def _checkfile(filename, datacolumn): import re # Currently this supports only ms files # As such there is no reason to check filetype. # If it cannot be opened as ms it will not be supported. # if re.match('^.*[mM][sS]/*$', filename) is not None: try: from taskinit import ms ms.done() except ImportError: # This probably means that it was run from a pure python session. # We will relegate any checks that it is a valid ms file to the # stacker. if not os.access(filename, os.F_OK): raise RuntimeError( 'Could not find data file "{}".'.format(filename)) filename = filename filetype = FILE_TYPE_MS fileoptions = 0 if datacolumn == 'data': fileoptions = MS_DATACOLUMN_DATA elif datacolumn == 'model' or datacolumn == 'model_data': fileoptions = MS_MODELCOLUMN_DATA # elif re.match('^.*[fF][iI][tT][sS]$', filename) is not None: # raise NotImplementedError('FITS format is currently not supported.') return filetype, filename, fileoptions
def get_phs_center(msfile): """ get the phase center of the MS file using CASA Parameters ---------- msfile: str measurement set filename Returns ------- pcd: phase center Note ---- may need further modification if nField > 1 unless it is the same for all fields (need further investigation) """ from taskinit import ms pc = ms.getfielddirmeas() if not isinstance(pc, dict) is True: pc() epoch = pc['refer'] pcd_dec = pc['m1']['value'] * 180 / np.pi pcd_ra = pc['m0']['value'] * 180 / np.pi if pcd_ra < 0: pcd_ra += 360 ms.done() pcd = [pcd_ra, pcd_dec] return pcd
def MSpcd2(msFile): """using CASA Parameters ---------- msFile: string measurement set filename Returns ------- pcd: phase center Note ---- may need further modification if nField > 1 unless it is the same for all fields (need further investigation) """ from taskinit import ms pc = ms.getfielddirmeas() if not isinstance(pc, dict) is True: pc() epoch = pc['refer'] pcd_dec = pc['m1']['value'] * 180 / numpy.pi pcd_ra = pc['m0']['value'] * 180 / numpy.pi if pcd_ra < 0: pcd_ra += 360 ms.done() pcd = [pcd_ra, pcd_dec] return pcd
def checkMS(msFile, cont=True): """ get the number of spw and channels in the measurement set for continuum: combine into 1 channel and spw before running uvmcmcfit Parameters ---------- msFile: string CASA measurement set Returns ------- nspw: number of spw nchan: number of channels """ from taskinit import ms metadata = ms.metadata() ms.done() nspw = metadata.nspw() for i in range(nspw): # number of channels in each spw nchan = metadata.nchan(spw) metadata.done() return nspw, nchan
def make_pbfile(vis, pbfile): from taskinit import im, ms, ia, qa, tb import numpy as np from scipy.constants import c fields = ms.range('field_id')['field_id'] ms.done() im.selectvis(field=fields[0]) freq = np.mean(ms.range('chan_freq')['chan_freq']) phase_dir = ms.range('phase_dir')['phase_dir']['direction'] ms.done() phase_dir = phase_dir[0][0], phase_dir[1][0] phase_dir = [ qa.formxxx(str(phase_dir[0]) + 'rad', format='hms'), qa.formxxx(str(phase_dir[1]) + 'rad', format='dms') ] phase_dir = 'J2000 ' + ' '.join(phase_dir) + '/ANTENNA/') dishdia = np.min(tb.getcol('DISH_DIAMETER')) tb.done() # pb of 512 pix cover pb down to 0.001 # ensure largest pixel to pixel var to .01 minpb = 0.001 nx = 512 cellconv = (nx * np.sqrt(np.log(2) / np.log(1 / minpb)))**-1 beam = c / freq / dishdia cell = {} cell['value'] = beam * cellconv cell['unit'] = 'rad' # nx = int(3*3e8/freq/dishdia*1.22*180/ # math.pi*3600/qa.convert(advise['cell'], # 'arcsec')['value']) # Chosen as to be 3 times fwhm of primary beam, # should include up to approximately .01 of peak flux im.defineimage(nx=nx, ny=nx, cellx=cell, celly=cell, phasecenter=phase_dir) im.setvp(dovp=True) im.makeimage(type='pb', image=pbfile) im.done() cs = ia.coordsys() cs.setreferencevalue(type='direction', value=[0., 0.]) ia.setcoordsys(cs.torecord()) ia.maskhandler('delete', 'mask0') ia.done()
def guesspb(vis): """ Produces a PrimaryBeamModel from a measurementset """ print(vis) from taskinit import ms, tb, qa freq = (np.mean(ms.range('chan_freq')['chan_freq']) / 1e9) ms.done() + '/OBSERVATION') telescope = tb.getcol('TELESCOPE_NAME')[0] tb.done() pbfile = '{0}-{1:.1f}GHz.pb'.format(telescope, freq) print(pbfile) if not os.access(pbfile, os.F_OK): stacker.make_pbfile(vis, pbfile) return MSPrimaryBeamModel(pbfile)