def perform_dist(buildno=None): header('Building a distribuable package') cmd = ['python'] if buildno: cmd.append('egg_info -b {0}'.format(buildno)) cmd.append('bdist_wheel') lrun(' '.join(cmd), pty=True)
def test(fast=False): '''Run tests suite''' header('Run tests suite') cmd = 'nosetests --rednose --force-color udata' if fast: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '--stop']) lrun(cmd, pty=True)
def test(ctx, fast=False): '''Run tests suite''' header('Run tests suite') cmd = 'nosetests --rednose --force-color udata' if fast: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '--stop']) lrun(cmd)
def test(fast=False): """Run tests suite""" header("Run tests suite") cmd = "nosetests --rednose --force-color udata" if fast: cmd = " ".join([cmd, "--stop"]) lrun(cmd, pty=True)
def cover(): """Run tests suite with coverage""" header("Run tests suite with coverage") lrun( "nosetests --rednose --force-color \ --with-coverage --cover-html --cover-package=udata", pty=True, )
def assets_build(ctx, progress=False): '''Install and compile assets''' header('Building static assets') cmd = 'npm run assets:build -- --config {0}.js' if progress: cmd += ' --progress' lrun(cmd.format(''), pty=True) lrun(cmd.format('webpack.widgets.config'), pty=True)
def assets_build(progress=False): '''Install and compile assets''' header('Building static assets') cmd = 'npm run assets:build -- --config {0}.js' if progress: cmd += ' --progress' lrun(cmd.format(''), pty=True) lrun(cmd.format('webpack.widgets.config'), pty=True)
def assets_build(progress=False): """Install and compile assets""" header("Building static assets") cmd = "npm run assets:build -- --config {0}.js" if progress: cmd += " --progress" lrun(cmd.format(""), pty=True) lrun(cmd.format("webpack.widgets.config"), pty=True)
def i18n(ctx, update=False): '''Extract translatable strings''' header('Extract translatable strings') info('Extract Python strings') lrun('python extract_messages') if update: lrun('python update_catalog') info('Extract JavaScript strings') keys = set() catalog = {} catalog_filename = join(ROOT, 'js', 'locales', '{}.en.json'.format(I18N_DOMAIN)) if exists(catalog_filename): with, encoding='utf8') as f: catalog = json.load(f) globs = '*.js', '*.vue', '*.hbs' regexps = [ re.compile(r'(?:|\.|\s|\{)_\(\s*(?:"|\')(.*?)(?:"|\')\s*(?:\)|,)' ), # JS _('trad') re.compile(r'v-i18n="(.*?)"'), # Vue.js directive v-i18n="trad" re.compile(r'"\{\{\{?\s*\'(.*?)\'\s*\|\s*i18n\}\}\}?"' ), # Vue.js filter {{ 'trad'|i18n }} re.compile(r'{{_\s*"(.*?)"\s*}}'), # Handlebars {{_ "trad" }} re.compile(r'{{_\s*\'(.*?)\'\s*}}'), # Handlebars {{_ 'trad' }} re.compile(r'\:[a-z0-9_\-]+="\s*_\(\'(.*?)\'\)\s*"' ), # Vue.js binding :prop="_('trad')" ] for directory, _, _ in os.walk(join(ROOT, 'js')): glob_patterns = (iglob(join(directory, g)) for g in globs) for filename in itertools.chain(*glob_patterns): print('Extracting messages from {0}'.format(green(filename))) content =, encoding='utf8').read() for regexp in regexps: for match in regexp.finditer(content): key = key = key.replace('\\n', '\n') keys.add(key) if key not in catalog: catalog[key] = key # Remove old/not found translations for key in catalog.keys(): if key not in keys: del catalog[key] with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(catalog, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf8', separators=(',', ': '))
def qa(): """Run a quality report""" header("Performing static analysis") info("Python static analysis") flake8_results = lrun("flake8 udata --jobs 1", pty=True, warn=True) info("JavaScript static analysis") eslint_results = lrun("npm -s run lint", pty=True, warn=True) if flake8_results.failed or eslint_results.failed: exit(flake8_results.return_code or eslint_results.return_code) print(green("OK"))
def qa(ctx): '''Run a quality report''' header('Performing static analysis') info('Python static analysis') flake8_results = lrun('flake8 udata --jobs 1', pty=True, warn=True) info('JavaScript static analysis') eslint_results = lrun('npm -s run lint', pty=True, warn=True) if flake8_results.failed or eslint_results.failed: exit(flake8_results.return_code or eslint_results.return_code) print(green('OK'))
def i18n(): '''Extract translatable strings''' header('Extract translatable strings') info('Extract Python strings') lrun('python extract_messages') lrun('python update_catalog') info('Extract JavaScript strings') keys = [] catalog = {} catalog_filename = join(ROOT, 'js', 'locales', '{}.en.json'.format(I18N_DOMAIN)) not_found = {} not_found_filename = join(ROOT, 'js', 'locales', '{}.notfound.json'.format(I18N_DOMAIN)) if exists(catalog_filename): with, encoding='utf8') as f: catalog = json.load(f) globs = '*.js', '*.vue', '*.hbs' regexps = [ re.compile(r'(?:|\.|\s|\{)_\(\s*(?:"|\')(.*?)(?:"|\')\s*(?:\)|,)'), # re.compile(r'this\._\(\s*(?:"|\')(.*?)(?:"|\')\s*\)'), re.compile(r'v-i18n="(.*?)"'), re.compile(r'"\{\{\{?\s*\'(.*?)\'\s*\|\s*i18n\}\}\}?"'), re.compile(r'{{_\s*"(.*?)"\s*}}'), re.compile(r'{{_\s*\'(.*?)\'\s*}}'), ] for directory, _, _ in os.walk(join(ROOT, 'js')): glob_patterns = (iglob(join(directory, g)) for g in globs) for filename in itertools.chain(*glob_patterns): print('Extracting messages from {0}'.format(green(filename))) content =, encoding='utf8').read() for regexp in regexps: for match in regexp.finditer(content): key = keys.append(key) if key not in catalog: catalog[key] = key with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(catalog, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf8', separators=(',', ': ')) for key, value in catalog.items(): if key not in keys: not_found[key] = value with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(not_found, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf8', separators=(',', ': '))
def clean(ctx, node=False, translations=False, all=False): '''Cleanup all build artifacts''' header('Clean all build artifacts') patterns = [ 'build', 'dist', 'cover', 'docs/_build', '**/*.pyc', '*.egg-info', '.tox', 'udata/static/*' ] if node or all: patterns.append('node_modules') if translations or all: patterns.append('udata/translations/*/LC_MESSAGES/') for pattern in patterns: info(pattern) lrun('rm -rf {0}'.format(' '.join(patterns)))
def i18n(): """Extract translatable strings""" header("Extract translatable strings") info("Extract Python strings") lrun("python extract_messages") lrun("python update_catalog") info("Extract JavaScript strings") keys = [] catalog = {} catalog_filename = join(ROOT, "js", "locales", "{}.en.json".format(I18N_DOMAIN)) not_found = {} not_found_filename = join(ROOT, "js", "locales", "{}.notfound.json".format(I18N_DOMAIN)) if exists(catalog_filename): with, encoding="utf8") as f: catalog = json.load(f) globs = "*.js", "*.vue", "*.hbs" regexps = [ re.compile(r'(?:|\.|\s|\{)_\(\s*(?:"|\')(.*?)(?:"|\')\s*(?:\)|,)'), # JS _('trad') re.compile(r'v-i18n="(.*?)"'), # Vue.js directive v-i18n="trad" re.compile(r'"\{\{\{?\s*\'(.*?)\'\s*\|\s*i18n\}\}\}?"'), # Vue.js filter {{ 'trad'|i18n }} re.compile(r'{{_\s*"(.*?)"\s*}}'), # Handlebars {{_ "trad" }} re.compile(r"{{_\s*\'(.*?)\'\s*}}"), # Handlebars {{_ 'trad' }} re.compile(r'\:[a-z0-9_\-]+="\s*_\(\'(.*?)\'\)\s*"'), # Vue.js binding :prop="_('trad')" ] for directory, _, _ in os.walk(join(ROOT, "js")): glob_patterns = (iglob(join(directory, g)) for g in globs) for filename in itertools.chain(*glob_patterns): print("Extracting messages from {0}".format(green(filename))) content =, encoding="utf8").read() for regexp in regexps: for match in regexp.finditer(content): key = keys.append(key) if key not in catalog: catalog[key] = key with, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: json.dump(catalog, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf8", separators=(",", ": ")) for key, value in catalog.items(): if key not in keys: not_found[key] = value with, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: json.dump(not_found, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf8", separators=(",", ": "))
def qa(): '''Run a quality report''' header('Performing static analysis') info('Python static analysis') flake8_results = lrun('flake8 udata', warn=True) info('JavaScript static analysis') jshint_results = nrun('jshint js', warn=True) if flake8_results.failed or jshint_results.failed: exit(flake8_results.return_code or jshint_results.return_code)
def qa(): '''Run a quality report''' header('Performing static analysis') info('Python static analysis') flake8_results = lrun('flake8 udata', pty=True, warn=True) info('JavaScript static analysis') eslint_results = nrun('eslint js/ --ext .vue,.js', pty=True, warn=True) if flake8_results.failed or eslint_results.failed: exit(flake8_results.return_code or eslint_results.return_code) print(green('OK'))
def clean(ctx, bower=False, node=False, translations=False, all=False): '''Cleanup all build artifacts''' header('Clean all build artifacts') patterns = [ 'build', 'dist', 'cover', 'docs/_build', '**/*.pyc', '*.egg-info', '.tox' ] # Static build assets patterns.extend('udata/static/*.{0}'.format(e) for e in STATIC_ASSETS_EXTS) patterns.extend('udata/static/{0}'.format(d) for d in STATIC_ASSETS_DIRS) if bower or all: patterns.append('udata/static/bower') if node or all: patterns.append('node_modules') if translations or all: patterns.append('udata/translations/*/LC_MESSAGES/') for pattern in patterns: info(pattern) lrun('rm -rf {0}'.format(' '.join(patterns)))
def qa(): '''Run a quality report''' header('Performing static analysis') info('Python static analysis') flake8_results = lrun('flake8 udata', warn=True) info('JavaScript static analysis') jshint_results = nrun('jshint js --extra-ext=.vue --extract=auto', warn=True) if flake8_results.failed or jshint_results.failed: exit(flake8_results.return_code or jshint_results.return_code) print(green('OK'))
def update(ctx, migrate=False): '''Perform a development update''' msg = 'Update all dependencies' if migrate: msg += ' and migrate data' header(msg) info('Updating Python dependencies') lrun('pip install -r requirements/develop.pip') lrun('pip install -e .') info('Updating JavaScript dependencies') lrun('npm install') if migrate: info('Migrating database') lrun('udata db migrate')
def widgets_watch(ctx): '''Build widgets on changes''' lrun('npm run widgets:watch', pty=True)
def widgets_build(ctx): '''Compile and minify widgets''' header('Building widgets') lrun('npm run widgets:build', pty=True)
def i18nc(ctx): '''Compile translations''' header('Compiling translations') lrun('python compile_catalog')
def serve(): '''Run a development server''' lrun('python serve -d -r', pty=True)
def doc(): '''Build the documentation''' header('Building documentation') lrun('cd doc && make html', pty=True)
def test(): '''Run tests suite''' header('Run tests suite') lrun('nosetests --rednose --force-color udata', pty=True)
def oembed_watch(ctx): '''Build OEmbed assets on changes''' lrun('npm run oembed:watch', pty=True)
def dist(): """Package for distribution""" header("Building a distribuable package") lrun("python bdist_wheel", pty=True)
def assets_watch(): lrun("npm run assets:watch", pty=True)
def jstest(ctx, watch=False): '''Run Karma tests suite''' header('Run Karma/Mocha test suite') cmd = 'npm run -s test:{0}'.format('watch' if watch else 'unit') lrun(cmd)
def i18nc(): """Compile translations""" header("Compiling translations") lrun("python compile_catalog")
def doc(ctx): '''Build the documentation''' header('Building documentation') lrun('mkdocs serve', pty=True)
def dist(): '''Package for distribution''' header('Building a distribuable package') lrun('python bdist_wheel', pty=True)
def doc(): """Build the documentation""" header("Building documentation") lrun("cd doc && make html", pty=True)
def cover(): '''Run tests suite with coverage''' header('Run tests suite with coverage') lrun('nosetests --rednose --force-color \ --with-coverage --cover-html --cover-package=udata', pty=True)
def assets_watch(ctx): '''Build assets on change''' lrun('npm run assets:watch', pty=True)
def serve(ctx): '''Run a development server''' lrun('python serve -d -r', pty=True)
def serve(): """Run a development server""" lrun("python serve -d -r", pty=True)
def serve(ctx, host='localhost'): '''Run a development server''' lrun('python serve -d -r -h %s' % host)
def i18n(ctx, update=False): '''Extract translatable strings''' header('Extract translatable strings') info('Extract Python strings') lrun('python extract_messages') # Fix crowdin requiring Language with `2-digit` iso code in potfile # to produce 2-digit iso code pofile # Opening the catalog also allows to set extra metadata potfile = join(ROOT, 'udata', 'translations', '{}.pot'.format(I18N_DOMAIN)) with open(potfile, 'rb') as infile: catalog = read_po(infile, 'en') catalog.copyright_holder = 'Open Data Team' catalog.msgid_bugs_address = '*****@*****.**' catalog.language_team = 'Open Data Team <*****@*****.**>' catalog.last_translator = 'Open Data Team <*****@*****.**>' catalog.revision_date = with open(potfile, 'wb') as outfile: write_po(outfile, catalog, width=80) if update: lrun('python update_catalog') info('Extract JavaScript strings') keys = set() catalog = {} catalog_filename = join(ROOT, 'js', 'locales', '{}.en.json'.format(I18N_DOMAIN)) if exists(catalog_filename): with, encoding='utf8') as f: catalog = json.load(f) globs = '*.js', '*.vue', '*.hbs' regexps = [ re.compile(r'(?:|\.|\s|\{)_\(\s*(?:"|\')(.*?)(?:"|\')\s*(?:\)|,)' ), # JS _('trad') re.compile(r'v-i18n="(.*?)"'), # Vue.js directive v-i18n="trad" re.compile(r'"\{\{\{?\s*\'(.*?)\'\s*\|\s*i18n\}\}\}?"' ), # Vue.js filter {{ 'trad'|i18n }} re.compile(r'{{_\s*"(.*?)"\s*}}'), # Handlebars {{_ "trad" }} re.compile(r'{{_\s*\'(.*?)\'\s*}}'), # Handlebars {{_ 'trad' }} re.compile(r'\:[a-z0-9_\-]+="\s*_\(\'(.*?)\'\)\s*"' ), # Vue.js binding :prop="_('trad')" ] for directory, _, _ in os.walk(join(ROOT, 'js')): glob_patterns = (iglob(join(directory, g)) for g in globs) for filename in itertools.chain(*glob_patterns): print('Extracting messages from {0}'.format(green(filename))) content =, encoding='utf8').read() for regexp in regexps: for match in regexp.finditer(content): key = key = key.replace('\\n', '\n') keys.add(key) if key not in catalog: catalog[key] = key # Remove old/not found translations for key in catalog.keys(): if key not in keys: del catalog[key] with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(catalog, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf8', separators=(',', ': '))
def assets_build(ctx): '''Install and compile assets''' header('Building static assets') lrun('npm run assets:build', pty=True)
def cover(ctx): '''Run tests suite with coverage''' header('Run tests suite with coverage') lrun('nosetests --rednose --force-color \ --with-coverage --cover-html --cover-package=udata')
def widgets_watch(ctx): lrun('npm run widgets:watch', pty=True)
def oembed_build(ctx): '''Compile and minify OEmbed assets''' header('Building OEmbed assets') lrun('npm run oembed:build', pty=True)
def i18nc(): '''Compile translations''' header('Compiling translations') lrun('python compile_catalog')
def widgets_watch(): lrun("npm run widgets:watch", pty=True)
def assets_watch(ctx): lrun('npm run assets:watch', pty=True)