def post(self, *args, **kwargs): logger_dict = {"args": args, "kwargs": kwargs, "params": self.params, "method": "POST"} try: interface = args[0] method_settings = { "jx3/info": self.update_jx3_info } response = yield method_settings[interface]() self.write(response) self.finish() except Exception, e: logger_dict["traceback"] = traceback.format_exc(e) logger.error(logger_dict) send_to_master("API出错", json.dumps(logger_dict)) self.write({"status": 0, "message": "获取失败"})
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): logger_dict = {"args": args, "kwargs": kwargs, "params": self.params, "method": "POST"} interface = args[0] method_settings = { "jx3/info": self.get_jx3info } if interface not in method_settings: raise HTTPError(404) try: response = yield method_settings[interface]() self.write(response) except Exception, e: logger_dict["traceback"] = traceback.format_exc(e) logger.error(logger_dict) send_to_master("API出错", json.dumps(logger_dict)) self.write({"status": 0, "message": "获取失败"})
def auto_add_one(cls, force=False): last_time = redis.get(cls.LAST_UPDATE_TIME) if not force and last_time and not Timer.is_in_yesterday(last_time): send_to_master("剑网三自动更新出错", "上次更新时间错误!") return False with redis.conn.pipeline() as pipe: with sessionCM() as session: try:, cls.LAST_UPDATE_TIME) pipe.multi() res = redis.incr(cls.REDIS_KEY) if not res: raise RedisError time = Timer.now_time() redis.set(cls.LAST_UPDATE_TIME, Timer.now_time()) pipe.execute() current_jx3_info = json.dumps(cls.get_info()) Jx3DailyRecord.create(session, update_time=time, info=current_jx3_info) send_to_master("剑网三自动更新完成", current_jx3_info) return True except WatchError: pipe.reset()
def get_usage(self): with paramiko.SSHClient() as ssh: record = self.get_record() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(hostname=self.public_ip, port=22, username=record.user_name, password=record.pwd) cpu_reset = self.exec_command( ssh, "top -bn 1 -i -c|grep Cpu|awk -F, '{print $4}'| awk -Fi '{print $1}'" ) server_load = self.exec_command( ssh, "uptime | sed 's/.*average://g' | sed 's/\s*//g'| awk -F, '{print $1}'" ) memory_rest = self.exec_command( ssh, "free -m | grep Mem | awk '{print $7}'") disk_usage = self.exec_command( ssh, "df -m | awk '{print $3}'| head -n 2 | tail -n 1") mysql_cpu = self.exec_command( ssh, "top -b -n 1 | grep mysqld | awk '{b+=$9}END{print b}'") mongo_cpu = self.exec_command( ssh, "top -b -n 1 | grep mongod | awk '{b+=$9}END{print b}'") UsageRecord.create( self.session, **{ "cpu_usage": 1 - float(cpu_reset.strip().strip("%")) / 100, "server_load": server_load, "memory_usage": 1 - float(float(memory_rest) / record.memory_capacity), "disk_usage": float(float(disk_usage) / record.disk_capacity), "mysql_cpu": float(mysql_cpu or 0), "mongo_cpu": float(mongo_cpu or 0), "robot_id": }) record.error_times = 0 record.status = STATUS["ACTIVE"] if mysql_cpu and float(mysql_cpu) > LINE["mysql"]: raise OverloadError if mongo_cpu and float(mongo_cpu) > LINE["mysql"]: raise OverloadError except OverloadError, e: send_to_master( "服务器%s负载过高" %, "%s机器数据库负载过高当前机器状态为\n系统负载:%f\nCPU使用率:%f\n内存使用率:%f\n硬盘使用率:%f\nmysql CPU占用:%f\nmongo CPU占用:%f" % (, record.server_load, record.cpu_usage, record.memory_usage, record.disk_usage, record.mysql_cpu, record.mongo_cpu)) except socket.error, e: record.error_times += 1 record.status = STATUS["CONNECT_ERROR"] logger.error("获取状态信息失败:%s" % e.message) logger.error(traceback.format_exc(e))
except StdError, e: record.error_times += 1 record.status = STATUS["OTHER_ERROR"] logger.error("获取状态信息失败:%s" % e.message) logger.error(traceback.format_exc(e)) except Exception, e: self.session.rollback() record.error_times += 1 record.status = STATUS["OTHER_ERROR"] print traceback.format_exc(e) logger.error("获取状态信息失败:%s" % e.message) logger.error(traceback.format_exc(e)) finally: if record.error_times > 5: record.status = STATUS["STOPPED"] send_to_master("API出错", "%s机器连续五分钟获取不到信息, 设置状态为stop!" % self.session.add(record) self.session.commit() def add_usage_to_record(self): pass def exec_command(self, ssh, commannd): stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(commannd) str_out = str_err = if str_err != "": raise StdError(str_err) return str_out.strip()