describe_door(self, d)
                    except Exception as e:
                        d['description'] = "Oops, the door contains\
 {}.\nRoll for initiative to fight the bug.".format(e)

# ['step']                              pop an element & dispatch
# ['add', element]                      add an element to the list
# ['insert', index, element]            insert element at position in list
# ['execute', index]                    pop specific element & dispatch
# ['dispatch_with_command', command]    pop specific element & dispatch w/
#                                           a command parameter
# ['step_with_command', index, command] pop an element & dispatch w/ a
#                                           command parameter
# ['remove', index]                     remove an element from a location
# ['replace', index, command]           replace the element at a location
# ['clear']                             clear maparray, descriptions, and
#                                           parameters
# ['set_params']                        reset the parameters from initiation
# ['get']                               get {maparray, pending, descriptions
# ['in', element]                       boolean, if an element is in the
#                                           pending list
# ['load_dice', dice]                   add list of forced die rolls
# ['roll', sides]
# ['log', message]
# ['get_log']
# ['place_grid']
    def dispatch_command(self, command):
        if command is None:
        elif command[0] == 'step':
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'add':
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'insert':
            self.pending.insert(command[1], command[2])
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'execute':
            self.dispatch(self.pending.ipop(command[1]), None)
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'step_with_command':
            self.dispatch(self.pending.pop(), command[1])
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'execute_with_command':
            self.dispatch(self.pending.ipop(command[1]), command[2])
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'remove':
            return len(self.pending)

        elif command[0] == 'replace':
            self.pending[command[1]] = command[2]
            return len(self.pending)

        # Clears everything but the log
        elif command[0] == 'clear':
            self.log("\n\n:: CLEARING ENGINE")
            self.maparray = MapArray(('void', 0), (self.w, self.h))
            self.descriptions = []
            self.pending = PendingList(self.params.get("pop_mode", "random"))
            return None

        elif command[0] == 'set_params':
            self.params = command[1]
            return None

        elif command[0] == 'get' and len(command) == 1:
            return {
                    "maparray": self.maparray,
                    "descriptions": self.descriptions,
                    "pending": self.pending

        elif command[0] == 'in':
            return command[1] in self.pending.items

        elif command[0] == 'load_dice':
            self.loaded_dice = command[1]
            return None

        elif command[0] == 'roll':
                return self.roll(command[1])
            except IndexError:
                return self.roll([20])

        elif command[0] == 'log':
            return None

        elif command[0] == 'get_log':
            return "\n".join(str(message) for message in self.get_log())

        # this will render the map pretty well non-functional as a map, should
        # move this into MapArray logic if it is kept at all, but it's a hack
        # for testing
        elif command[0] == 'place_grid':
            for x in range(1, self.w, 5):
                for y in range(1, self.w, 5):
                    if self.maparray[x, y][0] == "void":
                        self.maparray[x, y] = ("grid", 0)
Пример #13
def start_table_1(engine, origin, dice):
    layout = MapArray(('void', 0), (10, 10))
    layout[4:6, 0:2] = ('hall', 1)
    layout[8:10, 4:6] = ('hall', 2)
    layout[4:6, 8:10] = ('hall', 3)
    layout[0:2, 4:6] = ('hall', 4)
    layout[2, 3] = ('vwal', 5)
    layout[2, 6] = ('vwal', 5)
    layout[7, 3] = ('vwal', 5)
    layout[7, 6] = ('vwal', 5)
    layout[3, 2] = ('hwal', 5)
    layout[6, 2] = ('hwal', 5)
    layout[3, 7] = ('hwal', 5)
    layout[6, 7] = ('hwal', 5)
    layout[2, 2] = ('tcor', 5)
    layout[7, 2] = ('tcor', 5)
    layout[2, 7] = ('bcor', 5)
    layout[7, 7] = ('bcor', 5)
    layout[2, 4:6] = ('open', 5)
    layout[4:6, 2] = ('open', 5)
    layout[7, 4:6] = ('open', 5)
    layout[4:6, 7] = ('open', 5)
    layout[3:7, 3:7] = ('room', 5)
    layout[5, 5] = ('stup', 5)
    w = 10
    h = 10
    if origin not in ['n', 'e', 's', 'w', 'm']:
        origin = 'm'
    if origin == 'n':
        x = engine.maparray.w // 2 - w // 2
        y = 0
    elif origin == 'e':
        x = engine.maparray.w - w
        y = engine.maparray.h // 2 - h // 2
    elif origin == 's':
        x = engine.maparray.w // 2 - w // 2
        y = engine.maparray.h - h
    elif origin == 'w':
        x = 0
        y = engine.maparray.h // 2 - h // 2
    elif origin == 'm':
        x = engine.maparray.w // 2 - w // 2
        y = engine.maparray.h // 2 - h // 2

    engine.generate_description(('hall', 1))
    engine.describe(1, {'type': 'passage', 'w': 10})
    engine.generate_description(('hall', 2))
    engine.describe(2, {'type': 'passage', 'w': 10})
    engine.generate_description(('hall', 3))
    engine.describe(3, {'type': 'passage', 'w': 10})
    engine.generate_description(('hall', 4))
    engine.describe(4, {'type': 'passage', 'w': 10})
    engine.generate_description(('hall', 5))
    engine.describe(5, {'type': 'chamber', 'w': 20, 'h': 20})

    if origin != 'n':
        engine.add(['hall', 'passage', x + 4, y - 1, 'n', 2, ('hall', 1)])

    if origin != 'e':
        engine.add(['hall', 'passage', x + 10, y + 4, 'e', 2, ('hall', 2)])

    if origin != 's':
        engine.add(['hall', 'passage', x + 4, y + 10, 's', 2, ('hall', 3)])

    if origin != 'w':
        engine.add(['hall', 'passage', x - 1, y + 4, 'w', 2, ('hall', 4)])

    engine.maparray[x:x + w, y:y + h] = layout
    return (True, )
Пример #14
 def test08_MapArrayConstructor(self):
     ma1 = MapArray(('hall', 10))
     st1 = "MapArray([MapVector([MapSquare('hall', 10)])])"
     self.assertEqual(ma1.__repr__(), st1,
                      "constructor with single MapSquare")
     ma1 = MapArray(('hall', 10), 1)
         ma1.__repr__(), st1,
         "single-square constructor with 1 dimensional size parameter")
     ma1 = MapArray(('hall', 10), (1, 1))
         ma1.__repr__(), st1,
         "single-square constructor with 2 dimensional size parameter")
     st2 = "##"
     st2b = "MapArray([MapVector([MapSquare('hall', 0), MapSquare('hall', 0)])])"
     ma2 = MapArray(('hall', 0), (2, 1))
     self.assertEqual(ma2.__repr__(), st2b, "(2,1) __repr__ test")
     self.assertEqual(str(ma2), st2, "(2,1) size constructor")
     st3 = "#\n#"
     st3b = "MapArray([MapVector([MapSquare('hall', 0)]), MapVector([MapSquare('hall', 0)])])"
     ma3 = MapArray(('hall', 0), (1, 2))
     self.assertEqual(str(ma3), st3, "(1,2) size constructor")
     self.assertEqual(ma3.__repr__(), st3b, "(1,2) __repr__ test")
     mv1 = MapVector(('room', 2), 3)
     ma4 = MapArray(mv1)
     self.assertEqual(str(mv1), str(ma4),
                      "Constructor with single MapVector")
     ma4 = MapArray([('room', 2) for i in range(3)])
     self.assertEqual(str(mv1), str(ma4), "Constructor with 1d list")
     ma5 = MapArray(mv1, (2, 1))
     st5 = ".."
     self.assertEqual(str(ma5), st5, "Constructor restricts x dimension")
     mv2 = MapVector([('hall', 1), ('door', 1)])
     ma6 = MapArray(mv2, (5, 1))
     st6 = "#+#+#"
     self.assertEqual(str(ma6), st6, "Constructor expands x dimension")
     ma7 = MapArray(mv2, 2)
     st7 = "#+\n#+"
     self.assertEqual(str(ma7), st7,
                      "Constructor expands y dimension, single parameter")
     ma1b = MapArray(ma1)
     ma7b = MapArray(ma7)
     self.assertEqual(ma1.__repr__(), ma1b.__repr__(),
                      "Constructor as identity on MapArray 1x1")
     self.assertEqual(ma7.__repr__(), ma7b.__repr__(),
                      "Constructor as identity on MapArray 2x2")
     id1 = id(ma7)
     id2 = id(ma7b)
     self.assertNotEqual(id1, id2, "Constructor copies value not reference")
     mv3 = MapVector([('hwal', 0), ('door', 1)])
     mv4 = MapVector(mv3, 3)[1:]
     ma8 = MapArray([mv3, mv4])
     st8 = "-+\n+-"
     self.assertEqual(str(ma8), st8, "Constructor with list of MapVectors")
     mv5 = MapVector(mv4, 10)
     ma8 = MapArray([mv3, mv5])
         str(ma8), st8,
         "Constructor with list of irregular MapVectors (keep dimension of top row)"
     ma9 = MapArray(ma8, (3, 3))
     st9 = "-+-\n+-+\n-+-"
     self.assertEqual(str(ma9), st9,
                      "Constructor expands Maparray (2x2) -> (3x3)")
     ma10 = MapArray(ma9, (5, 1))
     st10 = "-+--+"
         str(ma10), st10,
         "Constructor expands in one dimension and contracts in another (3x3) -> (5,1)"
Пример #15
def room_tests():
    e = Engine({"w": 80, "h": 40, "pop_mode": "queue"})

    # test draw_room
    m = MapArray(('void', 0), (10, 10))
    m[5, 5] = ('vwal', 1)
    _ = room.draw_room(m, 1, 1, 8, 8, ('room', 1))
    assert _ is True
    assert m[1, 5] == m[8, 7] == ('vwal', 1)
    assert m[1, 1] == m[8, 1] == ('tcor', 1)
    assert m[8, 8] == m[1, 8] == ('bcor', 1)
    assert m[5, 1] == m[2, 8] == ('hwal', 1)
    assert m[2, 2] == m[7, 7] == ('room', 1)
    # attempt to draw room with blocking tile in the way
    m = MapArray(('void', 0), (10, 10))
    m[5, 5] = ('hall', 1)
    _ = room.draw_room(m, 0, 0, 10, 10, 1)
    assert _ is False
    # draw room from dispatch
    room.dispatch_room(e, ["room", "draw", 1, 1, "e", (8, 8), ("room", 1)],
                       [1, 5, 6])
    m = e.maparray
    assert m[1, 5] == m[8, 7] == ('vwal', 1)
    assert m[1, 1] == m[8, 1] == ('tcor', 1)
    assert m[8, 8] == m[1, 8] == ('bcor', 1)
    assert m[5, 1] == m[2, 8] == ('hwal', 1)
    assert m[2, 2] == m[7, 7] == ('room', 1)

    # test find_loc
    m = MapArray(('void', 0), (40, 40))
    x, y = room.find_loc(m, 20, 1, 20, 10, "s", 1, [6, 5])
    assert (x, y) == (10, 1), str((x, y))
    x, y = room.find_loc(m, 20, 10, 20, 10, "n", 1, [6, 5])
    assert (x, y) == (10, 1), str((x, y))
    m[11, 2] = ('hall', 1)
    x, y = room.find_loc(m, 20, 1, 20, 10, "s", 1, [6, 5])
    assert (x, y) == (19, 1), str((x, y))
    m[35, 2] = ('room', 2)
    x, y = room.find_loc(m, 20, 1, 20, 10, "s", 1, [6, 5])
    assert (x, y) == (15, 1), str((x, y))
    m = MapArray(('void', 0), (40, 40))
    m[4, 4] = ("room", 1)
    m[6, 11] = ("hall", 2)
    x, y = room.find_loc(m, 1, 8, 6, 6, "e", 1, [10, 4])
    assert (x, y) == (1, 5), str((x, y))
    m = MapArray(('void', 0), (40, 40))
    x, y = room.find_loc(m, 1, 10, 6, 6, "e", 1, [6, 5])
    assert (x, y) == (1, 7), str((x, y))
    x, y = room.find_loc(m, 10, 1, 6, 6, "s", 4, [6, 5])
    assert (x, y) == (9, 1), str((x, y))
    m = MapArray(('void', 0), (50, 50))
    # 6 + 5 = 11 - 11 = 0 + (8-2)//2 = 3
    # 30, 20 move north by (3-1) = 18
    x, y = room.find_loc(m, 30, 20, 8, 8, "w", 1, [6, 5])
    assert (x, y) == (23, 16), str((x, y))
    x, y = room.find_loc(m, 30, 20, 8, 8, "w", 4, [6, 5])
    assert (x, y) == (23, 19), str((x, y))

    # room tables
    e = Engine({
        "w": 80,
        "h": 40,
        "pop_mode": "queue",
        "log": True,
        "dont_terminate": True
    e.add(['room', 'door', 10, 10, "n", 1, ('room', 1)])
    e.add(['room', 'passage', 30, 10, "s", 2, ('room', 1)])
    e.add(['hall', 'start', 50, 38, "n", 4, ('hall', 2)])
    e.add(['hall', 'start', 70, 1, "s", 4, ('hall', 2)])
            13, 6, 5, 13, 7, 2, 11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 15, 1, 1, 13, 7, 2, 6, 1, 1,
            15, 1, 1, 15, 1, 1, 8, 5, 7
    print("\n".join(str(m) for m in e.log_messages))
    # print(e)
    e = Engine({
        "w": 80,
        "h": 40,
        "pop_mode": "queue",
        "log": True,
        "dont_terminate": True
    e.add(['hall', 'start', 20, 1, 's', 4, ('hall', 1)])
        [7, 2, 10, 8, 7, 9, 15, 2, 2, 19, 11, 9, 1, 8, 7, 14, 2, 2, 11, 2, 3]
Пример #16
 def getlevel(self):
     w = self.file_obj['w']
     h = self.file_obj['h']
     bts = self.file_obj['mapbytes']
     return MapArray(bts, (w, h))