Пример #1
import os
import string

import six

from taskflow.utils import misc
from taskflow import version

BANNER_HEADER = string.Template("""
___    __
 |    |_
 |ask |low v$version
BANNER_HEADER = BANNER_HEADER.substitute(version=version.version_string())

def make_banner(what, chapters):
    """Makes a taskflow banner string.

    For example::

      >>> from taskflow.utils import banner
      >>> chapters = {
          'Connection details': {
              'Topic': 'hello',
          'Powered by': {
              'Executor': 'parallel',
Пример #2
Supported endpoints:$endpoints
System details:
  Hostname = $hostname
  Pid = $pid
  Platform = $platform
  Python = $python
  Thread id = $thread_id
BANNER_TEMPLATE.defaults = {
    # These values may not be possible to fetch/known, default to unknown...
    'pid': '???',
    'hostname': '???',
    'executor_thread_count': '???',
    'endpoints': ' %s' % ([]),
    # These are static (avoid refetching...)
    'version': version.version_string(),
    'python': sys.version.split("\n", 1)[0].strip(),

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Worker(object):
    """Worker that can be started on a remote host for handling tasks requests.

    :param url: broker url
    :param exchange: broker exchange name
    :param topic: topic name under which worker is stated
    :param tasks: task list that worker is capable of performing, items in
        the list can be one of the following types; 1, a string naming the
        python module name to search for tasks in or the task class name; 2, a
Пример #3
# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'

# General information about the project.
project = u'taskflow Release Notes'
copyright = u'2016, taskflow Developers'

# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
from taskflow import version as taskflow_version
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = taskflow_version.version_string()
# The short X.Y version.
version = release

# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
# language = None

# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
# today = ''
# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'

# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
Пример #4
class Worker(object):
    """Worker that can be started on a remote host for handling tasks requests.

    :param url: broker url
    :param exchange: broker exchange name
    :param topic: topic name under which worker is stated
    :param tasks: task list that worker is capable of performing, items in
        the list can be one of the following types; 1, a string naming the
        python module name to search for tasks in or the task class name; 2, a
        python module  to search for tasks in; 3, a task class object that
        will be used to create tasks from.
    :param executor: custom executor object that can used for processing
        requests in separate threads (if not provided one will be created)
    :param threads_count: threads count to be passed to the
                          default executor (used only if an executor is not
                          passed in)
    :param transport: transport to be used (e.g. amqp, memory, etc.)
    :param transport_options: transport specific options (see:
                              http://kombu.readthedocs.org/ for what these
                              options imply and are expected to be)
    :param retry_options: retry specific options
                          (see: :py:attr:`~.proxy.Proxy.DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS`)

    BANNER_TEMPLATE = string.Template("""
TaskFlow v${version} WBE worker.
Connection details:
  Driver = $transport_driver
  Exchange = $exchange
  Topic = $topic
  Transport = $transport_type
  Uri = $connection_uri
Powered by:
  Executor = $executor_type
  Thread count = $executor_thread_count
Supported endpoints:$endpoints
System details:
  Hostname = $hostname
  Pid = $pid
  Platform = $platform
  Python = $python
  Thread id = $thread_id

    # See: http://bugs.python.org/issue13173 for why we are doing this...
    BANNER_TEMPLATE.defaults = {
        # These values may not be possible to fetch/known, default
        # to ??? to represent that they are unknown...
        'pid': '???',
        'hostname': '???',
        'executor_thread_count': '???',
        'endpoints': ' %s' % ([]),
        # These are static (avoid refetching...)
        'version': version.version_string(),
        'python': sys.version.split("\n", 1)[0].strip(),

    def __init__(self,
        self._topic = topic
        self._executor = executor
        self._owns_executor = False
        if self._executor is None:
            self._executor = futurist.ThreadPoolExecutor(
            self._owns_executor = True
        self._endpoints = self._derive_endpoints(tasks)
        self._exchange = exchange
        self._server = server.Server(topic,

    def _derive_endpoints(tasks):
        """Derive endpoints from list of strings, classes or packages."""
        derived_tasks = misc.find_subclasses(tasks, t_task.BaseTask)
        return [endpoint.Endpoint(task) for task in derived_tasks]

    def _generate_banner(self):
        """Generates a banner that can be useful to display before running."""
            tpl_params = dict(self.BANNER_TEMPLATE.defaults)
        except AttributeError:
            tpl_params = {}
        connection_details = self._server.connection_details
        transport = connection_details.transport
        if transport.driver_version:
            transport_driver = "%s v%s" % (transport.driver_name,
            transport_driver = transport.driver_name
        tpl_params['transport_driver'] = transport_driver
        tpl_params['exchange'] = self._exchange
        tpl_params['topic'] = self._topic
        tpl_params['transport_type'] = transport.driver_type
        tpl_params['connection_uri'] = connection_details.uri
        tpl_params['executor_type'] = reflection.get_class_name(self._executor)
        threads_count = getattr(self._executor, 'max_workers', None)
        if threads_count is not None:
            tpl_params['executor_thread_count'] = threads_count
        if self._endpoints:
            pretty_endpoints = []
            for ep in self._endpoints:
                pretty_endpoints.append("  - %s" % ep)
            # This ensures there is a newline before the list...
            tpl_params['endpoints'] = "\n" + "\n".join(pretty_endpoints)
            tpl_params['hostname'] = socket.getfqdn()
        except socket.error:
            tpl_params['pid'] = os.getpid()
        except OSError:
        tpl_params['platform'] = platform.platform()
        tpl_params['thread_id'] = tu.get_ident()
        banner = self.BANNER_TEMPLATE.substitute(**tpl_params)
        # NOTE(harlowja): this is needed since the template in this file
        # will always have newlines that end with '\n' (even on different
        # platforms due to the way this source file is encoded) so we have
        # to do this little dance to make it platform neutral...
        return misc.fix_newlines(banner)

    def run(self, display_banner=True, banner_writer=None):
        """Runs the worker."""
        if display_banner:
            banner = self._generate_banner()
            if banner_writer is None:
                for line in banner.splitlines():

    def wait(self):
        """Wait until worker is started."""

    def stop(self):
        """Stop worker."""
        if self._owns_executor:
Пример #5
#    under the License.

import os
import string

import six

from taskflow.utils import misc
from taskflow import version

BANNER_HEADER = string.Template("""
___    __
 |    |_
 |ask |low v$version
BANNER_HEADER = BANNER_HEADER.substitute(version=version.version_string())

def make_banner(what, chapters):
    """Makes a taskflow banner string.

    For example::

      >>> from taskflow.utils import banner
      >>> chapters = {
          'Connection details': {
              'Topic': 'hello',
          'Powered by': {
              'Executor': 'parallel',
Пример #6
Supported endpoints:$endpoints
System details:
  Hostname = $hostname
  Pid = $pid
  Platform = $platform
  Python = $python
  Thread id = $thread_id
BANNER_TEMPLATE.defaults = {
    # These values may not be possible to fetch/known, default to unknown...
    'pid': '???',
    'hostname': '???',
    'executor_thread_count': '???',
    'endpoints': ' %s' % ([]),
    # These are static (avoid refetching...)
    'version': version.version_string(),
    'python': sys.version.split("\n", 1)[0].strip(),

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Worker(object):
    """Worker that can be started on a remote host for handling tasks requests.

    :param url: broker url
    :param exchange: broker exchange name
    :param topic: topic name under which worker is stated
    :param tasks: task list that worker is capable of performing, items in
        the list can be one of the following types; 1, a string naming the
        python module name to search for tasks in or the task class name; 2, a